Category: Kundalini

Energy Work Makes him Dizzy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Last year I attended some energy healing lessons, during which I opened my crown chakra. A couple of months after these lessons, I began to feel dizzy all the time. My teacher had warned me that I might experience some changes in my body, but it was a terrible feeling, and I couldn’t wait to get back to normal. I still feel like something is spinning on top of my head, and sometimes my “head spins” as well. What is happening? What should I do?
– A.

Dear A.:

While I see a connection between your spiritual practices and these sensations, it would of course be wise for you to see a doctor and rule out potential physical problems.

That aside, it sounds to me like you need to get “grounded.” When we engage in spiritual practices like meditation, ritual work, spirit communication, energy healing, etc., we focus our energy and attention beyond the physical plane. This can cause us to sort of disconnect from the physical and our physical bodies. We then might say we are “out of it” or not totally “with it,” because on some level, we understand that we are not completely in our bodies.

Our minds are not located in our brains; they are non-physical, so they transcend space and time. Our minds go where we send them via our attention. If we develop a habit of focusing beyond this plane, our minds can begin to disconnect from the physical. You didn’t mention if you continued to work with this teaching or were engaged in other spiritual practices in the period following these lessons, but in any case, it sounds like this experience sparked a new surge of spiritual awakening.

I recommend you research the term kundalini and the various symptoms that can arise with kundalini awakening. Kundalini is just life force energy, of course, so despite the dire warnings you may read, it is in no way dangerous. It is powerful, however, so it demands a careful, respectful approach.

Kundalini is the force carrying us through the evolutionary journey we call life, and things like meditation and energy healing can clear the way for this evolution. Sometimes, this can be an uncomfortable or awkward process, and we may experience “growing pains” as we struggle for a foothold at a new vibration. It’s like our spirits are leading, but our hearts, minds, and/or bodies are lagging a bit behind.

For example, if someone who is engaged in spiritual practice to raise kundalini has a block in their crown chakra, they might experience something like a headache as a result of working with this energy. By contrast, someone with a very open crown chakra who is trying hard to grow spiritually may channel more energy than he is drawing in. He may feel very dizzy during and after spiritual practice because too much energy is flowing out through the crown chakra. I used to get very dizzy when I would try to meditate after a strenuous workout. While this could have been a blood pressure issue, it felt like I was just too revved up (flowing too much energy) to meditate at that time.

During a period of big spiritual awakening, I would also begin to spontaneously leave my body every time I tried to meditate. When my teacher told me this meant I needed to get more grounded, and that I was “top heavy” in terms of chakra development, I gave up my traditional meditation practice and began to focus on getting physically strong, fit and healthy. In terms of spiritual practice, I began to study and work with earthy paths like Wicca and shamanism. This led to new spiritual growth, better balance, and greater well-being. I was more “grounded” in the physical.

It only makes sense that balance would be a key issue here, since when you are dizzy, you naturally lose your balance. It may prove helpful to ask yourself in what ways you are out of balance in various aspects of your life: your physical health, emotional world, relationships, career, spiritual journey, etc.

Also, when you’re engaged in raising kundalini or awakening spiritually, low blood sugar is a common problem. In fact, people who are going through a kundalini experience often crave things like sugar, dairy and refined carbs because their energy is erratic. When they experience a surge in kundalini, they burn through energy quickly, and their blood sugar drops.

So if you’ve been fasting or eating very lightly and you’re getting dizzy, it would be prudent to make sure you’re eating frequently and eating enough. If you are uncomfortable with the dizziness, you could counter the blood sugar issues with protein in the form of nuts, soy or animal products. If, however, you want to work with this shift, you might honor your cravings. In fact, despite our Western prejudice against these foods, dairy products and sweet carbs are said to promote a high spiritual vibration.

Similarly, if you want to work with this surge in energy, you could try moving with it. By practicing something like yoga, tai chi, or chi gong, you can channel and release the energy. If, however, you just want “your old self back,” you could focus on getting lots of sleep and physical rest.

