Tag Archive: telepathy

Telepathic Pain Connection

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I was with my fiance, Scott, for ten years before he died. Scott’s mother is 84 years old, and we were his caregivers for the last year of his life. We bonded on a very deep level as we shared the pain of losing him. For the past three weeks or so, I have had extreme soreness in my neck and shoulders. I am a runner and attributed this to needing a new pair of running shoes, though this pain seemed strange and different from aches and pains I’ve experienced in the past. When I called Scott’s mom tonight and asked her how she was doing, she told me that HER neck and shoulders have been aching and that she had just found out that she has a pinched nerve. I didn’t even tell her about MY neck and shoulder pain. I am now wondering if it is possible that I was picking up on her pain, and if so, what you would call this. This is not the only time we have had a strange connection like this. While I don’t believe in coincidences, I haven’t always had these experiences; there seems to be something special going on with Scott’s mom. Have you heard of anything like this before?


Dear K.:

Your question reminded me of all sorts of amazing personal experiences and stories I have heard from others over the years. For example, a few months ago, I awoke early in the morning feeling strangely dizzy and queasy. As I was very groggy, I wondered if I was getting sick but then quickly drifted back to sleep. I then dreamed that my teenage daughter came into my bedroom and told me that she was feeling queasy and didn’t want to go to school. I woke up from that dream and drifted off again. About fifteen minutes later, my daughter actually came into my room and woke me up and told me that she wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to go to school. I then realized that my own physical discomfort had disappeared, and that I had been picking up on what was happening with her.

This sort of telepathic connection is known to be especially strong in twins. I recently became acquainted with an amazing story of identical twins who not only regularly experience each other’s pain, but also have physical manifestations of what happens to the other twin. For example, one twin got accidentally socked in the eye while playing at a playground one day, which led to her developing a black eye. At the exact moment that the twin was injured, the other twin experienced pain in her eye and later developed a black eye even though her own eye hadn’t experienced any physical trauma.

There are all sorts of amazing stories of people who experience a telepathic connection to another person that leads to physical symptoms like those you describe. This tends to happen most often with people who are emotionally very close, such as mothers and their children. Since it sounds like you are closer to Scott’s mother than many daughters are to their own biological mothers, I don’t find it at all strange that you would share a strong psychic connection. It’s also possible that the two of you have shared other lifetimes in which you were biologically related, which would further strengthen your psychic connection this lifetime.

My sense is that you are a very physical person, and thus your strongest psychic sense may be clairsentience. This would tend to cause you to pick up telepathic information kinesthetically, by feeling it in your own body. I imagine that your intuition tends to speak to you through gut feelings, and that you tend to experience strong emotions in your body such as having butterflies in your stomach when you are nervous or getting a headache when you are stressed. Psychic mediums who are strongly clairsentient are those who tend to physically feel how a particular spirit passed, or feel other physical sensations as a form of metaphysical communication. To describe a spirit, they physically feel what it was like to BE that person. Thus they may say something like, “I feel like I am very tall but like I am bent over with roundedness in my upper back, and I feel like I have facial hair; it is tickling my lip.” By contrast, someone more clairvoyant might say, “I see a tall man who walks a bit hunched over who has a beard and mustache.” As you might imagine, being strongly clairsentient would encourage the sort of physical experience you describe.

While what you experienced was tangible in that you physically experienced her physical pain, you are also receiving other types of telepathic information without being conscious of it. Just as we all receive visual, auditory, kinesthetic and other information on a physical level, we all do the same on a metaphysical level, but when we are strongly skewed to one modality, we may not pay as much attention to the other information. I would bet that you are picking up on Scott’s mom’s thoughts and feelings without realizing that those thoughts and feelings are perhaps not your own, for this sort of exchange tends to be more subtle than physical sensations.

The closer we are to someone, the more likely we are to absorb their thoughts and feelings. Of course, the more sensitive we are, the more likely we are to be affected on this telepathic level as well. When you put two people who are very sensitive and very emotionally close together, all sorts of telepathic experiences tend to result.

