Tag Archive: law of attraction

How Can She Pick Herself Up and Turn Her Whole Life Around?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am 23-year-old woman who is currently pregnant. I don’t have a steady boyfriend at present; the man who fathered my baby is good for nothing. I do have a sweet little girl whom I love very much. Her father is taking care of her even though she is staying with my mother. I’m living a very low life. I have too many friends I cannot trust, and I love drinking alcohol. Part of me wants to change to become a better person, but the other part still wants to live this loose life. I don’t know how I am going to change. Every time I enter a new relationship, job, make new friends, etc., everything seems to go awry. I feel like I’m doomed. I was involved in a car crash in January of 1997, and my boyfriend at that time did not even come to the hospital. He didn’t care if I was alive or dead! Every man seems to just not care after they get what they want, which is to take me to bed. I have done many things I am not proud of. Is it normal that at the tender age of 23, I have slept with more than 250 men? Soul Arcanum, I really need your help. Can you give me advice on how to turn my life around?

Dear T.:

While I’m going to focus this column on helping YOU, I have to say a word here about your innocent little girl and unborn child. Unless you want your children to grow up and be just like you and suffer the same way you’re suffering, you need to get a grip on yourself NOW. The part of you that wants something better than this is going to have to SLAY that part of you that wants to continue living a “loose life,” as you put it. You would protect your daughter with your very life, so lay down the life of that foolish, misguided teenager inside you, and step with all of your being toward the strong, wise mother you know you can be.

Now that I’ve said that, I can offer you my compassion. It’s clear to me that you’re carrying a lot of baggage from your childhood and even before that (from past lives). I’m shown that you have been an alcoholic in several past lives, and a prostitute in at least one lifetime. In that life, you did it to survive, but in this life, you have so many more choices. So while it may not seem “normal” to be so promiscuous, for you it hasn’t necessarily been strange. Unless you want to keep this up for all eternity, however, you’re going to have to consciously choose to change. Acknowledge that you have done the best you could, forgive yourself for those things you’re not proud of, then move on! Forget about the past and focus everything you have on who you want to be and how you want to live.

The main thing you must learn is how to say NO to things that will destroy your well-being and happiness. You have thus far said yes to everything and everyone that comes your way. Someone offers you alcohol/drugs? Yes! Someone asks you to go to bed with them? Yes!

The reason you say yes is because you’re desperate for love. You keep trying to be what you think others want you to be in order to fill that empty, achy, lonely feeling in your heart, but you’re waking up to the truth that what you’ve been getting by taking this approach is not love at all, and only leaves you feeling worse in the end. Disrespecting yourself as you have will only lead others to use you, for if you don’t respect yourself, why should they? There are all sorts of users and abusers in the world, and you have become a magnet for them. You thus far have just not loved yourself enough to protect yourself and to demand more and better from life and people.

As you do love your daughter that much, she is actually going to help you change your life. Through mothering your daughter, you have come to know the sort of love you need to feel for yourself. Now you can go back and parent yourself into feeling like you deserve more than what you’ve been putting up with. I want you to start treating yourself the way you’d want your daughter to be treated by herself and by others. If some stranger wanted to use her and take her to bed, what would you want her to do? If you saw her throwing away her mind, body and spirit on alcohol, junkie friends and unsafe sex, what would you want her to do? (That is what you should do!)

Find a minister or an energy healer and get some help with reconnecting with the Divine,  reclaiming your personal power, and detoxing on every level. (A church is probably best, as it would be a good source of free or inexpensive help.) I also want you to start attending church so that you can meet a higher quality of people. Start befriending older WOMEN there; reach out for help from women who are solid and strong and won’t let you make excuses when that weaker side of you wants to go on ruining your life. I’m sure there are also social service agencies where you can get connected with other women who are sincerely trying to improve their lives as well. You need true friends now. You need to ask for help and start helping others too. There are lots of young single mothers out there – reach out and work together!

I know your heart is aching for someone to truly care for you, and that this is driving much of your self-destructive behavior. What you need to get from this column is that your relationships with others will mirror your relationship to yourself. If you are self-destructive in your thinking and habits, others will be abusive toward you. If you respect yourself and take great care of yourself, others will respect you and want to take care of you similarly. Respecting yourself here means taking good care of your body (not abusing drugs or alcohol and not giving yourself sexually to any guy who smiles at you). It means getting rid of the people in your life who are behaving in ways you neither admire nor want to emulate. It means cleaning up your act and putting your heart and soul into becoming the kind of woman and mother you most want to be. The harder you work at it, the more you will respect yourself, and the better your life will get.

You can initiate this personal transformation by detoxing on a physical level immediately. I know you’re pregnant, so I don’t want you to do anything drastic like fasting or taking unusual supplements, etc. Just cut out all the garbage: no alcohol, no drugs, no junk food. Eat fruit and vegetables. Look to natural foods for nourishment. Given what you’re putting into your body, it’s no wonder you’re miserable. (If you need help with addiction, GET IT! There is so much free help available out there.)

Then you’ll feel strong enough to detox on an emotional and mental level by getting rid of those users and abusers and doing whatever else you need to do to move forward with your life. You should also take some time to thank the dickens out of your mom and anyone else who has really been there for you. She can and will help you if you are sincere in your efforts to change your life. She has been waiting for you to wake up. You have broken her heart time and time again; it’s time for you to actively begin to try to undo all that hurt you’ve caused. She’s on your side!

You have a loving mother, a sweet child, and a new baby on the way. You have so much to turn your life around for. Think of your children and set a good example, for they are learning how to be in the world by watching you.

In a nutshell: demand more of yourself and the people you let into your world, and you will turn your life around. The time is NOW my friend; I’m sending prayers for strength your way.

– Soul Arcanum

Why Doesn’t Doc have Paranormal Experiences Too?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a psychotherapist but have never believed in the spiritual world until I had a patient who experienced past lives. I attended a seminar with Dr. Brian Weiss and am impressed with the reports of his clients. Personally, however, I have never felt or encountered anything supernatural, and I’m curious as to why that is.

Dear Frieda:

While I’ve been deeply blessed with all sorts of amazing spiritual experiences, it wasn’t always this way for me, which means that you can go from living an ordinary life to one that is rich with magic. Let me explain:

While most people report never having had a psychic or paranormal experience, I think it would be more accurate to say that they haven’t had any that they can consciously recall. Most (if not all) small children do have such experiences. In fact, little kids are known for sensing monsters under the bed and having so-called imaginary friends. Though adults may not recognize what they’re talking about, many relay memories from past lives, communicate telepathically with their caregivers, have premonitory dreams and encounter spiritual beings.

The manner in which adults handle such experiences greatly impacts a child’s openness to similar experiences in the future. When children are made to feel wrong, foolish or frightened, they learn to filter out perceptions that could bring further emotional pain. Strange experiences aside, over time, we’re all trained to focus more on physical reality and to ignore the magical fantasies of our imaginations. So instead of asking why everyone doesn’t have paranormal experiences, maybe we should ask why some people do.