To get back to “normal,” you might also try just doing normal things and hanging out with normal people. This will bring your vibration back down to a level you’re comfortable with. Spend time with people who are grounded in “ordinary reality,” who have good common sense, and are trustworthy and reliable. Do mundane things like cleaning, exercising, spending time outdoors, etc. Simply get physical: feel your body on your chair, focus on the physical world around you, and stay present to the here and now of your outer experience.

You mentioned a teacher who had told you that you might experience some physical changes. One of the greatest reasons to have a spiritual teacher is so you have someone you can consult when you don’t know what to do. Hopefully, if you contact your teacher about these sensations, he will be able to help you find your way to better balance.

There is a note of worry in your question, and I want to reassure you that your dizzy sensations do not mean that there is something “wrong.” It’s more like when you feel tired, and how that just means that you need to rest: feeling dizzy just means you need to get grounded and balanced. Fortunately, balance is natural: everything in nature eventually returns to balance, including our bodies and the rest of our beings.

– Soul Arcanum

Weak Knees, Energy Rushes and Psychic Ability

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My name is Daniel, and I am a 19-year-old college student from Tennessee. I am an adventurous person, and enjoy exploring old homes, forests, etc. Sometimes when I’m in an old setting, I have a very strange sensation: my knees get weak and I almost feel as if I am blacking out. At the same time, I feel a rush of emotions that seem so concentrated, I can’t separate them. Although at first I assumed that this experience was connected to the “paranormal” in a “haunted house” sense, I have recently come to believe that it’s some form of psychic ability. Are the experiences I described legitimate psychic ability? I know that everyone is psychic to an extent, but my experiences don’t seem to be very common. Any information on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
– Daniel

Dear Daniel:

I think it would be most helpful to ponder your experiences in light of “kundalini” or life force energy. This will lead us to the most basic foundation for such experiences, because ultimately, everything in the Universe is a matter of energy.

While we could label these “psychic experiences,” I believe what you’re experiencing at such moments are actually surges in kundalini. As we awaken spiritually, we naturally develop psychic abilities, so the relationship between what you’re experiencing and psychic phenomena is sort of like the relationship between exercise and fitness: as you awaken spiritually, you naturally develop psychically, just as when you exercise regularly, you naturally develop greater fitness. All growth spurts involve a surge in kundalini, so whether we are growing physically or spiritually, the basic energy that animates us and gives us consciousness will surge to fuel that growth spurt.

Some symptoms of spiritual awakening/ kundalini rising include: emotional outbursts and strong waves of emotion, which may be positive (bliss and ecstasy, for example) or negative (fear, anger or depression). In the extreme, manic depression often arises from the highs and lows of erratic kundalini flow. This would explain those intense waves of emotions you feel.

Kundalini rising can also cause physical symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, exhaustion, numbness or tingling in the body (especially in the lower extremities), mental confusion, disorientation, visual distortion and psychic experiences. I’ve only named a few of the symptoms one might experience with kundalini awakening to demonstrate that all of what you describe falls within this range.

As kundalini rises into the area of the third eye and crown chakra, tiredness or drowsiness may develop. Physical weakness and fatigue are also natural because a big shift in vibration can be taxing on a body that is not adequately prepared for it. Some even say that a surge in kundalini uses up so much blood sugar that our blood sugar level may plummet, and most of us know how that feels! If we don’t understand what is going on, it’s natural to become worried or anxious about such sensations, which would only hinder the process of kundalini rising further and cause more discomfort.

Dizziness and disorientation in particular often precede some sort of spiritual breakthrough, for these are crown chakra experiences. As kundalini rises from the root chakra up the spine, it eventually makes its way out the crown of the head, so once it’s made it to the crown chakra, we’re on the verge of a breakthrough. If we “black out” at this point, it may be because we simply aren’t yet consciously up to speed with this level of experience.

