Tag Archive: psychic readings

Can Psychic Really Remove Negative Energy or Blocks?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Can psychics remove negative energies that prevent us from having successful romantic relationships? I went to two different readers. One said I was unsuccessful in love because I have negativity around me, and for $250, she could give me something to carry with me for nine days, and then the negativity would be gone. The other said that for $250, she would light three candles and pray for three days for my romantic partner and me to heal our relationship. I didn’t pay either one for these services, but as my love life never improved, I wonder if I should have! Also, can psychics put bad energy spells on you if you don’t pay the $250? Blessings!
– Lynn

Dear Lynn:

First let’s address the idea that it’s possible to carry “negativity,” and for that energy to prevent us from manifesting fulfillment in our lives. This absolutely is true, especially when we define “negativity” as limiting beliefs and expectations. In order to manifest what we want in our lives, we have to believe it is possible and align with it energetically. If we want true love, but every time we think about this, we feel a pang of lack and longing, we will remain unfulfilled. By contrast, if thoughts of romance make us glow with anticipation and delight, then we will soon find our dreams coming true.

Can a third party help us to clear negativity? Yes! This is what happens when we go to an energy healer. A psychic would provide similar healing, only verbally. Many people believe that we have to actively participate in the prayer/healing process. I used to believe this myself, but numerous scientific experiments have demonstrated that prayer is powerful regardless of whether or not the recipients of those prayers are aware they are being prayed for. So having someone spiritually powerful pray for you may indeed prove beneficial. Of course, if it is possible for others to energetically help us without our conscious cooperation, then it is naive to assume that others can not hinder us the same way. This would mean that, superstitious as it sounds, we can be affected by other’s ill wishes.

This is not to suggest that being surrounded by “negativity” means you are “cursed.” It’s far more likely that limiting beliefs/ habits of thought are preventing fulfillment. These issues arise from the fears and wounds of past experiences, both in this life and in other lives. Just as a spiritual healer can help us to clear and release stagnant energies and raise our vibration, so psychics can help us to identify energetic blocks to a higher level of experience. Knowledge IS power. As a psychic helps you work through and heal the buried fears and issues that are holding you back, you are freed from them. In this way, intuitive counseling can help you rise above negativity to embrace greater happiness and fulfillment.

This is not where the particular psychics you consulted were coming from, however. As the whole point of a good psychic reading is to free you from the limitations that are keeping you from what you want in your life, sincere psychics would never charge you extra for this clearing work. They wouldn’t request huge sums for “magical” candles or talismans either. For more information on how to protect yourself as a consumer, please see the article I wrote on Psychic Scams in 1999.

In addition to all of the above, we must remember that we are each creating our own realities. Some of us are doing this more consciously than others. The more we consciously channel our own creative power, the more we will manifest what we desire. If you believe that having a psychic pray for you will change your life, then it probably will. Carrying a lucky talisman for nine days would work even better, because every time you looked at it or touched it, you would be reminded of the good fortune coming to you, and thus send energy to the manifestation of that good fortune. It’s not about the talisman, however – it’s about your focus and belief. If you believed that jumping up and down on one foot while singing “Mary Had a Little Lamb” would change your luck, that would probably work just as well. :)

While unconscious beliefs and outside influences absolutely CAN affect us, they can not supersede our own conscious will. If a young woman lacks a strong sense of self-worth and identity, it would be relatively easy for a man to influence her in order to take advantage of her. When he dumped her or she eventually broke free, she might find herself in another similar relationship. Would this be a result of “negativity,” or a lack of positively focused will?

To “protect” ourselves from outside influences, we have to take responsibility for creating our own realities. When we blame bad luck, energy blocks, or others for our problems, we give away our personal power to determine our own experiences. Though they may be suffering, the average person does not want the responsibility of creating their own reality, and they certainly don’t want to have to CHANGE in order to create something better. They’d actually rather pay a “psychic” for that person’s prayers or for a good luck charm. If the psychic sincerely knows how to heal with energy, it may work. Since most people don’t know how to consciously work with energy at this level, paying a psychic may be the best they can do.

Personally, I would rather learn how to do the spiritual work myself. It’s more powerful, reliable and a whole lot cheaper, so it’s of course what I recommend you do as well. Begin by living with awareness that to create what you want in your life, you must set your own clear tone. At the same time, affirm that at some level, you are aware of everything that is happening energetically. Your higher self knows when others wish you well or wish you ill, as well as the lessons you are here to learn and the limiting beliefs you have to heal in order to enjoy greater fulfillment.

Affirm that from here forward, your higher self will guide you toward the people and experiences that will carry you closer to fulfilling your dreams, and buffer you from all lower energies. For your part, to empower your higher self you must maintain a high vibration via faith/ positive thinking. Once you establish this relationship to life, you have only to relax, choose happy thoughts, and TRUST. Trust that everything that happens is carrying you closer to your dreams. Trust that the Universe and your higher self are ever at the helm, guiding you forward. Trust that your desires for love are actually your highest destiny beckoning to you. Remain very clear in your mind and heart about who you are, what you stand for, and where you are heading. Doing this will define your own tone and empower you to stay on course regardless of outside influences. For help with all of this, I encourage you to explore the powerful processes in Soul Arcanum’s Deep Trance Recordings.

As for whether or not ill-intentioned psychics can put a bad spell on you for not succumbing to their fear-based marketing tricks, that is certainly not something you want to give your attention to. Karma will take care of them, and if you focus only on the great good fortune on its way to you, that is all you will experience!

– Soul Arcanum


The Ethics of Psychic Readings about Third Parties

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)


Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m wondering what to make of psychic readings that others get for you. Twice someone else has gone to a psychic and then asked about me, and both times I have been bothered by it. Last week my friend told me that she was going to a psychic and was going to ask about me. I told her not to but she still did. I even put it out there that I didn’t want my friend to know anything. What the psychic told her really upset me. She asked about a potential health matter that I’ve been concerned about, and the psychic’s answer was pretty upsetting to me. I’m trying to figure out how much credence to put into this reading since I told the Universe that I didn’t want my friend to know anything.


Dear M.:

I think both your friend and this psychic were out of line, especially since you told your friend not to ask about you. This is as bad as reading someone’s diary or opening their mail: it’s an invasion of privacy.

As with all ethical issues, this comes down to the Golden Rule and treating others as we would want to be treated. In sorting out how we feel about others’ actions, however, we do have to keep their intentions in mind. I feel your friend was well-intentioned and asked about you because she’d be happy to have you do the same for her if your roles were reversed. However, she definitely dropped the ball when she failed to listen to and honor your wishes. On the whole, however, I don’t feel she was being nosy or malicious; she was just excited about going to this psychic and wanted to share a bit of this great opportunity with you.

It’s the psychic I really take issue with: she had no business getting into YOUR business without first obtaining your permission, and she certainly had no business sharing whatever she picked up with your friend. If psychic work were regulated the way the health care industry is, I’m sure this would be considered a breach of ethics worthy of jeopardizing her ‘license.’ Just imagine if your friend had gone to see a psychiatrist who had private information about you, and your friend had asked for and received that information!

