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Conquering Fear with Faith

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

I want to be less fearful. I have big fears of the unknown, such as if this bill can get paid, if I can make enough to pay for what we need and so on. These fears take me over at times. I want to work with the law of attraction to create what I want in my life, and I know that fear is a big stumbling block for me. I keep telling myself I am okay and this seems to help. Do you have any advice for me?

Dear T.:

On a practical level, there is a lot you can do to align a smooth, carefree journey through life. There are some key differences between folks who always seem to be stressed and those who are usually calm and carefree. For example, people who rarely get anxious tend to plan ahead, stay organized, and create cushions in their lives so they don’t have to worry.

Financially, a cushion may be a savings account or a sum of money in your checking account that you only dip into when there’s an emergency. If you regularly have to meet work or school deadlines, you can develop the habit of moving them up on yourself so if something comes up, you won’t have to stress because you’ll have a buffer period to handle whatever has to be done. The more you create cushions throughout your life, the easier everything will seem.

Spiritually speaking, faith is something that each person must develop on their own. However, I can tell you how I changed from being just as anxiety-ridden as you are to having unshakable faith, and I can point you toward some metaphysical habits that will help you to conquer your own fears.

Some twenty years ago when my psychic doors blew open with my first pregnancy, I was a metaphysical mess! I was depressed, disempowered and riddled with anxieties. I was so anxious I developed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

My vibration was very low because I was so miserable and anxious, so when my psychic senses suddenly turned on, I attracted encounters with low level astral entities, which naturally just scared me even more. I’ve since learned that everyone who has a low vibration due to fear, anger or other negative emotions is a magnet for low level astral entities; most just don’t know it because they’re not psychically sensitive enough to perceive them.

Needless to say, I was very motivated to find a way to “protect” myself and leave those dark experiences behind. That’s when I learned about the power and wisdom of turning up our inner light. This is the first step in shifting to a higher level of experience whether we want to escape something scary or painful or we want to empower ourselves to manifest positive changes in our lives.

To turn up your inner light, you have to focus upon, cultivate and exude the qualities of your higher self. This will lift you above the fears and desires of the ego and connect you with a sense of faith and peace. You have to make a conscious choice to foster feelings of love, peace, compassion and understanding, and to flow those feelings out to other beings in this world and beyond.

When we do this, our bright inner light erases any shadows around us just like the darkness in a room disappears when we flip on a light switch. This is the ultimate in terms of psychic protection, personal healing and empowerment, for once we have a high vibration, we naturally attract people and situations of a higher nature, and can manifest whatever we want in our lives with relative ease.

As my vibration rose, my energy became a match for learning about the law of attraction, and from there things just got better and better. In studying the law of attraction and consciously experimenting with it, I received all sorts of signs, synchronicities and other evidence that we do indeed create our own realities.

This knowing is hugely comforting, for it means that we are not at the mercy of the whims of fate: we have control over what we manifest! Further, since what we focus upon expands in our lives, worrying about the future is foolish and counter-productive. This is a huge key to conquering fear with faith. Once you realize you have control, you just need to exercise it.

It’s also natural to become less anxious as we learn and grow, for with experience comes wisdom. If you look back on your own past, some truths should leap out at you. First, even though some bad things happened, given enough time they always worked out. No matter what you went through, you did eventually figure it out, make it happen, handle it, find a way through, heal, forgive, get over it, survive, go on to something better, etc. Guess what? That isn’t going to change – things will keep working out in the future just as they did in the past. Time will continue to heal all wounds.

Second, you’ll realize how self-defeating it is to worry about what might happen in the future because you desire to be happy, for in choosing to worry right now about what may or may not happen later, you are sacrificing your happiness up front. Further, you’re disempowering yourself from creating what you want in your life.

I know that understanding this doesn’t mean it will be easy to shed an entrenched worry habit, but part of our spiritual journey includes developing the wisdom and self-discipline to control our thoughts. Worrying is like poking a stick in an open wound: it hurts you in the moment and creates more pain and problems the more you do it. You may have a long standing habit of unconsciously poking at that wound, but the only way to change your course of experience is to get more conscious of your habits and summon the resolve to CHANGE.

Since what we focus upon expands in our lives, it doesn’t do any good to focus on quitting something or giving it up, so I’m going to offer you things you can do INSTEAD of worrying. Whenever you feel anxiety creeping in, get this list out and get busy!

*First, take whatever practical steps you can to align with what you want, especially creating those cushions I mentioned above.

*Read spiritual books and articles. Reading about the law of attraction will remind you of your personal power to create what you want in your life and shift you into a higher vibration. A few pages every day can make a huge difference. Also, put what you learn to good use by experimenting, for the more amazing things you manifest, the deeper your faith will be in your own power to create what you desire.

*Reading about other spiritual subjects like near-death experiences and reincarnation will reinforce your understanding that everything happens for a good reason. It will also soften your worst fears. For example, most likely the worst thing you can imagine is your own death or the death of a loved one. When you truly know and believe that death isn’t terrible at all – that it’s just a temporal change of state – your anxiety will dissipate.

*Resolve to surround yourself with positive people, experiences and energies. Create a soothing environment for yourself. If someone or something makes you anxious, distance yourself and focus on situations that feel good. Seek out uplifting people, positive films and TV shows, beautiful art, uplifting stories, etc.

The more you consciously cultivate faith, the better your life will get, for your vibration will rise and empower you to manifest all sorts of wonderful blessings, changes and opportunities.


