Category: Chakras/Auras

Is Marijuana Harmful to Your Astral Body?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I use marijuana quite often when meditating but I have heard that drugs can harm my astral body. “Drugs” is a very broad term and I am not sure if marijuana falls under this category in terms of its effects on the astral body. What is your opinion?


Dear Jacob:

Cannabis can be found all over the world. According to some historians and archeologists, marijuana has been used for various purposes for some 10,000 years. In addition to the many practical uses for hemp, marijuana was also used to enhance spiritual pursuits and awareness and for many medicinal purposes. I mention this because even when we are conscious of our social conditioning, it’s difficult for most people raised in the United States to think about marijuana without being influenced by our culture’s extreme bias against it.

There are spiritual schools of thought that carry strong warnings about the use of intoxicants. Buddhism has five main precepts, and not taking intoxicants is one of them. However, I believe these warnings were based on alcohol and intoxicants that tend to cause people to be careless and break their spiritual vows. Marijuana has a very different effect than alcohol; since marijuana tends to make people very peaceful and meditative, it may be a great spiritual tool. While no one knows for sure what the Buddha really did, many historians claim that for years, he ate hemp seeds every day when he was searching for enlightenment, so I doubt any Buddhist warnings about marijuana in particular came from the big guy himself.

Some Hindus also believe that drugs can damage one’s astral body and this can lead to future lives in which the body is physically or mentally malformed. In this school of thought, the worst thing you can for your astral body is to indulge in negative feelings like fear, anger and envy, for these also damage the astral body and lead to miserable future lives. It seems to me that we can drive ourselves crazy worrying about the damage we may be doing to our astral bodies simply by living, and that worrying in itself may also damage our astral bodies. Further, if experiencing negative emotions is the worst thing for our astral bodies, and getting <q>high</q> encourages positive feelings, then even those people who smoke marijuana to avoid dealing with negative feelings should benefit. (The problem, of course, is if you need drugs to feel better, then when you aren’t getting high, your vibration will plummet again.)

There are also Hindu teachers and mystics of a different opinion altogether. There is a rich tradition of using marijuana as a sacrament in the worship of Shiva, the god of power and ecstasy. In fact, in ancient Vedic texts, marijuana is referred to as “the Sacred Grass” and was one of the five sacred plants of India. There are many interesting books written on the subject of sacred plants. If you’re interested, here’s a link to one to get you started: Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing and Hallucinogenic Powers.

Clearly, if we look to religious traditions for the answer, we get a huge range of ideas from smoking marijuana being one of the worst things we could do to it being one of the most powerful ways to achieve a spiritual breakthrough. Though we’ve been conditioned to view illegal drug use as harmful and irresponsible, there are some who believe that “the gods” gifted humankind with plants like marijuana to help us spiritually, and if we work with spirits of such plants in a conscious way, they can bless us with great wisdom regarding the nature of reality.

As for more modern views, many clairvoyants say that drug use leads to a mucky, yucky energy field. In my experience, this is because most people use mind-altering substances to avoid dealing with difficult feelings. This causes those nasty feelings to get stuck in the aura, which is what causes the muckiness. While it’s true that drugs affect our auras, this is true of Tylenol, cough remedies, and allergy medications as much as alcohol, marijuana and other drugs.

Our auras are in a constant state of change. Just as we are constantly experiencing new things, changing, and healing, so are our auras. When people leave this life, they also leave behind the physical problems that troubled them when they were alive. For example, the blind can see, the deaf can hear, and cripples have no problem with mobility. Given all of that, I find it hard to believe that smoking marijuana would permanently harm your astral body.

Of course, if you smoke marijuana and feel fearful or guilty about it, it will affect your aura. Further, these days, most marijuana is grown in a state of fear and distributed by individuals who are far from being full of love and light. You might ask yourself if you would eat food prepared by all of the people who have handled the marijuana you may be smoking; do you want to align with their energy? I imagine the energy of cultivated marijuana is very different from what grows in the wild.

Regarding why there is such a broad range of views, I believe it’s because the way marijuana affects one individual may be very different from how it affects another. If you are smoking marijuana to suppress your feelings or avoid dealing with something, it will create sludge in your aura, disconnect you from your personal power, and make you vulnerable to negative entities. The negative feelings you are avoiding will linger in your aura; then when you smoke, your psychic defenses will drop and any negative entities that are attracted to those negative feelings can move in. This sort of use is spiritually harmful and psychically damaging.

If you smoke marijuana in a conscious, respectful way in order to open your awareness to other realities or achieve some sort of spiritual breakthrough, its effects will probably prove positive. I say probably because it is also important that you are prepared for such shifts. The risk lies in going too high, too fast. If your lower bodies (physical, etheric and astral) are not ready for the sudden influx of light and energy that getting “high” (aligning with a higher body experience) entails, you can damage those lower bodies. This is why your reason for using a drug is so important. Also, while taking a mind-altering substance will open your aura to outside psychic influence, if you are in a high vibration and radiating peace and love, you will attract wise, loving entities who match your vibration.

In my view, there is no one correct answer. If you use fire carelessly, you may get burned; if you use it carefully and consciously, it can keep you warm and cook your food. The same is true of all that nature has given us. In such matters, we have to allow our own inner guidance to direct us. To determine if something is good for you, you must approach it in a conscious way and be very honest with yourself. Ask yourself why you are considering doing something, what you hope to gain from it, and how doing so tends to affect you. If something brings you peace and bliss and makes you feel closer to God, I would trust those feelings more than I would trust what other people have to say about the matter.

Soul Arcanum :)

Soul Arcanum

How Our Sexual Partners Affect our Spiritual Vibration

By Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

For about a year now, I’ve been doing some powerful meditations to raise my vibration so I can better heal myself and others. I’ve been told that having sex with someone I don’t love would cause my vibration to drop to that person’s level. This worries me because while I do not believe in engaging in casual sex, I’ve often felt very strong emotions toward someone I’m dating. These emotions may or may not evolve into love, but when I begin to feel this way and crave an emotional exchange with that person in the form of sexual intercourse, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to mess up my vibration, but if I have strong feelings for someone and I know they care about me as well, I have trouble abstaining from sex with them until I know for sure, which may not happen until the relationship is over anyway. I would be very grateful for any thoughts you have on this.
– Angela

Dear Angela:

Let’s explore the notion that having sex with someone you’re not positive you love may deter spiritual development. Certainly we find the notion that sex and spirit are somehow at odds in many religious traditions, and casual sex is frowned upon in most cultures. The practical problems that can arise from being too casual in our approach to sex are obvious, but these social mores are also rooted in some metaphysical truths.

It’s important to remember that every interaction between people involves an exchange of energy, and sex involves the fullest exchange possible. In fact, we might consider S.E.X. an acronym for “soul energy x-change.”