With great power comes great responsibility, so this psychic should know better than to go trespassing into other people’s psychic territory. I would never read anyone without their permission, and I certainly wouldn’t relay personal information I picked up about someone to a third party.

Where things get a little tricky is when my own client’s questions involve someone else in their life. For example, I’m often asked if spouses are cheating or if kids are doing drugs and other questions along those lines. As I feel it is unethical to talk about what third parties are or are not doing, I determine how to proceed by keeping my client’s true needs and interests at the heart of the reading.

Fortunately, everything I “get” in readings comes from Spirit, and Spirit always knows just what to say. So when I’m asked if someone is cheating, Spirit will guide me to the true issues at hand: whether my client can trust the person they’re asking about, whether my client can trust their own intuitions about the situation, whether or not this particular relationship is a match to what they really want in love, and what they can do to create what they want in their lives.

Even if I psychically saw someone cheating, it would be reckless to say so because psychic impressions aren’t evidential. No one should be accused of doing something “wrong” based on psychic impressions – there’s just too much room for misinterpretation of the actual facts. If I’m asked if a man is cheating and I see him with another woman, that could mean all sorts of things: It could mean that he’s having an affair, that he’s been thinking about having an affair, or even that I’m picking up on my own client’s projected fears that he may be having an affair.

Which brings us to the good news for you: you can probably disregard everything this psychic said about you, because in my experience, it’s just too hard to get a clear read on a third party. While it’s possible that some psychics may be able to read anyone whether they have a direct connection of some kind with them or not, I don’t personally know any. I connect with my clients through the energy of their emotions, so the more they open up their hearts to me, the easier it is for me to get a clear read on them. Since I have no emotional/energetic connection to third parties, I have to read their energy through the connection the client has to them, which means that all sorts of subjective ideas and feelings can cloud the picture.

When I’m working with someone and they ask questions like “When will my daughter get a job?” or “Will my friend ever find true love?” it’s sort of like being a doctor and having a patient come in and say, “My friend has been experiencing some strange pains lately. What do you think is wrong with her?”

I’m reminded of a book I once read about a harem. Since no men aside from the palace eunuchs were allowed to see or touch any of the emperor’s wives, when one of them needed to be treated by a doctor, the doctor had to work through another woman. The patient would be behind a screen, and the doctor would tell the woman what to do and look for, and that woman would report back her findings. Just as it would be very hard to diagnose and treat someone this way, it’s very hard to get a clear psychic read on someone if you have to try to go through someone else.

While I agree that your friend’s actions were disrespectful of your wishes and this psychic’s behavior was unethical, you would be wise to contemplate what this experience may mean to you personally. After all, if you didn’t have a sore spot, it wouldn’t have made you uncomfortable.

We create our own realities not only through our desires but also our fears, so you might begin by looking for the fears underlying this experience. If you’ve been anxious about this potential health matter and avoiding the issue, you could have manifested this upsetting news not because it’s true, but because it’s what you were afraid of hearing. You could also have manifested this situation as a result of worrying that your friend wouldn’t respect your wishes or would find out information you didn’t want her to know. For example, if she told you she was going to this psychic and you immediately thought, She better not ask about me! you actually aligned with her doing just that.

I could offer you all sorts of ways to “defend” yourself against psychic intruders in the future, but it’s far more effective to let go of worrying about what you don’t want to have happen, and instead, focus on the love, harmony, respect and good health you desire. By allowing your reactions to this experience to illuminate where you may need to do some spiritual work in order to align with a higher level of experience, you can turn it into something helpful and empowering.

– Soul Arcanum

Learning to Trust Your Psychic Abilities

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC, 2011. All rights reserved.  
All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have had psychic abilities over the years and have been able to predict the future for myself and a very close friend about 80 percent of the time. I usually only read for myself and her.(She is psychic but can’t read for herself at times.) I have trouble reading for others as I doubt my abilities due to insecurity. I have often missed opportunities for myself because I did not trust my ability. How can I get more faith in myself and the Universe? I know Spirit tries to get through to guide me but I feel I block it. Do you have any advice for me on all of this?


Dear Karan:

Trust plays a huge role in psychic ability. The problem is that this is something of a Catch-22: you have to trust your intuition for it to give you reason to trust it!

When I was in training to become a Spiritualist minister, trust was the biggest stumbling block for most of the students. At the school I attended, two main specialties were taught: energy healing and mediumship. Out of a class of about 30 people, only two of us were there to focus on spirit communication; everyone else wanted to be a healer. We had to learn both skill sets as part of the program, and the healers suffered all sorts of anguish over this because being a medium involves tremendous pressure to perform. Instead of channeling intangible energy, we have to produce verifiable information.

The two of us who wanted to be mediums differed from the others mainly in this matter of trust. We had already had a number of amazing experiences of spirit communication, which had convinced us that spirit communication is possible and that we were personally capable of succeeding at it. The main challenge our instructors faced in teaching the healers how to bring through information from Spirit was getting them to relax, let go of their fear of being wrong, and trust whatever came through.

There are four main aspects to successfully accessing psychic information. First, you must get into the right state of consciousness. Second, you must set a clear intention. Third, you must trust whatever comes through. Finally, you must be adept at translating clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient impressions into the answers being sought.

Many new psychics struggle because they aren’t even aware of the first step of getting into the right state of consciousness. They think that they can just mentally ask a question and receive an answer. This is a bit like randomly dialing a phone number and asking whoever answers what you are hoping to find out: to receive reliable information, you have to ask the right source. This is where good training can prove invaluable. In fact, when I am careful to shift my state of consciousness and get into a high vibration before tuning in, I always receive answers, and they always prove valuable and reliable.

Once you know you’re tuned in and you’ve set a clear, high intention, you have to trust what you receive. I’m sure every medium has had the experience of relaying something that seemed totally off the wall, only to have that information prove to be incredibly powerful and accurate. Following is one of the first experiences that cemented for me how important it is to trust what we receive.

I was reading for a woman who was grieving for her departed husband, James. I brought through lots of information about how he had passed and such, but the surprise came when I reached out for James and the spirit who stepped forward and answered my questions ended with the following: “Tell her that Jack sent the butterfly.” This seemed so “off” that I almost didn’t relay that part to her. I could hear my instructors telling me to trust, however, so I went out on a limb, wrote it down, and sent the email reading off to her with a hope and a prayer.

In her letter back to me, she described how she broke down sobbing when she got to that line, for she was sure that I was indeed in contact with her departed husband. Though his name had been James, his friends and family had always called him Jack. On the day of his funeral, she was calling out to him in her heart and mind and staring out the window at the bleak November morning when a huge butterfly appeared and hovered just on the other side of the glass. She thought this very unusual for November, and she had been wondering if this was somehow the spirit of her departed husband trying to give her a sign. I was so glad that I decided to trust what I was getting and pass it on!

Once you are in the right state of consciousness and your heart is centered on a high, pure intention, you are connected to a source of wisdom and information that is very reliable. Of course, sometimes you will receive intuitive impressions when you’re going about your everyday life and you’re not in this special state. When that happens, you can always check on their accuracy by shifting into this state of consciousness and then exploring them further.

