Category: Energy/Vibration

Can We Try TOO Hard to Communicate with Spirit Guides?

on communicating with Spirit and/or spirit guides
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

In your experience, do you think that in trying to consciously connect with Spirit or our Spirit Guides, one can try TOO hard and miss the mark totally? I ask this because I make what I feel are real attempts to open myself up to Spirit, and don’t feel that I ever really do. Thank you for your insights!

Dear Desma:

Absolutely! We (including YOU) are actually in communication with Spirit all the time, but few of us are consciously aware of it. When we act on “impulses,” where do those impulses come from? When we have a “bad feeling” or a “hunch” about something or someone, where does that come from? Sometimes it is from our own intuition and inner knowing, but often it is from a source beyond ourselves.

If we “try too hard,” not only do we block ourselves from receiving what we desire, but we lock ourselves into our conscious, logical minds, which deafens us to our intuitive faculties. Psychic perception is about receiving, not about attaining. A radio does not have to try hard to receive a signal; it just needs to be turned on and tuned in.

If you think about it, you’ll realize that every psychic exercise begins with the same step: relaxation. This is because in order to perceive anything psychically, we have to alter our state of consciousness so that we’re in a day-dreamy “alpha state.” While this may not be wise if we’re driving a car or chopping vegetables, it’s ideal if we’re seeking communication with non-physical entities.

Further, when we “try too hard,” it’s like we’re at war with our goal. Instead of trying to conquer this challenge, we are wise to make love to it, play with it, experiment! If you’re hard on yourself, you’ll only lower your vibration, which will effectively prevent you from reaching that higher state wherein spirit communication is possible. Try to embrace a sense of anticipation, joy and gratitude about all the magic in the universe, the amazing things humans are capable of, how wonderful beings like guides and angels are weaving in and out of our experience every day. Try to get out of your head and open your heart and soul to Spirit. You can not logically find your way to what you desire here; you must let your heart lead you. While your head plays a key role in interpreting what you receive and in discerning fact from fantasy, you have to be willing to take an initial leap of faith and BELIEVE in order to receive the kind of proof logic demands.

Connecting with Spirit is a psychic ability, and psychic perception is not a science: it’s an art form. Like any creative process, you have to be willing to “mess up” – to be experimental in your approach.

Be light about it. You might begin by manifesting signs from Spirit that you’re on the right track, or that you’re capable of doing what you desire. Decide what your sign will be, ask with all your heart for Spirit to send you validation, and then begin to look for that sign wherever you go. Let’s say you decide you want your sign to be a “thumbs up.” As you’re flipping through the television channels, your attention may be caught by a basketball player giving a “thumbs up” to someone in the stands, or while driving you may see a “thumbs up” on a billboard, or a coworker may walk by and just give you a “thumbs up” to communicate that you’re doing a good job. These are proof that you are already dialoguing with the Universe. When you determine the form of the sign/communication, it’s much easier to spot. The more you acknowledge such experiences as meaningful, the more Spirit will say, “Hey, we’ve got her attention, send more, send more!”

I believe that many “coincidences” are not necessarily meaningful in and of themselves; they’re simply little wake-up calls to pay attention. For example, the other night when I left karate class with my husband, this total stranger struck up a conversation with us, and ended up massaging my neck and shoulders right there on the sidewalk. (He was showing my husband some great techniques). We walked on and several blocks and turns later, my husband introduced me to an old friend who was standing outside her store. In the five minutes we spoke to her, she mentioned that she used to be a massage therapist, but that now, “there is a guy doing massage on every street corner.” Zing!

The next day I was again at karate, talking with a friend about the power blackout last summer, and I thought to myself, “I’d better stop talking about this, or else the power will go out again.” An hour later my husband stopped by as I was leaving class to let me know that our power was out. The rest of the city was fine, mind you; only our neighborhood was out. Now, I don’t think I “caused” the power to go out. I think that I was nudged to think about the power outage before it happened. I realized then that I had been running my usual hectic pace through life on auto-pilot, and that Spirit had been trying to get me to stop and pay attention.

In addition to seeking signs like this, you might try just “making stuff up.” If you COULD connect with a spirit guide, what might he/she be like? Draw a picture or write a description and conversation with this spirit guide. It’s all based on what he/she MIGHT be like “IF” you could communicate with him/her. Honor whatever comes to you as VALID FOR YOU, even if you think you’re making it all up. (Even if you ARE making it up, it’s coming from SOMEWHERE. Just like dreams, it’s all meaningful and valid for you personally.)

The more you communicate with these deeper/other parts of yourself, the more your awareness will expand.There is a whole lot of clutter in our subconscious, waiting for our conscious awareness. This is why meditation is so powerful. It’s something you begin to do like cleaning your house: when your mind is all cluttered and crammed with stuff, it’s time to clear it out so you can see everything in your inner environment clearly again.

Begin to honor your hunches, impulses and intuitions. If someone pops into your mind, give that person a call or look around for them. I will know I’m going to see someone in an unlikely place because as I’m going along, that person will just pop into my mind. You often hear people say, “Oh my gosh, I was just thinking about you!” Begin to pay attention to your state of mind when things like this happen. I’m sure you’ll notice that you aren’t “trying hard,” but rather, are just going along in your life, probably doing something that allows your mind to “wander.” This is the state of mind you need to recreate to purposefully connect.

When you do try to consciously connect with Spirit, set your intention with your heart, not your mind. You can’t force your mind to do it, but you can wish with all your heart and succeed. Feel the desire to communicate with spirit burning in your heart, and allow the calm certainty of your faith to keep it in balance. You can RELAX while wanting if you believe you’re going to get what you want. That is the perfect state of mind and heart for receiving Divine guidance.

Above all, remember that if you don’t feel good about yourself, you’re going to lower your vibration right out of the psychic range. Frustration will only block you. The more gratitude and love you’re flowing, the higher your vibration, and the easier it will be to connect. Raise your vibration via meditation, prayer, a healthy diet, exercise, positive thinking, affirmations, etc., and it will be much easier for you to connect with Spirit.

– Soul Arcanum

A Brief History of Crystal Energy Healing

on crystal energy healing…
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC.All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am intrigued by crystal healing, and am wondering about its history. Can you tell me where and how this practice originated? Many thanks!
– Glenn

Dear Glenn:

Crystals and gemstones have been used for spiritual and healing purposes since ancient times. In fact, it is only within the past couple of hundred years of “modern science” that their metaphysical properties have been largely disregarded.

Of course, whenever we reach back beyond recorded history, we have only myth to rely on, but it is widely believed that crystals were central to the civilization of Atlantis, and that Atlanteans used them for all sorts of purposes, including healing and spirit communication. Rumor even has it that Atlantis was ultimately destroyed because some of its inhabitants abused crystals’ power, much as we might fear the potential global catastrophe that could occur if we were to abuse nuclear power.

