Tag Archive: psychic development

Shaktipat: Can Psychic Ability Be Transferred from One Person to Another?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved.

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I recently saw an advertisement from a woman who says she can “transfer” her psychic abilities to others. This is supposedly done in three day-long sessions, and the total cost is several thousand dollars. She claims that this is worth it because one can skip many years of psychic development. Is this possible? What do you think of this idea? Also, is it possible that just being in the presence of a “guru” can cause spiritual enlightenment?
– Jan

Dear Jan:

It is never wise to try to cut spiritual corners in order to access various spiritual “powers.” Psychic abilities unfold as a natural consequence of spiritual development; if we simply focus on spiritual growth, psychic and other spiritual abilities will develop of their own accord. It is foolish to put the powers first and the awakening second. I would thus be very suspicious of a spiritual teacher who was promoting instant psychic ability or suggesting that it’s possible to “sell” enlightenment!

There are good reasons that spiritual practices like meditation and yoga have been prescribed for millennia. When we devote ourselves to lifelong spiritual development via regular spiritual practice, we enjoy a smooth journey where one state of being naturally flows into the next.

Big problems may occur when this natural order isn’t followed. For example, sometimes people have “kundalini experiences” when kundalini (life force energy) is awakened suddenly or “accidentally.” This may happen as a result of a fall or blow to the tail bone, a near death experience, or the use of psychedelic drugs. When awakening occurs like this, one may go through quite an uncomfortable period or experience what some call a “spiritual emergency.”

To me it seems only prudent to listen to the teachings of spiritual masters, and to devote oneself to the work involved in achieving our aims. Trying to become psychic in a weekend is like putting on a black belt after a few days of karate training, or someone with an honorary degree trying to practice law or medicine. You might look the part, but would you really want to be put to the test? You can imagine all the problems that might erupt from such an approach.

Now, all of these matters aside, is it possible for a teacher to transfer spiritual powers to a student? Supposedly, this is one of the greatest blessings of having a “guru.” This gift of spiritual awakening is most commonly called shaktipat. It’s sort of an initiation wherein a master awakens a student into higher levels of consciousness.

Sadly, the sort of guru who can bestow shaktipat is probably very rare, but even if your spiritual teacher can’t enlighten you instantly with a touch or a look, you may still gain great blessings from such a relationship.

For obvious reasons, it is very helpful to have someone who has been where you want to go show you around. Great spiritual teachers can save you tons of time by teaching you what they have mastered themselves. They can help you remain motivated and hold you accountable to your own personal goals. They can help you over stumbling blocks, provide specific answers and personal guidance, and lend you support and understanding when no one else in your life has a clue what you’re going through. The further “out there” we get, the more refreshing and reassuring it is to find someone who truly understands our strange spiritual experiences because they have been through that twilight zone themselves.

Further, just being in the presence of some people can instantly alter our own vibration. I’ve been in lectures and classes with some great spiritual teachers, and felt everyone present move into synch with that teacher’s energy. It is said that one who is connected to the stream of pure positive energy is more powerful than thousands who are not, and this can be directly experienced in such situations.

Ram Dass and Deepak Chopra are two such teachers who come to mind. Deepak’s aura was the biggest I’ve ever seen; it extended beyond the walls of the huge auditorium he spoke in. This was very surprising to me, as I had some prejudices about him beforehand that I realized were totally unwarranted. Similarly, when I went to a lecture by Ram Dass many years ago, I was in an altered state of consciousness the entire time. I have no recollection of anything he said, in fact, but I was blissed out for days following this experience.

When in the presence of such a person, we may feel like we’ve been hypnotized, but I believe this is not a matter of brainwashing – we’re just “under the influence” of this master’s energy. It only makes sense that the more time we spend with such a person, the more our own vibration will entrain to theirs.

It is thus wise to spend time with people you admire, people who embody qualities you are trying to develop or who have already learned the knowledge and skills you wish to make your own. At the same time, however, it is NOT wise to deify human beings or to see them as somehow superior to us. This is disempowering to ourselves, and it’s a pretty heavy trip to lay on the teacher. Remember: we can not see in another anything we do not possess ourselves, so we might say that a “guru” is simply embodying some part of ourselves that we are in the process of discovering and developing.

So if you find yourself in the presence of some great spiritual teacher, know that it is because you are in harmony with their energy and with moving in this direction yourself. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. In time, you may outgrow this teacher and move on to a new one – someone who can guide you further along your path. This doesn’t mean each one of our teachers will be somehow better than the last, however – just that whatever we need at the time is what we will attract.

Even when people find themselves caught up with ‘false gurus’ to whom they have given away their personal power, it seems to me that they’ve attracted just what they needed. What a powerful lesson! Through this experience, they are learning not to deify human beings, but rather, to value their own inner truth and wisdom above all.

In summary, if you’re longing for a guru, make sure you’re not trying to skip over some of the work you see before you. When we try to take spiritual “short-cuts,” we often end up lost and far off course. Also, make sure you’re not looking for something outside of yourself that can only be found within. The ultimate guru (teacher) is within you, and can be accessed at any time by honoring your own inner knowing as your ultimate connection to divine wisdom. If you’re satisfied that neither of these is the case, then longing for a guru may in fact be a sign that you are being led to a new teacher.

If and when you do find a wonderful spiritual teacher, question everything and be very careful not to worship this individual. Remember that your “guru” is no more divine than you are, and is not infallible. Do not expect your teacher to be a living saint, either; just because someone knows more than we do about something, that doesn’t make them perfect. Gratefully accept from spiritual teachers the lessons, knowledge and experiences that resonate with you as true and useful, and leave the rest behind.

Remember too that this is not a one-way relationship, and even spiritual teachers must earn a living. Offer your teacher the same courtesy, kindness and understanding you would to anyone else, and make sure you are giving back in equal measure to what you receive, whether you do that by paying for your lessons, volunteering your time and energy, or expressing your heartfelt gratitude.

– Soul Arcanum

The Accidental Medium

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have sensed spirits and other energies around me for a long time now. I see spirits most often, and I try my best to be brave about it. This has been going on my whole life. I talk to as many people as I can about all of this, and rarely find anyone who has similar experiences. Sometimes I ask myself if I’m going insane, but more often I find myself wondering what it is I should do with this gift. I do feel a sense of emptiness like I’m not fulfilling something that I should be doing. I also have dreams that predict the future. My four-year-old son is having experiences of his own; he is talking about shadows and people around him that aren’t there, and telling me about them in great detail. I want to know why I have these abilities while people around me do not, and what I should be doing with this so I can better educate myself and help my son.



Dear Matt:

In order to answer you, I’m going to divide mediums into two different categories: those who are born with the ability to perceive spirits, and those who develop that ability through focused effort. For obvious reasons, those who are born with the ability tend to have a harder time with their psychic experiences than those who actively pursue psychic development.