You can also exercise your intuitive senses in small ways throughout the day. First you must be adept at controlling your state of consciousness so that you can quickly shift state and “tune in.” It’s also wise and powerful to program yourself to live an intuitive life. If you work with the law of attraction to manifest powerful psychic experiences and you program your subconscious mind to deliver psychic insights to you on a regular basis, you will begin to have all sorts of amazing psychic experiences. The more you cultivate your abilities in this way, the more your intuition will break through at seemingly random moments to deliver helpful information to you.

One powerful way to do this is to meditate each morning and set a psychic intention for the day. You can ask for a general level of experience or something specific. For example, you might ask your higher self and spirit guides to help you align with a smooth journey and a productive day, and to send you insights, intuitions and experiences in support of this aim. You could also ask for something more specific, such being led to the answer to a question or the solution to a problem. One thing I often ask is, “What do I most need to know right now?” Ask for insights and intuitions to come to you throughout the day to lead you to what you are seeking. The more important this is to you, the more powerful experiences will come your way in answer to your prayers.

To find out if your impressions are accurate, you have to trust them enough to act on them and then pay attention to what happens next. Sometimes you won’t see the evidence you’re looking for because too much of it is hidden behind the scenes. For example, you may sense that someone is upset, but when you question them, they may deny it. This doesn’t necessarily mean you were wrong. You may receive a nudge to take a different route home and never know why. You have to be okay with the fact that you may never know why you received a certain impression, and assume that somehow it was designed to help you.

Finally, if you are too hung up on being right or accurate, you will block yourself. Part of being in the right frame of mind is being beyond ego and in a light, easy, relaxed state of being. Instead of putting pressure on yourself, pray for what you desire and then relax and allow it to come to you.

– Soul Arcanum

How to Get a Good Psychic Reading

copyright 1999, by Soul Arcanum LLC

Through my own work and life experiences, I’ve been blessed with knowing many of the most gifted and professional psychics and mediums in the world. I’ve also been blessed by knowing a few readers that I wouldn’t send my lovelorn, down-and-out pet chicken to (if I had a pet chicken, that is). There are definitely some qualities both groups of readers have in common. In Psychic Scams, I cover a lot of the red flags you should watch out for and avoid. This article will focus on what to look for or seek out when choosing a reader.

Choosing a Good Psychic Reader

First and foremost, (I can’t say this enough), trust your own intuition. You have a built in inner guidance system that will not lead you astray if you’re paying attention. If you’ve made a blunder in the past, examine it and see what you can learn from it. Many years ago, I sat for a reading with a psychic who was absolutely horrible. Not only was she an egomaniac, she didn’t even really listen to me or tell me anything. When she wasn’t shooting down my dreams, she just talked about her own life and plans the whole time. When I looked back at the experience, I realized that I had had a negative “twinge” when I decided to go to her, but I had ignored it. Even “psychics” need wake up calls that remind us to LISTEN and pay attention to our intuitions now and then! It turned out to be a very positive experience, for it clarified and came to represent everything I don’t want to be as a reader myself.

Now that you’ve listened to your intuition, allow your intellect to explore some facts. The best way to choose a psychic, of course, is through referral. If you have a friend whose opinion you respect and he or she recommends a reader to you, you have a lot more to go on. If you don’t know much about the reader, feel free to ask some questions, given the opportunity. Ask the reader how they work and what skills they utilize in the reading. Following are some questions you might want to ask, or look for in information written about the reader and his or her services:

  • How do you access information?
  • Do you consider yourself a “medium” or a “psychic?” (A medium can bring through messages from Spirit, while a psychic generally reads your own energy or taps into impersonal sources of information. Both should be able to tell you where things are heading in your life and what is lining up for the future. Note that I’ve never met a medium who can guarantee communication with a particular Spirit, so be wary if someone promises you this. That kind of communication is definitely a two-way street, and many variables come into play).
  • Are you clairvoyant, clairaudient, or clairsentient?
  • Do you use any special tools like tarot cards in your work?
  • How long have you been reading professionally?
  • Have you had any formal training?
  • How long have you had your abilities?
  • Do you have testimonials available? (Don’t expect references, as an ethical reader will never disclose any information about her clients).
  •  How much do you charge, and what does this include? Do you charge by the question, or by the amount of time we spend?
  • When do you expect payment?
  • If I’m not satisfied with the reading, will you refund my money? (While it’s unusual to find, I have always guaranteed satisfaction with my work or there is no charge. You can’t ask for a better sign that a reader is on the level than this!)

While we’re on the subject of money, be wary of readers who charge exorbitant sums for their work. While it’s only reasonable to expect to pay for a gifted individual’s time and talents, readers who charge hundreds of dollars an hour are clearly putting money ahead of other priorities. I hope we don’t even have to mention those criminal 900 lines and their rates and services!

Ask yourself if you feel comfortable with the reader, if you feel a good rapport. Do you feel emotionally safe sharing your heart’s desires and your deepest concerns? Trust is essential; you must feel safe opening up and really communicating with your spiritual counselor.

Becoming a Good Sitter

Getting a good psychic reading involves more than choosing the right reader; you must also be a good read-ee! It’s a synergistic and co-created endeavor. Once you feel comfortable with a psychic or spiritual counselor and have decided to pursue a reading, it’s time to prepare yourself in order to make the most of the experience.

First, ask yourself why you’re pursuing the reading. Do you just want to hear what you want to hear? Are you ready to face the truth, and to take action to create desired changes? Are you truly ready to be honest with yourself and take responsibility for your life? Often clients will seek out reader after reader, just waiting and hoping to find one who will tell them that yes, even though Billy is abusive, alcoholic and just plain mean, even though he just married another woman and moved halfway around the planet, he is her soul mate, her loves her, and he will be back for her. Of course, this is making light of what is always a serious situation, especially to the person asking the questions. In this type of scenario, the client has already made up her mind about how things have to be; she is not truly open to hearing what the reader brings through. Make sure you’re ready and willing to hear what is communicated. It doesn’t mean you have to accept what you hear, but make sure you’re really open to listening to all the possibilities.

On a similar note, holding back information to “test” your psychic generally backfires. Occasionally a client will be mysterious or ask the barest of questions in order to see if the psychic is “for real.” It’s best to open up your mind, heart and energy to the reader, and then evaluate how accurate they were AFTER the reading. If you can’t take a leap of faith after you’ve gone through a careful selection process in choosing the reader, it’s unlikely you’ll be open enough to get much out of the reading. The more open you are, the more detailed and specific the reading will tend to be, especially if the reader uses something like tarot or another divinatory tool. This doesn’t mean you have to feed the reader all the answers, it just means communicating what your concern is and being open to being read.

With this in mind, approach the reading process with clear goals in terms of what you want to explore, and what you plan to do with the information you receive. Are the questions you’re asking really reflective of what you want to know? It helps to write your questions down and then ask yourself how they fit into the big picture and your larger life goals. It’s also wise to ask your most important questions first so you’re sure not to run out of time. How you phrase your questions will have a bigger impact on the power of your answers than most people realize. Asking, “Should I leave my marriage?” will get different results than, “I’m not happy in my marriage. I feel very much alone, despite our spending a lot of time together. We have all the surface things down pat. The kids are happy and the bills are paid. How can I create fulfillment in this area of my life?”

