Tag Archive: signs from Spirit

Signs from Spirit During Bleak Times

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was born on December 7, 1963. For the past couple of months, every time I look at the time, it is always on the same digits: 8:08 or 23:23. Is this a message? I seem to have lost all my luck. I am now struggling financially and can’t even find a decent job. My family life is not at its best and my friends are few. I used to very vibrant and positive, a high achiever. I’m not sure what is happening and why everything is falling apart. It’s like there is a negative energy or environment where I am working. I’m deeply unhappy and have lost faith. I used to be charming and lovable with many friends. I did have a severe blow in 2006 when I lost a very good job. I currently manage properties like an estate agent for a company. I still do not own any property myself and I am worried about my family, for if anything were to happen to me, their future would be very insecure. I’m wondering why things are going so wrong and why I keep seeing these numbers. Thank you.


Dear Ronnie:

I can’t begin to tell you how many people write to me with similar experiences. I’ve had the same sort of experiences myself. Yes, this is a message for you: The Universe is trying to tell you to keep the faith, that everything is going to be okay.

First let’s address the difficult times you’ve been going through and why things are going so wrong. To me, it’s clear that when you suffered that severe blow in 2006, it sent you on a downward spiral from which you’ve yet to recover. This is the trickiest part about the law of attraction and creating what we want in our lives: To get from where we are to where we want to be, we have to plant the seeds of what we want on the inside instead of picking whatever we happen to find growing in our outer experience on that particular day. This means when something upsetting happens, we have to either find a way to view it in a positive light or focus on cultivating something else altogether.

In a book by Robert Moss, I recently read a description of how we create our own realities that struck me as particularly apt. He wrote that our imaginations are constantly projecting pictures out in front of us, and because we are forever moving forward through life, we are constantly walking into those pictures we have created.

For this reason, when times are good, they tend to stay good or get even better, for we are seeing what we want around us, feeling good, and projecting positive pictures. When things are bad, they tend stay bad or get worse because we are focused on things we don’t like, feeling bad, and worried about even more problems, so we are projecting negative pictures. This is why you enjoyed a long time as a positive, charming, happy person with lots of friends. Things were going well, so you were feeling good and focused on all the blessings in your life, which kept you in a high vibration and high level of experience.

When you suffered that so-called devastating blow, it pulled the vibrational rug right out from under you and sent you on a downward spiral. You might ask why, if you were in a positive state of mind to begin with, you managed to manifest that devastating blow. Sometimes when we’re sailing happily along through life, karmic storms sneak up seemingly out of nowhere. (These are rooted in karma from past lives.) Sometimes we’re destined to experience something regardless of how we’re vibrating in the moment. Sometimes we are gifted with difficult experiences so that we can learn something important or in order to test our ability to apply what we’ve already learned.

The important thing is what we do when these things happen. This is where spiritual growth comes in. If we trust that everything happens for a good reason and begin to look for the gifts in the experience, we can maintain a high vibration and a positive outlook and thus quickly recover from “devastating blows” to remain aligned with a happy, smooth, positive level of experience.

Which brings me to these signs you keep getting. Someone, somewhere, is trying to tell you that there is more to your situation than meets the eye. These messages are telling you that there is help available to you, that instead of getting mired down in the circumstances you find yourself in, you must look beyond your circumstances and reach for a higher perspective.

When people first begin to receive signs from Spirit, they often take the form you describe: they begin to notice repeating numbers on clocks or in other places. There is a special feeling that goes along with these signs. It is subtle, but if you pay attention or vividly recall these experiences in the past, you will notice that it actually FEELS like something or someone is trying to get your attention. Small as they may be, these events feel meaningful somehow. You might contrast them with how it feels when you notice a custom license plate while driving down the road. Whether it’s immediately clear to you or not, you realize that this custom plate has a meaning, but it doesn’t have a meaning that is personal to you. When you are actually receiving a sign, you recognize that it not only has meaning, it has meaning for you personally. You may not know what that meaning is, but you do sense that something is tugging at you to pay attention.

At this point, the most powerful thing you can do is study the law of attraction to learn how to turn that downward spiral around and begin to consciously create what you want in your life. Since you’ve been in a negative pattern for a number of years now, it will take a lot of conscious effort to change your inner habits, but it will definitely be worth it.

