Category: Healing

Can Meditation on Healing the World Cause Headaches?

on meditation…
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Over the past couple of weeks, I have started to meditate and open up to the Universe. My goal is to try to bring the New Age into being, for as all the crazy stuff happening with the government and U.S. president shows, we desperately need change in this world right now. Since I’ve been doing this, I’ve been waking up with headaches. My question is, are my headaches just physical in nature, or is something happening on a spiritual level? Can meditation actually cause headaches or other physical problems?
– M.

Dear M.:

While meditation and accelerated spiritual growth can lead us to profound well-being and feelings of bliss, they can also cause headaches and other unpleasant physical sensations. Meditation accelerates our vibration and sparks a stronger/higher flow of life force energy. If this strong energy meets resistance or obstructions as it tries to move through our being, we can experience all kinds of unusual and even painful symptoms. These are actually old wounds and limiting issues rising up to be healed, and often, healing is painful. (Please note that it is not meditation or growth that causes the discomfort, but the blocks to the flow of that higher energy.)

I recommend you search the internet for “kundalini experience” or “kundalini symptoms.” If you do, you’ll discover that you are not alone. In fact, it is very common for periods of spiritual growth and awakening to produce uncomfortable physical sensations. This includes periods when we’re simply engaging in new spiritual practices. Often one experiences alternating states of bliss and struggle. For example, Krishnamurti suffered from terrible headaches and other physical symptoms throughout his life. Many saints similarly had strange illnesses that left them miserable when they weren’t having ecstatic experiences.

These headaches are basically caused by energetic pressure in the head. Have you ever gone to a sad movie and cried really hard, but tried NOT to cry because you were embarrassed? I did this many times, and every time, I left the theater with a horrible headache. Then I figured out what was happening and integrated the wisdom of how important it is for us to process our emotions instead of resisting or suppressing them. When we let emotional energy flow freely, no pressure builds, and we naturally maintain healthy balance.

As I stated above (and as Edgar Cayce taught), it isn’t meditation or psychic development that causes problems, but rather a lack of flow in one’s being on some level (physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual). To “heal” the discomfort, we can either clear the blocks to flow or slow down the growth/ energy or both.

There are many things we can do to clear blocks and come up to speed with the new energy flowing in and through us. On a practical, physical level, we can purify the body by following Edgar Cayce’s diet recommendations (eat a lot of whole, raw, natural food). We can get our energy going by moving our physical bodies via exercise as well. Yoga and Tai Chi are especially effective for increasing energy flow. Massage and energy healing are also good choices.

To release and process all those thoughts and emotions, anything that keeps energy moving will help, such as journaling, feng shui, engaging in counseling, etc. This is where your own specific situation comes up, for on one hand, you’re igniting high level energy via meditation, but on the other, you’re carrying all this negativity with you into that practice. Your cynical thoughts and feelings about the state of the world are not a good match for the high vibration of meditation, so you’re encountering a chasm between the two. Trying to stretch yourself across that chasm is creating tension, which you experience as headaches.

It’s time to dump all those negative thoughts and feelings about the world, both for your own sake, and for the sake of the rest of the planet. After all, believing that the world is in dire need of help and fixing will only send more energy to that idea. As I wrote about energy healing last week, the best thing we can do to heal anyone and anything (including the planet) is to see only perfection. Whatever we visualize is what we are creating, after all.

Luckily, this is exactly what you need to “heal” yourself of the headaches and move into a much happier experience both in your meditations and in your daily life. When we believe that the world is a bad place to be (or is unsafe, untrustworthy, dark, cold, etc.) we pinch off our crown chakras. This of course makes it hard for that energy to flow through us and out the top of our heads. You meditating to bring the New Age in because this world needs so much help is like you taking the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s no wonder you don’t feel well – that’s heavy, man! The closer you are to a state of bliss and joy, the more kundalini (life force energy) will be able to flow through your being.

I recommend you begin your meditations by visualizing your crown chakra opening like a lotus. Whenever you have a headache, open your crown chakra and visualize all that energy just flowing out into the Universe to be assimilated and transformed. I have a Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation that would really help you with all of this. Also, RELAX. You don’t have to save the world while you’re meditating. Just sink into a sense of profound well-being via your conscious connection to the divine.

At the same time, I recommend you get more grounded and reconnected with the physical world. In meditation, you can do this by visualizing the perfection that you DO see in the world. Bask in appreciation for kind people, beautiful sunsets, the amazing creatures of the ocean, the bounties of the fields, the planet’s endless turning from day to night and day again, the beauty of the night sky, etc. Ponder all the people who are constantly trying to help others and make the world more wonderful by inventing new cures for diseases, creating works of art, writing beautiful books, etc. Perhaps even give thanks that there are people who are willing to serve as president. (I wouldn’t want the job – would you?)

When you’re not meditating, get out in the world and look for beauty! Go barefoot, take walks in nature, and work in your garden. As you consciously step more and more into all that is good and right in the world, your vibration will naturally rise. Then you will be able to meditate and send healing love to the world, and instead of headaches, you’ll experience only bliss!

– Soul Arcanum

A Brief History of Crystal Energy Healing

on crystal energy healing…
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC.All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am intrigued by crystal healing, and am wondering about its history. Can you tell me where and how this practice originated? Many thanks!
– Glenn

Dear Glenn:

Crystals and gemstones have been used for spiritual and healing purposes since ancient times. In fact, it is only within the past couple of hundred years of “modern science” that their metaphysical properties have been largely disregarded.

Of course, whenever we reach back beyond recorded history, we have only myth to rely on, but it is widely believed that crystals were central to the civilization of Atlantis, and that Atlanteans used them for all sorts of purposes, including healing and spirit communication. Rumor even has it that Atlantis was ultimately destroyed because some of its inhabitants abused crystals’ power, much as we might fear the potential global catastrophe that could occur if we were to abuse nuclear power.

It is also believed that some people survived the destruction of Atlantis, and that these people dispersed throughout the ancient world and carried their knowledge of crystals and other spiritual matters into India, Egypt, the Far East, the Mediterranean and beyond. In the Americas, turquoise and other stones and crystals were highly treasured, and their use by native North and South Americans in jewelry, healing, and other spiritual arts dates back to prehistory.

Archeologists have found lots of evidence that Neolithic man treasured gems and crystals and used them for various purposes. Often crystals are found in ancient graves, and as a rule, they are found in abundance in the tombs of ancient rulers.

Our oldest written records of crystals being used in healing are probably from ancient Egypt, and there are also records from some 5,000 years ago of them being used in India and China. Even the Bible references gemstones and crystals. For example, in the Old Testament, each of the twelve tribes of Israel is associated with a particular stone. (Exodus 28:17-21)

While we can’t know which came first, or even if one use predated the other, the use of gemstones and crystals in jewelry is closely related to their use in healing, for jewelry was originally less about beauty and more about spiritual and worldly power. It’s easy to see how if a stone was chosen to be worn as jewelry because it was said to protect the wearer from evil spirits, then if someone was thought to be plagued by evil spirits, people would use that same gemstone or crystal to affect a “cure.”