How to Use Information from a Psychic Reading

Keep in mind that nothing is set in stone. Some matters are more predetermined than others. There are times in a reading when I know things are going to go a certain way, for it’s all aligned, and the client is on the verge of the experience. It may be that someone from a past life is about to re-enter their experience, or a new job opportunity is already on the horizon. Other times, it’s clear that what will happen depends almost entirely on the choices the client makes. Your reader should be able to tell you how much power you have to control what is predicted, and how to go about creating what you do want.

Don’t ever resign yourself to anything a psychic tells you. The power of getting a reading is that is shows you where you’re heading so you can change your course if you so desire. Above all, a good psychic reader will leave you feeling comforted, more at peace, and empowered to create what you want in your life. Your concerns should be clearer, your heart lighter, and your hope for the future burning brighter. If you use your intuition and common sense in choosing a spiritual counselor and you prepare yourself for the reading, you can work with the synergy and magic of the reading experience to change your life and fulfill your dreams!

copyright 1999, by Soul Arcanum LLC


The world is full of all kinds of people. If we just examine the family and friends we are close to, we’ll see a wide range of values and behaviors and different levels of integrity. While it’s unfortunate, every profession has its bad seeds. When it’s a directly spiritual type of work, however, we’re especially outraged by unethical practices or unprofessional behavior. For example, child molestation will evoke outrage no matter who the perpetrator is, but we feel dismayed and betrayed when a priest is the abuser. This sort of occurrence garners a lot of attention from the media, and makes parents leery of trusting church leaders with their children.

A similar dynamic has occurred in the psychic/spiritual reading arena. While “gypsies” have always been suspect, the proliferation of cheesy 900 number services and infomercials evokes a bad taste in the public’s mouth when it hears the world “tarot cards” or “psychic readings.” We need to remember that not every psychic is a con artist any more than every priest is a pedophile. A few highly visible bad seeds can prejudice us against what on the whole is a group of very well-meaning and high-intentioned professionals.

This article and its companion (How to Get a Good Psychic Reading) are designed to educate readers about common scams and provide some practical insider’s tips on what to look for when choosing a spiritual counselor or psychic.


Over the years I’ve received some truly disturbing letters people who were panicked or confused because some “psychic” had told them they were cursed or possessed by an evil spirit. Oftentimes these people had spent hundreds of dollars to have these negative influences removed, but the reader kept them coming back for this or that and insisting on more and more money. I’ve corresponded with people who have literally spent thousands of dollars trying to have “curses” removed. One man had his whole family chipping in to remove a “family curse.” Needless to say, I removed the “curses” for free, and advised them to choose their readers more wisely in the future!

For example, the following is an actual letter from a reader of the journal. The subject line was, “Looking for your opinion.”

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Hi! I have been reading your journal for a few months now. I have had two readings and continue to be very satisfied with the level of professionalism and talent I have experienced as well as the articles in your journal. I have embarked upon my own path of spiritual growth, and have found your publication to be a great source of enlightenment, education, and encouragement. I would like to share two recent experiences I had with psychics that were not very positive, and I would very much value your opinion.

I went to see two local psychics (I live in the LA area) on two separate occasions, and thought it would be useful to see someone in person. During each visit, the psychic commented that I had a “dark cloud/aura” around me, and that my “bad luck” with relationships had to do with an “evil spirit” following me. I was told that unless I worked with them to “find the cause” of this, I would never be happy in a relationship!! Then each reader proceeded to ask for what I consider to be a LOT of money. The first one wanted $700, and the second wanted $300! This was to be for a couple of “meditation” sessions with me where they would be able to essentially rid me of this “dark cloud” or “evil spirit.” (!!)

I felt very turned off by this. It felt like they were manipulating me through my own fear and sadness about my recently ended relationship. Frankly, I felt like they were trying to scam me. Not only that, what was communicated felt very negative, fatalistic, and dis-empowering. It was nothing like what I had learned or experienced with you guys!

I am becoming very aware of the personal issues I need to work on to improve my relationships, and believe that things happen for very good reasons and are always learning opportunities and for my greatest good. If a particular relationship is not meant to be, then I will learn and grow and something better will appear. This was certainly not the attitude conveyed by either of these readers. I felt as if I was “bad” and that somehow it was my “fault” that I had “lost” this man. They told me this kind of unhappiness would continue if I didn’t do what they said. Their attitude was one of “warning” me.

Needless to say, if I weren’t as strong and independent as I am, I may have given them this money out of sheer desperation. I feel sorry for others who might go along with this. Both of these psychics are very established in the community and have been practicing for many years. One even had a write up in the newspaper.

I would appreciate your professional opinion on these experiences. Thank you very much!


While most con artists are only interested in your money, there are other matters to consider as well. Several years ago I received a letter from an attractive young woman who had been to a male reader. He told her that he was totally amazed to be meeting her, because he had just met her “soul mate” a few weeks before. He said he felt that he was to be the instrument of Spirit that would bring them together. Now, this might have been true, especially if he had just handed her the guy’s number, but next he explained that in order to bring them into energetic harmony, he had to perform a special ritual. It involved her getting naked and him rubbing special oil into her feet and legs. He assured her it was all on the level, and he even offered to do this at no additional charge.

She wanted to know if I thought she should do it. It was her “soul mate” at stake, after all. Though I think most of us would immediately smell a rat here, this woman was not a fool by any means! If a reader holds out the possibility of something as wonderful as a “soul mate,” even the most cynical, practical and grounded people may be tempted to go against their intuition.

Following are some red flags to watch out for. This is based on my experiences working in this arena, and on the letters and other communications I’ve had from people over the years.

First, avoid “spells” and “curses.” This is in no way a criticism of the very noble spiritual art of Wicca. True Wiccans know better than most that we can not tamper with another’s free will. If someone offers to put a love spell on someone you’re enamored with, or to remove a curse for a fee, move on. You are the one with the power to create what you want in your life. Don’t expect a psychic reader to do anything more than show you where you’re presently heading, and the way to go to create what you desire. What you do with that information is entirely up to you. A good reader will EMPOWER you to take your life and destiny under your own conscious control.

This “curse” matter deserves a few more words. Often clients only discover that they’re “cursed” when the reader tells them. People who seek out psychics generally have a problem or issue they’re trying to turn around in their lives. Blaming “bad luck” or unwanted experiences on a curse is convenient for the reader. Such negative energies are notorious for clinging to “bad money.” If you hand it over to the reader, he or she will bravely dispose of it for you.

Don’t worry about curses. Even if someone does wish you ill, they have no power to influence you or your life unless you GIVE it to them. Whatever they wish another is what will return to them. There IS such a thing as a true curse; it’s believing that you’re cursed. If you believe that you will have bad luck, you will. If you expect and focus on bad things, they will come to you. The reverse, of course, is also true.