The experiences of most natural mediums tend to follow certain patterns. Their ability to perceive spirits is usually present from birth, so when they learn to talk, they begin to speak of people that the rest of the family can’t see or hear. Sometimes this is frightening to the child and he will cry and tell his parents about a man or woman or monster who is frightening him. Sometimes, his experiences are wholly positive, and the parents will simply notice that he seems to have an imaginary friend with whom he chatters away. Usually, there is a mixed bag of both positive and negative experiences: they may start out positive, but if the child senses his parents are uncomfortable or frightened by the whole subject, he also gets uneasy or frightened, which opens him up to experiences of a more negative nature.

At that point, the child may start to reject interaction with spirits and seek a way to shut down his abilities. If this is accomplished, there will be a lull in psychic activity until adolescence, when it may flare up again. (Adolescence entails a surge of life force energy coupled with a tendency to deeply question and/or reject what we’ve been told, which naturally tends to produce spiritual experiences.) Unfortunately, because adolescence tends to be a time of great emotional turmoil, those psychic experiences tend to be frightening or negative in nature, which leads the medium to again try to shut them down. There are many, many natural mediums in the world who no longer perceive spirits because they found a way to shut down their abilities in the past. Psychic abilities that have been shut down can remain dormant indefinitely until something happens to trigger them again.

Of course, like you, there are some natural mediums who never tried or managed to psychically shut down, and they often feel just as you do: They wonder if they are crazy or losing their minds, and they have no idea why these things are happening or what they are supposed to do about them.

This course of experience is very different from that of a person who purposefully strives to develop their spirit communication abilities. These folks experience none of the inner conflict of the natural medium, for they very much want to be able to connect with spirits. They are almost always initially motivated by the personal loss of a loved one with whom they very much want to connect. Experiencing the pain and grief of losing a loved one also fills them with great compassion for the grieving and the desire to help others who are struggling with loss. Instead of spontaneously experiencing more spirit contact than they are comfortable with, these seekers must struggle and strive to experience any at all.

I imagine that natural mediums were all seekers like this in a past life; that they had a tremendous desire to connect with the spirit world and worked hard on developing that ability, and this is why they came into this life with that ability already in place. Frequently, natural mediums whose abilities have long been dormant become active spiritual seekers when something happens to trigger that desire; indeed, most gifted mediums have a good amount of natural ability that they have spent a lot of time and energy refining over the years.

It is also clear that genetics play a role, as you can see in the fact that both you and your son are natural mediums. Psychic ability seems to run in families, much like musical ability, athletic ability, and other talents. When this is the case, the question isn’t so much what you are supposed to do with your ability, but what do you want to do with it? There are many people in the world who have a lot of athletic ability who never had the drive or desire to become professional athletes, and that is perfectly okay. Just because we developed an ability in a past life or were born with the genes to excel in a certain endeavor doesn’t mean that we have to go in that direction now.

Desire and motivation are key here. To be a great medium, you have to have more than an ability to perceive and communicate with beings in other dimensions; you also need to have compassion for the grieving, a strong desire to help, and the willingness to live a life of service. So instead of asking yourself, “What am I supposed to be doing with this ability?” I encourage you to ask “What do I WANT to do with it?”

I think the key to all of this for you is your feeling of emptiness: that feeling that you are not fulfilling something that you “should” be doing. I am so glad you included that detail, for it is a huge clue that your inner guidance is trying to tell you something about all of this.

It could be that you are simply meant to learn more about how to control your abilities so you can help your son; perhaps he is the one who is going to apply his natural mediumship abilities to a life of helping others. Maybe, however, you are meant to move in this direction yourself and begin to put your natural psychic talents to good use by working with the grieving. If that feels right to you, then there are all sorts of ways to refine your abilities. The most time-honored methods and traditions can be found in the Spiritualist church, but as all paths are unique, it is really important to pray and ask to be guided to the best path for you.

I was once in your shoes: I was experiencing spontaneous spirit communication and didn’t know why or what to do about it. When I made clear, conscious decision to use my mediumship to help others, all I needed in order to do that began to show up in my life in wonderful ways. I recommend that you pray for guidance and dialogue with Spirit, and listen to that feeling/voice within you that has been pulling at you. This is your inner guidance system; it is how the divine will answer the questions burning in your mind and heart and lead you to whatever you personally need to know or do next.

Controlling Spirit Communication

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have spontaneously brought through amazing messages from someone else’s loved one in Spirit a few times. Since then, I have tried to do this for others, but it is rare that I can bring through a particular spirit on request. Sometimes, the spirit that comes through seems random; other times I feel like I have a spirit that is connected with the person but they don’t recognize the spirit based on what I bring through. This leads me to doubt my spirit communication abilities and to feel bad because I know I am disappointing someone who needs to hear from someone they have lost. Do you have any advice for me?


Dear Martha:

I wish I had easy answers for you, but what you describe is actually similar to my own experiences as a medium. My first spirit communication experiences were also spontaneous. I would be talking with someone when I would become aware of a presence around them that was trying to talk to me in my mind. When I got up the nerve to relay what I was being told, I was amazed at the profound healing that unfolded. From this I developed a strong desire to help the grieving in this way, and eventually, I was guided to The School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy in Lily Dale, New York, where I learned how to refine my spirit communication abilities.

While I received wonderful training there, I still can’t guarantee that I will be able to connect with a particular spirit, and I have never met any medium who can. Famous mediums on TV may look like they can, but it’s simply because we are only being shown their greatest successes. Of course, I could be wrong about this; if you are a medium who can connect with any spirit at any time, please email me and set me straight – I want to meet you!

There are all sorts of factors that affect spirit communication. I have noticed that my own abilities seem to wax and wane. While I haven’t been able to determine why this would be, one element is clearly the level of my own desire. When I’m focused on spirit communication and full of compassion for the grieving, amazing spirit communication tends to happen; when I am caught up in other interests and endeavors, it naturally tends to fall back.

I also feel that we can evolve beyond the vibration essential to spirit communication. There is a natural progression in psychic development from frightening experiences to spirit communication to awareness of higher beings like spirit guides and angels. If we become accustomed to reaching as high as we can vibrationally, we may have to step down our vibration a few notches to connect with human beings who have passed. This is like working with a highly sensitive radio tuner; it’s simpler to turn it all the way to the right than to find a specific frequency in the middle.

Because I can’t guarantee that I will be able to bring through the individual being sought, I will try for evidential information and if I don’t get it, encourage the person to try another medium or try again at a later date. (I never charge anything for tuning in to see if I can get someone on the line.)

