Tag Archive: psychic sensitivity

Sleep Paralysis, Migraines and Psychic Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

The following has been happening for a few years now. I will begin to wake from sleep and realize that my body is paralyzed. I am awake in that I am consciously aware, but I can’t move any part of my body. I can sometimes scan the room I am in, and when I do resume control of my body, it is just as I saw it with my eyes closed. I also experience a tingling sensation throughout my body, like when your arm falls asleep but far more painful, like someone is squeezing me tightly. I hear white noise like a static sound. It used to occur on a regular basis; now it is every so often. Recently, I began having these strange migraines; many times they do not feel like my own because I am still completely functional. I am very sensitive to what others are feeling; I think that’s why others find it so easy to talk to me. Sometimes I feel bipolar; I hate being around people because many times I end up being in a bad mood. I have some family members who are strongly psychic. What do you think is happening?

Dear Krystal:

I presume that you are aware that there is a term for what you’ve been experiencing: sleep paralysis. This is a state of consciousness in between being awake and asleep in which your body is immobilized but your mind is awake. (Usually when our bodies are asleep our minds are also unconscious, so we’re not aware of being unable to move.)

While we tend to think of ourselves as either being “awake” or “asleep,” there is actually continuum between being deeply asleep and wide awake that we are constantly moving along. Scientists now even believe that it’s possible for parts of our brains to be asleep while other parts are awake. When in a certain gray area between being awake and asleep, people tend to report all sorts of paranormal experiences.

What’s interesting about your particular question is your symptom of migraines and the psychic/empathic experiences you’ve been having, for all of these experiences are related. There is a strong correlation between the manifestation of sleep paralysis and stress/anxiety. High levels of stress and anxiety are also know to trigger migraines. Both sleep paralysis and migraines are also tied to sleep deprivation and irregular sleep cycles. It is therefore common to experience both sleep paralysis and migraines during periods of high stress, and to also have unusual psychic experiences during those times.

This was certainly true for me: I have only gone through one period in my life during which I frequently experienced sleep paralysis, and that was when my first child was a newborn and I was extremely stressed out and sleep deprived. Interestingly, it was also during that time that my psychic doors blew open and I started having all sorts of mind blowing experiences.

The dream state is a highly psychic state. If we are sleep deprived, it may be that we begin to dream while we are awake, or, more accurately, enter a dual state of consciousness wherein we are both dreaming and awake. This is the extraordinary state of consciousness known as sleep paralysis. While scientists may label the unusual things we perceive in such a state “hallucinations,” research has shown biochemical similarity between the dream state, the state of consciousness that shamans enter into to do their healing and psychic work, and the state of consciousness so-called psychotics are in when they are said to be “hallucinating.”

What is missing from most scientific research is awareness that what is perceived during a “hallucination” is not unfounded: it may not exist in the physical dimension, but it is real on a metaphysical level. The states of consciousness linked above lead to “hallucinations” because they enable us to perceive beyond the physical dimension. When we are in such a state of consciousness, we are “walking between the worlds” as shamans do. To put it in scientific terms, the sleep chemistry associated with dreaming/REM sleep is intruding on the state of wakefulness.

Scientists may dismiss these experiences as chemically driven. While there may be a bio-chemical component to them, that doesn’t mean that the psychic perceptions are invalid; instead, it means that these physical changes promote psychic perception. When we are caught in a state of sleep paralysis, our consciousness is rooted in one of our subtle bodies. This is why people report being unable to physically move while at the same time being able to see with their eyes closed, perceiving various entities that aren’t physically present, and hearing voices or white noise. Since they are perceiving at least in part with the astral body’s senses, they are picking up on astral phenomena.

Unfortunately, in the modern Western world, we have no tradition of knowledge or training for what to do when such states spontaneously occur. In tribal cultures, these experiences would be taken as signs of special gifts or abilities, which would lead to one being trained in how to work with them in constructive ways. Through apprenticeship with a shaman, one would learn how to control their mental and emotional states and how to keep one foot grounded in this reality while exploring other worlds.

