tunnelpastlife100Happy Past Life Memory:  Are you curious about your past lives? The following process is designed to guide you in exploring a happy past life memory. The suggestions are all designed with a light, comfortable, and easy experience in mind. You will be guided in remembering who you were, how you lived, and some of the people you loved in another lifetime.



psychic protection100Surround Yourself with Psychic Protection:  The following process will raise your vibration and fill you with divine light and love, which will naturally keep any dark or negative energies at bay and help you attract kind people, positive energies, and pleasurable experiences. It is useful to engage in this process before and/or after spending time in a stressful atmosphere, before and/or after interacting with negative people, and whenever you feel spiritually or emotionally uneasy.


spiritguide2100Meet Your Spirit Guide:  This meditation will guide you in meeting a spirit guide and receiving an important message. It also includes an opportunity ask your spirit guide a question about your life and receive an answer, so it’s wonderful to do whenever you have a decision to make or aren’t sure what to think or do about a situation in your life.


letitgo100Heal Your Pain Through Forgiveness: One of the most powerful things we can do to align with a higher level of experience is to heal and release any pain and anger we are carrying from the past. This deep trance healing process will guide you in releasing old pain so you can set yourself free to manifest greater peace, love, joy and prosperity in your life. You begin by forgiving yourself for something you did that may have hurt someone else, and once you’re in a forgiving state of mind and heart, you move on to forgiving someone who caused you pain in the past.


meditation100Meditation: Go Deep and Stay There:  Amazing things begin to happen when we regularly spend time in a deep trance state. Everything begins to flow in our everyday experience; whatever we want and needs starts to just show up in amazing ways; answers come to us out of the blue. I’m reminded of a story that a friend who had recently begun to meditate told me. He said that one day he was waiting at a bus stop when he realized that he didn’t have enough money for bus fare: he needed a quarter. As soon as he realized this, the parking meter in front of him spontaneously dumped all of the change it was holding on the ground in front of him. I want to experience that sort of magic every day, don’t you?


laughingbuddha100Instant Good Mood:  This process is great to use whenever you find yourself in a crabby mood for no apparent reason. (If there are big problems weighing on your mind and heart, a deeper process would be recommended.) We all get in bad moods sometimes, and we all tend to take our endless blessings for granted until something happens to wake us up and make us newly grateful for ordinary days. If you’re feeling less than upbeat and cheerful, you can zip yourself into a higher vibration and make today a great day in just seven minutes by listening to this recording.


hearthealing100Pray for/Bless Someone: We all know that we create our own realities and that we have the power to create what we want in our own lives, but what do we do when someone we love is really struggling? Worrying certainly won’t help! There IS something we can do: we can pray for them and bless them. If someone you love is struggling with health problems, depression, addiction, financial problems or any other sort of problem, you can help them by blessing them. Whenever you find yourself worrying about someone, stop and remember to send them positive energy instead.


cosmicflow100Ask Your Intuition:  This guided meditation is helpful whenever you have a question, problem or dilemma that you need an answer to. Often, our conscious minds are so busy trying to figure things out that they drown out the voice of our intuition. This process is designed to guide you in quieting the chatter of your conscious mind and shifting into a higher vibration so that you can consciously access the wisdom of your higher self via your own inner voice/intuition.


chakras100Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation: This deep trance healing meditation will help you to clear away any heavy energy you may be carrying around on any level of your being. If you’ve been feeling tired, uninspired, disappointed, stressed out, or somehow stuck, this process will help you let go of what you don’t want and guide you in filling yourself with positive energy so that you can move through your life shining bright and feeling balanced and empowered.


deephealingDeep Healing Meditation: This recording is designed to help anyone who is struggling with illness or injury to align with healing. It is a longer process (just over 30 minutes), and is ideal for anyone who is going through a healing crisis of any kind. It will take you into a very deep, healing state of consciousness, and guide you in aligning on all levels with profound well-being. You will definitely want to be able to lie down and remain undisturbed while you listen to it.


weightnshape100Flowing Toward Your Ideal Weight:  This recording is the EASY way to successfully flow toward your ideal weight and shape. It’s easy because it puts the power of your subconscious mind to work FOR you, and it’s successful because, where most weight loss efforts are undertaken from negative feelings about the self (and therefore doomed to eventually fail), this approach is fueled by something far more powerful and in harmony with lasting success: SELF-LOVE.

Law of Attraction Manifesting Recordings

money100Manifest Financial Ease: If you’ve been wanting more money in an easier, more comfortable, pleasurable or exhilarating way, then you must vibrationally align with that quality of experience. When you think about money and what you want in your life, it must become natural for you to smile and feel good. This tool is designed to help you let go of fear and struggle so you can relax and work with natural spiritual law to joyfully cultivate greater financial abundance in your life.


biglove100Manifest Big Love:  This process is designed to guide you in aligning your inner being with an outer experience of happiness in love. It will have you embodying love, happiness, romance, joy, and an open heart so that you will attract people who want to create a new soul mate relationship with you. It will set you on a path that is lined with love, overflowing with love, and bursting with delightful flirtations, romantic interludes, and brand new soul mate connections. The more you work with this energy and process, the bigger your own LOVE light will grow, and the more you will find yourself LOVING love and filling your world with loving relationships.


makewish100Manifest a Heartfelt Wish:  This powerful deep trance recording is designed to guide you into the state of consciousness that is most powerful for consciously working with the law of attraction, then guide you in focusing your divine creative energy (your thoughts, feelings, and life force energy) toward the manifestation of whatever it is you most want in your life. It can be anything: true love, a new job, financial prosperity, physical healing, emotional healing, great new friends, new spiritual growth and awareness – the possibilities are endless!