Royal crowns have always been adorned with jewels, for gems and crystals were believed to enhance rulers’ personal power and wisdom and protect them from harm. Early Egyptians believed that crystals like amethyst and stones like turquoise possessed great powers, so they put them in the tombs of the pharaohs.

Throughout history, crystals and gemstones have been used for all sorts of spiritual purposes like divining the future, spirit communication, ritual initiations, psychic enhancement, altering one’s state of consciousness and maintaining the willpower to resist temptation.

They were used by warriors for protection from physical violence. For example, breastplates and swords were set with jewels to give warriors strength, power and protection, and to ensure victory in battle. Crystals and gems were also frequently used for protection against evil spirits.

In terms of healing, various crystals were believed to help cure everything from depression to fevers to mortal wounds. People used crystals to improve their eye sight, sharpen their minds, get a good night’s sleep, conceive a child, stop bleeding, remain sober, keep their hearts strong, protect against infection and diagnose myriad physical and metaphysical problems.

As for how they were used in physical healing work, most commonly they were worn against the skin as jewelry or placed in a pouch, which was then worn or carried on one’s person. They were also frequently powdered and mixed into potions and medicines, which were then either imbibed or applied to the skin. Ancient Celts would also carve small stones to resemble different parts of the body, and then someone who was sick would rub whatever ailed them with the appropriate stone.

Crystals and gemstones were also used as diagnostic tools in various ways. For example, it was believed at various times and in various places that if the color of a stone paled or faded, its wearer was becoming ill. Similarly, when the color was bright, the wearer was in good health. If jewelry was given by a husband to ensure his wife’s fidelity and the stone changed color or darkened, it was believed to be a sign that she had been unfaithful.

I think it’s fascinating to note that modern science has discovered all sorts of uses for crystals as well. Many minerals are now known for their therapeutic properties. For example, copper is known to reduce swelling and inflammation, zinc boosts the immune system, potassium is essential to the functioning of the nervous system, calcium strengthens our bones, magnesium lowers blood pressure and eases stress and depression, etc. If these minerals have therapeutic properties, odds are good that all crystals and gemstones have special properties of their own.

Beyond medicinal uses, crystals play a very important role in modern life. They are used in all sorts of medical equipment like ultrasound machines and laser surgery instruments, as well as other tools like clocks, radios, cell phones and other wireless technologies, etc. To me, the power they lend to modern computers is as mind boggling as anything else they’re purported to be able to do!

As for why crystals are so useful in healing work, one reason is because health equals balance, and crystals are the embodiment of perfect symmetry in nature. By tuning in to the perfect balance, form and symmetry of a crystal, we can align with perfect balance ourselves. When we consciously use crystals in healing work, the crystals help us to align all levels of our being in balance with each other and the universe around us.

Further, quartz can store and conduct energy, so if we program a crystal for healing, it will hold and carry healing energy. Quartz can also amplify energy, so if we use it while we focus on sending healing energy to someone, we can amplify the power of that healing energy.

Unlike some New Agey folks, I don’t think crystals have “magical” powers, and I don’t view them as conscious entities that “want” to serve us in some way, but I can see how their properties as holders, conductors and amplifiers of energy can help us in healing work, or for that matter with any aim. If regular energy healing is like shining light with a flashlight, using crystals is like focusing that light through a laser: it can be far more powerful and effective.

I also think it’s worth noting that throughout history and around the world, every culture known to man developed the belief that gems and crystals have special powers beyond their ascetic value. While we don’t need crystals to heal, I do believe they can enhance our lives in many ways, whether we’re using them in healing or spiritual work or simply appreciating their beauty.

– Soul Arcanum

How to Overcome Depression and Reignite a Passionate Connection to Life and Spirit

on healing depression…
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a 38-year-old single mom. I work in the mental health field, am studying the healing arts, and have a long history of being intuitive. I also come with a history of abuse and have worked hard for many years to live a stable and healthy life. This year I made some changes that included leaving my fiance and moving to another state. I know in my heart of hearts I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Many wonderful opportunities have come my way to make all of these changes possible. Here’s the part I am having a hard time understanding: Before I became more stable and healthy, I used to experience times when I felt very connected to Spirit and had feelings of hope. Now that I’m older and in a much better place in my life than ever before, life seems rather dull, and I often find it difficult to tap into the positive feelings of Spirit. Is this common depression due to all the recent changes in my life, or am I suffering from spiritual disconnection? What can I do differently to jumpstart some positive feelings toward Spirit? Many blessings and thank you!
– Lisa

Dear Lisa:

Most likely you’re just in a phase of integrating what you’ve learned in the past and enjoying some of the fruits of your labors before your next big adventure begins. It’s like when we start a new level of school: At first, it’s thrilling and unnerving, but after a few months, what once seemed exciting has become a dull routine.

For quite some time you had some really big, dramatic challenges to chew on. Now that you’ve managed to build a solid foundation for yourself and things are going more smoothly, you’re more content but life seems less exciting and meaningful.

Many people are unknowingly addicted to the emotional highs and lows of lots of drama. Constant angst makes them feel alive and gives them something important to do. They think they want life to get easier, but when it does, they sabotage themselves because life seems boring, or they wonder why, now that they have everything they thought they needed, they aren’t as happy as they expected to be. Of course, as we evolve, it’s natural to experience less drama, hardship and conflict since we’re gaining wisdom and our vibration is rising, which empowers us to create what we want in our lives.

People who struggle with depression for long periods of time suffer from a lack of strong desire. Life is actually too easy; what they need is a big challenge. When a crisis arises, people who couldn’t get out of bed to go to work can suddenly leap into action. It’s passionate desire that makes us feel alive – not the fulfillment of that desire.

There is a certain point in everyone’s spiritual development when what you’re describing is common. After we’ve conquered the basics of survival and pulled ourselves together emotionally and psychologically, we may have no idea where to go from there. At this point, we must redefine our sense of meaning and purpose in life because we’re ready to shift from focusing on keeping our heads above water to empowering other people.

Through our own suffering and struggles, we develop compassion. Once we’re out of pain and hardship ourselves, we can help people who are still in it. Some people have a natural desire to be of service to others, while others don’t really see the point. If you remember that when you leave this life, you’ll go through a life review, and how well you loved yourself and others will matter more than anything else, then you’ll see that there is a lot in it for you if you devote yourself to being of service.

Please also remember that depression can often signal the beginning of new spiritual growth and awareness. Depression turns our focus inward, away from the endless distractions of the outer world. Our desire to leave this emotional pain behind motivates us to ask new questions and find new answers. Eventually, we emerge from depression on a higher level of experience, with new personal potential. It’s natural for boredom and depression to arise during a period of relative abundance and stability because it’s at these times that we can work on making inner progress.

