Tag Archive: spirits

The Phantom Doorbell Strikes Again

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My father died in 2001, and my little sister died on her birthday in 1995. She was very spiritual, like me. After my sister died, I felt a connection to her now and then, especially on her birthday. Here’s my question: almost every night between 2:30 and 4:30 a.m., I hear a doorbell that sounds like mine, and sometimes a knock. I get up but I see no one at the door. I am overweight and don’t know if I have sleep apnea, so I’m wondering if the noise I hear is to wake me because I’m not breathing. When I hear it and check, I feel it is real and someone is actually at my door.


Dear Katharina:

I first heard about this phenomenon some twenty years ago when my mother told me she would sometimes hear the doorbell ring in the middle of the night and no one would be there. For a number of reasons, she believed this was someone in Spirit visiting her.

In the ensuing twenty years, I experienced all sorts of signs and contact from spirits but I never experienced anything like this. I had actually forgotten all about it when it happened to me for the first time. It was about a month after my father died, and I had been trying hard to contact him directly without much success. I was troubled because I’d assumed it would be easy for me to establish contact with him since I’ve been able to do so with so many other spirits. My father was not a believer in things like spirit communication, however, which may explain why it was harder to connect with him.

One night about a month after he died, I was sleeping and was suddenly awakened by the sound of the doorbell ringing. I sensed my father’s presence in the room, and then I remembered what my mother had told me years ago about hearing the doorbell. As I woke up fully, the experience faded.

My father still visits me in the same way every now and then. Sometimes the doorbell awakens me from a dream visit with him, or I just awaken with thoughts of him in my mind. He has also been known to pull off some amazing phenomena like making the phone physically ring so that everyone can hear it. The phone doesn’t sound normal when he does this; it sounds more like a British ambulance. He’s done this twice now, once on my birthday and once right after my mother and I had been talking about him for hours. On both occasions, when the phone was answered there was no one on the line; there was just a lot of white noise.

My point is that people have strengths and preferences for various forms of communication when they’re living, so it makes sense that spirits would be the same. I believe my father has a hard time connecting with me telepathically, and this is why he has to resort to other methods.

If you pay careful attention, you should be able to discern the difference between your doorbell actually ringing and the sound you hear in the middle of the night that sounds like your doorbell. I call this the “phantom doorbell” because the sound is to physical hearing as a specter is to physical seeing: it’s not wholly material or immaterial but somewhere in between.

This phenomenon is quite common, and also happens with other sounds that are designed to get our attention. Like you, many people report hearing a phantom doorbell ring in the middle of the night. Others hear the phone ring, knocking sounds or phantom alarms. Many also experience secondary phenomena, such as a strange smell which they may or may not be able to associate with someone in Spirit, or seeing ghostly figures, lights, or other apparitions.

What I find most interesting about this phenomenon is how it seems to be more and less physical in different situations. For example, when I’ve heard the doorbell ringing at my house, other members of my family have not, which suggests the sound was heard clairvoyantly. Many people report similar experiences and explain that even their pets fail to respond to the noise as they would if the doorbell were actually ringing.

In other situations, however, entire families have heard these sounds, sometimes when everyone was awake. Further, these events can be accompanied by other puzzling phenomena, such as hearing the voices of living people who aren’t present but happen to be in some distress at the time. Some folks have even set up recording devices to run throughout the night, and recorded phantom doorbells and other sounds that never woke them up. This means we may all have this happening while we’re asleep more often than we realize.

For the most part, however, this tends to happen in the middle of the night. This makes sense, because when we fall asleep, our vibration naturally rises, which makes us able to perceive subtler energies. Since most of the time the sound isn’t physical in nature, we have to be in an altered state of consciousness in order to be able to hear it. When we’re in between awake and asleep, we’re able to perceive things that are between this world and other dimensions.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you do have sleep apnea, for if you are frequently waking up and falling back asleep, you would be in alpha a lot, which is the perfect state of consciousness for extrasensory perception. Many people who have sleep apnea or other conditions/situations that cause them to awake many times throughout the night report unusual paranormal experiences.

As for why this is happening, it could be a warning to wake up because you’re not breathing properly. (Please see your doctor about the possibility that you have sleep apnea.) These events are often warnings to people that something needs their attention. For example, people have been awakened by a phantom smoke detector or fire alarm and discovered the house was on fire or some other emergency was occurring. Also, many people experience these phantom sounds when they have overslept and need to get up for an important reason.

Most people attribute phantom doorbell and related phenomena to visits from spirits, for in most cases, it begins after the passing of a dear loved one and seems to cluster around dates or other situations specific to that loved one in Spirit. For example, the last time this happened to me, I had prayed for connect with my dad in a dream that night.

Now that you know that this may be someone in Spirit trying to get your attention, it should be easier to take the next step of determining who it is and what they are trying to tell you. If you jump out of bed to go see who is at the door, you’ll pull yourself directly out of that alpha state and be unable to receive more psychic impressions. Instead, try to stay in that half-awake state and reach out with your awareness. See if you sense anything or anyone in the room. Pay attention to what may have been happening in your dreams just before you were awakened, and also to anything you may sense or find yourself thinking about. Ask questions in your mind about who or what is causing this phenomenon and see what pops into your head. If, for example, you have thoughts of your sister or your father upon first awakening, you may assume that they are visiting you and trying to get your attention by making this noise.

– Soul Arcanum

Do Spirits Move Out of Range at Some Point?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I lost someone dear to me some time ago, and he has sent me some wonderful after death communications since he passed. Lately I’ve been hearing a song by Kelly Clarkson a lot. It talks about being “already gone” and “moving on.” I am wondering if this is a sign from Scott telling me that he has already gone on to higher realms and won’t be with me as much or send me as many signs and messages as he used to. I would love to get your perspective on this.


Dear H.

I’ve looked up the lyrics to this song, and I think it’s a lovely one for a spirit use as a sign. I do think we should step back from your assumptions about what it may mean, however, especially since you don’t report any decrease in contact from him.

To me, this song suggests that what happened was destined to happen; Scott is telling you that it would never have worked out because he was destined to leave this world when he did. He knows how much you loved him but he wants you to move on with your life because he’s no longer here; he wants you to be happy and find new love. I lost my first love at a very tender age, so I know it can be very hard to even imagine falling in love with someone else, but you might look at it like this: What if you had lost someone else years ago, and as a result of that loss, you closed yourself off to new love and therefore never got to meet and fall in love with Scott? If there is someone out there you’re destined to love just as much, you don’t want to close your heart to him. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to connect with the departed, it does seem that the main reason spirits reach out to us is to make sure we are okay and encourage us to let go and move on with our lives.

No one truly knows whether spirits move beyond the range of communicating with the living at some point, but I can offer you what I’ve come to believe based on my own history with spirit communication and what I’ve read from researchers and other experiencers.

