Category: Strange Phenomena

Seeing 11:11 Everywhere: What Does It Mean?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have seen the number sequence 11:11 over and over many times on clocks, and then a couple of years ago, I started seeing it other places, and it really struck me. I searched the internet and found that many other people have had this same experience of seeing 11:11 all the time. That day opened up a new world for me, and I started to question many things. Before this, I lived my life without thinking much about anything beyond the mundane. Then I found a website that explained that seeing 11:11 was a prompt from angels, and a sign they are trying to communicate with us. I’m still struggling to understand this. Then another door opened: a lightworker gave me a healing, and told me I had an aura unlike any she’d seen before, and then a psychic told me that I am an incarnated angel. I’m very analytical, and I’m finding all of this hard to swallow. I have no special gifts, but I’m starting to wonder. I feel this need to do something, but I don’t know what it is, and I’m getting impatient. What do you make of all this?
– Angela

Dear Angela:

It was with a smile that I noted your name is Angela!

First, I think it’s important to remember that our interpretation of any situation or experience will be colored by our belief system. Since you didn’t have any relevant spiritual beliefs about this 11:11 experience when it began, you didn’t know what to make of it.

The psychic who told you that you are an angel incarnate was putting her own labels and understanding on what this might mean. A different person might have told you something totally different. For example, a “lightworker” might have told you that this is a sign that you are here on a certain spiritual mission. As there are a lot of different ways to interpret and express the same underlying truth, I think we should back up and explore the general meaning of this experience. The specific path you choose to follow in light of that general meaning will be up to you, and it will prove as individual as you are.

I do want to commend you for questioning all of this. I’m sure a lot of people would like to think they’re angels incarnate. (For the record, I’m quite sure I’m NOT, and my husband will back me up on that.) For those readers who are now wondering, “Hmmm…I wonder if I’m an angel incarnate too?” I’d like to offer this perspective: despite the sweetness and goodness we associate with angels, it might not be a good thing to be an angel incarnate, if that is even possible. According to spiritual lore, humans and angels are essentially different in that humans are made in God’s image and have free will, while angels do not. So in this sense, we might say that humans are more “God-like” than angels. In this hierarchy, God is like the parents, humans are like the children, and angels are like the nannies hired to follow the parents’ orders and watch over the kids. If this lore is true, then given a choice, I think I’d rather be human than an angel.

Now is it possible that you could be an angel incarnate? Some people say that angels never incarnate as humans; others say there are angels in disguise around us all the time; still others say that angels can take human form, but only temporarily – like a man who shows up and saves you when you’re in trouble, then disappears on the spot. I personally wouldn’t presume to don’t know which is true. When I meditate on this and ask about it all, all I get back is an enigmatic, All things are possible. Put angels aside: the real question is what this course of experience is trying to tell her.

That matter is far easier to address. As you no doubt know by now, you are definitely not alone in seeing 11:11 everywhere, or for that matter, a number of other repeating number sequences. A simple internet search will yield thousands of websites wherein this phenomenon is discussed. As far out as this all sounds, I experienced it myself years ago, so I know it really happens.

Most people begin by seeing 11:11 or other striking number sequences (such as 22:22, 12:34, etc.) on digital clocks. Every time they look at a clock, it just happens to have such a number on it. If they pay attention, they start to realize that they have an impulse to look at the clock when such a number is displayed, and that this impulse/experience has a certain feeling to it – it feels like someone is trying to tell them something.

If they don’t figure out what this means at this point, they usually experience an acceleration of this phenomenon. They start seeing number sequences everywhere: on receipts, license plates, VCR’s, microwaves, addresses, etc. They may begin to wake up at night and look at the clock at the exact moment it will display this sequence. Some have even had the power go out, and instead of the clocks in the house all blinking 12:00, they all blink 11:11, or whatever sequence has been following them around.

So what is this all about?

Some say that these are signs from our angels that they are with us, that we are on the right track, or that something is about to happen. Still others say that when we have this experience, our DNA is being activated on some level – whatever that means. It all comes down to the same thing: this experience is what it feels like it is – a call to pay attention to what may be happening beneath the surface of reality – on what we might call a “spiritual” level.

Generally speaking, this phenomenon is considered to be a spiritual “wake-up” call. It tends to occur when one is just where you describe yourself to be: not thinking much about spiritual matters, but very ready to embark on a conscious spiritual path. It’s a call to start thinking more deeply about life, and to become more aware of yourself as a spiritual being. (It appears to be quite effective!)

Some say these numbers are sort of a code that was programmed into our subconscious before we were born, and that it was set to “go off” at a certain time. When it does, the nagging feeling we have is our own memory or subconscious trying to tell us that there is a deeper meaning hidden in this experience. It is designed to lead us to question the nature of “reality,” and grow conscious of the higher goals we set for ourselves before we incarnated.

If we do wake up spiritually and begin a conscious spiritual journey, we will usually stop having this experience. This waking up may be a subtle change, but more often, it’s a major shift in one’s whole thinking and life direction. At this point, many people begin actively exploring spiritual matters for the first time, and with a passion. They may change careers, leave a stale marriage, totally overhaul their personal lives, or make other big changes. In the wake of such an awakening, they are transformed on every level. This is what happened to me: when I woke up and embraced a conscious spiritual journey with gusto, the “wake-up” calls stopped. I presume/hope this is because I was awake!

So when you see these number sequences, stop and wonder for a moment at the strangeness of this synchronicity, and what it must mean about the deeper, hidden nature of life. Whether you think angels, loved ones in Spirit or some other force is behind these experiences isn’t the point: the important thing is to note that something is trying to tell you something, and it wants you to stop and get quiet and receptive enough to really hear it, for then it can guide you wherever you personally need to go.

– Soul Arcanum

Can Souls Splinter?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)


Have you ever heard of souls splintering? Is it possible for someone to have so much karma that their soul splinters? Does this lead them to have more than one body in future incarnations?
– Laura

Dear Laura:

Let’s begin with the idea that parts of us can splinter off, and then try to relate that to the process of incarnation.

Many spiritual and psychological models support the notion that people commonly disassociate from certain parts of themselves in response to trauma. It’s like going into a state of shock during an emergency: it helps us to cope with an intolerable level of physical, emotional, or mental pain.

Problems arise when we remain partially numbed or shut down following such experiences. Then these traumas or issues go “unconscious,” and until we deal with them, they remain energetically frozen. This can lead to mental and emotional problems like depression, numbness, emptiness, phobias, addictions, compulsions, unconscious habits and even physical illness.

Most of us sense that there is more to “life” and more to “us” than we normally experience. As we have a natural compulsion to make ourselves “whole” again, we are constantly seeking to fill this inner void. For most of us this quest takes place on a less than conscious level, and as a result, we try all sorts of things that don’t work, or only seem to work temporarily.

In the shamanic tradition, these frozen parts of ourselves are believed to be stuck in a dimension beyond the physical, and by journeying into that dimension, the shaman can find those lost parts and return them to us. This process is called “soul retrieval.”

