Category: Chakras/Auras

The Evil Eye and Auric Interactions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My family has all sorts of superstitions that I’ve always thought were crazy. At the same time, however, part of me has always wondered if maybe there is something to them. For example, my grandmother was forever blaming all sorts of problems on what she called the “evil eye.” (I could tell you lots of wild stories!) Anyway, do you think the evil eye is real? Is it possible to harm another person on some level just by looking at them?
– Effie

Dear Effie:

The evil eye is a common superstition in Arab and European countries, especially around the area of the Mediterranean. However, the understanding that ill will can be communicated via a look is universal. Let’s deal with the superstition first.

The basic idea behind the evil eye is that one person can curse another person by simply envying them. Most people believe that this harm is not intentional. It seems to arise from the idea that in drawing attention to someone’s blessing, God may realize He’s made a mistake or that things aren’t “fair” somehow, and take that blessing away.

From a metaphysical perspective, there is of course no need for us to hide our blessings for fear they will be taken away from us, and in fact, that sort of fear is counter-productive. Most of us can appreciate the psychological issues behind such superstitions, however, for we’ve all been the uncomfortable objects of envy. If someone who couldn’t have a child praised my beautiful baby, I would naturally feel sorry for her and empathize by imagining myself in her place. If we are in any way doubtful of our worthiness of such a blessing, it’s natural to think we’d better hide our good fortune lest someone take it away.

Perhaps this sort of thinking arises in childhood, when parents strive to be fair to siblings. If one sibling has something like a new toy or candy, he may be made to share it with his brothers and sisters. Also, children often find things they treasure but should not have, and when their parents find out, they take those things away. To protect their treasures, children often learn to hide them.

We must also remember that folklore arises to answer questions to which there are no other answers available. For example, babies and small children tend to get sick a lot. Back when there was no medical explanation for most illnesses, people looked to supernatural causes because they were desperate to be able to do something to save their children from harm.

There are all sorts of strange rituals, charms and so-called cures for the evil eye, which you can research elsewhere if you’re interested. I do think it’s interesting to note that these remedies reveal a basic awareness of the fact that our auras can be affected by others’ energy. When we believe we are protected, our vibration is high, and for this reason alone, using a charm or ritual could protect us. Further, charms for protection are often mirrored surfaces or look like eyes, as they are designed to reflect and return the energy in the sender’s gaze. This suggests basic understanding of karma, and how it is wiser to “turn the other cheek” than to go on the offensive. Other remedies for the evil eye involve auric cleansing techniques. For example, in some places children are smudged with smoke when they return from being in public.

As for whether or not there is any spiritual basis for these superstitions, we all know that looks can be unsettling and unnerving. While some looks obviously contain some sort of threat, most of us don’t like to be stared at, and some looks really give us the creeps. The common saying, “if looks could kill” suggests we are aware of the malevolent quality of some looks, and grateful that they can only affect us on a non-physical level.

Most women are familiar with the energetic feeling of being “checked out” or leered at by a man. One of the first auric interactions I ever witnessed clairvoyantly involved such a situation. I was picking up a friend who lived in a college co-op. She hadn’t eaten dinner yet, so I agreed to wait while she grabbed a quick meal with her housemates. I was sitting in the back of the dining room when I saw a young man enter. Her back was to him, and as I saw him look at her, I actually saw this red, murky energy flow out from his aura toward her. When it got close to her, all of a sudden she turned around and looked right at him with an angry look on her face.

This so surprised me that I lost my clairvoyant connection. Later I told her what I’d seen, and she was amazed by it. She then explained how that young man had been sexually harassing her for a while, and gave her the creeps!

This experience demonstrated how we sense when someone is looking at us: they actually send energy out to our auras. It also explained how we can sense things about people, like whether they are safe or dangerous, sincere or dishonest, and all sorts of other information. Regardless of what they may do or say, when we interact with other people, our auras are communicating on a deeper level.

We can send energy to someone by focusing on them mentally, but it’s more powerful to be able to focus on them visually as well. By focusing our gaze on someone with emotion, we can communicate all sorts of things from anger, threats or rejection to sincere interest, sexual attraction and love.

Further, when two or more people are together, natural spiritual law causes them to entrain to the vibration of the person with the strongest energy field. This person has the most “power” both in terms of life force and interpersonal dynamics. This does not mean that person is the most “enlightened.” If such a person has a very positive, warm vibration, others will find him attractive. If such a person has a negative or destructive vibration, people will naturally tend to fear him.

People with strong life force energy radiate that power in many ways, and one key way is through their eyes, which tend to be striking, penetrating or beautiful. It thus makes sense that when we are around someone of a lower vibration who has more powerful chi than we do, we will feel threatened by their energy, and try to avoid interacting with them in any way.

Please don’t let these ideas worry you, for we have been dealing with these auric interactions our whole lives with the help of our wonderful inner guidance systems. Our instincts make us aware of what is happening on an auric level, so all we need to do is listen to our intuition and act accordingly.

– Soul Arcanum

What Blocks a Chakra?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m always reading about how to clear “blocks” in the chakras, but what causes blocks to begin with?
– Andrew:

Dear Andrew:

Thanks for this excellent question!

Basically, blocks in our chakras/auras stem from fear. When we feel afraid, we are resistant to what is happening or what we think might happen in the future. This causes us to try to prevent it from happening, and to do that, we constrict our energy, which prevents it from flowing freely. When we make a habit of this, over time blocks develop.

As for where all this fear comes from in the first place, we must remember that life in the physical is an experience in contrast. In fact, just the drive for physical survival generates all kinds of fear. From the time we are newborn babies, we are constantly struggling to get our needs met, whether those needs are for food, physical comfort, love, etc. When our needs aren’t met, we experience fear and pain, and begin to develop all sorts of beliefs and habits designed to avoid further suffering.

Let’s say that when Alice was very small, her mother left her for some reason. Maybe her mother died, maybe she got sick and had to be hospitalized for a long time, or maybe she just ran off with the mail man. Assuming this was a really traumatic experience for Alice, and she didn’t get the help or support she needed to process this experience and heal from it, she may forevermore carry “abandonment” issues. Where is she “carrying” these issues? Most likely, they can be found right in her aura. In this case, I’d expect to find a “sore spot” or a hole in her rear heart chakra, which indicates pain or trauma in a past relationship.

Someone who carried a block or energy issue from a childhood experience like this might cope by deciding that they don’t really need anyone else anyway, and choose never to become dependent on another person. They may believe that people can’t be trusted, or if they internalized their wound and blamed themselves, keep others at a distance because they believe they are intrinsically unlovable or unworthy of having someone they can really lean on.

Entire books have been written about chakra/energy healing, but with a bit of thought and imagination, you can work out for yourself the infinite number of experiences that could cause someone to constrict their energy flow and develop a habit that leads to blocks or stuck energy in their aura. Further, it’s easy to imagine what may be happening in our auras based on what we’re experiencing. For example, if we feel like we just “can’t think straight,” odds are good that the state of our sixth chakra will reflect our confusion. If we are having trouble swallowing, there may be something in our life experience that we are having a hard time accepting. If we feel powerless or unmotivated, our solar plexus chakra will probably look dull, dim, blocked or unbalanced.

We must also remember that the appearance of the chakras is just one more symptom, not the ultimate problem. If a healer notes a block in a chakra, it doesn’t mean that the chakra is the cause of whatever may ail us, but rather that there is a problem of some nature (physical, emotional, mental or spiritual) that needs to be healed and cleared.