Of course, just as some people are naturally artistic or athletic, there are some people who are born sensitives, and they tend to have unusual experiences simply because they can sense things that others can’t. For example, they may consciously encounter a ghost where another person may feel uneasy or remain totally oblivious.

Additionally, outside influences do factor in here. Someone who lives in a haunted house is more likely to encounter a spirit than someone who does not, and someone who works in hospice care is more likely to have an amazing spiritual experience than a plumber or a construction worker.

Just as there are some people who have impaired hearing and vision, there are plenty of people in the world who may never have a paranormal experience simply because they aren’t equipped to pick up on subtle input. At the same time, however, there are many people who do have the innate ability who block their conscious awareness of certain phenomena because they were trained to do so as children or because they actively disbelieve in such things or have simply never given them much thought.

Regarding the relationship between belief and paranormal experiences, we are all more or less caught in a Catch-22: we don’t believe in things we’ve never experienced, and we rarely experience things we don’t believe in. Research has shown that the expectations of the observer affect the outcome of the experiment, so when it comes to paranormal phenomena, if we expect something to happen, it tends to happen, and if we expect nothing to happen, that is what tends to occur. Thus some lives are full of magic and spirit while others are just routine.

It is only after something startling or mind blowing occurs that most people wake up to a whole new realm of possibility. Some people begin to awaken after experimentation with drugs reveals new modes of perception; others may awaken with the tragic death of a loved one or some other shock to the psyche. It is at these rare junctures when something anomalous to an individual’s belief system breaks through that dramatic changes in their personal beliefs may take place.

This is what happened to me: when my first love died, all sorts of incredible things happened that tore my existing belief system down to the foundation. I had never questioned the nature of reality until then, but after that it seemed like anything was possible, which left me wide open to all sorts of other phenomena. I was full of wonder and questions, which naturally led to new discoveries.

When people are launched on a spiritual journey by some incredible event, they tend to do things that encourage further strange events. By asking deep questions and following their curiosity off the beaten path, they may make startling new discoveries. They may read lots of spiritual material, and by giving their attention to these subjects, the law of attraction draws more related experiences their way. Many take up meditation and other spiritual practices, through which they become psychically sensitive, which opens up new realms of spiritual experience.

Of course, not everyone who has a mind blowing experience is launched on a powerful spiritual path. When people don’t experience anything mind blowing until later in life, it’s harder to integrate experiences that threaten to shatter their existing beliefs. They may then reject strange experiences as false, or assume that their mind is playing tricks on them when something doesn’t fit with what they’ve already decided to be possible.

Many people filter the paranormal experiences they do have from their conscious memory because their egos can’t handle all the inner rearranging that would have to take place to integrate them. This means that we may have had any number of amazing experiences that we can’t consciously remember. We all filter our memories and experiences in light of our beliefs and feelings, and through hypnotic regression, may discover all sorts of buried memories both paranormal and mundane that were too uncomfortable for us to maintain conscious awareness of.

So what can you do to encourage your own experience?

First, tell the Universe wholeheartedly that you want to have a mind blowing paranormal experience. State that you want it to be clear and unquestionable, that you’re ready to open your mind to new possibilities in light of such an experience, and that you’d like it to be positive, uplifting or beneficial.

Read up on such matters and immerse yourself in these ideas. Explore others’ experiences and let your intuition guide you. Listen within more. Allow your imagination to run wild. (The more grounded we are in the physical, the harder it is to perceive other planes.) Let go of needing to be right about anything, and instead, make your goal to discover something new.

Begin a regular meditation practice. This will lead to greater psychic sensitivity and a higher threshold of conscious awareness while in an altered state. Also, begin to work with the many methods available for remembering your dreams, for often initial psychic experiences occur in dreams. Another great way to have a really amazing experience is to begin working with techniques to have an out of body experience. You must be devoted and patient, however – it can take months to consciously get out of body for the first time.

If none of this works, you might try sleep deprivation. As your mind grows too tired to rigidly maintain its normal filters, you may begin to see or hear things that others cannot. Since you’re a trained therapist, you may be tempted to label these hallucinations, but as someone who has seen such things both when sleep deprived and not, I can assure you that they are as real as any paranormal phenomena. This is not the most pleasant way to go, but it may spark the breakthrough you need to open your belief system to new realms of possibility.

– Soul Arcanum

How Can We Maintain Positive Thinking to Manifest Blessings?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I know you write a lot about the power of positive thinking and how we manifest our own experiences via our habitual thoughts. My question is how do you remain focused on positive thoughts, and stay away from negative ones? When I can stay positive, the Universe does generally provide me with positive experiences, but when the old negative pattern starts, the Universe also obliges, and I experience not so positive things. I find it hard to remain positive. How do you do it? I really hope you can help me.

Dear Linda:

This is a very deep spiritual question related to how we interpret our experiences and how we take life’s challenges and transform them into blessings. I believe this is the true meaning of alchemy; instead of turning lead into gold, however, we’re turning so-called negatives into positives.

You already know that you’re creating your reality with your thoughts, and how important it is to think positively, so you have a lot going for you already. Now all you need to do is to begin to develop constructive mental habits. In the words of the great metaphysician William James:

“Refuse to express a passion, and it dies. Count ten before venting your anger, and its occasion seems ridiculous. Whistling to keep up courage is no mere figure of speech. On the other hand, sit all day in a moping posture, sigh, and reply to everything with a dismal voice, and your melancholy lingers. There is no more valuable precept in moral education than this, as all who have experience know: if we wish to conquer emotional tendencies in ourselves, we must assiduously, and in the first instance, cold-bloodedly, go through the outward movements of those contrary dispositions we prefer to cultivate. Smooth the brow, brighten the eye, contract the dorsal rather than the ventral aspect of the frame, and speak in a major key, pass the genial compliment, and your heart must be frigid indeed if it does not gradually thaw.”

If you pretend to be a “positive person” whether you feel positive or not, eventually, you will become a positive person. The more you can express gratitude for life, God and the people you meet, the more gratitude will become a part of your nature, and gratitude is the emotion of the highest vibration. It is synonymous with “pure, positive energy.”

I therefore encourage you to incorporate gratitude exercises in your daily experience. You might try keeping a gratitude journal, making gratitude lists or writing about all the people who have ever inspired or supported or touched you. You could write about aspects of your body, home, life or job that you do like. You could list the good qualities you can find about that coworker who is driving you crazy. There are endless ways to weave gratitude into your routine. Every morning and every night, spend ten minutes on a gratitude exercise. There is a GREAT one available in the Spiritual Toolbox at Soul Arcanum. It’s called Instant Good Mood, is only seven minutes long, and is geared toward helping you find all sorts of things to feel grateful for.