While the traumatic experiences that lead to disassociation may occur in this life, they can also occur in “past lives.” I put “past lives” in quotes here, because in order to understand how our souls can “splinter,” we need to remember that time isn’t linear, so past lives are perhaps better labeled “other lives” or “parallel lives.”

Imagine that the life we think we are living is just the movie we are choosing to watch right now. There are many different stations playing many different shows, but we are only aware of the one we are watching at the moment. When we step back and begin to observe ourselves, we become aware that there are lots of other stations running other story lines, and by switching the channel on our awareness, we can view them.

It’s pretty hard to wrap our heads around these notions because our brains are programmed to think in this physical dimension of space and time. When we shift our consciousness outside of the body into higher states of mind, we can transcend the limits of space/time thinking and tap into information about the so-called past and future, like information about other lives.

Obviously, time DOES exist within each physical dimension. As parallel dimensions are not in linear relationship to each other, however, you can shift from any point in one physical dimension to any point in another.

Since these other lives are not really past or future, we are living other lives while living this one. You could say that our soul has “splintered” into more than one life, but that would be true of everyone. Who we think we are now is just a fragment of our totality. We are always exploring many different lives/levels of experience. The more we evolve spiritually, the more we tend to gain awareness of these other parts of ourselves.

For example, as we grow spiritually, it’s common to begin to remember our dream life, and our dreams are real explorations in other dimensions. We may also gain awareness of “past lives” and have conscious out of body experiences. The more we grow in awareness, the more refined our journey toward personal growth becomes, for we can then begin to purposefully “retrieve” and heal parts of ourselves we may have disassociated from.

Often trigger events awaken old memories, energies and issues that need healing. These may be sparked when we reach a certain age, meet someone we have known in another life, or experience some trauma that touches a “sore spot” that has been wounded before.

As for why we aren’t normally aware of these other lives, it’s important for us to think that this life is our only life, and that everything that happens here is “real” and very serious. It’s sort of like life is a fire drill: if we knew it was just a drill, we wouldn’t respond the same way – in fact, we may begin to fail to respond at all.

When we become “enlightened,” apparently that is just what happens – we realize that it’s all a drill or a movie, so there is nothing to get all worked up about. At this point, we generally evolve beyond the cycle of rebirth in the physical, because it’s no fun anymore.

For some reason, the idea of parallel lives seems harder to accept than the idea of past lives, though if you think about it, it’s no weirder than believing in the life we’re living right now. Because it seems so far out, however, I rarely talk about the experiences I’ve personally had that support the notion that I may be living other lives simultaneously.

For example, I have at times believed that I was channeling spirits, only to find out that I was channeling some aspect of a living person. The first time this happened, I was reading for a man who lived in Germany, and I brought through “a spirit” named Klaus. I described him in detail, including his clothes, mannerisms, and smoking habit. My client wrote back to inform me that he didn’t know anyone in Spirit like this, but I had described his coworker Klaus to a “T.” We concluded that Klaus was unaware of this whole interaction, which led me to realize that it is possible for aspects of our being to do all sorts of stuff without us ever knowing it.

Also, many years ago I had an amazing dream in which I WAS a dolphin. There are no words to convey the way this whole experience felt. I had a dolphin body and a dolphin “family” and community. Having a dolphin body was fantastic, and having a dolphin “mind” was totally foreign to anything I’d ever experienced before. I was completely in the moment and totally carefree. This dream made me wonder if I had been a dolphin in a past life or something.

Following this experience, I had some amazing dolphin encounters. Then some years later, I gave birth to a daughter who has grown up obsessed with dolphins. She wants to be a marine biologist someday, and her room is ocean blue and filled with dolphin things. Mind you, I never told her about my own connection to dolphins because my dolphin experiences happened long before she was even born, so it was really striking when she developed this obsession with dolphins on her own. She even has the ability to telepathically communicate with dolphins. (Alas, my space is limited here, or I would share more about these amazing dolphin experiences.)

When I encountered the idea of parallel lives, suddenly it hit me: maybe instead of having a past life as a dolphin, I am living a parallel life as a dolphin – and perhaps my daughter is too! As I see it, it’s really no stranger than believing we may have had past lives as dolphins.

Of course, there are no hard and fast answers when it comes to matters this deep – there are only theories, intuitions and best guesses. No one can tell you for sure exactly how we incarnate, if it’s possible for our souls to splinter, or even if we do lead parallel lives. I am certain, however, that the Universe is far stranger than we could ever comprehend, and there is much more happening “behind the scenes” than we ever realize.


The Phantom Doorbell Strikes Again

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My father died in 2001, and my little sister died on her birthday in 1995. She was very spiritual, like me. After my sister died, I felt a connection to her now and then, especially on her birthday. Here’s my question: almost every night between 2:30 and 4:30 a.m., I hear a doorbell that sounds like mine, and sometimes a knock. I get up but I see no one at the door. I am overweight and don’t know if I have sleep apnea, so I’m wondering if the noise I hear is to wake me because I’m not breathing. When I hear it and check, I feel it is real and someone is actually at my door.


Dear Katharina:

I first heard about this phenomenon some twenty years ago when my mother told me she would sometimes hear the doorbell ring in the middle of the night and no one would be there. For a number of reasons, she believed this was someone in Spirit visiting her.

In the ensuing twenty years, I experienced all sorts of signs and contact from spirits but I never experienced anything like this. I had actually forgotten all about it when it happened to me for the first time. It was about a month after my father died, and I had been trying hard to contact him directly without much success. I was troubled because I’d assumed it would be easy for me to establish contact with him since I’ve been able to do so with so many other spirits. My father was not a believer in things like spirit communication, however, which may explain why it was harder to connect with him.

One night about a month after he died, I was sleeping and was suddenly awakened by the sound of the doorbell ringing. I sensed my father’s presence in the room, and then I remembered what my mother had told me years ago about hearing the doorbell. As I woke up fully, the experience faded.

My father still visits me in the same way every now and then. Sometimes the doorbell awakens me from a dream visit with him, or I just awaken with thoughts of him in my mind. He has also been known to pull off some amazing phenomena like making the phone physically ring so that everyone can hear it. The phone doesn’t sound normal when he does this; it sounds more like a British ambulance. He’s done this twice now, once on my birthday and once right after my mother and I had been talking about him for hours. On both occasions, when the phone was answered there was no one on the line; there was just a lot of white noise.

My point is that people have strengths and preferences for various forms of communication when they’re living, so it makes sense that spirits would be the same. I believe my father has a hard time connecting with me telepathically, and this is why he has to resort to other methods.

If you pay careful attention, you should be able to discern the difference between your doorbell actually ringing and the sound you hear in the middle of the night that sounds like your doorbell. I call this the “phantom doorbell” because the sound is to physical hearing as a specter is to physical seeing: it’s not wholly material or immaterial but somewhere in between.