Another thing that personally raises my own eyebrow is when readers have New Agey names like Dollfyn or Lightseeker. I’m far more likely to take readers seriously and give them my trust when they they use their own real (full) name. I’ve never understood why anyone who believes in what they do and is on the level would choose to hide behind a moniker. On the other hand, I know some sincere and gifted readers who do have “reader names,” so the call is yours.

Now, ask yourself if this psychic reader you’re considering seems to be love or fear based. Anyone who tries to scare you is going to dis-empower you and leave you worse off than you were without the reading. While it doesn’t necessarily mean the reader is a scam artist, focusing on how bad things may happen if you don’t do what he or she says is not an enlightened or constructive approach.

A good reader will put your best interests above his or her pocket book. While a client who can’t make a move without consulting you is great for business, it’s not a healthy or positive dynamic to establish. Watch out for readers who ask you to come back at a certain time or within a certain interval. As the client, you’re the one who decides when to come back. A very ethical reader will limit the amount of readings he or she will do for you, or how often he or she will see you, in order to discourage dependency.

In general, once you’ve cleared a reader of the above, ask your intuition! Your intuition must work in harmony with your intellect; we have both for good reason. If you feel drawn to a certain reader, then by all means, pursue that desire. Our inner beings lead us to what is best for us through our desires. Spirit is always working for us, and we are led to those who have dedicated their lives to doing the work of Spirit in the world when we can’t clearly hear the guidance coming through for ourselves. I encourage you to read How to Get a Good Psychic Reading, which leaves behind issues or elements to avoid, and is more positively focused!

When You See Bad News in a Psychic Reading

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

A theoretical question: when reading a woman’s cards, they showed the husband having a mistress. As I was mentally noting this, the wife boldly stated, “At least I know he’s not cheating on me.” She actually said that several times. I was then stumped – should I tell her what I saw or not? I chose not to. Instead, I told her that there were some secrets around her, and she needed to be vigilant to see and hear the information. Was I wrong to not tell her what I felt was the truth? Do we create karmic debt by not disclosing what we fear will cause someone emotional harm?


Dear S.:

It sounds to me like she was intuitively aware of what you were thinking and seeing in the cards, and she said what she did in order to block that information from being directly communicated in the reading.

I think you did a great job of handling the situation. You could have said, “It sounds like that is something that would greatly upset you. Is that something you’ve been concerned about?” Or, “If your husband WERE cheating on you, would you want to know?” If her reply was yes, you could have then have admitted that the reason you asked was because of what you’d seen and explore that further in the reading. If she said no for some reason, then what you did say was perfect.

Your question raises how important it is to have a clear channel to Spirit in addition to being able to read the cards, for then you can always ask what to do regarding whatever comes up. It’s also wise to establish “agreements” with Spirit regarding the support we desire to receive. For example, I have an agreement with Spirit to only send me people who are ready to hear the truth and who will be truly helped by getting a reading with me.

It’s also wise to set a clear foundation for reach reading. For example, I encourage people to embrace and work with whatever resonates with them in a reading, and to put to the rest on a shelf to reflect back upon from the greater perspective of hindsight. It’s also important to set the ground rules before you begin. I have had many people write me over the years with questions like this: Soul Arcanum! Please help me, I am desperate! I have had three other psychic readings. The first two psychics told me that my boyfriend and I are going to get married. The third told me that she sees us breaking up. I’m desperate to know if we will get married because I can’t imagine being happy with anyone but him! Please tell me that we will be together forever!

It may sound like I’m exaggerating, but I assure you that I do get emails just like this. I always respond that any reading I do on the matter will be fresh and not a piggyback of another psychic’s work. I also am very firm in communicating that if that person is determined to be told what they want to hear, then I am not the reader for them. Sometimes I’m able to talk the individual around to trusting that whatever Spirit answers will prove to be for the best; sometimes people just can’t let go of what they think they must have to be open to whatever the truth may be, in which case I refuse to read for them.

Of course, sometimes resistance comes up out of the blue, as with the situation you describe. A question is asked and the answer is clearly not what the client is hoping to hear. Since readings are always about matters that are deeply important to people, it’s important to handle those situations very carefully.

Whenever I get something that could be upsetting, I always ask Spirit to help me to communicate it in a way that my client will be able to accept it and work with it to create what they really want in their lives. I also take a breath and say a little prayer to get the energy back on track and reestablish rapport. When I remind clients that my greatest wish is their happiness and well-being, and that the goal of the reading is to empower them to find true happiness and fulfillment, they usually let go of their fear of not getting what they think they want and relax and open up again.

Once you have established a strong relationship with Spirit and are able to ask what to do in any situation, it’s imperative that you trust the guidance you receive. I recently did a reading for a man who was going into business with a partner. Much to my surprise, Spirit showed me images of goods coming in the the front door and going out the back. It also showed me my client with his back to his partner, and his partner pick-pocketing him. As all of my readings are by email, I had all of this written down before I had time to think about it. As soon as I realized what had come through, I was alarmed. People give a tremendous amount of weight to what we communicate, so doing readings is a great responsibility. Since the information I had been given was likely to destroy the relationship involved, it would be a travesty if it were somehow inaccurate.

I asked Spirit what to do and I was shown the same information over again, so I sent the reading off with an extra prayer that it be used for the highest good of all. The client emailed me six weeks later to tell me that the business partner in question had tried to commit suicide. When I read those words, my heart nearly stopped! While in the hospital, the partner had confessed to stealing from my client. My client was writing to thank me for the reading; he explained that because he had been forewarned, he was able to forgive the partner and support him in finding the will to live again. He wrote that a beautiful healing had take place between them, and he attributed this in part to having been forewarned via the reading. This was a great reminder to me that we can always trust Spirit’s guidance.

You will never hear back from many of the clients who reject the information in a reading but later change their minds about it when it proves true. Others you may hear back from much later. Just last week I received an email from a woman who wrote to apologize to me because she is trying hard to become a better person and make amends to anyone she believes she has wronged. She recently came across a reading I did for her in 2006 along with the correspondence we had exchanged. She was writing to apologize for her negative reaction to the reading and to ask if I would be willing to read for her again. This sort of thing has happened a number of times over the years. I wouldn’t say it’s a common experience, however, for my goal is always to communicate whatever is given in such a way that it will be readily received.

I applaud you in taking such care with your client’s emotional well-being; spiritual counseling is a huge responsibility and all sorts of tricky situations can arise. As for the karma we may incur by not communicating something, if we set a loving, helpful intention and ask Spirit to guide us in fulfilling it, we have nothing but good karma to gain. Spirit always knows the path to love, peace and healing, so if we develop a clear channel to a high level of wisdom and remember to ask for guidance whenever we are unsure about what to do, every reading will ultimately prove positive.

Psychic Interference

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been working on psychic development for more than ten years and been doing some psychic reading work for the past three years or so. Most of the time, everything goes great; now and then, however, I feel psychically blocked. I’m wondering if you’ve ever experienced psychic interference like this and how I can work through it.