You can also simply stop whenever you notice a negative emotion and ask yourself what is good right at that moment. When I ask myself this question on this chilly autumn morning, I realize that I’m grateful that I have a warm home. (My heat works every time I turn it on – isn’t that wonderful?) I have a nice hot cup of tea sitting on my desk. My computer is working wonderfully, as it always does. (I haven’t always been so blessed!) I have a laundry room piled high with laundry, but lucky for me, my washing machine and dryer are working great. They’re washing and drying the clothes for me while I work at the computer. While my schedule is packed from 5:30 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. tonight, I’m fortunate that I’m healthy enough to keep up with it.

As you can imagine, I could go on and on. Now, this paragraph could have been as negative as it is positive. Thinking positively is simply a matter of looking for blessings and finding them, even when they’re in disguise.

If you’re feeling very low and can’t find the bright side, it’s best to take a break from whatever is getting you down and just play hooky. Do something pleasurable or fun like getting a massage, making love, taking a nap or going to the movies. Cleaning the house is very “clearing” for many people. If you’re feeling heavy, start “feng shuing” all the clutter and scrubbing the surfaces in your environment, and you’ll be feeling better before you know it. After you’ve gotten away from that heavy negative energy, you’ll find it much easier to consciously pivot your way to a more positive frame of mind.

It also helps to study people who are masters at finding opportunities disguised as problems or setbacks. Our public libraries are full of biographies about people who overcame challenges much bigger than any we will ever face. In every recession or depression or messed up state of affairs, while the majority is struggling and floundering, there are some who prosper. These are the positively focused individuals who are always on a hunt for blessings in disguise. It applies not only to business and economics, but to every aspect of our lives: where there is a problem, there is an opportunity. Instead of being a “problem-solver” (which is exhausting), study those people, and become an opportunity finder/creator.

Above all, Linda, do NOT beat yourself up for having negative thoughts. This will only lead you on a downward spiral. We all struggle to remain positive. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be incarnated as humans here on earth; we’d be teaching personal development seminars in heaven or something. You can’t get rid of negative thoughts, worries and fears by pushing against them; the best way to free yourself is to simply embrace their opposite. Think of a negative thought as being like a shadow: you can attack it, beat at it, push against it, etc., and you won’t have done a thing to it in the end, except perhaps added your own shadow to it. Instead of trying to fight it, simply “turn on the light,” and it will vanish. Shadows can’t exist in the presence of light.

So to become “less negative,” visualize yourself “more positive.” Paste a smile on your face, talk in a cheerful voice, speak positive words. Tell yourself and others that you’re a positive person every chance you get. Your subconscious will believe you and make it true.

Similarly, when you catch yourself worrying about something, pivot away from what you fear will happen, and ask yourself what it is you truly desire. If you’re worried about your husband making it home safe in a snowstorm, instead of visualizing him in a car wreck, visualize what you truly desire: him walking in the door, safe and sound. It’s the same desire; the first thought is negative, the second is positive. If your brain must work on something, give it something “healthy” to chew on.

Emotions will grow stronger and deeper with repetition. The more we practice being positive, the more positive we will become by nature, and the easier it will become to remain so. (Isn’t that lovely?) This is why it’s so important to nip negative thinking in the bud, and to be vigilantly working on mastering our thoughts.

There are countless programs designed to help you manifest your dreams through positive thinking available on the Internet. All of the recordings in Soul Arcanum’s Spiritual Toolbox are designed to take you into a powerful state of consciousness and align you with positive thinking and positive energy so you can create whatever you want in your life. Whenever you find yourself struggling, all you have to do is set aside a few minutes to advantage of these great tools.

May you take great pleasure in your power as a boundless creator of whatever you desire!

– Soul Arcanum

God’s Will and the Law of Attraction

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been studying the Law of Attraction for a few years now. The more I read about the LOA, however, the more confused I get about how to relate to God and Spirit. Can I talk directly to God to help guide me using prayer? Or is manifesting more about having faith in my own divine creative power? Is it just ego (which is false) that desires things, so manifesting separates us from God, which would explain why we may manifest trials and tribulations? Should I just completely trust in God that I am where I’m supposed to be and not use ego to ask for anything? There are so many conflicting ideas out there! I have gone down strange karmic paths that didn’t prove helpful, but now I’ve come full circle. After losing my last job (which was a blessing and something I asked for and manifested), I applied for and was offered a perfect position in my field with a great salary, etc. Is it just ego that is asking for abundance and security, or did God intervene and offer me what I needed? Do I really know what I want and need anyway?


Dear Sharon:

These are all wonderfully thought-provoking questions. I have to begin with my usual disclaimer, which is that no one can explain such profound matters with any certainty; I can only offer you my current perspective based on my own knowledge and experience.

To begin, I don’t view God as some patriarchal figure in the clouds who is carefully watching our every move. I view God as more like “the force” – that from which life and love and all that feels good to us flows. Just as everything in the physical Universe is constantly expanding and evolving, we are all on a journey that is carrying us into ever higher levels of wisdom and personal power. It’s like God was a tremendous fruit full of seeds of unfathomable potential that exploded and gave birth to all sorts of new life, thus creating the Universe, our souls – All That Is.

I like to view individual souls as cells in the body of God: we are all connected on this journey, and all part of something much greater than our individual selves. Scientists are beginning to realize that every cell in our bodies is in communication with every other cell, and that cells even hold memories. Like cells in a body, we are all separate and yet connected to each other. Cells have life spans, and they can divide to create new cells; similarly, our physical bodies have life spans and we can create new life. Like cells, we all hold both conscious personal awareness and subconscious wholistic awareness of God and the entire history of existence.

I view each one of us as a microscopic, mini-God. We were created “in God’s image” in that we have free will and the divine creative power to create as God created. We create new life, we create new art, and we create new worlds with the power of our minds. I believe that we do this for the sheer pleasure of it – that creating is to the human soul as imaginative play is to children.

When we take physical form here on Earth, we become enmeshed in physicality. Those of us currently incarnate in the physical are much like astronauts on a very long space exploration mission. In the beginning of the adventure (when we’re infants), we remember <q>home</q> and retain some of the awareness we had before we left. (This is why children often remember their past lives and the nature of the spirit world, and are more naturally psychic than most adults.) The longer we’re in space and the more we explore other planets, the harder it gets to remember what home was like. Many of us forget about home altogether, and are left with nothing more than a vague feeling-memory of a beautiful planet and how right and wonderful it felt on Earth. I view physical life as a big adventure we undertake for the sheer adventure and in the name of progress. Returning “home” is part of the journey, of course. Since God is LOVE, the more we align with divine love, the closer we grow toward reunion with Source.

Given the views I outline above, I don’t believe that “God” wants anything for us in particular, and I certainly don’t believe that God is going to anticipate our every need and desire or lay out a careful path for us to follow. I do, however, believe that our higher selves remain at “home” when we’re exploring, and that we are in constant communication with this source of guidance much like astronauts are in constant communication with mission control.