First, it does seem that there are some spirits long dead who communicate with humankind. (Whether these spirits are really who they say they are, no one can say for sure.) The more interested in spirit communication a person was before they died, the more likely they are to continue to attempt interdimensional communication after they leave this world. Some examples that come to mind include the EVPs of Konstantin Raudive and Thomas Edison. This evidence suggests that at least some spirits can communicate indefinitely.

In my experience, there are perhaps two main factors that affect the power and frequency of spirit contact: skill and need. When someone first dies, there is a tremendous need for us to hear from them. Despite this, spirit communication can be very difficult to affect at first for a number of reasons. For one thing, when we’re grieving, our vibration is too low to perceive higher frequencies of energy, so even though a spirit may be trying hard to reach us, we may be unreachable. Further, at first, most spirits don’t know how to achieve a conscious connection with us.

When dramatic phenomena does take place, it’s usually in the initial weeks following death. This is because the spirit still has more of a foothold in this dimension and is better able to affect physical reality. Recently departed spirits are also highly motivated because they want to comfort their grieving loved ones. Since it can be very hard for spirits to get the attention of the grieving, many go to great lengths to send unmistakable signs like lights flickering, phone calls from the other side and other semi-physical phenomena. As they move up into the afterlife, this ability fades. This is why we tend to see striking signs in the first weeks after someone has passed, after which signs and visits become more subtle.

Perhaps the main factor affecting how long a spirit puts a great deal of effort into contact is how his or her loved ones here are doing. This is another reason why most contact happens close to the time of death, for this is when people are most in need of comfort. However, I have heard many stories from people who had contact with a departed relative at a time of great need that occurred decades after the spirit’s passing. For example, one man’s mother had been gone for more than 25 years when she visited him the night before he was planning to kill someone and then take his own life. He awoke in the middle of the night to find her standing near his bed, telepathically comforting him and urging him to reach for forgiveness and choose a higher path.

In many cases, spirit communication actually picks up after a period of time. This is because many spirits need time to figure out how to bridge the dimensions. They also study their own efforts and from this determine who is most receptive to them and what tends to work best in terms of getting that person’s attention.

My best friend from high school died last spring. Despite many years of successful spirit communication experience, I found it impossible to contact her at first. I would reach out to connect with her energy and get nothing but a void. When I asked Spirit about this, I was reminded that my friend didn’t believe in an afterlife. I was made to understand that she was experiencing what she expected to experience when she died: a state of nothingness. In time, she would begin to wonder “who” was experiencing that nothingness and open up to new awareness. Interestingly, some months after she died, I began to get dream visits from her; recently, I got my first official message from her.

Similarly, I now interact with my father in Spirit far more than I could when he died five years ago. At first communication with him was difficult because he seemed so out of it. After a few months, I began to be visited by him in the night. I would wake to the sound of a “phantom doorbell” and sense his presence. Soon I began to experience dream visits from him. Though he died years ago, he seems to be getting better at visiting in this way, for it’s happening more and more.

While there are exceptions to these rules, most of the time overt signs such as visually appearing, calling on the phone and making lights flicker fade pretty quickly. After that, interactions can get more involved and complex via altered states of consciousness. So if you notice that you’re not getting as many outer signs, you might shift your efforts within by either trying to connect with your loved one via meditation or working with your dreams.

If you want to get more information about what your loved one in spirit is trying to tell you, you might try something called induced spirit communication in which a hypnotherapist guides you into a deep trance and facilitates a connection with the loved one in question. In this state, you can dialogue with your loved one and ask him what he’s trying to tell you and also if you can expect to keep receiving signs and messages from him.

Soul Arcanum

Exploring New Psychic Territory

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve read many of your articles, and you seem to have seen and done it all when it comes to psychic matters. Do you think that’s true? Are you ever surprised by your experiences?
– Ron

Dear Ron:

Like everyone else on a conscious spiritual path, I go through periods when nothing really new is happening, and periods when all sorts of crazy stuff is going on. Recently I’ve had a number of experiences that rocked my spiritual belief system.

It seems this new phase began when my father passed away about nine months ago. I had some profound spiritual experiences at that time, but they were nothing all that unusual for me, given my work as a medium. Following his death, however, things got more interesting.

I should first explain that I expected far more from his spirit than I got. My father and I were close, and he loved his family with gusto. Though we didn’t share the same spiritual beliefs, I still expected that if anyone would make a grand effort to reach out to me from Spirit, it would be him.

I was therefore surprised and disappointed when he didn’t appear to me in a blaze of divine glory with elaborate tales of the afterlife. While I did receive some subtle impressions from him, I was afraid this was wishful thinking on my part, and when I did go looking for him in Spirit, I couldn’t find him! It may be important to note that while my dad was a very intelligent, kind, successful man, he also had some serious food addiction issues. Since I know that addictions tend to cause spirits to become earthbound, I began to worry.

About three weeks after he died, I finally had a dream encounter with him that seemed to confirm my concerns. (Please note that a dream encounter is not a typical dream; it’s clearly an actual interaction with a spirit in the astral.)

In the dream encounter, my dad was glued to my brother’s side like a Siamese twin. (My brother also has serious food addiction issues, and this made me worry that Dad was trying to feed his addictions through my brother.) In this encounter my dad was barely conscious, but he was trying to tell me something. I had to lean very close to hear him, for his voice was just a raspy whisper. I had the impression that he didn’t know how to communicate telepathically – like this was the first time he had ever attempted this from Spirit.

I could only hear one sentence, but what he said was definitely something my dad would say. He said, “Thank you so much for trying so hard to reach out to me from the other side.” His main concern was to make me feel appreciated!

Following this experience, I began to be awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of the doorbell. This is a classic way spirits get our attention: we’re awakened by the phone or doorbell, but there is no one there. Sometimes we believe the phone or doorbell truly rang, and other times (as in my case), as soon as we awaken, we realize that we only “thought” we heard the doorbell ring. (At the same time, however, it is more “real” than imagining it.)

While I had heard about such phenomena, I never expected this to happen to me. I assumed I would be far beyond such crude attempts to get my attention – after all, I’m a professional medium – I should be able to just dial Dad up any time I want!

Each time I heard this doorbell sound in the middle of the night, I would half wake up and then become aware of my father’s presence. When I roused myself completely and opened my eyes to physically look for him, however, I saw nothing. I learned that if I stayed in that half asleep mode, I would be able to feel him there. Again, this was really surprising, since I’ve had much clearer connections with other loved ones in Spirit in the past, not to mention hundreds of communications from virtual strangers in Spirit. I figured that my dad didn’t really know how to reach through from the other side, but he was trying hard.

I had several dream encounters with him over the following months. Recently, I’ve begun to meet with him nearly every night, and we have had some surprising exchanges. For example, a few weeks ago I dreamed that I was walking in a crowded hallway when I noticed him. This place felt like a nursing home or a hospital, and there were lots of “patients” milling around. When I noticed my dad, I turned to whoever was with me and said, “Oh my gosh! That’s my dad! I have to go talk to him!”

