Category: Law of Attraction

She Always Wants What She Can’t Have

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have a very bad case of wanting what I can’t have, especially when it comes to relationships. I might have a crush on a guy until he becomes a real prospect, but then I begin to have doubts and get scared off. There are two men in my heart who were boyfriends in the past. I wasn’t serious about them when they pursued me and I easily let both of them go. When I thought about committing to them, I had all sorts of excuses for why they weren’t right for me. Years later, they are married fathers leading happy lives and I am single and going through tough times alone. I am now able to see how great they were and how my excuses for not getting serious about them were poor ones. I can’t tell you how hard I kick myself for letting them go. It’s truly eating me up, loving them deeply now and wanting them back and thinking how much more meaningful and fulfilling my life would be now had I been wiser before. I don’t want to be obsessive and stuck, which is how I feel, but I don’t want to stop loving them because even with all the painful regret, the love somehow feels better than indifference and the petty criticisms I had for them when I was dating them. I want to move on, stop the cycle of running from love, and be happy. Please help!


Dear O:

Thank you for doing such a wonderful job of explaining your situation. What you describe is a common pattern; in fact, I know a number of people personally who do the same sort of thing. I’m sure you’re familiar with the term self-sabotage and the idea that many people unconsciously sabotage their efforts to create what they want in their lives. As a hypnotherapist, I see this a bit differently. While it’s true that people may do things that don’t appear to make sense, there is always a good reason why people do the things they do.

For example, Joann came to me at more than 200 pounds, deeply frustrated and desperate to find a way to lose weight. She had been on countless diets in her 47 years and had lost tens of pounds over and over again. Every time she got down to a size 8, she would start putting weight back on and regain all she had lost and more. In this way, she crept from around 145 pounds to over 200 despite years of dieting.

When I took her into a deep trance and asked her to go back to a significant event in her weight struggle, she at first relayed some upsetting but relatively minor experiences such as being embarrassed of her body as an adolescent and an incident in which she couldn’t fit into the jeans she was trying to borrow from a friend. These were just the outer layers of the onion, however. Eventually when asked to go back to the next significant event, she began to cry and hyperventilate. As I walked her through what she was experiencing, it came out that she had been raped at the age of 22; it was after this that she began to put on weight in an effort to feel less attractive and thus safer. She had been a size 8 at the time of the rape, and every time she became a size 8 again, she would grow very uncomfortable and immediately try to remedy what her subconscious perceived to be a problem by gaining weight again.

When I brought her out of trance, it was clear that a light bulb had come on: She now understood that she hadn’t been sabotaging herself – she had been trying to protect herself. The problem wasn’t a lack of self-love; it was the unfounded belief that if she didn’t carry extra weight, she would be hurt again. Once we healed and released the past trauma and put some empowering new beliefs in place, she found it relatively easy to lose the weight and keep it off.

Perhaps you’ve already figured out what this has to do with you. In case you haven’t, I’ll offer you a case that is a closer match to what you’re going through. Sarah came to me with a problem similar to yours: she was in her late thirties and had never been married because she too always wanted what she couldn’t have. She only wanted men who were unavailable for some reason. A couple of times, she did develop crushes on men who eventually returned her interest, but once she could have them, she didn’t want them anymore.

Regression therapy uncovered a number of possible causes for this pattern, such as her father abandoning the family when she was small, which led her mother into a depression from which she never recovered. From this she developed the belief that it’s never safe to give your heart completely to another human being.

More powerful, however, was the past life she relived in which her parents wanted her to marry a man of means but she chose to marry a penniless youth for love. Though he was handsome and romantic when he was courting her, her husband turned out to be a mean drunk who beat her and the children they had together. They lived in miserable destitution because he was too drunk to earn a living and would spend the money she was able to bring in on alcohol. She would sometimes see the man she had chosen NOT to marry with his wife, looking happy and prosperous, and think to herself that she had made a terrible choice. She died young in childbirth, and as she was dying, she was very worried about what would become of her young children with just their alcoholic father to depend upon. As she was dying, she was filled with regret and thoughts of how just one bad decision can ruin your life.

As a result of this traumatic past life experience, she was incredibly indecisive in this life: every time she was faced with a decision, she would get anxious and second-guess herself. She was also forever thinking that the grass must be greener on the other side. Though she consciously believed that she wanted to fall in love and get married, on a subconscious level, she did not believe this was a wise or safe thing to do. This led her to constantly chase after men she could never actually catch, and to run away from those who chased her. Within two years of resolving this past trauma and the limiting beliefs underlying her lack of fulfillment in love, she was happily married to the man of her dreams.

To resolve your pattern, first you must stop beating yourself up about it. Assume that your subconscious mind is trying to help you and that your job is to get your conscious and subconscious minds working in harmony. Imagine that your goal is to move a dresser: if your conscious mind is pushing forward on one side and your subconscious mind is pushing forward on the other side, you’re going to end up very frustrated. Now imagine that you can bring your subconscious mind over to your side to push WITH you: suddenly, things start to move forward with surprising ease.

I know of no faster way to totally transform your life than to begin to consciously work with your subconscious mind and higher self. Since every person’s story is unique, I encourage you to seek hypnotherapy so you can uncover and resolve whatever may be keeping you from a truly fulfilling experience in love.

Finally, it’s normal to continue to love people we’ve loved in the past, but that doesn’t mean we’re meant to be with them in the future. I think you’re hung up on these old boyfriends because they are symbols of the sort of man and relationship you want. Instead of lamenting the ones who got away, I encourage you to focus on the future and open your heart to meeting someone new.

Soul Arcanum


Runes, Manifesting and Black Magick

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been using runes as a manifesting tool. They are considered universal creative energies in the form of symbols that can open the doors to the Quantum Ocean. The Quantum ocean is an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy that responds to our thoughts and the symbols. The symbols can be practiced to attain health, wealth, money and anything one desires. This used to be practiced by ancient Northern Europeans in the form of rituals. My questions to you arose when I started working with the symbols by vividly bringing runic energies into my system. I started doubting the authenticity of this practice and at the same time became worried that it may be some form of Black Magick. Can you help me?


Dear Deepa:

For those who are unfamiliar, runes are symbols that began as an early Nordic/German alphabet. There is evidence that these symbols were also used for divination and “magickal” purposes. In the case of magick, they were used as charms and amulets to offer protection, mark a curse, or represent a spell that was in the process of being worked. These days they are most commonly known as a form of divination similar to the I-Ching.

Magick is essentially the process of focusing mental and emotional energy in order to create what we want in the physical. Though we tend to think of witches, spells and rituals when we think of magick, manifesting is a form of magick and so is prayer. In fact, magick has been practiced in some form in all cultures throughout history. In ancient times, magickal rituals were performed for survival purposes such as ensuring a successful hunt or the end of a drought; today people us the law of attraction to align with success in business or find a soul mate. Regardless of what you call it or what you’re trying to create, the process is basically the same.