Communication is a two-way street. Often when spirits first cross over, they don’t know any more about how to communicate with us here than the average person knows about how to communicate with the dearly departed. Someone who thought spirit communication was a bunch of hogwash when alive may not instantly change his mind upon crossing over. When my best friend from high school died, I found it impossible to contact her at first. When I asked Spirit about this, I was reminded that my friend didn’t believe in an afterlife, and made to understand that she was experiencing what she expected to experience when she died: a state of nothingness. In time, she would begin to wonder who was experiencing that nothingness and open up to new awareness. Some months after she died, I began to get dream visits from her.

Sometimes there are simply communication problems either because the spirit isn’t great at communicating in general or because the styles of communication between the medium and the spirit are too different. To compound the problem, you can try to connect with a particular spirit only to have another individual burst in. Last week when I was tuning in for a woman who had lost her partner, I was shown lots of images of cooking. I was then shown a man in full military uniform in an old photograph. I knew this was a male spirit and that I was being shown him as he looked when he was younger. I relayed all of this to my potential client, and none of it clicked with her. The NEXT day I received an email from a woman wanting to connect with her departed father, with a link to his obituary. He was a celebrated chef and had been in the military. The obituary featured a picture of him when he was a young man; his was the face in the photograph I had been shown the day before. So when I tuned in for the first woman, a spirit came through for someone I hadn’t had any contact with yet! This has happened a number of times over the years. This spirit was so eager to come through that he “cut in line” and popped through when a different spirit was being sought.

You wrote that sometimes you feel you have the right spirit on the line, but the person isn’t recognizing what you’re bringing through. This has happened to me a number of times. For example, I was reading for a woman who was devastated by the loss of her husband. He kept showing me a framed picture with birds in it in their living room. When I relayed this to her, she said there was no such picture in her home, and she had no idea what it meant. Based on other verifiable information, we proceeded with the reading. I read for her perhaps a dozen times over several years, and each time, he showed me this picture of birds. I eventually stopped including that information because it didn’t mean anything to her.

A few years after he had died, she wrote to me for another reading. She needed to know what to do with her departed husband’s beloved birds, which were in a cage in their living room. She had been caring for them ever since his death. She sometimes felt that he was trying to talk to her through the birds. On the whole, however, the noise they made drove her crazy, so she wanted to know from him what he wanted her to do with them: keep them or give them to someone else. I was dumbfounded! Somehow she did not connect the “picture of birds in the living room” with the ACTUAL birds in the living room! All that time, he had been trying to answer the question in her heart. My point is that sometimes, you DO have the right spirit on the line, but for some reason, the person receiving the message just can’t put it all together.

Not being able to connect with a spirit does not mean that they are lost or confused on the other side or that you are incapable of spirit communication in general, for there are many factors that influence our ability to connect with certain spirits. Further, we need to remember that spirit communication is more of a miracle than a given. While I would love to be able to connect with any spirit at any time, I have learned to be grateful for those experiences that do shine through with amazing evidential information.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic Interference

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been working on psychic development for more than ten years and been doing some psychic reading work for the past three years or so. Most of the time, everything goes great; now and then, however, I feel psychically blocked. I’m wondering if you’ve ever experienced psychic interference like this and how I can work through it.


Dear Sandy:

I think all psychics experience this sometimes; I know I certainly do. If psychic work was painting, I think it would be more like creating a masterpiece than covering walls with a certain color. Like other artistic talents, psychic abilities can be unpredictable and temperamental. After many years of involvement in psychic realms, tuning in can begin to seem pretty mundane, but we must remember that we’re trying to achieve things most of the world would deem to be magical if not downright miraculous.

There is a difference between being temporarily blocked and going through a period during which you just can’t connect the way you used to. Occasional blocks are common and usually short-lived; they typically last for just a few hours or a single day. There are all sorts of reasons temporary blocks come up, and many easy ways to work through them.

For example, I know many psychics who report that they find it hard to connect when the weather is gray. Cloudy days tend to bring our mood down, which makes it harder to achieve a high vibration. Since gray days tend to bring down the mood and energy of everyone around us, psychically sensitive individuals can find it especially difficult to achieve a high vibration at these times. Of course, the more masterful we become at controlling our own vibration, the less outside factors will influence us and our abilities.

Similarly, being tired, physically unwell, or emotionally upset can really mess with our psychic abilities. Again, it takes a lot of focus and energy to achieve the high vibration of psychic clarity, so if we’re low on energy, we’re in for a struggle. Negative emotions also bring our vibration down, so unless we know how to put our own feelings aside, any personal upsets can prevent us from psychically tuning in.

Doubt and fear are formidable barriers to clear-seeing, especially fear of failure or being wrong in our psychic impressions. Even psychics who have many years of success behind them sometimes get anxious. If you are reading for someone and you are worried about impressing them or otherwise attached to the result, you will grow anxious, sink into ego, and find it impossible to connect. Similarly, if you’re reading on a subject that seems daunting, you can block yourself with anxiety. This is why general spiritual development is such an essential foundation for psychic ability: The more we embody peace and faith, the less likely we are to be mired down in doubts, fears, and other ego-driven feelings.

It is important to wait until we have a “green light” feeling before pushing forward with psychic work. While I trust that anyone who comes to me comes for a good reason, there are times when I feel I have to do a lot of work in advance in order to align a positive level of experience. There are all sorts of reasons this may happen. One common one is when people come to me with an agenda regarding what they want to hear and are not really open to hearing anything but that. Along the same lines, I often have clients refer their partners, family members and close friends to me. When they all start asking about each other, things get pretty tricky. The same is true when someone wants me to bring through information about a third party. Everyone who strives to fulfill higher spiritual values first and foremost will be prevented from accessing psychic information if doing so would not be for the good of all involved. In this case, being blocked is a good thing, for it keeps us from stumbling forward without thinking things through.

Most psychics will also go through longer periods when their psychic abilities just don’t seem to be working so well. Usually, they have simply fallen into some bad habits or fallen out of the good habits that led them to reliable psychic ability in the first place. For example, I’ve known psychics who engaged in all sorts of spiritual practices in order to awaken their abilities, but then over time, become a bit complacent. Maintaining a lifestyle conducive to regular psychic work can be difficult in the modern world. When our good spiritual habits fell away, our abilities may follow suit.

Since psychic work is a highly specialized art form, it’s not something that can be rushed or thrown together; it must be carefully prepared for and aligned. Just as athletes warm up, stretch, and do all sorts of other things to be able to perform well, psychics have to engage in certain processes in order to be able to do what they do. Fortunately, just like training the body, we have only to return to the spiritual practices that work for us to quickly get psychically “back in shape.”

While every psychic is different, when I feel my ability starting to slip, I know to pull back from worldly endeavors and engage in more yoga and meditation. It also helps to read spiritual books and study esoteric teachings. While yoga and meditation are time-honored traditions, it’s important for you to find what works for you.

