Tag Archive: magick

Runes, Manifesting and Black Magick

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been using runes as a manifesting tool. They are considered universal creative energies in the form of symbols that can open the doors to the Quantum Ocean. The Quantum ocean is an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy that responds to our thoughts and the symbols. The symbols can be practiced to attain health, wealth, money and anything one desires. This used to be practiced by ancient Northern Europeans in the form of rituals. My questions to you arose when I started working with the symbols by vividly bringing runic energies into my system. I started doubting the authenticity of this practice and at the same time became worried that it may be some form of Black Magick. Can you help me?


Dear Deepa:

For those who are unfamiliar, runes are symbols that began as an early Nordic/German alphabet. There is evidence that these symbols were also used for divination and “magickal” purposes. In the case of magick, they were used as charms and amulets to offer protection, mark a curse, or represent a spell that was in the process of being worked. These days they are most commonly known as a form of divination similar to the I-Ching.

Magick is essentially the process of focusing mental and emotional energy in order to create what we want in the physical. Though we tend to think of witches, spells and rituals when we think of magick, manifesting is a form of magick and so is prayer. In fact, magick has been practiced in some form in all cultures throughout history. In ancient times, magickal rituals were performed for survival purposes such as ensuring a successful hunt or the end of a drought; today people us the law of attraction to align with success in business or find a soul mate. Regardless of what you call it or what you’re trying to create, the process is basically the same.

As for your concern about “black magick,” traditionally, the term black magick has been associated with evil while white magick has been associated with good. Though this is a matter of some confusion and controversy, since I’m limited on space here, we’ll work with these terms. Basically, black magick is the use of metaphysical energy in ways that may harm others, while white magick is the use of the same energy in ways that are helpful to all or at least harmful to none.

As with all power, the important thing is to use it wisely. Working magick is not itself evil anymore than building a structure is evil; using the same tools, you could build a house to shelter orphans or you could build a gas chamber in which to kill concentration camp prisoners. The ability to consciously create what we want is a divine gift we have all been given. Whether we use runes or simple visualization to imagine what we desire into being, we are working with our own divine creative power. To align with positive experience, the important thing to remember is that we get back what we send out into the Universe.

As long as you “harm none” and are ever ready to defer to a higher power and plan, you should be fine. When people are willing to do anything to get what they think they want, they do tend to get into trouble. Often we think we know what we have to have to be happy but we can’t see the bigger picture. If something is not in the best interests of all involved, we are foolish to push for it. Often we are like little kids who are sure we want to eat not just one or two brownies but the whole pan. The Universe puts the brownies up on top of the refrigerator to protect us from ourselves, but we drag a chair over and then put a crate on top of the chair and climb up after those brownies anyway. If we don’t break a leg trying to get what we think we have to have, we may actually get it and end up both miserable and confused about why getting what we wanted didn’t work out as we expected. When consciously working with the creative forces of the universe, we are wise to do what we can to create what we want, but at the same time, to pay attention to signs and intuitions and trust that whatever actually happens will somehow prove to be for the best.

There is an important aspect of this subject that most people fail to take into account: We are all working magick all the time whether we realize it or not. By this I mean that we are all constantly affecting the physical with our thoughts and feelings, for everything in the physical comes into being via the metaphysical. It is therefore actually wise and prudent to work magick in a conscious way instead of allowing our fears and desires to run wild. It’s like the Universe has given us all power tools that are constantly turned on; some people are wreaking havoc with them while others are creating masterpieces of great beauty.

As for which tools we use to create what we desire, we are free to choose. Just as you can use a variety of different tools to carve something beautiful out of wood, you can use a variety of tools to draw what you desire into the physical, for the tool is simply an extension of your own energy/intention. Runes are one option but there are endless others.

Each rune represents something like success, protection, love, etc. By focusing on the rune that represents what you desire, you focus your energy on the idea of what you want. It’s possible that the figures themselves hold special power, that so many people ascribing meaning and power to particular symbols over the centuries has infused them with those qualities. It’s also possible that the symbols carry the meanings we associate with them in the first place because they are archtypal. Personally, I feel the meaning mainly comes from within us. There are endless ways to use symbols, tools and other elements to work magick. Since these are all simply representations of the essence of something abstract, if we can focus on the essence instead of the symbol for it, the representation isn’t really needed.