Because we naturally repress conscious awareness of our own personal issues, I think it’s helpful to compare the aura of the human body to the energetic life of a relationship. Bring to mind a very close, intense, personal relationship you have with someone like a lover or a best friend. (Using a lover or spouse is ideal, because romantic relationships tend to stir up all sorts of fears, and thus challenge many deep-seated emotional habits and issues.)

If you are at all a reflective person (and if you are reading this, you are!), you can see how when you are open and loving and honest in that relationship, the energy flows freely between you, but whenever you close yourself off, lash out in anger or fear, or lie in order to avoid something, the energy constricts or stops flowing. Then there are walls between you and a sense of emotional distance that is hard to bridge.

The more you make a habit of finding the courage to be open and honest, the closer you two will be. The more you react from fear based on old emotional habits, the more tension and emotional distance there will be in the relationship, and the less healthy and fulfilling it will feel.

In order to clear the blocks to balance and intimacy in the relationship, those issues you are stuck on must be healed, and a new and better approach to them must be adopted. This is done by opening up about how you really feel. This first step toward new awareness and understanding is what you need in order to consciously create positive change.

The healing process is the same with our bodies. Where we have repressed, denied, avoided or resisted anything, we will remain pinched off or in unhealthy relationship to that issue until we bring it up, consciously face it, and choose to adopt a new belief, attitude or approach.

Since it is wise to work with the law of attraction, let’s shift from focusing on what blocks chakras to what creates health, balance, and flow.

As what we don’t want is to be blocked, it’s easy to figure out that what we do want is to be “open.” When we don’t view anything or anyone as being apart from us or against, but rather as a part of us, then we are open. When we really think about the word “open,” for that matter, it’s easy to see that when we are open to something, someone, or some experience, we are not resistant to it. Being figuratively open means our auras are literally open and receptive.

The ultimate in being open is to be at one with everything we encounter. One who is fully open identifies with ALL. She recognizes that she creates her own reality, and the world she observes around her is thus “her” world. This leads to natural acceptance, openness and trust. To keep our chakras (and thus all of our beings) flowing smoothly, we must keep our minds open, our hearts open, our spirits open, and our arms open to life and every being we encounter.

This does not mean we lack discernment or discrimination, try to hug Grizzly bears, or literally say yes to everything or everyone who crosses our path. On a higher spiritual level, however, we are neither saying “yes” or “no” but rather something more like, “This is interesting.”

Being open means that we trust that everything happens for a good reason; we know that every experience comes to bless us in some way, even if it is just to teach us; and we remember that nothing can victimize us or oppress us, because we are constantly creating our personal realities based on what we give our attention to and how we decide to interpret our experiences.

We could also say that one who is fully open lives in the world but not of it. By this, I mean he is aware that there is a greater reality, and he derives his sense of ultimate identity and security from that greater reality. He still engages in life and plays at manifesting his dreams here, but he does so lightly, for he knows that he doesn’t truly need anything beyond that which can never be taken away from him – his own innate divinity.

A simple way to determine how open you are is to examine how you feel. If you’re feeling anything negative like tired, ill, depressed, anxious, stressed, pessimistic, angry, jealous, etc., then you are closing off from something because you fear it and want to resist or avoid it. If you’re feeling energized and healthy, happy, cheerful, alert, hopeful, etc., you’re open, my friend.

– Soul Arcanum

Weak Knees, Energy Rushes and Psychic Ability

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My name is Daniel, and I am a 19-year-old college student from Tennessee. I am an adventurous person, and enjoy exploring old homes, forests, etc. Sometimes when I’m in an old setting, I have a very strange sensation: my knees get weak and I almost feel as if I am blacking out. At the same time, I feel a rush of emotions that seem so concentrated, I can’t separate them. Although at first I assumed that this experience was connected to the “paranormal” in a “haunted house” sense, I have recently come to believe that it’s some form of psychic ability. Are the experiences I described legitimate psychic ability? I know that everyone is psychic to an extent, but my experiences don’t seem to be very common. Any information on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
– Daniel

Dear Daniel:

I think it would be most helpful to ponder your experiences in light of “kundalini” or life force energy. This will lead us to the most basic foundation for such experiences, because ultimately, everything in the Universe is a matter of energy.

While we could label these “psychic experiences,” I believe what you’re experiencing at such moments are actually surges in kundalini. As we awaken spiritually, we naturally develop psychic abilities, so the relationship between what you’re experiencing and psychic phenomena is sort of like the relationship between exercise and fitness: as you awaken spiritually, you naturally develop psychically, just as when you exercise regularly, you naturally develop greater fitness. All growth spurts involve a surge in kundalini, so whether we are growing physically or spiritually, the basic energy that animates us and gives us consciousness will surge to fuel that growth spurt.

Some symptoms of spiritual awakening/ kundalini rising include: emotional outbursts and strong waves of emotion, which may be positive (bliss and ecstasy, for example) or negative (fear, anger or depression). In the extreme, manic depression often arises from the highs and lows of erratic kundalini flow. This would explain those intense waves of emotions you feel.

Kundalini rising can also cause physical symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, exhaustion, numbness or tingling in the body (especially in the lower extremities), mental confusion, disorientation, visual distortion and psychic experiences. I’ve only named a few of the symptoms one might experience with kundalini awakening to demonstrate that all of what you describe falls within this range.

As kundalini rises into the area of the third eye and crown chakra, tiredness or drowsiness may develop. Physical weakness and fatigue are also natural because a big shift in vibration can be taxing on a body that is not adequately prepared for it. Some even say that a surge in kundalini uses up so much blood sugar that our blood sugar level may plummet, and most of us know how that feels! If we don’t understand what is going on, it’s natural to become worried or anxious about such sensations, which would only hinder the process of kundalini rising further and cause more discomfort.

Dizziness and disorientation in particular often precede some sort of spiritual breakthrough, for these are crown chakra experiences. As kundalini rises from the root chakra up the spine, it eventually makes its way out the crown of the head, so once it’s made it to the crown chakra, we’re on the verge of a breakthrough. If we “black out” at this point, it may be because we simply aren’t yet consciously up to speed with this level of experience.

Since you have these experiences when you’re in what we might term a “spiritual” setting or situation of one sort or another, I’m even more inclined to presume that they stem from a sudden surge in kundalini. If your body was a clear and open channel for this energy, you would probably have either an ecstatic spiritual experience or conscious psychic awareness of what is happening energetically in that situation. With the old forests, for example, you may have some sort of blissful spiritual experience, while in an old house, you may perceive the presence of a non-physical entity or awareness of residual energy that is somehow uncomfortable for you.

Suddenly feeling weak, sick, dizzy, etc., is not always a sign of kundalini surging, so you must view your experiences within the context of the setting and your own feelings at that moment to determine what is really happening. If you’re in an uplifting spiritual situation and you feel blissful or ecstatic, I’d presume you’re experiencing a surge in kundalini. If, however, you’re in a house you think could be haunted and you suddenly feel dizzy or weak, it’s probably a sign that this is not a good place for you to be.