This phenomenon is quite common, and also happens with other sounds that are designed to get our attention. Like you, many people report hearing a phantom doorbell ring in the middle of the night. Others hear the phone ring, knocking sounds or phantom alarms. Many also experience secondary phenomena, such as a strange smell which they may or may not be able to associate with someone in Spirit, or seeing ghostly figures, lights, or other apparitions.

What I find most interesting about this phenomenon is how it seems to be more and less physical in different situations. For example, when I’ve heard the doorbell ringing at my house, other members of my family have not, which suggests the sound was heard clairvoyantly. Many people report similar experiences and explain that even their pets fail to respond to the noise as they would if the doorbell were actually ringing.

In other situations, however, entire families have heard these sounds, sometimes when everyone was awake. Further, these events can be accompanied by other puzzling phenomena, such as hearing the voices of living people who aren’t present but happen to be in some distress at the time. Some folks have even set up recording devices to run throughout the night, and recorded phantom doorbells and other sounds that never woke them up. This means we may all have this happening while we’re asleep more often than we realize.

For the most part, however, this tends to happen in the middle of the night. This makes sense, because when we fall asleep, our vibration naturally rises, which makes us able to perceive subtler energies. Since most of the time the sound isn’t physical in nature, we have to be in an altered state of consciousness in order to be able to hear it. When we’re in between awake and asleep, we’re able to perceive things that are between this world and other dimensions.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you do have sleep apnea, for if you are frequently waking up and falling back asleep, you would be in alpha a lot, which is the perfect state of consciousness for extrasensory perception. Many people who have sleep apnea or other conditions/situations that cause them to awake many times throughout the night report unusual paranormal experiences.

As for why this is happening, it could be a warning to wake up because you’re not breathing properly. (Please see your doctor about the possibility that you have sleep apnea.) These events are often warnings to people that something needs their attention. For example, people have been awakened by a phantom smoke detector or fire alarm and discovered the house was on fire or some other emergency was occurring. Also, many people experience these phantom sounds when they have overslept and need to get up for an important reason.

Most people attribute phantom doorbell and related phenomena to visits from spirits, for in most cases, it begins after the passing of a dear loved one and seems to cluster around dates or other situations specific to that loved one in Spirit. For example, the last time this happened to me, I had prayed for connect with my dad in a dream that night.

Now that you know that this may be someone in Spirit trying to get your attention, it should be easier to take the next step of determining who it is and what they are trying to tell you. If you jump out of bed to go see who is at the door, you’ll pull yourself directly out of that alpha state and be unable to receive more psychic impressions. Instead, try to stay in that half-awake state and reach out with your awareness. See if you sense anything or anyone in the room. Pay attention to what may have been happening in your dreams just before you were awakened, and also to anything you may sense or find yourself thinking about. Ask questions in your mind about who or what is causing this phenomenon and see what pops into your head. If, for example, you have thoughts of your sister or your father upon first awakening, you may assume that they are visiting you and trying to get your attention by making this noise.

– Soul Arcanum

Exploring New Psychic Territory

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve read many of your articles, and you seem to have seen and done it all when it comes to psychic matters. Do you think that’s true? Are you ever surprised by your experiences?
– Ron

Dear Ron:

Like everyone else on a conscious spiritual path, I go through periods when nothing really new is happening, and periods when all sorts of crazy stuff is going on. Recently I’ve had a number of experiences that rocked my spiritual belief system.

It seems this new phase began when my father passed away about nine months ago. I had some profound spiritual experiences at that time, but they were nothing all that unusual for me, given my work as a medium. Following his death, however, things got more interesting.

I should first explain that I expected far more from his spirit than I got. My father and I were close, and he loved his family with gusto. Though we didn’t share the same spiritual beliefs, I still expected that if anyone would make a grand effort to reach out to me from Spirit, it would be him.

I was therefore surprised and disappointed when he didn’t appear to me in a blaze of divine glory with elaborate tales of the afterlife. While I did receive some subtle impressions from him, I was afraid this was wishful thinking on my part, and when I did go looking for him in Spirit, I couldn’t find him! It may be important to note that while my dad was a very intelligent, kind, successful man, he also had some serious food addiction issues. Since I know that addictions tend to cause spirits to become earthbound, I began to worry.

About three weeks after he died, I finally had a dream encounter with him that seemed to confirm my concerns. (Please note that a dream encounter is not a typical dream; it’s clearly an actual interaction with a spirit in the astral.)

In the dream encounter, my dad was glued to my brother’s side like a Siamese twin. (My brother also has serious food addiction issues, and this made me worry that Dad was trying to feed his addictions through my brother.) In this encounter my dad was barely conscious, but he was trying to tell me something. I had to lean very close to hear him, for his voice was just a raspy whisper. I had the impression that he didn’t know how to communicate telepathically – like this was the first time he had ever attempted this from Spirit.

I could only hear one sentence, but what he said was definitely something my dad would say. He said, “Thank you so much for trying so hard to reach out to me from the other side.” His main concern was to make me feel appreciated!

Following this experience, I began to be awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of the doorbell. This is a classic way spirits get our attention: we’re awakened by the phone or doorbell, but there is no one there. Sometimes we believe the phone or doorbell truly rang, and other times (as in my case), as soon as we awaken, we realize that we only “thought” we heard the doorbell ring. (At the same time, however, it is more “real” than imagining it.)

While I had heard about such phenomena, I never expected this to happen to me. I assumed I would be far beyond such crude attempts to get my attention – after all, I’m a professional medium – I should be able to just dial Dad up any time I want!

Each time I heard this doorbell sound in the middle of the night, I would half wake up and then become aware of my father’s presence. When I roused myself completely and opened my eyes to physically look for him, however, I saw nothing. I learned that if I stayed in that half asleep mode, I would be able to feel him there. Again, this was really surprising, since I’ve had much clearer connections with other loved ones in Spirit in the past, not to mention hundreds of communications from virtual strangers in Spirit. I figured that my dad didn’t really know how to reach through from the other side, but he was trying hard.

I had several dream encounters with him over the following months. Recently, I’ve begun to meet with him nearly every night, and we have had some surprising exchanges. For example, a few weeks ago I dreamed that I was walking in a crowded hallway when I noticed him. This place felt like a nursing home or a hospital, and there were lots of “patients” milling around. When I noticed my dad, I turned to whoever was with me and said, “Oh my gosh! That’s my dad! I have to go talk to him!”

I went to him and hugged him, and I noticed that he didn’t look well. This really surprised me, and I realized that I had assumed that when we depart this world, we leave behind all illness and become radiantly healthy. I began to cry and express how much I miss him, when he quieted me and said, “Oh now, you know that this is not how to do it!” I knew that he meant that grief and sorrow are not appropriate for prolonged periods after a loved one dies, for they continue on, and we will see them again.