It is also believed that some people survived the destruction of Atlantis, and that these people dispersed throughout the ancient world and carried their knowledge of crystals and other spiritual matters into India, Egypt, the Far East, the Mediterranean and beyond. In the Americas, turquoise and other stones and crystals were highly treasured, and their use by native North and South Americans in jewelry, healing, and other spiritual arts dates back to prehistory.

Archeologists have found lots of evidence that Neolithic man treasured gems and crystals and used them for various purposes. Often crystals are found in ancient graves, and as a rule, they are found in abundance in the tombs of ancient rulers.

Our oldest written records of crystals being used in healing are probably from ancient Egypt, and there are also records from some 5,000 years ago of them being used in India and China. Even the Bible references gemstones and crystals. For example, in the Old Testament, each of the twelve tribes of Israel is associated with a particular stone. (Exodus 28:17-21)

While we can’t know which came first, or even if one use predated the other, the use of gemstones and crystals in jewelry is closely related to their use in healing, for jewelry was originally less about beauty and more about spiritual and worldly power. It’s easy to see how if a stone was chosen to be worn as jewelry because it was said to protect the wearer from evil spirits, then if someone was thought to be plagued by evil spirits, people would use that same gemstone or crystal to affect a “cure.”

Royal crowns have always been adorned with jewels, for gems and crystals were believed to enhance rulers’ personal power and wisdom and protect them from harm. Early Egyptians believed that crystals like amethyst and stones like turquoise possessed great powers, so they put them in the tombs of the pharaohs.

Throughout history, crystals and gemstones have been used for all sorts of spiritual purposes like divining the future, spirit communication, ritual initiations, psychic enhancement, altering one’s state of consciousness and maintaining the willpower to resist temptation.

They were used by warriors for protection from physical violence. For example, breastplates and swords were set with jewels to give warriors strength, power and protection, and to ensure victory in battle. Crystals and gems were also frequently used for protection against evil spirits.

In terms of healing, various crystals were believed to help cure everything from depression to fevers to mortal wounds. People used crystals to improve their eye sight, sharpen their minds, get a good night’s sleep, conceive a child, stop bleeding, remain sober, keep their hearts strong, protect against infection and diagnose myriad physical and metaphysical problems.

As for how they were used in physical healing work, most commonly they were worn against the skin as jewelry or placed in a pouch, which was then worn or carried on one’s person. They were also frequently powdered and mixed into potions and medicines, which were then either imbibed or applied to the skin. Ancient Celts would also carve small stones to resemble different parts of the body, and then someone who was sick would rub whatever ailed them with the appropriate stone.

Crystals and gemstones were also used as diagnostic tools in various ways. For example, it was believed at various times and in various places that if the color of a stone paled or faded, its wearer was becoming ill. Similarly, when the color was bright, the wearer was in good health. If jewelry was given by a husband to ensure his wife’s fidelity and the stone changed color or darkened, it was believed to be a sign that she had been unfaithful.

I think it’s fascinating to note that modern science has discovered all sorts of uses for crystals as well. Many minerals are now known for their therapeutic properties. For example, copper is known to reduce swelling and inflammation, zinc boosts the immune system, potassium is essential to the functioning of the nervous system, calcium strengthens our bones, magnesium lowers blood pressure and eases stress and depression, etc. If these minerals have therapeutic properties, odds are good that all crystals and gemstones have special properties of their own.

Beyond medicinal uses, crystals play a very important role in modern life. They are used in all sorts of medical equipment like ultrasound machines and laser surgery instruments, as well as other tools like clocks, radios, cell phones and other wireless technologies, etc. To me, the power they lend to modern computers is as mind boggling as anything else they’re purported to be able to do!

As for why crystals are so useful in healing work, one reason is because health equals balance, and crystals are the embodiment of perfect symmetry in nature. By tuning in to the perfect balance, form and symmetry of a crystal, we can align with perfect balance ourselves. When we consciously use crystals in healing work, the crystals help us to align all levels of our being in balance with each other and the universe around us.

Further, quartz can store and conduct energy, so if we program a crystal for healing, it will hold and carry healing energy. Quartz can also amplify energy, so if we use it while we focus on sending healing energy to someone, we can amplify the power of that healing energy.

Unlike some New Agey folks, I don’t think crystals have “magical” powers, and I don’t view them as conscious entities that “want” to serve us in some way, but I can see how their properties as holders, conductors and amplifiers of energy can help us in healing work, or for that matter with any aim. If regular energy healing is like shining light with a flashlight, using crystals is like focusing that light through a laser: it can be far more powerful and effective.

I also think it’s worth noting that throughout history and around the world, every culture known to man developed the belief that gems and crystals have special powers beyond their ascetic value. While we don’t need crystals to heal, I do believe they can enhance our lives in many ways, whether we’re using them in healing or spiritual work or simply appreciating their beauty.

– Soul Arcanum

The “Best” Approach to Energy Healing

Copright Soul Arcanum LLC All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a reflexologist, and am wondering what you feel is the best healing approach. Should I come up from Mother Earth at one’s feet? Or is it better to go through the crown chakra as pure spirit, love and light; send healing energy through the body; ask for all negativity, disease and toxins to be purged away; then ask to have the person grounded to Mother Earth? Does this sound like a good practice? Is it better to go from bottom to top or top to bottom, and why? (I use crystals in my healing work). Also, can I earn a living and support my children doing reflexology? God Bless!
– Healing Hands

Dear Healing Hands:

If others are supporting themselves doing reflexology (and they ARE) then you certainly can too. I recommend you find someone who is making a fantastic living in your chosen field, study that person’s approach, and then simply mirror it. If you don’t get the same results, then you’re missing something – look deeper. Study this successful person’s belief system and how they are working with natural spiritual law to manifest what they want in their lives.

As for which healing approach is best, regular readers of my column will not be surprised to learn that I don’t believe there is one path that is superior to all others. Energy healing is simply a matter of setting a very clear intention of flowing well-being, and then altering one’s state of consciousness and letting that healing energy flow. It is also an intuitive art, so gifted healers are adept at allowing their intuition to guide them as they go.

It ultimately doesn’t matter which words you choose to define what you’re doing, or if you use crystals or herbs or a cardboard magic wand doused in glitter. It doesn’t matter if you’re into reflexology, Reiki, prayer or dancing naked under the full moon. Regardless of how you do it, healing will happen when you go to the energetic source of discomfort and align what is wanted at that level via a pure, clear intention.

This doesn’t mean that we should avoid all the paths listed above. While none of these modalities is the only answer, there’s nothing wrong with them either. If you believe in one of these tools and it helps you to flow pure, positive energy, then work with it.

I don’t want to convey indifference, for I do have some strong opinions about healing. Below is my own approach. I hope it empowers you to tap greater healing power so you can help people who need a guide back to radiant well-being.