You see, as kundalini rises, it makes us more and more sensitive on the whole. (This is why psychics are also known as sensitives.) If kundalini rising has made someone super sensitive but they don’t pay conscious attention to issues of energy, they may suddenly feel dizzy, weak or nauseous when they walk into a heavy, negative environment like a bar, or interact with someone of a nature that is not good for them. Because they’re not conscious, they wouldn’t know that this is their inner guidance system trying to tell them to get away from there.

Please note that kundalini awakening does not have to be a difficult or uncomfortable process, though we may not have full conscious control over how things will unfold for us personally. The more we work WITH and trust in this process, however, the smoother things should go.

It’s a bit like the growth process of the physical body: if we suddenly notice we’re growing because our clothes and shoes have gotten uncomfortably tight, and this freaks us out, we may resist growing more by doing something akin to foot binding. This will of course cause us far more discomfort. If, however, we trust in this as a natural process and we shed everything that has grown too small or tight for us (including limiting beliefs and perspectives), we can naturally flow into a bigger state of being.

Thus I believe the best thing you can do is to become a clearer, more conscious channel via spiritual practice. This is essentially why yoga developed in the first place; it opens up energy flow throughout the body and integrates us on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Meditation, spiritual study or other spiritual practices will also make you more conscious of what is happening to you on all levels. This will empower you to remain in a high vibration as you walk through such experiences and lend you more control over them.

I suggest you view these experiences as signs that you are ready to embrace a more conscious spiritual path in order to clear inner channels for new growth and development. The more conscious you get spiritually, the more you will both understand the true nature of such experiences and be able to facilitate a smooth spiritual journey.

– Soul Arcanum

Primer on Chakras

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: I often read references to the “chakras,” and while I’ve done some research on this term, there is so much out there I’m overwhelmed. I love your simple writing style. Can you offer some basic information on the chakras, such as what they are and why they’re important?
– Suzanne

Dear Suzanne:

I understand why you’re feeling overwhelmed. I plugged “chakras” into Altavista to see what kind of information a web surfer might come up with, and got more than a million hits.

The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel. It refers to the energy vortices that run along our spines, through which life force energy is channeled into the physical dimension. There are a number of articles in our archives regarding the various specific properties, colors, etc., associated with each chakra, so here I will focus more on general chakra information.

The nature of everything in the Universe is energy. The slowest/densest form of this energy that most of us can perceive is what we experience with our physical senses. There is a great deal of energy, however, that can not generally be physically perceived. Some sensitive people like psychics and healers can use extrasensory perception to consciously tune into some of this energy before it slows down enough to manifest in physical form. Everyone is actually aware of these subtler energies more or less, however, for it is from this dimension of perception that intuition arises.

Here’s a simple metaphor: before it rains, humidity is building in the atmosphere. We can’t see that humidity as water, nevertheless, it is there. As it gets heavier and heavier, we may begin to “feel” or sense it, but we still can’t see it until it builds to a point where it actually becomes drops of rain. Someone who is very sensitive can feel that humidity building before others can, and can perceive it in the air when others can not. Someone who is very sensitive and wise or spiritually conscious can further recognize the signs of an impending “storm” or other weather manifestation based on past experience. In this example, a psychic is sort of like a trained meteorologist.

This is similar to what happens with energy. We all have physical bodies that can be seen, felt, etc., but we also have etheric bodies that can be seen and felt by sensitive people. These etheric bodies are composed of life force energy that is in the process of flowing into the physical dimension. It is from the reports of those who can see and otherwise perceive etheric energies that we glean our understanding of the chakras. (Please note that references to chakras can be found throughout the world’s cultures and religions, which indicates that this is not an abstract model for understanding our human nature, but rather a universal truth.)

Our bodies are in a state of constant change; in fact, life itself is the constant flowing of energy. When energy stops flowing from the non-physical into the physical, we are “dead” in this dimension. It is through our chakras that this ever moving energy flows.

The chakras/auras of people of great youth and vitality tend to look brighter and more vibrant, where people who have ill health or who lack “energy” tend to have dimmer auras and less vibrant chakras. The energies of every person are unique; there is a wide range of possible manifestations here. Even within the same individual, some chakras will be seen to be highly developed, while others are smaller or dimmer. Some chakras may appear to be clear, open and “healthy,” while in others, problems or issues may appear like rips or tears, blocks, clouds, shadows, etc.

Further, as we develop spiritually, our chakras grow and expand. In someone undeveloped, they may look like dim, small circles. In someone of great spiritual development, they will appear huge, vibrant, open and swirling. The “halo” of angels, Jesus and the Buddha are crown chakras that are so developed, even ordinary people could perceive them. (The crown chakra governs our connection to Spirit – to all that is – so those of tremendous spiritual development are seen to have glowing “halos” or rings of light around their heads.)

By observing the condition of the aura/chakras, sensitives can determine many things, from health problems that have manifested or are about to manifest, to how someone is feeling emotionally, to how developed they may be spiritually. Further, by working at a conscious level with our chakras, we can move toward greater well-being and personal development.

Somewhere along the way I picked up a model of the chakras being divided into three classifications, the lowest governing more physical matters such as our physical bodies, the middle governing more personal matters such as our desires and feelings, and the upper chakras governing more spiritual matters such as our outlook on life and our sense of connection to the Divine. There are no distinct demarcations, however – one level flows into the next.

The more evolved we become spiritually, the higher we tend to be centered in terms of our chakras. If we reflect on cultural history, I believe we can see a shift upward in terms of society’s general focus. A century and more ago, we as a race were more centered in the middle chakras, as life was a lot of hard work. With technology and evolution, we’ve moved upward, and recently been more focused in the intellect.

Beyond the intellect of course lies Spirit; that is where we are heading as a race right now. Individuals throughout history have focused in certain areas, of course – I’m referring to overall population trends.

Ideally, we are never focused solely on one aspect of life or centered in one chakra; instead, all our chakras are radiant, open, and in healthy balance with each other. As we progress or evolve on one level then, we must bring the other areas of our being up to speed. Someone who focuses a great deal on intellectual development (the fifth and sixth chakras) will tend to neglect other aspects, such as their physical well-being, and end up “out of shape.” Someone who is very spiritually focused, who meditates a lot, etc., can become so “top heavy” in their chakras that they lose touch with the physical. We say that they are “out there,” by which we mean that they are not “all here” – grounded in their physical bodies.

It can be very helpful to make a habit of consciously assessing the state of the chakras at any particular time, and if one or more seems to be lagging behind the others in development, or reflects any sort of problem or issue, to work on bringing the corresponding area of one’s life up to speed. One can do this via personal meditation, or with the help of an energy healer or clairvoyant.

I had to rebalance my own chakras years ago when I began intensely exploring spiritual matters and meditating a lot. Through various experiences I figured out that I had developed my upper chakras (intellect and spirit) beyond my lower chakras (physical being and will). I was like a lot of “spiritual” people: out of shape and sort of drifting through life.

I then made a conscious decision to cultivate better balance by getting fit and adopting earthier spiritual practices. This helped to bring my lower chakras up to speed with my upper chakras. There are many ways to go about this. Yoga, for example, is a great way to bring spiritual energy through all of one’s being into the physical, and to balance your energy overall.

If you’d like to read more, I recommend you start with books by classic authors on the subject, such as C.W. Leadbeater, A.E. Powell, and Barbara Brennan.