As for your experience of migraines, there is a definite relationship between psychic development and headaches, especially migraines. I have a theory as to why this is common: if you are uncomfortable with what you’re picking up psychically, you will instinctively try to shut your psychic senses down. This leads to a block in the chakras of the head (the third eye and/or crown chakra). This is similar to why we may get a headache when we try not to cry at a sad movie: when we shut down the flow of energy by trying to hold back our feelings, psychic pressure builds. This would also explain the vague nature of your migraines. If this tension is occurring in your astral body as opposed to your physical body, it may feel strangely ethereal.

Closing our chakras is an instinctive protective measure against psychic overwhelm. Instead of blocking our chakras, we need to learn how to create a one-way flow of energy so that we can release that pressure. As you are clearly highly sensitive and a natural empath, I strongly feel you would benefit from some training in energy healing. Such training will help you learn how NOT to pick up on others’ moods/energy, how to work with dual states of consciousness, how to align your vibration in order to manifest the sorts of psychic experiences you desire, and a whole host of other valuable skills. Instead of being a passive victim of whatever psychic energies come your way, you will learn to consciously influence the course of your experience and apply your natural psychic abilities toward positive aims.

– Soul Arcanum

Highly Sensitive People Skills

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m hoping you can help me. I can see auras though not well. Because of this, I know that I have a clear aura. It’s physically exhausting for me to be around other people. Just being at work all day around lots of other people drains me to the point of exhaustion. This drives my husband crazy because I’m always tired. What I’ve read about auras suggests that my exhaustion has to do with my aura being clear. I thought if I tried to develop my ability to see auras better, maybe I wouldn’t be so tired all the time. I can now see auras better but this has only made me even more tired! Maybe I’m doing it wrong? It’s to the point that my main fear every day is not having time to rest. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Dear Marie:

Before I go into spiritual remedies, I must encourage you to make sure there is no physical cause for your exhaustion. Even if your doctor says you’re okay, it’s important to make sure you’re eating a very healthy diet and getting adequate rest and exercise. Please note that what most people consider a very healthy diet and what I’m talking about are two very different things. In my view, a very healthy diet is composed of whole, natural foods: vegetables, fruits and animal protein. The more processed a food is, the deader its energy will be. The typical modern diet and sedentary lifestyle is perfectly designed to cause low energy, dis-ease, and all sorts of other troublesome imbalances.

You say that you have a “clear aura.” I’m not sure what you mean by that, but I’m going to assume you mean that you have very thin psychic boundaries – that you’re not “thick-skinned.” I’m also going to assume that you’re not seeing colors in your own aura, and this is why you’re calling it clear. It can be much harder to see your own aura than to see other people’s auras because you are looking through your own aura when trying to see it. It may thus be that you are not seeing your aura at all, and this is why you’ve assumed that it is clear.

What you describe is a common syndrome associated with :highly sensitive people.” If you Google that term, you’ll find lots of interesting information. Basically, everyone who has keen intuition is highly sensitive, but some people are more affected by their sensitivity for various reasons. For example, a stereotypical Aquarius would tend to be less affected by high sensitivity than a Cancer because Cancers are much more emotional and much less philosophical than Aquarians tend to be.

Someone who has been consciously working with their psychic senses and has traveled a long ways down a conscious spiritual path will probably be much better at handling the unique challenges posed by high sensitivity. There are lots of highly sensitive people who have found ways to work with their thin skin. Every professional psychic I know falls into this category.

Unfortunately, I can’t give you a quick, simple way to conquer this problem that will prove both long-lasting and truly effective. Some people may tell you to wear certain stones or crystals or perform magickal rituals, but these measures are like bailing water out of the bottom of a boat instead of repairing the hole. You’re going to have to do some real inner work in order to get more comfortable in your thin skin.

The most important thing is to develop faith that everything happens for a good reason. This will allow you to walk through all sorts of potentially overwhelming, upsetting situations with grace and equanimity. It will allow you to maintain a calm, high vibration regardless of what is going on around you, and this high vibration will basically make you immune to other people being able to affect you.