The process I describe here is what I use for “quick healings,” such as those at church. If I am doing a reading/ healing session and have more time, I will incorporate a great deal of verbal healing/reading work/hypnotherapy. I may do all that is described here, but I will also go deeper in terms of talking someone toward the state of well-being, fulfillment and joy that they desire.

For “quick healings,” however, I begin by asking the person if they will JOIN me in accepting healing. This produces an immediate shift in most people as they realize that they are not passive recipients, but must choose greater well-being themselves in order to allow that to flow in.

Then I “polish” their aura around the head and sometimes around the body. I simply move through the aura, visualizing it shining and radiant. I then run energy from the crown down each of the chakras in front, and then from the chakras in back up to the crown. There are many ways you can do this. I start with my right hand at the crown, and move my left through the front chakras, then switch with my left at the crown, and move my right hand up the spine. (I am left-handed, so if this doesn’t feel right to you, do whatever feels natural).

Then I ask Spirit for what this person most needs at this time, and I open up and ask for a verbal blessing for them. I send them the blessing energetically, then I give it to them verbally before they get up from my healing chair. The blessing may be something like: “May you walk through life with the ease, energy and flexibility you had when you were 22 years old” or “As you leave here today, may you know in every fiber of your being that you absolutely can have that which you want so much!” Every blessing is given by Spirit for that individual at that particular moment in time, and so every blessing is unique.

Please note that I do not diagnose, nor do I even begin to look for “problems.” What we focus upon expands, so if we look for and then focus on problems, we are not making things better. This effect is even stronger when we’re in the altered state of consciousness of energy healing work, so we must be very careful that we are focusing on health and well-being.

Also, it’s wise to remember that we healers are not doing the healing work. Instead, we are helping the person who desires greater well-being to energetically align with their own inner healer. As we align with a higher state of being and then link with the one being healed, it is much easier for them to find their way to the vibration of wellness.

It’s much like lifting someone’s spirits. If someone is down, we can “cheer them up” by radiating joy and optimism, and by speaking words of hope and comfort. We can’t make them feel a certain way, but we can walk a happy path and beckon them to follow if they will. We can remind them that they have the power to create what they want in their own lives, and indeed, that no one else can truly heal them: they must choose what they want for themselves.

The most important concept to remember as a healer is something I think a lot of healers haven’t realized. Our job is to see only perfection. This is how Jesus healed. As He focused on those in need, he didn’t see disease or suffering, he saw their divine perfection, and he was so connected to the stream of pure positive energy that his light and truth prevailed. As we connect with our own power as creators, we must similarly connect with our own inner light and then focus on the perfection that is wanted.

So when I am doing healing work, my “goal” is to view the person in my healing chair as already radiating perfect well-being. When I connect and let that energy flow, I shift into a state of profound bliss. I see only the highest and the best in that person. I am usually mentally shown the person as a child, or at a time when he or she was radiantly healthy and happy. Then I just appreciate how perfect they already are, and send divine love to every aspect of their being.

Basking in this feeling of unconditional love and perfection is so powerful! If we alter our state of consciousness and then spend just a few moments deeply visualizing, imagining, and FEELING as we wish to feel, we begin to send powerful creative energy to the manifestation of what is wanted. This is the energy that sparks apparent miracles.

So in summary, I encourage you to trust your intuition to guide you when doing healing work. Keep your process simple so you don’t forget what is happening at an energetic level. It’s not about crystals or secret symbols or any other hocus pocus: it’s just about altering your state of consciousness; setting a very clear, high intention; then flowing divine love.

One more thing: once you have done all the above, let go of the results! We are healing with the power of faith/belief, and in order to truly tap into this power, we have to trust that whatever happens will be for the highest and best. Offer your love and surrender the rest.

If you think about it, you’ll see that this is the highest approach any of us can choose at any moment.

– Soul Arcanum

Fully Healing Negative Feelings

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: A while ago you wrote about letting go of blame, guilt, etc. in your column about cancer. What are some good ways to do this? I find that I may think I let go of something one day, but then the feelings are back the next. Any ideas?
– Soul Arcanum

Dear Soul Arcanum:

First it’s important to allow yourself to feel what you really feel. While I am a huge believer in thinking positively, I have lived and learned enough to know that denying our negative feelings or stuffing them down doesn’t work in the long-term. That’s just like pushing junk to the back of a closet. Sooner or later, it will come right back up as you describe. Besides, with all that “baggage” in our space, we end up living with a sense of constant hassle as we try to maneuver around it. Eventually, all the stuff we have pushed back or to the side has to be sincerely dealt with.

When I am feeling angry, frustrated, impatient, etc. with people, I try to remember to keep things in perspective. You might try reading, Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. Mr. Frankl was a POW in a Nazi concentration camp, and in this profound book, he writes about how some POW’s managed to keep their hearts, minds and souls “safe” from the Nazis, despite all that was happening to them on a physical level. They never lost faith and hope; they never lost their ability to love and have compassion for those around them; they retained their humanity, their personal spirit. He writes about the one freedom we each have that no one can take away from us: our freedom to choose how we will think and feel about life and respond to our experiences.

Similarly, I have clients who are dealing with some very intense issues, such as a child being murdered, a spouse being arrested for a humiliating crime and losing his life’s career as a result, trying to recover from the traumatic experience of war, etc. When I remember that there are many, many people who have been wronged in far worse ways than I have, it’s much easier to accept my own challenges with a positive attitude. This is not to be taken as a “should.” Telling ourselves that we “shouldn’t” be so upset about something is shoving it to the back of the closet. I’m suggesting instead that we bring it out into the light and dust it off, where we may discover it’s not as scary or ugly as it seemed when it was in the shadows. It’s amazing how when we let go of ideas about how we “should” feel and how fast we “should” heal, etc., our higher selves can step in and lead us to new peace and freedom.

Further, it is not what we experience, but how we interpret our experiences – the stories that we tell ourselves – that determine how we feel. All emotional pain takes place in our heads, not in our outer experiences. Thus, we can mentally relive an experience over and over again and feel the same degree of pain if the story we tell ourselves about it never changes. When we obsess about something someone has done to “hurt us,” we allow them to hurt us not just once, but over and over again. You know that already, and are wisely asking, “So how do I stop doing that?” The answer is to change the story you are telling yourself about that experience.

You might begin by reminding yourself that everyone is doing their best; some people’s best is just a long way from how you would personally handle that situation. Had you been born into that other person’s life, raised by that person’s parents, and experienced all that that person has experienced, however, you would probably behave the same way.

Further, it is very wise and powerful to remember Victor Frankl’s message: that no one can force us to feel a certain way. We create our own experiences in life. Metaphysics aside, you can see that this is absolutely true simply by observing how different people deal with the same sort of experience. At one end of the spectrum, people are completely crushed by trauma. They either kill themselves or they never truly recover. Some part of the heart and soul is forever missing afterwards. At the other end of the spectrum, people not only grow through traumatic experiences, they turn them into assets, and perhaps even a greater life purpose. Through the fire of deep challenge, they forge new spiritual growth and strength, and go on to help others follow in their footsteps. When we really own the truth that we can’t blame anyone else for how we feel, it becomes natural to let go of negative feelings like anger, hatred, bitterness, etc.