As for your concern about “black magick,” traditionally, the term black magick has been associated with evil while white magick has been associated with good. Though this is a matter of some confusion and controversy, since I’m limited on space here, we’ll work with these terms. Basically, black magick is the use of metaphysical energy in ways that may harm others, while white magick is the use of the same energy in ways that are helpful to all or at least harmful to none.

As with all power, the important thing is to use it wisely. Working magick is not itself evil anymore than building a structure is evil; using the same tools, you could build a house to shelter orphans or you could build a gas chamber in which to kill concentration camp prisoners. The ability to consciously create what we want is a divine gift we have all been given. Whether we use runes or simple visualization to imagine what we desire into being, we are working with our own divine creative power. To align with positive experience, the important thing to remember is that we get back what we send out into the Universe.

As long as you “harm none” and are ever ready to defer to a higher power and plan, you should be fine. When people are willing to do anything to get what they think they want, they do tend to get into trouble. Often we think we know what we have to have to be happy but we can’t see the bigger picture. If something is not in the best interests of all involved, we are foolish to push for it. Often we are like little kids who are sure we want to eat not just one or two brownies but the whole pan. The Universe puts the brownies up on top of the refrigerator to protect us from ourselves, but we drag a chair over and then put a crate on top of the chair and climb up after those brownies anyway. If we don’t break a leg trying to get what we think we have to have, we may actually get it and end up both miserable and confused about why getting what we wanted didn’t work out as we expected. When consciously working with the creative forces of the universe, we are wise to do what we can to create what we want, but at the same time, to pay attention to signs and intuitions and trust that whatever actually happens will somehow prove to be for the best.

There is an important aspect of this subject that most people fail to take into account: We are all working magick all the time whether we realize it or not. By this I mean that we are all constantly affecting the physical with our thoughts and feelings, for everything in the physical comes into being via the metaphysical. It is therefore actually wise and prudent to work magick in a conscious way instead of allowing our fears and desires to run wild. It’s like the Universe has given us all power tools that are constantly turned on; some people are wreaking havoc with them while others are creating masterpieces of great beauty.

As for which tools we use to create what we desire, we are free to choose. Just as you can use a variety of different tools to carve something beautiful out of wood, you can use a variety of tools to draw what you desire into the physical, for the tool is simply an extension of your own energy/intention. Runes are one option but there are endless others.

Each rune represents something like success, protection, love, etc. By focusing on the rune that represents what you desire, you focus your energy on the idea of what you want. It’s possible that the figures themselves hold special power, that so many people ascribing meaning and power to particular symbols over the centuries has infused them with those qualities. It’s also possible that the symbols carry the meanings we associate with them in the first place because they are archtypal. Personally, I feel the meaning mainly comes from within us. There are endless ways to use symbols, tools and other elements to work magick. Since these are all simply representations of the essence of something abstract, if we can focus on the essence instead of the symbol for it, the representation isn’t really needed.

I can think of all sorts of ways runes could be used as manifesting tools. Let’s say you were about to travel through a war torn country. You might choose raido for protection when traveling, create an amulet by carving raido into a wooden pendant, and then consecrate the amulet in a ritual. If a woman were trying to get pregnant, she might create an amulet with berkana carved on it, which represents fertility, growth, health and new beginnings. The possibilities are endless.

You could use runes for manifesting in all sorts of other ways too. You could carve the rune that represents what you desire into a piece of wood and burn it to send your intention out into the universe. You could carve it into a candle and light the candle while performing a ritual to manifest what you desire. You could hold an object carved with the rune and use it as a focal point during meditation or creative visualization exercises. You could carry it in your pocket so whenever you feel it, you’re reminded to focus on what you desire. Since it’s just a focal point for your energy, the power lies not in the details of what you actually do, but in how well the process helps you vibrationally align with what you desire.

Signs from Spirit During Bleak Times

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was born on December 7, 1963. For the past couple of months, every time I look at the time, it is always on the same digits: 8:08 or 23:23. Is this a message? I seem to have lost all my luck. I am now struggling financially and can’t even find a decent job. My family life is not at its best and my friends are few. I used to very vibrant and positive, a high achiever. I’m not sure what is happening and why everything is falling apart. It’s like there is a negative energy or environment where I am working. I’m deeply unhappy and have lost faith. I used to be charming and lovable with many friends. I did have a severe blow in 2006 when I lost a very good job. I currently manage properties like an estate agent for a company. I still do not own any property myself and I am worried about my family, for if anything were to happen to me, their future would be very insecure. I’m wondering why things are going so wrong and why I keep seeing these numbers. Thank you.


Dear Ronnie:

I can’t begin to tell you how many people write to me with similar experiences. I’ve had the same sort of experiences myself. Yes, this is a message for you: The Universe is trying to tell you to keep the faith, that everything is going to be okay.

First let’s address the difficult times you’ve been going through and why things are going so wrong. To me, it’s clear that when you suffered that severe blow in 2006, it sent you on a downward spiral from which you’ve yet to recover. This is the trickiest part about the law of attraction and creating what we want in our lives: To get from where we are to where we want to be, we have to plant the seeds of what we want on the inside instead of picking whatever we happen to find growing in our outer experience on that particular day. This means when something upsetting happens, we have to either find a way to view it in a positive light or focus on cultivating something else altogether.

In a book by Robert Moss, I recently read a description of how we create our own realities that struck me as particularly apt. He wrote that our imaginations are constantly projecting pictures out in front of us, and because we are forever moving forward through life, we are constantly walking into those pictures we have created.

For this reason, when times are good, they tend to stay good or get even better, for we are seeing what we want around us, feeling good, and projecting positive pictures. When things are bad, they tend stay bad or get worse because we are focused on things we don’t like, feeling bad, and worried about even more problems, so we are projecting negative pictures. This is why you enjoyed a long time as a positive, charming, happy person with lots of friends. Things were going well, so you were feeling good and focused on all the blessings in your life, which kept you in a high vibration and high level of experience.

When you suffered that so-called devastating blow, it pulled the vibrational rug right out from under you and sent you on a downward spiral. You might ask why, if you were in a positive state of mind to begin with, you managed to manifest that devastating blow. Sometimes when we’re sailing happily along through life, karmic storms sneak up seemingly out of nowhere. (These are rooted in karma from past lives.) Sometimes we’re destined to experience something regardless of how we’re vibrating in the moment. Sometimes we are gifted with difficult experiences so that we can learn something important or in order to test our ability to apply what we’ve already learned.

The important thing is what we do when these things happen. This is where spiritual growth comes in. If we trust that everything happens for a good reason and begin to look for the gifts in the experience, we can maintain a high vibration and a positive outlook and thus quickly recover from “devastating blows” to remain aligned with a happy, smooth, positive level of experience.