Our higher selves are constantly pulling us toward the realization that we are already whole and always connected to the Divine. It’s the ego that feels lost, dissatisfied and separate. When one pursuit after another fails to fulfill our longing for something greater, eventually we recognize that we’ve been chasing our own tails the whole while – that we’ve had what we are longing for all along.

The answer, then, is to know and remember this truth. By recognizing that we’re in ego when we’re unhappy, we can remember to shift our vibration higher and focus on the one thing that has been with us from the beginning – our own Divine nature.

Here are some more tips for cultivating the habit of feeling alive, passionate, inspired, and connected to Spirit:

  • First make sure your physical habits encourage well-being, happiness, personal power and high energy. Eat fresh, high vibration food, get regular exercise, get enough sleep, etc.
  • Meditate to uncover and connect with your true nature, which is always content and at peace. Recognize that you determine how excited you are about life, and you determine the quality of your connection to Spirit. The same feelings of magic and excitement you experienced in the past are always available to you.
  • Read spiritual books, especially books about near death experiences, the afterlife and the law of attraction. Watch movies like Joe Versus the Volcano, Shirley Valentine, Under the Tuscan Sun, Contact, Patch Adams, etc.
  • Live on the edge. Ask yourself what you would do if you could do anything, and then go for it. Reach for dreams so big that they thrill you a lot and scare you a little.
  • Find ways to help people who are struggling with challenges you’ve overcome. Begin to teach. Organize a support group or book club for spiritual seekers, or find some way to help people who are a step or two behind you.
  • Experiment with spiritual subjects that interest you. You could focus on manifesting amazing things, join a mediumship development circle, try some EVP research. Push the envelope in terms of what you believe is possible.
  • Actively dialogue with Spirit. Ask what you can do to move forward and manifest a sense of connection, wonder and excitement about life again, and then watch for signs to come to you.
  • Remember that if you’re bored or feeling lifeless, you’re not fully awake. The Universe is an incredible place! There is so much to learn about, so many places to see, people to meet, things to explore. The possibilities are endless. If you’re not seeing anything to be amazed at or excited about, you’re not really looking. There is always something new to learn or invent.
  • Volunteer at a children’s hospital, a hospice or a prison. Nothing will make you feel happy and grateful like being regularly reminded of how truly blessed you are.

– Soul Arcanum

Can Hatred be Healing?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Over the last three years, I’ve had some wonderful unfolding through trance and healing work, but now I really feel stuck. I was severely abused as a child, and my whole family is still covering up for the abusers. The spiritual counselor I’ve been working with took a sharp turn from many good things to this whole new place I hate: He wants me to forgive my mother. Why should I forgive someone who beat the heck out of me? I just don’t see it. I’m not stupid; I understand that she came from her own bad karma; I get that letting go helps me. However, hating her is the only real spiritual clarity I’ve had in years. I know how awful that sounds but I feel a great clearing to see what she did, so to ask me to forgive her makes me nuts! He is insisting that I am staying stuck. It sounds right but I can’t even imagine letting go of my newfound hate of her and all she did. Any suggestions?

Dear Susan:

I feel both you and your therapist are right – you’re just viewing this from different perspectives. It sounds like this healer knows what he is doing, for he has helped you a great deal, proven his wisdom and earned your trust thus far. I agree with his assessment of the situation: that holding on to hatred of your mother will keep you stuck.

At the same time, however, it’s imperative that you love and trust yourself enough to honor your true feelings. If it doesn’t feel right to let go of this hatred yet, then you must do what feels right and best to you.

Please do note that when we forgive someone, that doesn’t mean we’re to blame for whatever they did. Further, when we have feelings of hatred for someone, that doesn’t mean we are somehow at fault. It feels to me like you really need to love your inner child by clearly acknowledging what happened to you when you were small and validating your feelings about that.

Perhaps it doesn’t feel like you can let go of this hatred because you’re waiting for validation of your feelings from some of the key people involved. As you move forward and learn to love yourself even better, it won’t be so important to get that external validation, and this will empower you to release more of the deep pain that you’ve been carrying around for years.

For now, by allowing yourself to be angry with your mother, you are finally starting to affirm your love for yourself. Children who are abused tend to have very low self-esteem, and when they decide that they deserve better and they get angry, then instead of turning all that pain inward, they start to flow it outward toward whomever or whatever mistreated them. This begins to release the energy, which can bring a profound sense of relief. Hatred can thus indeed be healing when it represents a shift toward greater self-love. It’s just one step, but when we’ve come from an even lower vibration, we may feel much better than we felt before.

I feel your counselor is trying to help you but needs to be patient and understanding of where you are in this process. This is one of the trickier aspects of spiritual counseling: when we’re forever tapping into higher truths and aligning with a super high vibration, we can lose touch with ordinary life, which diminishes our effectiveness as healers.

You are naturally conflicted. In seeking help from this counselor, you are in essence asking him to guide you to a warmer, happier place. Let’s say that initially, when you were in a place of tremendous emotional pain and struggle, it was like you were living in a frozen, barren tundra. As you began to shift out of feeling powerless, unlovable and victimized, you moved into feeling more empowered and angry at your abusers. While this doesn’t sound all that wonderful, it was like moving from that frozen tundra to someplace like Toronto: even though it’s still really cold there, it feels so much better than where you were before.

Meanwhile, your healer is living in a tropical paradise and is eager to help you find your way to the wonderful place he has found. In continuing to work with him, you are in essence asking him to help you keep moving to a better/warmer place. At the same time, however, you are telling him that you don’t want to leave the cold weather (hatred) behind.

No doubt you just need a chance to rest and recover from your recent trek, to integrate your experiences and gather the strength and courage for another journey. On a spiritual level, you’re feeling pretty worn out and at the same time, feeling so much better than you did before that you’re wondering if you really do need to keep moving.

You are free to stay where you are with all of this for as long as you like. If and when you feel ready, you can inch your way toward paradise or you take a big, sudden leap. It all depends on what feels right to you, what you’re ready for, and your own inner guidance.

In terms of your relationship with this healer, the important thing is to recognize that he may have the answers you need, that you may not be ready to hear them or act on them yet, and that is all okay.

I believe the lessons in this situation are naturally perfect for everyone involved. You are learning to honor your feelings, trust yourself, and make choices based on what feels right to you. You’re learning that if you try to deny or repress your feelings, they will get swept under the rug again, and there they will make all sorts of lumps and bumps that you will trip over in the future. As they’ll then be hidden, you won’t know why you feel the way you do or keeping doing the self-destructive, crazy things you keep doing. Thus you are very wise to take all the time you need to fully work through and release your feelings.

Further, until you give yourself permission to feel all that you really feel, you will naturally resist moving on. Imagine yourself on that journey south, and that someone else is pushing you to keep moving even though you’re weary and need to rest a bit. In this scenario, it’s natural to resist being pushed. If, however, you claim your right to set your own pace, then you will sense when it’s time to get going again; it will feel comfortable and right for you to do so.