If we have empathy for the person involved, it can be very difficult to separate our feelings from theirs even if we know that what we are feeling is not our own. For example, when my son was an adolescent, he went through a period during which he was angry, sullen and irritable. I would be perfectly happy but as soon as he got in the car, I would find my mood radically shifting. He didn’t even have to say a word for this to happen; it was like this dark, heavy cloud had invaded my aura. Even though I knew that he was the source of my suddenly dark thoughts and feelings, trying to avoid being affected by his bad mood was like having a passenger smoking a cigar in my car and trying to not inhale any of their smoke. It is fascinating to me that being in an enclosed space seems to be as powerful on a metaphysical level as it is on a physical level; if I were near my son in another setting besides the car, it was easier to separate my energy from his. While removing myself from his presence was most effective of all, in situations where someone we love is in great distress, we may pick up on how they feel even if they are thousands of miles away.

When we care about how other people feel, our auras are open to them. Instead of saying to ourselves, I don’t care how this person is feeling, I just want to feel good, we are constantly energetically checking on them much as we might do by phoning them to see how they are doing. It is this caring that bridges our energy fields. When we empathize with someone, we start to entrain to their energy and may be affected by their mood. To be invulnerable to the emotional or physical pain of someone we care about, we must become adept at setting our own tone and cultivate faith that everything happens for a good reason, so even if someone is struggling, we know that they are experiencing exactly what they need to experience in order to learn whatever they need to learn.

Soul Arcanum

When Someone Pops Into Your Mind

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I sometimes know when I am about to run into a particular person. It can be a friend, a celebrity or just someone I have recently seen in a paper. This is happening more often nowadays, and it really puzzles me. There are three specific occasions I’d like to share with you. A while ago I saw a man I’ve never met in the paper and thought it would be nice to see him in person. A few days later, I was in a cinema with my friends and saw him standing there. I felt no romantic attraction towards him but he did get my attention. Another day I was thinking about a celebrity I fancy and strangely enough, that same instant he came around the corner and walked past me. The third and most powerful experience happened last autumn when I was going back to my old home town and hoping to see this guy I have been in love with for ages. I am always hoping to see him but this time I knew for sure we would actually meet without having any formal plans to do so; I knew this weeks in advance. What is even more bizarre is he has shown almost no interest in me romantically, but I knew that if I dressed in a certain way he would like what he saw. There was no way of knowing that we would actually meet that night, yet he actually walked right into me at one point. More amazing still is how he looked me over from head to toe and commented on how good I looked – just as I had imagined! I felt like I could fly. What am I supposed to do with this knowledge that I am going to meet someone? In the case of this guy, I figured I should go talk to him, but should I try to get in contact with the strangers too? I always get a warm feeling when my vision has come true but I can’t help but wonder why I know that these particular yet seemingly random persons will cross my path. Does it mean that they will or should have some profound meaning in my life?

– Sofia

Dear Sofia:

I understand why you are lumping all of these experiences together, for they all involve encountering someone after having them pop into your mind. However, not all such experiences are created equal in terms of meaning. Assuming that these events must share some meaning is a bit like smelling something and assuming that the act of smelling something means the same thing in every case.

Let’s say that yesterday chocolate chip cookies popped into your mind and you so vividly thought about them that you could practically smell them. You even thought to yourself, Boy, it would be nice to have a cookie right now! Today you go to a party and Shazam! – there is a big platter of chocolate chip cookies. In this case, you manifested those cookies: you wanted them, you were easy about wanting them, and they showed up in your experience. This is sort of what happened with the first person you saw: he popped into your mind, you thought it would be nice to see him in person, and then he showed up.

Now let’s imagine that you’re walking down the street when suddenly you smell oatmeal cookies. No sooner do these cookies pop into your mind than you turn the corner and Shazam! – there is a bakery with the smell of oatmeal cookies wafting through the doorway. In this case, you sensed/smelled the cookies before they came into view. This is what happened with the celebrity who popped into your mind just before turning the corner. Just as a subtle scent may not register on a conscious level at first, a subtle psychic impression may not make much impact on us until the reason for it smacks into our awareness.