When we go to buy a car, interview for a job, or even meet someone new in a social setting, we will tend to be somewhat guarded. In various social interactions, we only let so much of our true selves “out,” and we only let so much of that other person’s energy in.

When we have sex with someone, however, we “open up” to them. You might say we get naked with them on every level. This means the auric walls that normally help us maintain our separate sense of self come down, which leads to an exchange of energies. Because of this, the people we have sex with can have a much greater impact on us than other people. When we “invite” a lover to mingle his or her energy with ours, all sorts of things can happen.

At the positive end of the spectrum, we can actually heal others (or be healed by them) via sexual interaction. In your case, if you had sex with someone who had a lower vibration than yours, with the right approach you may raise that person to YOUR vibrational level.

Sex can be a very spiritual endeavor. It can stretch our capacity to be giving, sensitive and compassionate with our partner; it can challenge us to rise above ego and self-consciousness to be fully present in the moment; it can take us to the edge of our boundaries, trust issues and hang-ups, where we become nothing more than who we were when we came into this world – one being reaching for bliss with another.

For many people, the ecstasy of orgasm is the closest they get to divine bliss, and as such, it can open them up to a whole new dimension of experience. To me, orgasm is the clearest experience we have of the ultimately energetic nature of life. Sex can initiate the release of kundalini and encourage spiritual development. Sexual energy is powerful, and our deep desire for love leads us to many of our most important life lessons.

When it comes to matters of love and sex, I strongly believe that there are no hard and fast rules: we have to trust our intuition to lead us. For example, most of us are naturally attracted to people who are on our vibrational “wavelength.” It is unlikely we would date someone of a vastly different vibration for long, and thus unlikely we’d have sex with them in the first place.

We have a built in barometer that deters us from opening up to people whose vibration is so far from ours that it could be harmful to us. Having sex with someone this different tends to feel awkward or wrong. Some people, however, actually get a dangerous little thrill out of acting AGAINST their intuition and being “bad,” especially when it comes to sex. Women who always go for “bad boys” are a good example, and they usually suffer some nasty consequences as a result. Of course, drunken one-night stands tend to yield some interesting pairings as well!

When we do have sex with someone who is not a good match for us, we expose ourselves to all of their issues and energies. This may lead us to get caught up in all sorts of dramas. Then negative emotion lowers our vibration, and all the drama distracts us from our higher/spiritual goals.

One of the greatest hazards of casual sex is the potential for attachment by astral entities. While this can happen outside of sexual contact, when we completely open ourselves up during sex, it is easy for an entity attached to our lover to shift to us.

Also, I have heard from many women over the years who were making love to their husband or boyfriend when “someone else” moved in. Sometimes that other being was perceived to be “inside” their lover, and the women felt their lover “become someone else.” Sometimes they actually saw the other entity above or next to their lover, trying to “take over” the lovemaking session.

The lower astral is full of opportunistic entities that are earthbound due to some addiction. The spirits of sex addicts are drawn to lust, and try to live vicariously through people engaged in sex. If, however, you and your partner are making love at a high vibration, lower astral entities with neither be attracted to you nor able to affect you.

The more love you flow during sex, the more it will nourish your heart and spirit. If your partner is not spiritually “awake” and you are, he could weigh you down spiritually, but this would extend beyond the bedroom anyway. This doesn’t mean our partners must share our paths or even our passion for spiritual growth; there are lots of ways to be “spiritual.”

So how do we decide when to “do it” in a relationship? While we should trust our intuition, we might also remember that when we have sex with someone, we are essentially telling them that we trust them with our lives, our health, our hearts and our dreams for love. For some people, that sort of trust comes easy, and for others, it comes hard.

I also think that to learn anything in life, we have to be willing to explore and experiment, so if we feel strongly drawn to do something and there is no obvious reason it would be foolish, we should do it. This is how we’re guided to learn the things we need to learn and heal the issues we most need to heal.

Finally, I think you may be too caught up in defining what it means to “really love” someone. Even if you don’t know if you want to spend the rest of your life with your partner, you can still interact with them WITH love. If you look for the divine in the one you’re with, you will embody love. When you do anything from this high vibration, wonderful experiences are sure to follow.

– Soul Arcanum

She Didn’t Move On and Got Sick

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last year I was at a crossroads in my life. While my job had been very important to me, I no longer felt connected to it and was ready to move on to something else. Instead of finding something new, however, I became sick. Ever since then I’ve had terrible headaches. I’m seeing several doctors both medical and alternative, and we can’t figure out what is causing the pain. I’ve been called a sensitive and an old spirit many times. I’m somewhat psychic as I seem to just know things, and can feel the presence of unseen beings. I’m wondering if my illness may be caused by something in the psychic realm. A medicine woman who used to work for me once said that I’ve not been using all the gifts I’ve been given. Is there a connection between my gifts and my headaches? I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired! Thanks!
– L.

Dear L.:

On a metaphysical level, the source of your discomfort is blocked energy. It began when you knew that you needed to move on from your job situation, but you put off doing so because you were afraid to give up something comfortable for something new and as yet unknown. Since you are still in that job situation, these problems aren’t getting any better.

You are by no means alone – people do this sort of thing all the time. In fact, I frequently work with this issue in my spiritual counseling practice. Some of the physical symptoms that may erupt as a result of not moving on when we know we should include chronic fatigue, migraines, sinus infections, depression, anxiety, insomnia and muscle tension – especially in the upper back.

I went through something similar years ago when I knew that I had to get out of a dead marriage, but I was so afraid of hurting anyone involved (my husband, my children, the rest of the family, and myself), that I just couldn’t bring myself to act on the truth in my heart.

The more I tried to deny what my inner being was telling me, the sicker I got. The last year before we separated, I had all sorts of health problems, including migraines and chronic sinus infections. Looking back, I’m amazed at what a mess I was and how long it took me to “get it.” I felt like I was drowning in mucus! When I finally summoned the courage to end the marriage, my health issues cleared up instantly, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I could breathe freely again. I firmly believe the ultimate source of my health problems was the need for this change because I haven’t had a single sinus infection since.

Whenever we try to force ourselves to stay in a situation that isn’t good for us, things tend to get worse and worse until we are forced to move on. This only makes sense if you think about it, because the situation is really not good for us to begin with. It’s similar to having an unhealthy habit like drinking or smoking: if we refuse to give it up, eventually its ill effects on us will manifest physically in the form of pain or health problems. To heal our discomfort, we have to change.

In fact, when it comes to staying in relationships, jobs or other situations that are unhealthy for us on some level, if we don’t listen to our inner being and act on our true needs, eventually something will happen that will force a change. We may get fired or laid off, for example, or we may get so sick that we have to quit. The longer we deny our needs or put off what we know we must do, the worse things tend to get. By contrast, the more we listen within and act on our inner knowing, the smoother our journey through life tends to be. Given all of this, the best thing you can probably do for your health is to quit that job!

