Tag Archive: free will

God’s Will and the Law of Attraction

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been studying the Law of Attraction for a few years now. The more I read about the LOA, however, the more confused I get about how to relate to God and Spirit. Can I talk directly to God to help guide me using prayer? Or is manifesting more about having faith in my own divine creative power? Is it just ego (which is false) that desires things, so manifesting separates us from God, which would explain why we may manifest trials and tribulations? Should I just completely trust in God that I am where I’m supposed to be and not use ego to ask for anything? There are so many conflicting ideas out there! I have gone down strange karmic paths that didn’t prove helpful, but now I’ve come full circle. After losing my last job (which was a blessing and something I asked for and manifested), I applied for and was offered a perfect position in my field with a great salary, etc. Is it just ego that is asking for abundance and security, or did God intervene and offer me what I needed? Do I really know what I want and need anyway?


Dear Sharon:

These are all wonderfully thought-provoking questions. I have to begin with my usual disclaimer, which is that no one can explain such profound matters with any certainty; I can only offer you my current perspective based on my own knowledge and experience.

To begin, I don’t view God as some patriarchal figure in the clouds who is carefully watching our every move. I view God as more like “the force” – that from which life and love and all that feels good to us flows. Just as everything in the physical Universe is constantly expanding and evolving, we are all on a journey that is carrying us into ever higher levels of wisdom and personal power. It’s like God was a tremendous fruit full of seeds of unfathomable potential that exploded and gave birth to all sorts of new life, thus creating the Universe, our souls – All That Is.

I like to view individual souls as cells in the body of God: we are all connected on this journey, and all part of something much greater than our individual selves. Scientists are beginning to realize that every cell in our bodies is in communication with every other cell, and that cells even hold memories. Like cells in a body, we are all separate and yet connected to each other. Cells have life spans, and they can divide to create new cells; similarly, our physical bodies have life spans and we can create new life. Like cells, we all hold both conscious personal awareness and subconscious wholistic awareness of God and the entire history of existence.

I view each one of us as a microscopic, mini-God. We were created “in God’s image” in that we have free will and the divine creative power to create as God created. We create new life, we create new art, and we create new worlds with the power of our minds. I believe that we do this for the sheer pleasure of it – that creating is to the human soul as imaginative play is to children.

When we take physical form here on Earth, we become enmeshed in physicality. Those of us currently incarnate in the physical are much like astronauts on a very long space exploration mission. In the beginning of the adventure (when we’re infants), we remember <q>home</q> and retain some of the awareness we had before we left. (This is why children often remember their past lives and the nature of the spirit world, and are more naturally psychic than most adults.) The longer we’re in space and the more we explore other planets, the harder it gets to remember what home was like. Many of us forget about home altogether, and are left with nothing more than a vague feeling-memory of a beautiful planet and how right and wonderful it felt on Earth. I view physical life as a big adventure we undertake for the sheer adventure and in the name of progress. Returning “home” is part of the journey, of course. Since God is LOVE, the more we align with divine love, the closer we grow toward reunion with Source.

Given the views I outline above, I don’t believe that “God” wants anything for us in particular, and I certainly don’t believe that God is going to anticipate our every need and desire or lay out a careful path for us to follow. I do, however, believe that our higher selves remain at “home” when we’re exploring, and that we are in constant communication with this source of guidance much like astronauts are in constant communication with mission control.

Our goals in life are to have big adventures, make important discoveries, and, as we learn from those experiences, to eventually find our way home to God. We are guided in all of this by our higher selves and helpful beings like spirit guides, which I collectively call “Spirit.” Spirit speaks to us through our hearts: we are directed to go in a certain direction through feelings of desire, interest, curiosity, longing, passion, etc.

At last we come to the answer to your questions: we are MEANT to follow our hearts! What we long to do is what we “should” do. It is by following our hearts that we end up finding the people we need to meet and experiencing whatever will be most powerful and meaningful for us. Our hearts are our GPS for the great adventure of life.

You brought up ego. Let’s say that what you think you want is to be rich and famous, so you exercise the law of attraction to manifest that, only to discover that it’s not all you expected it to be. This is how we all learn and evolve into greater wisdom: it is by getting what we think we want and not having it be wholly fulfilling that we refine our values and our ideas about what is truly meaningful and important in life. This means that it’s okay to want whatever we want and to use natural spiritual law to get it. If it doesn’t turn out to be as great as we hoped, then we will be the wiser for it and will go on to pursue experiences that are more fulfilling. There are no true mistakes here, for those experiences that are the hardest to bear also bless us with the greatest new wisdom.

As we evolve, it does seem like “ego” plays less of a role in what we manifest. This is because, as we evolve, we move into greater harmony with our higher selves and are better able to communicate with “mission control.” Once we have successfully manifested the things we onced longed for – the money, the house, the job, the relationship – we no longer feel the need explore those worlds of experience. At this point in our journey, we begin to yearn for experiences of Spirit/home, like love, peace, knowledge, wisdom, and the power to help others. We develop the wisdom to reach for these deeper, more fulfilling experiences not by denying ourselves what we think we want, but by getting what we think we want and thus satiating that desire and learning from that experience.

We all have as many lifetimes as we need to fulfill all of our desires and learn all we need to learn and have all the adventures we can imagine, so there is no rush to evolve. We can take our time, follow our hearts, and enjoy a circuitous, delightful, fun-filled journey back home. Since you’re already deep into this mission, you might as well happily explore all the worlds of experience that call to you. Just follow your heart: it knows just where you need to go next, and it will bring you safely back home when the time is right.