Now let’s imagine that you have for years been craving these special ginger cookies that your grandmother used to make. You love these cookies above all other cookies. In fact, you are thinking about opening a bakery so you can make and sell these special cookies; this feels like your destiny. The only problem is that Grandma is the only one who knows how to make them and no one has heard from her since she ran off with the circus years ago. You go back to where you last saw Grandma – your home town – and you start asking about her and looking for her but you can’t seem to find her. One day you get invited to a gathering and suddenly you just know Grandma will be there. Of course, all the while on a metaphysical level your entire being has been sending out a signal to the Universe: find Grandma! You go to the gathering and sure enough, there she is! This is what happened with the third guy you mention: you felt draw to him, you took action to find him by going to where he may be, you listened to your intuition, and everything happened just as you expected. In this case we have a mix of destiny, intuition and manifesting at work.

Here’s my point: Just because all three experiences involved the same psychic sense doesn’t mean they all share the same meaning. There is only one way to know when something meaningful is occurring, and that is to listen to your intuition. When something is meaningful, it grabs your attention and evokes a strong feeling. The reason you smell cookies sometimes is because you have a nose; the reason these precognitive events keep happening is because you have psychic senses. What you do about these perceptions depends on the feelings that accompany them.

In the first two instances, it doesn’t sound like anything meaningful was meant to happen; this is like smelling cookies and just going on your merry way. (You can’t eat cookies every time you smell them, after all!) The last instance is more powerful and evocative. You have strong feelings for this person and this powerful connection led your intuition to guide you in going to where you ended up meeting him. It even prepared you to create what you wanted by telling you how to dress.

Since not every cookie is meant for our personal consumption and not every psychic flash is something we need to ascribe great meaning to, the more psychic we become, the more important it is to develop a clear, conscious connection to Spirit so we can ask when we’re not sure if we’re supposed to do something about some psychic information. Since this is a very natural process, trusting our feelings is the main thing. When we have a strong feeling of attraction to someone, we’re meant to go toward that person; when we have a strong feeling of fear or repulsion toward someone, we’re meant to go away from them. When we don’t feel much of anything, we are free to do whatever we like, for what we choose probably won’t prove significant in the long run anyway.

Since it can be exhausting to consult our intuition on every event that happens to us, it’s helpful to consciously create what we want in our lives by working with the law of attraction. Then we can just relax and assume that if we need to know something, our intuition will get our attention. While this happens naturally, the more we consciously create a good working relationship with our inner knowing, the smoother things tend to go for us and the more magical our journey seems to become. Regular meditation is one way to create a clear channel to our inner knowing. It’s also helpful to regularly ask within, Is there something I need to know or do in this situation? Then just trust that if you need to talk to someone or do something in particular, you’ll feel compelled, nudged or inspired to do so.

Soul Arcanum

Mind Control

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Is there a type of psychic ability that enables you to control the people around you?


Dear Marie:

Before I answer your question, please note that if you fail to treat others as you would want to be treated, it is sure to backfire on you!

I believe the so-called psychic power you are looking for would simply be called “mind control.” As for whether or not such a power exists, I must explain that in my view, there is no hard line between the physical and metaphysical, the ordinary and the extraordinary, the mundane and the spiritual: all are vague points on a broad spectrum. This means if we can influence each other physically, mentally and emotionally, we can and surely do influence each other psychically.

For example, let’s say that you are wandering through an ordinary day when someone pays you some flattering compliments. Let’s also say that this person’s aim is to seduce you into doing what he wants, whether that is go to bed with him, do him a favor, or buy a vehicle from him. What happens next will depend on his skill, your susceptibility to his influence, and your own affinity for what he may want you to do. When all of these factors are high, he will probably have a great deal of influence over your choices.