This is all related to your psychic gifts as well, for it sounds like you have had a lot of signs that you are psychic and need to further work with your abilities, but you haven’t honored these signs and intuitions. As a result, you have all this energy built up behind your third eye because you’re not opening that chakra enough for it all to flow through. This creates pressure, which can lead to discomfort like headaches.

Have you ever gone to a sad movie and tried to force yourself NOT to cry because you’d be embarrassed, only to end up with a horrible headache? This happens when the energy of your emotion builds up inside you because you won’t let it out.

It also makes sense that when what we are repressing is some truth or awareness, the discomfort we experience will be felt in our heads. So if someone is highly psychic but has a habit of unknowingly pushing their psychic perceptions down into their subconscious, they may experience psychic pressure in the form of headaches. If we don’t resist this awakening, instead of pain or discomfort we may feel a lovely sense of tingling or buzzing around our foreheads.

You are indeed highly psychic, and probably don’t need to develop your gifts so much as to simply acknowledge them and allow them to flow. To do this, you’ll want to further open your third eye and your crown chakra. The third eye will open naturally if you work with psychic development exercises. Kundalini yoga is very powerful for opening the third eye, though all forms of yoga are great for getting your chi flowing freely.

To open the crown chakra, you’ll have to learn to trust in life itself: to have faith that one way or another, everything will be all right. If you already believed this deep down, you wouldn’t have hesitated to leave a job situation that you knew wasn’t right for you. Regular meditation will lead you to deep peace and serenity, which will naturally heal your fear and anxiety and help you develop a more trusting relationship with the Universe. It will also open up a clear channel to Spirit via your crown.

To initiate healing, I believe anything you can do to bring the energies you’ve been repressing up into your conscious awareness will prove helpful. The main thing is to really listen within and trust whatever comes into your awareness as meaningful. You might begin a daily practice of journaling, automatic writing, or art therapy – whatever appeals to you. Energy healing or hypnotherapy may also prove helpful.

The most important thing is to honor what your body has been trying to tell you by opening up to change, and your job situation is the obvious place to start. I think you’ll be amazed at the transformation you experience by simply honoring your true needs in that area of your life, because when we get stuck in one area, we tend to get stuck in others. For example, if we hang on to a job, relationship, habit or living situation out of fear of the unknown, before long we are hanging on to all sorts of other things that don’t really serve us well, such as extra weight, clutter, unfinished projects, unhealthy habits, resentments, etc.

By contrast, when we release some big issue we’ve been hung up on, everything else begins to move forward too. Then it’s suddenly easier to achieve other goals, try new things, and let go of anything else that doesn’t bring us true health and happiness.

– Soul Arcanum

Is Resisting Love Bad for Your Health?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a woman with a male friend whom I know loves me, but I have closed myself to those feelings. I don’t allow myself to think about him or enjoy the look in his eyes when we meet because I am afraid. Since we both have families, according to my religious beliefs, this love we feel is wrong. My question is, am I doing more harm than good to myself by blocking the energy of this love? On a metaphysical level, what am I doing by blocking the energy that’s coming my way and not letting my energy go out to him? I have started having some small twinges of pain and other sensations on the left side of my chest area around my heart. Have I blocked my heart chakra with this move? Thanks for your wisdom.


Dear K.:

We can and do create blocks in our chakras all the time. We do this when we resist something out of fear of what is happening or might happen in the future. When we try to deny or repress our emotions, we constrict our life force energy. When we make a habit of this, over time we can develop all sorts of problems and issues. So in not being “open” to this man and the feelings between you, you have indeed energetically closed yourself down.

Just last week I wrote about how frequent headaches are associated with psychic development because many people feel overwhelmed and try to shut down their psychic perception. Our chakras are directly linked to our physical health; everything begins in spirit and funnels down into physical manifestation, so when chakras are forced closed or remain blocked over time, we can experience physical pain and even serious health problems. I’m not telling you this to try to scare you, but rather to emphasize that you are wise to listen to your body, for it is definitely trying to tell you something.

Our bodies don’t lie, deny the truth, twist things or rationalize the way our minds do, so often the truth our bodies tell doesn’t match what society thinks is proper or even what we believe is right on a conscious level. When our bodies are saying one thing and our minds are saying another, we have to make a choice: do we choose what FEELS right in our hearts or what we’ve come to believe is right based on what outside influences (other people, religious teachings, etc.) have told us in the past?

My sense is that you live in a culture where breaking with tradition may be much harder and more frightening than it is for many of us these days. While I can appreciate that, it’s also clear to me that it is this outside pressure that is making this lesson so powerful for you. If your decision were easy, it wouldn’t require you to ponder it so deeply and question what you’ve been told in order to find your own truth.

I recently made the acquaintance of a minister who works with the dying. He is a true spiritual warrior who is on the front lines every day, doing his best to serve God and do what he believes is right. He is also in a situation very similar to your own in that he is married but is in love with another. So far, he too is shutting his heart down in order to do what he thinks is right, and he is totally miserable.

As he is a devoted Christian, we had a long chat about how Jesus questioned the beliefs and mores of his culture, and listened above all to the truth speaking to him through his own heart. I think we are all wise to ponder how history’s great spiritual teachers developed the truths upon which today’s religious views are based. It wasn’t by listening to what other people told them was true or what had been established as right or wrong in the past; their celebrated truths arose from within them.

No one can tell you what is right for you. In order to make that decision yourself, you must pray to be guided to clarity and listen within for that guidance. As you do this, it may greatly help you to ask yourself and Spirit a few key questions, such as:

What is the path of fear, and what is the path of love?

When we make decisions based on fear of how others may react or what may happen in the future, we put outside influences before the truth in our own hearts; constrict the flow of our life force energy, personal potential, health and joy; and make our lives smaller. When we make decisions based on love, curiosity, passion, hope, desire and inspiration, we put the wisdom of our hearts first, which expands the flow of our life force energy, personal potential, health and joy. This naturally encourages our lives to grow bigger, more colorful and more fulfilling. Though it is always more rewarding, it is often far more difficult to choose the path of love, for it requires courage as well as faith in ourselves and the divine voice speaking to us from within.

Another great question to ask yourself is: what would I want those I love to do if they were in my shoes? For example, if your husband was in your shoes, would you want him to follow his heart or would you want him to deny his heart out of a sense of obligation to you? Sometimes, it’s most telling to ask ourselves what we would want our children to do in the same situation, for many of us love our children more than we love anyone else – including ourselves. So if your daughter was in your situation, what would you hope she would do?

Finally, it’s important to realize that you can heal your life and any metaphysical problems you’re experiencing without doing anything in particular in your relationships to other people. The first step is to acknowledge the message the pain in your heart is sending you. Instead of judging yourself harshly for feeling as you do, you must give yourself permission to feel as you do and allow that energy to flow freely. This does not mean you necessarily act on those feelings; it means you allow them to be what they are without judging, rejecting or ignoring them.

