Tag Archive: precognition

When Someone Pops Into Your Mind

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I sometimes know when I am about to run into a particular person. It can be a friend, a celebrity or just someone I have recently seen in a paper. This is happening more often nowadays, and it really puzzles me. There are three specific occasions I’d like to share with you. A while ago I saw a man I’ve never met in the paper and thought it would be nice to see him in person. A few days later, I was in a cinema with my friends and saw him standing there. I felt no romantic attraction towards him but he did get my attention. Another day I was thinking about a celebrity I fancy and strangely enough, that same instant he came around the corner and walked past me. The third and most powerful experience happened last autumn when I was going back to my old home town and hoping to see this guy I have been in love with for ages. I am always hoping to see him but this time I knew for sure we would actually meet without having any formal plans to do so; I knew this weeks in advance. What is even more bizarre is he has shown almost no interest in me romantically, but I knew that if I dressed in a certain way he would like what he saw. There was no way of knowing that we would actually meet that night, yet he actually walked right into me at one point. More amazing still is how he looked me over from head to toe and commented on how good I looked – just as I had imagined! I felt like I could fly. What am I supposed to do with this knowledge that I am going to meet someone? In the case of this guy, I figured I should go talk to him, but should I try to get in contact with the strangers too? I always get a warm feeling when my vision has come true but I can’t help but wonder why I know that these particular yet seemingly random persons will cross my path. Does it mean that they will or should have some profound meaning in my life?

– Sofia

Dear Sofia:

I understand why you are lumping all of these experiences together, for they all involve encountering someone after having them pop into your mind. However, not all such experiences are created equal in terms of meaning. Assuming that these events must share some meaning is a bit like smelling something and assuming that the act of smelling something means the same thing in every case.

Let’s say that yesterday chocolate chip cookies popped into your mind and you so vividly thought about them that you could practically smell them. You even thought to yourself, Boy, it would be nice to have a cookie right now! Today you go to a party and Shazam! – there is a big platter of chocolate chip cookies. In this case, you manifested those cookies: you wanted them, you were easy about wanting them, and they showed up in your experience. This is sort of what happened with the first person you saw: he popped into your mind, you thought it would be nice to see him in person, and then he showed up.

Now let’s imagine that you’re walking down the street when suddenly you smell oatmeal cookies. No sooner do these cookies pop into your mind than you turn the corner and Shazam! – there is a bakery with the smell of oatmeal cookies wafting through the doorway. In this case, you sensed/smelled the cookies before they came into view. This is what happened with the celebrity who popped into your mind just before turning the corner. Just as a subtle scent may not register on a conscious level at first, a subtle psychic impression may not make much impact on us until the reason for it smacks into our awareness.

Now let’s imagine that you have for years been craving these special ginger cookies that your grandmother used to make. You love these cookies above all other cookies. In fact, you are thinking about opening a bakery so you can make and sell these special cookies; this feels like your destiny. The only problem is that Grandma is the only one who knows how to make them and no one has heard from her since she ran off with the circus years ago. You go back to where you last saw Grandma – your home town – and you start asking about her and looking for her but you can’t seem to find her. One day you get invited to a gathering and suddenly you just know Grandma will be there. Of course, all the while on a metaphysical level your entire being has been sending out a signal to the Universe: find Grandma! You go to the gathering and sure enough, there she is! This is what happened with the third guy you mention: you felt draw to him, you took action to find him by going to where he may be, you listened to your intuition, and everything happened just as you expected. In this case we have a mix of destiny, intuition and manifesting at work.

Here’s my point: Just because all three experiences involved the same psychic sense doesn’t mean they all share the same meaning. There is only one way to know when something meaningful is occurring, and that is to listen to your intuition. When something is meaningful, it grabs your attention and evokes a strong feeling. The reason you smell cookies sometimes is because you have a nose; the reason these precognitive events keep happening is because you have psychic senses. What you do about these perceptions depends on the feelings that accompany them.

In the first two instances, it doesn’t sound like anything meaningful was meant to happen; this is like smelling cookies and just going on your merry way. (You can’t eat cookies every time you smell them, after all!) The last instance is more powerful and evocative. You have strong feelings for this person and this powerful connection led your intuition to guide you in going to where you ended up meeting him. It even prepared you to create what you wanted by telling you how to dress.

Since not every cookie is meant for our personal consumption and not every psychic flash is something we need to ascribe great meaning to, the more psychic we become, the more important it is to develop a clear, conscious connection to Spirit so we can ask when we’re not sure if we’re supposed to do something about some psychic information. Since this is a very natural process, trusting our feelings is the main thing. When we have a strong feeling of attraction to someone, we’re meant to go toward that person; when we have a strong feeling of fear or repulsion toward someone, we’re meant to go away from them. When we don’t feel much of anything, we are free to do whatever we like, for what we choose probably won’t prove significant in the long run anyway.

Since it can be exhausting to consult our intuition on every event that happens to us, it’s helpful to consciously create what we want in our lives by working with the law of attraction. Then we can just relax and assume that if we need to know something, our intuition will get our attention. While this happens naturally, the more we consciously create a good working relationship with our inner knowing, the smoother things tend to go for us and the more magical our journey seems to become. Regular meditation is one way to create a clear channel to our inner knowing. It’s also helpful to regularly ask within, Is there something I need to know or do in this situation? Then just trust that if you need to talk to someone or do something in particular, you’ll feel compelled, nudged or inspired to do so.

