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Dear Soul Arcanum:

Can you please explain the relationship between the pre-destined life contract we sign (the contract that states the specific things that are going to happen in the upcoming lifetime) and the Law of Attraction, especially when they contradict each other? I don’t have a clear understanding of how definite the contract we sign up for each lifetime is, so this is a tricky topic for me. For example, if part of my contract said that I was going to have an accident that caused me an injury in order to teach me lessons about appreciating the important things in life, could I avoid this accident by utilizing the Law of Attraction and avoiding negative thoughts? I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic! Thank you for creating such a wonderful site and sharing your wisdom.


Dear Jessie:

While no one can answer this with any certainty, I am happy to share my own current understanding of how all of this works.

First, let’s address the idea that we sign some sort of “contract” before incarnating in the physical. While I’m sure you meant this metaphorically, it’s important to be clear that we don’t actually sign anything. I don’t even believe we “promise” anything, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with making a plan and then deciding that we would rather do things differently.

In my view, our “destiny” is like a blueprint for what we want to build and experience in life. This is not where our life lessons and challenges come in, for none of us would consciously choose things like being disabled or abused. Instead, this is where our wishes are fulfilled. For example, let’s say we meet someone in one life with whom we would love to have a romantic relationship, but for one reason or another, that is not possible. When planning a future life, we may set up a way to fulfill that wish, at which point it becomes part of our destiny. Similarly, we may wish to be a musician, to own our own business, to be free to travel the world – the possibilities are endless. These all go into our blueprints of the house/life we want to live in for the next incarnation. In order to fulfill mutual wishes like marrying someone or having a parent/child relationship with a particular soul, we make plans together with other individuals. These are “soul agreements.” While we may be aware of some things that we need to work on and generally intend to tackle those challenges, for the most part, I view destiny as a plan for fulfilling heartfelt wishes.

Fate is something altogether different. This is where karma comes in. If destiny is the blueprint we design for the life we want to live, fate is all the factors we can’t control that will influence how the house actually turns out. Fate is the bad weather that damages or delays the building, the builders who go bankrupt midway through construction, the workers who fail to show up or who do a crappy job, the neighbors who make dwelling in our dream house a living hell – you get the picture. We don’t choose our fate; we reap it as a result of past choices.

To understand where the law of attraction comes into play, we need to understand the difference between consciously building the life of our dreams versus manifesting from a subconscious level. It’s my understanding that, the more we evolve spiritually, the more conscious influence we gain over the course of our experience and HOW we learn the things we need to learn. This is similar to how things work in our educational system. For example, elementary school students have almost no say over what or how they learn; they are all taught the same subjects. In high school, students must take many of the same subjects, but they also get some “electives.” In college, students are free to choose their own “major,” which involves some requirements but also a lot of freedom regarding what they take, their personal schedule, their professors, etc. Finally, advanced (Ph.D.) students often design their own course of study based on their personal interests.

It’s my understanding that, as we progress through the spiritual education system commonly known as life, something similar happens. Beginning students have little conscious control over the details of their education, and they have a lot of limitations and supervision. Advanced students have more conscious control over the course of their experience and a great deal of freedom. This applies both to souls who are embodied and those who are planning their next incarnation. Beginning students are unconsciously pulled through the incarnation process much like objects are pulled to earth via gravity. Being more conscious, advanced souls have more input into how they will experience the things they need to experience, so for them, destiny plays a stronger role.

This is where the law of attraction comes into play. As we evolve spiritually, we are naturally led to conscious awareness and understanding of natural spiritual law. We also become conscious of the guidance of our higher selves, which is the part of us that planned our “destiny” for this lifetime. Once we are able to consciously channel our higher selves, we gain the power to change our blueprint/destiny as we go along!

As we all have free will, we can choose to fulfill our blueprints/destinies or not. The more spiritually conscious and aware we are, the more we can make such decisions wisely. If we are conscious of our destiny/blueprint, we are more likely to end up with a house that matches our original plan for this lifetime. If we exercise our free will without the wisdom of conscious awareness, we may end up with a house that falls down. If we exercise our free will and change our blueprint with the wisdom of conscious awareness, we may end up with a house that is even better than our original plan. This is why it is so powerful to meditate and learn how to “hear” the wisdom of our higher selves.

The more conscious and aware we are, the more able we are to learn in easy, pleasant ways, and the less we have to go through dramatic, difficult experiences like the accident you describe. This doesn’t mean we can always escape fate/karma any more than someone building a house can ensure a perfectly smooth experience, for there are just too many factors involved. Karma is like a crazy boomerang; we are constantly whipping boomerangs out there with every choice we make. If we are paying attention, we may be able to duck a nasty boomerang when it returns, but sometimes those boomerangs seem to come out of nowhere. Destiny is far easier to sense or pick up on than karma, because our destinies were consciously chosen by use before we incarnated, whereas karma is beyond our conscious control; it is simply a natural law that is constantly in motion.

The higher our state of conscious awareness, the more adept we become at working with the law of attraction. This doesn’t mean we can control and influence EVERYTHING; it just means we have more influence than we did before. Our job is to find that tricky balance between exercising our divine creative power and making peace with fate/whatever happens. Of course, we can always strive to create good karma for the future through kindness, service to others, etc., for what we send out is sure to eventually come back to us.

– Soul Arcanum

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