There is much you can do on the inside to feel better even if you don’t change a thing on the outside. None of this is really about your relationships with other people anyway; it’s all about your relationship to yourself and the Divine. I have a free Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation that will help you energetically cultivate inner peace and well-being regardless of what is happening in your outer experience. that will help you energetically cultivate inner peace and well-being regardless of what is happening in your outer experience. You can find it at Soul Arcanum.

Finally, I have an idea on how you can have your cake and eat it too: go ahead and act on your desires, but do so on a metaphysical level only. Many people in similar situations end up fulfilling their desires in their dreams, and some of these even go on to learn how to astral travel in order to live a “double life” on other planes. For more on this, Google “astral love” or “astral sex,” and check out D.Soul Arcanum Conway’s book Perfect Love: Finding Intimacy on the Astral Plane.

– Soul Arcanum



Sleep Paralysis, Migraines and Psychic Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

The following has been happening for a few years now. I will begin to wake from sleep and realize that my body is paralyzed. I am awake in that I am consciously aware, but I can’t move any part of my body. I can sometimes scan the room I am in, and when I do resume control of my body, it is just as I saw it with my eyes closed. I also experience a tingling sensation throughout my body, like when your arm falls asleep but far more painful, like someone is squeezing me tightly. I hear white noise like a static sound. It used to occur on a regular basis; now it is every so often. Recently, I began having these strange migraines; many times they do not feel like my own because I am still completely functional. I am very sensitive to what others are feeling; I think that’s why others find it so easy to talk to me. Sometimes I feel bipolar; I hate being around people because many times I end up being in a bad mood. I have some family members who are strongly psychic. What do you think is happening?

Dear Krystal:

I presume that you are aware that there is a term for what you’ve been experiencing: sleep paralysis. This is a state of consciousness in between being awake and asleep in which your body is immobilized but your mind is awake. (Usually when our bodies are asleep our minds are also unconscious, so we’re not aware of being unable to move.)

While we tend to think of ourselves as either being “awake” or “asleep,” there is actually continuum between being deeply asleep and wide awake that we are constantly moving along. Scientists now even believe that it’s possible for parts of our brains to be asleep while other parts are awake. When in a certain gray area between being awake and asleep, people tend to report all sorts of paranormal experiences.

What’s interesting about your particular question is your symptom of migraines and the psychic/empathic experiences you’ve been having, for all of these experiences are related. There is a strong correlation between the manifestation of sleep paralysis and stress/anxiety. High levels of stress and anxiety are also know to trigger migraines. Both sleep paralysis and migraines are also tied to sleep deprivation and irregular sleep cycles. It is therefore common to experience both sleep paralysis and migraines during periods of high stress, and to also have unusual psychic experiences during those times.

This was certainly true for me: I have only gone through one period in my life during which I frequently experienced sleep paralysis, and that was when my first child was a newborn and I was extremely stressed out and sleep deprived. Interestingly, it was also during that time that my psychic doors blew open and I started having all sorts of mind blowing experiences.

The dream state is a highly psychic state. If we are sleep deprived, it may be that we begin to dream while we are awake, or, more accurately, enter a dual state of consciousness wherein we are both dreaming and awake. This is the extraordinary state of consciousness known as sleep paralysis. While scientists may label the unusual things we perceive in such a state “hallucinations,” research has shown biochemical similarity between the dream state, the state of consciousness that shamans enter into to do their healing and psychic work, and the state of consciousness so-called psychotics are in when they are said to be “hallucinating.”

What is missing from most scientific research is awareness that what is perceived during a “hallucination” is not unfounded: it may not exist in the physical dimension, but it is real on a metaphysical level. The states of consciousness linked above lead to “hallucinations” because they enable us to perceive beyond the physical dimension. When we are in such a state of consciousness, we are “walking between the worlds” as shamans do. To put it in scientific terms, the sleep chemistry associated with dreaming/REM sleep is intruding on the state of wakefulness.

Scientists may dismiss these experiences as chemically driven. While there may be a bio-chemical component to them, that doesn’t mean that the psychic perceptions are invalid; instead, it means that these physical changes promote psychic perception. When we are caught in a state of sleep paralysis, our consciousness is rooted in one of our subtle bodies. This is why people report being unable to physically move while at the same time being able to see with their eyes closed, perceiving various entities that aren’t physically present, and hearing voices or white noise. Since they are perceiving at least in part with the astral body’s senses, they are picking up on astral phenomena.

Unfortunately, in the modern Western world, we have no tradition of knowledge or training for what to do when such states spontaneously occur. In tribal cultures, these experiences would be taken as signs of special gifts or abilities, which would lead to one being trained in how to work with them in constructive ways. Through apprenticeship with a shaman, one would learn how to control their mental and emotional states and how to keep one foot grounded in this reality while exploring other worlds.

As for your experience of migraines, there is a definite relationship between psychic development and headaches, especially migraines. I have a theory as to why this is common: if you are uncomfortable with what you’re picking up psychically, you will instinctively try to shut your psychic senses down. This leads to a block in the chakras of the head (the third eye and/or crown chakra). This is similar to why we may get a headache when we try not to cry at a sad movie: when we shut down the flow of energy by trying to hold back our feelings, psychic pressure builds. This would also explain the vague nature of your migraines. If this tension is occurring in your astral body as opposed to your physical body, it may feel strangely ethereal.

Closing our chakras is an instinctive protective measure against psychic overwhelm. Instead of blocking our chakras, we need to learn how to create a one-way flow of energy so that we can release that pressure. As you are clearly highly sensitive and a natural empath, I strongly feel you would benefit from some training in energy healing. Such training will help you learn how NOT to pick up on others’ moods/energy, how to work with dual states of consciousness, how to align your vibration in order to manifest the sorts of psychic experiences you desire, and a whole host of other valuable skills. Instead of being a passive victim of whatever psychic energies come your way, you will learn to consciously influence the course of your experience and apply your natural psychic abilities toward positive aims.

– Soul Arcanum

Visual Phenomena and Psychic Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have begun to see things I never used to see. For example, I see various shadows and lights in empty space; they are so subtle that they are almost imperceptible. I have been to the eye doctor and even a neurologist and they can find no reason for this. The reason I am writing to you is because in the past week or so, I started to see light and color around people’s heads. At first I thought this was another issue with my vision, but then the word “aura” popped into my mind, and it hit me that maybe what I’m experiencing is more metaphysical than physical. (I have only seen these auras around two individuals; I don’t see them all the time.) I feel really spaced out these days; I can’t focus like I used to, which has made it hard to be productive in my job as a paralegal. Do you think what I’m experiencing is spiritual in nature? I hope so, because I’ve been afraid that I have a brain tumor!