Soul Arcanum

Memories of the Future

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Since I was an adolescent, I’ve had a lot of things go through my mind and then happen seconds later or perhaps the next day. Now that I’m older, I see things like this when I’m very relaxed, like when I’m about to fall asleep. Sometimes I’m talking to someone, when out of nowhere this happens: I see people in my mind that I’ve never seen before, and sometimes locations and such, and then I encounter them later. It’s freaking me out, as I have no idea what’s going on, or why this is happening. Please help!
– Janessy

Dear Janessy:

What you’re describing is basically the front end of deja vu. We’ve all had the experience of feeling like we have lived some brief moment in time before. Usually, we can’t remember when we lived it or how we know what’s going to happen next, we just do. We may assume we dreamed it, but not be able to really remember the dream – it’s like there is a thick fog in our minds that we can’t see past as we try to unravel what’s happening.

As we awaken psychically, we naturally gain more and more awareness of things beyond the physical dimension of space/time, which leads to more intuitions and experiences of deja vu and synchronicity. While everyone has memories of the past running through their heads on a regular basis, people who are awakening psychically begin to transcend linear thinking and have what I call “memories of the future.”

These memories of the future are usually just brief flashes, but the more we’re paying attention, the more we will recognize them as something more than fantasies. In addition to the classic experience of deja vu, memories of the future may include meeting someone and sensing that we are going to know them, thinking about someone just before they email us or call us on the phone, knowing what someone is about to say, having an ominous feeling just before something bad happens, knowing how things are going to turn out, thinking about someone just before running into them, pondering an idea and then reading about the same idea in a book, etc.

These flashes of what is about to happen occur so quickly that it’s very easy to misinterpret them. For example, we might assume upon meeting someone who feels very familiar that we know them from a past life, but it’s equally as possible that we know them from a dream encounter or from the future.

The reason this happens more as we awaken psychically is because we are becoming more aware of the metaphysical. As we evolve spiritually, our personal vibration rises, and we naturally begin to think more about esoteric matters. This leads us to focus our attention beyond this plane, and as we do this in a state of reverie (an alpha brain state), we naturally begin to become aware of the subtle energies and influences that surround and influence us all the time.

Further, as our vibration rises, we become more adept at consciously affecting physical reality, so the number of “coincidences” we experience (and create) goes off the charts. It’s mind boggling, but I believe we are both sensing what is going to happen, and making it happen at the same time by thinking about it.

Of course, experiences of deja vu tend to be minor; if they involved life changing events, we’d call them prophetic visions. Sometimes these little “coincidences” can be added together and interpreted to reveal a higher message or meaning, but at other times, they simply arise from our train of thought, like memories of the past do. Past memories are often triggered by something in the present, and the same can be said of memories of the future. Further, just as we frequently are not conscious of what triggered memories from the past to come to mind, we may not be aware of what triggers memories of the future. Since “remembering” the future seems far more extraordinary than remembering the past, however, we may tend to imbue such experiences with too much meaning.

Most of us have run into trouble at least once by assigning more meaning to a strange event than it warranted. When we have a striking experience of synchronicity, it’s natural to ask ourselves what it means, and then to take action based on our interpretation of it. Let’s say that we think about a certain acquaintance, and then we run into that person on the street a few minutes later. We might ask ourselves what this means and then decide that Spirit or our own higher self is trying to tell us something about this relationship. If we are romantically attracted to that person, we may decide that Spirit is trying to tell us that this person is our soul mate, and that we should pursue a romantic relationship with them.

Now, this could actually be the case, or it could just be that we are psychically tuned in and picking up on what will happen next the same way we might be driving down the road and see another car heading our way. If we ascribe the wrong meaning to such experiences and take action based on our interpretation, and then things don’t work out so well, we may end up puzzled as to the higher purpose behind our experiences, which in time could lead us to distrust our “intuition.” So when we notice something synchronous, it may not be because we’re supposed to do something about it – it could just mean that we are tuned in to the near future.

At the same time, sometimes when memories pop into our heads, it’s because our subconscious is trying to tell us something. It could even be that a spirit is trying to get our attention. This is especially true if the memories involve a loved one in Spirit in some way. For example, I often have images of my grandmother’s house run through the back of my mind, and when I notice and then tune in, I realize that she is reaching out to me from Spirit. Since this is true of “past” memories, it could also be true of future memories. We may at times receive glimpses of the future designed to warn us, prepare us, or draw our attention to something because it will help us in some way.

There are lots of perks that come with paying attention to subtle events, for when we discern patterns and trends, we can use that information to help us create what we desire. The more we pay attention to strange feelings, impulses and intuitions and act on them, the we more we imbue our decisions with higher awareness.

If you think about it, it makes sense that when we act on impulses to talk to people, go certain places, explore certain ideas, etc., we open up to new and greater possibilities than we would if we stuck to our usual routines. By paying attention to subtle feelings and experiences and working with our impulses and intuitions, we open our lives up to the magic of synchronicity. Further, the more we notice synchronicity, the more it tends to happen!

When we are experiencing lots of synchronicity and deja vu, things also tend to flow very smoothly for us. When we have a need, it is often fulfilled in an amazing way. For example, we may desire an answer, and right after we determine this need, discover that answer while watching the news, reading a magazine, or overhearing a conversation. We may have a health problem, and as soon as we identify the need for healing, meet someone who has struggled with the same problem in the past and knows how to cure it.

So in summary, it’s natural for someone who is psychically awake and spiritually healthy to experience lots of deja vu and synchronicity. It generally suggests that we’re tuned in, paying attention, and dancing in harmonious partnership with the cosmos.

– Soul Arcanum