Let’s take these factors one at a time. People who are very skilled at the art of persuasion may have studied it or just be naturally gifted at reading people and then coercing, seducing, or manipulating them into doing what they want them to do. While salespeople study all sorts of different psychological techniques with this in mind, there are psychic elements that come into play as well.

First, the person with the strongest life force energy will tend to dominate in any situation. Sometimes their leadership is overt, but at other times, they quietly radiate a certain vibe that makes us listen to them, want to please or impress them, or assume that they know more than we do. While we can point to all sorts of different mundane reasons this may be true of certain individuals, there is something happening on a metaphysical level when someone puts us “under their spell.”

Let’s say Harry is trying to persuade Alice to see things his way. Regardless of what he is actually saying to her, on an energetic level, the interaction will look basically the same: Harry’s aura will expand and grow bigger than hers and look like he is drawing her aura into his. His aura will expand to blanket hers, and if he is succeeding, her aura will begin to shift and change to be more like his. If, however, Alice is just pretending to agree, her aura will remain whole and separate despite his efforts and it won’t change but may even grow stronger and clearer in its original state. One can also see this when someone is giving a rousing speech or teaching a fascinating class: the speaker’s aura will spread out over the audience and draw them toward its color and vibration. The auras of those whose heads are nodding in agreement will change toward the speaker’s, while those who are lost in their own thoughts will remain as they were. Naturally, someone skilled at energy work could consciously put this dynamic to good use.

This brings me to hypnosis, which certainly resembles the mind control power you are asking about. What many people don’t realize is that hypnotists only have the power they are given by the one hypnotized. During hypnotherapy, only those suggestions that are in harmony with the patient’s desires are accepted. During a stage show, volunteers must first agree to going into trance for the purpose of entertaining the crowd, and would resist acting against their own values if such a thing were suggested. So while it is possible for a hypnotist to make a person “bawk” like a chicken, if the hypnotist were to suggest that they take a knife and stab the person next to them, they would “balk” at the hypnotist!

We’ve all interacted with someone who was trying to be sneaky about trying to get us to do what they wanted to us to do. This is the stereotype of the used car salesman who is overly friendly and desperately trying to paint an irresistible picture of what he wants to sell us. It may seem like psychic powers have nothing to do with such a scenario, but in fact, our own psychic ability/intuition is what makes us instantly dislike such people and want to get away from them.

This brings us to the second factor: how susceptible a person is to others’ influence. Basically, the more hard-headed someone is – the harder it would be to get through to them – the harder they are to influence. At the same time, the more thoughtful and intelligent someone is, the harder it will be to persuade them to think or do something they really don’t agree with. People who are psychically sensitive but not consciously aware of that fact and are not prone to deep reflection tend to be ideal victims for psychic attack, whether that attack is by a metaphysical entity, a con man, or someone who is desperate for a favor. Imagine a sensitive young woman who is tender-hearted, not very bright, and lacking in self-confidence, and how someone persuasive could make her feel sorry for him and get her to do what he wants her to do.

Finally, we have the question of whether or not the person you want to influence is in harmony with doing what you wish. If you are trying to sell someone a car, the other person is in the market to buy a car, and you have a great car to sell at a great price, it will probably be easy to influence them. If, however, you are trying to persuade a drunk to remain sober, a nasty person to play nice, or a love interest to change their sexual orientation, you’re in for an uphill battle.

Of course, there are an endless number of aims we can achieve by working with the law of attraction. I have at times been able to “manifest” having someone mean and ornery be kind-hearted, liars be truthful, and grumpy people be cheerful, but these successes were always short-lived. For example, I once did a guided meditation to make peace with someone who had been nasty to me for years. In the meditation, I reached out with love, spoke to her higher self, and vividly visualized us embracing each other with good will. That very day, she called me, apologized for her behavior, and was like a different person altogether. I was blown away with my swift success. Who knew it could be so easy? Of course, reality came crashing in a few days later when she flew into a rage about some imagined slight and returned to her usual ornery manner. I tried to manifest peace a number of times after this and it always worked, but it always quickly fell apart too.