Dear K.:

While I’m very glad that you’ve seen doctors about this, it breaks my heart that you went through all of that testing fearing that you had a brain tumor. In other times and places, these sorts of experiences were better understood. Can you imagine how different your experience would have been if you had been immediately directed to the neighborhood shaman, guru or spiritual healer, and promptly received a clear explanation and helpful advice? It seems like “modern science” is even eradicating spirit in cultures with the strongest foundations of spiritual knowledge, for I keep hearing from people in India who are experiencing classic psychic phenomena who are writing to me half a world a way for help. When I recommend they find a local guru to help them, they say they wouldn’t know where to find such an individual! In any case, it is helpful that you’ve ruled out physical causes, for now we can feel free to explore metaphysical explanations.

There are hundreds of “symptoms” associated with spiritual/psychic awakening. (I hesitate to use the word “symptoms” because this connotes pathology, so from here on out, we’ll call them “signs.”) In your question, you present two of the most common: seeing/sensing subtle energy and feeling spaced out or out of touch with mundane reality. These signs are especially common in early spiritual awakening. I experienced the exact same thing way back when I first began to explore spiritual practices. I had had a number of spontaneous psychic experiences prior to choosing to actively explore spiritual matters; it was these experiences that ignited my interest in metaphysics. When I began to spend a lot of time in altered states of consciousness via practices like meditation, all sorts of interesting things began to happen.

For me, seeing auras came first. It is normal to see auras around some people and not others, especially when this is happening spontaneously as opposed to it happening as a result of your own conscious effort. The first time I ever saw an aura, I was in a university lecture for an Eastern Religions class. I had been dabbling in meditation for a few weeks at this point. The lecture was held in a very large hall with the professor on a stage with a spotlight on him at the podium. As is common in long lectures, I kept drifting in and out of a trance state. As my mind wandered, my vision went into a soft focus so I was no longer really focused on anything or anyone in particular. That’s when I noticed something amazing: the professor had a huge yellow light all around him! At first I assumed this had something to do with the spotlight, but when he wandered away from it and into the shadows on the stage, the light remained the same. That’s when I realized that it was coming from him instead of from some outside source.

Like you, it took me a moment to realize that I was probably seeing his aura. Needless to say, I don’t think I heard much of the lecture after that, for all sorts of thoughts began to race through my mind. I found myself thinking about pictures of Jesus and the saints and how they were depicted with this same golden light around them. I wondered if the artists who painted them this way were clairvoyant or if these subjects were so spiritually bright that their auras shone forth for all the world to see. I thought it was fascinating that the aura I was seeing belonged to a professor of Eastern Religion. What sort of spiritual development might he have undertaken over his many years of studying various mystical paths? Certainly he would be more spiritually developed than the average person; was this why I was seeing his aura and no one else’s? I wondered how many of my fellow students might be seeing the same thing I was, so I started looking around the large auditorium, but everyone else seemed to be experiencing nothing more than an ordinary lecture. I tried to see their auras to no avail. I dove more deeply into meditation after this, however, and over the course of the semester, I did begin to see auras on most people when I tried to make that happen.

Some time after this, I began to practice astral projection, which involves spending a lot of time in a deep meditative state. That is when I began to notice what appeared to be shadowy lines and structures in otherwise empty space. It was like seeing a vague shadow of another world. I would see walls and beams and objects so faint that it wasn’t clear what they were, it was just clear that “something” was there. It sounds like you are seeing the same things I was.

These perceptions happen when we’re in a “spaced out” or trance state of mind. As we begin to awaken spiritually, we naturally get “spacey” like this, for our left brain and its psychic/intuitive abilities kick on more and more. It’s also normal to feel drawn into introspection and called to explore deep questions and issues instead of mundane reality. The more time you spend in trance/deep reflection, the more subtle energy you tend to perceive. This is true whether you are purposefully entering altered states of consciousness via practices like meditation, taking mind altering drugs, or simply lost in deep contemplation.

As you naturally evolve spiritually, your vibration rises to the point where you’re able to perceive a higher range of frequencies than you could before. You also become more and more sensitive, which makes you more perceptive and more consciously aware of what your psychic senses are picking up. When you then focus your attention beyond this world by entering a trance state, you begin to perceive things that exist beyond the physical. (This is why meditation naturally leads to psychic development.)

I encourage you to research the many other signs of spiritual awakening, for if you’re not experiencing them now, you may be soon, and I don’t want you to worry that something is wrong with you! This is a normal, natural process. Try to relax, go with the spiritual flow, and trust that whatever you need will come to you as you move forward.

– Soul Arcanum

Highly Sensitive People Skills

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m hoping you can help me. I can see auras though not well. Because of this, I know that I have a clear aura. It’s physically exhausting for me to be around other people. Just being at work all day around lots of other people drains me to the point of exhaustion. This drives my husband crazy because I’m always tired. What I’ve read about auras suggests that my exhaustion has to do with my aura being clear. I thought if I tried to develop my ability to see auras better, maybe I wouldn’t be so tired all the time. I can now see auras better but this has only made me even more tired! Maybe I’m doing it wrong? It’s to the point that my main fear every day is not having time to rest. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Dear Marie:

Before I go into spiritual remedies, I must encourage you to make sure there is no physical cause for your exhaustion. Even if your doctor says you’re okay, it’s important to make sure you’re eating a very healthy diet and getting adequate rest and exercise. Please note that what most people consider a very healthy diet and what I’m talking about are two very different things. In my view, a very healthy diet is composed of whole, natural foods: vegetables, fruits and animal protein. The more processed a food is, the deader its energy will be. The typical modern diet and sedentary lifestyle is perfectly designed to cause low energy, dis-ease, and all sorts of other troublesome imbalances.

You say that you have a “clear aura.” I’m not sure what you mean by that, but I’m going to assume you mean that you have very thin psychic boundaries – that you’re not “thick-skinned.” I’m also going to assume that you’re not seeing colors in your own aura, and this is why you’re calling it clear. It can be much harder to see your own aura than to see other people’s auras because you are looking through your own aura when trying to see it. It may thus be that you are not seeing your aura at all, and this is why you’ve assumed that it is clear.

What you describe is a common syndrome associated with :highly sensitive people.” If you Google that term, you’ll find lots of interesting information. Basically, everyone who has keen intuition is highly sensitive, but some people are more affected by their sensitivity for various reasons. For example, a stereotypical Aquarius would tend to be less affected by high sensitivity than a Cancer because Cancers are much more emotional and much less philosophical than Aquarians tend to be.

Someone who has been consciously working with their psychic senses and has traveled a long ways down a conscious spiritual path will probably be much better at handling the unique challenges posed by high sensitivity. There are lots of highly sensitive people who have found ways to work with their thin skin. Every professional psychic I know falls into this category.