Which brings me to these signs you keep getting. Someone, somewhere, is trying to tell you that there is more to your situation than meets the eye. These messages are telling you that there is help available to you, that instead of getting mired down in the circumstances you find yourself in, you must look beyond your circumstances and reach for a higher perspective.

When people first begin to receive signs from Spirit, they often take the form you describe: they begin to notice repeating numbers on clocks or in other places. There is a special feeling that goes along with these signs. It is subtle, but if you pay attention or vividly recall these experiences in the past, you will notice that it actually FEELS like something or someone is trying to get your attention. Small as they may be, these events feel meaningful somehow. You might contrast them with how it feels when you notice a custom license plate while driving down the road. Whether it’s immediately clear to you or not, you realize that this custom plate has a meaning, but it doesn’t have a meaning that is personal to you. When you are actually receiving a sign, you recognize that it not only has meaning, it has meaning for you personally. You may not know what that meaning is, but you do sense that something is tugging at you to pay attention.

At this point, the most powerful thing you can do is study the law of attraction to learn how to turn that downward spiral around and begin to consciously create what you want in your life. Since you’ve been in a negative pattern for a number of years now, it will take a lot of conscious effort to change your inner habits, but it will definitely be worth it.

As you begin to focus on what you want to create in your life, you might start with manifesting more signs from Spirit. You can make these more meaningful and specific to you. For example, let’s say you decide to manifest a new and better job. Vividly visualize what you are desiring, and as you do this, imagine how it will feel to have what you want. At the same time, ask Spirit for signs regarding how to go about finding or creating the perfect job for you. You can even specify the form these signs may take. The more personal it is to you, the more undeniable it will be when those signs do come your way.

For example, let’s say that red bows are meaningful to you for some reason. If you ask for Spirit to wrap up what you’re looking for in a red bow, and then you vividly imagine what you want coming to you wrapped in a red bow, signs will begin to come to you in this way. You may see a sign with a red bow on it when thinking about applying for a particular job, or you may meet a woman wearing a red bow pin and have the impulse to talk to her about your job search. You may see a job advertisement with a red bow on it or notice a package through a window that is tied with a red bow and then notice a help wanted sign on the window. The important thing is to watch for the signs you’ve asked for and recognize them as meaningful. When you get a sign, stop and listen within for intuitive direction, and act on any ideas or impulses that come to you.

Spirit is talking to you, my friend. Answer by asking for what you need, praying for help with turning your life around, and making good use of your power to manifest signs, messages, and divine help with creating all you want and need.

Soul Arcanum

The Law of Allowing

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been studying the law of attraction for about five years, and have manifested a number of great things so far. Part of this process has included working with a life coach who has taught me to focus on what I want in my life, pour lots of positive emotion into my visualization efforts, wish for what I desire with all my heart, but then surrender whatever happens to a higher plan and power. This is the part I’m struggling with: if we can create what we want in our lives, why do we have to surrender to a higher plan? My teacher tells me that the more I strain for control, the less control I actually have. Can you explain this? Also, do you think we can decide what we will create in our lives even if it goes against some pre-established higher plan?


Dear Bob:

I chose your question because this is something I’ve struggled with myself. We hear a lot about the law of attraction, but not so much about another law that is just as essential to the process of manifesting: the law of allowing. In my experience, most people are much better at working with one of these laws than the other.

People who are better at working with the law of attraction tend to be successful and good at manifesting what they want, but they also tend to experience lots of stress and frustration. These sorts of people are better at getting what they think they want than being happy with what they have. People who are better at working with the law of allowing tend to be easygoing, relaxed types who struggle to make ends meet and often feel sorry for themselves because life just seems unfair. They are better at being happy with what they have than they are at creating what they want and need in life.

Of course, these are gross generalizations: each individual is a unique mixture of all sorts of traits and qualities, and there are many well-balanced people in the world who draw the best from both camps. This is the goal, by the way: to get good at working with both laws so that we can create what we want in our lives and be happy and at peace at the same time. Instead of a warrior or a dreamer, we want to be like a Tai Chi master: both a powerful force to be reckoned with AND able to flow with the other forces around us instead of fighting against them.

As I mentioned, your question is something I’ve struggled with myself. In fact, this issue of control recently reared up again. Before falling asleep one night, I was pondering just how much control we actually have over our course of experience, and I thought to pray to Spirit to send me an illuminating dream. I had a number of dreams that night, but there was part of one dream that felt powerful and stayed with me when I awoke:

In the dream, I am plowing a field with a donkey, and am strapped to the donkey with an old-fashioned leather yoke. I am aware that this is the first time I have done this sort of plowing, and there is an invisible force guiding me, telling me what to do and how to go about the whole process. When I get to the end of the first row and try to bring the donkey around to go back the other way, the donkey angrily whips around on me and knocks me backwards. This scares the heck out of me, but it doesn’t kill or seriously injure me. (I remember thinking with great surprise that I was neither killed nor injured.) I then feel that invisible force guiding me to regain control of the donkey and set it moving back on course again.

When I woke up, I knew that this dream was in answer to my prayer. I see it as a message about how much control we have over our course of experience and how we go about working with the creative forces of the Universe. As I meditated on this, a long message from Spirit came through about how creating what we want in our lives is very much like working with nature to cultivate various crops.

Here is some of what was relayed to me:

  • We aren’t the only force influencing what happens in our lives. We can harness the creative forces of the Universe to create what we desire, but since we are dealing with wild forces, sometimes this is easier said than done. If we don’t completely know what we’re doing (and who ever does?), we may sometimes experience some backlash. The bigger the goal or dream – the bigger the “donkey” and the field – the trickier things tend to get.
  • We can choose what we are going to cultivate as well as how we will go about it. We choose how much time and effort we put in and how much we study nature and how to go about growing lush crops, but there will always be factors that remain beyond our control.
  • The weather/climate we are working in will always play a big factor in our results. Even if we cultivate very carefully, sometimes forces beyond our control can destroy what we’ve been working on. Of course, those same forces can also prove ideal and make our crops grow especially lush. Though we are forever looking for ways to control our results or at least understand why some things happen at some times and other thing happen at other times, there is much that remains beyond our scope and understanding. This is the realm of so-called bad luck and good fortune.

Many people have a hard time working with both/and thinking as opposed to either/or thinking. The less rigid and limited we are in our outlook, the more we can understand and work with laws of the Universe. For example, most people think they must choose between believing that we either have control over what happens in our lives OR we don’t have control and must surrender to “God’s will” or chance. I’m suggesting that we both have control over what happens in our lives AND must surrender to a higher plan.