– Soul Arcanum

Primer on Chakras

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: I often read references to the “chakras,” and while I’ve done some research on this term, there is so much out there I’m overwhelmed. I love your simple writing style. Can you offer some basic information on the chakras, such as what they are and why they’re important?
– Suzanne

Dear Suzanne:

I understand why you’re feeling overwhelmed. I plugged “chakras” into Altavista to see what kind of information a web surfer might come up with, and got more than a million hits.

The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel. It refers to the energy vortices that run along our spines, through which life force energy is channeled into the physical dimension. There are a number of articles in our archives regarding the various specific properties, colors, etc., associated with each chakra, so here I will focus more on general chakra information.

The nature of everything in the Universe is energy. The slowest/densest form of this energy that most of us can perceive is what we experience with our physical senses. There is a great deal of energy, however, that can not generally be physically perceived. Some sensitive people like psychics and healers can use extrasensory perception to consciously tune into some of this energy before it slows down enough to manifest in physical form. Everyone is actually aware of these subtler energies more or less, however, for it is from this dimension of perception that intuition arises.

Here’s a simple metaphor: before it rains, humidity is building in the atmosphere. We can’t see that humidity as water, nevertheless, it is there. As it gets heavier and heavier, we may begin to “feel” or sense it, but we still can’t see it until it builds to a point where it actually becomes drops of rain. Someone who is very sensitive can feel that humidity building before others can, and can perceive it in the air when others can not. Someone who is very sensitive and wise or spiritually conscious can further recognize the signs of an impending “storm” or other weather manifestation based on past experience. In this example, a psychic is sort of like a trained meteorologist.

This is similar to what happens with energy. We all have physical bodies that can be seen, felt, etc., but we also have etheric bodies that can be seen and felt by sensitive people. These etheric bodies are composed of life force energy that is in the process of flowing into the physical dimension. It is from the reports of those who can see and otherwise perceive etheric energies that we glean our understanding of the chakras. (Please note that references to chakras can be found throughout the world’s cultures and religions, which indicates that this is not an abstract model for understanding our human nature, but rather a universal truth.)

Our bodies are in a state of constant change; in fact, life itself is the constant flowing of energy. When energy stops flowing from the non-physical into the physical, we are “dead” in this dimension. It is through our chakras that this ever moving energy flows.

The chakras/auras of people of great youth and vitality tend to look brighter and more vibrant, where people who have ill health or who lack “energy” tend to have dimmer auras and less vibrant chakras. The energies of every person are unique; there is a wide range of possible manifestations here. Even within the same individual, some chakras will be seen to be highly developed, while others are smaller or dimmer. Some chakras may appear to be clear, open and “healthy,” while in others, problems or issues may appear like rips or tears, blocks, clouds, shadows, etc.

Further, as we develop spiritually, our chakras grow and expand. In someone undeveloped, they may look like dim, small circles. In someone of great spiritual development, they will appear huge, vibrant, open and swirling. The “halo” of angels, Jesus and the Buddha are crown chakras that are so developed, even ordinary people could perceive them. (The crown chakra governs our connection to Spirit – to all that is – so those of tremendous spiritual development are seen to have glowing “halos” or rings of light around their heads.)

By observing the condition of the aura/chakras, sensitives can determine many things, from health problems that have manifested or are about to manifest, to how someone is feeling emotionally, to how developed they may be spiritually. Further, by working at a conscious level with our chakras, we can move toward greater well-being and personal development.

Somewhere along the way I picked up a model of the chakras being divided into three classifications, the lowest governing more physical matters such as our physical bodies, the middle governing more personal matters such as our desires and feelings, and the upper chakras governing more spiritual matters such as our outlook on life and our sense of connection to the Divine. There are no distinct demarcations, however – one level flows into the next.

The more evolved we become spiritually, the higher we tend to be centered in terms of our chakras. If we reflect on cultural history, I believe we can see a shift upward in terms of society’s general focus. A century and more ago, we as a race were more centered in the middle chakras, as life was a lot of hard work. With technology and evolution, we’ve moved upward, and recently been more focused in the intellect.

Beyond the intellect of course lies Spirit; that is where we are heading as a race right now. Individuals throughout history have focused in certain areas, of course – I’m referring to overall population trends.

Ideally, we are never focused solely on one aspect of life or centered in one chakra; instead, all our chakras are radiant, open, and in healthy balance with each other. As we progress or evolve on one level then, we must bring the other areas of our being up to speed. Someone who focuses a great deal on intellectual development (the fifth and sixth chakras) will tend to neglect other aspects, such as their physical well-being, and end up “out of shape.” Someone who is very spiritually focused, who meditates a lot, etc., can become so “top heavy” in their chakras that they lose touch with the physical. We say that they are “out there,” by which we mean that they are not “all here” – grounded in their physical bodies.

It can be very helpful to make a habit of consciously assessing the state of the chakras at any particular time, and if one or more seems to be lagging behind the others in development, or reflects any sort of problem or issue, to work on bringing the corresponding area of one’s life up to speed. One can do this via personal meditation, or with the help of an energy healer or clairvoyant.

I had to rebalance my own chakras years ago when I began intensely exploring spiritual matters and meditating a lot. Through various experiences I figured out that I had developed my upper chakras (intellect and spirit) beyond my lower chakras (physical being and will). I was like a lot of “spiritual” people: out of shape and sort of drifting through life.

I then made a conscious decision to cultivate better balance by getting fit and adopting earthier spiritual practices. This helped to bring my lower chakras up to speed with my upper chakras. There are many ways to go about this. Yoga, for example, is a great way to bring spiritual energy through all of one’s being into the physical, and to balance your energy overall.

If you’d like to read more, I recommend you start with books by classic authors on the subject, such as C.W. Leadbeater, A.E. Powell, and Barbara Brennan.

– Soul Arcanum

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I consider myself to be a pretty positive person who tries to see the good in people as well as in situations. Right now I am working on learning how to manifest what I want by studying how I function as a person and how I can remove the blocks that are limiting my experience. I am living with a man who is very set on seeing the negative aspects of everything that happens instead of the positive ones. He says things like, “Why would anything ever work out when it never has before? Why would I ever get what I want when I never have before?” Now recently we were offered the opportunity to start a business, which would be connected to an already existing business, and I am wondering to what extent my partner’s negative views will interfere with my attempts to create success. I truly believe that this can become a very lucrative, positive endeavor for us. Will his negative energy make it harder for me to manifest what I want? Is it possible for a person to try to manifest something for herself and her partner when the partner doesn’t have faith that it will work out in a good way? Can I make it work with him?
Thank you!
Soul Arcanum

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Soul Arcanum, I get a surprising number of similar questions. It’s rare for two people to be spiritually on the same page at the same time; one person is usually a bit more “evolved” or “together” than the other. Sometimes those roles shift and change, but sometimes, the difference is marked from the start, or a pattern will become apparent over time, where one person pulls ahead as the “giver” and the other person is more the “taker.” What’s really interesting to me is how often “givers” will be the ones putting in most of the energy to maintain the relationship.

Often what givers are getting is a sense of being “loved,” though in truth, the other person is just dependent on them for help, support or energy. Others are in it for the self-esteem boost they get from being such a selfless “saint,” or from feeling like they’re so much more together than the taker. (Observing folks with really messy lives tends to make us grateful for our relatively minor problems). There IS a place for selfless, one-sided giving, but it’s not in key relationships where we expect our energy/investment to be returned in kind. One-sided relationships are fine for ministers/ therapists/ doctors/ healers/ teachers, etc. to have with those they help, but we should seek equals we respect, trust and admire as friends, business partners and lovers. It’s unwise in any relationship to pour our hearts and souls into “negative” people who never make sincere efforts to improve their lives.