I’ve known many a psychic who felt blocked from using their abilities and could not figure out why until they realized that they were ignoring their own intuition for some reason. In essence, they had turned the volume all the way down on their intuition because they didn’t want to hear what it was trying to tell them. If your intuition has been telling you that you need to get out of your marriage, quit your job, or make some other big change in your life that you are afraid to make, you may have blocked it from speaking to you without realizing it.

Finally, it often happens that longer periods of psychic interference precede new spiritual breakthroughs. We all get in ruts sometimes, and if we aren’t paying keen attention and responding to Spirit’s guidance, we can be blocked from what we’ve been doing in order to wake up and try something else so that we can start moving forward again. When what we used to do stops working for us, we become motivated to explore new options and possibilities. It thus often happens that psychic lulls are followed by periods of high activity in which we are able to use our psychic abilities in new or more powerful ways.

When we find ourselves blocked from doing something psychic in particular, it’s always wise to step back and reach for a connection with our spirit guides. Our guides are always there for us, so if we have trouble connecting with them, we should look for both the problem and its remedy within. The first thing I would do is engage in some yoga and deep meditation while reaching for a high vibration in order to reconnect to Spirit. Once our connection to our guides is back in place, we can simply ask Spirit to help us figure out what’s happening with our abilities and what we need to know in order to get past troublesome blocks.

Soul Arcanum

Psychic for a Little While

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

When I was in college and for a little while after, I had some amazing psychic experiences. I would know who was calling on the phone before I answered it and I had lots of intuitions about things that proved true. Amazing synchronicities also occurred. It was a magical time, but at some point, all of that ended. At the time, I had a roommate who was very spiritual. He was the one who first exposed me to ideas like reincarnation and astral projection. He also meditated and led a psychic development circle. I got very interested in spiritual matters when we moved in together. I began to read some of his books and we had many deep conversations on spiritual subjects. That’s when I started having strange experiences myself. I’m wondering if it’s possible to be psychic for just a brief time in your life, and why that would be.


Dear Sam:

Everyone is always psychic to some degree. I think exploring the general conditions under which psychic abilities tend to flourish may illuminate what happened here.

Generally speaking, the higher our spiritual vibration, the more likely we are to have conscious spiritual/psychic experiences. The place we live and the people we live with can have strong effects on our vibration, especially if we aren’t adept at “setting our own tone.”

I’m betting the main reason you experienced this surge in psychic activity was because you were living with this roommate. It’s said that one who is connected to the stream of pure, positive energy is more powerful than thousands who are not. Such a person will naturally cause the people around him to entrain to his vibration. These are the ideal individuals to serve as spiritual teachers and healers, for they are both psychically sensitive and able to remain personally unaffected by the subtle energies around them.

We say that people like your old roommate are “charismatic” or have “magnetic personalities.” They are usually confident but in a quiet, peaceful way. I think it’s interesting that “charismatic” also means spiritually and psychically gifted. As your roommate’s vibration prevailed in your household, he drew you up to his vibration where you got to glimpse bits and pieces of his reality. That you were living with him would have an especially strong effect on you given how much time you must have spent soaking up all those good vibrations. Sleeping there would also be powerful because we are more open when we’re asleep than when we’re awake and our rational minds are blocking and parrying every new idea that comes our way.

Of course, living with this friend also opened you up to all sorts of new ideas. You mentioned that you had never been exposed to many of these notions before, which was probably a good thing, for you’d never been taught to reject or dismiss them. In wondering at these new possibilities, you flowed positive energy and attention toward them and thus began to manifest related experiences in your life. When we focus on something, it’s like fertilizing a plant: the energy of our attention makes it grow in our lives. As you were thinking and talking about these ideas with a feeling of interest or excitement, they naturally began to bloom for you.

Since our vibration largely determines what we experience, certain periods of our lives tend to be different in many ways from others. For many people, the years after they leave home but before they fully move into adult responsibilities are especially exciting, free and happy. Most young adults are also very open-minded and actively engaged in pursuing new ideas in order to determine who they are and want to be. This is especially true of university students who are constantly rearranging their minds to accommodate new ideas. If this describes you at that time, it would mean your vibration was high and your auric boundaries were thin or flexible, which are ideal conditions for psychic experiences.

Perhaps after this period in your life, you decided it was time for you to “grow up” by getting a real job and becoming more responsible. Adhering to mainstream social norms tends to repress psychic ability because in the West, everything psychic is dismissed or denigrated. Psychic awareness is highly dependent on a self-referential frame of mind; you have to trust your own values and impressions over outside opinions to clearly hear the voice of your intuition. This is why people tend to become less and less psychic the more time they spend being socialized here on Earth – in other words, the older they get! Only individuals who refuse to “grow up” or conform are able to keep living in magical realities.

Given all of the above, it makes sense that your psychic abilities would suddenly emerge when living with this roommate and recede when you parted ways and shifted toward a new set of goals and values. This doesn’t mean your psychic abilities are gone for good! If you had them once, they’re still there. To encourage a psychic reawakening, you just need to recreate the ideal conditions for your abilities to grow.

You might start by giving this whole subject your attention on a regular basis again. Spend time with people who are psychic and/or spiritual. Attend classes, workshops, and psychic development circles. Start reading books on these subjects. As you do this, try to emulate the open-minded curiosity of your younger self.

Regular spiritual practice could quickly spark big breakthroughs; this may be especially powerful since it sounds like you weren’t engaged in any spiritual practice when you started having psychic experiences before. Daily meditation and/or attempts at astral projection are two powerful stimulants of psychic development.

As with any aim, it’s always wise to study and work with the law of attraction. Many people who use the law of attraction to create the opportunities, resources and other blessings they desire never think to use it for spiritual or psychic endeavors.

If you develop a conscious relationship with Spirit, you can regularly ask for signs, synchronicities, messages and amazing psychic experiences. This is one of the most rewarding, fascinating things I’ve ever done. The more we consciously work with Spirit, the more interesting things tend to happen, provided our minds are open enough to allow new experiences into our personal reality.

Finally, assume that you can have what you want and expect it to happen. It may help to know that the experiences you describe are pretty common. For example, in a 2001 study published in the Journal of Psychology, 78% of respondents reported telephoning someone only to have that person say that they had just been thinking about calling them. Another 47% reported the phenomenon of knowing who was calling before picking up the phone. I hear from people every day who are having amazing psychic experiences. If they can have them, you can too!

– Soul Arcanum

Do I Have to be Psychic to Communicate with My Spirit Guides?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am wondering if it is possible for me to learn how to communicate with my spirit guide given the fact that I’m not psychic. Is it possible to do this if you don’t have any special psychic ability? I would love to see my guide and know his/her name, and perhaps even communicate with my guide regarding various questions I may have about my life. Thank you!