This is the way of the farmer who does his best to grow what he wants and needs in his life. He gets up early, harnesses his donkey, heads out to the fields and does his very best to cultivate what he wants. He reads the Farmer’s Almanac, studies the ways of nature, and allows both his learned knowledge and his instincts to tell him when the time is right for planting, watering, weeding and reaping. He prays to higher forces to bless and guide him in all of this, and he listens within for that guidance. Ultimately, however, he knows that much remains beyond his control. He feels that he is a part of the nature he is working with, and this makes him feel safe: he is at home in this world, for the very forces that hold so much power over what happens in his life are the source of his own creation. He therefore wisely surrenders ultimate outcomes with faith that no matter what happens, everything will be fine.

I believe this is a wise and powerful approach, for it allows us to both cultivate what we want in our lives while at the same time feeling a sense of peace with the way things are. Ironically, letting go of outcomes actually makes us more powerful cultivators of what we want in our lives, for when we can relax and feel good without straining for control, we are able to maintain a high vibration. This is like being calm and assured when yoked to that donkey. If we approach the donkey feeling stress, strain, anxiety or frustration, the donkey will sense it and may rear back on us and make things very difficult. If, however, we are calm and assured, we remain masters of the situation and are able to steer toward where we want to go and align with a smooth journey to fulfillment.

Soul Arcanum

Why Isn’t the Past as Malleable as the Future?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been struggling with the idea that all time exists simultaneously. If this is the case, why doesn’t it feel like that? It feels to me like the past is known while the future is unknown. If all time exists right now, then shouldn’t the past be as malleable as the future?


Dear Rob:

I like that you’re questioning abstract theories in light of your own personal experience. We can hypothesize all day long, but until we have direct personal experience of something, we can’t know whether it is “true” or not. The whole notion of time boggles my mind, too. Since I’m no physicist, all I can do is pass on metaphors from Spirit and relay my own experiences with transcending space/time in order to access psychic information.

Given some reflection, I think everyone will agree that our own personal experience of time isn’t constant. Our state of consciousness has a dramatic effect on our perception of time. When an artist is in the flow, the hours fly by, but when that same person is being paid by the hour to do something boring, time seems to move at a snail’s pace. During meditation, if we’re trying unsuccessfully to let go of conscious awareness, time will seem to drag, but if we’re able to get beyond normal waking consciousness, we can be “gone” for long stretches without any conscious awareness of time passing. Of course, the most striking passage of time without awareness happens when we are asleep. One minute we’re dozing off, and the next, we’re waking up a day later with either no recollection of the hours that passed in between or vague, fleeting memories of the dream adventures we had throughout the night.

My point is that our experience of time is variable and depends on our own state of consciousness. Our conscious minds are rooted in the physical dimension, so they perceive time in physical terms. The more we are consciously focused on the physical world, the more our experience of time tends to match what can be seen on a clock. Our subconscious minds and higher selves aren’t rooted in this realm, so the more we’re focused beyond the physical, the more flexible and fluid our experience of time will be.

In my own psychic experiences, beyond the physical realm, time seems more like a where than a when, for I can focus on a time and mentally go “visit” it. Psychics do this when they “tune in” to see what’s going to happen in the future. Psychically, time and place feel very similar, for when I transcend space to connect with someone’s energy, it feels much the same as when I transcend time to see what the future holds.

This is one reason why psychically pinpointing the exact timing of events can be tricky, for the source of that information exists outside of physical time. While spirit guides can offer lots of helpful general advice and information about specific events, dates and times seem to be beyond them. For example, I may be able to see a client in a wedding dress and deduce that she will get married, but to try to determine WHEN this will happen, I have to employ tricks like peeking outside for weather-related clues or going in search of a nearby calendar in hopes of seeing a date.

You’ve asked why, if all time exists simultaneously, it seems like what has happened in the past is already done and settled while what will happen in the future is far more open to being influenced. It’s my understanding that both are true: all time is happening now, AND the future is more malleable than the past.

When I ask Spirit about this, I’m given a metaphor. Imagine that everything – past, present and future – is made of cement. In the present moment, cement is constantly flowing from a huge cement mixer. The past is the cement that has already hardened into all sorts of shapes, the present is the cement as it is flowing, and the future is the space into which the cement will flow and take form. As it all exists right now BEYOND the physical plane, we can mentally (metaphysically) tune in and focus on any aspect of it. On a physical level, however, we can’t leave the cement mixer unattended, so we only experience what is happening right “now.”

Destiny might be thought of as the molds the cement is flowing toward – existing shapes in the path of the cement that it will conform to. By studying that landscape and the flow of this cement, we can sometimes predict the shapes it will take. The closer we are to where the cement will harden, the more we can predict what the future will look like.

If we take action to influence the flow, we can affect which way it goes. To manifest what we want in the future, we can mentally create the molds the cement will flow into. As we focus on various desires and ideas with emotion, they start to take shape on this landscape ahead of us. When these metaphysical molds are strong and clear, the cement conforms to them. When they are weak or unclear because we’ve not given them enough focused energy or because they’ve been countered by conflicting metaphysical influences, the cement will flow right over them or take a shape that isn’t exactly what we were hoping for.

There are lots of forces that influence the flow of this cement. Two big ones are destiny (the molds we established before we were born) and the desires/wills of other people. Everyone incarnate on planet Earth is sharing the same cement landscape. We each have our own little patch of it in the form of our own lives, but just as we frequently leave our homes to go various places, we often cross over into each others’ metaphysical territory and leave our footprints in their setting cement. We are constantly influencing others and being influenced by them.

Since we all share a lot of beliefs, expectations and experiences, we collectively tend to focus on the same things. For example, if there is much on the news about war, many people will visualize various aspects of war and thus reinforce those molds for the future. Similarly, many people praying for and visualizing peace can have an impact on how things unfold.

It helps me to conceptualize time as space like this. In my mind, what has already happened is to the left. This landscape is already “set” in that it has already hardened into certain shapes. As I move through life, the present is constantly flowing with me and determining moment by moment the shape of my personal experience. To the right, the future is a vast space that is empty of physical objects but full of metaphysical forms or potentials. By mentally walking back to the left, I can mentally relive what happened through memories and explore visions of past lives and such. By mentally looking toward the future, I can glimpse the molds that will influence how things will take shape. If I don’t like what I see there, I can take physical actions to influence the flow and mentally create new molds by visualizing what I desire instead.

Soul Arcanum

Can You Conquer Addictions with the Law of Attraction?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Is it possible to use the law of attraction to manifest sobriety and the wisdom to eat only what one needs instead of overindulging? I’m stuck in a vicious cycle wherein I overindulge, which brings my energy way down and makes it hard to manifest what I want in my life, which just leads me to overindulge some more.


Dear Patty:

Addictions and “overindulging<” arise from misguided attempts to feel better. There is a deeper hunger driving this behavior, but because you’re not addressing that deeper need, no amount of other stuff will make you feel satisfied. Since you’re not conscious of what’s really going on, you gobble up more and more of what you don’t need because it brings you quick but temporary relief. This is like endlessly watering a plant that needs more sun; the plant won’t thrive and will probably begin to languish because even though you’re giving it a lot of attention, it’s not getting the light it needs.