Some may argue that these are anxiety dreams I’m having, but I know they are not. I know the difference between a typical dream and an astral encounter, and these are definitely astral encounters. They have a different visual quality, they feel real, and we have literal, meaningful conversations. They also pack a lot of punch: I wake up moved by these dreams. I know I have been with my father, and we have truly communicated.

When I ask Spirit why my dad doesn’t seem healthy again, I hear that life (including the afterlife) is a journey of learning, growing, healing and evolving. If our illnesses and disabilities are limited to the physical, we shed them when we move on, but if they exist on a metaphysical level – if they’re part of our hearts, minds, and/or spirits – then they come with us, and we must heal them eventually.

As for other recent phenomena, I sometimes have striking spontaneous out of body experiences, which are always fascinating. I also frequently experience incredible “coincidences.” Many of these arise through my internet-based work. A number of times I’ve experienced something really strange and then read a story contest submission for Soul Arcanum that matched my experience, or which referred to specific names or other details in my experience. These “coincidences” are not born of looking for angels in the architecture: they’re of a striking and sometimes even a mind blowing nature.

For example, a couple of days ago I read an article that had been submitted as a possible future feature. In it, author Janis Amatuzio, MD, describes the events surrounding her father’s passing, and how a few days after he died, he sent her a sign through a song on the radio. The song arrived at just the right time, and it really moved her. The song was “In My Daughter’s Eyes” by Martina McBride.

I was bawling as I finished reading this article, because I had the EXACT same experience with my own father. Though I never listen to country music, when my father died, I was driving and crying and I asked him to send me a sign through the radio. I pushed the radio on, and that is the song that had just begun to play. The last lines are: “When I’m gone I hope you see how happy she made me, for I’ll be there in my daughter’s eyes.”

How did that particular article find its way to me? Did my father orchestrate all of this? Is it possible that somehow, the song I was sent was chosen because I would later receive this article, which would further validate this sign? Though my life is full of mind blowing serendipitous events, they never cease to amaze me.

Thanks for your great question, Ron. I certainly hope I will continue to explore new psychic territory for the rest of my life, and pray that your own world is rich with fascinating spiritual discoveries.

– Soul Arcanum

Why Doesn’t Doc have Paranormal Experiences Too?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a psychotherapist but have never believed in the spiritual world until I had a patient who experienced past lives. I attended a seminar with Dr. Brian Weiss and am impressed with the reports of his clients. Personally, however, I have never felt or encountered anything supernatural, and I’m curious as to why that is.

Dear Frieda:

While I’ve been deeply blessed with all sorts of amazing spiritual experiences, it wasn’t always this way for me, which means that you can go from living an ordinary life to one that is rich with magic. Let me explain:

While most people report never having had a psychic or paranormal experience, I think it would be more accurate to say that they haven’t had any that they can consciously recall. Most (if not all) small children do have such experiences. In fact, little kids are known for sensing monsters under the bed and having so-called imaginary friends. Though adults may not recognize what they’re talking about, many relay memories from past lives, communicate telepathically with their caregivers, have premonitory dreams and encounter spiritual beings.

The manner in which adults handle such experiences greatly impacts a child’s openness to similar experiences in the future. When children are made to feel wrong, foolish or frightened, they learn to filter out perceptions that could bring further emotional pain. Strange experiences aside, over time, we’re all trained to focus more on physical reality and to ignore the magical fantasies of our imaginations. So instead of asking why everyone doesn’t have paranormal experiences, maybe we should ask why some people do.

Of course, just as some people are naturally artistic or athletic, there are some people who are born sensitives, and they tend to have unusual experiences simply because they can sense things that others can’t. For example, they may consciously encounter a ghost where another person may feel uneasy or remain totally oblivious.

Additionally, outside influences do factor in here. Someone who lives in a haunted house is more likely to encounter a spirit than someone who does not, and someone who works in hospice care is more likely to have an amazing spiritual experience than a plumber or a construction worker.

Just as there are some people who have impaired hearing and vision, there are plenty of people in the world who may never have a paranormal experience simply because they aren’t equipped to pick up on subtle input. At the same time, however, there are many people who do have the innate ability who block their conscious awareness of certain phenomena because they were trained to do so as children or because they actively disbelieve in such things or have simply never given them much thought.

Regarding the relationship between belief and paranormal experiences, we are all more or less caught in a Catch-22: we don’t believe in things we’ve never experienced, and we rarely experience things we don’t believe in. Research has shown that the expectations of the observer affect the outcome of the experiment, so when it comes to paranormal phenomena, if we expect something to happen, it tends to happen, and if we expect nothing to happen, that is what tends to occur. Thus some lives are full of magic and spirit while others are just routine.

It is only after something startling or mind blowing occurs that most people wake up to a whole new realm of possibility. Some people begin to awaken after experimentation with drugs reveals new modes of perception; others may awaken with the tragic death of a loved one or some other shock to the psyche. It is at these rare junctures when something anomalous to an individual’s belief system breaks through that dramatic changes in their personal beliefs may take place.

This is what happened to me: when my first love died, all sorts of incredible things happened that tore my existing belief system down to the foundation. I had never questioned the nature of reality until then, but after that it seemed like anything was possible, which left me wide open to all sorts of other phenomena. I was full of wonder and questions, which naturally led to new discoveries.

When people are launched on a spiritual journey by some incredible event, they tend to do things that encourage further strange events. By asking deep questions and following their curiosity off the beaten path, they may make startling new discoveries. They may read lots of spiritual material, and by giving their attention to these subjects, the law of attraction draws more related experiences their way. Many take up meditation and other spiritual practices, through which they become psychically sensitive, which opens up new realms of spiritual experience.

Of course, not everyone who has a mind blowing experience is launched on a powerful spiritual path. When people don’t experience anything mind blowing until later in life, it’s harder to integrate experiences that threaten to shatter their existing beliefs. They may then reject strange experiences as false, or assume that their mind is playing tricks on them when something doesn’t fit with what they’ve already decided to be possible.

Many people filter the paranormal experiences they do have from their conscious memory because their egos can’t handle all the inner rearranging that would have to take place to integrate them. This means that we may have had any number of amazing experiences that we can’t consciously remember. We all filter our memories and experiences in light of our beliefs and feelings, and through hypnotic regression, may discover all sorts of buried memories both paranormal and mundane that were too uncomfortable for us to maintain conscious awareness of.

So what can you do to encourage your own experience?

First, tell the Universe wholeheartedly that you want to have a mind blowing paranormal experience. State that you want it to be clear and unquestionable, that you’re ready to open your mind to new possibilities in light of such an experience, and that you’d like it to be positive, uplifting or beneficial.

Read up on such matters and immerse yourself in these ideas. Explore others’ experiences and let your intuition guide you. Listen within more. Allow your imagination to run wild. (The more grounded we are in the physical, the harder it is to perceive other planes.) Let go of needing to be right about anything, and instead, make your goal to discover something new.