Unfortunately, I can’t give you a quick, simple way to conquer this problem that will prove both long-lasting and truly effective. Some people may tell you to wear certain stones or crystals or perform magickal rituals, but these measures are like bailing water out of the bottom of a boat instead of repairing the hole. You’re going to have to do some real inner work in order to get more comfortable in your thin skin.

The most important thing is to develop faith that everything happens for a good reason. This will allow you to walk through all sorts of potentially overwhelming, upsetting situations with grace and equanimity. It will allow you to maintain a calm, high vibration regardless of what is going on around you, and this high vibration will basically make you immune to other people being able to affect you.

One way to begin to develop this faith is to study near death experiences and life between life research. is one great resource; for the life between life research, I recommend books by Michael Newton Ph.D. The more you expose yourself to this information, the more you will come to understand that every experience blesses us in some way. This will enable you to be at peace with your own experiences (including the challenge of dealing with your high sensitivity), and it will enable you to remain serene when people around you are in turmoil.

I’m not surprised that trying to read auras better would exacerbate your problem, because what you did was become even <i>more</i> sensitive while at the same time tuning in to draw in more of others’ energy. In order to stop being affected by others, you’ll want to reverse this psychic flow. By this, I mean that instead of tuning in to others’ energy, you’ll set your own high tone and send that energy OUT.

You might begin by adopting the inner mantra, “The divine light in me greets the light in thee” or “Namaste” whenever you interact with another person. Visualize love and good wishes flowing from your heart out to them. Don’t get attached to them responding in any particular way; this is about who you are choosing to be and the energy you are choosing to send out into the world.

Don’t worry that if you send all these good vibes out, you’ll somehow run out. You’re not sending your own energy, you’re channeling divine love and light, which is endless. The more you channel this energy, the better you will feel yourself. It may be helpful for you to undertake some training in energy healing to learn how to maintain your own energetic well-being when interacting with others.

My next suggestion is for you to take up a regular meditation practice. Meditation will develop your inner observer, which will empower you to step back from whatever is happening around you and center in your own higher self. With this in mind, I’m going to offer you a mini meditation exercise that you can silently practice whenever you start to feel drained.

Take a moment to center yourself by relaxing your shoulders and taking a few big, deep breaths. Close your eyes and picture yourself sitting in an ancient Roman theater, watching a drama unfold on the stage below you. Focus in on the actors and allow yourself to get caught up in the emotions they are conveying. Notice how, as you identify with the actors, you experience those same emotions. Now pull your awareness back into your own body and remind yourself that these are actors on a stage playing out various parts. Mentally label what is happening on the stage “drama,” and then relax into the pleasure of watching it unfold. Now back up even more – lift right up out of your body and look down to observe yourself watching the performance. As you do this, you realize that you too are an actor on the stage of life. Smile at yourself and the people around you who have gotten so caught up in playing their parts that they have forgotten that life is just a big production we undertake because it’s exciting, like watching a drama on stage. You are now centered in your inner observer and should be able to observe yourself interacting with others without being thrown off of your own high vibration and spiritual center.

As you move through each day, whenever you find yourself starting to feel worn down by the events unfolding around you, remember to say “drama” to yourself, and then shift from taking in others’ energy to flowing love and compassion outward.

– Soul Arcanum

Symptoms of Energy Cording

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I read your article on promiscuity and how it affects the aura and creates energetic links. I have read this before from a Hindu saint. My question is: How does this astral tie affect the individual? I mean, let’s say I have been with many partners – how would I notice these astral connections? Are there observable mental, emotional or physical symptoms? Besides thinking of the person, I don’t notice anything else.


Dear Ryan:

Since the influence of psychic cording is subtle/energetic, how much you notice would depend on how psychically sensitive you are. Of course, the stronger the bond, the more likely one is to notice these effects. For example, the strongest psychic bond is typically that between mother and child, so even mothers who aren’t especially psychic may have striking experiences of this connection. Similarly, someone who is highly psychic can pick up things about people they barely know. If you are highly psychic, you may have an acquaintance pop into your head only to have that person phone you just after this, or learn that this person was thinking of you at that time.

Please note that I’m talking about conscious effects: we are all influenced by the psychic cords we have with other people whether we know it or not. Further, the less conscious we are of these interactions, the more they tend to influence us.

The cords that are formed when we have sex with someone are never completely broken unless something is done to purposefully break them. They do tend to fade or diminish over time, however. The stronger they are at their foundation, the more they tend to endure. Thus a long, passionate, true love affair is like a castle: though we may leave it behind, it remains standing and will continue to exist even as it falls into ruins. Only if we purposefully disassemble it and re-appropriate its materials will it disappear from the landscape.

Along the same lines of this metaphor, when we sleep with someone in a casual way without forming a deep bond, it’s like throwing up a little hut in our psychic territory. If we sleep around a lot, soon we’ll have a little ghetto in our psychic back yard. These creations aren’t as strong and enduring as true love affairs, so they will fall apart faster. Since they aren’t enormous like castles, it’s much easier to ignore, dismiss or overlook them.

It’s interesting that I’m writing this column today, because just last night I had long, delightful dreams of a boy I loved decades ago. Our bond is a good example of the castle I describe above. Though we’ve only run into each other a handful of times since we broke up, we continue to have fond feelings for each other, and I continue to have him pop into my mind on a regular basis. I also tend to dream about him every now and again, which is a very clear indication that we continue to have a strong psychic bond.

Having frequent or striking dreams about someone is one sign that we have a psychic bond with them. Here are some others:

On a mental level, the most common sign is that these folks will tend to just pop into our heads for no apparent reason. Of course, it’s wise to ponder what may have caused them to come to mind. If there is a song playing on the radio that reminds us of them, it could be nothing more than a mental association. If we can think of no reason why that person may be popping into our heads, then odds are good that we’re psychically linked.

As for why they would come to mind at that time, all sorts of things are possible. If we are working on some particular issue in our current lives, and that issue is somehow tied to the experiences we had with that person, it’s natural for those energies to be reawakened. It’s also very common for our thoughts about someone to make them think about us. Therefore, when someone pops into our heads, it may be because they’ve been thinking about us for some reason. Having a psychic connection to someone is sort of like having an intercom system: when one party sends a signal through it, it starts something of a telepathic dialogue that can go on indefinitely. Of course, for most people, this is mainly happening at an unconscious level.

On a mental level we can also pick up thoughts and ideas from people we are psychically bonded to. For example, I often see images of desert mountains, and when I follow the line of these images, the face of an old lover comes up, so I assume I am seeing images from his life. This is very similar to the images I see when I purposefully connect with someone on a psychic level in order to do a reading for them. It’s also similar to how spirits show me images and memories from their lives. This is really helpful to know if you’re trying to develop your psychic abilities, for if you examine the random images and thoughts that pop into your head, you will have a sense of what it is like to pick up psychic impressions.