I went to him and hugged him, and I noticed that he didn’t look well. This really surprised me, and I realized that I had assumed that when we depart this world, we leave behind all illness and become radiantly healthy. I began to cry and express how much I miss him, when he quieted me and said, “Oh now, you know that this is not how to do it!” I knew that he meant that grief and sorrow are not appropriate for prolonged periods after a loved one dies, for they continue on, and we will see them again.

Some may argue that these are anxiety dreams I’m having, but I know they are not. I know the difference between a typical dream and an astral encounter, and these are definitely astral encounters. They have a different visual quality, they feel real, and we have literal, meaningful conversations. They also pack a lot of punch: I wake up moved by these dreams. I know I have been with my father, and we have truly communicated.

When I ask Spirit why my dad doesn’t seem healthy again, I hear that life (including the afterlife) is a journey of learning, growing, healing and evolving. If our illnesses and disabilities are limited to the physical, we shed them when we move on, but if they exist on a metaphysical level – if they’re part of our hearts, minds, and/or spirits – then they come with us, and we must heal them eventually.

As for other recent phenomena, I sometimes have striking spontaneous out of body experiences, which are always fascinating. I also frequently experience incredible “coincidences.” Many of these arise through my internet-based work. A number of times I’ve experienced something really strange and then read a story contest submission for Soul Arcanum that matched my experience, or which referred to specific names or other details in my experience. These “coincidences” are not born of looking for angels in the architecture: they’re of a striking and sometimes even a mind blowing nature.

For example, a couple of days ago I read an article that had been submitted as a possible future feature. In it, author Janis Amatuzio, MD, describes the events surrounding her father’s passing, and how a few days after he died, he sent her a sign through a song on the radio. The song arrived at just the right time, and it really moved her. The song was “In My Daughter’s Eyes” by Martina McBride.

I was bawling as I finished reading this article, because I had the EXACT same experience with my own father. Though I never listen to country music, when my father died, I was driving and crying and I asked him to send me a sign through the radio. I pushed the radio on, and that is the song that had just begun to play. The last lines are: “When I’m gone I hope you see how happy she made me, for I’ll be there in my daughter’s eyes.”

How did that particular article find its way to me? Did my father orchestrate all of this? Is it possible that somehow, the song I was sent was chosen because I would later receive this article, which would further validate this sign? Though my life is full of mind blowing serendipitous events, they never cease to amaze me.

Thanks for your great question, Ron. I certainly hope I will continue to explore new psychic territory for the rest of my life, and pray that your own world is rich with fascinating spiritual discoveries.

– Soul Arcanum

Is Mediumship Born of “Wishful Thinking?”

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been taking psychic development classes and have had quite a few evidential experiences of Spirit. I am asking you what it takes to be a true medium. Is one born with the ability? Also, why does it take the death of a loved one to bring it out? Is it because the interest will not be there otherwise, or is there some wishful thinking going on?
– Debra

Dear Debra:

Thanks for these great questions. First I think we need to address the term “true medium.” What does this mean to you? Is it someone who brings through evidential information via spirit communication one time? Is it someone who sometimes receives spontaneous messages from spirits? Is it someone who at times can purposefully connect with certain entities? Or is it someone who can dial up individuals on the otherside at will and bring through names and other evidence whenever it is desired?

For the sake of clarity here, let’s call someone who has all the key potential traits a “natural medium,” someone who frequently exercises her ability to bring through evidential information a “gifted medium,” and someone who never outgrows her size 8 jeans a “true medium.” As you might imagine, a “true medium” is rare indeed. All joking aside, I’ve never heard of a medium who can at all times without fail bring through irrefutable evidence from any individual spirit desired.

Defining a “true medium” is thus a bit like trying to define a “true doctor” or a “true artist.” Every medium is unique. Some will be seen to have great gifts. Each one will have certain strengths, weaknesses, specialties, etc. Just as every work of art is unique, so is every communication with Spirit.

Further, mediums go through highs and lows just like anyone else. Sometimes I can bring through endless evidence from Spirit, and other times, this experience is elusive, and I don’t always know why. Sometimes my vibration is too low for some reason. Perhaps I’ve been thinking more negatively than usual, gotten caught up in worry, have not been taking care of myself in some way, or have become overwhelmed with commitments. (That last one often happens just after a period of great success with spirit communication, when my reading business takes off like a rocket with referrals!) Sometimes I think my vibration is actually too high: I’m not motivated to stretch for clear communication because I’m so at peace with death and everything else that I feel no need to strive for anything at all.

I find your questions about when and how mediumship develops to be the most interesting. In my view, mediumship is like any other talent or gift. A gifted athlete may be born with a lot of natural physical ability and perhaps the tenacious personality to strive for excellence. He will also probably have grown up in a family that encouraged and nurtured athleticism.

Similarly, a gifted medium may be born with a very high degree of sensitivity and a high spiritual vibration, which perhaps was attained in prior lives. She will probably also have a personality that is open, curious and compassionate. If she is raised in a family that supports and nurtures her psychic gifts, they will come to the surface at an early age.

Given the fact that most people in our culture either view spirit communication as evil or pure nonsense, very few natural mediums are raised in families that encourage this sort of endeavor. In fact, most young mediums quickly learn that their experiences with spirits freak even the bravest grown-ups out, which is very disconcerting indeed. They thus figure out a way to shut this aspect of themselves down. Given this hostile climate, if a natural medium is going to own her ability, it will generally not be until later in life.

Here is where your excellent question comes in. Why does it so often take the death of a loved one to discover one’s mediumship abilities?

There are a number of reasons that, when woven together, make a lot of sense. First, until we have to face death via the departure of a loved one, most people don’t give all that much thought to the afterlife, for it’s not something we really want to deal with. When someone we love dies, however, we naturally wonder where they are and if they are all right.

If this death is of someone very close, like a child, parent or spouse, then we may not be satisfied with the answers we receive about death and grieving from our cultures and religious traditions. We may need more: more information, more understanding, more help, more healing, more comfort and more reassurance. We may also seek more experiences with this person. We may refuse to let go. We don’t care if this freaks other people out anymore, and we don’t even care if we believe this is possible. Our emotional pain is so great that it can no longer be contained by the limits of our prescribed belief system.

We see this phenomenon all the time in emergency situations, as with a mother who is able to lift a car off of a child. She doesn’t stop and think about whether she can do it or not, she just knows that she HAS to. Once she’s done it once, the walls guarding her beliefs about what is possible will begin to crumble.

This combination of intense love, longing and grief is so powerful it creates seemingly “magical” experiences between those who are grieving and those who have passed on. This desire is so strong and pure that it breaks through all the barriers that prevent this sort of experience from being commonplace. Further, when we’re in a lot of pain, our loved ones in Spirit are also strongly motivated to make contact, so this intense desire for contact works from both sides.

Many a gifted medium’s first spirit communication experiences thus involve personal contact with a loved one who has died. It only takes one such experience to blow open the doors on what we believe is possible and launch us on this new journey called “mediumship.”