Your healer also has lessons in all of this. He’s being reminded to respect and honor his clients as unique spiritual beings who are being guided by Divine wisdom via their own hearts. He’s being reminded that everyone is always in just the right place for them. He’s being reminded that, in order to be a good teacher, he must teach at his students’ pace, not the pace that he would prefer. He’s being reminded that he can do his best to help, but he can’t move for you: only you can truly change your life, and trying to rush the process will only take longer in the end and prove more stressful than necessary. Your spiritual counselor does sound wise. My sense is that he isn’t truly trying to rush you, but is instead simply spelling things out for you, letting you know that when you want to make further progress, you will have to head in a certain direction. You can take all the time you need getting ready for that spiritual journey, but he’s right that in order to get to a tropical paradise, you’re eventually going to have to head toward the equator. You can take all the time you need, of course, for the relative paradise of inner peace will always be there, ready for you to call it home.

– Soul Arcanum

How Can She Pick Herself Up and Turn Her Whole Life Around?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am 23-year-old woman who is currently pregnant. I don’t have a steady boyfriend at present; the man who fathered my baby is good for nothing. I do have a sweet little girl whom I love very much. Her father is taking care of her even though she is staying with my mother. I’m living a very low life. I have too many friends I cannot trust, and I love drinking alcohol. Part of me wants to change to become a better person, but the other part still wants to live this loose life. I don’t know how I am going to change. Every time I enter a new relationship, job, make new friends, etc., everything seems to go awry. I feel like I’m doomed. I was involved in a car crash in January of 1997, and my boyfriend at that time did not even come to the hospital. He didn’t care if I was alive or dead! Every man seems to just not care after they get what they want, which is to take me to bed. I have done many things I am not proud of. Is it normal that at the tender age of 23, I have slept with more than 250 men? Soul Arcanum, I really need your help. Can you give me advice on how to turn my life around?

Dear T.:

While I’m going to focus this column on helping YOU, I have to say a word here about your innocent little girl and unborn child. Unless you want your children to grow up and be just like you and suffer the same way you’re suffering, you need to get a grip on yourself NOW. The part of you that wants something better than this is going to have to SLAY that part of you that wants to continue living a “loose life,” as you put it. You would protect your daughter with your very life, so lay down the life of that foolish, misguided teenager inside you, and step with all of your being toward the strong, wise mother you know you can be.

Now that I’ve said that, I can offer you my compassion. It’s clear to me that you’re carrying a lot of baggage from your childhood and even before that (from past lives). I’m shown that you have been an alcoholic in several past lives, and a prostitute in at least one lifetime. In that life, you did it to survive, but in this life, you have so many more choices. So while it may not seem “normal” to be so promiscuous, for you it hasn’t necessarily been strange. Unless you want to keep this up for all eternity, however, you’re going to have to consciously choose to change. Acknowledge that you have done the best you could, forgive yourself for those things you’re not proud of, then move on! Forget about the past and focus everything you have on who you want to be and how you want to live.

The main thing you must learn is how to say NO to things that will destroy your well-being and happiness. You have thus far said yes to everything and everyone that comes your way. Someone offers you alcohol/drugs? Yes! Someone asks you to go to bed with them? Yes!

The reason you say yes is because you’re desperate for love. You keep trying to be what you think others want you to be in order to fill that empty, achy, lonely feeling in your heart, but you’re waking up to the truth that what you’ve been getting by taking this approach is not love at all, and only leaves you feeling worse in the end. Disrespecting yourself as you have will only lead others to use you, for if you don’t respect yourself, why should they? There are all sorts of users and abusers in the world, and you have become a magnet for them. You thus far have just not loved yourself enough to protect yourself and to demand more and better from life and people.

As you do love your daughter that much, she is actually going to help you change your life. Through mothering your daughter, you have come to know the sort of love you need to feel for yourself. Now you can go back and parent yourself into feeling like you deserve more than what you’ve been putting up with. I want you to start treating yourself the way you’d want your daughter to be treated by herself and by others. If some stranger wanted to use her and take her to bed, what would you want her to do? If you saw her throwing away her mind, body and spirit on alcohol, junkie friends and unsafe sex, what would you want her to do? (That is what you should do!)

Find a minister or an energy healer and get some help with reconnecting with the Divine,  reclaiming your personal power, and detoxing on every level. (A church is probably best, as it would be a good source of free or inexpensive help.) I also want you to start attending church so that you can meet a higher quality of people. Start befriending older WOMEN there; reach out for help from women who are solid and strong and won’t let you make excuses when that weaker side of you wants to go on ruining your life. I’m sure there are also social service agencies where you can get connected with other women who are sincerely trying to improve their lives as well. You need true friends now. You need to ask for help and start helping others too. There are lots of young single mothers out there – reach out and work together!

I know your heart is aching for someone to truly care for you, and that this is driving much of your self-destructive behavior. What you need to get from this column is that your relationships with others will mirror your relationship to yourself. If you are self-destructive in your thinking and habits, others will be abusive toward you. If you respect yourself and take great care of yourself, others will respect you and want to take care of you similarly. Respecting yourself here means taking good care of your body (not abusing drugs or alcohol and not giving yourself sexually to any guy who smiles at you). It means getting rid of the people in your life who are behaving in ways you neither admire nor want to emulate. It means cleaning up your act and putting your heart and soul into becoming the kind of woman and mother you most want to be. The harder you work at it, the more you will respect yourself, and the better your life will get.

You can initiate this personal transformation by detoxing on a physical level immediately. I know you’re pregnant, so I don’t want you to do anything drastic like fasting or taking unusual supplements, etc. Just cut out all the garbage: no alcohol, no drugs, no junk food. Eat fruit and vegetables. Look to natural foods for nourishment. Given what you’re putting into your body, it’s no wonder you’re miserable. (If you need help with addiction, GET IT! There is so much free help available out there.)

Then you’ll feel strong enough to detox on an emotional and mental level by getting rid of those users and abusers and doing whatever else you need to do to move forward with your life. You should also take some time to thank the dickens out of your mom and anyone else who has really been there for you. She can and will help you if you are sincere in your efforts to change your life. She has been waiting for you to wake up. You have broken her heart time and time again; it’s time for you to actively begin to try to undo all that hurt you’ve caused. She’s on your side!

You have a loving mother, a sweet child, and a new baby on the way. You have so much to turn your life around for. Think of your children and set a good example, for they are learning how to be in the world by watching you.

In a nutshell: demand more of yourself and the people you let into your world, and you will turn your life around. The time is NOW my friend; I’m sending prayers for strength your way.