Often even relationships that were once wonderful or “perfect” become unhealthy for all involved. I frequently see this in long-term marriages when one partner wakes up and decides to learn and grow. As this partner moves into a new level of understanding and wisdom, she may at first try to share her new spiritual discoveries with her partner, but this is usually an exercise in disappointment and frustration. If she lets go and simply decides to follow her own heart and her own path, her energy will separate even more from her mate’s. Throughout this process the tension is growing. What used to be a good fit is now heavy or restrictive to the progressive partner.

As you mentioned that you’re “learning how to manifest,” I think this is what is happening. Your conscious awareness of the power of positive (and negative) thinking is new, and while you may have known your partner had a bad attitude before, you had no strong desire to be positive yourself. Now you’re singing at a higher note, and the “chord” created by your combined energies is discordant and jarring to your very soul. You try to be unconditionally loving, patient, compassionate, etc., but every time you try to soar and he strikes that negative note, your whole being just cringes. This is your inner guidance telling you that what you’re experiencing is not what your higher self really wants.

When the discordant relationship in question is sexually intimate, it’s especially important to make sure that you’re with someone whose energy is as positive/high as yours, for intimacy is a deep blending of energies. While you may uplift him and make him feel better, he will tend to bring you down, and as you now know, feeling “down” is going to limit your power to manifest your goals and dreams.

In all close relationships (whether we’re lovers, partners or best friends with someone), if the other person’s energy is not harmonious with our own, we will gradually start to change. We will not “be ourselves” anymore, and sometimes, we won’t even realize it until we spend a consistent period of time away from the situation. I used to spend a lot of time with a friend whose life was always in turmoil. Eventually her behavior got more and more disturbing and I pulled away. I recently spent some time with her again, and only then did it strike me how much better I’ve felt NOT being around her. I had returned to my true vibration. When we’re not sure about continuing a troubled relationship, often taking a six-week break like this will realign us with our own true vibration and lead us to clarity.

While it’s great to have an open heart, if we want happiness and fulfillment in relationships, we have to be discerning. People who take responsibility for creating their own realities approach life very differently from those who see themselves as victims of circumstance. In owning their personal power to create for better or worse in their own lives, they enjoy much more success and happiness.

I therefore encourage you to go into business with someone who pumps you up. Find someone whose strengths and weaknesses are complementary to your own. When two positive, conscious creators get together with a common intention, magic happens through the power of synergy. Instead of 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 1 = unlimited potential.

Also, you’re in the midst of a big personal transition. Not only will your man’s heavy, negative energy weigh you down and potentially limit your success, but your discomfort with his negativity reveals that you’re moving apart in vibration. Should you choose separate paths in the near future, it will be much more complicated if you’re in business together.

Ultimately, deciding whether or not to go into business with your man depends on how you would end up FEELING about all of this. If you’re capable of staying passionately upbeat and positive despite his negative mood, then your energy could prevail, for one who is connected to the stream of pure, positive energy is more powerful than a thousand who are not. That’s a big “if” however, especially to maintain day in and day out. If he “brings you down,” or you get impatient, critical or fed up with him, then both of you will be down, and you know where that will get you.

Choosing a negative person as a partner is choosing a very uphill path. You’re better off on your own, or manifesting a partner who shares your positive beliefs and will match your uplifting, creative energy with some power and wisdom of his or her own.

May you know the thrilling, magical power of synergy, and enjoy a wonderful journey to big success!

– Soul Arcanum

Do We Need to Close Our Chakras After Working on Them?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I read your chakra cleansing and charging exercise a while back, and I love it. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now. I just have one question. I’ve read other places that you should always close your chakras after working on them, but you don’t mention this. Isn’t it important to close the chakras after opening them?

Dear P.:

Thanks for this question! I’ve received it in one form or another a number of times over the years, and it seems to be a matter of some controversy.

Chakras are energy vortices through which life force flows through our beings. There are seven major chakras, and each governs energy of a different range or vibration. The lower the vibration, the more “physical” the energy; similarly, the higher the vibration, the more “non-physical” or “spiritual” the energy. In this way, different chakras correspond to different aspects of our being, from our physical bodies to our feelings, thoughts and connection to the Divine. As I have only limited space here, I won’t go any further into basic chakra information, which can be found in abundance on the internet.

When chakras are “open,” they are freely channeling life force energy from the Universe through our beings. The more open they are, the more energy is flowing. Imagine that being “open” here is not an all or nothing state – we can be closed, open, and anywhere in between. When we feel very “open,” that is a good indication that our chakras are open – we are open to expressing ourselves, receiving input and experiencing whatever comes our way. When we experience fear or pain, we often “shut down” or close ourselves off from the potential for further discomfort, and in this way, we close down the chakras involved to various degrees.

We can consciously “open” our chakras, clear away the “baggage” and debris of “negative” experiences, and “charge” them up so that they channel more energy. This is what is meant by “working on chakras.” There are some spiritual teachers who say that we should always close the chakras after working on them, for when they’re open, we are “open to” negative energies in our environments. We may then be easily influenced by others, drained of our energy, or vulnerable to “psychic attack.”

My own views on this are based on my studies and training and also on my intuitive sense of truth. In my view, it is wise to simply open the chakras and to assume that one is always safe from negative influences. If you’re at a point in your spiritual development where you’re consciously working on tuning up your own energy, then you are probably intuitive enough to modulate your energy according to your needs as you move through life. Your vibration is probably also high enough to keep you above most negativity. I have never tried to close my chakras, and have not suffered any ill effects.

It is true that when we are open to everything, we have to process a great deal of energy and information. I call this being “awake.” Yes, discomfort and confusion will arise, but that’s preferable to sleepwalking through life. Instead of just shrugging off experiences we don’t understand, we chew on them, work through them and seek understanding of them. It’s a lot of work, but that’s the whole point: to be awake and evolving a sense of understanding about the nature of life.

Should you open your chakras and then not be able to deal with negative energies in your environment, you would experience pain and discomfort, and then your chakras would start to close down naturally. Keeping our chakras closed on purpose to “protect ourselves” from negative energies is a bit like walking around with our eyes closed, just in case something might blow into them.

Even people who have never even heard the word charka are naturally repairing and rebalancing chakras all the time. Let’s say that Mark was very focused on getting a Ph.D., and spending all his time thinking, studying, learning, etc. He’d start to feel unbalanced, like he needed more physical exercise and more love and emotional connection. His solar plexus, throat and third eye chakras would likely be far more developed and open than his root, sacral and heart chakras. If he told himself he didn’t have time to make changes, he’d get more and more uncomfortable. This is how disease and depression develop. As he honored his need for other experiences, the chakras would naturally balance.

When we are in balance, we experience a sense of well-being. Think about how it would feel to have the right amount of everything in your life: physical exercise, sexual fulfillment, personal accomplishment, love and support, creative expression, intellectual stimulation, connection to the Divine.

To get a feel yourself for how your chakras are functioning, just ask yourself the following questions. The more you answer “yes,” the more open the corresponding chakra probably is. If you see “weak” points here, you can simply focus consciously on developing that area of your life in order to achieve better balance.