As I mentioned above, we also now have an ally on the other side – someone we were very close to and could probably communicate with very well. We have “contacts” in Spirit. Imagine that you’re up on a podium looking out at an immense crowd, but as a bright spotlight is shining on you, the audience is shrouded in darkness. If you wave or call out, you may or may not get any answer, as folks won’t know you’re talking to them. If, however, your departed mother is in that audience and you wave, she will probably jump up and wave back excitedly. If you call out, she will answer.

Once we believe spirit communication is possible, we still need a strong desire to make it happen again and again, just like an Olympic athlete needs a strong desire to maintain his abilities. While many mediums grow better and better with experience, some seem to fade in their ability. Most budding mediums are on fire to share what they’ve discovered with the whole world. With time, however, they are less and less amazed by their experiences with Spirit and more and more at peace with death, which causes their desire to bring through evidential information from Spirit to wane.

I struggle all the time to remember what it was like for me before I experienced all I’ve experienced with Spirit, and how devastating it felt to “lose” a loved one, so that I can remain passionate about helping others, and maintain a desire strong enough to fuel continued success.

Is it possible that spirit communication is sometimes wishful thinking? Absolutely. We’re always wise to test Spirit and to question all our experiences. Since we create our own realities based on our desires, however, everything ultimately happens due to wishful thinking. When your wish is strong enough, magic happens!

– Soul Arcanum

When the Recently Departed Haunt the Dreams of the Living

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:


My boyfriend Billy died in a car accident a few weeks ago. His best friend, Kyle, was also killed; Kyle was the driver that night. Since they died, I’ve had some very long, intense dreams about Billy. In one dream, Billy and Kyle come to my house and I start crying and hug them both. Kyle tells me that they aren’t dead; I tell them that they are. They disappear and then Billy calls me on my cell phone, crying and saying that he is so sorry. He says he didn’t mean to leave me. In other dreams, I discuss with Billy and Kyle whether other people know they are dead, and whether or not we should tell them. In another dream, we go to a carnival and Billy tries to win me a stuffed animal, but all sorts of things prevent this from happening. Then we’re at a mall, going down the escalator. He makes it down before me. Billy: I beat you! Me: I didn’t know we were racing. I start going up the escalator and back down it as he tries to catch me. Me: I beat you! Billy: Didn’t you say you wanted sons? Children would make you happy? Me: I don’t need kids to make me happy. Being with you will make me happy.

Later we kiss. Then I’m standing in front of him. [In real life, Kyle’s dad has seen Billy wandering around his house, and I’ve been worried that this may mean that Kyle’s dad is going to die soon.] Me: Why are you wandering around Kyle’s house? Billy: I don’t know. Me: Is Kyle’s dad going to be okay? Billy: He is going to die tomorrow due to a low heart. Billy: I really want you to be with me right now but God said you can’t be with me yet. He runs from me to escape my desire to be with him. I chase him. He opens dark double doors that have a drop after them. I try to grab him and almost fall but stop myself and fall back into the mall. The doors slam shut. My best friend Gena (Kyle’s girlfriend) has had strange dreams about them too. In a dream a couple days after the accident, Billy told her to tell me that he loved me and I needed to be strong. I’ve also been seeing things out of the corner of my eye, felt like Billy was lying with me, felt him holding my hand, smelled him, and heard him say something. What do you think of all of this?

Dear L.:

I believe Billy is trying very hard to make you know that he loves you and didn’t mean to leave you. First I’ll interpret these wonderful dreams, and then I’ll explore the bigger picture in terms of what I feel is going on with Billy and Kyle.

In my belief and experience, whenever we dream about someone who is departed, and in the dream we know that they are supposed to be dead, it’s a sign that we are actually meeting up with them in another dimension. We may feel confused about their presence because we know they’re dead, or we may actually have a conversation with them about the fact that they’re dead. In any case, if you’re conscious in the dream that they’re supposed to be dead, they’re not a dream symbol for something or someone else: this is a real visit with them in another dimension.

Your conversations with Billy and Kyle in which you discuss the fact that they’re dead, they argue with you, and you debate whether or not to tell other people are all very telling. These discussions suggest that for now, these two have yet to cross over and may still be in shock over their sudden departure from their physical bodies.

It’s my understanding that being in between life and the afterlife is very much like being in a dream. This should resonate with you given the experiences you’ve had with them in the dream state. In fact, being earthbound is probably like a very long, drawn out dream. Imagine yourself in a dream and someone tells you that you’re dead. You tell them that you’re not but then you think, Am I? Maybe I am… You’re not sure what is what here. I feel these two are still coming to grips with what has happened.

The dream where you go to a carnival and Billy tries to win you a stuffed animal suggests that you are both holding on to him being your boyfriend – the one who does things like win you stuffed animals. Yet he can’t be that person to you now, which is why one thing after another prevents him from succeeding.

I feel the dream about going down the escalator is all about going from one level of existence to another, and the fact that he beat you to the non-physical by dying when he did. When you then try to beat him and he asks if you don’t want children, he is basically saying, Don’t you want to go ahead and live a full life, fulfill your dreams, and catch up with me after that? He wants you to be happy and fulfilled. Your reply that you don’t want anything more than being with him is a natural way to feel a few weeks after your boyfriend was killed, and it’s because you’ve been feeling this way that he is trying hard to convince you to think about what you’ve always dreamed would make you happy.

Please know that you won’t always feel as you do now. I know it’s hard to imagine, but my own first love died suddenly at the age of 19, so I do know what I’m talking about here. I can assure you that there will be new happiness and new love in your future, and none of it will diminish what you feel for Billy or what you can have with him in other lives. In this dream, he is trying to talk you into finding the will to go on, allow time to heal your wounds, and try to live a happy life.

Regarding Kyle’s dad seeing Billy, this doesn’t mean he’s about to die. Instead, I feel it means that he WANTS to die. His heart is broken over his son’s death and if he doesn’t find a way to heal and the will to live, then he may indeed unconsciously do himself in. We see this all the time in lifelong couples: when one dies, the other isn’t far behind because the survivor doesn’t want to go on.

The part about God saying you couldn’t be with him yet is self-explanatory. I love how Billy is spelling everything out for you so clearly in these dreams: He is working hard to let you know that he still loves you, that he wants you to be happy, and that this temporary separation was not his choice. Then he does the noble thing and runs away so you can get back to your life here.

All of these dreams and experiences suggest that Billy and Kyle have yet to cross over into a new (after) life, most likely because they are worried about all of their loved ones here on Earth. They want to make sure that you are all going to be okay. Of course, they have their own strong attachments to you, and are trying to work through the realization that they have indeed died and need to move on.

I know that it’s hard to see the big picture right now, but I feel that all of this is going to change you in some very important, powerful ways. As a result of the amazing things that happened when my own first love died, I awakened spiritually, and I have had no doubt that there is life after death ever since. I would not be the person I am today and doing the work that I do had all of that not happened. Todd’s death led me to new awareness and understanding, deep compassion for the grieving, and a passion for spiritual exploration. While I still miss him, I have total faith that I will see him again and we will get a chance to live all we desire to live together. I believe that through all of this heartache, you too will be blessed with a new spiritual life. I pray you make the most of all the gifts of love and spirit Billy is trying so hard to give you through these extraordinary experiences.