As we begin to change the stories we tell ourselves about hurtful experiences, the way we feel begins to change. The ultimate in healing bad feelings is to find compassion for those who hurt you. In fact, this is the only way I’ve found to permanently heal those intense emotions.

For example, when I was 16 years old, I was stalked and raped by a young man who was about 20 years old. (I don’t know for sure how hold he was.) He was the son of the woman who cut my hair; that was all I really knew about him, beyond the fact that he saw me, became obsessed with me, started stalking me, and eventually raped me. Throughout this ordeal, it became undeniably clear that this guy was CRAZY. He had such a tormented, twisted soul inside that it was very easy for me to be grateful that I was not him. When I realized that I would rather be his “victim” than to be as dark and empty inside as he obviously was, it wasn’t long before I started to feel compassion for him, and to truly forgive.

I know this idea may sound really radical and challenging, but once you have worked with all the ideas above and found compassion for your “enemy,” there is one more thing you can do that is very powerful to heal your heart and move on to new joy and peace: purposefully do something kind for the person you’re feeling negative about. It’s usually best if they don’t know you did it, and it can be as simple as praying for them. In fact, that is a very powerful thing to do.

You will feel a strange sense of freedom come over you if you embrace this goal with the intention of rising above the drama and loving yourself to new well-being. You will feel yourself lift above it, and end up feeling beyond that drama, for what you wish for others – what you send out – is what you yourself will attract.

Then you will naturally move on and focus on other things. It will be easy to forget about whatever happened in the past and to fill your life with new blessings like positive people, new projects and opportunities, new learning and growth. You’ll then be so busy with all the good stuff that you’ll have no time or room in your life to reopen those old wounds again.

I’ll leave you with one last bit of common spiritual wisdom that we all frequently forget: if not for your “enemies,” whether they take the shape of people or challenging life experiences, you’d never experience new personal growth. Our enemies are indeed our greatest teachers. When we can find appreciation for the lessons they bring us, we flow so beautifully through life that we never get stuck in negative emotion for long.

– Soul Arcanum

Conquering Fear with Faith

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

I want to be less fearful. I have big fears of the unknown, such as if this bill can get paid, if I can make enough to pay for what we need and so on. These fears take me over at times. I want to work with the law of attraction to create what I want in my life, and I know that fear is a big stumbling block for me. I keep telling myself I am okay and this seems to help. Do you have any advice for me?

Dear T.:

On a practical level, there is a lot you can do to align a smooth, carefree journey through life. There are some key differences between folks who always seem to be stressed and those who are usually calm and carefree. For example, people who rarely get anxious tend to plan ahead, stay organized, and create cushions in their lives so they don’t have to worry.

Financially, a cushion may be a savings account or a sum of money in your checking account that you only dip into when there’s an emergency. If you regularly have to meet work or school deadlines, you can develop the habit of moving them up on yourself so if something comes up, you won’t have to stress because you’ll have a buffer period to handle whatever has to be done. The more you create cushions throughout your life, the easier everything will seem.

Spiritually speaking, faith is something that each person must develop on their own. However, I can tell you how I changed from being just as anxiety-ridden as you are to having unshakable faith, and I can point you toward some metaphysical habits that will help you to conquer your own fears.

Some twenty years ago when my psychic doors blew open with my first pregnancy, I was a metaphysical mess! I was depressed, disempowered and riddled with anxieties. I was so anxious I developed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

My vibration was very low because I was so miserable and anxious, so when my psychic senses suddenly turned on, I attracted encounters with low level astral entities, which naturally just scared me even more. I’ve since learned that everyone who has a low vibration due to fear, anger or other negative emotions is a magnet for low level astral entities; most just don’t know it because they’re not psychically sensitive enough to perceive them.

Needless to say, I was very motivated to find a way to “protect” myself and leave those dark experiences behind. That’s when I learned about the power and wisdom of turning up our inner light. This is the first step in shifting to a higher level of experience whether we want to escape something scary or painful or we want to empower ourselves to manifest positive changes in our lives.

To turn up your inner light, you have to focus upon, cultivate and exude the qualities of your higher self. This will lift you above the fears and desires of the ego and connect you with a sense of faith and peace. You have to make a conscious choice to foster feelings of love, peace, compassion and understanding, and to flow those feelings out to other beings in this world and beyond.

When we do this, our bright inner light erases any shadows around us just like the darkness in a room disappears when we flip on a light switch. This is the ultimate in terms of psychic protection, personal healing and empowerment, for once we have a high vibration, we naturally attract people and situations of a higher nature, and can manifest whatever we want in our lives with relative ease.

As my vibration rose, my energy became a match for learning about the law of attraction, and from there things just got better and better. In studying the law of attraction and consciously experimenting with it, I received all sorts of signs, synchronicities and other evidence that we do indeed create our own realities.

This knowing is hugely comforting, for it means that we are not at the mercy of the whims of fate: we have control over what we manifest! Further, since what we focus upon expands in our lives, worrying about the future is foolish and counter-productive. This is a huge key to conquering fear with faith. Once you realize you have control, you just need to exercise it.

It’s also natural to become less anxious as we learn and grow, for with experience comes wisdom. If you look back on your own past, some truths should leap out at you. First, even though some bad things happened, given enough time they always worked out. No matter what you went through, you did eventually figure it out, make it happen, handle it, find a way through, heal, forgive, get over it, survive, go on to something better, etc. Guess what? That isn’t going to change – things will keep working out in the future just as they did in the past. Time will continue to heal all wounds.

Second, you’ll realize how self-defeating it is to worry about what might happen in the future because you desire to be happy, for in choosing to worry right now about what may or may not happen later, you are sacrificing your happiness up front. Further, you’re disempowering yourself from creating what you want in your life.

I know that understanding this doesn’t mean it will be easy to shed an entrenched worry habit, but part of our spiritual journey includes developing the wisdom and self-discipline to control our thoughts. Worrying is like poking a stick in an open wound: it hurts you in the moment and creates more pain and problems the more you do it. You may have a long standing habit of unconsciously poking at that wound, but the only way to change your course of experience is to get more conscious of your habits and summon the resolve to CHANGE.

Since what we focus upon expands in our lives, it doesn’t do any good to focus on quitting something or giving it up, so I’m going to offer you things you can do INSTEAD of worrying. Whenever you feel anxiety creeping in, get this list out and get busy!

*First, take whatever practical steps you can to align with what you want, especially creating those cushions I mentioned above.