One way to begin to develop this faith is to study near death experiences and life between life research. Near-death.com is one great resource; for the life between life research, I recommend books by Michael Newton Ph.D. The more you expose yourself to this information, the more you will come to understand that every experience blesses us in some way. This will enable you to be at peace with your own experiences (including the challenge of dealing with your high sensitivity), and it will enable you to remain serene when people around you are in turmoil.

I’m not surprised that trying to read auras better would exacerbate your problem, because what you did was become even <i>more</i> sensitive while at the same time tuning in to draw in more of others’ energy. In order to stop being affected by others, you’ll want to reverse this psychic flow. By this, I mean that instead of tuning in to others’ energy, you’ll set your own high tone and send that energy OUT.

You might begin by adopting the inner mantra, “The divine light in me greets the light in thee” or “Namaste” whenever you interact with another person. Visualize love and good wishes flowing from your heart out to them. Don’t get attached to them responding in any particular way; this is about who you are choosing to be and the energy you are choosing to send out into the world.

Don’t worry that if you send all these good vibes out, you’ll somehow run out. You’re not sending your own energy, you’re channeling divine love and light, which is endless. The more you channel this energy, the better you will feel yourself. It may be helpful for you to undertake some training in energy healing to learn how to maintain your own energetic well-being when interacting with others.

My next suggestion is for you to take up a regular meditation practice. Meditation will develop your inner observer, which will empower you to step back from whatever is happening around you and center in your own higher self. With this in mind, I’m going to offer you a mini meditation exercise that you can silently practice whenever you start to feel drained.

Take a moment to center yourself by relaxing your shoulders and taking a few big, deep breaths. Close your eyes and picture yourself sitting in an ancient Roman theater, watching a drama unfold on the stage below you. Focus in on the actors and allow yourself to get caught up in the emotions they are conveying. Notice how, as you identify with the actors, you experience those same emotions. Now pull your awareness back into your own body and remind yourself that these are actors on a stage playing out various parts. Mentally label what is happening on the stage “drama,” and then relax into the pleasure of watching it unfold. Now back up even more – lift right up out of your body and look down to observe yourself watching the performance. As you do this, you realize that you too are an actor on the stage of life. Smile at yourself and the people around you who have gotten so caught up in playing their parts that they have forgotten that life is just a big production we undertake because it’s exciting, like watching a drama on stage. You are now centered in your inner observer and should be able to observe yourself interacting with others without being thrown off of your own high vibration and spiritual center.

As you move through each day, whenever you find yourself starting to feel worn down by the events unfolding around you, remember to say “drama” to yourself, and then shift from taking in others’ energy to flowing love and compassion outward.

– Soul Arcanum

Controlling Psychic Sensitivity

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: In a recent column, you advised the woman who wrote in to learn how to control her psychic sensitivity. Can you offer some specific tips or exercises on how to do so? I’m the caregiver for a disabled man who is deeply depressed, and some days I can set my own tone as you advised, but on other days, I end up feeling really down or out of sorts as soon as I cross the threshold into his house. I’ve thought about quitting this job but I figure it would be better to learn how to control my sensitivity.

Dear Kate:

I’m so glad you asked about this, for I never seem to have enough room in my column to go into as much detail as I’d like. Though most people aren’t conscious of it, this is a common issue for everyone except the most thick-skinned among us.

As anyone who nurtures others regularly will develop empathy, nurses, caregivers, counselors, etc., all tend to be empathic. This makes sense since trying to understand how other people feel exercises our empathy muscles. Further, people who are highly empathic tend to go into these fields because they feel others’ pain and want to help. (When you feel others’ feelings, it’s only natural to want others to feel great.)

I went through something like this not long ago with my teenage son. I was high on life and feeling wonderful in every way when he moved home from college because he was deeply depressed. At first I was fine, for even though I was channeling a lot of attention and energy to him, I had prepared myself and was remaining conscious of my own vibration. After he began to do better, however, I naturally relaxed.

Then one day I woke up and realized that I hadn’t felt like myself for a while. While I wasn’t depressed, I had become rather indifferent to things that usually mean a great deal to me. I pondered this for a while and could come up with no good reason why I should feel so blah when I am by nature an intense, passionate person. When I finally decided to meditate on it, I instantly realized that I wasn’t feeling like myself because I was feeling like my son!