– Soul Arcanum

Spirits Can Take Many Forms


My mother passed away unexpectedly, and we were very close. I’ve had no communication with her since she died, except one night, a ball of light appeared to me. It was beautiful and filled with what looked like sparkling white diamonds. When I looked at it, I felt complete joy. When I blinked, however, it was gone. Was this my mother? I would never have expected a spirit to look like this. Are there many different forms spirits can take when they appear?
– Joan

Dear Joan:

The ball of light you saw was definitely a spirit of some kind. It could have been your mother, or it could have been a spirit guide or another divine being that appeared in the wake of your mother’s passing to give you comfort and boost your faith.

Spirits can appear to us in many different forms. Usually when loved ones in Spirit come to us, however, they take a form we will recognize, or we “just know” it was them. This only makes sense, since the point behind such visits is to let us know that they continue on and are doing fine. Given the beauty and joy of this experience, what you encountered here sounds like a being of a high spiritual nature like a guide or an angel, though certainly departed loved ones of a highly evolved spiritual nature might appear in such a way.

There is something of a spectrum of spirit manifestations. At the low end are “ghosts” and earthbound spirits. In residual hauntings (where ghosts are not conscious of our presence or trying to interact with us), we tend to see things in our peripheral vision, but when we look in that direction, nothing is there.

Before I awakened psychically, my college roommate and I saw a ghost like this in an old house where we were babysitting. We’d catch a flash of a long skirt swishing around the corner, but when we looked in that direction, nothing was there. There were other phenomena as well; in particular, it sounded like big, heavy furniture was being dragged around the foyer in the middle of the night when no one was down there.

When entities are of a conscious nature and trying to interact with us, we are far more likely to either see them straight on or at least get a clear impression of them despite seeing them only fleetingly or in our peripheral vision. This happens because the spirits are actively trying to appear to us, but it takes a great deal of energy for them to manifest in physical form.

Also, our brains are constantly filtering our perceptions, but less so in our peripheral vision, so we may perceive something peripherally, but then when we look right at it, our brains filter out our awareness of anything that is a shock or challenge to our belief system. In my experience, these sorts of encounters tend to be frightening, either because the entity involved is of a lower nature or because we are afraid of such encounters to begin with.

The most common way to perceive our own loved ones in Spirit is in our dreams. I believe that all of us dream of our departed loved ones, but not all of us remember it. When we do, these “dreams” have a special quality. We feel we have actually been with our loved one, and usually, we are aware in the dream that our loved one is “dead.” We may even wonder at our ability to see and talk to them since we know that they have died.

Similar to this but a step closer to a conscious waking experience is something I’ll call a “waking dream.” Many people occasionally awaken at night to the presence of a departed loved one. They may actually see a vision of that spirit in the room with them, sense their presence, or smell something they associate with them. This is sort of like peripheral vision, in that we are not fully conscious, so our brains aren’t filtering out stuff it can’t make sense of. It’s like there is this little gap in our perception, and spirits that are trying hard to get through to us will take advantage of that gap by slipping in while we’re dreaming, and then rousing us from our slumber.

Often just spirits’ presence is enough to wake us, but if they are strong and skillful, they could do something like make a light flicker or the doorbell chime. Usually, however, this happens on an astral level, so we may awaken to a “noise” that sounded real, but not be sure if we heard it with our physical ears or “in our dreams.”

Finally, when our own vibration is high enough and we are psychically awake enough, we may have a fully conscious, waking encounter with a spirit. This is what it sounds like you had. In such an encounter, there is never a sense of fear, but rather a sense of profound peace.

When we’re in this state of heightened vibration and awareness, we may hear a spirit talking to us. This may seem like it is physically audible, but most of the time, it happens mentally. Sometimes, however, there is a short burst of physical phenomena in the beginning to get our attention.

For example, we may hear a spirit whisper our name, which draws our attention. Since the spirit can’t maintain the energy that physical phenomena require, however, the experience will seem brief and inexplicable if we’re unable to tune in to what is happening metaphysically. If, however, we know how to use our psychic senses, we can shift into an altered state of consciousness to prolong the experience on a subtler level.

The initial attention-getting event can be a smell, a touch, a vision, etc. For example, we may perceive something like your ball of light or energy. In fact, this is just how I perceived spirits of departed loved ones early on.

The first time this happened, I was sitting on the floor with my one-year-old son and thinking with great love about my grandmother. Just as a feeling of her presence came over me, I saw a big ball of purple energy hovering in the air above us. The fascinating thing is that as this happened, my infant son looked right at that spot and stared at it just like I was doing, even though his back was to me.

I have perceived spirits as balls of colored energy like this a number of times, and perhaps more commonly, as transparent energy that is similar to heat waves rising off of hot pavement. Always these visions are accompanied by the feeling of a spirit’s presence.

It’s important to note that with time, I have perceived spirits less and less with my physical eyes, and more and more on an inner, mental level. I believe this is because the more physical the phenomena, the more energy it takes for spirits to appear. I imagine it’s a bit like paying for something you want: if spirits can communicate with me for $2.00 worth of energy, why would they pay $20?

Sometimes spirits do expend more energy, however, and that’s to convince us. So often if we just “see” or “hear” a spirit in our minds, we doubt the experience and dismiss it as wishful thinking. When we do this, we really make our loved ones work hard, and sometimes they just don’t have the power and skill to come through to us in a more physical form.

While many people long for a sign from a departed loved one, few realize that there are things they can do to help spirits fulfill their desires. For starters, they can learn how to perceive spirits’ presence, and trust in their subtle experiences so spirits don’t have to work so hard.

I believe that your encounter was meant to affirm for you that spirits really do exist, and thus your mother must continue to exist as well. I also believe that if you cherish this experience and let it boost your faith in such matters, it will empower you to manifest another spiritual encounter that erases any doubts in your mind and helps you heal your grief over your mother’s passing.

– Soul Arcanum

Negative Energy in Classroom

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

I am a college math professor and this semester in one of my classes, I feel a heavy environment around me. I feel drained, my head hurts, and my neck is tense at the end of the class. I know that I am more sensitive to bad energies than the average person and I do not know how to stop it. I am suspicious about one student but I am not 100% sure about it. This is affecting not only my professional life but also my family life. My sign is Pisces. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Dear P.:

What you are experiencing could be the result of high EMF exposure, which can cause headaches, tension, anxiety, weakness, and a general feeling of malaise along with all sorts of other symptoms. You wrote that you only have this problem in one of your classes, and I am wondering if you only teach in that particular classroom for this one class. If that’s the case, I would focus on environmental factors (like high EMFs) before looking for psychic influences. Of course, it’s possible that the problem is both psychic and location specific, as may be the case with a “haunting.” If you teach in that classroom frequently and only have problems with one particular group of students, then it makes sense to look to the people involved as potential sources of your discomfort.