I eventually realized that I was trying to turn a lion into a kitten. While a trained lion tamer can perhaps get a lion to behave like a kitten for short periods of time, it is foolish, exhausting and impractical to try to make anyone act against their true nature and inclinations. In fact, if they become angered by our attempts and go on the offense, such efforts can quickly go awry.

So while it’s possible to temporarily influence people to do what we want them to do when we are skilled in the arts of persuasion, they are susceptible to outside influence, and they aren’t totally against what we desire, there are easier ways to create what we want in our lives. Instead of trying to get certain individuals to fulfill our desires, it’s much wiser to work with natural spiritual law. If we focus on manifesting what we desire in general and let go of how it comes to us, we can manifest a happy, downhill journey to fulfillment.

Soul Arcanum

Dream Telepathy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)


Dear Soul Arcanum:

A few nights ago, I had a dream that my husband went to answer the phone, tripped on the dog, fell down and hurt himself. His sister was at the house for some reason, and he told her that he felt something break and needed to go to the hospital, but he insisted on going to the one where he grew up, which is in St. Louis. (We live in Colorado now.) I woke up just after having this dream. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee and started to tell my husband about it, but I could tell that something was wrong. He then told me that his sister had called and that his mother had fallen and broken her hip, and that he was going to make travel arrangements to go see her in St. Louis! When I told him about my dream, we were both amazed. What happened here?


Dear Margo:

I love your question because I’ve had a number of similar dreams myself. One time, I dreamed that there were ants by the sliding glass door in my kitchen. I woke up from this dream and went downstairs and told my husband about it. His jaw dropped as he explained that about fifteen minutes before (at the same time I was dreaming), he had discovered ants by the sliding glass door.

Another time, I dreamed that I was at the beach with all of my family, and when it was time to leave, I couldn’t find my husband. I looked and looked for him, and finally he came limping along. He explained that he had been (drunkenly) singing on a ledge and had fallen off and broken his ankle. When I awoke, I went downstairs and told my husband about this dream, and he replied that he had just been watching a television news story about how Steven Tyler of Aerosmith had fallen off the stage while singing and broken his ankle!

As you can see in these two examples, telepathic dream experiences don’t always have great meaning or value. When we dream of what others are doing as they are doing it, such as my husband finding the ants or watching that story on the news, it’s sort of like overhearing a conversation because you are close by: you just happen to be picking it up with your psychic senses instead of your physical senses. Examining telepathic dreams also illuminates the truth that not every dream carries an important message, so trying to interpret some dreams can be pointless.

Though the above dreams seem pretty meaningless, dream telepathy usually occurs during important life events, or at least during times when someone we love is in emotional distress. By way of a more common example, last week I dreamed that I was back in college and I was totally unprepared for a final exam. I was in my first class of the day, and I was thinking that I should just skip that class so I could get to my exam on time and focus entirely on that. I couldn’t remember how to get to the next class, however, so I started to get really stressed. I was awakened from this dream by my teenage daughter, who was in tears. She explained that she had a final exam in second hour that morning, and she felt she should skip first hour so she could study more because she felt unprepared!

Next we have the first time I experienced dream telepathy, which was also the most interesting. When my son Nick was a toddler, I had a very vivid, distressing dream that I was a Middle Eastern woman on a makeshift boat with a bunch of other Middle Eastern people, whom I knew to be my family. I was holding my baby, whom I knew to be my son, Nick. It was storming, there were huge waves all around us, and the boat was sinking. Everyone else had jumped in the water, but I refused to jump because I was sure it would mean my baby’s death. Everyone was yelling at me to jump but I wouldn’t do it. I was awakened from this dream by my two-year-old son calling me. When I stumbled groggily into his room and went to the side of his crib, he fixed me with a solemn look and said, “Go in the water, Momma. It’s okay. Go in the water.” Given my different identity in this dream and the fact that Nick was also in it, I believe that this was about a past life we shared together.