Root chakra: Do I feel physically vibrant, healthy, and powerful in the world? Do I feel at home here? Do I feel like I belong? Do I have a strong desire to live? Do I love and appreciate my body as a wonderful treasure? Am I a high energy person, moving boldly through life?

Sacral chakra: Do I have a strong, healthy sex drive? Do I feel sexually confident and fulfilled? Can I express myself sexually, and give and receive pleasure? Does expressing myself creatively feel wonderful and fulfilling?

Solar plexus: Do I know what I want, and feel confident about being able to manifest it? Can I make decisions and act upon them? Am I aware of my emotions and able to control them? Am I able to mentally sort through and resolve my feelings? Am I emotionally fulfilled?

Heart chakra: Do I have fulfilling, healthy relationships? Do I love myself, friends and family, and have a strong sense of compassion for all living beings? Can I accept others as they are, without needing them to change? Do I expect the best from people, and look for the best in them? Am I good at cooperating? Can I stay in the moment and surrender outcomes to the Universe?

Throat chakra: Can I express myself with skill and ease? Do I do the practical things I need to do in order to be healthy, happy and successful? Do I take responsibility for my life instead of blaming others for my problems and expecting others to take care of me? Do I strive to do my best, and do I feel worthy of rewards or compensation for my efforts? Do I have enough faith in myself to take risks, embrace challenges, and create avenues for fulfillment?

Third eye: Am I mentally sharp and able to figure things out? Do I have lots of creative ideas, and the habit of taking the necessary steps to make them reality? Do answers or insights come to me as I mentally try to understand things? Am I able to visualize my goals and dreams? Do I set realistic, attainable goals? Do my experiences support and validate my beliefs about life?

Crown chakra: Do I feel like I’m part of something vast and wonderful? Do I feel connected to God/ Spirit/ the Universe, and feel that my life has a purpose? Am I able to view myself honestly, and to ferret out the lessons in my experiences in order to develop wisdom?

As you work with your chakras, I encourage you to do whatever your intuition tells you is best for you. If you assume that your higher self will naturally guide you in maintaining balance, then you can focus on just opening up to life and developing an ever greater capacity for joy, well-being and personal power.

Finally, there is a great guided Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation in Soul Arcanum’s Spiritual Toolbox that you may want to check out.

– Soul Arcanum

Do We Need to Close Our Chakras After Working on Them?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I read your chakra cleansing and charging exercise a while back, and I love it. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now. I just have one question. I’ve read other places that you should always close your chakras after working on them, but you don’t mention this. Isn’t it important to close the chakras after opening them?

Dear P.:

Thanks for this question! I’ve received it in one form or another a number of times over the years, and it seems to be a matter of some controversy.

Chakras are energy vortices through which life force flows through our beings. There are seven major chakras, and each governs energy of a different range of vibration. The lower the vibration, the more “physical” the energy; similarly, the higher the vibration, the more “non-physical” or “spiritual” the energy. In this way, different chakras correspond to different aspects of our being, from our physical bodies to our feelings, thoughts and connection to the Divine. As I have only limited space here, I won’t go any further into basic chakra information, which can be found in abundance on the internet.

When chakras are “open,” they are freely channeling life force energy from the Universe through our beings. The more open they are, the more energy is flowing. Imagine that being “open” here is not an all or nothing state – we can be closed, open, and anywhere in between. When we feel very “open,” that is a good indication that our charkas are open – we are open to expressing ourselves, receiving input and experiencing whatever comes our way. When we experience fear or pain, we often “shut down” or close ourselves off from the potential for further discomfort, and in this way, we close down the chakras involved to various degrees.

We can consciously “open” our chakras, clear away the “baggage” and debris of “negative” experiences, and “charge” them up so that they channel more energy. This is what is meant by “working on chakras.” There are some spiritual teachers who say that we should always close the chakras after working on them, for when they’re open, we are “open to” negative energies in our environments. We may then be easily influenced by others, drained of our energy, or vulnerable to “psychic attack.”

My own views on this are based on my studies and training and also on my intuitive sense of truth and what Spirit tells me. In my view, it is wise to simply open the chakras and to assume that one is always safe from negative influences. If you’re at a point in your spiritual development where you’re consciously working on tuning up your own energy, then you are probably intuitive enough to modulate your energy according to your needs as you move through life. Your vibration is probably also high enough to keep you above most negativity. I have never tried to close my chakras, and have not suffered any ill effects.

It is true that when we are open to everything, we have to process a great deal of energy and information. I call this being “awake.” Yes, discomfort and confusion will arise, but that’s preferable to sleepwalking through life. Instead of just shrugging off experiences we don’t understand, we chew on them, work through them and seek understanding of them. It’s a lot of work, but that’s the whole point: to be awake and evolving a sense of understanding about the nature of life.

Should you open your chakras and then not be able to deal with negative energies in your environment, you would experience pain and discomfort, and then your chakras would start to close down naturally. Keeping our chakras closed on purpose to “protect ourselves” from negative energies is a bit like walking around with our eyes closed, just in case something might blow into them.

Even people who have never even heard the word charka are naturally repairing and rebalancing chakras all the time. Let’s say that Mark was very focused on getting a Ph.D., and spending all his time thinking, studying, learning, etc. He’d start to feel unbalanced, like he needed more physical exercise and more love and emotional connection. His solar plexus, throat and third eye chakras would likely be far more developed and open than his root, sacral and heart chakras. If he told himself he didn’t have time to make changes, he’d get more and more uncomfortable. This is how disease and depression develop. As he honored his need for other experiences, the chakras would naturally balance.

When we are in balance, we experience a sense of well-being. Think about how it would feel to have the right amount of everything in your life: physical exercise, sexual fulfillment, personal accomplishment, love and support, creative expression, intellectual stimulation, connection to the Divine.

A clairvoyant can tell you about your chakras with just a glance; I can “see” mine mentally. To get a feel yourself for how yours are functioning, just ask yourself the following questions. The more you answer “yes,” the more open the corresponding chakra probably is. If you see “weak” points here, you can simply focus consciously on developing that area of your life in order to achieve better balance.

Root chakra: Do I feel physically vibrant, healthy, and powerful in the world? Do I feel at home here? Do I feel like I belong? Do I have a strong desire to live? Do I love and appreciate my body as a wonderful treasure? Am I a high energy person, moving boldly through life?

Sacral chakra: Do I have a strong, healthy sex drive? Do I feel sexually confident and fulfilled? Can I express myself sexually, and give and receive pleasure? Does expressing myself creatively feel wonderful and fulfilling?

Solar plexus: Do I know what I want, and feel confident about being able to manifest it? Can I make decisions and act upon them? Am I aware of my emotions and able to control them? Am I able to mentally sort through and resolve my feelings? Am I emotionally fulfilled?

Heart chakra: Do I have fulfilling, healthy relationships? Do I love myself, friends and family, and have a strong sense of compassion for all living beings? Can I accept others as they are, without needing them to change? Do I expect the best from people, and look for the best in them? Am I good at cooperating? Can I stay in the moment and surrender outcomes to the Universe?

Throat chakra: Can I express myself with skill and ease? Do I do the practical things I need to do in order to be healthy, happy and successful? Do I take responsibility for my life instead of blaming others for my problems and expecting others to take care of me? Do I strive to do my best, and do I feel worthy of rewards or compensation for my efforts? Do I have enough faith in myself to take risks, embrace challenges, and create avenues for fulfillment?