*Read spiritual books and articles. Reading about the law of attraction will remind you of your personal power to create what you want in your life and shift you into a higher vibration. A few pages every day can make a huge difference. Also, put what you learn to good use by experimenting, for the more amazing things you manifest, the deeper your faith will be in your own power to create what you desire.

*Reading about other spiritual subjects like near-death experiences and reincarnation will reinforce your understanding that everything happens for a good reason. It will also soften your worst fears. For example, most likely the worst thing you can imagine is your own death or the death of a loved one. When you truly know and believe that death isn’t terrible at all – that it’s just a temporal change of state – your anxiety will dissipate.

*Resolve to surround yourself with positive people, experiences and energies. Create a soothing environment for yourself. If someone or something makes you anxious, distance yourself and focus on situations that feel good. Seek out uplifting people, positive films and TV shows, beautiful art, uplifting stories, etc.

The more you consciously cultivate faith, the better your life will get, for your vibration will rise and empower you to manifest all sorts of wonderful blessings, changes and opportunities.


Is Marijuana Harmful to Your Astral Body?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I use marijuana quite often when meditating but I have heard that drugs can harm my astral body. “Drugs” is a very broad term and I am not sure if marijuana falls under this category in terms of its effects on the astral body. What is your opinion?


Dear Jacob:

Cannabis can be found all over the world. According to some historians and archeologists, marijuana has been used for various purposes for some 10,000 years. In addition to the many practical uses for hemp, marijuana was also used to enhance spiritual pursuits and awareness and for many medicinal purposes. I mention this because even when we are conscious of our social conditioning, it’s difficult for most people raised in the United States to think about marijuana without being influenced by our culture’s extreme bias against it.

There are spiritual schools of thought that carry strong warnings about the use of intoxicants. Buddhism has five main precepts, and not taking intoxicants is one of them. However, I believe these warnings were based on alcohol and intoxicants that tend to cause people to be careless and break their spiritual vows. Marijuana has a very different effect than alcohol; since marijuana tends to make people very peaceful and meditative, it may be a great spiritual tool. While no one knows for sure what the Buddha really did, many historians claim that for years, he ate hemp seeds every day when he was searching for enlightenment, so I doubt any Buddhist warnings about marijuana in particular came from the big guy himself.

Some Hindus also believe that drugs can damage one’s astral body and this can lead to future lives in which the body is physically or mentally malformed. In this school of thought, the worst thing you can for your astral body is to indulge in negative feelings like fear, anger and envy, for these also damage the astral body and lead to miserable future lives. It seems to me that we can drive ourselves crazy worrying about the damage we may be doing to our astral bodies simply by living, and that worrying in itself may also damage our astral bodies. Further, if experiencing negative emotions is the worst thing for our astral bodies, and getting <q>high</q> encourages positive feelings, then even those people who smoke marijuana to avoid dealing with negative feelings should benefit. (The problem, of course, is if you need drugs to feel better, then when you aren’t getting high, your vibration will plummet again.)

There are also Hindu teachers and mystics of a different opinion altogether. There is a rich tradition of using marijuana as a sacrament in the worship of Shiva, the god of power and ecstasy. In fact, in ancient Vedic texts, marijuana is referred to as “the Sacred Grass” and was one of the five sacred plants of India. There are many interesting books written on the subject of sacred plants. If you’re interested, here’s a link to one to get you started: Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing and Hallucinogenic Powers.

Clearly, if we look to religious traditions for the answer, we get a huge range of ideas from smoking marijuana being one of the worst things we could do to it being one of the most powerful ways to achieve a spiritual breakthrough. Though we’ve been conditioned to view illegal drug use as harmful and irresponsible, there are some who believe that “the gods” gifted humankind with plants like marijuana to help us spiritually, and if we work with spirits of such plants in a conscious way, they can bless us with great wisdom regarding the nature of reality.

As for more modern views, many clairvoyants say that drug use leads to a mucky, yucky energy field. In my experience, this is because most people use mind-altering substances to avoid dealing with difficult feelings. This causes those nasty feelings to get stuck in the aura, which is what causes the muckiness. While it’s true that drugs affect our auras, this is true of Tylenol, cough remedies, and allergy medications as much as alcohol, marijuana and other drugs.

Our auras are in a constant state of change. Just as we are constantly experiencing new things, changing, and healing, so are our auras. When people leave this life, they also leave behind the physical problems that troubled them when they were alive. For example, the blind can see, the deaf can hear, and cripples have no problem with mobility. Given all of that, I find it hard to believe that smoking marijuana would permanently harm your astral body.

Of course, if you smoke marijuana and feel fearful or guilty about it, it will affect your aura. Further, these days, most marijuana is grown in a state of fear and distributed by individuals who are far from being full of love and light. You might ask yourself if you would eat food prepared by all of the people who have handled the marijuana you may be smoking; do you want to align with their energy? I imagine the energy of cultivated marijuana is very different from what grows in the wild.

Regarding why there is such a broad range of views, I believe it’s because the way marijuana affects one individual may be very different from how it affects another. If you are smoking marijuana to suppress your feelings or avoid dealing with something, it will create sludge in your aura, disconnect you from your personal power, and make you vulnerable to negative entities. The negative feelings you are avoiding will linger in your aura; then when you smoke, your psychic defenses will drop and any negative entities that are attracted to those negative feelings can move in. This sort of use is spiritually harmful and psychically damaging.

If you smoke marijuana in a conscious, respectful way in order to open your awareness to other realities or achieve some sort of spiritual breakthrough, its effects will probably prove positive. I say probably because it is also important that you are prepared for such shifts. The risk lies in going too high, too fast. If your lower bodies (physical, etheric and astral) are not ready for the sudden influx of light and energy that getting “high” (aligning with a higher body experience) entails, you can damage those lower bodies. This is why your reason for using a drug is so important. Also, while taking a mind-altering substance will open your aura to outside psychic influence, if you are in a high vibration and radiating peace and love, you will attract wise, loving entities who match your vibration.

In my view, there is no one correct answer. If you use fire carelessly, you may get burned; if you use it carefully and consciously, it can keep you warm and cook your food. The same is true of all that nature has given us. In such matters, we have to allow our own inner guidance to direct us. To determine if something is good for you, you must approach it in a conscious way and be very honest with yourself. Ask yourself why you are considering doing something, what you hope to gain from it, and how doing so tends to affect you. If something brings you peace and bliss and makes you feel closer to God, I would trust those feelings more than I would trust what other people have to say about the matter.