I then remembered that I had actually asked to feel like him, though not in so many words. In order to better parent him, I kept trying to understand him. Even when he’s perfectly happy and healthy, he is by nature way more easygoing and laid back than I am, which makes it hard for me to relate to him sometimes.

When we try to understand others, we actively connect on an empathic level whether we realize it or not. I believe I do know how it feels to be my son now, for I’ve felt that way myself. As him, I don’t get worked up about anything. This means I don’t get upset or stressed but I also don’t get passionate or ambitious. Since I prefer to feel like me, I realized I had to take control of my own vibration.

We all connect empathically to others sometimes. I’m sure you’ve tried hard to understand how the man you care for feels and how difficult it must be to be in his shoes. While there are many things we can do to control our psychic sensitivity, when we lose ourselves in a relationship, usually just getting conscious of what is happening energetically will set us free. For example, as soon as I realized what was happening, I returned to feeling like myself again.

It helps to remember that the more time we spend with someone, the more likely we are to be influenced by their energy. Further, the closer we are to someone emotionally or the more we try to care for them or help them, the more likely we are to forge an empathic bond. We are therefore wise to pay attention and consciously cultivate our own vibration whenever we spend a lot of time with someone who is in any sort of distress, especially if we are trying to help them in some way.

Ideally, helpers have a higher, stronger vibration than those they help, but this isn’t a given. Further, trying to help someone who is deeply depressed can eventually weigh down even the sunniest caregiver. It’s sort of like trying to save someone who is drowning: the more hours you spend in the water with them, the harder it becomes to keep everyone afloat.

Usually the first sign that you’re losing control of your own vibration is the vague sense of not feeling like yourself. (When you don’t feel like yourself, odds are good that you are feeling like someone else.) Once you become aware that you feel different, you can usually pinpoint who you’re channeling and then take action to consciously deal with that bond in a healthier way.

Here are some things you might try:

First, consciously set your tone every morning. You can do this via meditation or some other spiritual practice like writing in a gratitude journal. The important thing is to get rooted in the positive vibration you desire.

Make your number one goal to feel good. You may or may not be able to help this man feel better, for there is only so much you can do. Remember that you feeling bad for him or others won’t help anyone, and make your first priority to stay in a high vibration yourself.

If you suddenly find your mood sinking for no apparent reason, break all empathic connections. You can do this whenever you are talking to someone or listening to something and you start to get upset. It’s especially effective when you are arguing with someone about something and they are trying to convince you to see things their way. All you have to do is set the strong intention of breaking your psychic connection with whomever or whatever is upsetting you, and then wave your hand/s vehemently in front of your torso. I usually go up and down between my heart chakra and my solar plexus chakra.

This can have a startlingly powerful effect. I’ve done it on the spot with someone who was arguing with me, and the sensation was almost physically tangible. If you fear you’ll freak someone out by doing this, you could excuse yourself (perhaps to go to the bathroom) and do it there. See all cords between you and others being snapped and wiped away. If you have no idea why a dark mood has suddenly come over you, this can still work. Just visualize that whatever or whomever is encroaching on your mood is being wiped away.

You can also shake off any unwanted energy like a dog would shake off water. Let your arms and hands and legs go crazy. It will feel really good! Blow your breath out forcefully, move however feels good to you, and imagine all those unwanted vibes flying off into the cosmos.

If someone tries to encroach on your energy after you do this, visualize yourself as a porcupine with quills of light. Send your energy outward through your spikes and then mosey contentedly on your way with confidence that you’re invulnerable.

After you break an empathic connection, consciously get centered in the vibration you desire again. See your own core essence within like a little light, and turn that light up and let it shine. See it growing from within you, glowing brighter, shining out through your skin, through your eyes, flowing out your hands. When we say that someone is glowing we mean that on some level, we perceive that they are radiating their own divine light like this. If your vibration is the strongest one in the vicinity, you will uplift the downtrodden instead of getting dragged down yourself, so let yourself shine!

– Soul Arcanum