Dear Archie:

Communicating with a spirit guide is definitely a psychic activity, but just because you haven’t yet noticed any psychic gifts doesn’t mean you can’t develop this ability. In fact, I think you would be wise to begin your foray into psychic territory by working on building a strong, clear connection to your guides. It may also encourage you to know that your interest in meeting your guides suggests that you are being called in this direction.

Many people move into psychic exploration through neighborhoods that can be a bit tricky to navigate. They may be drawn down certain paths by their curiosity as well as the exciting neon lights advertising palm readers, crystals, ghostly encounters and the like. This can be lots of fun until they wander off the main drag and get roughed up by some astral bullies or ripped off by a so-called guru. By contrast, if you build a strong relationship with a guide before you go exploring, your guide will naturally tell you where you need to go in order to achieve your aims, and will direct you and protect you from undesirable experiences every step of the way.

Spirit guides are one of the greatest resources you can have both in terms of psychic work and life in general. When you have a strong, clear connection to a wise guide, you can simply ask whatever you need to ask and get an answer. In terms of general psychic development, this is invaluable because so much psychic input is vague or cryptic. When I am doing a reading for someone, I constantly check my interpretation of what I’m shown by asking my guides for validation and clarification.

Since having a good relationship with your spirit guides is so helpful, you may be wondering why everyone doesn’t seek a guide before delving into psychic practices. I think most people don’t realize how important and helpful having a guide can be. Beyond this, developing clear, strong communication with a high level guide requires an extraordinarily high vibration. Anyone can pick up a Ouiji board and call in a random spirit to get the planchette moving or learn how to read tarot cards or runes. Spirit communication requires far more finesse and development. As spirit guides are from a dimension far more rarefied than the physical or the astral, communication with a high level spirit guide requires the ability to get into a very high spiritual vibration, which can take a lot of personal growth and development.

Since like attracts like in the Universe, to connect with a wise spirit guide, we have to be in harmony with the guide’s energy. If we don’t master our vibration before we pursue this sort of experience, we’ll either end up frustrated by failure or attract lower spirits who may pretend to be someone they are not. As I have written a great deal on how to achieve and maintain a high vibration in other columns, I won’t go into that here. You might see Raise Your Vibration for Spirit CommunicationAsking Spirit to Guide you in Psychic and Spiritual Development and Aligning with a High Level Spirit during Spirit Communication for starters.

Once you have achieved the ability to shift into a very high vibration at will, to telepathically communicate with your guide, shift into a high vibration and meditate for a few moments to quiet your mind. Affirm your intention of connecting with a wise, benevolent spirit guide. Then begin to ask questions telepathically. You can ask whatever you want to know. You might begin by asking Are you there? and listening for a response. You may mentally hear a voice answer you and assume you are imagining it or making it up. Don’t immediately dismiss it as an illusion; instead, suspend your disbelief during this “experiment” and see what happens.

Remember that you can always meet your guides in your dreams. You can probably even remember dreams in which this took place – you just didn’t realize that the invisible person you could sense beside you was your spirit guide, or the so-called stranger who gave you a cryptic message was your guide in disguise.

Begin to look for your spirit guides in your dreams, paying special attention to teachers, people who give you directions or answer questions, protectors, trusted companions and familiar “friends” you don’t know from waking life. Books, maps and written messages can hold messages from your guides. You can even program yourself to dream about your guides before you fall asleep. The beauty of this method is that you don’t have to figure out how to consciously achieve a high vibration, for we all meet with our guides in dreams; our vibration naturally skyrockets when we fall asleep, which is how we are able to travel through the dream world.

If you don’t get clear answers in your dreams or meditations, don’t give up. In my experience, the answers always come, but if we’re not in a high enough vibration to get them directly, they may come through the usual channels spirit guides use such as signs and synchronicities. If you’re paying attention, you will see the answer come to you via a random conversation, billboard, song on the radio, etc. You will know it by the way it grabs your attention and by the strange, special feeling that something is happening. The more you pay attention and notice such signs, the easier it will be for you to develop the ability to get them telepathically.

You might begin by asking for the best way for you personally to contact your guides. Meditate and listen for answers, and if you don’t get anything clear, start watching for signs and synchronicities. Someone may mention a class or you may feel drawn to reading a certain book. It’s important to trust your own inner knowing as well as your guides to lead you to the best way for you, especially in this primary matter of learning how to connect with them. Speaking of books, you’d be wise to read all you can about spiritual matters and especially books by and about spirit guides, such as those by Jane Roberts, Sanaya Roman, Neale Donald Walsch and Sonya Choquette. Of course, reading about the law of attraction and consciously working with it can help you manifest a great relationship with your spirit guides along with anything else you may desire.

Finally, know that your guides want to connect with you. They have been with you throughout your life, guiding you via your impulses and intuitions. Their job is much easier if you pay attention and cooperate, so of course they want to help you get to know them. For most of us, a sincere, conscious desire to know our spirit guides naturally results in success because our guides will find a way to lead us to whatever we need in order to move toward this goal, as is true of all the other heartfelt goals we set for ourselves.

– Soul Arcanum

Napping Your Way to Greater Psychic Awareness


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am sensitive and am aware of it. On two occasions I’ve seen a man but I’m unsure if he’s a spirit or a guide. Both times I was in the same location, and both times all he did was lean over and look at me. I was napping both times but in different rooms of the same house. I would open my eyes like someone called me and he would be there leaning over me, just looking at me. He doesn’t say anything and I don’t feel scared. The last time I asked him who he was but he didn’t answer me. Who is this man? Is he a guide of mine just checking in or perhaps a spirit stuck in my home? I’d like to know what he wants. If there’s something he needs help with, I’d like to try to help him. If he’s just checking on me, it would be nice to know who he is. I have a brother and other relatives who passed before I was born. I would not recognize them if I saw them so I don’t know if this could possibly be one of them. Any insight would be helpful, for I am at a loss.


Dear Marybeth:

What you describe doesn’t sound like a spirit guide; in fact, I have never experienced or heard of spirit guides appearing in the manner you describe. I’ve heard many stories of angels appearing to be as physically real as living people, and I’ve heard stories about ghosts and spirits appearing as solid apparitions or ethereal forms, but I’ve never heard of a spirit guide manifesting in outer reality like this.

The interactions I’ve had with spirit guides and those I’ve heard about others experiencing have taken place on a psychic/inner level. I’ve never seen a spirit guide with my physical eyes or heard one with my physical ears; instead, spirit guides appear like characters in our minds, much as we may imagine well-developed characters when we’re engrossed in reading a novel. We may have a vague sense of how they look, move and sound, but the entire experience is mental. Imagine that a beloved character from a novel stops whatever he or she is doing in the story, moves to the forefront of your mental screen, looks at you and begins to dialogue with you. That is sort of what it’s like to interact with a spirit guide.