Begin a regular meditation practice. This will lead to greater psychic sensitivity and a higher threshold of conscious awareness while in an altered state. Also, begin to work with the many methods available for remembering your dreams, for often initial psychic experiences occur in dreams. Another great way to have a really amazing experience is to begin working with techniques to have an out of body experience. You must be devoted and patient, however – it can take months to consciously get out of body for the first time.

If none of this works, you might try sleep deprivation. As your mind grows too tired to rigidly maintain its normal filters, you may begin to see or hear things that others cannot. Since you’re a trained therapist, you may be tempted to label these hallucinations, but as someone who has seen such things both when sleep deprived and not, I can assure you that they are as real as any paranormal phenomena. This is not the most pleasant way to go, but it may spark the breakthrough you need to open your belief system to new realms of possibility.

– Soul Arcanum

Historical Portrait Sparks Strange Feelings

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I hope you can help me understand this strange occurance. While visiting a city in northern Europe a few months ago, I felt instantly drawn to a man I saw on a painting. I did some research, and it appears that this man was a statesman who died in the mid 17th century. While I was visiting the city, I felt this strange sense of familiarity. I am not saying that I was experiencing deja vu or recognizing specific places, but now and then, for a few seconds everything felt familiar to me. It was as if I had been there before but all in a very blurred sort of way. Since then, I have been looking for information about that man, getting to know more about him, and even drawing his portrait. I feel stupid to feel this attraction because this is so unreal! He looks exactly like the kind of men I was attracted to as a younger girl. I really don’t know what to think of all this. Is it just my imagination? Is it just because I am very sensitive to the arts and historical places, or is my unconscious trying to tell me something?


Dear S.:

While this is almost certainly past life related, before I go into that, I do want to mention one other possibility. Thinking of a particular person in spirit tends to draw that spirit close, so it’s possible for spirits to become attached to any item that makes people here think about them. I can think of no item better suited for this than a portrait. If the spirit of this man is attached to his portrait, then when people gaze at it and wonder about him, he may try to influence them. This would be especially true if someone who is particularly psychically sensitive were involved. If this spirit was stuck between planes, the spirit could then attach to such an individual and try hard to communicate with them. I don’t feel this is what is happening here, but I wanted to mention it so that people know it’s a possibility.

To me, it is clear that you knew this man in a past life, and that you had a loving, positive relationship with him. I actually hear such stories all the time. When someone is famous in some way, it makes it easy for anyone who knew them in a past life to find and recognize them on a soul level.

I often hear from individuals who are certain that they have a soul connection to some figure in the media. Like you, they tend to feel kind of crazy about this, but I think it makes perfect sense. It’s not like they feel this way about all sorts of different celebrities – there is just one figure to whom they feel strangely connected. Imagine that you knew and loved someone in a past life, and then you saw their picture on a billboard or saw them on the evening news. Most likely, you would have the classic symptoms of a past life encounter: time would seem to stop for a moment, your attention would be completely grabbed by that person, and you would have this strange feeling that you either know them, will know them, or simply have some profound connection to them.

On a logical level these connections may seem unlikely, but they happen more than common logic would explain because we are naturally drawn toward people we’ve known in past lives. It’s a bit like gravity; what goes up must come down, and what is pulled apart must come back together. So, for example, if you have a strong past life connection to the mayor of some town in Idaho, then the one time that mayor makes national news, synchronicity would make sure you saw it.

This brings us to your experience. I encourage you to review how you came to visit that particular city in northern Europe and how you came to view that portrait in particular. People often have inexplicable feelings of affinity, curiosity, and familiarity with places and cultures from past lives, so someone who has always longed to go to Japan or Ireland probably does so for past life reasons.

As for how you came to view that particular portrait, I’m betting that you either felt strongly drawn toward that experience or that synchronicity played a role. For example, you may have seen a brochure about a tour that included that portrait and felt a very strong desire to take that tour. Sometimes the way we make such connections is more unconscious; it’s like we find ourselves sort of sleep walking along like puppets being guided by some outside force. It’s a difficult thing to describe, but if you’ve had such an experience, you know what I’m talking about.

Often these connections come about through interesting and unlikely twists in the course of our experience. For example, we may have a conscious plan to do one thing, but then our alarm clock malfunctions, we miss the bus, it suddenly starts to pour, and so we duck into the nearest doorway. There, we run into someone we’re meant to meet or we discover something like your portrait – a strong tie to a past life or our future destiny.

How this happens for the individual largely depends on how consciously psychic they are. If you’re the sort of person who listens within and acts on your intuitions, then you will naturally flow toward the answers to your questions, destined connections, and the fulfillment of your desires. If you tend to be more physically focused and rational, these strange experiences tend to be rarer and to come about in stranger ways, for the Universe has to work much harder when we’re not working with it; when we are constantly asking for direction and acting on the inner prompts we receive, we make it easy for the Universe to guide us.

I love that you mentioned that this man in the portrait looks just like the sort of men you were attracted to when you were younger, for I believe that both past and future loves play a strong role in the “types” we are attracted to. One of my earliest experiences of “destiny” began when I was around 12 years old and saw Mikhail Baryshnikov on the cover of People magazine. Like you with your portrait, time seemed to stop and I was gripped by his image. I remember thinking that he was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Fast forward seven years to when I met my future husband for the first time. My first thought was: He looks exactly like Baryshnikov! I am convinced that, instead of being drawn to my husband because he looked like a famous dancer, I was drawn to the image on the magazine cover because he looked like my future husband!

It’s possible that you’re about to meet this man from the past again – in his new form of course. As these destined junctures approach, all sorts of interesting things tend to happen. It’s possible that your soul knows that you’re about to reconnect, and in searching for him, it led you back to the last place you saw this man. (How romantic!) The good news is that if you keep following your impulses and instincts like this, if you’re destined to reconnect, you will naturally be drawn together again.

To get more information about your potential history with this man, you might pursue past life regression therapy. Through a psychic reading, you could find out if you’re going to meet him again and what your subconscious may be trying to tell you through these unusual feelings.

– Soul Arcanum


Telepathic Pain Connection

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was with my fiance, Scott, for ten years before he died. Scott’s mother is 84 years old, and we were his caregivers for the last year of his life. We bonded on a very deep level as we shared the pain of losing him. For the past three weeks or so, I have had extreme soreness in my neck and shoulders. I am a runner and attributed this to needing a new pair of running shoes, though this pain seemed strange and different from aches and pains I’ve experienced in the past. When I called Scott’s mom tonight and asked her how she was doing, she told me that HER neck and shoulders have been aching and that she had just found out that she has a pinched nerve. I didn’t even tell her about MY neck and shoulder pain. I am now wondering if it is possible that I was picking up on her pain, and if so, what you would call this. This is not the only time we have had a strange connection like this. While I don’t believe in coincidences, I haven’t always had these experiences; there seems to be something special going on with Scott’s mom. Have you heard of anything like this before?