Soul Arcanum :)

Soul Arcanum

How Our Sexual Partners Affect our Spiritual Vibration

By Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

For about a year now, I’ve been doing some powerful meditations to raise my vibration so I can better heal myself and others. I’ve been told that having sex with someone I don’t love would cause my vibration to drop to that person’s level. This worries me because while I do not believe in engaging in casual sex, I’ve often felt very strong emotions toward someone I’m dating. These emotions may or may not evolve into love, but when I begin to feel this way and crave an emotional exchange with that person in the form of sexual intercourse, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to mess up my vibration, but if I have strong feelings for someone and I know they care about me as well, I have trouble abstaining from sex with them until I know for sure, which may not happen until the relationship is over anyway. I would be very grateful for any thoughts you have on this.
– Angela

Dear Angela:

Let’s explore the notion that having sex with someone you’re not positive you love may deter spiritual development. Certainly we find the notion that sex and spirit are somehow at odds in many religious traditions, and casual sex is frowned upon in most cultures. The practical problems that can arise from being too casual in our approach to sex are obvious, but these social mores are also rooted in some metaphysical truths.

It’s important to remember that every interaction between people involves an exchange of energy, and sex involves the fullest exchange possible. In fact, we might consider S.E.X. an acronym for “soul energy x-change.”

When we go to buy a car, interview for a job, or even meet someone new in a social setting, we will tend to be somewhat guarded. In various social interactions, we only let so much of our true selves “out,” and we only let so much of that other person’s energy in.

When we have sex with someone, however, we “open up” to them. You might say we get naked with them on every level. This means the auric walls that normally help us maintain our separate sense of self come down, which leads to an exchange of energies. Because of this, the people we have sex with can have a much greater impact on us than other people. When we “invite” a lover to mingle his or her energy with ours, all sorts of things can happen.

At the positive end of the spectrum, we can actually heal others (or be healed by them) via sexual interaction. In your case, if you had sex with someone who had a lower vibration than yours, with the right approach you may raise that person to YOUR vibrational level.

Sex can be a very spiritual endeavor. It can stretch our capacity to be giving, sensitive and compassionate with our partner; it can challenge us to rise above ego and self-consciousness to be fully present in the moment; it can take us to the edge of our boundaries, trust issues and hang-ups, where we become nothing more than who we were when we came into this world – one being reaching for bliss with another.

For many people, the ecstasy of orgasm is the closest they get to divine bliss, and as such, it can open them up to a whole new dimension of experience. To me, orgasm is the clearest experience we have of the ultimately energetic nature of life. Sex can initiate the release of kundalini and encourage spiritual development. Sexual energy is powerful, and our deep desire for love leads us to many of our most important life lessons.

When it comes to matters of love and sex, I strongly believe that there are no hard and fast rules: we have to trust our intuition to lead us. For example, most of us are naturally attracted to people who are on our vibrational “wavelength.” It is unlikely we would date someone of a vastly different vibration for long, and thus unlikely we’d have sex with them in the first place.

We have a built in barometer that deters us from opening up to people whose vibration is so far from ours that it could be harmful to us. Having sex with someone this different tends to feel awkward or wrong. Some people, however, actually get a dangerous little thrill out of acting AGAINST their intuition and being “bad,” especially when it comes to sex. Women who always go for “bad boys” are a good example, and they usually suffer some nasty consequences as a result. Of course, drunken one-night stands tend to yield some interesting pairings as well!

When we do have sex with someone who is not a good match for us, we expose ourselves to all of their issues and energies. This may lead us to get caught up in all sorts of dramas. Then negative emotion lowers our vibration, and all the drama distracts us from our higher/spiritual goals.

One of the greatest hazards of casual sex is the potential for attachment by astral entities. While this can happen outside of sexual contact, when we completely open ourselves up during sex, it is easy for an entity attached to our lover to shift to us.

Also, I have heard from many women over the years who were making love to their husband or boyfriend when “someone else” moved in. Sometimes that other being was perceived to be “inside” their lover, and the women felt their lover “become someone else.” Sometimes they actually saw the other entity above or next to their lover, trying to “take over” the lovemaking session.

The lower astral is full of opportunistic entities that are earthbound due to some addiction. The spirits of sex addicts are drawn to lust, and try to live vicariously through people engaged in sex. If, however, you and your partner are making love at a high vibration, lower astral entities with neither be attracted to you nor able to affect you.

The more love you flow during sex, the more it will nourish your heart and spirit. If your partner is not spiritually “awake” and you are, he could weigh you down spiritually, but this would extend beyond the bedroom anyway. This doesn’t mean our partners must share our paths or even our passion for spiritual growth; there are lots of ways to be “spiritual.”

So how do we decide when to “do it” in a relationship? While we should trust our intuition, we might also remember that when we have sex with someone, we are essentially telling them that we trust them with our lives, our health, our hearts and our dreams for love. For some people, that sort of trust comes easy, and for others, it comes hard.

I also think that to learn anything in life, we have to be willing to explore and experiment, so if we feel strongly drawn to do something and there is no obvious reason it would be foolish, we should do it. This is how we’re guided to learn the things we need to learn and heal the issues we most need to heal.

Finally, I think you may be too caught up in defining what it means to “really love” someone. Even if you don’t know if you want to spend the rest of your life with your partner, you can still interact with them WITH love. If you look for the divine in the one you’re with, you will embody love. When you do anything from this high vibration, wonderful experiences are sure to follow.

– Soul Arcanum

Yoga and Psychic Ability

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have always associated yoga with spirituality, and I am keenly interested in developing my psychic abilities, so recently I took my first yoga class. While I really liked it, I was surprised to find it basically just a gentle form of exercise. Do you think yoga can enhance our spiritual paths and help us develop psychically?
– Kelly

Dear Kelly:

When I speak here of yoga, I am not referring to the physical practices designed to increase strength and flexibility that most Westerners associate with the term. Yoga is far more than this. Traditionally, yoga (which means “yoke”) is a spiritual discipline designed to lead aspirants to unite their individual soul with God or the Universal soul.

This is achieved through the study and practice of moral and ethical principles, spiritual teachings, meditation, and special bodily and breathing exercises. Where its focus is physical, it aims to purify and transform the body into a vehicle ripe for enlightenment. It also aims to improve our physical health and well-being; after all, it’s hard to focus on spiritual growth when our bodies are causing us pain or discomfort.

Many of the yoga classes available in the United States have been stripped of their more spiritual elements. Yoga has many branches, however, and some are far more spiritually focused than others.

In the yogic tradition, psychic powers are known as “siddhis,” which literally means “perfections.” Accomplished yogis have been known to not only develop telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and mediumship abilities, but also amazing gifts such as the ability to levitate, bilocate, instantly heal others and materialize physical objects.

As a rule, however, one does not practice yoga in order to develop siddhis; instead, they are viewed as natural “by-products” of general spiritual development. I agree that focusing primarily on spiritual development is wise, for a strong spiritual foundation ensures a safe, sane, positive experience with psychic phenomena.

Further, yoga is a discipline, and discipline is essential to a strong spiritual foundation. If someone has the desire and discipline to practice yoga on a regular basis, then they must be sincere in their desire for spiritual development. People who explore psychic matters who are mentally or emotionally unstable, morally weak, or lacking in character and discipline may have “paranormal” experiences of an unattractive nature, or even experience mental breakdown. Practices like yoga thus ensure a natural and healthy psychic progression, and also offer the immeasurable benefit of a wise teacher.