– Soul Arcanum

The “Best” Approach to Energy Healing

Copright Soul Arcanum LLC All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a reflexologist, and am wondering what you feel is the best healing approach. Should I come up from Mother Earth at one’s feet? Or is it better to go through the crown chakra as pure spirit, love and light; send healing energy through the body; ask for all negativity, disease and toxins to be purged away; then ask to have the person grounded to Mother Earth? Does this sound like a good practice? Is it better to go from bottom to top or top to bottom, and why? (I use crystals in my healing work). Also, can I earn a living and support my children doing reflexology? God Bless!
– Healing Hands

Dear Healing Hands:

If others are supporting themselves doing reflexology (and they ARE) then you certainly can too. I recommend you find someone who is making a fantastic living in your chosen field, study that person’s approach, and then simply mirror it. If you don’t get the same results, then you’re missing something – look deeper. Study this successful person’s belief system and how they are working with natural spiritual law to manifest what they want in their lives.

As for which healing approach is best, regular readers of my column will not be surprised to learn that I don’t believe there is one path that is superior to all others. Energy healing is simply a matter of setting a very clear intention of flowing well-being, and then altering one’s state of consciousness and letting that healing energy flow. It is also an intuitive art, so gifted healers are adept at allowing their intuition to guide them as they go.

It ultimately doesn’t matter which words you choose to define what you’re doing, or if you use crystals or herbs or a cardboard magic wand doused in glitter. It doesn’t matter if you’re into reflexology, Reiki, prayer or dancing naked under the full moon. Regardless of how you do it, healing will happen when you go to the energetic source of discomfort and align what is wanted at that level via a pure, clear intention.

This doesn’t mean that we should avoid all the paths listed above. While none of these modalities is the only answer, there’s nothing wrong with them either. If you believe in one of these tools and it helps you to flow pure, positive energy, then work with it.

I don’t want to convey indifference, for I do have some strong opinions about healing. Below is my own approach. I hope it empowers you to tap greater healing power so you can help people who need a guide back to radiant well-being.

The process I describe here is what I use for “quick healings,” such as those at church. If I am doing a reading/ healing session and have more time, I will incorporate a great deal of verbal healing/reading work/hypnotherapy. I may do all that is described here, but I will also go deeper in terms of talking someone toward the state of well-being, fulfillment and joy that they desire.

For “quick healings,” however, I begin by asking the person if they will JOIN me in accepting healing. This produces an immediate shift in most people as they realize that they are not passive recipients, but must choose greater well-being themselves in order to allow that to flow in.

Then I “polish” their aura around the head and sometimes around the body. I simply move through the aura, visualizing it shining and radiant. I then run energy from the crown down each of the chakras in front, and then from the chakras in back up to the crown. There are many ways you can do this. I start with my right hand at the crown, and move my left through the front chakras, then switch with my left at the crown, and move my right hand up the spine. (I am left-handed, so if this doesn’t feel right to you, do whatever feels natural).

Then I ask Spirit for what this person most needs at this time, and I open up and ask for a verbal blessing for them. I send them the blessing energetically, then I give it to them verbally before they get up from my healing chair. The blessing may be something like: “May you walk through life with the ease, energy and flexibility you had when you were 22 years old” or “As you leave here today, may you know in every fiber of your being that you absolutely can have that which you want so much!” Every blessing is given by Spirit for that individual at that particular moment in time, and so every blessing is unique.

Please note that I do not diagnose, nor do I even begin to look for “problems.” What we focus upon expands, so if we look for and then focus on problems, we are not making things better. This effect is even stronger when we’re in the altered state of consciousness of energy healing work, so we must be very careful that we are focusing on health and well-being.

Also, it’s wise to remember that we healers are not doing the healing work. Instead, we are helping the person who desires greater well-being to energetically align with their own inner healer. As we align with a higher state of being and then link with the one being healed, it is much easier for them to find their way to the vibration of wellness.

It’s much like lifting someone’s spirits. If someone is down, we can “cheer them up” by radiating joy and optimism, and by speaking words of hope and comfort. We can’t make them feel a certain way, but we can walk a happy path and beckon them to follow if they will. We can remind them that they have the power to create what they want in their own lives, and indeed, that no one else can truly heal them: they must choose what they want for themselves.

The most important concept to remember as a healer is something I think a lot of healers haven’t realized. Our job is to see only perfection. This is how Jesus healed. As He focused on those in need, he didn’t see disease or suffering, he saw their divine perfection, and he was so connected to the stream of pure positive energy that his light and truth prevailed. As we connect with our own power as creators, we must similarly connect with our own inner light and then focus on the perfection that is wanted.

So when I am doing healing work, my “goal” is to view the person in my healing chair as already radiating perfect well-being. When I connect and let that energy flow, I shift into a state of profound bliss. I see only the highest and the best in that person. I am usually mentally shown the person as a child, or at a time when he or she was radiantly healthy and happy. Then I just appreciate how perfect they already are, and send divine love to every aspect of their being.

Basking in this feeling of unconditional love and perfection is so powerful! If we alter our state of consciousness and then spend just a few moments deeply visualizing, imagining, and FEELING as we wish to feel, we begin to send powerful creative energy to the manifestation of what is wanted. This is the energy that sparks apparent miracles.

So in summary, I encourage you to trust your intuition to guide you when doing healing work. Keep your process simple so you don’t forget what is happening at an energetic level. It’s not about crystals or secret symbols or any other hocus pocus: it’s just about altering your state of consciousness; setting a very clear, high intention; then flowing divine love.

One more thing: once you have done all the above, let go of the results! We are healing with the power of faith/belief, and in order to truly tap into this power, we have to trust that whatever happens will be for the highest and best. Offer your love and surrender the rest.

If you think about it, you’ll see that this is the highest approach any of us can choose at any moment.

– Soul Arcanum

Healing Romantic Obsession

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC, 2011. All rights reserved.  
 All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been seeing this man for about nine months. We had an open relationship. At first I was totally against it, but I felt like this was the only way I could be in his life. He has guided me on becoming more spiritual. (I think I have always been spiritual but now I’m not afraid to embrace it.) He is almost like a mentor to me. Now it seems he has fallen back in love with an old flame with whom he has children. It hurts that he just dropped me and committed to her. I want to disconnect from the spiritual connection we share. It’s like he is with me wherever I go. I love him but the pain and torment is something I can live without. I’m scared he will know and try to put a spell on me. He has done this in the past, and while it did not work on me, it was effective on others. I want to be free of this spiritual connection. It is very powerful and like nothing I have ever felt before.


Dear Ameerah:

Your question reveals what is happening on a metaphysical level. I find it particularly interesting that even though you say this man dropped you and committed to another, you write about your relationship in the present tense as though it is ongoing. In fact, you go back and forth between present and past tense when describing this relationship, which reflects how it’s both over and not over at the same time for you.

I’m wondering how you know about him putting spells on other people; I can only assume that he actually told you that he has done this. You imply that he tried to put a spell on you and that it didn’t work. Whether he overtly tried to influence you in this way or not, it’s pretty clear that you are “under his spell,” at least in the conventional sense of the term. This saying reflects our awareness on some level that it is possible for someone who is very magnetic and charismatic to influence people to feel as you are feeling.

