Tag Archive: sleep paralysis

Sleep Paralysis, Migraines and Psychic Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

The following has been happening for a few years now. I will begin to wake from sleep and realize that my body is paralyzed. I am awake in that I am consciously aware, but I can’t move any part of my body. I can sometimes scan the room I am in, and when I do resume control of my body, it is just as I saw it with my eyes closed. I also experience a tingling sensation throughout my body, like when your arm falls asleep but far more painful, like someone is squeezing me tightly. I hear white noise like a static sound. It used to occur on a regular basis; now it is every so often. Recently, I began having these strange migraines; many times they do not feel like my own because I am still completely functional. I am very sensitive to what others are feeling; I think that’s why others find it so easy to talk to me. Sometimes I feel bipolar; I hate being around people because many times I end up being in a bad mood. I have some family members who are strongly psychic. What do you think is happening?

Dear Krystal:

I presume that you are aware that there is a term for what you’ve been experiencing: sleep paralysis. This is a state of consciousness in between being awake and asleep in which your body is immobilized but your mind is awake. (Usually when our bodies are asleep our minds are also unconscious, so we’re not aware of being unable to move.)

While we tend to think of ourselves as either being “awake” or “asleep,” there is actually continuum between being deeply asleep and wide awake that we are constantly moving along. Scientists now even believe that it’s possible for parts of our brains to be asleep while other parts are awake. When in a certain gray area between being awake and asleep, people tend to report all sorts of paranormal experiences.

What’s interesting about your particular question is your symptom of migraines and the psychic/empathic experiences you’ve been having, for all of these experiences are related. There is a strong correlation between the manifestation of sleep paralysis and stress/anxiety. High levels of stress and anxiety are also know to trigger migraines. Both sleep paralysis and migraines are also tied to sleep deprivation and irregular sleep cycles. It is therefore common to experience both sleep paralysis and migraines during periods of high stress, and to also have unusual psychic experiences during those times.

This was certainly true for me: I have only gone through one period in my life during which I frequently experienced sleep paralysis, and that was when my first child was a newborn and I was extremely stressed out and sleep deprived. Interestingly, it was also during that time that my psychic doors blew open and I started having all sorts of mind blowing experiences.

The dream state is a highly psychic state. If we are sleep deprived, it may be that we begin to dream while we are awake, or, more accurately, enter a dual state of consciousness wherein we are both dreaming and awake. This is the extraordinary state of consciousness known as sleep paralysis. While scientists may label the unusual things we perceive in such a state “hallucinations,” research has shown biochemical similarity between the dream state, the state of consciousness that shamans enter into to do their healing and psychic work, and the state of consciousness so-called psychotics are in when they are said to be “hallucinating.”

What is missing from most scientific research is awareness that what is perceived during a “hallucination” is not unfounded: it may not exist in the physical dimension, but it is real on a metaphysical level. The states of consciousness linked above lead to “hallucinations” because they enable us to perceive beyond the physical dimension. When we are in such a state of consciousness, we are “walking between the worlds” as shamans do. To put it in scientific terms, the sleep chemistry associated with dreaming/REM sleep is intruding on the state of wakefulness.

Scientists may dismiss these experiences as chemically driven. While there may be a bio-chemical component to them, that doesn’t mean that the psychic perceptions are invalid; instead, it means that these physical changes promote psychic perception. When we are caught in a state of sleep paralysis, our consciousness is rooted in one of our subtle bodies. This is why people report being unable to physically move while at the same time being able to see with their eyes closed, perceiving various entities that aren’t physically present, and hearing voices or white noise. Since they are perceiving at least in part with the astral body’s senses, they are picking up on astral phenomena.

Unfortunately, in the modern Western world, we have no tradition of knowledge or training for what to do when such states spontaneously occur. In tribal cultures, these experiences would be taken as signs of special gifts or abilities, which would lead to one being trained in how to work with them in constructive ways. Through apprenticeship with a shaman, one would learn how to control their mental and emotional states and how to keep one foot grounded in this reality while exploring other worlds.