Let’s say that to get more sun, the plant would have to be carefully transplanted to a nice sunny spot on the other side of your property. If you move the plant, you can move on to all sorts of other wonderful endeavors because you won’t have to endlessly deal with that problem anymore. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to move the plant, of course. There are all sorts of reasons you may avoid doing whatever has to be done to fully take care of the situation.

You may not consciously realize what is needed. It may be that you’ve never transplanted a plant before and are afraid that you’ll mess things up and kill it. You may assume it will take too long and be a very messy chore and you just don’t want to deal with all of that right now. If there is a watering can nearby, it may seem so much easier to just give it a little more water in hopes that this remedy will do the trick.

Like plants that need more sun, people who develop addictions have needs that aren’t being acknowledged or addressed. By way of just one example, many people who have anxiety issues self-medicate with various substances. They may not consciously realize why they feel compelled to self-medicate. They may be afraid that digging in to those bigger issues will be overwhelming or painful. They may not know how to address those deeper needs, or feel like they just don’t have the time and energy to deal with those problems right now. They just want to feel better fast, and they’ve learned from experience that “over-indulging” is a quick and easy way to get a lift – at least for a little while.

The more a person uses a certain coping technique, the more it becomes an engrained habit. At the same time, because they aren’t dealing with their issues, life tends to grow more challenging and overwhelming. This is why addictions to food, alcohol and drugs become more and more difficult to break until a person hits “rock bottom” and their desire for change grows stronger than their desire to avoid unpleasant or difficult emotional issues.

To break free of addiction, it’s essential to start facing whatever you’ve been trying to avoid. This is where spiritual growth and healing come in. For example, seeing a hypnotherapist can help you become conscious of the issues underlying destructive behavior, find healing, and develop healthier habits. From traditional counseling to hypnotherapy to meditation, there are many ways to face the issues underlying addictive or compulsive behaviors. To become free, the important thing is to make a decision to do whatever you have to do to fully resolve the real issues.

We can’t create what we want in our lives without resolving inner conflicts and issues, for most of what we manifest arises from a subconscious level. This means we must consciously face and work through whatever issues may be underlying addictive behaviors to gain the power to use the law of attraction. For this reason, the more we devote ourselves to spiritual growth and personal improvement, the more powerful we grow as conscious creators of our own realities.

To use the law of attraction to quit drinking, lose weight, or achieve any other goal, you have to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. With this in mind, it’s wise to let go of thoughts like I want to QUIT drinking or I want to STOP overeating. Instead, focus on who you do want to be and what you do want to create in your life.

It’s also wise to lighten up. I know addiction is a serious matter, but if we beat ourselves up about what we’ve done in the past, we’ll beat our vibration down. If we view a goal as being very hard to attain, we’ll just make it harder. This is why making peace with potentially not achieving a certain goal often empowers us to achieve it. By letting go of fear that we’ll fail and embodying the truth that “all is well,” we empower ourselves to gracefully flow toward where we want to go.

We “overindulge” because we want to feel better. When we alter our brain chemistry through things like drugs, alcohol, sugar, shopping, etc., our vibration rises and we get “high.” If we don’t know constructive ways to achieve a higher vibration, we become dependent on such practices for an immediate but temporary boost. Instead of viewing yourself as addicted to a particular habit or substance, it may be helpful to recognize that what you are really addicted to is feeling better, and that wanting to feel better is perfectly natural. It would also be wise to study more constructive ways to boost your vibration when you need a lift.

Be gentle with your body and patient with your heart. Make sure your goals are coming from a purely positive place of self-love. If you hate yourself for your past decisions, you’ll have a hard time manifesting positive change. Instead, approach your goals loving yourself, wanting to feel better, seeing yourself as capable of creating what you want and happily visualizing yourself as you want to be.

It’s also important to remember that since most of what we manifest arises from a subconscious level, how we see ourselves is very powerful. If we view ourselves as overweight alcoholics, we’ll tend to be overweight alcoholics. We have to come to see ourselves as we desire to be in order to become that person. This new image of ourselves must become brighter, more vivid and more alive than any old images we had of ourselves, which requires vigilant inner work. For a while, every time a situation comes up in which you would have overindulged in the past, you’ll have to override the thoughts, impulses and images that come up with the new way you want to be and behave. This may take a lot of will power and mental diligence at first, but the more you do it, the more it will become a habit. Eventually, those new images will become how you naturally see yourself and who you actually are.

Ask yourself what unmet needs are driving these undesired behaviors and find new ways to feel better. Get very clear about what achieving freedom from addiction means to you. Visualize yourself healthy, attractive, competent, empowered and free. Don’t fixate on undesired behaviors; the important thing is to vibrationally align with how you want to be and feel, and keep this vision vibrantly alive in your heart and mind.

– Soul Arcanum

When a Psychic Squashes Your Dreams

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My mother got an email reading done by a psychic, and she was able to ask three questions. Mom’s final question was if my new natural soap and skincare business would be a success. The psychic responded, “As it’s being planned at the moment, it doesn’t seem to be the biggest success, but if she could either sell the idea/ brand to a bigger company or work as part of a bigger brand, she’ll achieve happiness in her profession.” I emailed her regarding why I would have to do that when it’s not what I want to do, and her response was “I just gave you the answer I got – that’s how it works. It’s not my opinion.” This whole experience makes me think that readings can do more harm than good. It’s like psychics are playing God with your life and deciding your future. How can I discard the bad feelings I have from this reading? I’m using the LOA and creative visualization, and so far things are going great. I refuse to let this psychic tell me my efforts are all in vain.


Dear Paulette:

I’m not crazy about the term soul contract; it could be misleading by causing some of us to feel like our loved ones somehow owe us something, and if they don’t do what we think they should do, then somehow they are failing us or reneging on some cosmic deal. When we talk about working on karma, we are wise to always focus on what we can do to make things right with others, not what we think they need to do to make things right with us.

Many people assume that finding a soul mate is the answer to their lifelong prayers for love, but this is often far from the truth. Soul mate relationships tend to be intense, passionate and often volatile because they are ripe with learning and growth opportunities. Further, many people view divorce or the end of long-term love affairs as the failure of those relationships, but in truth, those endings always propel us forward into new lessons and experiences, so they facilitate new growth and the potential for greater love.

I would keep an open mind about the deeper nature of your relationship, for no one can say for sure what the higher plan for you all may be. Even if your assumptions are valid, then the three of you all have strong soul connections to each other. It may be that your man has chosen to fulfill the contract he has with this younger woman and to tackle the lessons involved in that relationship instead of focusing on the lessons that your relationship may have to offer.