Dear Sandy:

I think all psychics experience this sometimes; I know I certainly do. If psychic work was painting, I think it would be more like creating a masterpiece than covering walls with a certain color. Like other artistic talents, psychic abilities can be unpredictable and temperamental. After many years of involvement in psychic realms, tuning in can begin to seem pretty mundane, but we must remember that we’re trying to achieve things most of the world would deem to be magical if not downright miraculous.

There is a difference between being temporarily blocked and going through a period during which you just can’t connect the way you used to. Occasional blocks are common and usually short-lived; they typically last for just a few hours or a single day. There are all sorts of reasons temporary blocks come up, and many easy ways to work through them.

For example, I know many psychics who report that they find it hard to connect when the weather is gray. Cloudy days tend to bring our mood down, which makes it harder to achieve a high vibration. Since gray days tend to bring down the mood and energy of everyone around us, psychically sensitive individuals can find it especially difficult to achieve a high vibration at these times. Of course, the more masterful we become at controlling our own vibration, the less outside factors will influence us and our abilities.

Similarly, being tired, physically unwell, or emotionally upset can really mess with our psychic abilities. Again, it takes a lot of focus and energy to achieve the high vibration of psychic clarity, so if we’re low on energy, we’re in for a struggle. Negative emotions also bring our vibration down, so unless we know how to put our own feelings aside, any personal upsets can prevent us from psychically tuning in.

Doubt and fear are formidable barriers to clear-seeing, especially fear of failure or being wrong in our psychic impressions. Even psychics who have many years of success behind them sometimes get anxious. If you are reading for someone and you are worried about impressing them or otherwise attached to the result, you will grow anxious, sink into ego, and find it impossible to connect. Similarly, if you’re reading on a subject that seems daunting, you can block yourself with anxiety. This is why general spiritual development is such an essential foundation for psychic ability: The more we embody peace and faith, the less likely we are to be mired down in doubts, fears, and other ego-driven feelings.

It is important to wait until we have a “green light” feeling before pushing forward with psychic work. While I trust that anyone who comes to me comes for a good reason, there are times when I feel I have to do a lot of work in advance in order to align a positive level of experience. There are all sorts of reasons this may happen. One common one is when people come to me with an agenda regarding what they want to hear and are not really open to hearing anything but that. Along the same lines, I often have clients refer their partners, family members and close friends to me. When they all start asking about each other, things get pretty tricky. The same is true when someone wants me to bring through information about a third party. Everyone who strives to fulfill higher spiritual values first and foremost will be prevented from accessing psychic information if doing so would not be for the good of all involved. In this case, being blocked is a good thing, for it keeps us from stumbling forward without thinking things through.

Most psychics will also go through longer periods when their psychic abilities just don’t seem to be working so well. Usually, they have simply fallen into some bad habits or fallen out of the good habits that led them to reliable psychic ability in the first place. For example, I’ve known psychics who engaged in all sorts of spiritual practices in order to awaken their abilities, but then over time, become a bit complacent. Maintaining a lifestyle conducive to regular psychic work can be difficult in the modern world. When our good spiritual habits fell away, our abilities may follow suit.

Since psychic work is a highly specialized art form, it’s not something that can be rushed or thrown together; it must be carefully prepared for and aligned. Just as athletes warm up, stretch, and do all sorts of other things to be able to perform well, psychics have to engage in certain processes in order to be able to do what they do. Fortunately, just like training the body, we have only to return to the spiritual practices that work for us to quickly get psychically “back in shape.”

While every psychic is different, when I feel my ability starting to slip, I know to pull back from worldly endeavors and engage in more yoga and meditation. It also helps to read spiritual books and study esoteric teachings. While yoga and meditation are time-honored traditions, it’s important for you to find what works for you.

I’ve known many a psychic who felt blocked from using their abilities and could not figure out why until they realized that they were ignoring their own intuition for some reason. In essence, they had turned the volume all the way down on their intuition because they didn’t want to hear what it was trying to tell them. If your intuition has been telling you that you need to get out of your marriage, quit your job, or make some other big change in your life that you are afraid to make, you may have blocked it from speaking to you without realizing it.

Finally, it often happens that longer periods of psychic interference precede new spiritual breakthroughs. We all get in ruts sometimes, and if we aren’t paying keen attention and responding to Spirit’s guidance, we can be blocked from what we’ve been doing in order to wake up and try something else so that we can start moving forward again. When what we used to do stops working for us, we become motivated to explore new options and possibilities. It thus often happens that psychic lulls are followed by periods of high activity in which we are able to use our psychic abilities in new or more powerful ways.

When we find ourselves blocked from doing something psychic in particular, it’s always wise to step back and reach for a connection with our spirit guides. Our guides are always there for us, so if we have trouble connecting with them, we should look for both the problem and its remedy within. The first thing I would do is engage in some yoga and deep meditation while reaching for a high vibration in order to reconnect to Spirit. Once our connection to our guides is back in place, we can simply ask Spirit to help us figure out what’s happening with our abilities and what we need to know in order to get past troublesome blocks.

Soul Arcanum

Do You Believe in Palmistry?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

For years, a friend of mine urged me see a psychic palm reader she favors. Though I’ve long had an interest in psychic subjects, I’ve always associated palm reading with fakery. Eventually, I did go see her, and I have to say it was one of the best readings I’ve ever had. Since then, I’ve had my palm read by two other readers, and both of those readings were dismal. I’ve searched but can’t find anything you’ve written on palmistry. What do you think of this practice?


Dear Betsey:

I’ve actually never written about palm reading because I’m far from an expert on the subject. I’ve read a couple of books on palmistry, known some palm readers, and had my own palm read, but that’s about it. Since this is a subject I’ve never addressed in Soul Arcanum before, I decided to do some research for you and share a bit about my own experiences.

The practice of hand reading is also known as palmistry, palm reading and Chiromancy, which means hand divination. This is the art of examining the hand’s various lines, creases, bumps, shapes, skin texture, etc., in order to analyze a person’s personality, mental and physical well-being and destiny. This practice can be traced back thousands of years and found in various cultures around the globe. In fact, it has been suggested that the many hand prints found in prehistoric cave paintings indicate that humans have attributed special meaning to the hand since the Stone Age.

There are now many different methods of palm reading. It’s believed that palmistry originated in ancient India and has a basis in Hindu astrology. From there, it spread throughout the ancient world. As must be expected, the practice changed a great deal as it traveled through different cultures and time periods.

What is now known as the Classical method of reading palms was founded in Ancient Greece. In this approach, certain areas of the hand are associated with a particular Greek god, and those areas govern the same traits or characteristics that are associated with that particular god. While the health of the subject was always a consideration in palm reading, ancient Greek physicians like Hippocrates and Galen made a special study of correlations between various hand features and physical problems.

Many modern scientific studies do support the idea that physical health issues can be read in the hand. This should come as no surprise, for by examining certain parts of the body, all sorts of physical issues can be diagnosed. Clear correlations between unusual hand features and problems like Down’s Syndrome and autism have been proven. Cancer also often creates marked changes in the hands, which means that cancer can sometimes be diagnosed by noting those particular changes. Research has also shown a link between specific fingerprint patterns and heart disease. Speaking of fingerprints, I think the fact that every one of us has a unique fingerprint lends credence to the idea that much can be discerned about a person by carefully examining their hands.