Our goals in life are to have big adventures, make important discoveries, and, as we learn from those experiences, to eventually find our way home to God. We are guided in all of this by our higher selves and helpful beings like spirit guides, which I collectively call “Spirit.” Spirit speaks to us through our hearts: we are directed to go in a certain direction through feelings of desire, interest, curiosity, longing, passion, etc.

At last we come to the answer to your questions: we are MEANT to follow our hearts! What we long to do is what we “should” do. It is by following our hearts that we end up finding the people we need to meet and experiencing whatever will be most powerful and meaningful for us. Our hearts are our GPS for the great adventure of life.

You brought up ego. Let’s say that what you think you want is to be rich and famous, so you exercise the law of attraction to manifest that, only to discover that it’s not all you expected it to be. This is how we all learn and evolve into greater wisdom: it is by getting what we think we want and not having it be wholly fulfilling that we refine our values and our ideas about what is truly meaningful and important in life. This means that it’s okay to want whatever we want and to use natural spiritual law to get it. If it doesn’t turn out to be as great as we hoped, then we will be the wiser for it and will go on to pursue experiences that are more fulfilling. There are no true mistakes here, for those experiences that are the hardest to bear also bless us with the greatest new wisdom.

As we evolve, it does seem like “ego” plays less of a role in what we manifest. This is because, as we evolve, we move into greater harmony with our higher selves and are better able to communicate with “mission control.” Once we have successfully manifested the things we onced longed for – the money, the house, the job, the relationship – we no longer feel the need explore those worlds of experience. At this point in our journey, we begin to yearn for experiences of Spirit/home, like love, peace, knowledge, wisdom, and the power to help others. We develop the wisdom to reach for these deeper, more fulfilling experiences not by denying ourselves what we think we want, but by getting what we think we want and thus satiating that desire and learning from that experience.

We all have as many lifetimes as we need to fulfill all of our desires and learn all we need to learn and have all the adventures we can imagine, so there is no rush to evolve. We can take our time, follow our hearts, and enjoy a circuitous, delightful, fun-filled journey back home. Since you’re already deep into this mission, you might as well happily explore all the worlds of experience that call to you. Just follow your heart: it knows just where you need to go next, and it will bring you safely back home when the time is right.

– Soul Arcanum

Can We Change our Destiny via the Law of Attraction?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Can you please explain the relationship between the pre-destined life contract we sign (the contract that states the specific things that are going to happen in the upcoming lifetime) and the Law of Attraction, especially when they contradict each other? I don’t have a clear understanding of how definite the contract we sign up for each lifetime is, so this is a tricky topic for me. For example, if part of my contract said that I was going to have an accident that caused me an injury in order to teach me lessons about appreciating the important things in life, could I avoid this accident by utilizing the Law of Attraction and avoiding negative thoughts? I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic! Thank you for creating such a wonderful site and sharing your wisdom.


Dear Jessie:

While no one can answer this with any certainty, I am happy to share my own current understanding of how all of this works.

First, let’s address the idea that we sign some sort of “contract” before incarnating in the physical. While I’m sure you meant this metaphorically, it’s important to be clear that we don’t actually sign anything. I don’t even believe we “promise” anything, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with making a plan and then deciding that we would rather do things differently.

In my view, our “destiny” is like a blueprint for what we want to build and experience in life. This is not where our life lessons and challenges come in, for none of us would consciously choose things like being disabled or abused. Instead, this is where our wishes are fulfilled. For example, let’s say we meet someone in one life with whom we would love to have a romantic relationship, but for one reason or another, that is not possible. When planning a future life, we may set up a way to fulfill that wish, at which point it becomes part of our destiny. Similarly, we may wish to be a musician, to own our own business, to be free to travel the world – the possibilities are endless. These all go into our blueprints of the house/life we want to live in for the next incarnation. In order to fulfill mutual wishes like marrying someone or having a parent/child relationship with a particular soul, we make plans together with other individuals. These are “soul agreements.” While we may be aware of some things that we need to work on and generally intend to tackle those challenges, for the most part, I view destiny as a plan for fulfilling heartfelt wishes.

Fate is something altogether different. This is where karma comes in. If destiny is the blueprint we design for the life we want to live, fate is all the factors we can’t control that will influence how the house actually turns out. Fate is the bad weather that damages or delays the building, the builders who go bankrupt midway through construction, the workers who fail to show up or who do a crappy job, the neighbors who make dwelling in our dream house a living hell – you get the picture. We don’t choose our fate; we reap it as a result of past choices.

To understand where the law of attraction comes into play, we need to understand the difference between consciously building the life of our dreams versus manifesting from a subconscious level. It’s my understanding that, the more we evolve spiritually, the more conscious influence we gain over the course of our experience and HOW we learn the things we need to learn. This is similar to how things work in our educational system. For example, elementary school students have almost no say over what or how they learn; they are all taught the same subjects. In high school, students must take many of the same subjects, but they also get some “electives.” In college, students are free to choose their own “major,” which involves some requirements but also a lot of freedom regarding what they take, their personal schedule, their professors, etc. Finally, advanced (Ph.D.) students often design their own course of study based on their personal interests.

It’s my understanding that, as we progress through the spiritual education system commonly known as life, something similar happens. Beginning students have little conscious control over the details of their education, and they have a lot of limitations and supervision. Advanced students have more conscious control over the course of their experience and a great deal of freedom. This applies both to souls who are embodied and those who are planning their next incarnation. Beginning students are unconsciously pulled through the incarnation process much like objects are pulled to earth via gravity. Being more conscious, advanced souls have more input into how they will experience the things they need to experience, so for them, destiny plays a stronger role.

This is where the law of attraction comes into play. As we evolve spiritually, we are naturally led to conscious awareness and understanding of natural spiritual law. We also become conscious of the guidance of our higher selves, which is the part of us that planned our “destiny” for this lifetime. Once we are able to consciously channel our higher selves, we gain the power to change our blueprint/destiny as we go along!

As we all have free will, we can choose to fulfill our blueprints/destinies or not. The more spiritually conscious and aware we are, the more we can make such decisions wisely. If we are conscious of our destiny/blueprint, we are more likely to end up with a house that matches our original plan for this lifetime. If we exercise our free will without the wisdom of conscious awareness, we may end up with a house that falls down. If we exercise our free will and change our blueprint with the wisdom of conscious awareness, we may end up with a house that is even better than our original plan. This is why it is so powerful to meditate and learn how to “hear” the wisdom of our higher selves.

The more conscious and aware we are, the more able we are to learn in easy, pleasant ways, and the less we have to go through dramatic, difficult experiences like the accident you describe. This doesn’t mean we can always escape fate/karma any more than someone building a house can ensure a perfectly smooth experience, for there are just too many factors involved. Karma is like a crazy boomerang; we are constantly whipping boomerangs out there with every choice we make. If we are paying attention, we may be able to duck a nasty boomerang when it returns, but sometimes those boomerangs seem to come out of nowhere. Destiny is far easier to sense or pick up on than karma, because our destinies were consciously chosen by use before we incarnated, whereas karma is beyond our conscious control; it is simply a natural law that is constantly in motion.