This brings us to the wisdom of remembering that we all have free will. Life puts before us an endless smorgasbord of learning paths and potentials, and we get to choose moment by moment what we will savor next. It’s entirely possible that your man is following his heart and in line with fulfilling his destiny, and is therefore not really avoiding anything. When we assume that we are right and others are wrong about deeper truths such as the soul nature of a relationship, we are almost always stuck in ego.

It’s also possible that you are caught up in a vow from a past life that is no longer valid or beneficial. When we make sacred vows, they can follow us from lifetime to lifetime until we consciously withdraw them and tell all levels of our being that we are free to move on. When we are caught up in an old vow, we often experience just what you describe: a tumultuous roller coaster of passion and conflict, union and separation, followed by reunion and another round of drama.

It’s clear to me that you have lessons to learn from the situation exactly as it is, and that it would be wise to smile upon all that happens with trust in a higher plan. It may be, for example, that your soul agreement was to come together in just the manner you describe: to return together lifetime after lifetime and feel that sense of connection, only to have him be pulled away or choose another path, and for you to learn to make peace with his decision and not having things go the way you think they should go.

Not even the greatest psychic can say for sure exactly what has been happening throughout your lifetimes together, and more importantly, WHY. One thing I do know is that any perspective that blames one party in a situation as wrong and the other as somehow unfairly victimized is very limited and distorted. On a soul level, you are agreeing to go through all of this too, so there must be a good reason for it. Given your inner conflict and turmoil about it all, it clearly holds powerful lessons for you personally.

All of this being said, I do understand how you feel. I had a similar experience with a woman I remembered having a very deep and troubled past life history with. I wanted us to do everything we could to make peace with each other and cultivate new love so that the next time we meet, we would have lots of good karma going in instead of repeating the same old patterns. She, however, demonstrated no interest whatsoever in working on our karma together. It became clear to me that I was far more troubled about the state of our relationship than she was, and perhaps there was great wisdom in simply letting it all go. Certainly it made no sense to insist on dancing with someone who clearly didn’t want to dance with me. To my great surprise, I eventually realized that I had learned and grown more from her refusal to “love me” as I wanted to be loved than I would have from working on the relationship with her.

What did I learn? I learned that I can’t always bend my spiritual path in the direction I think it should go. I learned to surrender with trust that everything happens for a good reason. I learned that I don’t need anyone else to do anything in particular for me to feel better – that I can reach for a high vibration and cultivate love and joy in my heart all on my own. I learned to trust even more in the law of attraction, and to keep in mind that when relationships go against nature or a higher plan, it’s like swimming upstream to try to keep them together. Perhaps most of all I learned that I don’t have to get a certain person’s love or approval to be happy and to love and approve of myself.

This is a really huge lesson to learn, for we all hunger for love, and we also tend to value the love of people who are hard to win over more than the love of the people who already adore us. We can thus spend lifetime after lifetime seeking the love of one particular individual obsessively, when deep down, what we really hunger for us a sense of wholeness and well-being in and of ourselves. All these relationships, soul agreements, soul contracts, karmic entanglements and the like are just dramas through which we work out the love within us and between us and the Divine, which means we can get what we need through an endless number of experiences. We don’t need any particular individual to soar free and clear of old issues, wounds and hang-ups, for everything is ultimately about us and our own journey to Divine Grace.

I recommend you let go of making this guy so special in your mind and heart, and begin to look at all of this in a more general, symbolic way. What does this man symbolize for you? What are the lessons and issues you’ve been working out through this relationship? If you focus on those deeper personal issues, you can set yourself free of this drama and move on to new lessons and more fulfilling connections. Your own heart and soul determine the quality of your experiences far more than your history does; if you are at peace and full of love, you can soar free of old patterns to cultivate much higher levels of experience.

– Soul Arcanum

The Law of Attraction and Conflicting Desires

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Let’s say you want to use the law of attraction to develop a new career but you have gotten very comfortable living the status quo, which is extremely easy and makes you feel safe and protected. Would it be hard to attract a high paying, powerful position that requires bold assertion, the ability to function under lots of stress, multi-tasking and lots of challenges? The two just don’t seem to blend well. Would it be impossible to attain a powerful corporate position if you also want peace and tranquility?


Dear C.:

What you’re basically asking is what happens metaphysically when we have conflicting desires. It sounds like on one hand, you’d like all the things you believe would come with a powerful position, but on the other hand, you don’t want to give up the sense of peace and security you’ve manifested already. This is the same basic issue that people struggle with when they want a fulfilling relationship but don’t want to give up their freedom and independence, or when they want to lose weight and get in shape but they don’t want to give up chocolate or exercise regularly.

When we find ourselves stuck in conflicting desires, perhaps the most powerful thing we can do is to examine our beliefs and assumptions. For example, you have assumed that having a high-paying, powerful position means that you will have to deal with lots of stress. That is not necessarily true, since we determine our own stress level by how we interpret and respond to our experiences. You also assume that you would have to be good at multi-tasking, but this isn’t necessarily true either; perhaps you could just hire great people and then delegate to them.

Similarly, someone who both wants a big love affair and yet fears the loss of their freedom and independence has limiting beliefs and assumptions at work, for there are endless ways to get what we want. Perhaps the answer for this person is a long distance relationship in which they see their partner for long weekends every few weeks or so. Our friend who wants to lose weight but doesn’t want to give up chocolate is also assuming that it’s impossible to both eat chocolate and lose weight, which isn’t necessarily true either.

So when you’re caught up in conflicting desires, stop and ask yourself what limiting beliefs or assumptions are causing you to feel conflicted. Then step back and expand your view by asking what if questions, such as, What if I could have all that I want? For example, what if you could have a powerful, high-paying position that also brought you peace and plenty of relaxation? You don’t have to figure out the details; your job at this point is to expand your belief about what is possible and open up to more of the infinite possibilities available to you.

The other thing to consider is the role of fear in all of this, which we find in your desire for comfort and “security.” It’s fine to crave peace, comfort and relaxation, but the desire for a sense of security raises some red flags. A desire for so-called security is almost always rooted in fear that if you leave what has been established, you may regret it for some reason, or if you embrace a higher level of experience in some way, you may not be able to handle everything that comes with it.

Balancing desire and fear is like a tug of war. If you have any true desire and no fear about not getting what you want, it’s easy to manifest whatever you imagine. It’s good to start working with the law of attraction by focusing on manifesting things that sound easy and delightful, for then we can manifest what we want quickly. The more we do this, the more faith we build in our power to manifest bigger things.

When we have very strong desire for something, we tend to have strong fear that we won’t get it. This is like having two big, brawny guys on each end of a tug of war. Which will win – desire or fear? Since they’re well matched, nothing will seem to move until one of them grows stronger than the other for some reason.