Manifesting Your Dream Career

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m 30 and want to discover the deeper purpose for my life. I want to do what I’m passionate about for a living, and believe we should reflect our true selves in every move we make each day. For the moment, my job can’t cover the expenses of having a place on my own. On the other hand I follow the non-effort pattern. I know we sometimes make choices that don’t serve our evolution. I know that if we commit to following our life purpose, Source gives us all the support we need and things flow smoothly, where if we struggle and say I want to do this or that, we have to fight for it. I guess I would like to hear your story. How did you start doing what you are doing? How have you happily merged your dreams with your vocation?

Dear Andreea:

Your question took me back some 20 years to when I was in a similar place in my own life. First I’ll share my journey, then I’ll share the things I’ve learned that may help you fulfill your own dreams.

I had always wanted to be a writer and had chosen to study journalism in college. When I was 20, I experienced a spontaneous psychic awakening while pregnant with my first child. For some time I was a stay-at-home mom. During those years, I was intensely caught up in a spiritual awakening; I was exploring lots of different spiritual practices, taking various classes and constantly reading about spiritual subjects.

It was around this time that I began to have lots of spontaneous spirit communication. This would just happen when someone was talking to me with love about someone who had died; it wasn’t something I could control. When it did happen, I was very moved by how powerful and healing it was to relay messages from to the grieving from their departed loved ones.

One day I was pondering why I had this ability and what I was supposed to do with it. I had always longed to do something fun such as writing screenplays, but as my life had taken a decidedly spiritual turn, I wondered if I was being led to some path in particular.

At that moment, I had a life-changing spiritual experience. It doesn’t sound all that dramatic here, but trust me, it was! As I was pondering all of this, I suddenly felt this immense presence and heard a voice speak to me in my mind. It asked me a question: If you could do either one – if you could succeed in writing screenplays or you could work as a medium and truly help the grieving, which would you choose?

I intuited that this was more than a hypothetical question – that I was at that time being asked to choose between something of a high road and a low road. Without hesitation, I chose the spiritual path, but I did mentally express my concern that I was unable to control my mediumship abilities.

Within two weeks of answering this calling, three different people had mentioned the <i>School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy</i> in Lily Dale, New York, to me. I took this as a sign that this was something I needed to check out. I visited Lily Dale a few months later, and knew immediately that I would attend this school and that it would be prove to be the missing piece of the puzzle I was looking for. All of this came to fruition.

During the years I was attending the school, my marriage began to unravel, for I was growing and changing by leaps and bounds. I could see the end was near, and for the first time ever, I had to figure out what I would do to earn a living. I found a great apartment practically next door to my best friend’s place and wanted to move there, but I was nervous about being able to pay the rent, which was $800/month.

I had recently been introduced to the concept of the Law of Attraction and decided to give it a try. I wrote the story of how I got just what I wanted in the past tense, as though it had already happened. In my story, I wrote that I had gotten a job on the internet that allowed me to work as a writer in the New Age field. It allowed me to set my own hours so I could take care of my kids, and it paid $800/month. Right after I wrote this story, the founder of Psychic Journal (now Soul Arcanum) emailed me, and within a couple of weeks, I was the editor of this new publication, and the job paid exactly $800 a month! (I kicked myself for not asking for more money, but instead of worrying about it, I got busy working with the law of attraction again, and within a few months I was making a good living.)

Now I’ll try to pick out the key elements of my success so you can apply them to your own journey.


  • Follow your bliss. Explore whatever calls to you and honor your passions. Even though many people told me that I’d never be able to make a living as a writer, I knew this was my path so I studied writing in college and sought work as a writer after. Similarly, I trusted that all my spiritual experiences were happening for a reason, so I explored them freely, thus laying a strong foundation for my future career


  • Trust your intuition, ask for and watch for signs, and act on them. This is essential. I realized I was being guided to go to Lily Dale, and I felt a certain charge around this idea so I followed up on it. When I heard from the founder of Psychic Journal, I similarly had a feeling that this was somehow an answer to a prayer, so I gave our correspondence my full attention.


  • Be willing to take things other people might call ‘risks.’ I know many people who would love to be self-employed who feel insecure without a regular paycheck. I don’t understand this, for there is nothing to worry about either way. Further, people who take responsibility for how much they make, such as entrepreneurs and salespeople, tend to enjoy a lot more freedom and financial rewards compared to the regular work force.


  • Believe that you can have what you want and that you will figure out how to make things work as you move forward. Many people told me that my goals were unrealistic – until I achieved them – then they all wanted to know how the heck I’d done it. To begin, you must believe that what you want is possible and that you can make it happen.


  • Conquer your fears to go for what you want. I was scared to support myself for the first time, especially since I had two young children. As I looked around, however, one way or another, everyone was making it, so I decided to just trust that things would work out. By conquering fear with faith that everything would be fine, I set myself free to experiment with doing what I really wanted to do.


  • Work with natural spiritual law. Whenever I want to create something new or different in my life, I dig in to working with the law of attraction. It never fails.


  • Take inspired action. I know many people who wish that they could do this or that, who never seem to manifest it because all they do is wish. We all get signs, insights and great ideas from Spirit every day; to fulfill our dreams, we have to take action on them.


  • Give the very best of yourself to everyone you meet and everyone you work with. To manifest extraordinary success, we have to put in extraordinary energy. If you strive to set yourself apart from the crowd by being willing to work harder, be more creative, more devoted and truly more caring, success will follow you wherever you go. By practicing the Golden Rule – being the sort of person you’d want to work with or hire yourself -you’ll naturally align with a smooth journey and lots of wonderful opportunities.



– Soul Arcanum