The higher our state of conscious awareness, the more adept we become at working with the law of attraction. This doesn’t mean we can control and influence EVERYTHING; it just means we have more influence than we did before. Our job is to find that tricky balance between exercising our divine creative power and making peace with fate/whatever happens. Of course, we can always strive to create good karma for the future through kindness, service to others, etc., for what we send out is sure to eventually come back to us.

– Soul Arcanum

To Prosper, Get Grounded

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC.All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

The other day, a friend introduced me to a woman who is a psychic and a healer, and for about 45 minutes, I told her about my long history of money and employment problems. Just before we were interrupted and our conversation abruptly ended, she told me that she felt I really need to get “grounded.” I’ve been puzzling over this comment ever since. Can you please explain what it means to be grounded and how it could possibly relate to money problems?


Dear Shaundra:

In a way, getting “grounded” is the opposite of getting “high.” People who aren’t grounded are spaced out and living in a fantasy world in their heads. People who ARE grounded are in touch with “reality,” fully present, and ready to do whatever needs to be done in order to stay on track with creating what they want in their lives.

Though we tend to forget it, we are all part of nature. In order to thrive in this dimension, we have to embrace and work with the physical, not disconnect from it. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get ungrounded these days, for we no longer live close to the earth. Instead of growing vegetables and chopping wood, most of us sit in front of a computer all day, after which we may watch television for a few hours, talk on the phone, or play with our iPads. In earlier times, we all had dirt under our fingernails (and everywhere else), we hunted and foraged for food, we spent our days in the sun and our nights under the stars. Some of us no longer spend even a tiny fraction of our time out of doors, which naturally causes us to become ungrounded. In addition to causing us to live in our heads, all of these cells phones, computers, and other electronic equipment surround us with electromagnetic fields. Some scientists estimate that we are now exposed to 100 million times more EMF radiation every day than our grandparents were. Instead of entraining to the frequencies of the earth, we entrain to the electrocmagnetic fields of these electronic devices, which creates grounding problems.

Everyone on a conscious spiritual path is dealing with this grounding issue either consciously or subconsciously because as we evolve, we naturally rise in vibration. At some point, instead of having to stretch to get out of the body, we have to make more of an effort to stay in it. Being grounded isn’t always preferable to being ungrounded, however. For example, if we are trying to channel divine guidance or communicate with departed spirits, we don’t want to be grounded in this dimension, we want to be able to get BEYOND this world. The key is to learn how to consciously transcend the physical for specific aims, and then bring ourselves back down to earth afterward.

The more ungrounded we become, the harder it gets to make things happen in the physical. Following are some symptoms of being grounded versus ungrounded.

  • Grounded: feeling calm and taking things one step at a time
  • Ungrounded: feeling restless or overwhelmed and not knowing what to do next
  • Grounded: buckling down and doing what needs to be done
  • Ungrounded: avoiding or procrastinating by living in worries or fantasies
  • Grounded: being organized and on top of things
  • Ungrounded: being disorganized, losing things and forgetting appointments and obligations
  • Grounded: feeling secure, confident and centered
  • Ungrounded: feeling anxious, dreamy or confused
  • Grounded: having your life run smoothly for the most part
  • Ungrounded: dealing with constant problems and irritations
  • Grounded: knowing how much money you have and being able to pay your monthly bills
  • Ungrounded: not knowing how much is in your accounts, how much debt you have, and experiencing regular shortages
  • Grounded: spending money on things you truly want and need
  • Ungrounded: spending money on things to get a temporary emotional boost
  • Grounded: feeling connected to your body and the earth, feeling strong and healthy
  • Ungrounded: feeling “out of it,” listless or hyper, and more in your head than in your body

As you might imagine based on the above list, being ungrounded strongly affects our ability to hold a job, create a successful business, and manifest general prosperity. Money represents real goods and services: the more goods we are able to produce and sell or the more services we are able to successfully perform, the more money we can make. To hold a job, we have to be grounded enough to be where we need to be on time, and to make whatever needs to happen, happen. If we’re constantly late because we can’t find our car keys, are spaced out in meetings, and are daydreaming instead of getting those reports in, we’re not likely to get stellar performance reviews.

I know a number of people who struggle with money and job problems who basically refuse to accept reality. They wish that making money wasn’t necessary in the first place, or that someone would just take care of them. They resent their employer for expecting them to actually do the work in order to get paid. (This sounds crazy when I write it here, but if you think about it, you probably know people like this too.) These folks are ungrounded: instead of dealing with reality effectively, they endlessly fantasize about how they wish things were or they focus on everything but what they need to focus on in order to align with success.

To get grounded, we need to reconnect with the earth and fully inhabit our physical bodies. When we get grounded, we live in balance with nature, which creates a sense of ease, peace and well-being. One way to get grounded is to literally get down to earth. A basic grounding ritual is to simply lie down with your belly on the ground and imagine energetic roots pushing down toward the earth’s core. It also works to sit in a yogic child’s pose, which means you’re on your knees with your arms stretched out on the ground ahead of you, your rear end back down between your heels, and your forehead on the ground. Whatever you choose to do, spend some time getting totally present right where you are. Drain off excess energy into the earth and consciously establish a strong sense of rootedness. Pay attention to your body, the feeling of the ground, your breath as it moves in and out, your muscles, your bones, your undeniable physicality.

Also, the more you take care of business, the more grounded you’ll get. If you’re disorganized, it’s time to clean up your world. Face and DEAL with reality. Pay your bills and take account of your finances. Get physical: work in your garden, clean out drawers and closets, scrub floors, mow the lawn, chop wood, cook a healthy meal, exercise. Eat heavy foods like nuts, meat and dairy as opposed to fruits and vegetables.

The above explains why being ungrounded can cause money problems. Of course, it is also possible that your money problems are karmic, rooted in past life experiences, or caused by something else entirely. I recommend you pursue a reading or hypnotherapy to discover what’s behind this pattern so you can break it and begin to manifest success and prosperity with greater ease.

– Soul Arcanum

Runes, Manifesting and Black Magick

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been using runes as a manifesting tool. They are considered universal creative energies in the form of symbols that can open the doors to the Quantum Ocean. The Quantum ocean is an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy that responds to our thoughts and the symbols. The symbols can be practiced to attain health, wealth, money and anything one desires. This used to be practiced by ancient Northern Europeans in the form of rituals. My questions to you arose when I started working with the symbols by vividly bringing runic energies into my system. I started doubting the authenticity of this practice and at the same time became worried that it may be some form of Black Magick. Can you help me?


Dear Deepa:

For those who are unfamiliar, runes are symbols that began as an early Nordic/German alphabet. There is evidence that these symbols were also used for divination and “magickal” purposes. In the case of magick, they were used as charms and amulets to offer protection, mark a curse, or represent a spell that was in the process of being worked. These days they are most commonly known as a form of divination similar to the I-Ching.