As you begin to focus on what you want to create in your life, you might start with manifesting more signs from Spirit. You can make these more meaningful and specific to you. For example, let’s say you decide to manifest a new and better job. Vividly visualize what you are desiring, and as you do this, imagine how it will feel to have what you want. At the same time, ask Spirit for signs regarding how to go about finding or creating the perfect job for you. You can even specify the form these signs may take. The more personal it is to you, the more undeniable it will be when those signs do come your way.

For example, let’s say that red bows are meaningful to you for some reason. If you ask for Spirit to wrap up what you’re looking for in a red bow, and then you vividly imagine what you want coming to you wrapped in a red bow, signs will begin to come to you in this way. You may see a sign with a red bow on it when thinking about applying for a particular job, or you may meet a woman wearing a red bow pin and have the impulse to talk to her about your job search. You may see a job advertisement with a red bow on it or notice a package through a window that is tied with a red bow and then notice a help wanted sign on the window. The important thing is to watch for the signs you’ve asked for and recognize them as meaningful. When you get a sign, stop and listen within for intuitive direction, and act on any ideas or impulses that come to you.

Spirit is talking to you, my friend. Answer by asking for what you need, praying for help with turning your life around, and making good use of your power to manifest signs, messages, and divine help with creating all you want and need.

Soul Arcanum

Could She be Getting Messages Through Soul Arcanum?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum::

I always enjoy reading your column. Do you think it’s possible that I’m getting spiritual messages through your website? I’ve noticed that when an issue arises in my life or I’m thinking about different spiritual matters or questions, the next issue of Soul Arcanum will have an article with the answers I need. For example, I signed a contract for my house at 11:11 p.m., and said to my girlfriend that there are so many experiences of 11:11 in my life, then the next Monday there was an article in Soul Arcanum about the spiritual meaning of 11:11. Another time my dog got sick and the next thing I saw in your magazine was an article on how to meditate with your dog. I could give you a lot more examples. Soul Arcanum definitely plays an important role in my life! What do you think – am I really getting messages this way? Thank you!

– Ellen

Dear Ellen:

You are not imagining things; everything in the Universe is interrelated, and the more conscious we become of that truth, the more we notice connections like those you describe.

The common term for what you’re experiencing is “synchronicity.” It was a favorite topic of Carl Jung’s, who noticed that many so-called coincidences are statistically inexplicable. For example, one of his most famous experiences of synchronicity occurred as he was listening to a patient describe a dream she’d had about a golden scarab beetle. As he listened to her, he heard a tapping noise at the window behind him, and when he turned around to investigate, he saw a beetle at the window. When he opened the window, the beetle flew in, and it looked just like the beetle his patient was describing in her dream. We might say that this experience “blew his mind,” and launched him on a journey of exploration into the nature of synchronicity.

We’ve all had experiences like this that strike us as highly improbable. They’re usually laced with a sense of meaning; something deep inside of us makes us sit up, take notice and wonder at what is happening. Since there is no obvious rational explanation, many people’s minds just shut down and they brush the experience off as a coincidence. Those who are more mystically inclined, however, are able to use their intuition to bridge the gap between common reality and the subtler realities beneath the surface. In this way, we find meaning in synchronistic experiences where others do not.

So how does synchronicity work? Sometimes there are intelligent forces like spirits using such means to communicate with us, but more often, we are simply answering our own desires and questions via the unified field beyond the dimension of time and space. Our conscious minds are tuned into three-dimensional, physical reality, but there are other aspects of our minds that abide in what we might call more expansive dimensions. When we become more spiritually aware, we begin to link our conscious mind with these other aspects of ourselves, and they begin to work together more adeptly because they are more “in synch.”

At a quantum level, the universe appears to be a “magical” place. Things can move from one place to another without traveling the distance in between. Time collapses at this level of experience. This is basically what is behind the experience of synchronicity – when we are vibrationally in harmony with something (such as an answer or an idea) it will come to us or we will be led to it. For example, perhaps you needed the information in that article about 11:11 BEFORE you began noticing those numbers popping up in your experience, and that is WHY you began noticing them.

When we begin to look for signs, we open up a vast new realm of potential ways that we can receive them. If we set an intention of having certain dream experiences or accessing certain information in our dreams, our dream life will blossom. If we look for signs in the spoken conversations of others, or in random books, or any other way, those avenues begin to expand for us.