There are several factors that come into play in telepathy. First, the stronger our bond to someone, the more likely we are to telepathically pick up on what’s going on with them. There are many, many stories about mothers who telepathically sensed that their child was in danger or distress. The research that has been done into dream telepathy and telepathy in general also supports the idea that the stronger the bond emotional bond between people, the more likely they are to have a telepathic connection. Feeling loving and caring toward someone facilitates telepathy, while feeling upset or angry diminishes such connections.

As I mentioned above, researchers have also found that telepathic dreams and other experiences tend to happen more frequently during significant life events, which is a pattern that strongly emerges in anecdotes about telepathic experiences. You have a strong loving bond with your husband, and he was probably distressed when he got that call about his mom, so the conditions were ideal for you to telepathically pick up on what was happening with him.

Also, our subconscious minds are aware of way more than our conscious minds are, and when we’re sleeping, our subconscious minds take over. Most people are thus more like to receive psychic impressions in dreams than when they are awake. (Someone who is “psychic” has dream-like visions when they are awake, though they tend to be in an altered state of consciousness like a trance or day dream when receiving such impressions.)

This brings us to the final key factor in the development of these sorts of experiences. People who are psychic or extraordinarily adept at working with their dreams and their subconscious minds are more likely to have telepathic dreams and to remember them upon waking up. For example, I often have dreams about what others in my family are going through, but they can’t say the same.

As an interesting experiment, you can try to send other people specific dreams. Given the factors listed above, this works best with people you are close to who are good at remembering their dreams. When your loved one is asleep, go into a meditative state and project thoughts and images into his or her mind. It’s helpful if you do this early in the morning, for that’s when we spend the most time dreaming. We also tend to remember the last dreams we had before waking up.

You can even use this technique to improve key relationships. When the other person is sleeping, have a mental conversation with their higher self and ask them to help you create harmony or other positive changes. Imagine this conversation as vividly as possible. The next time you see them, they may be remarkably warm and friendly or have an interesting dream about you to report!

I believe that dream telepathy happens far more often than we realize. If I hadn’t remembered my dream about my husband breaking his ankle, or I hadn’t thought to tell him about it, or he hadn’t realized that he had been watching something like that on TV, we would never have known my dream was telepathic. In my experience, the more we talk about our dreams with the people we’re close to, the more interesting experiences come to light!

– Soul Arcanum

Can We Psychically Dialogue with Living People?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have a question about ESP. Sometimes when I’m meditating, I have conversations with people who are living whom I haven’t seen or heard from in years. For instance, I’ve had several conversations with a man I always considered my first spiritual teacher, and I haven’t heard from him in nine years.

When I let my mind go quiet and meditate, soon I find myself talking with this man or another long-lost friend. When the conversation ends, we either “hug” and say goodbye or I fall asleep. When I come out of my meditation or wake up, I have a vague memory of the conservation and feel at peace, but can’t recall what was said. Are these exchanges really happening? Thank you for your time.
– L.

Dear L.:

The common term for what you’re experiencing is telepathy. Telepathy is communication between one entity and another without the use of any physical means. Though most people don’t know it, we are constantly communicating with other beings in telepathic ways. Some are people and animals that are physically incarnate, like us, and some are beings that are not currently in physical form, like spirits.

Many researchers believe that humans used to communicate telepathically far more in the past, when physical survival was much more challenging. Further, as inventions like the telephone and internet have made communication around the globe quick and easy, it’s possible that technology is causing us to exercise both our physical AND psychic senses less. Many researchers believe that animals communicate telepathically all the time, so it’s natural to assume that primitive humans would have been able to do the same.

Telepathy is very much like spirit communication, for there is a level of consciousness/reality where there is no difference between those who are incarnate in the physical and those who are not, and it’s from this level that telepathy arises. When we cross over into the afterlife, our subconscious minds take the helm, and this also what happens when we dream at night.