Third eye: Am I mentally sharp and able to figure things out? Do I have lots of creative ideas, and the habit of taking the necessary steps to make them reality? Do answers or insights come to me as I mentally try to understand things? Am I able to visualize my goals and dreams? Do I set realistic, attainable goals? Do my experiences support and validate my beliefs about life?

Crown chakra: Do I feel like I’m part of something vast and wonderful? Do I feel connected to God/ Spirit/ the Universe, and feel that my life has a purpose? Am I able to view myself honestly, and to ferret out the lessons in my experiences in order to develop wisdom?

Karen, as you work with your chakras, I encourage you to do whatever your intuition tells you is best for you. If you assume that your higher self will naturally guide you in maintaining balance, then you can focus on just opening up to life and developing an ever greater capacity for joy, well-being and personal power.

– Soul Arcanum

copyright Soul Arcanum LLLC, 1998, 2007


This meditation is helpful whenever you need to get recentered in clarity and well-being.

Lie or sit in a relaxed and comfortable position, as you would for any meditation. Your spine should be straight and your head in alignment with your body. This meditation is in script mode, should you want to tape it and listen to it while performing the meditation. A free audio recording of this meditation can be found here.

It is preferable to learn about energy and the methods of balancing, cleansing and charging the chakras, and allow one’s own inner voice to lead the meditation. The following is just one way of performing energy balancing. Allow your meditations to evolve and to reflect your individual values and beliefs. If taped, a slow, deliberate pace should be used with a soothing voice and the appropriate pauses. The body should already be relaxed and the mind tranquil when beginning this meditation. Eyes are closed.

“Now that you are relaxed and feeling very much at peace, take a moment to ground yourself here in this moment, in this body, in this place, in this time. Take some deep breaths…In….and out….In….and out….Follow the breath as it flows toward your nostrils, as it enters your nose, as it fills your lungs and then as it is expelled. That’s right…just relax into this quiet, peaceful moment. Breathe in, following your breath…and let it go. In…and out. With every breath that you let go, you find yourself going deeper and deeper into a profound state of relaxation.

Feel the sweet heaviness of your body as it sinks into perfect relaxation. Become aware of your body from head to toe, of your weight, of the heaviness of your limbs.

Now focus on the area at the base of the spine, the area between your legs. This is the root chakra. Its energy is red, and it governs your physical body, your physical health and vitality. In your mind, study the appearance of this chakra. Note its color and vitality. Mentally envision the chakra and note any symbolic symptoms of dis-ease. Have you been caring well for your body? If your chakra is dusty, dirty, torn, or otherwise less than a perfectly brilliant red whirling vortex, imagine your hands or those of a guide working on the chakra. If it is dirty, clean away the dirt and throw it into an imaginary pail with a lid. Allow those hands to repair any imperfections, and when the chakra is beautifully clean, mentally take the pail and hurl it into the sun. Watch it as it travels through space and then bursts into a billion bits of energy upon solar contact. Know that the sun will recycle this energy back into the universe.

Now turn your attention back to the root chakra. It is a clean and red. You are surrounded by brilliant, beautiful red root energy. Imagine the room glowing red with this energy, and feel its strength and power. See red swirls of energy flowing to your root chakra. You may even feel this as a tingling as the energy fills your root chakra. As the energy swirls in, your chakra grows large and deep red and strong. Allow the energy to fill your chakra until it is so immense that it extends several feet from your body. In your mind you can see your root chakra: it’s a brilliant red swirling vortex of physical power and energy. You feel healthy, fit, strong, grounded and powerful!

Now shift your focus up to your abdomen, to the area of the womb (or where the womb would be if you’re male). This is the orange chakra, which controls clear thinking and creativity. Take a moment to observe this chakra. Note its color and vitality. Is it clean and strong or is there work to be done here? Allow those invisible hands to cleanse the chakra, to repair or heal it. Discard any imperfections in the pail, and send the pail to the sun to recycle that energy. Now focus on the orange chakra again. It is now clean and whole and a bright, energizing orange. Call out to the universe for orange creative energy, and feel the space around you begin to glow orange. With a tingle, you feel the energy begin to swirl into your chakra, charging it with vitality, with creativity, with clarity. Watch as your orange chakra grows and whirls until it extends out from your body for several feet, just as the red root chakra is still whirling and strong. You feel passionate, creative, clear and confident in your ability to come up with answers and solutions to any problem.

Now shift from the red chakra, up through the orange chakra to the solar plexus. This is the heart of the yellow chakra, which governs will power and ambition. It’s the channel through which we interact with other people and the world. Take a few moments to examine this chakra, and note its color and appearance. Have you been lazy lately, or perhaps too driven? Have you been too passive or controlling? Examine your will through this chakra. Allow the invisible hands to cleanse the chakra and heal it, discarding any imperfections or impurities in the pail. Send the pail to the sun for recycling.

Now return your attention to the yellow chakra, the center of your will power. It is now clean and a bright yellow. With your heart, ask the Universe to send you yellow energy: “Universe, strengthen my will so I can achieve my goals and manifest my desires!” Feel the yellow energy surrounding your body, and with a tingle, feel the energy swirl into your solar plexus. In your mind you can see your red/root chakra glowing, whirling, your orange/womb chakra pulsing brilliantly, and your yellow/solar plexus chakra glowing strongly, extending several feet from your body. You now feel relaxed, confident, flexible, empowered, productive, competent and successful.

Now turn your attention to the middle of your chest, to the heart chakra, the green chakra. You may feel an instant wave of emotion as you focus your attention here, for this chakra governs your feelings, your emotional connections to others and to the universe, to life itself. Examine this chakra. Note its color, vitality and any impurities. Gently allow those invisible hands to cleanse and purify your heart chakra. Reflect a moment on how you’ve been feeling emotionally lately. Are there bindings holding onto old pain? Is the chakra tight and hard with anger? Is your heart open with love and acceptance of yourself and others? Release any tensions, imperfections or impurities to the pail. Send them to the sun for recycling. You can always reclaim them later if you should want to, but for now, you can release any pain or anger, and set your heart free.

Now focus back on the heart chakra. It is clean and a beautiful green color. It whirls strongly and evenly. “Universe, send me green energy for my heart! Open my heart to the world, to all beings great and small with compassion for our shared life journey. Fill my heart with love energy, so that I may give love to others and receive it in return.” Feel the green energy whirling into your heart. Watch the chakra grow and glow and spin with this new energy. From the red chakra through the orange chakra through the yellow chakra through the green chakra, your chakras are cleansed and charged and immense with energy. You now feel loving, tolerant, understanding and compassionate. Your heart is open to life, love and happiness.

Now focus on the throat chakra, the blue chakra which governs communication and personal expression. Examine the chakra, noting the color and any imperfections. Perhaps you haven’t been honoring your own truths and speaking up when you should, or perhaps you’ve been talking over others, or not listening well. Perhaps you’ve been feeling shy and afraid to extend your energy in communication. Allow the hands to heal and cleanse the chakra, and when finished, send the impurities to the sun for recycling. Now the chakra is clean and strong and bright blue. Feel the air fill with blue universal energy. Feel the throat open as this energy swirls into the throat chakra. This energy charges your aura with magnetism, drawing others to you. Feel your throat open with this swirling, strong blue energy. You feel confident in your ideas and your ability to express them well. You are ready to both express yourself and truly listen to others.