Breaking free of a charismatic lover is in some ways similar to breaking free of the influence of a cult leader. In both scenarios, the “follower” gives their power away to someone they perceive to be somehow extraordinary. In order to reclaim your power, you have to begin to know YOURSELF to be just as special, lovable, and wonderful as the one you’ve been worshipping. When you make another person your God, you set yourself up for anguish and disappointment. It’s time to stop making him so special and begin to look for the divine within yourself and everyone else.

To be immune to the influence of charismatic types, you have only to own and exercise your power to consciously create what you want in your life. This is all about taking your power back. To have influence over us, a person must have stronger will/chi than we do. In order to break free, you must summon enough will power and desire to match that person’s energy or supercede it. This means you have to want to be free even more than he wants you hanging on. You also have to believe in your power to be free and to create what you want in your life even more than he believes in his power to influence you. This is definitely a battle of wills.

He may be the sort of person who wants as many admirers as possible, or who wants to have a back-up lover waiting in the wings just in case his current relationship doesn’t pan out. The good news is that he is focused elsewhere right now, and it will be impossible for him to summon enough desire to keep you if you begin to take your power back. This just makes sense, for your desire to have your life back will be much stronger than his desire to keep something he’s not focused on or attached to hanging around in the background.

Following are four ways you might go about ending this obsession. Allow your intuition to illuminate the best remedy for you by choosing whatever you feel drawn to. Please keep in mind that any of these options can instantly work for you if you bring your whole being to it.

Ways to End Romantic Obsession:

Guided meditation to cut psychic cords: Set aside special time for this exercise, then get quiet, close your eyes, and visualize the connection between you as a cord like string, linking you together. If it feels right, mentally explain to him why you are cutting the cord. If it doesn’t feel right, then explain to the Universe what you are doing and why, and ask for your guides and angels to help you. Focus on the positive: on what you want and the good that you expect to come from this. Be very clear that you are now taking conscious control of creating what you want in your life. You may perceive something in response from him or the Universe. This may include impressions, insights, ideas or solutions, so pay attention and allow whatever comes to you to lead you to new awareness and healing. When the time feels right, cut the cord by visualizing yourself with scissors or a knife cutting away whatever connects you. As you do so, say out loud: I cut this cord so that we may BOTH be free to find greater love and happiness. The more you can embody the feeling of love and happiness you desire for yourself and everyone involved, the more powerful the ritual will be. Afterward, get rid of anything he gave you, and remove all traces of him from your world.

Direct healing from Spirit: If you are adept at prayer and meditation and have a strong relationship with your spirit guides, you can enter into a deep meditation and simply ask Spirit to heal you of this obsession. Ask to be set free, for all thoughts and feelings about him to be taken away, and to feel the way you want to feel: free, at peace, and hopeful about the future. Ask to be guided to something new to pour your love and passion into. Pay attention to what happens, especially in your body. If you are strongly connected, you’re sure to feel something shift or change within you, and afterward, to notice that you feel profoundly changed on an inner level by this exercise.

Spells and rituals: There are many “spells” and rituals you can perform to break free of obsession. Given the space limits of this column, I don’t have room to offer one here for you. The subconscious mind loves ritual, for it’s a way to communicate with your deeper self about what you want and to rally the forces of the Universe to help you achieve your aim. If this idea resonates with you, I encourage you to search the internet for an appropriate spell/ritual, and devote all of your being to it.

Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy is a very fast and powerful way to heal and release the past and program yourself to move forward to create what you want in your life. If the above methods don’t appeal to you or leave you somehow wanting, don’t give up hope: I’m sure a skilled hypnotherapist will be able to help you.

A final note: the surest way to release an obsession over something that has ended is to find something new, wonderful and fulfilling to get “obsessed” with. Whether it’s a new relationship, an exciting project, a pet or some endeavor you’re passionate about, if you choose something that blesses you in equal measure to the psychic and emotional energy you pour into it, you will wake up one day and realize that you can’t even remember the last time you thought about old whats-his-name.

To help you with all of this, I recommend you check out some of the great deep trance processes in the spiritual toolbox at Soul Arcanum. :)
– Soul Arcanum


Can Souls Splinter?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)


Have you ever heard of souls splintering? Is it possible for someone to have so much karma that their soul splinters? Does this lead them to have more than one body in future incarnations?
– Laura

Dear Laura:

Let’s begin with the idea that parts of us can splinter off, and then try to relate that to the process of incarnation.

Many spiritual and psychological models support the notion that people commonly disassociate from certain parts of themselves in response to trauma. It’s like going into a state of shock during an emergency: it helps us to cope with an intolerable level of physical, emotional, or mental pain.

Problems arise when we remain partially numbed or shut down following such experiences. Then these traumas or issues go “unconscious,” and until we deal with them, they remain energetically frozen. This can lead to mental and emotional problems like depression, numbness, emptiness, phobias, addictions, compulsions, unconscious habits and even physical illness.

Most of us sense that there is more to “life” and more to “us” than we normally experience. As we have a natural compulsion to make ourselves “whole” again, we are constantly seeking to fill this inner void. For most of us this quest takes place on a less than conscious level, and as a result, we try all sorts of things that don’t work, or only seem to work temporarily.

In the shamanic tradition, these frozen parts of ourselves are believed to be stuck in a dimension beyond the physical, and by journeying into that dimension, the shaman can find those lost parts and return them to us. This process is called “soul retrieval.”

While the traumatic experiences that lead to disassociation may occur in this life, they can also occur in “past lives.” I put “past lives” in quotes here, because in order to understand how our souls can “splinter,” we need to remember that time isn’t linear, so past lives are perhaps better labeled “other lives” or “parallel lives.”

Imagine that the life we think we are living is just the movie we are choosing to watch right now. There are many different stations playing many different shows, but we are only aware of the one we are watching at the moment. When we step back and begin to observe ourselves, we become aware that there are lots of other stations running other story lines, and by switching the channel on our awareness, we can view them.

It’s pretty hard to wrap our heads around these notions because our brains are programmed to think in this physical dimension of space and time. When we shift our consciousness outside of the body into higher states of mind, we can transcend the limits of space/time thinking and tap into information about the so-called past and future, like information about other lives.

Obviously, time DOES exist within each physical dimension. As parallel dimensions are not in linear relationship to each other, however, you can shift from any point in one physical dimension to any point in another.

Since these other lives are not really past or future, we are living other lives while living this one. You could say that our soul has “splintered” into more than one life, but that would be true of everyone. Who we think we are now is just a fragment of our totality. We are always exploring many different lives/levels of experience. The more we evolve spiritually, the more we tend to gain awareness of these other parts of ourselves.

For example, as we grow spiritually, it’s common to begin to remember our dream life, and our dreams are real explorations in other dimensions. We may also gain awareness of “past lives” and have conscious out of body experiences. The more we grow in awareness, the more refined our journey toward personal growth becomes, for we can then begin to purposefully “retrieve” and heal parts of ourselves we may have disassociated from.