Magick is essentially the process of focusing mental and emotional energy in order to create what we want in the physical. Though we tend to think of witches, spells and rituals when we think of magick, manifesting is a form of magick and so is prayer. In fact, magick has been practiced in some form in all cultures throughout history. In ancient times, magickal rituals were performed for survival purposes such as ensuring a successful hunt or the end of a drought; today people us the law of attraction to align with success in business or find a soul mate. Regardless of what you call it or what you’re trying to create, the process is basically the same.

As for your concern about “black magick,” traditionally, the term black magick has been associated with evil while white magick has been associated with good. Though this is a matter of some confusion and controversy, since I’m limited on space here, we’ll work with these terms. Basically, black magick is the use of metaphysical energy in ways that may harm others, while white magick is the use of the same energy in ways that are helpful to all or at least harmful to none.

As with all power, the important thing is to use it wisely. Working magick is not itself evil anymore than building a structure is evil; using the same tools, you could build a house to shelter orphans or you could build a gas chamber in which to kill concentration camp prisoners. The ability to consciously create what we want is a divine gift we have all been given. Whether we use runes or simple visualization to imagine what we desire into being, we are working with our own divine creative power. To align with positive experience, the important thing to remember is that we get back what we send out into the Universe.

As long as you “harm none” and are ever ready to defer to a higher power and plan, you should be fine. When people are willing to do anything to get what they think they want, they do tend to get into trouble. Often we think we know what we have to have to be happy but we can’t see the bigger picture. If something is not in the best interests of all involved, we are foolish to push for it. Often we are like little kids who are sure we want to eat not just one or two brownies but the whole pan. The Universe puts the brownies up on top of the refrigerator to protect us from ourselves, but we drag a chair over and then put a crate on top of the chair and climb up after those brownies anyway. If we don’t break a leg trying to get what we think we have to have, we may actually get it and end up both miserable and confused about why getting what we wanted didn’t work out as we expected. When consciously working with the creative forces of the universe, we are wise to do what we can to create what we want, but at the same time, to pay attention to signs and intuitions and trust that whatever actually happens will somehow prove to be for the best.

There is an important aspect of this subject that most people fail to take into account: We are all working magick all the time whether we realize it or not. By this I mean that we are all constantly affecting the physical with our thoughts and feelings, for everything in the physical comes into being via the metaphysical. It is therefore actually wise and prudent to work magick in a conscious way instead of allowing our fears and desires to run wild. It’s like the Universe has given us all power tools that are constantly turned on; some people are wreaking havoc with them while others are creating masterpieces of great beauty.

As for which tools we use to create what we desire, we are free to choose. Just as you can use a variety of different tools to carve something beautiful out of wood, you can use a variety of tools to draw what you desire into the physical, for the tool is simply an extension of your own energy/intention. Runes are one option but there are endless others.

Each rune represents something like success, protection, love, etc. By focusing on the rune that represents what you desire, you focus your energy on the idea of what you want. It’s possible that the figures themselves hold special power, that so many people ascribing meaning and power to particular symbols over the centuries has infused them with those qualities. It’s also possible that the symbols carry the meanings we associate with them in the first place because they are archtypal. Personally, I feel the meaning mainly comes from within us. There are endless ways to use symbols, tools and other elements to work magick. Since these are all simply representations of the essence of something abstract, if we can focus on the essence instead of the symbol for it, the representation isn’t really needed.

I can think of all sorts of ways runes could be used as manifesting tools. Let’s say you were about to travel through a war torn country. You might choose raido for protection when traveling, create an amulet by carving raido into a wooden pendant, and then consecrate the amulet in a ritual. If a woman were trying to get pregnant, she might create an amulet with berkana carved on it, which represents fertility, growth, health and new beginnings. The possibilities are endless.

You could use runes for manifesting in all sorts of other ways too. You could carve the rune that represents what you desire into a piece of wood and burn it to send your intention out into the universe. You could carve it into a candle and light the candle while performing a ritual to manifest what you desire. You could hold an object carved with the rune and use it as a focal point during meditation or creative visualization exercises. You could carry it in your pocket so whenever you feel it, you’re reminded to focus on what you desire. Since it’s just a focal point for your energy, the power lies not in the details of what you actually do, but in how well the process helps you vibrationally align with what you desire.

Signs from Spirit During Bleak Times

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was born on December 7, 1963. For the past couple of months, every time I look at the time, it is always on the same digits: 8:08 or 23:23. Is this a message? I seem to have lost all my luck. I am now struggling financially and can’t even find a decent job. My family life is not at its best and my friends are few. I used to very vibrant and positive, a high achiever. I’m not sure what is happening and why everything is falling apart. It’s like there is a negative energy or environment where I am working. I’m deeply unhappy and have lost faith. I used to be charming and lovable with many friends. I did have a severe blow in 2006 when I lost a very good job. I currently manage properties like an estate agent for a company. I still do not own any property myself and I am worried about my family, for if anything were to happen to me, their future would be very insecure. I’m wondering why things are going so wrong and why I keep seeing these numbers. Thank you.


Dear Ronnie:

I can’t begin to tell you how many people write to me with similar experiences. I’ve had the same sort of experiences myself. Yes, this is a message for you: The Universe is trying to tell you to keep the faith, that everything is going to be okay.

First let’s address the difficult times you’ve been going through and why things are going so wrong. To me, it’s clear that when you suffered that severe blow in 2006, it sent you on a downward spiral from which you’ve yet to recover. This is the trickiest part about the law of attraction and creating what we want in our lives: To get from where we are to where we want to be, we have to plant the seeds of what we want on the inside instead of picking whatever we happen to find growing in our outer experience on that particular day. This means when something upsetting happens, we have to either find a way to view it in a positive light or focus on cultivating something else altogether.

In a book by Robert Moss, I recently read a description of how we create our own realities that struck me as particularly apt. He wrote that our imaginations are constantly projecting pictures out in front of us, and because we are forever moving forward through life, we are constantly walking into those pictures we have created.

For this reason, when times are good, they tend to stay good or get even better, for we are seeing what we want around us, feeling good, and projecting positive pictures. When things are bad, they tend stay bad or get worse because we are focused on things we don’t like, feeling bad, and worried about even more problems, so we are projecting negative pictures. This is why you enjoyed a long time as a positive, charming, happy person with lots of friends. Things were going well, so you were feeling good and focused on all the blessings in your life, which kept you in a high vibration and high level of experience.

When you suffered that so-called devastating blow, it pulled the vibrational rug right out from under you and sent you on a downward spiral. You might ask why, if you were in a positive state of mind to begin with, you managed to manifest that devastating blow. Sometimes when we’re sailing happily along through life, karmic storms sneak up seemingly out of nowhere. (These are rooted in karma from past lives.) Sometimes we’re destined to experience something regardless of how we’re vibrating in the moment. Sometimes we are gifted with difficult experiences so that we can learn something important or in order to test our ability to apply what we’ve already learned.