At this point, the body and spirit merge in the topics of genetics and “destiny.” Though this is controversial, there are researchers who claim that homosexuality can be seen in hand features because varying hormone levels determine the length of our fingers in the womb. I also read about a study done by medical doctors that positively correlates life expectancy with the length of a person’s life line. (In that clever study, the hands of the newly departed were examined during autopsies so the length of the life line could be compared with the age at death.)

At some point hundred of years ago, palmistry appeared in Jewish mysticism. Then during the eighteenth century, books began to be written that blended traditional hand reading information with mystical notions. This may be when knowing what certain lines mean while at the same time incorporating psychic impressions became common to the practice.

If things like sexual orientation and longevity can be read in the palm, it doesn’t seem all that crazy to think that personality traits may show up in a person’s hand too. There has been much written on this subject; here’s a typical sample.

According to this Sunday Times article, finger length and other hand traits have been scientifically correlated with various personality traits:

Children whose ring fingers are much longer than their index fingers are more likely to be hyperactive and bullying, research has found. The effect, derived from testosterone exposure in the womb, is particularly pronounced in boys. Children with long index fingers, by contrast, are more likely to be neurotic and sensitive. The findings are the latest in a growing body of research associating the difference in finger lengths with character traits such as sporting prowess, homosexuality, aggression, promiscuity, autism and vulnerability to depression.

Of course, a lot can also be gleaned via a “cold reading” approach to palmistry. The first palm reading I ever received showed me how easy it is to read a person’s personality in this way. On that occasion, when I was asked to present my palm to the reader, I immediately smiled and thrust my hand out to her. Since she was a friend of a friend and knew of my professional interest, she explained why she was saying what she was saying as she went.

Her first observations were that I was friendly, confident, and very open. She discerned this because I had immediately offered my hand and opened it boldly and widely to her. She went on to say that I’m not an anxious sort, which she attributed to the smoothness of my palm as well as my overall demeanor.

There are many very good readers who use the palm as a mere springboard for intuitive work. This gives them a good reason to physically touch the people they are reading. For someone who is clairsentient, this physical connection may be very important. It also gives both the client and the reader something tangible to focus on as the source of the reader’s insights. Though they may start with reading the lines of the palm, many readers quickly shift to psychically reading between those lines.

I once knew a truly gifted medium who did “palm readings” in this way. She explained that in her experience, people like to have something to focus on as a source of the information being relayed. Apparently, they are more likely to find it credible when this is the case. For this reason, she would employ tarot cards or palmistry despite the fact that most of the information she received was accessed in a more direct psychic manner.

Some people say that psychic ability is essential to the palm reading process, while for others, it’s more of a science based on knowing what various aspects of the hand supposedly mean. Given the fact that there are so many different approaches to palmistry and every reader will bring different knowledge and abilities to the table, it’s best to base our assessment of a psychic not on the particular methods she favors but on the quality of the insights she relays.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic Feels like a Fraud

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I do psychic readings for a living and also because I enjoy helping others. However, over the last few months, I panic as soon as I think about doing a reading because I feel like I’m a fraud. I have had a lot of stress over the last few years. I’ve lost faith in myself so much that I feel utterly lost. It may help you to know that I’m also very concerned about my choice of life partner. I feel like something is not quite right about this relationship but I can’t work out what’s wrong. We’ve been together for three years, and within that time, my life, work, health and spirituality have suffered a marked decline. He is always nice to me so I don’t understand what’s wrong.


Dear Karen:

This may sound a little odd, but I think the fact that you feel like a fraud for no apparent reason says good things about your ethics. To me, it says that you care deeply about the quality of your work and would never want to misrepresent yourself or your services. I bet all the best psychic professionals regularly question themselves, their abilities, and the value of their work – I know I certainly do!

There are a number of good reasons for this questioning. For one thing, being a psychic is an unusual endeavor. There is also a lot of denigration of the term “psychic” and everything related to psychic reading work in mainstream society, so it takes an extraordinary amount of self-esteem to walk this path. Telling someone you’re a psychic is sure to raise eyebrows; while some people will be intrigued, many will immediately write you off as either self-deluded, crazy or a charlatan. If you don’t have rock solid faith in yourself, other people’s opinions will constantly eat away at your confidence.

The psychic realm is itself slippery and ethereal, for we’re dealing with that which can’t be perceived or measured by physical means. In this sense, doubt about one’s psychic abilities is similar to all the other spiritual doubts that plague humankind. I regularly review all the amazing experiences I’ve had that contributed to my spiritual beliefs. When I take all of that evidence together, I can’t deny what it’s saying, but when I don’t “live” that reality day after day because I’m immersed in mundane life, it’s natural to start doubting the conclusions I came to in the past.

Being a psychic is like being a painter. It’s pretty easy to determine if you’ve done a “good job” when you’re painting walls and trim, but if you’re creating original works of art, “good” becomes a very subjective matter. Most poets, novelists, dancers and other creative types regularly go through periods of doubt when they wonder if they’re deluded, if it’s ridiculous to consider themselves artists, and even if what they produce is utter crap. In fact, I bet the more successful the artist, the more they doubt the quality of their work.

You don’t have to be an artist to suffer this sort of self-doubt, however. Many highly skilled, knowledgeable and successful people suffer from “Impostor” or “Fraud Syndrome” in which they feel like their success is nothing more than luck or others mistakenly believing them to be more capable, skilled and knowledgeable than they really are. In fact, in 1984, a study of randomly selected American psychologists demonstrated that nearly 70% of them felt like impostors! When you add in the extra challenges of the psychic component, it’s no wonder psychic professionals sometimes feel this way.

Working as a psychic or spiritual counselor is a very heavy responsibility. In my view, it’s like surgery for the soul, for when people reach out for help from us, they are often desperate for comfort, hope and guidance. Since people tend to believe whatever psychics say more than their own inner guidance and common sense, our words have extraordinary power both for better and for worse. Many traditional counselors trying to help deeply troubled people also regularly doubt themselves and their ability to be of true help because so much is at stake.

There is something I do that helps when I start to doubt myself. I’ve always asked for feedback on my reading work, and I keep all of that feedback in computer files. When I start to experience the doubts you’re going through, I’ll go back and read through some of this feedback. When I read email after email full of appreciation and amazement for my work, I begin to relax and remember that I have only to keep doing what I’ve been doing to continue to succeed.

I do think the fact that your life has not been going well is playing a big role in all of this. In fact, one way to evaluate the power of your intuition is to ponder how well your own life is going. Since it sounds like things have been going downhill in many areas for some time now, odds are good that you’re not listening to your intuition, and this would certainly prevent you from doing good psychic reading work for others. I also happen to be of the opinion that if you’re feeling utterly lost yourself, you shouldn’t be trying to guide others. This may be another reason you’re feeling like something of a fraud.