I can think of all sorts of ways runes could be used as manifesting tools. Let’s say you were about to travel through a war torn country. You might choose raido for protection when traveling, create an amulet by carving raido into a wooden pendant, and then consecrate the amulet in a ritual. If a woman were trying to get pregnant, she might create an amulet with berkana carved on it, which represents fertility, growth, health and new beginnings. The possibilities are endless.

You could use runes for manifesting in all sorts of other ways too. You could carve the rune that represents what you desire into a piece of wood and burn it to send your intention out into the universe. You could carve it into a candle and light the candle while performing a ritual to manifest what you desire. You could hold an object carved with the rune and use it as a focal point during meditation or creative visualization exercises. You could carry it in your pocket so whenever you feel it, you’re reminded to focus on what you desire. Since it’s just a focal point for your energy, the power lies not in the details of what you actually do, but in how well the process helps you vibrationally align with what you desire.

Weird, Wonderful Wicca

All rights reserved. :)

My teenage daughter has a good head on her shoulders. She’s a great student, never in trouble, and hangs out with good kids. She recently announced that she is going to become a “Wiccan,” and her father just flipped out. He started screaming at her, asking her if she knew this meant she would be a “pagan,” and if she was going to start having sex with children and animals. She was totally taken aback by this response, as was I, but she stood right up to him and told him she had been reading a great deal about it, and felt drawn to it regardless of what he thinks. I don’t think her father really knows anything about Wicca. I have known a few people who have been into it. Some have been weird, and some have been wonderful. Should we be concerned?


Dear D.:

Your question itself is very illuminating, for modern Wicca can indeed be both weird and wonderful. I have met some very ungrounded, flaky and far out people via Wiccan channels, and I have also met beautiful, powerful, ethical and sincerely spiritual people the same way. This, however, is true of every religion. Just like priestly pedophiles get tons of press, weird pagans tend to hog the spotlight.

Wicca is unfortunately often confused with Satanism, which casts such a menacing shadow over it that most people turn and run without ever really looking at what is true. I don’t know of a single Wiccan who even believes that Satan exists, however, much less worships him. Wicca is in no way Satanic, and it sounds like her father is confusing the two.

Wicca has gained in popularity as more and more people have abandoned the rigid dogma of many organized religions in search of a more personal connection to Source. It’s now even officially recognized as a religion by the U.S. government, even though there is no central authority telling everyone what is true and what they “should” be doing. (Wiccans are known for their independent thinking.)

Modern Wicca is indeed a form of neo-paganism. Unfortunately, Christianity has lent the word “pagan” negative connotations. A pagan, through this lens, is uncivilized and uneducated. As pagan really means someone who sees God in all of nature, or someone who tolerates the existence of all gods, then given the revelations of quantum physics and the tragic role of religious intolerance in igniting wars, I think being “pagan” suggests a certain degree of spiritual maturity and sophistication. Wicca reveres the divinity in all of nature and seeks to harness universal creative energy for personal growth and humanitarian change. Wiccans share a deep respect for all living beings, and as a group, they assume more personal responsibility for their own choices than adherents of any other religion I’ve encountered. They also honor the free will of every living being – including themselves. They see God/Goddess/divinity in everything and everyone, and thus the number one “rule” in Wicca is “Do as ye will, but harm none.”

You didn’t mention what her father’s spiritual beliefs are, and if he adopted them part and parcel from his parents, as so many people do, or if he is so opinionated because he has been blessed by some direct revelation from God Him/Herself. I presume, however, that he either considers himself Christian or an atheist/ scientist. The cure for this conflict is not to prevent your daughter from exploring Wicca, but rather to get her father to learn more about it. A little research will reveal to him, for example, that almost all Christian traditions have their roots in pagan beliefs and rituals. Christians practice pagan rituals all the time – they just don’t know it. As mentioned above, Wicca’s pantheistic foundation is also very much in harmony with modern science and quantum physics.

Research may not completely resolve the problem, however, for there is a big difference between Christianity and Wicca: Wiccans honor both the feminine and the masculine forces in nature, where Christians, I’m sorry to say, tend to be a bit more patriarchal. A great deal of anti-Wiccan sentiment is thus simple misogyny, just like back during the witch-hunting days. If her father is uncomfortable with strong women in general, he may have a very hard time respecting your daughter’s right to make any decisions for herself, even in matters as profoundly personal as her spiritual beliefs.