The important thing is what we do when these things happen. This is where spiritual growth comes in. If we trust that everything happens for a good reason and begin to look for the gifts in the experience, we can maintain a high vibration and a positive outlook and thus quickly recover from “devastating blows” to remain aligned with a happy, smooth, positive level of experience.

Which brings me to these signs you keep getting. Someone, somewhere, is trying to tell you that there is more to your situation than meets the eye. These messages are telling you that there is help available to you, that instead of getting mired down in the circumstances you find yourself in, you must look beyond your circumstances and reach for a higher perspective.

When people first begin to receive signs from Spirit, they often take the form you describe: they begin to notice repeating numbers on clocks or in other places. There is a special feeling that goes along with these signs. It is subtle, but if you pay attention or vividly recall these experiences in the past, you will notice that it actually FEELS like something or someone is trying to get your attention. Small as they may be, these events feel meaningful somehow. You might contrast them with how it feels when you notice a custom license plate while driving down the road. Whether it’s immediately clear to you or not, you realize that this custom plate has a meaning, but it doesn’t have a meaning that is personal to you. When you are actually receiving a sign, you recognize that it not only has meaning, it has meaning for you personally. You may not know what that meaning is, but you do sense that something is tugging at you to pay attention.

At this point, the most powerful thing you can do is study the law of attraction to learn how to turn that downward spiral around and begin to consciously create what you want in your life. Since you’ve been in a negative pattern for a number of years now, it will take a lot of conscious effort to change your inner habits, but it will definitely be worth it.

As you begin to focus on what you want to create in your life, you might start with manifesting more signs from Spirit. You can make these more meaningful and specific to you. For example, let’s say you decide to manifest a new and better job. Vividly visualize what you are desiring, and as you do this, imagine how it will feel to have what you want. At the same time, ask Spirit for signs regarding how to go about finding or creating the perfect job for you. You can even specify the form these signs may take. The more personal it is to you, the more undeniable it will be when those signs do come your way.

For example, let’s say that red bows are meaningful to you for some reason. If you ask for Spirit to wrap up what you’re looking for in a red bow, and then you vividly imagine what you want coming to you wrapped in a red bow, signs will begin to come to you in this way. You may see a sign with a red bow on it when thinking about applying for a particular job, or you may meet a woman wearing a red bow pin and have the impulse to talk to her about your job search. You may see a job advertisement with a red bow on it or notice a package through a window that is tied with a red bow and then notice a help wanted sign on the window. The important thing is to watch for the signs you’ve asked for and recognize them as meaningful. When you get a sign, stop and listen within for intuitive direction, and act on any ideas or impulses that come to you.

Spirit is talking to you, my friend. Answer by asking for what you need, praying for help with turning your life around, and making good use of your power to manifest signs, messages, and divine help with creating all you want and need.

Soul Arcanum

The Law of Allowing

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been studying the law of attraction for about five years, and have manifested a number of great things so far. Part of this process has included working with a life coach who has taught me to focus on what I want in my life, pour lots of positive emotion into my visualization efforts, wish for what I desire with all my heart, but then surrender whatever happens to a higher plan and power. This is the part I’m struggling with: if we can create what we want in our lives, why do we have to surrender to a higher plan? My teacher tells me that the more I strain for control, the less control I actually have. Can you explain this? Also, do you think we can decide what we will create in our lives even if it goes against some pre-established higher plan?


Dear Bob:

I chose your question because this is something I’ve struggled with myself. We hear a lot about the law of attraction, but not so much about another law that is just as essential to the process of manifesting: the law of allowing. In my experience, most people are much better at working with one of these laws than the other.

People who are better at working with the law of attraction tend to be successful and good at manifesting what they want, but they also tend to experience lots of stress and frustration. These sorts of people are better at getting what they think they want than being happy with what they have. People who are better at working with the law of allowing tend to be easygoing, relaxed types who struggle to make ends meet and often feel sorry for themselves because life just seems unfair. They are better at being happy with what they have than they are at creating what they want and need in life.

Of course, these are gross generalizations: each individual is a unique mixture of all sorts of traits and qualities, and there are many well-balanced people in the world who draw the best from both camps. This is the goal, by the way: to get good at working with both laws so that we can create what we want in our lives and be happy and at peace at the same time. Instead of a warrior or a dreamer, we want to be like a Tai Chi master: both a powerful force to be reckoned with AND able to flow with the other forces around us instead of fighting against them.

As I mentioned, your question is something I’ve struggled with myself. In fact, this issue of control recently reared up again. Before falling asleep one night, I was pondering just how much control we actually have over our course of experience, and I thought to pray to Spirit to send me an illuminating dream. I had a number of dreams that night, but there was part of one dream that felt powerful and stayed with me when I awoke:

In the dream, I am plowing a field with a donkey, and am strapped to the donkey with an old-fashioned leather yoke. I am aware that this is the first time I have done this sort of plowing, and there is an invisible force guiding me, telling me what to do and how to go about the whole process. When I get to the end of the first row and try to bring the donkey around to go back the other way, the donkey angrily whips around on me and knocks me backwards. This scares the heck out of me, but it doesn’t kill or seriously injure me. (I remember thinking with great surprise that I was neither killed nor injured.) I then feel that invisible force guiding me to regain control of the donkey and set it moving back on course again.

When I woke up, I knew that this dream was in answer to my prayer. I see it as a message about how much control we have over our course of experience and how we go about working with the creative forces of the Universe. As I meditated on this, a long message from Spirit came through about how creating what we want in our lives is very much like working with nature to cultivate various crops.

Here is some of what was relayed to me:

  • We aren’t the only force influencing what happens in our lives. We can harness the creative forces of the Universe to create what we desire, but since we are dealing with wild forces, sometimes this is easier said than done. If we don’t completely know what we’re doing (and who ever does?), we may sometimes experience some backlash. The bigger the goal or dream – the bigger the “donkey” and the field – the trickier things tend to get.
  • We can choose what we are going to cultivate as well as how we will go about it. We choose how much time and effort we put in and how much we study nature and how to go about growing lush crops, but there will always be factors that remain beyond our control.
  • The weather/climate we are working in will always play a big factor in our results. Even if we cultivate very carefully, sometimes forces beyond our control can destroy what we’ve been working on. Of course, those same forces can also prove ideal and make our crops grow especially lush. Though we are forever looking for ways to control our results or at least understand why some things happen at some times and other thing happen at other times, there is much that remains beyond our scope and understanding. This is the realm of so-called bad luck and good fortune.

Many people have a hard time working with both/and thinking as opposed to either/or thinking. The less rigid and limited we are in our outlook, the more we can understand and work with laws of the Universe. For example, most people think they must choose between believing that we either have control over what happens in our lives OR we don’t have control and must surrender to “God’s will” or chance. I’m suggesting that we both have control over what happens in our lives AND must surrender to a higher plan.