Since you have these experiences when you’re in what we might term a “spiritual” setting or situation of one sort or another, I’m even more inclined to presume that they stem from a sudden surge in kundalini. If your body was a clear and open channel for this energy, you would probably have either an ecstatic spiritual experience or conscious psychic awareness of what is happening energetically in that situation. With the old forests, for example, you may have some sort of blissful spiritual experience, while in an old house, you may perceive the presence of a non-physical entity or awareness of residual energy that is somehow uncomfortable for you.

Suddenly feeling weak, sick, dizzy, etc., is not always a sign of kundalini surging, so you must view your experiences within the context of the setting and your own feelings at that moment to determine what is really happening. If you’re in an uplifting spiritual situation and you feel blissful or ecstatic, I’d presume you’re experiencing a surge in kundalini. If, however, you’re in a house you think could be haunted and you suddenly feel dizzy or weak, it’s probably a sign that this is not a good place for you to be.

You see, as kundalini rises, it makes us more and more sensitive on the whole. (This is why psychics are also known as sensitives.) If kundalini rising has made someone super sensitive but they don’t pay conscious attention to issues of energy, they may suddenly feel dizzy, weak or nauseous when they walk into a heavy, negative environment like a bar, or interact with someone of a nature that is not good for them. Because they’re not conscious, they wouldn’t know that this is their inner guidance system trying to tell them to get away from there.

Please note that kundalini awakening does not have to be a difficult or uncomfortable process, though we may not have full conscious control over how things will unfold for us personally. The more we work WITH and trust in this process, however, the smoother things should go.

It’s a bit like the growth process of the physical body: if we suddenly notice we’re growing because our clothes and shoes have gotten uncomfortably tight, and this freaks us out, we may resist growing more by doing something akin to foot binding. This will of course cause us far more discomfort. If, however, we trust in this as a natural process and we shed everything that has grown too small or tight for us (including limiting beliefs and perspectives), we can naturally flow into a bigger state of being.

Thus I believe the best thing you can do is to become a clearer, more conscious channel via spiritual practice. This is essentially why yoga developed in the first place; it opens up energy flow throughout the body and integrates us on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Meditation, spiritual study or other spiritual practices will also make you more conscious of what is happening to you on all levels. This will empower you to remain in a high vibration as you walk through such experiences and lend you more control over them.

I suggest you view these experiences as signs that you are ready to embrace a more conscious spiritual path in order to clear inner channels for new growth and development. The more conscious you get spiritually, the more you will both understand the true nature of such experiences and be able to facilitate a smooth spiritual journey.

– Soul Arcanum

Kriyas: Spontaneous Vocalizations, Twitches, Energy Surges

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been looking for an explanation to some strange spiritual experiences. I took a Reiki class and have been working with what I learned. On the third day I started to experience strange sounds coming from me vocally. These continued to become more frequent, and started to happen during my morning prayers, yoga, and now when any spiritual thing happens to me, even when I’m just reading about chakras in a book. This happens spontaneously; I don’t know it’s going to happen. The energy is so powerful. Do you have an explanation? Thank you for your insights.
– Ellen

Dear Ellen:

As strange as it may sound, what you’re experiencing is a normal, classic symptom of spiritual awakening. In fact, there is a Hindu word for these experiences: they’re called “Kriyas.”

Kriyas are spontaneous, involuntary physical movements. They are frequently jerks and twitches, but can also be vocalizations like sudden laughter or weeping, or the blurting out of words or other sounds. These spontaneous eruptions are caused by a surge of kundalini (life force) energy, and they occur most often during meditation and other spiritual practices – so this perfectly fits the pattern of experience you describe.

When we begin to awaken spiritually, new kundalini energy is released from our root chakras and begins to travel throughout our beings. In order for this greater energy to flow through, our energetic channels have to expand to accommodate it. If we are carrying any blocks or impediments to this stronger flow, this is when they will become apparent.

Blocks can arise from old emotional traumas or psychological issues we’ve been carrying around in our auras. These can be issues from this life or another life. They are probably not things that we are normally conscious of, but they may come up for us in the form of thoughts, feelings or memories and be relived as they are released. While this may be disconcerting and even painful, it’s all part of a natural healing process.

