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Do Spirits Move Out of Range at Some Point?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I lost someone dear to me some time ago, and he has sent me some wonderful after death communications since he passed. Lately I’ve been hearing a song by Kelly Clarkson a lot. It talks about being “already gone” and “moving on.” I am wondering if this is a sign from Scott telling me that he has already gone on to higher realms and won’t be with me as much or send me as many signs and messages as he used to. I would love to get your perspective on this.


Dear H.

I’ve looked up the lyrics to this song, and I think it’s a lovely one for a spirit use as a sign. I do think we should step back from your assumptions about what it may mean, however, especially since you don’t report any decrease in contact from him.

To me, this song suggests that what happened was destined to happen; Scott is telling you that it would never have worked out because he was destined to leave this world when he did. He knows how much you loved him but he wants you to move on with your life because he’s no longer here; he wants you to be happy and find new love. I lost my first love at a very tender age, so I know it can be very hard to even imagine falling in love with someone else, but you might look at it like this: What if you had lost someone else years ago, and as a result of that loss, you closed yourself off to new love and therefore never got to meet and fall in love with Scott? If there is someone out there you’re destined to love just as much, you don’t want to close your heart to him. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to connect with the departed, it does seem that the main reason spirits reach out to us is to make sure we are okay and encourage us to let go and move on with our lives.

No one truly knows whether spirits move beyond the range of communicating with the living at some point, but I can offer you what I’ve come to believe based on my own history with spirit communication and what I’ve read from researchers and other experiencers.

First, it does seem that there are some spirits long dead who communicate with humankind. (Whether these spirits are really who they say they are, no one can say for sure.) The more interested in spirit communication a person was before they died, the more likely they are to continue to attempt interdimensional communication after they leave this world. Some examples that come to mind include the EVPs of Konstantin Raudive and Thomas Edison. This evidence suggests that at least some spirits can communicate indefinitely.

In my experience, there are perhaps two main factors that affect the power and frequency of spirit contact: skill and need. When someone first dies, there is a tremendous need for us to hear from them. Despite this, spirit communication can be very difficult to affect at first for a number of reasons. For one thing, when we’re grieving, our vibration is too low to perceive higher frequencies of energy, so even though a spirit may be trying hard to reach us, we may be unreachable. Further, at first, most spirits don’t know how to achieve a conscious connection with us.

When dramatic phenomena does take place, it’s usually in the initial weeks following death. This is because the spirit still has more of a foothold in this dimension and is better able to affect physical reality. Recently departed spirits are also highly motivated because they want to comfort their grieving loved ones. Since it can be very hard for spirits to get the attention of the grieving, many go to great lengths to send unmistakable signs like lights flickering, phone calls from the other side and other semi-physical phenomena. As they move up into the afterlife, this ability fades. This is why we tend to see striking signs in the first weeks after someone has passed, after which signs and visits become more subtle.

Perhaps the main factor affecting how long a spirit puts a great deal of effort into contact is how his or her loved ones here are doing. This is another reason why most contact happens close to the time of death, for this is when people are most in need of comfort. However, I have heard many stories from people who had contact with a departed relative at a time of great need that occurred decades after the spirit’s passing. For example, one man’s mother had been gone for more than 25 years when she visited him the night before he was planning to kill someone and then take his own life. He awoke in the middle of the night to find her standing near his bed, telepathically comforting him and urging him to reach for forgiveness and choose a higher path.

In many cases, spirit communication actually picks up after a period of time. This is because many spirits need time to figure out how to bridge the dimensions. They also study their own efforts and from this determine who is most receptive to them and what tends to work best in terms of getting that person’s attention.

My best friend from high school died last spring. Despite many years of successful spirit communication experience, I found it impossible to contact her at first. I would reach out to connect with her energy and get nothing but a void. When I asked Spirit about this, I was reminded that my friend didn’t believe in an afterlife. I was made to understand that she was experiencing what she expected to experience when she died: a state of nothingness. In time, she would begin to wonder “who” was experiencing that nothingness and open up to new awareness. Interestingly, some months after she died, I began to get dream visits from her; recently, I got my first official message from her.

Similarly, I now interact with my father in Spirit far more than I could when he died five years ago. At first communication with him was difficult because he seemed so out of it. After a few months, I began to be visited by him in the night. I would wake to the sound of a “phantom doorbell” and sense his presence. Soon I began to experience dream visits from him. Though he died years ago, he seems to be getting better at visiting in this way, for it’s happening more and more.

While there are exceptions to these rules, most of the time overt signs such as visually appearing, calling on the phone and making lights flicker fade pretty quickly. After that, interactions can get more involved and complex via altered states of consciousness. So if you notice that you’re not getting as many outer signs, you might shift your efforts within by either trying to connect with your loved one via meditation or working with your dreams.

If you want to get more information about what your loved one in spirit is trying to tell you, you might try something called induced spirit communication in which a hypnotherapist guides you into a deep trance and facilitates a connection with the loved one in question. In this state, you can dialogue with your loved one and ask him what he’s trying to tell you and also if you can expect to keep receiving signs and messages from him.