Many yogis are warned not to get caught up in siddhis because they may just distract them from their higher spiritual aims or ensnare their egos. Others believe that siddhis are blessings that allow us to better know and understand the nature of the divine. Certainly the development of psychic powers generally indicates a higher spiritual vibration, which is at least a sign that one is making spiritual progress.

Though initially I was as enthralled with psychic phenomena as anyone, over time I have come to see that the development of psychic abilities is not an ultimate spiritual goal. While such phenomena may enchant us for a while, in time we will evolve beyond this fascination; we’ll eventually lose interest in such matters and the desire to use the psychic abilities we’ve attained.

The ultimate goal of a yogi is liberation from the cycle of rebirth via enlightenment. Essential to this process is the integration of body, mind and spirit. This is where yoga can be a very special tool for spiritual growth. Unlike practices that focus entirely on our so-called “inner worlds,” yoga incorporates the body as an important aspect of our beings. By opening our chakras, balancing our prana, and raising kundalini, we can both support the spiritual progress we attain through other methods and initiate greater awakening.

A key element of yoga is the practice of focus or concentration. In this way, it is a form of active meditation. Further, as a physical discipline it is so much more than most other forms of sport and exercise, for in addition to what we might call “striving,” it emphasizes to an equal degree surrender or letting go. In this way it mirrors the experience of life itself, which is a practice in learning how to simultaneously create what we desire and accept all as it is.

As I mentioned above, there are many different types of yoga and I don’t have space to go into them here, but if your aim is the development of psychic abilities, then kundalini yoga would be of particular interest to you. Kundalini yoga’s main focus is the raising of kundalini and the opening of the higher chakra centers. Kundalini is a powerful reserve of life force energy that sleeps at the base of our spines, in our root chakras. By awakening kundalini, we expand our awareness and begin to tap more of our spiritual potential.

We each have a habit of viewing life through one of our chakras more than the others; this is the chakra that is dominant for us at that time. Ordinary consciousness is generally perception of reality from one of the lower chakra centers. As we open and move our awareness into the higher chakras, we view life through a more spiritual lens. We also tend to have mystical experiences and gain new spiritual abilities.

Our chakras correspond to our glandular system, and by working on the body (glands) and the spirit (chakras) at the same time, we can harmonize and integrate the two. This leads to higher awareness and the wisdom and freedom to choose from that enhanced perspective. It also generally leads to the blossoming of psychic abilities.

Kundalini is a very powerful force and it must be respected. Many people have awakened kundalini unintentionally through drug use, physical accidents, and casual dabbling in esoteric practices, and had very negative experiences. In order for kundalini to rise through us with ease, our inner energetic channels must be open and clear. If we awaken kundalini before the body is prepared for this level of intense energy, we may have a very uncomfortable experience physically, emotionally, and/or mentally.

Rest assured, however, that we are all flowing a degree of kundalini all the time. This is the force that keeps us “alive.” We are all also evolving spiritually, and the more we evolve, the more kundalini we tap into. Our aim should be a gradual, gentle awakening, one that we are prepared to handle. Yoga is a valuable tool in this regard.

There are some great kundalini yoga DVDs you can start with at home. I recommend DVDs by Ravi Singh/Ana Brett and Gurmukh. There are a number of them available at If you find this practice as enriching as I did, however, then I highly recommend you find a local class that feels right to you, because having a teacher is a great blessing, and you will meet some of the most amazing people on this path.

– Soul Arcanum

Is Resisting Love Bad for Your Health?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a woman with a male friend whom I know loves me, but I have closed myself to those feelings. I don’t allow myself to think about him or enjoy the look in his eyes when we meet because I am afraid. Since we both have families, according to my religious beliefs, this love we feel is wrong. My question is, am I doing more harm than good to myself by blocking the energy of this love? On a metaphysical level, what am I doing by blocking the energy that’s coming my way and not letting my energy go out to him? I have started having some small twinges of pain and other sensations on the left side of my chest area around my heart. Have I blocked my heart chakra with this move? Thanks for your wisdom.


Dear K.:

We can and do create blocks in our chakras all the time. We do this when we resist something out of fear of what is happening or might happen in the future. When we try to deny or repress our emotions, we constrict our life force energy. When we make a habit of this, over time we can develop all sorts of problems and issues. So in not being “open” to this man and the feelings between you, you have indeed energetically closed yourself down.

Just last week I wrote about how frequent headaches are associated with psychic development because many people feel overwhelmed and try to shut down their psychic perception. Our chakras are directly linked to our physical health; everything begins in spirit and funnels down into physical manifestation, so when chakras are forced closed or remain blocked over time, we can experience physical pain and even serious health problems. I’m not telling you this to try to scare you, but rather to emphasize that you are wise to listen to your body, for it is definitely trying to tell you something.

Our bodies don’t lie, deny the truth, twist things or rationalize the way our minds do, so often the truth our bodies tell doesn’t match what society thinks is proper or even what we believe is right on a conscious level. When our bodies are saying one thing and our minds are saying another, we have to make a choice: do we choose what FEELS right in our hearts or what we’ve come to believe is right based on what outside influences (other people, religious teachings, etc.) have told us in the past?

My sense is that you live in a culture where breaking with tradition may be much harder and more frightening than it is for many of us these days. While I can appreciate that, it’s also clear to me that it is this outside pressure that is making this lesson so powerful for you. If your decision were easy, it wouldn’t require you to ponder it so deeply and question what you’ve been told in order to find your own truth.

I recently made the acquaintance of a minister who works with the dying. He is a true spiritual warrior who is on the front lines every day, doing his best to serve God and do what he believes is right. He is also in a situation very similar to your own in that he is married but is in love with another. So far, he too is shutting his heart down in order to do what he thinks is right, and he is totally miserable.

As he is a devoted Christian, we had a long chat about how Jesus questioned the beliefs and mores of his culture, and listened above all to the truth speaking to him through his own heart. I think we are all wise to ponder how history’s great spiritual teachers developed the truths upon which today’s religious views are based. It wasn’t by listening to what other people told them was true or what had been established as right or wrong in the past; their celebrated truths arose from within them.

No one can tell you what is right for you. In order to make that decision yourself, you must pray to be guided to clarity and listen within for that guidance. As you do this, it may greatly help you to ask yourself and Spirit a few key questions, such as:

What is the path of fear, and what is the path of love?

When we make decisions based on fear of how others may react or what may happen in the future, we put outside influences before the truth in our own hearts; constrict the flow of our life force energy, personal potential, health and joy; and make our lives smaller. When we make decisions based on love, curiosity, passion, hope, desire and inspiration, we put the wisdom of our hearts first, which expands the flow of our life force energy, personal potential, health and joy. This naturally encourages our lives to grow bigger, more colorful and more fulfilling. Though it is always more rewarding, it is often far more difficult to choose the path of love, for it requires courage as well as faith in ourselves and the divine voice speaking to us from within.