By contrast, I have never heard of a Wiccan trying to convert anyone, or trying to impose their own beliefs on others. Most witches also have no problem with Christianity and other paths, aside from the efforts by people of those religions to deny others religious freedom. In this way, Wiccans tend to be far more “Christian” (loving their neighbors as themselves, and doing unto others as they would have done unto them) than many Christians. (I doubt her father, for example, would want anyone telling him what to believe or how to worship, so in this matter, she’s more “Christian” than he is). In fact, the “golden rule” is fundamental to Wiccans, who believe that everything that they do comes back to them threefold. It is thus considered foolish to harm others, and always wise to do good in the world. (Scientists have their own karmic theories, such as Newton’s law of physics: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”)

Most Wiccans strive to make the world a better place for everyone. They are often actively engaged in promoting environmental care, equal rights and religious tolerance. They believe that through proper application of one’s will (which is energy), one can affect physical reality (which is ultimately also energy). My own personal experience with Wicca confirmed that we can indeed use mental and emotional energy to generate positive physical change.

Some common Wiccan practices include energy healing, seeking divine guidance and manifesting positive goals. There is generally a great deal of emotional therapy involved, such as releasing negative emotions and embracing spiritual growth and positive change. This may be done in some dramatic ways with spells and rituals which incorporate meditation, drumming, chanting, dancing, singing, praying, divination, etc. Most Wiccans are grounded enough to know that the props, practices and other accoutrements of ritual work are simply tools they are employing to alter their state of consciousness in order to energetically affect reality. There are a few, however, who get caught up in the drama for the sake of the drama, and come across as “flaky” or out of touch with “reality.”

As Wicca attracts both weird and wonderful people, it is important that she chooses her teachers and fellow seekers with care. If she were Catholic, Buddhist or Muslim, you’d want to know she was safe and in good hands, and the same holds true here. She obviously has good judgment already, however. (How many teenagers are great students, never in trouble, etc.?) Continue to emphasize the values you’ve already taught her: honesty, courage, kindness, compassion, respect, etc., and tell her that you trust she will find her own best spiritual path.

Your daughter is strong enough to work things out with her father as she grows into the woman she is becoming. I feel that her father’s resistance here may even help her in the long run. As she steps into her own power as an adult, she may need someone to define herself against. Let her sharpen her edges against him. It’s good for her spirit, and over time, I feel he’ll grow to respect her judgment and strength!

– Soul Arcanum

Is She “Under His Spell” for Real?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC.  All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My name is Linda. I can’t tell you the last time I was truly happy. I have been struggling with a dead-end relationship that has been going on for four years. His name is Mark, and he’s a Scorpio. He’s complicated but magnetic. I can’t seem to let go, when all the signs are there, telling me I’m on the wrong path. He’s done me so much wrong, yet I still love him and he tells me he loves me and I believe him. I feel like I’m in a twilight zone, like he put a spell on me. Just when I’ve had it and have made up my mind to break free from him, somehow I’m right back. I feel like he makes me weak. I know all I have to do to find peace is move on, but whenever I try, I just miss him terribly. It’s sickening, Soul Arcanum. I wish I wasn’t so depressed all the time. It’s not heathy. Is it possible that I’m somehow “under his spell” for real? If you reply, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.


Dear Linda:

I really feel for you. Part of me wants to lovingly shake you and tell you to snap out of it, but I have been where you are, and it’s just not that simple.

I consider myself to be a very strong woman. Some have even called me intimidating. I am the master of my universe, the orchestrator of my fate. That didn’t save me, however, from “falling prey” to the kind of addictive relationship you’re describing here many years ago.

I have seen the same sort of thing happen to others time and time again, and often to the nicest people you’d ever want to meet. Being nice – too nice – is part of the equation. These addictive relationships often offer the most euphoric, compelling sexual chemistry we’ve ever experienced. It’s like our heads know better, but there’s something primal within us that just can’t resist. Our childhoods play a role too. Whether alcohol or some other addiction is clearly involved or not, we’re all wise to ponder if perhaps we’re reenacting patterns from long ago.

Let’s first consider that you may simply be a victim of your own addiction to the intensity of this relationship. You imagine that he is “holding you” or has “put a spell on you,” but in truth, he’s just unconsciously going about getting his own energy needs met, and is unaware or doesn’t care how it all affects you. In this scenario, you’re a victim of your own addiction. You love the way you feel with him when things are good (and in this sort of relationship, the “highs” usually match amp for amp the lows, or no one would stick around all that long). No one has ever made you feel so alive, so even though it’s devastating when things are bad, you go through withdrawals when you’re not with him.