First let’s assume that you only have problems when you teach in that particular location. If this is the case, as I mentioned, it’s likely that you are dealing with a high level of electromagnetic radiation. Some individuals seem to be particularly sensitive to electrical fields. Some are hyper-aware of these fields without being adversely affected by them, while others suffer discomfort from exposure whether they are consciously aware of the energy or not. Many people who are consciously aware of electrical fields are also psychically sensitive. I know many psychics who can feel and/or hear the buzz of flourescent lighting even when it’s on another floor of the building they are in. I can sense if the television is on and muted from all the way across the house. If this sounds like you, then you are definitely sensitive to electrical fields. (If you have ever left the city for the country and been amazed at how much better you felt, you are probably electrically sensitive.)

If your symptoms disappear when you leave the location of the classroom, it makes sense that something there is bothering you. I recommend you visit the classroom when there are no students around to see if you are affected then. If you are, then it must be something related to that particular environment – and not a particular student – that is causing you distress.

The answer could be something very simple and mundane. For example, if the classroom you are teaching in has flourescent lighting, that is definitely a potential cause of your discomfort, for many people report getting headaches and other symptoms when exposed to flourescent lights. If you’re sensitive to electrical fields, you will definitely be sensitive to flourescent lighting. To determine if this is the problem, try sitting quietly in the classroom for 15 minutes with the lights off. If you don’t have a negative reaction, try the same with the lights on and see what happens. If you start to become uncomfortable, the remedy may be as simple as replacing the lighting.

If you begin to have problems the minute you enter the unlit room or building, then you will want to measure the EMF fields of that location, for there are all sorts of things that can cause high EMFs aside from flourescent lighting such as nearby power lines, computers, wireless towers – the list goes on and on. I don’t have room to go into how you can test that location for high EMF fields, but that information is readily available on the internet. If you discover that this classroom is plagued by high EMFs, then you will either have to find a way to remedy that situation or ask to have your classroom moved to a different location.

Please note that discovering high EMFs does not negate the possibility that there is also some form of psychic attack going on. There is a strong correlation between high EMFs and paranormal phenomena; what’s unclear is which comes first. I believe that we create the high EMFs with our electrical appliances and that entities in the lower astral (like earthbound spirits) use that energy to try to affect this dimension.

I have noticed a dramatic increase in paranormal phenomena over the past couple of decades, and I believe that this is why. As we are constantly electrically charging the psychic atmosphere as never before in history, we have no idea how this will affect us all physically OR metaphysically. I think it’s entirely possible that it is causing a thinning of the veil between this world and the dimensions closest to us in vibration, and that this is enabling all sorts of unusual phenomena.

It also makes sense that this electrically charged atmosphere can lead to stronger psychic phenomena, so that even a student daydreaming about bashing you in the head because he’s bored or is having a hard time understanding the lesson could affect you if you’re highly sensitive. (We are constantly interacting on an auric level; the more energy is channeled into those interactions, the stronger the effect they tend to have.)

If all of the above experiments fail to yield clear results, I suggest you call the student in question to meet with you in your office. If you are immediately affected as you are in the classroom, then you have your culprit. It’s important to keep in mind that this student may not wish you ill. For example, it could be that you have shared other lives with this particular student, and that the presence of that student brings uncomfortable energies up for you. The relationship between teacher and student is as likely to involve past life connections as any other, and feeling ill is a very common reaction to encounters with uncomfortable past life material.

For example, when I was in university, I watched a film about a pilgrimage to a sacred temple in India, and while watching the film, I was suddenly overcome with feelings of extreme anxiety to the point of panic. I broke out in a cold sweat and thought I was going to throw up. I fled the auditorium through the closest door, which was an exit door. Much to my surprise, as soon as I was outside, I felt perfectly fine. I later recalled a past life in which I had been trampled to death during a pilgrimage to a similar temple.

Regardless of whether or not this student is consciously sending you negative energy, the remedy is the same: you will want to bless the student and the whole situation, and bathe it with divine love. This will shield you and make you invulnerable to psychic attack, for one who is connected to the stream of pure positive energy is more powerful than a thousand who are not. If every time you walk into a classroom to teach, you bring the brightest love you can summon in your heart with you, you will be more metaphysically powerful than any energy even the most disgruntled, bored, depressed or frustrated student can dish out.


Summoning Angels to Help Spirits Cross Over

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been working with Angels to perform spirit clearances. I have done this three or four times so far with their help, and I am comforted by their presence. My automatic writing suggests that in some instances, I can simply talk the spirits over as I naturally know where the gates of light are. What are your thoughts? Should I always call the Angels to assist or is there another way? Since I’m new to this topic, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.


Dear E.:

First, I encourage everyone interested in spirit rescue work to watch out for assumptions. For example, just because we are able to perceive a spirit doesn’t mean that spirit is earthbound. Every living person is unique and in a unique situation, and the same is true of spirits. It is never wise to push our help upon others whether they are living here or in another dimension. I mention this because I’ve met people who get so excited about finding “ghosts” and helping them cross over that they assume every disembodied presence is in dire need of assistance. There are both human and non-human beings living happily in other dimensions, so just because we can perceive a metaphysical being doesn’t mean it is lost or in need of guidance. A beginner’s mind is perhaps the most important thing we can carry with us into such situations, for this will keep us asking questions instead of leaping to conclusions, which will enable us to feel our way to the best approach.

Many readers are no doubt wondering why angels and other spiritual helpers can’t handle such matters on their own. Apparently, the problem is that spirits lingering close to the earth plane can no more perceive these higher beings than most living people can. Their consciousness remains as it was when they were living, so earthbound spirits continue to perceive the living but are oblivious to spiritual beings. The goal is to help these spirits shift into a higher state of vibration and consciousness. To answer your question, I think calling upon angels for help is a very wise thing to do; it certainly can’t hurt, and in many cases will prove powerful and helpful for all involved.

There are all sorts of reasons a spirit may not cross over into the afterlife when leaving this world, so the first thing to do is try to determine what the hang-up may be. Since you are able to talk to these spirits, this should be relatively easy for you. Being capable of two-way communication is helpful both in terms of figuring out what to do and knowing if your efforts have been successful. It’s a bit like trying to help a foreign immigrant get settled in a new land; it helps if both parties are able to hear and understand each other.

Some souls get stuck close to earth simply because they don’t realize they are dead. This tends to happen when people die suddenly and without warning. I imagine this state is much like what we experience when we dream at night; most of us “wake up” in a dream without any thought about the fact that our dream body is not the same body that is lying in our bed, sleeping. Here, helping a lost spirit is like approaching them in a dream and saying, “I realize you probably don’t know this, but you are actually dreaming right now and it’s time to wake up! Go that way to get to where you’re supposed to be.” If we bring angels in, the living helper can simply say, “If you look behind you, you will find an angel who is here to help you.” Once the spirit turns and sees the angel, the angel can take it from there.