As for your experience of migraines, there is a definite relationship between psychic development and headaches, especially migraines. I have a theory as to why this is common: if you are uncomfortable with what you’re picking up psychically, you will instinctively try to shut your psychic senses down. This leads to a block in the chakras of the head (the third eye and/or crown chakra). This is similar to why we may get a headache when we try not to cry at a sad movie: when we shut down the flow of energy by trying to hold back our feelings, psychic pressure builds. This would also explain the vague nature of your migraines. If this tension is occurring in your astral body as opposed to your physical body, it may feel strangely ethereal.

Closing our chakras is an instinctive protective measure against psychic overwhelm. Instead of blocking our chakras, we need to learn how to create a one-way flow of energy so that we can release that pressure. As you are clearly highly sensitive and a natural empath, I strongly feel you would benefit from some training in energy healing. Such training will help you learn how NOT to pick up on others’ moods/energy, how to work with dual states of consciousness, how to align your vibration in order to manifest the sorts of psychic experiences you desire, and a whole host of other valuable skills. Instead of being a passive victim of whatever psychic energies come your way, you will learn to consciously influence the course of your experience and apply your natural psychic abilities toward positive aims.

– Soul Arcanum

Learning to Control the Quality of Astral Experiences

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been aware of the spiritual plane for as long as I can remember, going back to when I was a preschooler and could perceive a man in a top hat who used to watch me in my room every night. I have dreams where I meet people who have passed. In these dreams, I always travel by elevator, and the place I end up in is always a hotel of some sort, ranging from dreary (a woman who did not know she was dead) to the most beautiful room I have ever seen surrounded by walls of glass and this beautiful light that can’t be described. The light was so dense and so magnificent that nothing besides the light could be seen beyond the windows. The real reason I write is because I need help. Starting back in highschool, I occasionally had spirits try to frighten me. Many nights, my mirror would lift off my wall at approximately 2 a.m. and knock over everything on my nighttable. Sometimes my radio would turn on. (This was particularly effective near Halloween when scary commercials were on.) I continued with my prayers and made it through what was a scary time for me. Sometime later, I began to experience sleep paralysis. I became a master of focusing calmly on moving one body part and breaking the trance. I have left my body and heard the voice of my great-grandmother. One time I left my body and when I returned there was a very scary, evil-looking woman approaching my body; I began to pray to God and she snarled and vanished. Last night, I had several episodes that were weak and I was too tired to care, so I fought it off but wasn’t bothered by it. The last time, though, my entire body began to vibrate violently and I began to pray and the vibrations ceased and I was free. I know that I need to better protect myself and I know spirits are trying to contact me, but I am apprehensive. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your time.


Dear Janelle:

As we naturally evolve spiritually, it’s normal to have spontaneous psychic experiences, to begin to consciously remember out-of body-experiences, and to eventually gain the ability to leave our bodies at will. It’s also normal to be anxious about this, for these are not everyday, ordinary experiences. Most of us have been taught what to do in order to remain physically safe. We’re told not to open the door to a stranger, and should we set ourselves on fire, to stop, drop and roll. No one tells us what to do when we feel paralyzed in bed and sense an evil presence nearby!

In addition to being psychically sensitive, I would bet you are also under some stress. The sorts of experiences you describe tend to happen when people are extremely sleep-deprived. They also tend to pick up during times of change and transition, such as the teen years, when babies are born, during final exams in college, during career changes, when going through a divorce or getting married, when moving into a new house, etc. Any event or change that causes stress can make us vulnerable to negative psychic experiences, for what we attract on a psychic level is a direct reflection of our inner state of being.

If you can control your inner state of being, you can control the quality of your experiences when you’re in an altered state of consciousness. If you’re anxious when you project or shift your awareness to the astral, you will tend to have frightening experiences, so anything you do that helps to lower your stress level would be helpful. If you are in a state of peace and wonder, you will have wonderful experiences. If you find yourself in an unnerving situation, try to stay calm and assume that all is and will be well. (That’s good advice whether you’re in the astral or the physical!)