– Soul Arcanum

If We Create Our Own Realities, Why Get Psychic Readings?

how the law of attraction and psychic readings mesh…
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC.  All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been reading your column for years now, and there’s one thing I’m confused about. You obviously believe that we create our own realities, and yet at the same time, you’re a professional intuitive. So if we’re making up our lives as we go along, why try to predict the future through psychic readings?
– Brian

Dear Brian:

I do believe that we are ever creating our own realities and experiences in life, and yet at the same time, I believe that there are some things that are “destined” to happen. In my view, these are things that we set in motion before we even incarnated on the planet. They are the really big, important things like meeting up with soul mates, giving birth to certain souls/children, perhaps choosing a particular life’s work, etc.

The rest of the details we are free to make up as we go along. Whether we began to create something before we were born or after we got here, however (and how do we understand time if it’s not linear anyway?) we are still the ones manifesting our experiences. Of course, when more people are involved, then we are co-creating our experiences with those other people. While this is trickier (and also more powerful) than creating something on our own, we still manifest those relationships based on our own energy.

We do most of this unconsciously, simply by offering a vibration and a focus of intention as Abraham (of Abraham-Hicks) puts it. How we feel, what we believe, what we think about, what we expect, what we focus upon: all of these energies go into the melding pot of our “vibration,” which determines our experiences.

Psychics are super sensitive people who are able to perceive or “read” subtle energies – like people’s vibrations. They are also adept at altering their state of consciousness to transcend the laws of space and time. By disassociating with the here and now, they are able to tune into the there and then. Psychics can thus tell us where we’re heading vibrationally. This is very helpful, for the earlier we catch something in the process of manifesting, the more power we’ll have to change it before it actually shows up in our outer experience.

Psychics can’t tell us what is definitely going to happen; they can only offer us what is probable given our current trajectory. The things we create in our lives are like rocks and boulders that we’ve set rolling down a mountain. A psychic can rise up high and look down on our lives and describe where various aspects of it are heading. She can describe what is directly ahead, what we’ll encounter next, what barriers need to be transcended and the best way to go around them, etc. She can also tell us about things we haven’t yet set in motion that we long for. She might say that if we take new action – throw a new rock of this size and weight in this particular direction – then that aspect of our lives will most likely end up right where we want it to be.

For example, let’s say we consciously want happiness in love, but the path we’re on right now is really rocky, and there is a huge cliff ahead. Further, let’s say our vibration is full of beliefs and expectations that are negative or otherwise limiting. A psychic can tell us that we’re not heading where we really want to go, and that there is “danger” ahead and we’d better change our course. She can also gently lead us to consciously recognize the beliefs, fears, etc. that are out of sync with true fulfillment. With this awareness we can then begin to heal old wounds and choose more empowering beliefs. This changes our vibration, which changes the course of our experience. In this way, we can begin to consciously align with what we want in our lives.

Psychics are thus helpful when we can’t figure out how to get from where we are to where we want to be – especially if we’ve gotten stuck in a negative pattern of experience and can’t find our way out. We all do this sometimes: we unconsciously manifest something that is not what we want, and that brings us down, which disconnects us from our personal power and lowers our vibration. Then we get on a downward spiral where things just get worse and worse. A psychic can help us halt that downward spiral and turn things around.

During a good psychic reading, you’ll be lifted up above the temporal dramas you’re dealing with and shown a higher perspective on your experiences, which will help you to let go of all the fear and resistance you’re carrying that is preventing you from creating something better. This is often a difficult thing to do. Our friends and loved ones, even if they can attain that higher perspective, often can’t get past our ego issues. Spirit, however, always knows how to touch our hearts and souls in order to lift us up to that higher perspective where we are free of all the limitations of our own fears, attachments and blind spots. When we’re in this uplifted, self-aware state, we can then consciously work with the law of attraction to create something better in our lives.

So a really good psychic will not only be able to tell you where you’re going as well as how to get to where you WANT to go, she will also be adept at helping you to reconnect with a high vibrational state so you can consciously manifest what you want with ease. This is why readings are referred to as “verbal healing” – they help us to realign with our own personal power, our highest and best selves, and thus boost our potential to live our best lives. You should leave a reading experience feeling totally transformed: hopeful, positive, empowered and excited about the future.

With all of this in mind, it makes sense that if a psychic gives you good news, it will underscore your positive beliefs and expectations, and thus help you to get what you want. When a psychic confirms that you’re heading in the right direction, you’ll naturally relax and bask in your knowing that what you want will be yours.

If a psychic tells you that you are not currently heading where you really want to go, try to give thanks, for your money has been well spent! You now have information you need to become more conscious about creating what you really want. Sure, you may have to do some inner work to shift your vibration into harmony with fulfillment, but that’s better than continuing on a path to somewhere you don’t really want to go.

In summary, we do create our own experiences in life. While nothing is set in stone, everything we experience begins in the non-physical, and thus it’s very helpful to be able to tune in to what is happening at that level and predict where we are heading. If we didn’t create our own realities – if everything was out of our hands or predestined – THEN consulting a psychic would be pointless. Thus it is our ability to create our own realities that makes psychic information so valuable.

– Soul Arcanum