Dear K.:

Your question reminded me of all sorts of amazing personal experiences and stories I have heard from others over the years. For example, a few months ago, I awoke early in the morning feeling strangely dizzy and queasy. As I was very groggy, I wondered if I was getting sick but then quickly drifted back to sleep. I then dreamed that my teenage daughter came into my bedroom and told me that she was feeling queasy and didn’t want to go to school. I woke up from that dream and drifted off again. About fifteen minutes later, my daughter actually came into my room and woke me up and told me that she wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to go to school. I then realized that my own physical discomfort had disappeared, and that I had been picking up on what was happening with her.

This sort of telepathic connection is known to be especially strong in twins. I recently became acquainted with an amazing story of identical twins who not only regularly experience each other’s pain, but also have physical manifestations of what happens to the other twin. For example, one twin got accidentally socked in the eye while playing at a playground one day, which led to her developing a black eye. At the exact moment that the twin was injured, the other twin experienced pain in her eye and later developed a black eye even though her own eye hadn’t experienced any physical trauma.

There are all sorts of amazing stories of people who experience a telepathic connection to another person that leads to physical symptoms like those you describe. This tends to happen most often with people who are emotionally very close, such as mothers and their children. Since it sounds like you are closer to Scott’s mother than many daughters are to their own biological mothers, I don’t find it at all strange that you would share a strong psychic connection. It’s also possible that the two of you have shared other lifetimes in which you were biologically related, which would further strengthen your psychic connection this lifetime.

My sense is that you are a very physical person, and thus your strongest psychic sense may be clairsentience. This would tend to cause you to pick up telepathic information kinesthetically, by feeling it in your own body. I imagine that your intuition tends to speak to you through gut feelings, and that you tend to experience strong emotions in your body such as having butterflies in your stomach when you are nervous or getting a headache when you are stressed. Psychic mediums who are strongly clairsentient are those who tend to physically feel how a particular spirit passed, or feel other physical sensations as a form of metaphysical communication. To describe a spirit, they physically feel what it was like to BE that person. Thus they may say something like, “I feel like I am very tall but like I am bent over with roundedness in my upper back, and I feel like I have facial hair; it is tickling my lip.” By contrast, someone more clairvoyant might say, “I see a tall man who walks a bit hunched over who has a beard and mustache.” As you might imagine, being strongly clairsentient would encourage the sort of physical experience you describe.

While what you experienced was tangible in that you physically experienced her physical pain, you are also receiving other types of telepathic information without being conscious of it. Just as we all receive visual, auditory, kinesthetic and other information on a physical level, we all do the same on a metaphysical level, but when we are strongly skewed to one modality, we may not pay as much attention to the other information. I would bet that you are picking up on Scott’s mom’s thoughts and feelings without realizing that those thoughts and feelings are perhaps not your own, for this sort of exchange tends to be more subtle than physical sensations.

The closer we are to someone, the more likely we are to absorb their thoughts and feelings. Of course, the more sensitive we are, the more likely we are to be affected on this telepathic level as well. When you put two people who are very sensitive and very emotionally close together, all sorts of telepathic experiences tend to result.

If we have empathy for the person involved, it can be very difficult to separate our feelings from theirs even if we know that what we are feeling is not our own. For example, when my son was an adolescent, he went through a period during which he was angry, sullen and irritable. I would be perfectly happy but as soon as he got in the car, I would find my mood radically shifting. He didn’t even have to say a word for this to happen; it was like this dark, heavy cloud had invaded my aura. Even though I knew that he was the source of my suddenly dark thoughts and feelings, trying to avoid being affected by his bad mood was like having a passenger smoking a cigar in my car and trying to not inhale any of their smoke. It is fascinating to me that being in an enclosed space seems to be as powerful on a metaphysical level as it is on a physical level; if I were near my son in another setting besides the car, it was easier to separate my energy from his. While removing myself from his presence was most effective of all, in situations where someone we love is in great distress, we may pick up on how they feel even if they are thousands of miles away.

When we care about how other people feel, our auras are open to them. Instead of saying to ourselves, I don’t care how this person is feeling, I just want to feel good, we are constantly energetically checking on them much as we might do by phoning them to see how they are doing. It is this caring that bridges our energy fields. When we empathize with someone, we start to entrain to their energy and may be affected by their mood. To be invulnerable to the emotional or physical pain of someone we care about, we must become adept at setting our own tone and cultivate faith that everything happens for a good reason, so even if someone is struggling, we know that they are experiencing exactly what they need to experience in order to learn whatever they need to learn.

Soul Arcanum

When Someone Pops Into Your Mind

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I sometimes know when I am about to run into a particular person. It can be a friend, a celebrity or just someone I have recently seen in a paper. This is happening more often nowadays, and it really puzzles me. There are three specific occasions I’d like to share with you. A while ago I saw a man I’ve never met in the paper and thought it would be nice to see him in person. A few days later, I was in a cinema with my friends and saw him standing there. I felt no romantic attraction towards him but he did get my attention. Another day I was thinking about a celebrity I fancy and strangely enough, that same instant he came around the corner and walked past me. The third and most powerful experience happened last autumn when I was going back to my old home town and hoping to see this guy I have been in love with for ages. I am always hoping to see him but this time I knew for sure we would actually meet without having any formal plans to do so; I knew this weeks in advance. What is even more bizarre is he has shown almost no interest in me romantically, but I knew that if I dressed in a certain way he would like what he saw. There was no way of knowing that we would actually meet that night, yet he actually walked right into me at one point. More amazing still is how he looked me over from head to toe and commented on how good I looked – just as I had imagined! I felt like I could fly. What am I supposed to do with this knowledge that I am going to meet someone? In the case of this guy, I figured I should go talk to him, but should I try to get in contact with the strangers too? I always get a warm feeling when my vision has come true but I can’t help but wonder why I know that these particular yet seemingly random persons will cross my path. Does it mean that they will or should have some profound meaning in my life?

– Sofia

Dear Sofia:

I understand why you are lumping all of these experiences together, for they all involve encountering someone after having them pop into your mind. However, not all such experiences are created equal in terms of meaning. Assuming that these events must share some meaning is a bit like smelling something and assuming that the act of smelling something means the same thing in every case.

Let’s say that yesterday chocolate chip cookies popped into your mind and you so vividly thought about them that you could practically smell them. You even thought to yourself, Boy, it would be nice to have a cookie right now! Today you go to a party and Shazam! – there is a big platter of chocolate chip cookies. In this case, you manifested those cookies: you wanted them, you were easy about wanting them, and they showed up in your experience. This is sort of what happened with the first person you saw: he popped into your mind, you thought it would be nice to see him in person, and then he showed up.

Now let’s imagine that you’re walking down the street when suddenly you smell oatmeal cookies. No sooner do these cookies pop into your mind than you turn the corner and Shazam! – there is a bakery with the smell of oatmeal cookies wafting through the doorway. In this case, you sensed/smelled the cookies before they came into view. This is what happened with the celebrity who popped into your mind just before turning the corner. Just as a subtle scent may not register on a conscious level at first, a subtle psychic impression may not make much impact on us until the reason for it smacks into our awareness.