Sometimes kundalini experiences happen because we simply haven’t yet developed the capacity for greater flow. Just like a runner who is training for a marathon has to push beyond her 10k capabilities, we have to stretch ourselves to develop new capacities, and this naturally feels challenging. This process is happening on all levels, not just the physical, which explains why some manifestations of kundalini seem so strange.

Here’s a common analogy: Picture a garden hose that is coiled up with a trickle of water flowing through it. Now crank the faucet to turn the water flow up. If there are any kinks or obstructions in the hose, the pressure will build, and then suddenly when that pressure is strong enough, the kink in the hose may pop out.

We say we are experiencing “kundalini rising” as the inner pressure is building or surging through our systems. This can cause tingling sensations, hyperactivity, insomnia, fatigue, rapid mood swings, psychic and mystical experiences, euphoria, a sense of panic, etc. (As I’ve written before, there are a lot of interesting similarities between this process and what modern medicine has labeled “bi-polar disorder.” There are also correspondences to “chronic fatigue syndrome” and “fibromyalgia.”)

When energy suddenly breaks free, we may experience any of the above, but also muscle twitches, rushes or surges of energy, spontaneous movement and vocalizations – the list is extensive. Some people even find their bodies involuntarily moving into yoga postures when they’ve never practiced yoga before. Others find themselves speaking in foreign languages, singing, dancing ancient sacred dances, chanting, etc.

I went through a number of manifestations like this years ago when I was experiencing a surge in spiritual growth. Even now, whenever I shift my vibration in order to do a psychic reading, my body will involuntarily twitch as I move from one state of consciousness to another. I often experience twitches like this when sending or receiving healing energy as well.

Kriyas can begin to happen on a physical level long before we even become conscious of our spiritual awakening process. As you might imagine, that usually really freaks people out! They may go to their doctor or a psychiatrist to try to determine what is “wrong” with them, and instead of getting comfort and new understanding of what is happening, be put through a battery of physical tests to no avail, or end up with a prescription for something to “calm their nerves.” Some are even labeled psychotic or schizophrenic. Instead of getting help and healing, they end up distrusting not only this healing process, but also their own mental competency � which is a spiritual crisis indeed.

Your spontaneous vocalizations are your body releasing blocked energy. Sometimes these kriyas take the form of long drawn out notes, like the toning done in ritual work to raise energy, or like the classic “Om” of meditation. If you’ve ever heard chanting and toning like this, you know how powerful it can be. Sound has healing power; your body is healing itself intuitively with these vocalizations as it adjusts to a new spiritual vibration.

While this may be easier said than done, the best way to cope with kriyas is to trust and surrender to them. The more you resist them in fear, the more uncomfortable and painful they tend to become. When people learn to trust them, they often shift from alarming and painful to blissful, ecstatic experiences. Try to view this as a powerful, positive healing process.

Of course, if you’re spontaneously breaking into an ancient song and dance routine at work, or yelling out during your child’s school play, it may be really hard to relax and surrender! Resistance will only make things worse; instead of trying to make kriyas stop, you can gain some control over them by accepting and honoring them. The best way to do that is to devote some time every day to this energetic balancing process.

It sounds like you have already adopted a number of spiritual practices like meditation and healing work. Ask your inner being what you most need each day, and allow your intuition to guide you to the process that is best for you at that time. (You might also explore yoga, which can greatly facilitate better energy flow.) Then when you’re in your chosen spiritual practice, just allow whatever comes up to come up. If you experience kriyas, try to relax and surrender from the detached perspective of your inner observer. The more you do this, the more kriyas will occur during those times instead of at less opportune moments.

Now that you know that what you’re experiencing is normal and ultimately healing, hopefully you can relax and trust this process. This will raise your vibration and make everything easier, and lead you from these alarming eruptions to some wonderful awakening experiences.

– Soul Arcanum