You can stoke up your desire by visualizing what you want and vividly imagining how it will feel to get it; this is like feeding your strong man of desire steroids. Conversely, you can work on relaxing into faith that no matter what happens, you’ll be fine and happy, which is like giving the strong man of fear a tranquilizer. Either will lead to greater power on the desire end and thus movement toward fulfillment. Dramatic changes metaphysically lead to dramatic changes physically, so working on both ends with focus and devotion tends to yield seemingly magical results.

Of course, it is essential to get clear about what it is that you really want as opposed to what you think you want. Often we get caught up in some specific idea about what want simply because other people seem to want the same thing so much that we assume it must be a great thing to have. We are constantly being influenced by other people, the mass media, the cultures we live in, etc. The more this influence occurs on a subconscious level, the more we may pursue certain things under the assumption that they are what we really want, when in truth, they are simply symbols representing something else. When we react to the world around us instead of acting from the truth in our hearts, we can end up a long way down the wrong road before we realize that we’re not as happy as we expected to be. We can also end up very confused and conflicted as our egos latch onto what we think we want while our higher selves tug at us to stop and listen to our hearts so we can figure out what will truly bring us fulfillment.

If you’re not sure what you want, it’s very helpful to get LESS specific instead of more. If you think you want a <q>powerful, high paying career,</q> why do you want it? What about that idea appeals to you? Do you crave more excitement? Are you bored and longing for a new challenge? Do you really want prestige, or do you just like the idea of wearing expensive, beautiful clothing each day? Maybe you know someone who has a house in the Hamptons who has a powerful, high paying career, and what you really want is not the career but the feelings you associate with having a house in the Hamptons. Maybe you feel a need to prove yourself capable of big success, and what you’re really after is validation of your intelligence and competency, which is ultimately a desire to feel better about yourself. Whatever feeling is behind the idea of what you think you want is what you REALLY want, and usually, there are endless ways to get it without compromising your other needs. In fact, the deeper we go in determining what it is we really want, the simpler and easier it becomes to get it.

Hypnotherapy and guided meditation can be very helpful, powerful tools for both determining what we really want and programming our subconscious minds to align with the manifestation of fulfillment. When we get congruent on all levels, we can manifest with speed and power. To be congruent means that our thoughts and plans are in harmony with our deeper nature and the truth in our hearts, and our actions are also in harmony with our conscious intentions. When we are congruent, it’s like all of our strength and power is on one side of that tug of war, which means we are free to race toward the manifestation of our desire.

– Soul Arcanum

Can Good Luck Be Stolen?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:
I was together with my ex for about three years, and we only recently broken up. He is a quiet, moody type, and carries a deep belief that he is unlucky. To my surprise, quite a few times I saw that he was. I have always thought of myself as a very lucky person, but I began to feel I was being deprived of my energy and my luck. I was starting to fail at things and feel depressed while good stuff started happening in his life. As soon as we broke up, I returned to being the luckiest person ever; one extraordinary good thing after another began happening to me. I don’t really know what is happening – I am just grateful for it. I would like to know if good luck is a type of energy that can be transmitted or transferred. If so, will the next guy I go out with try to take my good luck too?


Dear Elizabeth:

Every society throughout history and around the world has had cultural beliefs about luck as well as practices designed to influence one’s own luck and the luck of other people, such as prayers, sacrifices, rituals and curses. For the sake of this article, let’s call good luck the tendency for things to go in such a way that one seems to benefit, and bad luck the tendency for things to apparently go awry. (I’m defining these because often when we label an event bad or good luck, we are simply unable to see the big picture and how everything ultimately happens for a good reason.)

Regarding whether or not a person can steal another person’s luck, there are a couple of key factors to take into consideration. The first is that the quality of our relationships affects our vibration, and our vibration determines the quality of our experiences across the board. So if we are in happy, healthy, harmonious relationships that bring us joy, we will tend to have a high vibration and enjoy better fortune in every area of our lives.

Further, the higher our vibration, the keener our intuition, and intuition is perhaps the most powerful tool at our disposable for aligning with what we want. If we are ignoring our intuition for some reason (perhaps in order to stay in an unhealthy or mismatched relationship – which is something people do all the time), then it’s easy to see how being in the wrong relationship could lead us to apparently grow more unlucky, for in silencing our intuition about the relationship, we more or less disconnect from our inner voice altogether.

This is more common and powerful a factor than it may appear at first glance: if we block our intuition because we don’t like what it’s telling us about one thing, we set ourselves up for all sorts of problems. Thus people who stay in the wrong relationship can start to experience apparent bad luck across the board. Once they begin to honor the truth in their hearts again, they can hear their intuition guiding them toward wiser choices, greater opportunities and the answers to their prayers.

Of course, if we believe ourselves to be lucky, we will tend to be lucky for all sorts of different reasons. The first is that we create our own realities, so what we expect to happen tends to happen. Beyond metaphysics, however, there are practical reasons why believing that we are lucky tends to prove true. When we believe we are lucky, we believe that we can succeed, which leads us to go for what we want and make things happen. Also, when we believe we are lucky, we tend to be upbeat and positive, which naturally attracts other people to us, and with them come support and opportunities. Similarly, believing that you are unlucky will make you like Eeyore: people will begin to avoid you and that gloomy cloud you’re carrying over your head. (This is actually what the aura of a pessimist looks like to a clairvoyant – it’s full of grey clouds!) So the fact that beliefs tend to be self-fulfilling explains why your ex believed himself unlucky and manifested evidence of that, while you had much better luck given your positive expectations.

When we mix people together in intimate relationships, nothing remains simple for long, however. Buttons are constantly being pushed, issues ignited, and dynamics endlessly shifting. How relationships affect our quality of experience largely depends on how conscious we can remain in terms of setting our own tone/vibration while all of this is going on. The more conscious we are, the less outside forces will tend to influence us.

Many years ago, I was walking through a large department store with my husband, who was carrying my infant daughter. In order to keep her happy, he was bouncing up and down as he went down each aisle. I was walking behind them when I passed a mirror and suddenly noticed that I was bouncing too. I was anxious for her to remain happy while we shopped, and was so keyed into this that I entrained to what they were doing without consciously choosing to do so. So though I wasn’t carrying a baby, I was bouncing with every step!

We all do this “unconscious bouncing” to greater or lesser extents all the time. Even when we’re not personally “carrying a baby” – when we have no personal reason to entrain to other people’s vibrations – if we’re not paying conscious attention and setting our own tone, we can easily end up on their wavelength.

This is epecially true when others are emitting a strong frequency or when we care a great deal and empathize with them; we tend to entrain to their vibration while at the same time giving them some of our energy. While this may make them feel better, it tends to have the opposite affect on us. In balanced relationships, there is balanced give and take in terms of energy, but balanced relationships are hard to come by. Normally, there is some disparity that leads one partner to do most of the energetic giving. While relationships may start out balanced, it also happens that people grow apart in vibration over time.