Often trigger events awaken old memories, energies and issues that need healing. These may be sparked when we reach a certain age, meet someone we have known in another life, or experience some trauma that touches a “sore spot” that has been wounded before.

As for why we aren’t normally aware of these other lives, it’s important for us to think that this life is our only life, and that everything that happens here is “real” and very serious. It’s sort of like life is a fire drill: if we knew it was just a drill, we wouldn’t respond the same way – in fact, we may begin to fail to respond at all.

When we become “enlightened,” apparently that is just what happens – we realize that it’s all a drill or a movie, so there is nothing to get all worked up about. At this point, we generally evolve beyond the cycle of rebirth in the physical, because it’s no fun anymore.

For some reason, the idea of parallel lives seems harder to accept than the idea of past lives, though if you think about it, it’s no weirder than believing in the life we’re living right now. Because it seems so far out, however, I rarely talk about the experiences I’ve personally had that support the notion that I may be living other lives simultaneously.

For example, I have at times believed that I was channeling spirits, only to find out that I was channeling some aspect of a living person. The first time this happened, I was reading for a man who lived in Germany, and I brought through “a spirit” named Klaus. I described him in detail, including his clothes, mannerisms, and smoking habit. My client wrote back to inform me that he didn’t know anyone in Spirit like this, but I had described his coworker Klaus to a “T.” We concluded that Klaus was unaware of this whole interaction, which led me to realize that it is possible for aspects of our being to do all sorts of stuff without us ever knowing it.

Also, many years ago I had an amazing dream in which I WAS a dolphin. There are no words to convey the way this whole experience felt. I had a dolphin body and a dolphin “family” and community. Having a dolphin body was fantastic, and having a dolphin “mind” was totally foreign to anything I’d ever experienced before. I was completely in the moment and totally carefree. This dream made me wonder if I had been a dolphin in a past life or something.

Following this experience, I had some amazing dolphin encounters. Then some years later, I gave birth to a daughter who has grown up obsessed with dolphins. She wants to be a marine biologist someday, and her room is ocean blue and filled with dolphin things. Mind you, I never told her about my own connection to dolphins because my dolphin experiences happened long before she was even born, so it was really striking when she developed this obsession with dolphins on her own. She even has the ability to telepathically communicate with dolphins. (Alas, my space is limited here, or I would share more about these amazing dolphin experiences.)

When I encountered the idea of parallel lives, suddenly it hit me: maybe instead of having a past life as a dolphin, I am living a parallel life as a dolphin – and perhaps my daughter is too! As I see it, it’s really no stranger than believing we may have had past lives as dolphins.

Of course, there are no hard and fast answers when it comes to matters this deep – there are only theories, intuitions and best guesses. No one can tell you for sure exactly how we incarnate, if it’s possible for our souls to splinter, or even if we do lead parallel lives. I am certain, however, that the Universe is far stranger than we could ever comprehend, and there is much more happening “behind the scenes” than we ever realize.


Further Healing Old Emotional Wounds

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I need some advice on a situation that doesn’t seem to want to finish. I had a short but cataclysmic relationship with a young man a few months back. We were both in places in our lives at the time that drew us to one another very quickly and intensely. Things progressed rapidly then suddenly blew up. It was devastating to me, but I’ve done a lot of work around this and have come to a pretty good place. I finally allowed myself to be angry with him, and then I forgave him and it felt wonderful. Since he teaches at my daughter’s school, I see him in the mornings, but the kicker was getting an email from him telling me that he is looking at an apartment in my building. I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of the Universe, yet the old wounds began to open up. Part of me isn’t the slightest bit surprised that he is marching back into my life, for I’ve always believed we had more stuff to work through. I try to feel loving toward him as I know he is going through some challenges himself, yet I need to resist getting sucked into the cycle of putting his needs above my own. How do I gracefully accept the possibility that he can be my neighbor as if nothing ever happened between us? I want to tell him to get lost and go live somewhere else, yet I wonder why he is coming back (or being sent back) into my life. What do you think?

Dear Loretta:

Before we delve into your personal spiritual lessons in this situation, I think it’s important to contemplate the possibility that he is missing you and was either feeling you out by telling you he was thinking about moving closer to you, or is indeed planning on moving into your building because he hopes that with time and effort, he may be able to rekindle your romance. (If he was as anxious to put your relationship in the past as you seem to be, instead of emailing you, he would most likely either look elsewhere for an apartment or at the very least, avoid telling you about his plans.)

This possibility aside, let’s explore the deeper spiritual issues at play here. Your reaction to this situation indicates that you do indeed have more healing and growth to accomplish. This is something of a spiritual test of your healing status. Given your panicked reaction, I think you’d be wise to view this situation as a wonderful opportunity for you to heal more completely from this very intense emotional experience. (If this process was complete, hearing from him and seeing him wouldn’t faze you any longer.)

Your situation illustrates one of the strange but beautiful things about the Universe: anything left unfinished naturally comes back up for us time after time until we master it. It may not seem like the time is right for you to deal with this yet, but these things also tend to happen when we’re ready to take our learning and growing to the next level.

Further, our feelings are very clear road markers regarding where we are vibrationally in relationship to other people, relationships, issues and experiences. When someone from the past comes back into our lives and we’re overjoyed, then clearly, there is nothing troublesome that was buried under the carpet that needs to be brought out into the open and cleaned up. When someone shows back up and we feel wary, anxious, angry, upset, etc., it’s a sign that there is great potential for further personal growth via this situation.

This doesn’t mean that we have to welcome everyone we’ve ever been involved with back into our lives with open arms. In fact, I often read for people whose lesson is to love themselves enough to learn to say no. Being confronted by people to whom they’ve given their power away in the past tests their resolve to create something better in their lives, and until they find the strength and self-love to choose what is really good for them, those people will keep coming back. So though we naturally want to run away from people who have broken our hearts in the past, they are often our greatest teachers.

Of course, people keep coming back into our experience in order for karma to be worked out as well. It’s my understanding that this doesn’t happen due to some grand elaborate plan. Instead, the force behind it is more like gravity: our intense emotional connections to people are like elastic bands, so whether we love them or hate them, when people evoke strong emotions in us, they will keep coming back into our experiences time after time, lifetime after lifetime.

Sometimes, even after we’ve personally made peace with the past, people come back into our experience because they still have karma or issues to work out. I don’t feel that this is the case for you, however, because if you were fully at peace with this whole experience, you wouldn’t be afraid of getting sucked back into things with him.

You mention being afraid of putting his needs before your own, and it sounds like this may be the big lesson in all of this for you. What better way to learn (and practice) honoring your own needs than by being in a situation that challenges you to remember? We don’t learn anything by avoiding challenges, which is no doubt why we subconsciously create and recreate the perfect situations in which to master whatever we need to learn.

As for trying to be neighbors as though nothing ever happened, I don’t see the point. Why pretend that nothing ever happened when it did? The more real you can be with your own true feelings and the truth of the situation, the faster and more directly you will be able to get to the heart of things where you can unravel anything that is tangled and move on to create the love, peace and happiness you long for.