On an emotional level, we can be suddenly overtaken by moods and feelings that seem to come out of nowhere. While we tend to feel like our moods just come over us, our feelings aren’t random. When we choose to be in a certain mood, our feelings are coming from within us; when we don’t consciously set our own tone, our moods tend to entrain to the strongest signal around us. This is why being around someone who is depressed can really get us down, while being around someone who is in a great mood can lift our spirits.

Sometimes the strongest signal is the emotional wavelength of someone we have a psychic bond to. This is why we may sense that someone is in danger even though they are miles away, for being in danger sends a very strong signal. Since we are rarely conscious of this type of influence, it tends to be extra powerful. It’s relatively easy to notice the influence of someone who is depressed and make a conscious choice to set our own tone, but when the influence is psychic in nature, we may be baffled as to why we suddenly feel down.

On a physical level, we can pick up the aches, pains and problems of people we are strongly connected to. This is especially true when we empathize with someone and we are powerful creators. Through years of working with the law of attraction, I have gotten to the point where I can give something my attention and manifest it very quickly. When I’m not careful with my thoughts and vibration, this tends to yield undesirable results!

It’s tricky to keep my vibration high when someone I love is hurting. Recently my athletic daughter had a lower back injury, and my heart went out to her because she was so frustrated and disappointed at her inability to compete. Within two days, I had the exact same pain in the same spot in my lower back. Similarly, my husband has been struggling with a painful elbow, which we’ve learned is due to bone chips in the joint. Within about a month of him developing this problem in his left elbow (and me listening to him talk about it and watching him struggle with it every day), I had pain in my left elbow!

The key to resolving such matters is conscious awareness. Once I became conscious that I was empathizing with and thus entraining to these vibrations, I was able to quickly release those conditions. Given the endless ways that psychic bonds can influence us, we are wise to choose the people we bond to carefully, and to cultivate conscious awareness of the subtle energetic interactions constantly flowing through our lives.

Soul Arcanum

Maintaining a Strong Psychic Connection with Your Mate

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:
I’ve been married for three years. In the first years we were together, I felt very close to my husband; I felt like I could sense what he was thinking and feeling, often finished his sentences, etc. I felt like we were on the same page, so to speak. Then about four months ago, he was promoted to a new position that requires him to travel every week. (He’s home on the weekends.) I’ve noticed a dramatic shift in our relationship since this change; I just don’t feel that same sense of connection. I’m afraid we’re drifting apart on a deep, energetic level. How can we recreate and maintain that strong psychic connection we had in the beginning? Thank you so much!

Dear Holly:

When people live together, they naturally grow closer. In fact, the more time we spend with someone, the closer we grow to them. This is more than a result of our overt interactions, for we actually entrain to each others’ vibrations. This is also why it’s so powerful to spend time with a guru. A guru’s energy would be more powerful than our own, so it would raise our vibration. Similarly, when we’re in a weakened or vulnerable state, and we’re around someone who is down or depressed, they may drag us down to their level too.

When we first fall in love with someone, we are constantly building deep psychic cords with them. When we’re in their presence, we send tons of energy to them and receive the same back. We stare into their eyes, listen very intently to all they say, and send them tons of love and admiration from our hearts. We spend as much time as possible with them, and when we’re not with them, we’re usually sending out cords to them by thinking of them and feeling full of love for them, and all of this forges deep psychic bonds. When we then move in together and begin to sleep in the same bed, we spend about 1/3 of our lives basking in each others’ auras, which naturally leads to a great deal of entrainment. (Of course, having sex with someone is one of the most potent ways to form a psychic bond with them.)

Soul mates are people we forged strong loving psychic cords to in other lives. It’s like there is a rubber band connected between our hearts, and the stronger the love, the stronger and thicker that elastic band. Wherever we go, whether in this life or the afterlife, if we are separating from someone we’re strongly corded to, tension is created on that band. In this way, we are naturally drawn back together again. The same thing happens with people who hate each other, by the way: any intense emotion will create a strong cord that draws those parties back together again.

Since all of the above things deepen psychic bonds, it only makes sense that when we do the reverse – when we spend less time with someone, don’t sleep with them every night, and are caught up in lots of individual new personal activities or endeavors – we tend to feel distanced from them because we’re not feeding that psychic cord like we used to.

How to Maintain a Strong Psychic Bond with Someone at a Distance:

First I encourage you to talk to your husband about how you’re feeling. Depending on how open he is to metaphysical subjects, you may have to phrase some of what I suggest here in more mainstream terms. (For example, instead of talking about your auras and psychic connection, you might talk about your feelings and your desire to feel closer to him.) Your goal with this talk is to make a joint conscious agreement that you will both pour a lot of psychic/ emotional/ mental energy into maintaining a strong sense of connection.

My husband and I often talk about how connected (or disconnected) we feel. We’ve been together for nearly a decade now, and because we established in the beginning that we wanted to maintain the passionate connection we had early on, it has become normal for us to feel strongly linked. When we don’t, we miss it right away. As high divorce rates reveal, sustaining passionate relationships long-term takes a LOT of focus and energy; it doesn’t just happen. Many people wake up too late to this truth – like when their partner is walking out the door in frustration. If you want this relationship to prosper, you’ll both have to devote yourselves to keeping it vibrantly alive.

Though you may not be able to be together physically during the week, you can still be together mentally, emotionally and spiritually. After all, it’s only the physical body that is restricted by the laws of space and time – this is why psychics are able to peek into the future or tap into others’ energies even when they’re a world apart.

To remain metaphysically connected, you should communicate often. You might text each other throughout the day or send daily emails to each other. If you don’t know what to say, agree on a couple of things you’ll both cover, such as what stands out to you as you look back on your day, or what you’re most missing or appreciating about your partner at that time. The more you open up emotionally when communicating, the more you’ll feed your psychic bond to each other.

It would also be wise to schedule a phone call once or twice a day, perhaps first thing in the morning and then again at night before you go to bed. The key with this is not to just chat like this is some daily chore but to truly connect via the phone.

When you hang up, you might agree that as you drift off to sleep, you’ll meditate upon each other and imagine connecting in love: hugging, kissing, whatever you want to do. This will send energy to each other and also facilitate you both connecting in your dreams/on the astral plane, which will really help you stay connected. You might ask for this to happen as you fall asleep at night by setting your intention or praying for help from your guides and angels in meeting up with your partner during the night.

Surround yourselves with each others’ essence. For example, while he’s away, you could sleep in a shirt he has worn. The more it smells like him, the better. My husband wears Brut deodorant, which I love, and his shirts always smell like this. When he used to spend nights working at the fire station, I would often sleep in his shirt and breathe in his smell to feel close to him. Obviously, you want your husband to have something of yours that smells of your own essence too. (If he doesn’t want to wear it, he can just snuggle up with it, of course!)