This is the way of the farmer who does his best to grow what he wants and needs in his life. He gets up early, harnesses his donkey, heads out to the fields and does his very best to cultivate what he wants. He reads the Farmer’s Almanac, studies the ways of nature, and allows both his learned knowledge and his instincts to tell him when the time is right for planting, watering, weeding and reaping. He prays to higher forces to bless and guide him in all of this, and he listens within for that guidance. Ultimately, however, he knows that much remains beyond his control. He feels that he is a part of the nature he is working with, and this makes him feel safe: he is at home in this world, for the very forces that hold so much power over what happens in his life are the source of his own creation. He therefore wisely surrenders ultimate outcomes with faith that no matter what happens, everything will be fine.

I believe this is a wise and powerful approach, for it allows us to both cultivate what we want in our lives while at the same time feeling a sense of peace with the way things are. Ironically, letting go of outcomes actually makes us more powerful cultivators of what we want in our lives, for when we can relax and feel good without straining for control, we are able to maintain a high vibration. This is like being calm and assured when yoked to that donkey. If we approach the donkey feeling stress, strain, anxiety or frustration, the donkey will sense it and may rear back on us and make things very difficult. If, however, we are calm and assured, we remain masters of the situation and are able to steer toward where we want to go and align with a smooth journey to fulfillment.

Soul Arcanum

Can You Conquer Addictions with the Law of Attraction?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Is it possible to use the law of attraction to manifest sobriety and the wisdom to eat only what one needs instead of overindulging? I’m stuck in a vicious cycle wherein I overindulge, which brings my energy way down and makes it hard to manifest what I want in my life, which just leads me to overindulge some more.


Dear Patty:

Addictions and “overindulging<” arise from misguided attempts to feel better. There is a deeper hunger driving this behavior, but because you’re not addressing that deeper need, no amount of other stuff will make you feel satisfied. Since you’re not conscious of what’s really going on, you gobble up more and more of what you don’t need because it brings you quick but temporary relief. This is like endlessly watering a plant that needs more sun; the plant won’t thrive and will probably begin to languish because even though you’re giving it a lot of attention, it’s not getting the light it needs.

Let’s say that to get more sun, the plant would have to be carefully transplanted to a nice sunny spot on the other side of your property. If you move the plant, you can move on to all sorts of other wonderful endeavors because you won’t have to endlessly deal with that problem anymore. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to move the plant, of course. There are all sorts of reasons you may avoid doing whatever has to be done to fully take care of the situation.

You may not consciously realize what is needed. It may be that you’ve never transplanted a plant before and are afraid that you’ll mess things up and kill it. You may assume it will take too long and be a very messy chore and you just don’t want to deal with all of that right now. If there is a watering can nearby, it may seem so much easier to just give it a little more water in hopes that this remedy will do the trick.

Like plants that need more sun, people who develop addictions have needs that aren’t being acknowledged or addressed. By way of just one example, many people who have anxiety issues self-medicate with various substances. They may not consciously realize why they feel compelled to self-medicate. They may be afraid that digging in to those bigger issues will be overwhelming or painful. They may not know how to address those deeper needs, or feel like they just don’t have the time and energy to deal with those problems right now. They just want to feel better fast, and they’ve learned from experience that “over-indulging” is a quick and easy way to get a lift – at least for a little while.

The more a person uses a certain coping technique, the more it becomes an engrained habit. At the same time, because they aren’t dealing with their issues, life tends to grow more challenging and overwhelming. This is why addictions to food, alcohol and drugs become more and more difficult to break until a person hits “rock bottom” and their desire for change grows stronger than their desire to avoid unpleasant or difficult emotional issues.

To break free of addiction, it’s essential to start facing whatever you’ve been trying to avoid. This is where spiritual growth and healing come in. For example, seeing a hypnotherapist can help you become conscious of the issues underlying destructive behavior, find healing, and develop healthier habits. From traditional counseling to hypnotherapy to meditation, there are many ways to face the issues underlying addictive or compulsive behaviors. To become free, the important thing is to make a decision to do whatever you have to do to fully resolve the real issues.

We can’t create what we want in our lives without resolving inner conflicts and issues, for most of what we manifest arises from a subconscious level. This means we must consciously face and work through whatever issues may be underlying addictive behaviors to gain the power to use the law of attraction. For this reason, the more we devote ourselves to spiritual growth and personal improvement, the more powerful we grow as conscious creators of our own realities.

To use the law of attraction to quit drinking, lose weight, or achieve any other goal, you have to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. With this in mind, it’s wise to let go of thoughts like I want to QUIT drinking or I want to STOP overeating. Instead, focus on who you do want to be and what you do want to create in your life.

It’s also wise to lighten up. I know addiction is a serious matter, but if we beat ourselves up about what we’ve done in the past, we’ll beat our vibration down. If we view a goal as being very hard to attain, we’ll just make it harder. This is why making peace with potentially not achieving a certain goal often empowers us to achieve it. By letting go of fear that we’ll fail and embodying the truth that “all is well,” we empower ourselves to gracefully flow toward where we want to go.

We “overindulge” because we want to feel better. When we alter our brain chemistry through things like drugs, alcohol, sugar, shopping, etc., our vibration rises and we get “high.” If we don’t know constructive ways to achieve a higher vibration, we become dependent on such practices for an immediate but temporary boost. Instead of viewing yourself as addicted to a particular habit or substance, it may be helpful to recognize that what you are really addicted to is feeling better, and that wanting to feel better is perfectly natural. It would also be wise to study more constructive ways to boost your vibration when you need a lift.

Be gentle with your body and patient with your heart. Make sure your goals are coming from a purely positive place of self-love. If you hate yourself for your past decisions, you’ll have a hard time manifesting positive change. Instead, approach your goals loving yourself, wanting to feel better, seeing yourself as capable of creating what you want and happily visualizing yourself as you want to be.

It’s also important to remember that since most of what we manifest arises from a subconscious level, how we see ourselves is very powerful. If we view ourselves as overweight alcoholics, we’ll tend to be overweight alcoholics. We have to come to see ourselves as we desire to be in order to become that person. This new image of ourselves must become brighter, more vivid and more alive than any old images we had of ourselves, which requires vigilant inner work. For a while, every time a situation comes up in which you would have overindulged in the past, you’ll have to override the thoughts, impulses and images that come up with the new way you want to be and behave. This may take a lot of will power and mental diligence at first, but the more you do it, the more it will become a habit. Eventually, those new images will become how you naturally see yourself and who you actually are.

Ask yourself what unmet needs are driving these undesired behaviors and find new ways to feel better. Get very clear about what achieving freedom from addiction means to you. Visualize yourself healthy, attractive, competent, empowered and free. Don’t fixate on undesired behaviors; the important thing is to vibrationally align with how you want to be and feel, and keep this vision vibrantly alive in your heart and mind.

– Soul Arcanum