Of course, not all spirit rescues are this easy or straightforward. If the spirit is mired in anger, fear, grief or other heavy emotions, its vibration will be too low to perceive the higher beings there to help. Here the job of the living is to help the spirit gain a higher perspective on their situation so that their vibration will rise to where they can let go of the past and open up to whatever comes next.

In this category we have the growing number of spirits who have no idea what to expect when they die. (Of course, this is preferable to when many people died in fear that they were going straight to an eternal punishment in hell.) When people expect there to be “nothing” when they die, that is what they tend to experience. This can lead to a period of limbo and confusion. I imagine this is like waking up in a hospital bed, feeling woozy and out of it, not knowing where you are, how you got there, or what you’re supposed to do next. Many spirits who find themselves in this position will wait for someone to come along whom they can ask for guidance. Since they can perceive the living but not higher beings, but most of the living can’t perceive them, this can prove to be a long wait. They may ask the living for help and become more confused when the living don’t seem to be able to perceive them. Some of these spirits may know or begin to suspect they have died but still not know what to do or where to go. If they had little religious experience when alive, the idea of “praying” for help may not even occur to them.

These spirits tend to linger in familiar places or near familiar people, and become excited when they encounter someone who can perceive them. Here the best thing is to explain to them that there is an afterlife, that there is nothing to fear, and that they have only to start to look for a light or tunnel and go through it to escape from the limbo they’re in. You can also suggest that they pray for help from whatever higher power they are most open to, or that they call to mind a loved one who preceded them in death and look around for that individual. If they are mired in strong negative emotions, you may have to counsel them just as you would the living. By helping them find more positive thoughts and feelings, they will become more able to perceive higher beings, let go of the past, and move on.

Some earthbound spirits have unfinished business and are looking for someone who can help them complete it. Many are simply waiting to get an important message through to the living. Others refuse to leave a particular loved one, preferring to wait until that person dies so they can cross over with them. You may be able to convince some that they can move on and come back when it’s time for the one they’re waiting for to pass, but some will refuse to go. We have to respect the free will of these spirits like we do the free will of living people.

Many earthbound spirits are stuck due to physical addictions. Just as this is one of the hardest things to “treat” in the living, it’s one of the hardest things to work through with a spirit. Since each individual has to find the strength to overcome addictions on their own, usually the best you can do is help a living individual free themselves from such a spirit, knowing all the while that the spirit will probably just find someone else to try to feed its addiction through.

Finally, there are those spirits who are so dark and “evil” that they are blind to the light and too heavy in vibration to rise to higher realms. These dark souls have no more interest in going “into the light” than they had in doing good deeds when they were alive. We can pray for and protect ourselves from these spirits, but like the worst criminals amongst the living, most of them don’t share our desire for love, peace and harmony.

Soul Arcanum

Why Do We Dream of Acquaintances in Spirit?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I had a friend who was dear to me, but I moved out of state and didn’t see him often or even talk to him much. Strangely, every time I would go to visit, I would always run into him somewhere. A couple of years later, I found out that he had died in an accident. What was strange was I had thought about him for the first time in a while two days before I was told of his death. I then had a dream about him several weeks later. I saw him walking and smiling and I ran to him and said, “I thought you were dead!” He said no and just smiled. I have now had several dreams of him. In one he confirmed that he was in fact dead. In another he came to me and said to remember him. I have dreams every now and again of him, and I’m wondering why. My three-year-old son came to me one day and said “Mama, D.C is here.” (That was his name.) I had never talked about him to my son and am wondering what is going on with all of this.


Dear M.:

When loved ones cross over, they tend to visit people with whom they have a strong loving bond like the two of you have. The amount of time you spent together doesn’t matter; the important thing is the quality of your connection. This psychic bond brought you together when you visited his city when he was alive, and it’s continuing to bring you together now that he’s in another dimension.

Spirits also reach out to people who are receptive and able to perceive them. They may also try to come through to other surviving loved ones, but if those people can’t perceive them, they’ll focus on someone who can. People who are open and sensitive to spirit contact glow with a certain light in the astral; they’re like beacons that attract spirits looking for contact with this world.

My first spirit dream is a great example. This was many years ago, when I was in my early twenties. A friend from high school named Jennifer had tragically died in a car accident just after graduation. Jennifer and I had known each other since kindergarten, and while we ran in the same circles, we weren’t especially close. After she died, her mother told me that it had meant a great deal to her that I had offered to loan her a dress for prom.

Jennifer had been a really good cross country runner in high school. At the time I dreamed about her, I had been running for less than a year and had developed an injury that had me really frustrated. The night I had the dream, I remember lying in bed, thinking about the injury and wondering if I would have to give up running forever. This had me really down, so I sent out a vague prayer to the Universe for help with this problem.

That night I had a striking dream. In the dream, I was walking down a crowded sidewalk when I twisted my ankle and fell off the curb. I was sitting in the gutter, holding my ankle and worrying about never being able to run again, when the crowd parted and through it came Jennifer. She looked absolutely radiant and was wearing an angelic white dress. She looked more grown up and beautiful than I’d ever seen her look before. She walked directly up to me, looked me in the eye, and said, “Don’t worry; you’ll run again.”

When I awoke, I was perplexed and amazed by this dream. Of all the people in Spirit to come to me in a dream, why her? I now believe she came to bring me comfort because she wanted to return the favor I’d done her years before, and also because her own passion for running made her empathetic to my plight. (For the record, I did run again, and have been running ever since.)

A couple of years after that, I dreamed that I met her in this vague, misty place. I was startled to see her there, and said, “Hey, aren’t you Jennifer?” She indicated that she was. I said, “But aren’t you…dead?” She indicated that she was dead in this world, but that didn’t mean she no longer existed. Soon after that the dream ended.

Let’s turn now to your dreams about your friend. I believe that whenever we dream about someone who has died, and in the dream we are aware that they are dead, we are visiting with their spirits on another plane. I’ve now had many such dreams, and they always have a special quality about them; they’re especially moving, vivid, real and memorable.

Sometimes I dream that I see my departed father in a crowded public place. In these dreams, I know he’s dead and I’m very excited to see him. I am hugging him and talking to him while the other people in the dream can’t see or perceive him at all. I’ll say, “He’s right here in front of you!” but they still can’t perceive him. Sometimes they look at me like I’m crazy because I seem to be talking to empty space, but I don’t care: I’m too excited to see him to worry about what other people think.

It sounds like you and D.C. had a very loving connection. Further, you are obviously open to spirit contact and sensitive enough to both perceive spirits while in an altered stae of consciousness and remember those events after the fact. I’m sure that with some development, you could learn to do the same thing from an altered but awake state of consciousness.

The fact that your friend popped into your head two days before you learned of his death further validates your psychic sensitivity. I’m assuming that he was already dead at that point and was trying to get your attention. Since he couldn’t fully dialogue with you when you were awake, he began to try to reach you via the dream state. This is when it is easiest for us to visit with loved ones in other dimensions.