Further, at the level of the subconscious, we are all connected and in constant communication with other people both living and dead. We naturally tend to communicate most with the people we’re closest to, like our spouses, parents and children.

For example, my son and I have the strongest psychic bond I’ve ever known. He began communicating with me telepathically when he was in the womb by showing me images of what he would look like years in the future. When he was a toddler, we often awoke at night at the same time, and when I went in to check on him, he said things that made it clear that he had either been having the exact same dream I had awakened from, or he was aware of what I’d been dreaming. He’s now a teenager, and we often answer each other’s questions before the questions are even verbalized. Sometimes, we don’t even realize we’re doing it.

We can maintain a strong psychic link with people we knew in the past but don’t see anymore, and when we do, we continue to have a profound relationship with them on a subconscious level. To determine who you have a strong psychic bond to, ask yourself who you dream about most often. These people will also frequently pop into your mind for no apparent reason.

I frequently dream about my departed grandmother, with whom I was very close, and though I have virtually no relationship with him and haven’t for years, I also dream about my older brother all the time. By contrast, there are other people I interact with in important ways daily that I never dream about. There are also people from my past that I haven’t seen for decades who frequently come to mind. These are people I have an ongoing relationship with, but not on a conscious, physical level. In the astral, they are still a big part of my world.

A meditative state of mind is powerful because it helps us to synthesize our conscious and subconscious awareness. When we learn how to quiet the mind while awake, we can become aware of experiences that normally remain subconscious, like telepathy. Since everyone receives “messages from Spirit” and communicates telepathically with others at an unconscious level, a psychic is not someone who learns how to do this, but rather someone who learns how to do this consciously and purposefully. The more you meditate and work with this, the more of these conversations you should be able to remember.

On the rare occasion that both people are highly conscious, interesting experiences tend to unfold. One of the powers of a true guru is the sort of telepathy you describe. For a classic book on this phenomenon, check outThe Boy Who Saw True, in which the author believed he was communicating with a spirit guide, only to learn that he was in fact psychically connecting with a spiritual teacher who was sleeping on the other side of the globe.

While meditating, gurus can “visit” and even “teach” their students, just like spirit guides come to us when we meditate for answers and insights. So it’s not surprising that you have had a number of conversations with your former spiritual teacher, who may even be conscious of these visits himself. As time is not linear, he could even experience what you did at a different time – or perhaps you are the one who is tuning in to significant subconscious exchanges when you meditate.

It’s rare for others to be this consciously aware, however, and the less conscious someone is, the more control their subconscious will wield over them. Gaining conscious “access” to someone’s subconscious mind is thus very powerful. This is why hypnotism and affirmations and such seem to work magic; the subconscious’ programming largely determines one’s thoughts, behavior, and personal reality.

A person’s subconscious mind is far more malleable than their conscious mind. So long as they would not perceive what we want to be harmful or immoral, they’ll be receptive to our suggestions at this level. (This is why you can hypnotize someone to perhaps cluck like a chicken, but not to kill someone). If we become conscious of telepathic exchanges via meditation, we can work with others at a subconscious level to create positive change.

I have had amazing results with simply meditating and then mentally talking with someone’s higher self. In these conversations, I simply send them love and blessings and hold a vision of what I’m hoping they will help me create. Usually, what I want is simple peace and harmony in our relationship. Invariably when I do this, that person will approach me soon after and be remarkably more friendly and cooperative than they were before.

As most people are not aware of why they feel the way they do and why they do the self-defeating and unreasonable things they do, I figure if they’re causing problems, they’re due for a little “positive influence!” Of course we can’t override another’s free will; using this technique is like talking to them when they’re in a great mood and feeling highly open and receptive to us. So the next time you find yourself in conflict with someone, use your telepathic powers and try talking things over with their subconscious/higher self. It works!

In summary, what you’re experiencing is a real and wonderful reflection of how neither time nor distance can diminish our spiritual connection to the most important people in our lives.

– Soul Arcanum