You could also buy each other necklaces to affirm your mutual commitment to staying close. Wedding bands serve a similar function, but it will be especially powerful if you devote these articles of jewelry to creating and maintaining an extraordinary level of connection. Charge them by holding them in your joined hands. (Place his in your hands, and yours in his, and then place your hands so they’re touching.) Talk together about how you are going to keep this relationship full of passion and intimacy, and vow to each other to devote yourselves to this purpose. Then put the necklaces on each other. Every time you look at the necklaces in the mirror, touch them or think about them, remember your vow and send some loving energy to your partner.

Finally, make plans for what you’ll do together when he gets home on the weekend, and look forward to that time with a wonderful sense of anticipation. Talk about it all week long, think about it and smile, and remember: absence can make the heart grow fonder. With the right frame of mind, I think his new schedule could lead to some really passionate weekends!

– Soul Arcanum

Signs of Chakra Imbalance

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Could you tell me the difference between balancing chakras and unblocking chakras, and aligning and cleansing chakras? Also, is there a simple way to determine if we’re in or out of balance? In Love and Light!
– Pam

Dear Pam:

When I refer to a block in a chakra, I mean that something is getting in the way of the free flow of energy through that vortex. It’s sort of like having an artery that is clogged with plaque, only instead of a physical block, this is a metaphysical block that is composed of stagnant emotional energy.

When I speak of cleansing a chakra, it’s sort of like angioplasty: we clear away whatever debris is preventing free flow through that channel. This can be done through various types of therapy or energy healing, but it’s usually more effective if whatever issues created the block to begin with are brought into one’s conscious awareness so they can be consciously processed, healed and released. This can be achieved via psychic reading work, though hypnotherapy may be more powerful and effective, for in my experience, what we realize ourselves affects us far more deeply than anything anyone else could tell us.

When I talk about balancing the chakras, I’m not talking about a one-time cure. Like cultivating physical health and well-being, this is a lifelong process. Just as the state of our physical health largely depends on our habits, so does the state of our chakra balance. For example, if we tend to be far more physical than spiritual, our root chakra will be much more developed than our crown chakra. For a sense of health and well-being, we want to be a well-balanced, well-developed person on every level.

People tend to develop from the lower chakras up, which makes sense if you think about it. We begin as primarily physical creatures and become more and more sophisticated in our approach to life. However, it’s easy to neglect whatever we’re not really into at the moment. Thus we often see highly “spiritual” people who are in terrible shape physically because they neglect their bodies.

Since an imbalance in the chakras is caused by emotional imbalance, you don’t have to be psychic to evaluate the state of your chakras or anyone else’s. Below is a quick guide to some of the symptoms of chakra problems. Please note that when I refer to the overdevelopment or underdevelopment of a chakra, I mean in relationship to the rest of one’s being.

Root Chakra: (red) governs all matters physical Symptoms of overdevelopment: greed, recklessness, hyperactivity, carelessness, diarrhea, wasting away Symptoms of underdevelopment: poverty, low energy, listlessness, clumsiness, constipation, obesity, chronic fatigue Someone with good balance will be healthy, fit, grounded, prosperous, centered and strong.

Sexual Chakra: (orange) governs creativity and procreation Symptoms of overdevelopment: sexual addiction or promiscuity; romantic, sexual or creative obsessions; fetishism; STD’s Symptoms of underdevelopment: Puritanism, frigidity/impotence, creative blocks, sexual repression, infertility Someone with good balance will be sexually well-adjusted, have a strong libido, know how to set healthy boundaries in relationships, and be able to use their creativity constructively.

Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow) governs will Symptoms of overdevelopment: high stress, aggression, willfulness, control issues, inability to relax, arrogance, ulcers Symptoms of underdevelopment: indifference, passivity, complacency, victim mentality, disempowerment, indigestion Someone with good balance will be productive, cooperative, flexible, focused, empowered, successful and well-adjusted.

Heart Chakra (green) governs emotions Symptoms of overdevelopment: too trusting, smothering, effusive, codependent/enabling, too nice, too giving, heart problems Symptoms of underdevelopment: distrusting, cold, aloof, reserved, uncompassionate, heartless, self-centered, selfish, weak immune system Someone with good balance will be loving, warm, affectionate, accepting, tolerant and equally loving of self and others.

Throat Chakra (blue) governs self-expression Symptoms of overdevelopment: talking or saying too much, not listening well, being argumentative, acting like a know-it-all, being critical, sore throats, overactive thyroid Symptoms of underdevelopment: trouble expressing yourself, inability to speak up, lack of confidence in your opinions, shyness, under-active thyroid, asthma Someone with good balance will be expressive, eloquent, a great communicator and a good listener.

Third Eye (indigo) governs intellect Symptoms of overdevelopment: racing thoughts, hung up on logic, too abstract in thinking, living in your head, endlessly planning but not doing, hallucinations, headaches/migraines Symptoms of underdevelopment: unconscious, illogical, unable to think abstractly, acting without thinking, forgetfulness, inability to remember dreams, vision/eye problems Someone with good balance will be intelligent, clear-headed, alert, thoughtful, have a good memory, have good eyesight and be generally insightful.

Crown Chakra (violet) governs spiritual life Symptoms of overdevelopment: out of touch with reality, ungrounded, unable to manifest material needs, feeling like you don’t belong here on Earth, Messiah complex, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s Symptoms of underdevelopment: lack of spiritual awareness, lack of a sense of higher values or higher purpose, lack of spiritual beliefs, depression, fear and cynicism Someone with good balance will know how to live in the world but not of it, have a fulfilling spiritual life, be able to enjoy physical pleasures without getting addicted, love life but not dread death, have a deep sense of connection to the Divine, and regularly tune in to determine the right course of action.

If you discover you have too much energy flowing through some chakras as opposed to others, it’s best to simply focus on developing the higher qualities of the underdeveloped chakras, for this will both counteract that imbalance and lead you to channel your energy in the overdeveloped areas in wiser ways.

For example, if Bill is far more spiritual than he is physical, he probably often feels spacey and out of touch with reality. Thought he may like it that way, he probably also has health problems, is out of shape, and has trouble manifesting money and other practical needs. To create better balance, he doesn’t have to become “less spiritual, ” he just needs to spend more time taking care of his body and putting his house and his finances in order. If he dives into this, soon he may begin to feel like all he does is take care of physical concerns, which would be a sign that he’s swung too far in this new direction and needs to reevaluate his personal balance.

We must remember that we are part of nature, so as we flow from one season of life to the next, we must ever adjust our sense of balance in order to maintain our well-being.

– Soul Arcanum

If you’d like to balance all your chakras, you might like the Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation at Soul Arcanum.