Soul Arcanum

Three Kisses Goodbye

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My brother-in-law in New Jersey died at home of a fatal heart attack on June 17. We have a strong bond: I am very dear to him and he has been very open about that with everyone in the family. He would always say that I am his favorite sister-in-law. A few days after he died, I believe I had an eerie encounter with him. (By the way, I am working in Qatar.) I was nearly asleep around 1:30 a.m. My eyes were closed when I felt something like a magnet pinning my body down, and an unexplainable feeling emanating from my body. Then I felt a kiss being planted on my head three times. I could even feel the breathing and my right hand was being caressed at the same time. I was so scared, I just kept my eyes shut and prayed the Lord’s Prayer, and then I felt my body being released. I strongly felt that it was my brother-in-law saying goodbye to me. I called up my sister (his wife) and my parents and really cried, as this had frightened me so much. Am I correct in my assumption that it was really him? I have been through a lot, and my sister told me that he was always very concerned about my well-being.

Dear Evelyn:

Your letter reminded that we can hear all sorts of stories about spiritual experiences, but we won’t begin to truly believe until we have our own personal encounter – and that’s how it should be. Once we DO have our own experience, however, it’s imperative that we trust in our own perceptions.

I believe that what you experienced was exactly what you think it was: a visit from your beloved brother-in-law at the time of his death. This sort of thing is surprisingly common. In fact, it’s estimated that between 20 – 40% of people in the U.S. have had personal spontaneous contact from a deceased loved one. For more information, check out the work of Bill and Judy Guggenheim or the After Death Communication Research Foundation.

That he visited at the time he was leaving this world makes sense, for often spirits will visit someone they loved in order to say good-bye or let them know that they have died. Physical distance is no obstacle: many people have been halfway around the world from the dying person who visited them.

Interestingly, I’ve had your question slated for publication for about a month now, yet just a few days ago a friend of mine experienced something similar. Her beloved uncle was dying from cancer but he was expected to live for another day or two. She was at home when suddenly books flew off the shelf, two bedroom doors slammed, and her kitchen light turned on and then off again. She began to talk out loud to her uncle, asking if that was him. That’s when her phone rang: it was family calling to tell her that her uncle had just passed.

There are many ways that spirits may appear after their deaths. I believe that these forms are determined by a combination of the proclivities of the spirit and the living person. For example, a spirit who was very physical in life may make his presence known through a touch, as your brother-in-law did. Someone who was very auditory may be heard to speak either out loud or telepathically, while someone who was very visual may be perceived as an apparition.

At the same time, those who perceive spirits will experience visitations in their own way. Of course, it is generally those who are psychically open and sensitive who have such experiences to begin with. Sometimes spirits target those who are sensitive right off the bat, while other times spirits try to come through to all their loved ones but quickly figure out that some people are able to perceive them while others are oblivious to their presence. They then naturally focus on the sensitive ones in hopes of getting a message through to the whole gang.

Some encounters are entirely visual; spirits may even try to communicate a message through sign language. Similarly, some visits are just auditory: a voice heard is out loud or in one’s head. Other experiences are kinesthetic in that one feels a presence or a touch. Many visits are combinations of the various psychic senses. For example, someone may feel a pat on the leg and hear the spirit’s voice in her head, while another may smell the spirit’s favorite cologne and sense their presence.

It doesn’t surprise me one bit that you saw your brother-in-law while you were falling asleep. Being in a trancelike state greatly facilitates spirit communication because we’re not focused on the physical dimension and our minds are awake but quiet and receptive. I believe this is why so many visitations involve spirits standing at the foot of the bed: It’s not that spirits want to scare us in the middle of the night, but rather that we are more able to perceive them when we’re sleepy.

Just as there are many ways spirits can communicate, there are many reasons they may do so as well. Spirits who visit around the time of their deaths may be trying to say good-bye, inform us of their passing, or in the case of murder victims, try to let someone know what happened so that justice can be served. Usually, spirits just want us to know that they are okay: that we needn’t worry about them; that they are happy where they are; that they feel no more pain or suffering; and that they want us to be happy and go on with our lives. Sometimes spirits have information to relay, such as where hidden money, important papers or other treasures can be found.

When spirits visit a number of years after they died, they may be trying to give us advice or warn us of danger. For example, grandparents have been known to warn parents that a baby is choking or that a child is in trouble. Spirits have warned people that the house was on fire, that they shouldn’t go on a certain trip, or that they should lock their doors and windows to protect themselves from a prowler.

Before closing, I must mention that I feel you and your brother-in-law have a deep karmic bond. I’m sure you two were close because you shared a lot of love in past lives. Since we incarnate with the same souls over and over again, it can be fascinating to study family dynamics. When two family members share an inexplicably close bond, it’s often because they grew close in other lifetimes. This would make your brother-in-law a key member of your soul family – perhaps much more important to you on a soul level than either of you consciously realized – so it’s understandable that he would come to say goodbye to you.

This visit was a great gift for you and the rest of the family above and beyond the love that was conveyed. It is personal experiences like this that break open people’s belief systems and launch them on conscious spiritual journeys. As there is nothing more important or rewarding than that, I urge you to give thanks for his visit, and encourage you to explore the big questions it has raised for you. Also, as you move forward on this new spiritual adventure, please trust your own perceptions and intuitions whether they jibe with what you’ve been taught is real and possible or not.

– Soul Arcanum