When one person’s vibration is much higher the other’s, that imbalance tends to lead to problems. The high vibe person will get caught up in their partner’s lower vibration and give them energy, while the low vibe person will get a vibrational and energetic boost from the positive person, and eventually, they can end up switching places. This could explain why you started to feel worse with your ex – at least until you broke away from him.

It is exhausting to consciously align with what we want all the time, so we are wise to surround ourselves with people who feel good to us and have a high vibration. It’s further helpful if these people have openly positive attitudes: if they focus on the bright side and demonstrate empowering beliefs, for this makes maintaining a high vibration so much easier.

Karma can also play a role here, of course, and is often to blame when things just don’t make sense on the surface. The emotional energies, issues, vows and lessons we carry forward from past lives can certainly influence how lucky we seem to be, and past life exploration is often helpful in understanding the confusing patterns of experience we get caught up in.

So when one thing after another goes wrong, we may wonder what we’ve done to deserve it, but in all likelihood, it’s what we haven’t done that is the problem. Since our relationships can and do affect the quality of our “luck,” we are wise to choose them carefully and to consciously set our own tone.

Soul Arcanum


Manifesting Your Dream Career

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m 30 and want to discover the deeper purpose for my life. I want to do what I’m passionate about for a living, and believe we should reflect our true selves in every move we make each day. For the moment, my job can’t cover the expenses of having a place on my own. On the other hand I follow the non-effort pattern. I know we sometimes make choices that don’t serve our evolution. I know that if we commit to following our life purpose, Source gives us all the support we need and things flow smoothly, where if we struggle and say I want to do this or that, we have to fight for it. I guess I would like to hear your story. How did you start doing what you are doing? How have you happily merged your dreams with your vocation?

Dear Andreea:

Your question took me back some 20 years to when I was in a similar place in my own life. First I’ll share my journey, then I’ll share the things I’ve learned that may help you fulfill your own dreams.

I had always wanted to be a writer and had chosen to study journalism in college. When I was 20, I experienced a spontaneous psychic awakening while pregnant with my first child. For some time I was a stay-at-home mom. During those years, I was intensely caught up in a spiritual awakening; I was exploring lots of different spiritual practices, taking various classes and constantly reading about spiritual subjects.

It was around this time that I began to have lots of spontaneous spirit communication. This would just happen when someone was talking to me with love about someone who had died; it wasn’t something I could control. When it did happen, I was very moved by how powerful and healing it was to relay messages from to the grieving from their departed loved ones.

One day I was pondering why I had this ability and what I was supposed to do with it. I had always longed to do something fun such as writing screenplays, but as my life had taken a decidedly spiritual turn, I wondered if I was being led to some path in particular.

At that moment, I had a life-changing spiritual experience. It doesn’t sound all that dramatic here, but trust me, it was! As I was pondering all of this, I suddenly felt this immense presence and heard a voice speak to me in my mind. It asked me a question: If you could do either one – if you could succeed in writing screenplays or you could work as a medium and truly help the grieving, which would you choose?

I intuited that this was more than a hypothetical question – that I was at that time being asked to choose between something of a high road and a low road. Without hesitation, I chose the spiritual path, but I did mentally express my concern that I was unable to control my mediumship abilities.

Within two weeks of answering this calling, three different people had mentioned the <i>School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy</i> in Lily Dale, New York, to me. I took this as a sign that this was something I needed to check out. I visited Lily Dale a few months later, and knew immediately that I would attend this school and that it would be prove to be the missing piece of the puzzle I was looking for. All of this came to fruition.

During the years I was attending the school, my marriage began to unravel, for I was growing and changing by leaps and bounds. I could see the end was near, and for the first time ever, I had to figure out what I would do to earn a living. I found a great apartment practically next door to my best friend’s place and wanted to move there, but I was nervous about being able to pay the rent, which was $800/month.

I had recently been introduced to the concept of the Law of Attraction and decided to give it a try. I wrote the story of how I got just what I wanted in the past tense, as though it had already happened. In my story, I wrote that I had gotten a job on the internet that allowed me to work as a writer in the New Age field. It allowed me to set my own hours so I could take care of my kids, and it paid $800/month. Right after I wrote this story, the founder of Psychic Journal (now Soul Arcanum) emailed me, and within a couple of weeks, I was the editor of this new publication, and the job paid exactly $800 a month! (I kicked myself for not asking for more money, but instead of worrying about it, I got busy working with the law of attraction again, and within a few months I was making a good living.)

Now I’ll try to pick out the key elements of my success so you can apply them to your own journey.


  • Follow your bliss. Explore whatever calls to you and honor your passions. Even though many people told me that I’d never be able to make a living as a writer, I knew this was my path so I studied writing in college and sought work as a writer after. Similarly, I trusted that all my spiritual experiences were happening for a reason, so I explored them freely, thus laying a strong foundation for my future career


  • Trust your intuition, ask for and watch for signs, and act on them. This is essential. I realized I was being guided to go to Lily Dale, and I felt a certain charge around this idea so I followed up on it. When I heard from the founder of Psychic Journal, I similarly had a feeling that this was somehow an answer to a prayer, so I gave our correspondence my full attention.


  • Be willing to take things other people might call ‘risks.’ I know many people who would love to be self-employed who feel insecure without a regular paycheck. I don’t understand this, for there is nothing to worry about either way. Further, people who take responsibility for how much they make, such as entrepreneurs and salespeople, tend to enjoy a lot more freedom and financial rewards compared to the regular work force.


  • Believe that you can have what you want and that you will figure out how to make things work as you move forward. Many people told me that my goals were unrealistic – until I achieved them – then they all wanted to know how the heck I’d done it. To begin, you must believe that what you want is possible and that you can make it happen.


  • Conquer your fears to go for what you want. I was scared to support myself for the first time, especially since I had two young children. As I looked around, however, one way or another, everyone was making it, so I decided to just trust that things would work out. By conquering fear with faith that everything would be fine, I set myself free to experiment with doing what I really wanted to do.


  • Work with natural spiritual law. Whenever I want to create something new or different in my life, I dig in to working with the law of attraction. It never fails.


  • Take inspired action. I know many people who wish that they could do this or that, who never seem to manifest it because all they do is wish. We all get signs, insights and great ideas from Spirit every day; to fulfill our dreams, we have to take action on them.


  • Give the very best of yourself to everyone you meet and everyone you work with. To manifest extraordinary success, we have to put in extraordinary energy. If you strive to set yourself apart from the crowd by being willing to work harder, be more creative, more devoted and truly more caring, success will follow you wherever you go. By practicing the Golden Rule – being the sort of person you’d want to work with or hire yourself -you’ll naturally align with a smooth journey and lots of wonderful opportunities.



– Soul Arcanum