While the spirit you describe certainly could be a typical friendly ghost, there are other possibilities to consider. I would rule out the possibility of a residual haunting because this entity seems to be cognizant of your presence and actively seeking you out to observe or interact with you, and because these events have occurred in different places. You are clearly dealing with a conscious being as opposed to a stain on the fabric of space/time.

It’s hard to say if this being is trying to interact with you or if you’ve simply gotten lucky in catching it when you have. It definitely makes sense that you had these experiences when you were napping. In fact, napping is a powerful way to explore altered states of consciousness.

When we sleep at night, we are usually so tired that we don’t linger in the alpha states of mind that allow us to consciously explore subtle realms and energies. Similarly, when we get up in the morning, most of us awake to an alarm and have to quickly move from a sleep state to full waking awareness. When we sleep in on the weekends or we nap, we can drift in and out of different states of consciousness and spend lots of time in that magical place between being fully awake and asleep. This is when interesting metaphysical experiences tend to occur such as spontaneous out of body experiences and interactions with metaphysical beings like the one you describe.

It could be that this spiritual being is often present and observing you and perhaps trying to interact with you but you aren’t usually aware of it because your consciousness is so centered in physical reality. However, it could also be that this being is aware of when you are in an altered state of consciousness and is purposefully seeking you out at those times. Since you feel like someone is calling your name just before you awake, it certainly sounds like he is seeking you out and trying to communicate with you.

Some of the more unusual and intriguing possibilities regarding this being’s identity include the notion that this is a traveler from another dimension of space/time as opposed to the spirit of someone who died and somehow got stuck between planes, which is how we typically view ghosts. For example, this could be someone from the so-called past or future who is in or near your home and in an altered state of some kind. Imagine that someone who lived near there before you or will live there in the future is <q>dreaming</q> about seeing you napping. It could also be someone who is exploring the astral who came upon you or was drawn toward you because you were sending out a signal that you were in a state of mind conducive to conscious interaction. This could be someone from nearby (such as a neighbor) or someone from a distance. It could also be someone from another time who is traveling out of body. The possibilities are endless!

I have even heard stories of people being visited in a very similar way to what you describe by themselves – by their own selves from other lives or other times in this life. Sometimes people are visited by their future selves with some sort of message or warning. In those cases, it usually happens that the future self has learned to travel inter-dimensionally and has purposefully gone back to help or guide their younger/other self.

Of course, as you suggested, this could also be a relative or loved one who died some time ago or even a loved one from another life/dimension – someone you’ve not known in this lifetime who is adept at inter-dimensional travel and is checking in on you.

So not every apparent “ghost” is in need of help. I think we’ve all been led to consider just a fraction of the possible explanations for experiences like those you describe. We tend to view all spirits as either trying to help us or in need of help, when in fact they may not have any pressing need or agenda. By imagining ourselves traveling out of our bodies, curiously exploring other realms, we can see how it’s easy to read too much into such encounters.

To learn more about this being, you have only to further develop your ability to enter the state of consciousness you were in when these encounters occurred. To facilitate this, try to recreate the same circumstances. Lie down at the same time and place and either take a nap or begin to take a nap. Ideally you don’t want to sleep; you want to hover somewhere between being awake and asleep.

As you do this, try to both relax your mind and body and at the same time focus on this spirit. If you open your heart with a feeling of love and good will, it will encourage you to have a positive experience no matter what happens, and it may call this spirit close. Flowing loving energy toward a particular being is sort of like ringing a bell or sending out a homing signal in the astral.

If you fail to encounter this spirit again, most likely these were just casual run-ins with an inter-dimensional explorer. Even if that spirit doesn’t show up again, you are sure to have other interesting paranormal experiences as you develop your ability to enter these special states of consciousness. By relaxing in this quiet state of mind you are performing a form of meditation, which will naturally lead to the development of all your psychic senses as well as countless other benefits.

– Soul Arcanum

Controlling Psychic Sensitivity

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: In a recent column, you advised the woman who wrote in to learn how to control her psychic sensitivity. Can you offer some specific tips or exercises on how to do so? I’m the caregiver for a disabled man who is deeply depressed, and some days I can set my own tone as you advised, but on other days, I end up feeling really down or out of sorts as soon as I cross the threshold into his house. I’ve thought about quitting this job but I figure it would be better to learn how to control my sensitivity.

Dear Kate:

I’m so glad you asked about this, for I never seem to have enough room in my column to go into as much detail as I’d like. Though most people aren’t conscious of it, this is a common issue for everyone except the most thick-skinned among us.

As anyone who nurtures others regularly will develop empathy, nurses, caregivers, counselors, etc., all tend to be empathic. This makes sense since trying to understand how other people feel exercises our empathy muscles. Further, people who are highly empathic tend to go into these fields because they feel others’ pain and want to help. (When you feel others’ feelings, it’s only natural to want others to feel great.)

I went through something like this not long ago with my teenage son. I was high on life and feeling wonderful in every way when he moved home from college because he was deeply depressed. At first I was fine, for even though I was channeling a lot of attention and energy to him, I had prepared myself and was remaining conscious of my own vibration. After he began to do better, however, I naturally relaxed.

Then one day I woke up and realized that I hadn’t felt like myself for a while. While I wasn’t depressed, I had become rather indifferent to things that usually mean a great deal to me. I pondered this for a while and could come up with no good reason why I should feel so blah when I am by nature an intense, passionate person. When I finally decided to meditate on it, I instantly realized that I wasn’t feeling like myself because I was feeling like my son!

I then remembered that I had actually asked to feel like him, though not in so many words. In order to better parent him, I kept trying to understand him. Even when he’s perfectly happy and healthy, he is by nature way more easygoing and laid back than I am, which makes it hard for me to relate to him sometimes.

When we try to understand others, we actively connect on an empathic level whether we realize it or not. I believe I do know how it feels to be my son now, for I’ve felt that way myself. As him, I don’t get worked up about anything. This means I don’t get upset or stressed but I also don’t get passionate or ambitious. Since I prefer to feel like me, I realized I had to take control of my own vibration.

We all connect empathically to others sometimes. I’m sure you’ve tried hard to understand how the man you care for feels and how difficult it must be to be in his shoes. While there are many things we can do to control our psychic sensitivity, when we lose ourselves in a relationship, usually just getting conscious of what is happening energetically will set us free. For example, as soon as I realized what was happening, I returned to feeling like myself again.

It helps to remember that the more time we spend with someone, the more likely we are to be influenced by their energy. Further, the closer we are to someone emotionally or the more we try to care for them or help them, the more likely we are to forge an empathic bond. We are therefore wise to pay attention and consciously cultivate our own vibration whenever we spend a lot of time with someone who is in any sort of distress, especially if we are trying to help them in some way.