I assure you that your situation holds nothing to fear and lots of blessings for you. Even if you do get sucked back into some sort of relationship with this guy, it will no doubt lead you either to the fulfillment of some desire or greater peace and clarity, after which you will be more empowered to create what you want in your life. If you strive to approach this situation with love and wisdom, it will also improve the karma between the two of you, which means the next time you reconnect, instead of feeling anxious, you may feel delighted and go on to enjoy all the love and harmony you’ve cultivated between you.

My advice on how to make the most of this situation can be summed up in one line: attitude is everything. This is true with spiritual lessons and with all of life’s challenges, for that matter. When we sink into fear and resist whatever comes our way, we make everything so much harder for ourselves. When instead, we stretch to be our very best selves, and we relax and choose to trust that one way or another, everything will work out fine, life begins to just flow. In fact, it does better than flow: it grows brighter and more beautiful every step of the way.

How you approach this will absolutely determine the quality of your experiences. If you can embody love and trust and let yourself shine, this situation may not affect you one bit as you sail forward to your dreams. If you really pour your best self into it, you may even be able to cultivate a deeply beautiful, rewarding experience for all involved.

– Soul Arcanum

What’s the Benefit of Past Life Knowledge?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have not talked to one person who said that they remembered a previous life and benefited from that knowledge. I have known two supposed Cleopatras, and I am sure there are a million more of them, but the one’s I have known were not a full bowl of soup, if you know what I mean. I’m writing to ask what the point of exploring past lives might be. How can this supposed knowledge and awareness help us in these fast changing times we live in?

Dear Michael:

We have all heard stories about past life seminars boasting not just one but several Cleopatras, Mark Anthonys, Abraham Lincolns, etc. While I applaud your discernment, I would no more allow these individuals to taint my entire outlook on reincarnation than I would allow a few rapists to taint my view of all mankind.

I feel there are really two issues here. First, as you seem to be questioning the validity of remembering past lives at all, if not questioning the very fact of reincarnation, I encourage you to explore some of the astounding evidence researchers have uncovered for yourself. You might begin with well-respected author Dr. Ian Stevenson, who wrote Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation and more recently, Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect. Beyond this, allow your intuition and interest to guide your research. A search for books on reincarnation at yielded me nearly 8,000 hits.

I think simply believing in reincarnation itself is healing. Knowing that we can’t run truly avoid life’s lessons (for they will be presented to us over and over again until we master them) generally motivates us to face our issues promptly and honestly. Similarly, knowing that suicide is not an escape would certainly motivate us to find some way to endure and to heal. In the words of theosophist Annie Besant:

All life changes its aspect when reincarnation becomes a settled conviction, beyond all argument, raised above all dispute. Each day of life but one page in the great drama of existence; each sorrow but a fleeting shadow cast by a passing cloud; each joy but a gleam of sunshine reflected from a swinging mirror; each death but the moving from a worn-out house. The strength of an eternal youth begins slowly to pass into the awakening life; the calmness of a vast serenity broods over the tossing waves of human thought. The radiant glory of the immortal Intelligence pierces the thick dusky clouds of matter, and the imperishable Peace that nought can ruffle sheds its pure whiteness over the triumphant spirit.

Believing in reincarnation not only shifts one’s entire perspective on life; it opens one up to the transformational power of past life therapy, which can be helpful in the same ways that “normal” therapy is. When we bring our unconscious fears and motivations to the surface, we can consciously work on changing them in order to create greater health and happiness. When conventional medical or psychological therapy fails time and time again, past life therapy has often shown amazing effectiveness. Some people spend many years trying to resolve lifelong chronic problems such as phobias, addictions, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, chronic unexplainable pain or illness, self-destructive habits, unhealthy relationships, etc. and never see results. While researchers may not be able to explain exactly why or how, past life therapy often leads to rapid improvement in these patients’ lives. To me, this suggests that the cause must have been in a past life as well.

For example, I have heard of people who experienced chronic headaches, who had sought all kinds of medical help to no avail, and upon “recalling” a traumatic death due to a head injury in a past life, were cured. Now you can call this the placebo effect or brainwashing or whatever you want – I’m sure the person who is no longer suffering doesn’t really care, so long as it works. There are many other problems that frequently stem from past lives, from physical ailments like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia to eating disorders and addictions. Many people who are overweight this lifetime have starved to death in a past life, and are unconsciously eating all they can to avoid that fate again. When they recognize what is subconsciously driving their behavior, they’re empowered to change. Many phobias stem from past life experiences. A fear of fire may signal a prior death by fire, or a fear of snakes may stem from a deadly snake bite. By consciously recognizing that our fear is out of place in the present, we begin to put things in a sane perspective and reclaim our personal power to create what we want in our lives.

In my own reading work, I have seen many relationships transformed via past life awareness. For example, I recently read for a woman whose husband was her father in a past life. All I knew going into the reading was that the relationship was troubled because her husband was very possessive and controlling, and she was tired of it. I relayed information about a past life in which she was his son, and he was her father. As his son, she worked in the family business (making things like saddles, bags, belts, etc. out of leather) and as she grew into a young man, she wanted to go to a big city nearby, but her father wanted her to stay and work with him. He became very controlling at that point in an attempt to hold on to her. In response to the reading, she wrote that she was amazed by this information, for she is working in the family business again THIS lifetime, and wants to leave it to do something more fulfilling, but she feels pressure from both her father and her husband (who is also in the business) to remain.

Learning of this past life connection helped her to realize why she seems to naturally succumb to her husband’s wishes. Her friends have often told her she should just tell him no, but she has found that very difficult to do, for it is more “natural” to her to obey him as a child obeys her father. She then realized that she could spend another whole lifetime doing what others wish of her, or she could learn the lesson and find the courage to stand up for herself and make her own decisions. In simply understanding her unconscious feelings and responses, she was freed to consciously choose something else.

It often happens as well that two people will meet and “fall in love,” and yet have a hard time fully entering the relationship. Sometimes this stems from past life betrayals, which lead to an unwarranted sense of mistrust in this life. More often, such guardedness is born of fear of loss. When someone we love deeply dies unexpectedly in a past life, it can be very hard to let ourselves love them all out again in a future life. We may live on edge, both wanting to enter in fully and afraid that at any moment, they could be taken from us. When we uncover the past life memories that may be generating this fear of loss, we can stop unconsciously holding back.

Past life memories help us put death in perspective: when we realize that in a past life we “lost someone” and now that person is right back in our experience, it helps us to make peace with the inevitable separation of death, for we know that we’ll be with them again in the future, so it’s “safe” to go ahead and love with all our hearts and souls.

A wonderful internet resource for information on past life healing can be found at There you’ll find lots of information, exercises you can do yourself and more. As your question reveals that your inner being is guiding you to explore reincarnation and past life therapy, I encourage you to explore the subject with an open mind and heart!

– Soul Arcanum