Obviously, the more you know about the astral, the less fear you will have of the unknown. With this in mind, I recommend you engage in deep study of the astral, spirits, and out of body experiences. For starters, you might read Astral Dynamics, Mastering Astral Projection, and Practical Psychic Self-Defense by Robert Bruce. Also Journeys Out of the Body by Robert Monroe and Out of Body Experiences: How to Have them and What to Expect by Robert Peterson. It will take a great investment of time and energy to master this material, but since you’re having these experiences anyway, you definitely need an education in this subject.

It would be profoundly empowering on many levels to learn how to control your vibration by studying energy healing and the law of attraction. Remember: if you can control your inner state of being, you can control the quality of your psychic experiences! This has been known by mystics for millennia. It’s even in the Bible!

For example, Proverbs 4:23 – 27, says: Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life….Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil. In Proverbs 2:7 – 11, the Bible says, [God] is a shield to those who walk with integrity…He guards the paths of the just…Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe.

So what does it mean to guard your heart and to mark out a straight path? If you are at war with anyone in your life, then you carry the vibration of discord. If you send evil thoughts to the person who cut you off in traffic, to the rude person in line at the grocery store, if you are full of bitterness at your ex-spouse or feel like a victim in some way, you will tend to have negative psychic experiences. If, instead, you are ever seeking peace and harmony, if you “forgive those who trespass against you,” if you are tolerant of others and look for the divine in them, if you can bless those who do things you don’t like and not take their behavior personally, then you will radiate peace and attract positive psychic experiences.

This is not easy, but there is no more important work in life than learning how to “guard”/purify our hearts and minds.

By learning how to work with energy, as in energy healing, you will learn how to shift your vibration from anxious to faithful, how to infuse situations with positive energy, how to deflect negative energy – the list goes on and on. How you learn energy healing should be organic, by which I mean that you are guided to it by Spirit. Put out a call/prayer and see where you are guided. I was trained in the Spiritualist tradition, and I’m partial to this method because it is simple and demystified. Many traditions make things far more complicated than is necessary, and surround their teachings with unfounded mystique.

Speaking of which, Robert Bruce has a new book on healing entitled Energy Work: The Secrets of Healing and Spiritual Growth. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but based on his other work, I’m sure it’s great. I’m also sure that it’s no accident that this expert on astral projection has written a book on energy healing, for in order to control your astral experiences, you must be able to consciously influence/control energy.

– Soul Arcanum

What Causes Astral Projection Sensations?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve had experiences related to astral projection for many years. The first one I remember happened when I was in high school. I was sleeping in bed when all of a sudden, I felt like I couldn’t move. I was sleeping but wide awake at the same time. I tried everything I could to move, but nothing worked. Then I felt this INTENSE buzzing. It felt like I had electricity flowing through my body. I could feel it around me, and I could also hear it! Since then I’ve had similar experiences, but not as intense. In fact, it happened just last week, and it still freaks me out. According to what I’ve been reading, these are the initial stages of an out of body experience. If I just let the paralysis and the buzzing take their course, will I be able to leave my physical body? What is causing these sensations, anyway?
– Malia

Dear Malia:

You are indeed describing the classic initial signs of an out of body experience. To purposefully project, you must relax and remain conscious when these sensations come over you. There are lots of exercises available in books and on the web to help you get out of your body as well. They may tell you to mentally “roll over” out of your body, feel yourself getting lighter, try to mentally “sway” back and forth, etc. So you don’t have to passively wait to be released; you can mentally manipulate yourself free.

In terms of authors, some of my favorites are Bob Peterson, Robert Monroe, and Robert Bruce. (Yes, they’re all named Robert. How weird is that?) There is also a great website I discovered a while ago called Astral Voyage. In addition to working with astral projection exercises, I highly recommend that you devote yourself to general spiritual development and meditate regularly.

Some of the most common signs of impending astral projection include physical paralysis, tingling or vibrating sensations, buzzing or roaring sounds and sexual arousal. As projection becomes imminent, one may also feel one’s limbs or entire being beginning to grow very light or “lift” up. Let’s explore some of these sensations and what is happening when they occur.

Generally speaking, the sensations that precede projection stem from your consciousness shifting into a different part of your being. This is probably unlike anything you’ve ever felt before because it doesn’t happen very often. (While we all leave our bodies every night, our CONSCIOUSNESS generally does not. Our subconscious minds are in charge when we’re dreaming.)