Ideally, helpers have a higher, stronger vibration than those they help, but this isn’t a given. Further, trying to help someone who is deeply depressed can eventually weigh down even the sunniest caregiver. It’s sort of like trying to save someone who is drowning: the more hours you spend in the water with them, the harder it becomes to keep everyone afloat.

Usually the first sign that you’re losing control of your own vibration is the vague sense of not feeling like yourself. (When you don’t feel like yourself, odds are good that you are feeling like someone else.) Once you become aware that you feel different, you can usually pinpoint who you’re channeling and then take action to consciously deal with that bond in a healthier way.

Here are some things you might try:

First, consciously set your tone every morning. You can do this via meditation or some other spiritual practice like writing in a gratitude journal. The important thing is to get rooted in the positive vibration you desire.

Make your number one goal to feel good. You may or may not be able to help this man feel better, for there is only so much you can do. Remember that you feeling bad for him or others won’t help anyone, and make your first priority to stay in a high vibration yourself.

If you suddenly find your mood sinking for no apparent reason, break all empathic connections. You can do this whenever you are talking to someone or listening to something and you start to get upset. It’s especially effective when you are arguing with someone about something and they are trying to convince you to see things their way. All you have to do is set the strong intention of breaking your psychic connection with whomever or whatever is upsetting you, and then wave your hand/s vehemently in front of your torso. I usually go up and down between my heart chakra and my solar plexus chakra.

This can have a startlingly powerful effect. I’ve done it on the spot with someone who was arguing with me, and the sensation was almost physically tangible. If you fear you’ll freak someone out by doing this, you could excuse yourself (perhaps to go to the bathroom) and do it there. See all cords between you and others being snapped and wiped away. If you have no idea why a dark mood has suddenly come over you, this can still work. Just visualize that whatever or whomever is encroaching on your mood is being wiped away.

You can also shake off any unwanted energy like a dog would shake off water. Let your arms and hands and legs go crazy. It will feel really good! Blow your breath out forcefully, move however feels good to you, and imagine all those unwanted vibes flying off into the cosmos.

If someone tries to encroach on your energy after you do this, visualize yourself as a porcupine with quills of light. Send your energy outward through your spikes and then mosey contentedly on your way with confidence that you’re invulnerable.

After you break an empathic connection, consciously get centered in the vibration you desire again. See your own core essence within like a little light, and turn that light up and let it shine. See it growing from within you, glowing brighter, shining out through your skin, through your eyes, flowing out your hands. When we say that someone is glowing we mean that on some level, we perceive that they are radiating their own divine light like this. If your vibration is the strongest one in the vicinity, you will uplift the downtrodden instead of getting dragged down yourself, so let yourself shine!

– Soul Arcanum

Anti-Depressants and Psychic Ability

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was diagnosed with PTSD and Major Depression as well as Anxiety. I have read that taking medications will block your intuition and cloud your psychic ability. Since I don’t want that to happen, I no longer take any medications. I have also read that anxiety and depression are common in psychics and clairvoyants. Am I truly dampening my abilities if I take medication to treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety? I am blessed with special gifts that I want to further develop so I can continue to use them for the good of all, but sometimes I feel like if I don’t take medication to treat the symptoms of anxiety and depression, I’m not taking care of myself. If anxiety and depression are indeed common in psychics and clairvoyants, then what methods can I use to naturally treat them so as not to muddy my abilities? – Kim

Dear Kim:

I find it interesting that you’re focused on the relationship between medication and your psychic senses, and not the relationship between depression and your psychic abilities.

There is definitely a connection between depression and new spiritual growth or awakening. Major depression pushes us to ask some very deep questions about the meaning and purpose of life. Ultimately, emotional suffering forces us to reach for new spiritual understanding, which leads us to break down the ego in search of our true nature so we can connect with our spiritual source. The more we fear or resist this process, the harder this journey of personal transformation will seem.

Of course, simply asking these sorts of questions can unleash all sorts of repressed issues and energies on a soul level. Repressed anger, guilt and fear from this life and other lives may then cause depression until those energies are made conscious and healed.

Psychic development alone can cause depression for a number of reasons. For one thing, psychics are highly sensitive and can pick up other people’s feelings or tap into global psychic currents without realizing it. They may feel depressed when in fact they are just tuning in to someone else’s misery. Since they are psychically open, they may also be drained of energy by other people or astral entities.

Like depression, anxiety can also be picked up from other people or the atmosphere. Just being too psychically open can make us feel anxious, for our inner being will try to tell us that we are vulnerable to psychic influence by outside forces.

Given all of the above, further spiritual development is often the cure for depression. With wisdom and experience, psychics naturally gain more awareness of all that is affecting them on a subtle level. They also learn how to channel spiritual guidance and healing, how to control their own psychic boundaries, and how to set their own vibrational tone. When they learn about the law of attraction, they realize that they create their own realities, which frees them of the hopelessness and despair that drive depression. By accepting that we have created our own dis-comfort and dis-ease, we reclaim our personal power to create new well-being instead.

As I see it, there are two equally valid sides of this medication issue: on one hand, it would be great if you could trust that everything you experience has an ultimately positive aim so you can seek the deeper messages behind your depression and heal it on a causal level. If you can look at this as a process of spiritual rebirth and trust that though it may be uncomfortable, it is taking you somewhere positive, you won’t abort your spiritual journey or miss out on its blessings. (If medication makes you feel good, and that erases your motivation to reach for new understanding, you could cut short your own spiritual growth.)

On the other hand, anything you can do to raise your vibration (including taking medication) will empower you to create further positive change, and will facilitate psychic awareness of a higher order. If you tune in psychically from a position of depression, what you experience will tend to be very dark and heavy. If you can raise your vibration, you can connect with a higher level of spiritual experience, wisdom and healing.

Depression doesn’t always have deep spiritual meaning. Our modern lifestyle alone can cause anxiety and malaise; in fact, I believe that most depression could be cured by simply eating a high vibration diet of fresh natural foods and getting daily exercise, so this is definitely where I would start. Since it takes a lot of energy and willpower to break long-term patterns and create positive change, medication can help people through the challenging period when they’re in the process of developing healthy new habits.

The important thing is for YOU to decide what you really want and need. Given the severity of your suffering, I think healing the depression is more important than your psychic abilities right now. Besides, once you find a way to feel strong and empowered in yourself, you will be better able to successfully work with your psychic senses.

As for natural methods for healing depression, the possibilities are endless. Here are some things you might explore to raise your vibration, encourage psychic development and facilitate healing on every level of your being at the same time: regular meditation (both mindfulness and guided imagery); eating a light, healthy vegetarian diet; getting daily exercise; yoga (especially kundalini yoga, which opens the third eye); hypnotherapy and past life therapy; prayer; reading, studying and practicing psychic skills like strengthening your aura, raising energy, and mastering the control of your psychic boundaries; spending time in nature; clearing your world of physical clutter; cleansing your aura of astral influences, etc.