There are lots of reasons why someone who is highly psychic may turn off the voice of their intuition. In your case, your inner guidance has been telling you that something is not right about your relationship, but your head has been arguing with your intuition by saying that this guy is nice to you so your feelings must be unfounded. Since you’re still in this relationship, your head is obviously winning. You can’t regularly deny or ignore what your intuition has to tell you about yourself and still get great psychic impressions for others.

You don’t mention if you’ve had any professional training. If not, now would be a good time to get some. Once you’ve reconnected with your own inner guidance and honored it by taking action to create what you want in your own life, you should be able to return to reading for others with a reasonable degree of confidence, especially if you’ve learned and mastered reliable techniques for tuning in to a high level of spiritual guidance.

Trust plays a huge role in psychic performance. This is a bit of a Catch-22, but if you doubt yourself, you’ll tend to fail, which will just create more doubt. To bring through pure psychic information, we have to connect to Spirit and relay what we get without filtering it. Knowing that we’ve been trained by the best can give us the confidence to relay our impressions without censoring them.

It’s also essential to develop a good working relationship with Spirit and then simply trust that whatever is needed will be provided. I always feel a little tense when beginning a reading because I care deeply about doing my best. After I pray for Spirit to help me deliver a reading that is accurate, useful and empowering for my client, I place the outcome in Spirit’s hands and just get on with it.

What we do as psychics is really extraordinary; if we thought we had to do it all on our own, it would be natural to feel paralyzed by trepidation. Fortunately, all we have to do is remain clear channels for a high level of guidance and trust in Spirit to deliver whatever the person we’re working with needs to hear at that time.

– Soul Arcanum


When a Psychic Squashes Your Dreams

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My mother got an email reading done by a psychic, and she was able to ask three questions. Mom’s final question was if my new natural soap and skincare business would be a success. The psychic responded, “As it’s being planned at the moment, it doesn’t seem to be the biggest success, but if she could either sell the idea/ brand to a bigger company or work as part of a bigger brand, she’ll achieve happiness in her profession.” I emailed her regarding why I would have to do that when it’s not what I want to do, and her response was “I just gave you the answer I got – that’s how it works. It’s not my opinion.” This whole experience makes me think that readings can do more harm than good. It’s like psychics are playing God with your life and deciding your future. How can I discard the bad feelings I have from this reading? I’m using the LOA and creative visualization, and so far things are going great. I refuse to let this psychic tell me my efforts are all in vain.


Dear Paulette:

I’m not crazy about the term soul contract; it could be misleading by causing some of us to feel like our loved ones somehow owe us something, and if they don’t do what we think they should do, then somehow they are failing us or reneging on some cosmic deal. When we talk about working on karma, we are wise to always focus on what we can do to make things right with others, not what we think they need to do to make things right with us.

Many people assume that finding a soul mate is the answer to their lifelong prayers for love, but this is often far from the truth. Soul mate relationships tend to be intense, passionate and often volatile because they are ripe with learning and growth opportunities. Further, many people view divorce or the end of long-term love affairs as the failure of those relationships, but in truth, those endings always propel us forward into new lessons and experiences, so they facilitate new growth and the potential for greater love.

I would keep an open mind about the deeper nature of your relationship, for no one can say for sure what the higher plan for you all may be. Even if your assumptions are valid, then the three of you all have strong soul connections to each other. It may be that your man has chosen to fulfill the contract he has with this younger woman and to tackle the lessons involved in that relationship instead of focusing on the lessons that your relationship may have to offer.

This brings us to the wisdom of remembering that we all have free will. Life puts before us an endless smorgasbord of learning paths and potentials, and we get to choose moment by moment what we will savor next. It’s entirely possible that your man is following his heart and in line with fulfilling his destiny, and is therefore not really avoiding anything. When we assume that we are right and others are wrong about deeper truths such as the soul nature of a relationship, we are almost always stuck in ego.

It’s also possible that you are caught up in a vow from a past life that is no longer valid or beneficial. When we make sacred vows, they can follow us from lifetime to lifetime until we consciously withdraw them and tell all levels of our being that we are free to move on. When we are caught up in an old vow, we often experience just what you describe: a tumultuous roller coaster of passion and conflict, union and separation, followed by reunion and another round of drama.

It’s clear to me that you have lessons to learn from the situation exactly as it is, and that it would be wise to smile upon all that happens with trust in a higher plan. It may be, for example, that your soul agreement was to come together in just the manner you describe: to return together lifetime after lifetime and feel that sense of connection, only to have him be pulled away or choose another path, and for you to learn to make peace with his decision and not having things go the way you think they should go.

Not even the greatest psychic can say for sure exactly what has been happening throughout your lifetimes together, and more importantly, WHY. One thing I do know is that any perspective that blames one party in a situation as wrong and the other as somehow unfairly victimized is very limited and distorted. On a soul level, you are agreeing to go through all of this too, so there must be a good reason for it. Given your inner conflict and turmoil about it all, it clearly holds powerful lessons for you personally.

All of this being said, I do understand how you feel. I had a similar experience with a woman I remembered having a very deep and troubled past life history with. I wanted us to do everything we could to make peace with each other and cultivate new love so that the next time we meet, we would have lots of good karma going in instead of repeating the same old patterns. She, however, demonstrated no interest whatsoever in working on our karma together. It became clear to me that I was far more troubled about the state of our relationship than she was, and perhaps there was great wisdom in simply letting it all go. Certainly it made no sense to insist on dancing with someone who clearly didn’t want to dance with me. To my great surprise, I eventually realized that I had learned and grown more from her refusal to “love me” as I wanted to be loved than I would have from working on the relationship with her.

What did I learn? I learned that I can’t always bend my spiritual path in the direction I think it should go. I learned to surrender with trust that everything happens for a good reason. I learned that I don’t need anyone else to do anything in particular for me to feel better – that I can reach for a high vibration and cultivate love and joy in my heart all on my own. I learned to trust even more in the law of attraction, and to keep in mind that when relationships go against nature or a higher plan, it’s like swimming upstream to try to keep them together. Perhaps most of all I learned that I don’t have to get a certain person’s love or approval to be happy and to love and approve of myself.

This is a really huge lesson to learn, for we all hunger for love, and we also tend to value the love of people who are hard to win over more than the love of the people who already adore us. We can thus spend lifetime after lifetime seeking the love of one particular individual obsessively, when deep down, what we really hunger for us a sense of wholeness and well-being in and of ourselves. All these relationships, soul agreements, soul contracts, karmic entanglements and the like are just dramas through which we work out the love within us and between us and the Divine, which means we can get what we need through an endless number of experiences. We don’t need any particular individual to soar free and clear of old issues, wounds and hang-ups, for everything is ultimately about us and our own journey to Divine Grace.

I recommend you let go of making this guy so special in your mind and heart, and begin to look at all of this in a more general, symbolic way. What does this man symbolize for you? What are the lessons and issues you’ve been working out through this relationship? If you focus on those deeper personal issues, you can set yourself free of this drama and move on to new lessons and more fulfilling connections. Your own heart and soul determine the quality of your experiences far more than your history does; if you are at peace and full of love, you can soar free of old patterns to cultivate much higher levels of experience.

– Soul Arcanum