Now let’s imagine that you have for years been craving these special ginger cookies that your grandmother used to make. You love these cookies above all other cookies. In fact, you are thinking about opening a bakery so you can make and sell these special cookies; this feels like your destiny. The only problem is that Grandma is the only one who knows how to make them and no one has heard from her since she ran off with the circus years ago. You go back to where you last saw Grandma – your home town – and you start asking about her and looking for her but you can’t seem to find her. One day you get invited to a gathering and suddenly you just know Grandma will be there. Of course, all the while on a metaphysical level your entire being has been sending out a signal to the Universe: find Grandma! You go to the gathering and sure enough, there she is! This is what happened with the third guy you mention: you felt draw to him, you took action to find him by going to where he may be, you listened to your intuition, and everything happened just as you expected. In this case we have a mix of destiny, intuition and manifesting at work.

Here’s my point: Just because all three experiences involved the same psychic sense doesn’t mean they all share the same meaning. There is only one way to know when something meaningful is occurring, and that is to listen to your intuition. When something is meaningful, it grabs your attention and evokes a strong feeling. The reason you smell cookies sometimes is because you have a nose; the reason these precognitive events keep happening is because you have psychic senses. What you do about these perceptions depends on the feelings that accompany them.

In the first two instances, it doesn’t sound like anything meaningful was meant to happen; this is like smelling cookies and just going on your merry way. (You can’t eat cookies every time you smell them, after all!) The last instance is more powerful and evocative. You have strong feelings for this person and this powerful connection led your intuition to guide you in going to where you ended up meeting him. It even prepared you to create what you wanted by telling you how to dress.

Since not every cookie is meant for our personal consumption and not every psychic flash is something we need to ascribe great meaning to, the more psychic we become, the more important it is to develop a clear, conscious connection to Spirit so we can ask when we’re not sure if we’re supposed to do something about some psychic information. Since this is a very natural process, trusting our feelings is the main thing. When we have a strong feeling of attraction to someone, we’re meant to go toward that person; when we have a strong feeling of fear or repulsion toward someone, we’re meant to go away from them. When we don’t feel much of anything, we are free to do whatever we like, for what we choose probably won’t prove significant in the long run anyway.

Since it can be exhausting to consult our intuition on every event that happens to us, it’s helpful to consciously create what we want in our lives by working with the law of attraction. Then we can just relax and assume that if we need to know something, our intuition will get our attention. While this happens naturally, the more we consciously create a good working relationship with our inner knowing, the smoother things tend to go for us and the more magical our journey seems to become. Regular meditation is one way to create a clear channel to our inner knowing. It’s also helpful to regularly ask within, Is there something I need to know or do in this situation? Then just trust that if you need to talk to someone or do something in particular, you’ll feel compelled, nudged or inspired to do so.

Soul Arcanum

Dream Telepathy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)


Dear Soul Arcanum:

A few nights ago, I had a dream that my husband went to answer the phone, tripped on the dog, fell down and hurt himself. His sister was at the house for some reason, and he told her that he felt something break and needed to go to the hospital, but he insisted on going to the one where he grew up, which is in St. Louis. (We live in Colorado now.) I woke up just after having this dream. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee and started to tell my husband about it, but I could tell that something was wrong. He then told me that his sister had called and that his mother had fallen and broken her hip, and that he was going to make travel arrangements to go see her in St. Louis! When I told him about my dream, we were both amazed. What happened here?


Dear Margo:

I love your question because I’ve had a number of similar dreams myself. One time, I dreamed that there were ants by the sliding glass door in my kitchen. I woke up from this dream and went downstairs and told my husband about it. His jaw dropped as he explained that about fifteen minutes before (at the same time I was dreaming), he had discovered ants by the sliding glass door.

Another time, I dreamed that I was at the beach with all of my family, and when it was time to leave, I couldn’t find my husband. I looked and looked for him, and finally he came limping along. He explained that he had been (drunkenly) singing on a ledge and had fallen off and broken his ankle. When I awoke, I went downstairs and told my husband about this dream, and he replied that he had just been watching a television news story about how Steven Tyler of Aerosmith had fallen off the stage while singing and broken his ankle!

As you can see in these two examples, telepathic dream experiences don’t always have great meaning or value. When we dream of what others are doing as they are doing it, such as my husband finding the ants or watching that story on the news, it’s sort of like overhearing a conversation because you are close by: you just happen to be picking it up with your psychic senses instead of your physical senses. Examining telepathic dreams also illuminates the truth that not every dream carries an important message, so trying to interpret some dreams can be pointless.

Though the above dreams seem pretty meaningless, dream telepathy usually occurs during important life events, or at least during times when someone we love is in emotional distress. By way of a more common example, last week I dreamed that I was back in college and I was totally unprepared for a final exam. I was in my first class of the day, and I was thinking that I should just skip that class so I could get to my exam on time and focus entirely on that. I couldn’t remember how to get to the next class, however, so I started to get really stressed. I was awakened from this dream by my teenage daughter, who was in tears. She explained that she had a final exam in second hour that morning, and she felt she should skip first hour so she could study more because she felt unprepared!

Next we have the first time I experienced dream telepathy, which was also the most interesting. When my son Nick was a toddler, I had a very vivid, distressing dream that I was a Middle Eastern woman on a makeshift boat with a bunch of other Middle Eastern people, whom I knew to be my family. I was holding my baby, whom I knew to be my son, Nick. It was storming, there were huge waves all around us, and the boat was sinking. Everyone else had jumped in the water, but I refused to jump because I was sure it would mean my baby’s death. Everyone was yelling at me to jump but I wouldn’t do it. I was awakened from this dream by my two-year-old son calling me. When I stumbled groggily into his room and went to the side of his crib, he fixed me with a solemn look and said, “Go in the water, Momma. It’s okay. Go in the water.” Given my different identity in this dream and the fact that Nick was also in it, I believe that this was about a past life we shared together.

There are several factors that come into play in telepathy. First, the stronger our bond to someone, the more likely we are to telepathically pick up on what’s going on with them. There are many, many stories about mothers who telepathically sensed that their child was in danger or distress. The research that has been done into dream telepathy and telepathy in general also supports the idea that the stronger the bond emotional bond between people, the more likely they are to have a telepathic connection. Feeling loving and caring toward someone facilitates telepathy, while feeling upset or angry diminishes such connections.

As I mentioned above, researchers have also found that telepathic dreams and other experiences tend to happen more frequently during significant life events, which is a pattern that strongly emerges in anecdotes about telepathic experiences. You have a strong loving bond with your husband, and he was probably distressed when he got that call about his mom, so the conditions were ideal for you to telepathically pick up on what was happening with him.