The number one thing you need to do if this is the case, you’re already doing. You’re recognizing that you’re “under a spell” of some kind, but what I want you to recognize is that the spell may not be something he is doing to you, but rather is something coming from within you. You are not a helpless victim. Think of it more like you’ve been drugged, and so your entire thought process is totally out of whack. You need to get off the drugs for a while (out of this relationship and away from him) before you’ll be able to think clearly and feel like yourself again.

Now, this does not negate the reality that others can and do influence us all the time. If you get hooked up with someone with intense, magnetic energy, you will feel just as you describe: like you can’t help yourself. Someone who is really energetically powerful can turn you upside down and leave you in an emotional puddle on the floor.

I had a girlfriend once who was a beautiful, intelligent, talented and sweet young woman. She was also a witch, meaning that she practiced Wicca, and she was rockin’ powerful. She had seen right through all the cultural issues that have subjugated women for millennia, had reclaimed her strength as a woman and thoroughly embraced feminism. She fell in love with a young man who was also spiritual, beautiful, into tantra, etc., and together, they fell into the sort of relationship you’re describing. On top of it all, this young man was Muslim, and he was a very experienced martial artist and in a heavy duty relationship with a spiritual teacher/guru of some kind. (I was never sure if the guru was his spiritual teacher or his martial arts master; it seemed he was both).

We all knew that this relationship was bad for her. It almost seemed like a bizarre spiritual test of her inner strength and her feminist convictions. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she broke away from him, but she still wasn’t free. This is when she gathered her coven around her and pleaded for help. She said that he was astrally stalking her. When questioned, she explained that he would appear outside her window just staring at her menacingly, or just seem to materialize in the strangest places. She said she’d sense him, and suddenly he was just standing some distance away from her, wherever she may be, looking at her. At first, she thought he was physically there, but then she realized that he was astrally traveling to “stalk” her. Given who he was and all the stuff he was into, it seemed like if anyone could pull stuff like that off, it would be him. She was unable to eat or sleep; she probably weighed about 85 pounds at this point. The time had come for action. I don’t have room to go into the ritual that was employed to set her free, but it did work.

Please understand that up until this point, no one could have really helped her because part of her was fleeing from him, but another part of her was holding on at the same time. Only when everything in her was ready to be free was it possible for her to break away.

Since you believe in the power of spells, it’s time for you to try one of your own. Whether he’s consciously holding you or not, it can’t hurt! I recommend you get a couple of friends to help you. Choose women you admire for their inner fortitude; they’ll have the strength you need to draw upon. (Readers, please note that it’s not just women who suffer as Linda is suffering, and men can of course take the same sort of approach to breaking free of addictive relationships).

I don’t have the space here to offer you a detailed spell, but I will give you the basics of what you need to do, and then you can do your own research on casting spells in general and incorporate these elements into your own ritual. I don’t believe the power of spell work comes from the color of the candles you choose or even the sage you burn: it comes from your focused intention, so the details are really unimportant. It’s all about your energy!

Gather your friends and together affirm your very clear intention to the universe that you now choose to be free of this destructive relationship. Pray for help from God, Spirit, Angels, Artemis – whoever you feel inspired to draw upon. Together, you must declare that from this time forward, you will be free. Then you must declare that as you wish, so it is. Then visualize yourself cutting ALL chords to this man. You may be tempted to “save” a couple, to keep a small link to him. Recognize that this will be your undoing, and cut them. You can incorporate candles, chants, etc. You can write down all that you don’t want from this relationship any more and burn it, then write down what you do want and save it – whatever works for you. Make your spell/ ritual appealing, vivid and absorbing. Try it on a new moon to affirm your new freedom and your new start.

Once you’re “out” of this, you’ll look back and just be amazed at how you once felt you couldn’t break free. Your own higher self and your guides have led you to conscious awareness that this is becoming a very unhealthy situation, so from here on out, you can’t truly be held against your will unless you allow yourself to be.

If you find yourself struggling with all of this, I encourage you to make good use of the tools you’ll find HERE. Once you’re ready, the process entitled Manifest Big Love will set you on a path to a relationship that is so big, deep and fulfilling that you will never look back wistfully on this relationship again.

May Spirit light your way to new freedom, love and joy!

– Soul Arcanum