Regarding why our friends in Spirit come to us this way, there are lots of possibilities.

First, this sort of thing just happens naturally. Just as you would run into him when visiting his city, you run into him while you’re both in the dream world. Imagine that the cords between us and those we love are like rubber bands. Wherever we go, whether in this world or other worlds, the tension of being apart will draw us toward each other. This is how we find each other via <q>destiny</q> when we reincarnate together, and how we are naturally draw together again when we leave this world. The same thing is happening all the time whether we’re on the same plane or not. When we dream and visit the astral/other planes, the walls between us are removed, and this force can pull us toward the people we love on that plane.

Spirits also visit us to deliver love, comfort and messages like my friend Jennifer did. If they resonate with what we are going through, they may feel called to try to help. This is the same motivation for visits from spirits when we are grieving for them.

Finally, spirits sometimes visit us because they need something from us. Since your son perceived your friend, he’s clearly visiting you both when you’re awake and asleep, but you haven’t yet developed the ability to perceive him when you’re awake. Most of us are born with psychic skills that we lose over time as we’re taught what is “real” and “imaginary” and as we shift from the high vibration of the spirit world to focus on physical reality. When spirits do want our help, it’s often because they need an intermediary who can perceive them to relay some message to another loved one in this world.

I don’t feel that this is the case here because your interactions with him have been so casual and he hasn’t mentioned anything like this. Instead, I feel that your love for each other simply draws you into orbit of each other, and when you’re in a certain state of mind, you are able to interact and later consciously remember that interaction.

– Soul Arcanum

Three Kisses Goodbye

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My brother-in-law in New Jersey died at home of a fatal heart attack on June 17. We have a strong bond: I am very dear to him and he has been very open about that with everyone in the family. He would always say that I am his favorite sister-in-law. A few days after he died, I believe I had an eerie encounter with him. (By the way, I am working in Qatar.) I was nearly asleep around 1:30 a.m. My eyes were closed when I felt something like a magnet pinning my body down, and an unexplainable feeling emanating from my body. Then I felt a kiss being planted on my head three times. I could even feel the breathing and my right hand was being caressed at the same time. I was so scared, I just kept my eyes shut and prayed the Lord’s Prayer, and then I felt my body being released. I strongly felt that it was my brother-in-law saying goodbye to me. I called up my sister (his wife) and my parents and really cried, as this had frightened me so much. Am I correct in my assumption that it was really him? I have been through a lot, and my sister told me that he was always very concerned about my well-being.

Dear Evelyn:

Your letter reminded that we can hear all sorts of stories about spiritual experiences, but we won’t begin to truly believe until we have our own personal encounter – and that’s how it should be. Once we DO have our own experience, however, it’s imperative that we trust in our own perceptions.

I believe that what you experienced was exactly what you think it was: a visit from your beloved brother-in-law at the time of his death. This sort of thing is surprisingly common. In fact, it’s estimated that between 20 – 40% of people in the U.S. have had personal spontaneous contact from a deceased loved one. For more information, check out the work of Bill and Judy Guggenheim or the After Death Communication Research Foundation.

That he visited at the time he was leaving this world makes sense, for often spirits will visit someone they loved in order to say good-bye or let them know that they have died. Physical distance is no obstacle: many people have been halfway around the world from the dying person who visited them.

Interestingly, I’ve had your question slated for publication for about a month now, yet just a few days ago a friend of mine experienced something similar. Her beloved uncle was dying from cancer but he was expected to live for another day or two. She was at home when suddenly books flew off the shelf, two bedroom doors slammed, and her kitchen light turned on and then off again. She began to talk out loud to her uncle, asking if that was him. That’s when her phone rang: it was family calling to tell her that her uncle had just passed.

There are many ways that spirits may appear after their deaths. I believe that these forms are determined by a combination of the proclivities of the spirit and the living person. For example, a spirit who was very physical in life may make his presence known through a touch, as your brother-in-law did. Someone who was very auditory may be heard to speak either out loud or telepathically, while someone who was very visual may be perceived as an apparition.

At the same time, those who perceive spirits will experience visitations in their own way. Of course, it is generally those who are psychically open and sensitive who have such experiences to begin with. Sometimes spirits target those who are sensitive right off the bat, while other times spirits try to come through to all their loved ones but quickly figure out that some people are able to perceive them while others are oblivious to their presence. They then naturally focus on the sensitive ones in hopes of getting a message through to the whole gang.

Some encounters are entirely visual; spirits may even try to communicate a message through sign language. Similarly, some visits are just auditory: a voice heard is out loud or in one’s head. Other experiences are kinesthetic in that one feels a presence or a touch. Many visits are combinations of the various psychic senses. For example, someone may feel a pat on the leg and hear the spirit’s voice in her head, while another may smell the spirit’s favorite cologne and sense their presence.

It doesn’t surprise me one bit that you saw your brother-in-law while you were falling asleep. Being in a trancelike state greatly facilitates spirit communication because we’re not focused on the physical dimension and our minds are awake but quiet and receptive. I believe this is why so many visitations involve spirits standing at the foot of the bed: It’s not that spirits want to scare us in the middle of the night, but rather that we are more able to perceive them when we’re sleepy.

Just as there are many ways spirits can communicate, there are many reasons they may do so as well. Spirits who visit around the time of their deaths may be trying to say good-bye, inform us of their passing, or in the case of murder victims, try to let someone know what happened so that justice can be served. Usually, spirits just want us to know that they are okay: that we needn’t worry about them; that they are happy where they are; that they feel no more pain or suffering; and that they want us to be happy and go on with our lives. Sometimes spirits have information to relay, such as where hidden money, important papers or other treasures can be found.

When spirits visit a number of years after they died, they may be trying to give us advice or warn us of danger. For example, grandparents have been known to warn parents that a baby is choking or that a child is in trouble. Spirits have warned people that the house was on fire, that they shouldn’t go on a certain trip, or that they should lock their doors and windows to protect themselves from a prowler.

Before closing, I must mention that I feel you and your brother-in-law have a deep karmic bond. I’m sure you two were close because you shared a lot of love in past lives. Since we incarnate with the same souls over and over again, it can be fascinating to study family dynamics. When two family members share an inexplicably close bond, it’s often because they grew close in other lifetimes. This would make your brother-in-law a key member of your soul family – perhaps much more important to you on a soul level than either of you consciously realized – so it’s understandable that he would come to say goodbye to you.

This visit was a great gift for you and the rest of the family above and beyond the love that was conveyed. It is personal experiences like this that break open people’s belief systems and launch them on conscious spiritual journeys. As there is nothing more important or rewarding than that, I urge you to give thanks for his visit, and encourage you to explore the big questions it has raised for you. Also, as you move forward on this new spiritual adventure, please trust your own perceptions and intuitions whether they jibe with what you’ve been taught is real and possible or not.

– Soul Arcanum