Also, our subconscious minds are aware of way more than our conscious minds are, and when we’re sleeping, our subconscious minds take over. Most people are thus more like to receive psychic impressions in dreams than when they are awake. (Someone who is “psychic” has dream-like visions when they are awake, though they tend to be in an altered state of consciousness like a trance or day dream when receiving such impressions.)

This brings us to the final key factor in the development of these sorts of experiences. People who are psychic or extraordinarily adept at working with their dreams and their subconscious minds are more likely to have telepathic dreams and to remember them upon waking up. For example, I often have dreams about what others in my family are going through, but they can’t say the same.

As an interesting experiment, you can try to send other people specific dreams. Given the factors listed above, this works best with people you are close to who are good at remembering their dreams. When your loved one is asleep, go into a meditative state and project thoughts and images into his or her mind. It’s helpful if you do this early in the morning, for that’s when we spend the most time dreaming. We also tend to remember the last dreams we had before waking up.

You can even use this technique to improve key relationships. When the other person is sleeping, have a mental conversation with their higher self and ask them to help you create harmony or other positive changes. Imagine this conversation as vividly as possible. The next time you see them, they may be remarkably warm and friendly or have an interesting dream about you to report!

I believe that dream telepathy happens far more often than we realize. If I hadn’t remembered my dream about my husband breaking his ankle, or I hadn’t thought to tell him about it, or he hadn’t realized that he had been watching something like that on TV, we would never have known my dream was telepathic. In my experience, the more we talk about our dreams with the people we’re close to, the more interesting experiences come to light!

– Soul Arcanum

The Green Man

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m confused about a strange dream (or OBE) I had. I had never seen apparitions before, but this one was quite clear. I saw a man with green skin who had leaves and vines for hair and all over his body. When I saw him, I was scared and tried to hide by lying down flat. He came toward me and before I shut my eyes tight, I saw his glowing green aura over my shoulder, then I felt him lie down on me. Is he a threat to me or did I misinterpret something? Is the Green Man good or evil?

Dear Nicole:

Even people who aren’t familiar with the term the Green Man have probably seen images of him in sculptures and illustrations, which depict a male face emerging from dense foliage. Images of the Green Man can be found in many cultures around the world and traced back to before the dawn of Christianity.

Generally speaking, the Green Man is thought to symbolize rebirth as well as humankind’s connection to nature, as he appears to be something of a hybrid between plants and human beings. He may be a symbol of the interconnectivity of all things, even those that seem on the surface to be unrelated. In this way he may symbolize our spiritual path and how everything happens for a reason and leads us organically to whatever we most need to experience in order to learn and/or fulfill our dreams.

This notion of the Green Man representing the invisible connections between all things is interesting because as a nature spirit, he would exist somewhere between this world and the spirit world. Nature spirits are like hybrids between physical and spiritual beings, composed of substances just beyond the physical realm like plasma or ether.

Your experience sounds like an astral encounter to me, but since you mentioned the possibility that it was a dream, I’ll start there. To interpret this dream, we need to examine your personal associations with the idea of the Green Man before this experience. If you had never heard of him, it’s unlikely this was just a dream. If, however, you had read or heard about him before, then it’s possible that this figure was somehow symbolic. Of course, if you had heard about him before, it’s also possible that some other astral entity took on this form in order to evoke a certain response from you.

Other people have had dreams of the Green Man. In fact, many people dream of him who have never heard of him before, and only learn about his mythical status upon researching his image. I find it fascinating to explore the connections between ancient myths and alternate realities. When people from many different cultures and backgrounds see or believe in the same sort of being, it makes sense to consider that this may be something real in another dimension that may only interact with us when we’re in an altered state of consciousness and able to perceive beyond the normal spectrum of awareness.

Other dimensions are populated by a whole array of fascinating creatures, which is where our myths about elves, fairies, satyrs, unicorns, mermaids, dragons and the like come from. Most ancient cultures, such as those of Greece, Rome, China, Egypt and India, believed wholeheartedly in these mythical creatures. Even many of the world’s great philosophers, such as Plato, Socrates and Paracelsus, were aware of and perhaps guided by non-physical entities. (I’d argue that all great minds are somehow guided by intelligences from beyond this world, but most aren’t consciously aware of where their inspirations come from.)

To one whose consciousness is rooted in the physical, the very idea of nature spirits no doubt seems preposterous. However, there was a time when the idea that tiny invisible monsters were responsible for illness and infection seemed just as ludicrous. Once we developed the ability to see these creatures with our physical eyes, however, they became known as bacteria. So just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

It is said that at certain times, nature spirits become more visible to the naked eye. Further, to one who seeks connection, who loves nature and is open and sensitive, nature spirits may be sensed intuitively and/or encountered in strange and wondrous ways, either spontaneously or by inducing altered states of consciousness. This is also true of those who actively befriend them, for then the spirits may try to reach through to the physical to interact with us. Further, by looking for them and loving them, we may achieve vibrational harmony with their sphere of existence, and thus open a window of perception into their world.

The most common facilitators of encounters with nature spirits include dreaming, out of body experiences, and drug trips. There are certain hallucinogenic plants that seem to lead to encounters with particular beings. Entheogens are plants that are used as sacred sacraments, and many people who use entheogens report meeting the spirit of the plant, which may be perceived to be a plant god or goddess similar to the Green Man.

During entheogen trips, the Green Man has been known to appear to help people get out of their heads and their bodies in order to explore other realms. In fact, in Sufi and Arab mysticism, hashish was smoked for the express purpose of finding and connecting with the Green Man/Khadir in hopes of accessing the divine mystery. The same sort of thing was practiced by shamans using hallucinogenic mushrooms and plants.

When we consider that all these people are meeting the same strange beings and having the same strange experiences, we’re wise to wonder what is going on, and if perhaps instead of them just imaginingthings, they are indeed opening windows to another objective reality. I like to think that perhaps to beings in other realms, we are like the mythical beings of folklore, and when we meet in the grey space between this world and their realm, they are just as curious about us as we are about them.

As for whether the Green Man is good or evil, I think it’s wise to resist the temptation of simple labels, for this is like asking if human beings are good or evil. Just like people, it’s believed that if you are on the good side of nature spirits, they will help and befriend you. If, however, you abuse their trust and good will, they can turn against you and make you sorry you ever met them.

According to those who have encountered him, the Green Man may feel wild but he doesn’t usually feel threatening. Indeed, many people report feeling strongly drawn to him. Often the Green Man appears to help people in some way or to warn them about something. If you love nature and the Earth, the Green Man may appear to help you. If you’ve become disconnected from nature, he may appear to call you back. Many people have had encounters in dreams, astral projection, and full on waking visions of the Green Man trying to help, reassure or comfort them in some way.

To sort out this experience for yourself, ponder your relationship to nature. Also, examine energies of renewal and rebirth in your life; any incidents that followed this experience that it may have been trying to warn you about; and perhaps most importantly, the interconnections between all your experiences and how they all contribute to and compose your spiritual path.

For some great ways to consciously cultivate friendships with nature spirits, check out this article at

– Soul Arcanum