Tag Archive: dreaming

Dream Telepathy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)


Dear Soul Arcanum:

A few nights ago, I had a dream that my husband went to answer the phone, tripped on the dog, fell down and hurt himself. His sister was at the house for some reason, and he told her that he felt something break and needed to go to the hospital, but he insisted on going to the one where he grew up, which is in St. Louis. (We live in Colorado now.) I woke up just after having this dream. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee and started to tell my husband about it, but I could tell that something was wrong. He then told me that his sister had called and that his mother had fallen and broken her hip, and that he was going to make travel arrangements to go see her in St. Louis! When I told him about my dream, we were both amazed. What happened here?


Dear Margo:

I love your question because I’ve had a number of similar dreams myself. One time, I dreamed that there were ants by the sliding glass door in my kitchen. I woke up from this dream and went downstairs and told my husband about it. His jaw dropped as he explained that about fifteen minutes before (at the same time I was dreaming), he had discovered ants by the sliding glass door.

Another time, I dreamed that I was at the beach with all of my family, and when it was time to leave, I couldn’t find my husband. I looked and looked for him, and finally he came limping along. He explained that he had been (drunkenly) singing on a ledge and had fallen off and broken his ankle. When I awoke, I went downstairs and told my husband about this dream, and he replied that he had just been watching a television news story about how Steven Tyler of Aerosmith had fallen off the stage while singing and broken his ankle!

As you can see in these two examples, telepathic dream experiences don’t always have great meaning or value. When we dream of what others are doing as they are doing it, such as my husband finding the ants or watching that story on the news, it’s sort of like overhearing a conversation because you are close by: you just happen to be picking it up with your psychic senses instead of your physical senses. Examining telepathic dreams also illuminates the truth that not every dream carries an important message, so trying to interpret some dreams can be pointless.

Though the above dreams seem pretty meaningless, dream telepathy usually occurs during important life events, or at least during times when someone we love is in emotional distress. By way of a more common example, last week I dreamed that I was back in college and I was totally unprepared for a final exam. I was in my first class of the day, and I was thinking that I should just skip that class so I could get to my exam on time and focus entirely on that. I couldn’t remember how to get to the next class, however, so I started to get really stressed. I was awakened from this dream by my teenage daughter, who was in tears. She explained that she had a final exam in second hour that morning, and she felt she should skip first hour so she could study more because she felt unprepared!

Next we have the first time I experienced dream telepathy, which was also the most interesting. When my son Nick was a toddler, I had a very vivid, distressing dream that I was a Middle Eastern woman on a makeshift boat with a bunch of other Middle Eastern people, whom I knew to be my family. I was holding my baby, whom I knew to be my son, Nick. It was storming, there were huge waves all around us, and the boat was sinking. Everyone else had jumped in the water, but I refused to jump because I was sure it would mean my baby’s death. Everyone was yelling at me to jump but I wouldn’t do it. I was awakened from this dream by my two-year-old son calling me. When I stumbled groggily into his room and went to the side of his crib, he fixed me with a solemn look and said, “Go in the water, Momma. It’s okay. Go in the water.” Given my different identity in this dream and the fact that Nick was also in it, I believe that this was about a past life we shared together.

There are several factors that come into play in telepathy. First, the stronger our bond to someone, the more likely we are to telepathically pick up on what’s going on with them. There are many, many stories about mothers who telepathically sensed that their child was in danger or distress. The research that has been done into dream telepathy and telepathy in general also supports the idea that the stronger the bond emotional bond between people, the more likely they are to have a telepathic connection. Feeling loving and caring toward someone facilitates telepathy, while feeling upset or angry diminishes such connections.

As I mentioned above, researchers have also found that telepathic dreams and other experiences tend to happen more frequently during significant life events, which is a pattern that strongly emerges in anecdotes about telepathic experiences. You have a strong loving bond with your husband, and he was probably distressed when he got that call about his mom, so the conditions were ideal for you to telepathically pick up on what was happening with him.

Also, our subconscious minds are aware of way more than our conscious minds are, and when we’re sleeping, our subconscious minds take over. Most people are thus more like to receive psychic impressions in dreams than when they are awake. (Someone who is “psychic” has dream-like visions when they are awake, though they tend to be in an altered state of consciousness like a trance or day dream when receiving such impressions.)

This brings us to the final key factor in the development of these sorts of experiences. People who are psychic or extraordinarily adept at working with their dreams and their subconscious minds are more likely to have telepathic dreams and to remember them upon waking up. For example, I often have dreams about what others in my family are going through, but they can’t say the same.

As an interesting experiment, you can try to send other people specific dreams. Given the factors listed above, this works best with people you are close to who are good at remembering their dreams. When your loved one is asleep, go into a meditative state and project thoughts and images into his or her mind. It’s helpful if you do this early in the morning, for that’s when we spend the most time dreaming. We also tend to remember the last dreams we had before waking up.

You can even use this technique to improve key relationships. When the other person is sleeping, have a mental conversation with their higher self and ask them to help you create harmony or other positive changes. Imagine this conversation as vividly as possible. The next time you see them, they may be remarkably warm and friendly or have an interesting dream about you to report!

I believe that dream telepathy happens far more often than we realize. If I hadn’t remembered my dream about my husband breaking his ankle, or I hadn’t thought to tell him about it, or he hadn’t realized that he had been watching something like that on TV, we would never have known my dream was telepathic. In my experience, the more we talk about our dreams with the people we’re close to, the more interesting experiences come to light!