Most people will experience some of these sensations at some point in their lives, whether they try to deliberately astral project or not. When the physical body is extremely stressed or taxed due to sleep deprivation, extreme hunger, or physical accident/injury, many people have conscious spontaneous out of body experiences, or at least some of the symptoms. Drugs/anesthesia can also induce out of body experiences or symptoms, as can intense spiritual practices like deep meditation.

So what causes these experiences? Picture a cup sitting on a saucer, and imagine that the cup is your spirit and the saucer is your conscious awareness. Now imagine that the saucer is attached to a table (the physical body) by Velcro. Normally when we leave our bodies at night (and never realize it), the cup is gently lifted from the saucer. When we consciously astral project, however, we take the saucer with us, and to do that, we have to “pry” it from that Velcro. What you’re feeling is the sensation of your consciousness being separated from your physical body.

Please note that this is an extremely simple metaphor. In fact, some leading astral projection researchers believe that we can actually split our conscious awareness between our physical body and our astral body. For the sake of understanding here, however, all we need to know is that a part of our awareness that does not usually “go with us” when we leave the physical is separating during conscious projection.


Sleep paralysis is the state where your body is “asleep” but your mind is “awake.” This is a very unusual state to be in, for usually when our bodies are asleep, our minds are too. When we practice meditation or projection exercises, we stretch our ability to remain conscious until it overlaps with the state of deep relaxation our bodies enter during sleep. We are “sleep paralyzed” every night, we just don’t usually know it. (Otherwise, it is speculated that we would physically act out our dreams.)

Though sleep paralysis can be terrifying, it is entirely natural. (What’s not natural is our conscious awareness of it.) Further, it is possible for projection to occur without physical paralysis. Sometimes we just feel deeply relaxed. The first time I began to spontaneously project, I was meditating in a seated pose when I felt my body slipping back and up. It was like I had two sets of hands, and one set was slipping out of the other set like they were gloves.

Sounds and Vibrations

If you don’t drag yourself out of sleep paralysis, next you may feel an intense buzzing or tingling sensation. Some people call these sensations “vibrations.” What I felt prior to leaving my body I would describe as waves of ecstatic energy that rolled from my pelvis up my body and over my head. Then a new wave would come. Each wave left me feeling a bit “higher” or lighter, and then the next thing I knew, I was out of my body.

Many people experience a bit of a jolt when they pop out, but for me, it was just a gentle lift. It is apparently very common to hear loud rushing, roaring, or buzzing sounds during this “vibration” period, though I didn’t hear a thing.

I should point out that my experiences seem to be much milder than the norm, perhaps because I had been on a conscious spiritual path for many years when I first projected. Because the non-physical exists at a higher vibration than the physical, the higher our consciousness is, the easier it is for it to transition into the non-physical. Someone who pursues spiritual and psychic development first, and then tries to project, would thus find it a gentler and easier process than someone who was new to spiritual matters and decided to explore astral projection out of curiosity.

Also, the more we project, the easier it gets. No doubt this is in part because we are learning what works for us via experience, but it may also stem from our diminishing fear, the natural spiritual/ psychic development that arises via meditation and astral projection exercises, and perhaps a weakening of whatever holds our consciousness in the physical body to begin with. (To employ that Velcro analogy again, think about how Velcro on a pair of pants will grow softer and easier to pull apart with repeated use.)

Sexual Arousal

Along with those waves of energy, I experienced another common sensation just prior to astral projection: some may call it sexual arousal, though I think a better term would be “energetic ecstasy.” It’s similar to the feeling of an orgasm as it builds, but it is suffused throughout your entire being: your body, your aura, your heart, your mind: everything you consider “you” and then some. This ecstatic energy courses through you in waves and builds until you lift out of the body.

The French call orgasm a “little death.” I think this is apt, because at the moment of climax, we seem to expand and merge with All That Is. Perhaps the sexual arousal that often precedes astral projection is the feeling of merging with a part of ourselves that is far more expansive and free than the physical.

May you explore fascinating spiritual territory throughout your life!

– Soul Arcanum