Now focus on the middle of your forehead, on the third eye. This chakra is indigo and governs intellect, psychic vision and intuition. Examine the chakra for imperfections. Perhaps it is locked up due to fear. Perhaps it no longer spins out of neglect/stagnation. Or maybe it’s chaotic due to racing thoughts. Allow the hands to cleanse the chakra, to heal any imperfections and recycle them in the sun.

Now look at the chakra. It is a beautiful deep indigo, clean and whirling. There is psychic energy available to you beyond measure. Feel it charge the air, swirl in and around and fill your third eye chakra with deep, soulful indigo energy. Feel the third eye open, and note any mental visions as this occurs. Now is a good time to pray for greater psychic power. You feel clear-headed, insightful, intuitive and keenly aware of all levels of reality.

Note the red/root chakra, the orange/womb chakra, bright, strong, big! Move your attention up to the yellow/solar plexus chakra, to the green/heart chakra, open and brilliant, to the blue/throat chakra and the indigo/third eye chakra. Your chakras are huge, whirling, and fully charged.

Now focus your attention at the crown of your head. This chakra is violet near the body, fading to white further away. This chakra governs your connection to the Universe/God/Spirit/Source. This chakra is like an umbilical cord to “home.” Reflect on your spirituality of late as you examine the chakra and allow any healing needed.

In my experience this chakra generally needs much less work than the others. Allow the hands to heal, to cleanse, and recycle the discarded energy in the sun. Now examine the chakra. It is brilliantly violet, glowing white around the outside. Mentally reach out to the Divine, and feel the response, the energy flowing back to you. Pray for the peace and joy of a strong crown chakra connection. Feel the violet energy flowing in, a loving embrace of your whole self, of your soul. See the crown chakra grow enormous, and the white energy surrounding your body. You feel calm and centered in your higher self, with a deep faith that all is well.

All your chakras are now clean, charged and in balance. From the red/root chakra, to the orange/womb chakra, to the yellow/solar plexus chakra, to the green/heart chakra, to the blue/throat chakra, to the deep purple/third eye to the violet/crown, your chakras are spinning and whirling, full of energy and vitality. See the white energy that extends up and out from the crown chakra enveloping your whole body in a egg of white energy.

You are completely refreshed, calm, and peaceful. Your energy is balanced. You are full of vitality. As you arise from this meditation, you will feel wonderful in every way: energized, confident, open, clear-headed, peaceful and ready for some wonderful new adventures!

Using All Your Psychic Senses to Read Auras

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum: I’ve been trying to see auras for a while now, and nothing is happening! After reading a book on the subject and trying all the exercises, I finally signed up for a one-day workshop on how to see auras, and though everyone around me seemed to be having a great time, I never saw a thing. Am I missing something about how this all works?

Dear Amy:

I understand your frustration. It reminds me of when I was in training to become a Spiritualist minister at the School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy in Lily Dale, New York. While my classmates and I learned all sorts of wonderful things, there were two main categories in the curriculum: energy healing and mediumship. Most of my classmates were more comfortable with energy healing than spirit communication; they were all healers and could feel energy with their hands.

By contrast, I had come to the school because I had been experiencing spontaneous spirit communication and I wanted to learn how to control it in order to help the grieving. This made me much more comfortable with mediumship than energy healing.

On the first intensive day of training in energy healing, we ran our hands over our classmates auras, and everyone was talking about feeling hot spots and cold spots, pockets of energy here and strange vibes there. I, however, wasn’t feeling a darn thing except really inadequate.

Eventually, I summoned the courage to tell the instructor that I had no idea what everyone was talking about. He asked me what I experienced internally while everyone else was feeling all that stuff, and I told him what I was seeing in my mind. I could see colors and patterns of energy and even see where some problems or issues may lie, for my attention would be drawn to that part of the body and symbols would pop up in my mind’s eye. He then laughed and reassured me that I wasn’t unfit for energy healing work – I was just very visual/clairvoyant.

The point of the story is that we must all trust and work with our own natural strengths and abilities. No two people are exactly alike, so no two healers or psychics will perceive subtle information the same way. Everyone has a primary modality. Some people are visual like me, so when they’re accessing psychic information, they tend to do so clairvoyantly. Some people are more auditory/clairaudient, and some people are more kinesthetic/clairsentient. (There are other modalities too, but these are the big three.)

It can be very frustrating for people who are primarily kinesthetic to try to get visual information, just like it was hard for me to try to get clairsentient information. Further, most people are only familiar with the clairvoyant approach to viewing auras. As there is an abundance of this information available in books and on the internet, I won’t go into it here. Following are some ideas for those who are more auditory or kinesthetic.

First, regardless of the specific techniques you use, you must get centered in a very high vibration to consciously access psychic information. There are lots of ways to get into a high vibration; I’ve written on this extensively in other articles.

Next, you have to shift your focus beyond the physical, or you’ll only use your physical senses. To begin to focus metaphysically, center your awareness on the space surrounding objects. If you’re visual, you would gaze at something living (a person, animal or plant), and then shift your attention from the object to the so-called empty space around it. You can do this if you’re not visual too by simply centering your attention on the space around the subject.

If you’re primarily auditory, begin by getting into a high vibration and then mentally focus your attention on the being/person you’re wanting to read. You don’t have to look at this person since you’re not going to be processing information visually. Just focus on them and imagine a telephone cord connecting the two of you. Now mentally ask that person (or your spirit guides) to please tell you about them. Allow thoughts and words to come into your awareness.

While you could ask for a description of this person’s aura, if you’re able to get that information clairaudiently, you might as well skip right past that and ask for deeper psychic information. After all, the important thing in reading auras is what your perceptions mean.

For example, as I write this article, I’m sitting in a cafe and there is an older gentlemen sitting at a table to the right of me. First I mentally ask his permission to read his aura, and I feel a welcoming sort of response. I ask my spirit guides to give me the experience of someone who is primarily auditory. I mentally shut out any vibes from other people, focus my attention on this one connection, open up and ask for information.

The first thing I hear is It’s a shame. I ask what is a shame, and I mentally hear a whole story about the man’s son, who has grown distant from the rest of the family. The son is off doing his thing now, and I understand that this man wishes they had a closer relationship.

Now let’s try the same exercise from a kinesthetic perspective. For this approach, I imagine myself in his body. (You can also do this through a connective cord, as above, if you’re worried about taking on others’ energy.) I imagine that I am in his body, and as I do so, I feel sort of wistful and sad. When I ask why I feel sad, I have the feeling of holding a baby in my arms. This is not physical, of course; it’s more like a feeling in my own aura. I have the auric feeling of cradling a baby and at the same time, I see a baby in his arms. (I can’t turn off the visual information. Our primary modalities are like that – they’re always processing whatever we’re experiencing, and all modalities are always working together to foster understanding.) I now know that he feels wistful about one of his children.

You can get all sorts of information to flesh things out by using your other modalities. If you’re wanting to read someone’s aura to learn about their personality, strengths, weaknesses, etc., you can do it the same way. Just get into a high vibration, and either let things come to you or ask questions and then allow insights to flow in whatever way works best for you.

Trust what you perceive and remember that you can always ask further questions to get more information and clarification/confirmation. Also, while you’re wise to work with your strengths, the more well-rounded you are in your development, the fuller your awareness will be, so it’s wise to practice getting information through all of your psychic senses.

– Soul Arcanum