– Soul Arcanum

Receiving Spiritual Guidance via Dreams

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am a Hindu by religion. Recently sages or ascetics have been appearing in my dreams and preaching some mantras. The problem is that I forget them totally after I awake. What does this indicate?
Dr. Rao

Dear Dr. Rao:

For those who are unfamiliar, in the Hindu tradition it’s considered wise and powerful for spiritual seekers to have a guru (spiritual teacher) to guide them through the twists and turns of the journey to enlightenment. These gurus are usually physically incarnate, but they can also be beings from beyond this dimension.

Whether they are incarnate or not, they may visit their students in dreams and even manifest to them across great distances when they are awake. It’s unclear if they leave their bodies via astral projection to achieve this feat or if they somehow bi-locate. (Great spiritual masters are said to be capable of all sorts of amazing feats, and are known to be highly cryptic when questioned.)

It’s also believed that gurus, sages and ascended masters will sometimes visit a student in his dreams to initiate him into a higher level of spiritual power and experience. This may be achieved by giving the student a special mantra to chant during meditation or by delivering some profound spiritual knowledge/wisdom. This initiation sparks the release of kundalini and thus a new level of spiritual awakening for the student.

A mantra is a word, phrase, or collection of sounds designed to lift one into a higher vibration or achieve a certain aim. Many people are familiar with the mantras Om, and Om mani padme hum. There are many mantras common to certain spiritual paths, such as those of kundalini yoga.

It is said that a mantra that is given to a student by a guru is far more powerful than a common one, for it is personal to the student and is charged with the guru’s divine essence and wisdom. In fact, some say that when the guru gives the mantra to the student by speaking it out loud, the student may be spontaneously awakened at that very moment by its power.

Our dreams reveal much about who we are deep down and where we are spiritually at the time. When we have recurring nightmares, for example, we know that there are some big fears at work deep in our psyches. When we have generally pleasant dreams, it’s a sign that we’re on top of things in our waking lives. Remembering dreams like the ones you describe is unusual, for these are the dreams of a highly developed spiritual seeker.

We all work out problems and receive guidance in our dreams. Most of the time when we dream of spirit guides, we don’t realize that is what’s happening. In our dreams, spirit guides may take the form of another person who tells us where to go or what to do. We may dream of sitting in a classroom, listening intently to a teacher lecture, but not be able to remember anything that was said. (This is entirely different from dreaming that we’re in school again and can’t get our locker open or haven’t done our homework.) Spirit guides may also appear in dreams as doctors, therapists, coaches or healers of some kind. They can even get messages through to us by simply speaking as a disembodied voice or creating a scene we watch in the dream like we might watch a television show.

I believe that the spirit guide many of us experience as a nameless, faceless presence in our minds is often that part of us that remains in the Spirit world – what some may call our own higher self. I also know that we can communicate with our own selves in other times and dimensions; thus our future selves can deliver a message to our current selves and come across as a different individual.

I mention this because I believe the key to consciously accessing spiritual guidance is to trust in our own higher selves/inner wisdom, for this is the bridge between our conscious mind and all that lies beyond this world. I don’t think it really matters whether the guidance we need comes to us from our higher selves, a spirit guide or a guru, or even if these are fundamentally different in nature: the important thing is to be able to work with our experiences in a constructive way.

To draw information from dreams into our waking awareness, we need to create a bridge between the subconscious and the conscious mind. I assume you’re already writing your dreams down as soon as you awake. If not, this is the first thing to try. If you make a habit of this, it will get easier to remember your dreams, and you will also attract more spiritual guidance through them. It’s like telling the Universe: I’m paying attention now, so send more my way!

You can also program yourself before you go to sleep to dream of whatever you want or need at that time. When you close your eyes, affirm that you will not only receive what you’re wanting in your dreams, you will also clearly remember it all when you awake. You may also find it powerful to develop the ability to lucid dream and astral project. This will enable you to visit with spirit guides and gurus and forge a strong bridge between your conscious and subconscious, which will make a far broader range of spiritual insights and experiences available to you.

To consciously access your guide while you’re awake, you need to raise your vibration and then alter your state of consciousness. You can do this most readily via hypnosis or guided meditation. The goal is to make what is subconscious conscious – to bridge the gap between the two. Basically, you will reenter the dream state while maintaining at least a thread of conscious awareness.

As this is tricky, it can be very helpful to have a skilled hypnotherapist guide you. The therapist can then ask you questions and record your answers should you not be able to remember what you experienced when you are brought back to full conscious awareness. If I were working with you as a hypnotherapist, I would guide you into a very deep trance, into a dream within a dream within a dream. Once you were there, I’d have you recall the dream in which you received the mantra, and simply ask you, If you could remember the mantra, what would it be? If that failed, I’d dialogue directly with the spirit guide through you.

Your own higher self can guide you to what you’re seeking, but to do this, you must get into a high vibration and then let your conscious mind step aside and your intuition take over. If I were you, I’d get into a high vibration via yoga and meditation and then just begin to tone. Start by vocalizing an Ahhhhh sound, and then let your voice just open up. (It’s best to do this when you’re home alone, so you don’t feel inhibited.) Allow your voice to shift as it will, and any pitches, words or sounds to just flow out. As you relax and open up, you’ll find that something begins to shift your voice without you being consciously aware that it is going to happen, and soon you’ll be repeating tones, melodies, words and phrases, which may lead you to the perfect mantra for you.

Finally, it’s wise to trust in our experiences – even the blocks that frustrate us. There is a reason why we remember some things and not others. So if you can’t remember this mantra for now, it may be that you’re doing work in your dreams that you’re not meant to be doing yet in waking life. At the same time, you can trust that your keen desire to remember is leading you somewhere, so keep pursuing this – just do so with trust that you will have what you desire when the time is right for you.

– Soul Arcanum