This leads me to why I am so in love with the internet. The internet is as close as we come in the physical dimension to that vast unified field wherein everything is connected. Nothing tangible actually “exists” on the internet, and it is not an actual “place,” yet we can all visit it and have very real experiences there. We can quickly access whatever we need to know or connect with whomever we desire, even if they are on the other side of the planet! Just as we can access information and understanding by mentally “dipping into” other realms, the same is true of the ‘net. As it is a half step above the level of space/time, the internet is a very powerful channel for synchronicity.

I’m suggesting that you had a certain need or desire that led you to Soul Arcanum in the first place, and that you subsequently defined Soul Arcanum as a great avenue for finding the answers you’re looking for. In this way, Soul Arcanum became a key channel through which you receive synchronous “answers” to your questions.

Now you’re probably wondering how your questions could be answered as opposed to the questions of all the other seekers out there. Here’s where things get very complex but also very interesting. Practically speaking, you probably read a lot at Soul Arcanum that doesn’t “grab you,” and you naturally latch on to those articles that have special meaning for you. Your eyes may glide ride past anything you don’t need and go right to what you’re most interested in.

At the same time, however, it’s natural for you to resonate with most of what you find here. From a higher perspective, those of us who read and appreciate Soul Arcanum are a virtual spiritual community based on our shared interests and experiences. Along what we might call “the spiritual path,” everyone passes through the same territory. It’s like driving from L.A. to Las Vegas: While a few people will get lost or wander off the beaten trail, most people will follow the same basic route, and along the way, there will be various landmarks that EVERYONE passes. (Some will notice some things more than others, of course.) Now imagine that Soul Arcanum is like a travel guide devoted to this journey from L.A. to Vegas, and you’ll see why when you’re reading it, you often think, “Hey! I just noticed that myself!”

Further, since we are in the same virtual “community,” we are in communication at a subconscious, energetic level. The articles I choose to run are thus being influenced by your needs and desires. In fact, long ago I set the intention of choosing articles and topics intuitively; I just go with whatever feels right. So if you’re sending a strong signal, I may just receive it. At the same time, YOU may be picking up on what I’m doing. I work about a week ahead, so it makes sense that articles would either appear shortly after you sent that signal, or you might develop a sudden interest in the topics I’m working on at that time.

It’s exciting to know that the more we look for synchronicities, the more we’ll find. When we clearly define what we want to know or experience and then watch for signs and synchronicities, we weave magic into our lives.

If you’d like to experience even more of this magic (and who wouldn’t?), begin to focus on it and ask for it. Try manifesting answers through other specific sources and see what happens, or try writing down some theme, question or subject you’d like to explore further. Tape it to the wall behind your desk or carry it in your wallet or pocket. Then just watch for something related to this subject to grab your attention, and instead of brushing this experience off as a coincidence, celebrate it as validation that through synchronicity, the Universe can work for us in wonderful, mysterious ways.

– Soul Arcanum

How to Get Signs from Spirit

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

You sometimes write about getting signs from Spirit. For example, you wrote a few weeks ago about three crows that showed up outside your window, and how they brought you a meaningful message. How can I get signs from Spirit like this?
– Becky

Dear Becky:

You don’t have to be officially “psychic” or undertake any elaborate training to start receiving signs – you just need to ask for and then look for them. In fact, Spirit is sending every one of us signs all the time. Every time we ask a question in our hearts, Spirit answers. It may seem like an impossible amount of work for Spirit to handle, but I believe it’s a natural or automatic process. If we drop a rubber ball, Spirit does not have to “work” to make it bounce, and I believe that asking for and receiving signs is natural like this. Unfortunately, not many people actually expect personal answers from Spirit, much less know where and how to look for them.

Sometimes we sense that something is a sign, but we’re not sure. We generally label these experiences “coincidences.” At one end of the spectrum, some people believe there is no higher meaning behind “coincidences,” while folks at the other end believe there is no such thing as a true coincidence at all, because every experience we have carries some purpose or meaning. I believe that not everything in life is purposeful, but the more we cultivate a conscious approach to creating what we desire, the more purpose and meaning we’ll weave into our experiences.

To sort random “coincidences” from meaningful synchronicities, we must employ both logic and intuition. Sometimes, a very striking combination of details can be random, and at other times, seemingly mundane experiences can be ripe with deeper meaning. The only way to really “know” is by checking how the experience feels deep within us.