Another great question to ask yourself is: what would I want those I love to do if they were in my shoes? For example, if your husband was in your shoes, would you want him to follow his heart or would you want him to deny his heart out of a sense of obligation to you? Sometimes, it’s most telling to ask ourselves what we would want our children to do in the same situation, for many of us love our children more than we love anyone else – including ourselves. So if your daughter was in your situation, what would you hope she would do?

Finally, it’s important to realize that you can heal your life and any metaphysical problems you’re experiencing without doing anything in particular in your relationships to other people. The first step is to acknowledge the message the pain in your heart is sending you. Instead of judging yourself harshly for feeling as you do, you must give yourself permission to feel as you do and allow that energy to flow freely. This does not mean you necessarily act on those feelings; it means you allow them to be what they are without judging, rejecting or ignoring them.

There is much you can do on the inside to feel better even if you don’t change a thing on the outside. None of this is really about your relationships with other people anyway; it’s all about your relationship to yourself and the Divine. I have a free Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation that will help you energetically cultivate inner peace and well-being regardless of what is happening in your outer experience. that will help you energetically cultivate inner peace and well-being regardless of what is happening in your outer experience. You can find it at Soul Arcanum.

Finally, I have an idea on how you can have your cake and eat it too: go ahead and act on your desires, but do so on a metaphysical level only. Many people in similar situations end up fulfilling their desires in their dreams, and some of these even go on to learn how to astral travel in order to live a “double life” on other planes. For more on this, Google “astral love” or “astral sex,” and check out D.Soul Arcanum Conway’s book Perfect Love: Finding Intimacy on the Astral Plane.

– Soul Arcanum



Sleep Paralysis, Migraines and Psychic Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

The following has been happening for a few years now. I will begin to wake from sleep and realize that my body is paralyzed. I am awake in that I am consciously aware, but I can’t move any part of my body. I can sometimes scan the room I am in, and when I do resume control of my body, it is just as I saw it with my eyes closed. I also experience a tingling sensation throughout my body, like when your arm falls asleep but far more painful, like someone is squeezing me tightly. I hear white noise like a static sound. It used to occur on a regular basis; now it is every so often. Recently, I began having these strange migraines; many times they do not feel like my own because I am still completely functional. I am very sensitive to what others are feeling; I think that’s why others find it so easy to talk to me. Sometimes I feel bipolar; I hate being around people because many times I end up being in a bad mood. I have some family members who are strongly psychic. What do you think is happening?

Dear Krystal:

I presume that you are aware that there is a term for what you’ve been experiencing: sleep paralysis. This is a state of consciousness in between being awake and asleep in which your body is immobilized but your mind is awake. (Usually when our bodies are asleep our minds are also unconscious, so we’re not aware of being unable to move.)

While we tend to think of ourselves as either being “awake” or “asleep,” there is actually continuum between being deeply asleep and wide awake that we are constantly moving along. Scientists now even believe that it’s possible for parts of our brains to be asleep while other parts are awake. When in a certain gray area between being awake and asleep, people tend to report all sorts of paranormal experiences.

What’s interesting about your particular question is your symptom of migraines and the psychic/empathic experiences you’ve been having, for all of these experiences are related. There is a strong correlation between the manifestation of sleep paralysis and stress/anxiety. High levels of stress and anxiety are also know to trigger migraines. Both sleep paralysis and migraines are also tied to sleep deprivation and irregular sleep cycles. It is therefore common to experience both sleep paralysis and migraines during periods of high stress, and to also have unusual psychic experiences during those times.

This was certainly true for me: I have only gone through one period in my life during which I frequently experienced sleep paralysis, and that was when my first child was a newborn and I was extremely stressed out and sleep deprived. Interestingly, it was also during that time that my psychic doors blew open and I started having all sorts of mind blowing experiences.

The dream state is a highly psychic state. If we are sleep deprived, it may be that we begin to dream while we are awake, or, more accurately, enter a dual state of consciousness wherein we are both dreaming and awake. This is the extraordinary state of consciousness known as sleep paralysis. While scientists may label the unusual things we perceive in such a state “hallucinations,” research has shown biochemical similarity between the dream state, the state of consciousness that shamans enter into to do their healing and psychic work, and the state of consciousness so-called psychotics are in when they are said to be “hallucinating.”

What is missing from most scientific research is awareness that what is perceived during a “hallucination” is not unfounded: it may not exist in the physical dimension, but it is real on a metaphysical level. The states of consciousness linked above lead to “hallucinations” because they enable us to perceive beyond the physical dimension. When we are in such a state of consciousness, we are “walking between the worlds” as shamans do. To put it in scientific terms, the sleep chemistry associated with dreaming/REM sleep is intruding on the state of wakefulness.

Scientists may dismiss these experiences as chemically driven. While there may be a bio-chemical component to them, that doesn’t mean that the psychic perceptions are invalid; instead, it means that these physical changes promote psychic perception. When we are caught in a state of sleep paralysis, our consciousness is rooted in one of our subtle bodies. This is why people report being unable to physically move while at the same time being able to see with their eyes closed, perceiving various entities that aren’t physically present, and hearing voices or white noise. Since they are perceiving at least in part with the astral body’s senses, they are picking up on astral phenomena.

Unfortunately, in the modern Western world, we have no tradition of knowledge or training for what to do when such states spontaneously occur. In tribal cultures, these experiences would be taken as signs of special gifts or abilities, which would lead to one being trained in how to work with them in constructive ways. Through apprenticeship with a shaman, one would learn how to control their mental and emotional states and how to keep one foot grounded in this reality while exploring other worlds.

As for your experience of migraines, there is a definite relationship between psychic development and headaches, especially migraines. I have a theory as to why this is common: if you are uncomfortable with what you’re picking up psychically, you will instinctively try to shut your psychic senses down. This leads to a block in the chakras of the head (the third eye and/or crown chakra). This is similar to why we may get a headache when we try not to cry at a sad movie: when we shut down the flow of energy by trying to hold back our feelings, psychic pressure builds. This would also explain the vague nature of your migraines. If this tension is occurring in your astral body as opposed to your physical body, it may feel strangely ethereal.

Closing our chakras is an instinctive protective measure against psychic overwhelm. Instead of blocking our chakras, we need to learn how to create a one-way flow of energy so that we can release that pressure. As you are clearly highly sensitive and a natural empath, I strongly feel you would benefit from some training in energy healing. Such training will help you learn how NOT to pick up on others’ moods/energy, how to work with dual states of consciousness, how to align your vibration in order to manifest the sorts of psychic experiences you desire, and a whole host of other valuable skills. Instead of being a passive victim of whatever psychic energies come your way, you will learn to consciously influence the course of your experience and apply your natural psychic abilities toward positive aims.

– Soul Arcanum