There are also online communities that can support you, and lots of information for you in books and on the internet. I recommend a book entitled The Stormy Search for Self by Christina and Stanislav Grof, M.D. In terms of websites, you might begin with the Spiritual Emergence Network.

As for your desire to help others with your psychic abilities, it’s important for you to realize that one of three things may happen whenever you psychically tune in to someone who is in a heavy emotional space: you may go into that heaviness with them; you may try to keep your distance by closing off your heart from them; or you may set a powerful healing tone and lift them up into that higher vibration with you.

In order to become a psychic healer (as opposed to a fortune teller), I had to develop faith that everyone is just where they need to be in order to learn whatever they need to learn. This allows me to truly love and care for people while not getting personally upset or anxious about their problems. For the sake of everyone involved, before you choose to use your psychic abilities to try to help others, I recommend that you similarly cultivate a deep faith that everything ultimately happens for the highest and best.

Please know that you are constantly healing and that everything you experience is designed to lead you to a higher level of experience. If you pray for Spirit to guide you to new peace, well-being, and personal fulfillment, I have faith that you will be led to heal in the perfect way for you.

– Soul Arcanum

When Sudden Psychic Development Feels Scary or Overwhelming

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

Recently I’ve been seeing things that aren’t normal. I don’t think I’m seeing ghosts, but I do think I see spirits everywhere. These appear to me in many forms, such as mists, sparkles, hazy spots, orbs, etc. I even see them at work and outside. I am also hyper aware of the energies around me. This seems to be increasing, and now I’m starting to hear things – maybe a spirit guide? I’m getting used to this during the day, but I’m terrified at night. In fact, I’ve been sleeping with the lights on. I don’t think I have prayed this much in my entire life! I just want somebody who understands all of this to give me some guidance. Am I psychic whether I like it or not, or am I supposed to decide if I want to keep going in this direction? Is this for the rest of my life? Can I turn it off if I want? I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, and I’m very scared and confused at times. Thank you for your time. – Alicia

Dear Alicia:

Please don’t worry! I have been down this very same road and counseled many fellow travelers, and I can reassure you that what you’re experiencing is indeed normal, and everything will be fine. Though you may not feel like it right now, the fact that you are questioning all of this as you are suggests that you are relatively grounded and psychologically stable.

The way you are perceiving spirits is also verifying, for this is how I generally perceive spirits as well. Most people assume that mediums see spirits much as they are portrayed on television – as opaque or misty people – but in my experience, this is rarely the case. Instead, when we perceive them with our physical eyes, they often appear as mists or balls of energy, and it is within our minds that they telepathically tell us who they are or show us what they looked like when they were alive.

My own psychic awakening happened quite suddenly too, and in the beginning, I saw all sorts of strange beings, such as a demon and a creepy, naked little man or djinn. I was also seeing stuff everywhere and questioning my sanity! When I learned that the only thing to fear is fear itself, and that the key to having higher spiritual experiences was to raise my vibration, then I began to spontaneously receive visits from regular people in spirit.

The first was my grandmother, who appeared as a big misty haze of purple energy hovering about three feet above the floor. It didn’t seem strange or scary while it was happening, but I was overcome with a wave of love. My grandmother visited me a number of times after this, and then I began to have spirits show up for other people.

This usually occurred when someone was either talking wistfully about the spirit in question or their family in general. One man was telling me about his family’s history, and though he hadn’t mentioned his aunt, she came right through. Another time a friend was talking about her brother who had died, and he showed up as a ball of energy next to her. As these spirits appeared, they would talk to me telepathically or send images into my mind.

I don’t see spirits everywhere, nor do I see them all the time; I usually have to be in an altered state of consciousness for this to happen. Based on my own experiences, I don’t think all of what you’re seeing are spirits – as in a person who was once alive in the physical but has crossed over to the afterlife. I think you’re also seeing other subtle energies, which may include conscious beings such as nature spirits, angels and other inhuman astral entities, as well as simpler energies such as auric interactions, thought forms, emotional currents, structures in the astral, etc.

There are ways to turn your psychic senses off, but since they can offer you so many blessings, why not just learn to control them? I consciously created some compartmentalization in my life many years ago so that I wouldn’t be open to spirits all the time. This involved years of intense training in the Spiritualist tradition, lots of independent spiritual study and practice, and the development of a strong relationship with Spirit and my guides.

While the same combination may work for you, it’s important to note that this was not something I thought up; instead, I asked Spirit to guide me, and I followed my intuitions and the signs and synchronicities that flowed in. The most important thing is for you to develop your own clear, trusting relationship with Spirit, God, Divine Intelligence – whatever term you prefer. That way you can ask for whatever you need in any moment, and relax with faith that you will be guided every step of the way.

You don’t have to become a professional psychic or medium or do anything you don’t want to do – the important thing is that you follow your own heart and do what calls to you personally. Just because your psychic senses are roaring now, that doesn’t mean you must build your life around them. Often psychic abilities burst through as a side effect of sudden spiritual development, and if they’re not cultivated, they fade into the background as you settle into a new vibration. In time, all that you’re experiencing will naturally grow more subtle and internal, so instead of seeing these spirits and energies with your physical eyes, they’ll become more like daydreams that play through your mind.

Everyone I know who has been psychically open for some time has learned to gain control of their experiences. Many of those people were also scared and overwhelmed in the beginning like you are, but as they gained spiritual knowledge and experience, they learned to believe in their own perceptions and trust that they were being guided.

Sometimes far out spiritual experiences have no deeper meaning or higher purpose because they’re not coming to us – instead, we are stumbling into strange new territory where all sorts of unusual creatures and possibilities exist in abundance. It’s sort of like wandering into a zoo and seeing elephants and lions and then wondering what it all means and why it’s happening to you. (It’s happening because you’re in a zoo!)

Certainly this sort of thing will make you question what you believe to be real and true about the nature of so-called reality. If you have never seen a lion before and didn’t believe that they really existed, then visiting a zoo will blow your belief system wide open. Let the questions that come up as a result of your experiences guide you with trust that you will find what is natural and right for you.

For example, you may wonder how in the world seeing that demon was right for me. Well, that whole experience led me to one of the most powerful spiritual lessons I’ve ever learned: that what I experience on an inner, spiritual level is entirely within my own control, for succumbing to fear leads to fearful experiences, while setting a high intention and living with faith leads to wonderful experiences.

In summary, I recommend you pray over the whole situation and ask Spirit to show you what you’re to do with all of this. If it feels right to you, you might look for a local Spiritualist church, for there you will find a medium who can mentor you and also a development circle full of kindred spirits who can help you to make the most of your divine gifts. Remember that many, many people have walked this same path before you, that what you’re experiencing is entirely normal, and if you pray for help from Spirit, you will be guided every step of the way.

– Soul Arcanum