For example, a book we’ll call “The Best Spiritual Book Ever” may come up in conversation. Three days later, I may be browsing in a metaphysical bookstore, carefully scanning the titles on the shelf, and see that same book there. Is this coincidence, or a sign? If I feel pretty indifferent about it, it’s probably just coincidence. If, however, my eyes lock onto that title and something in my gut sort of revs up, then I’m supposed to pay attention, for it’s probably a book I’m meant to read.

Learning how to accurately determine signs and their meanings takes some practice. Fortunately, the more we work with this, the clearer and easier it gets. This is not only because we become more adept at reading our intuition, but also because the more we ask for signs and then honor the signs we receive, the more signs come to us! It’s like exercising a muscle; as we practice, our skill and our conscious connection to Spirit grows stronger.

Looking for signs in nature is a practice as old as humankind. Native peoples around the world have long believed that animals, for example, often bear spiritual messages. You mentioned the “crow story,” and this is a classic example. For those of you who missed it, this is what happened: I was working at my desk when I heard some loud cawing, which drew my attention to the window. There, I saw three crows squabbling in the street. I then felt something grip me, so I got up and went to the window. The three crows then promptly flew into my own yard and landed right in front of me. There, they proceeded to act out a conflict: one crow was cawing very loudly as it chased another around, trying to get whatever was in this other one’s mouth. The third crow just followed the other two rather nervously, as though it was fretting about an escalation of the conflict. I was mesmerized. Finally, the first crow gave up whatever was in its mouth to the one harassing it, and then the three birds promptly flew off.

A few hours later, I was involved in a conflict where someone wanted something that my husband had, and he was not about to just give it up. I remained in the background, fretting about the situation and trying to “tune in” and determine what to do. Remembering the crows, I asked my husband if it was really worth the hassle, and he decided it wasn’t and gave in, which promptly ended the squabble.

Sometimes, signs just come to us like this out of the blue. At other times, however, they are a response to our conscious request for them. If something is weighing heavily on your mind, you might ask Spirit for clarity and insight, and then just go for a walk. One of my favorite spiritual teachers (Sig Lonegren) taught me this method of looking for “day signs.” It involves just walking through nature and noticing whatever grabs your attention. If a hawk lands on a branch ahead of you, for example, you can either interpret this in light of your personal associations with hawks, or you can look up possible meanings on the internet or in a book. One such internet resource can be found at earthwonders.com, but there are many more out there. Ted Andrews has written a couple of very useful books: Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small and Animal-Wise: The Spirit Language and Signs of Nature, both of which are available at amazon.com.

Please note that day signs do not have to come through animals or nature. If you’re trying to decide if you should end a relationship, and you find yourself at a “dead end” on your trail, this could be your answer. Or you might be driving and thinking about the situation when a song comes on the radio about moving on with your life.

If you’re looking for confirmation or validation, you can also determine what you want the sign to be, and then watch for that. Many people, for example, ask for a loved one who has passed into Spirit to give them a sign that they are okay via a butterfly or a certain bird. You can ask for your sign to take any form you desire: rainbows, butterflies, cupcakes, tennis balls, guys named George: the possibilities are endless. It’s an amazing experience to select a very unusual sign and then have it show up like crazy in your life!

Here are some of the many forms signs from Spirit can take:

  • Real “signs” such as billboards, road signs, advertisements, etc.
  • Songs that come on the radio at meaningful moments, or songs that you can’t get out of your mind
  • The words of others, both in conversations overheard, and words spoken directly to you
  • Written words, either those that seem to leap out at you in books, magazines, etc., or those you find by opening books like the Bible at random (A great book for this is The Book of Secrets by Osho, but any spiritual teaching should work)
  •  Information, words or ideas that leap out at you from television shows or movies
  •  Unexplainable or unlikely developments, such as your car not starting or losing your keys when you’re about to take some unwise action, or your internet connection going down when you’re about to send a potentially regrettable email
  • Unlikely patterns that catch your attention, such as hearing of five different people in one week who are trying a certain diet, or who have decided to go into business for themselves, etc., especially if this pattern relates to a decision you’re weighing yourself.

There are actually endless ways we can request and receive signs from Spirit. So often when we’re lost and confused, we forget to simply ask Spirit for answers. We don’t have to wait until we’re desperate; we can ask at any time. Begin today to “dialogue” with Spirit in this way, and not only will you receive helpful guidance for improving your life, but your everyday reality will begin to grow more magical and more meaningful in delightful and inspiring ways.

– Soul Arcanum