Tag Archive: house blessing

Negative Energy in Classroom

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

I am a college math professor and this semester in one of my classes, I feel a heavy environment around me. I feel drained, my head hurts, and my neck is tense at the end of the class. I know that I am more sensitive to bad energies than the average person and I do not know how to stop it. I am suspicious about one student but I am not 100% sure about it. This is affecting not only my professional life but also my family life. My sign is Pisces. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Dear P.:

What you are experiencing could be the result of high EMF exposure, which can cause headaches, tension, anxiety, weakness, and a general feeling of malaise along with all sorts of other symptoms. You wrote that you only have this problem in one of your classes, and I am wondering if you only teach in that particular classroom for this one class. If that’s the case, I would focus on environmental factors (like high EMFs) before looking for psychic influences. Of course, it’s possible that the problem is both psychic and location specific, as may be the case with a “haunting.” If you teach in that classroom frequently and only have problems with one particular group of students, then it makes sense to look to the people involved as potential sources of your discomfort.

First let’s assume that you only have problems when you teach in that particular location. If this is the case, as I mentioned, it’s likely that you are dealing with a high level of electromagnetic radiation. Some individuals seem to be particularly sensitive to electrical fields. Some are hyper-aware of these fields without being adversely affected by them, while others suffer discomfort from exposure whether they are consciously aware of the energy or not. Many people who are consciously aware of electrical fields are also psychically sensitive. I know many psychics who can feel and/or hear the buzz of flourescent lighting even when it’s on another floor of the building they are in. I can sense if the television is on and muted from all the way across the house. If this sounds like you, then you are definitely sensitive to electrical fields. (If you have ever left the city for the country and been amazed at how much better you felt, you are probably electrically sensitive.)

If your symptoms disappear when you leave the location of the classroom, it makes sense that something there is bothering you. I recommend you visit the classroom when there are no students around to see if you are affected then. If you are, then it must be something related to that particular environment – and not a particular student – that is causing you distress.

The answer could be something very simple and mundane. For example, if the classroom you are teaching in has flourescent lighting, that is definitely a potential cause of your discomfort, for many people report getting headaches and other symptoms when exposed to flourescent lights. If you’re sensitive to electrical fields, you will definitely be sensitive to flourescent lighting. To determine if this is the problem, try sitting quietly in the classroom for 15 minutes with the lights off. If you don’t have a negative reaction, try the same with the lights on and see what happens. If you start to become uncomfortable, the remedy may be as simple as replacing the lighting.

If you begin to have problems the minute you enter the unlit room or building, then you will want to measure the EMF fields of that location, for there are all sorts of things that can cause high EMFs aside from flourescent lighting such as nearby power lines, computers, wireless towers – the list goes on and on. I don’t have room to go into how you can test that location for high EMF fields, but that information is readily available on the internet. If you discover that this classroom is plagued by high EMFs, then you will either have to find a way to remedy that situation or ask to have your classroom moved to a different location.

Please note that discovering high EMFs does not negate the possibility that there is also some form of psychic attack going on. There is a strong correlation between high EMFs and paranormal phenomena; what’s unclear is which comes first. I believe that we create the high EMFs with our electrical appliances and that entities in the lower astral (like earthbound spirits) use that energy to try to affect this dimension.

I have noticed a dramatic increase in paranormal phenomena over the past couple of decades, and I believe that this is why. As we are constantly electrically charging the psychic atmosphere as never before in history, we have no idea how this will affect us all physically OR metaphysically. I think it’s entirely possible that it is causing a thinning of the veil between this world and the dimensions closest to us in vibration, and that this is enabling all sorts of unusual phenomena.

It also makes sense that this electrically charged atmosphere can lead to stronger psychic phenomena, so that even a student daydreaming about bashing you in the head because he’s bored or is having a hard time understanding the lesson could affect you if you’re highly sensitive. (We are constantly interacting on an auric level; the more energy is channeled into those interactions, the stronger the effect they tend to have.)

If all of the above experiments fail to yield clear results, I suggest you call the student in question to meet with you in your office. If you are immediately affected as you are in the classroom, then you have your culprit. It’s important to keep in mind that this student may not wish you ill. For example, it could be that you have shared other lives with this particular student, and that the presence of that student brings uncomfortable energies up for you. The relationship between teacher and student is as likely to involve past life connections as any other, and feeling ill is a very common reaction to encounters with uncomfortable past life material.

For example, when I was in university, I watched a film about a pilgrimage to a sacred temple in India, and while watching the film, I was suddenly overcome with feelings of extreme anxiety to the point of panic. I broke out in a cold sweat and thought I was going to throw up. I fled the auditorium through the closest door, which was an exit door. Much to my surprise, as soon as I was outside, I felt perfectly fine. I later recalled a past life in which I had been trampled to death during a pilgrimage to a similar temple.

Regardless of whether or not this student is consciously sending you negative energy, the remedy is the same: you will want to bless the student and the whole situation, and bathe it with divine love. This will shield you and make you invulnerable to psychic attack, for one who is connected to the stream of pure positive energy is more powerful than a thousand who are not. If every time you walk into a classroom to teach, you bring the brightest love you can summon in your heart with you, you will be more metaphysically powerful than any energy even the most disgruntled, bored, depressed or frustrated student can dish out.


Living Where Someone Suffered and Died


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Though I’m not totally convinced about the law of attraction, I do try to remain positive, grateful and optimistic. However, beginning in October 2008, a tornado has hit my existence; it’s taken everything up high in the air and let it all fall back in a jumble. My mom died a long, degrading death. I’m divorcing and leaving my beautiful house in the countryside for an apartment in the city. Money is tight. I’m in the process of moving to a small studio apartment over my father’s house. It’s where we brought my mom from the hospital to die; it was converted into a hospital room for two weeks so she would feel surrounded by our love and care. It offers a beautiful view of the city lights. I’m about to go live there, and even as a temporary solution, the idea of sleeping where my mom’s soul left her body makes me worry about bad vibes. Are they blessed vibrations, carrying her wishes, or are they echoes of suffering and her difficult end? Please reply: I desperately need healthy energy at this stage in my life. Be well always!


Dear Dorothea:

I see two main reasons a person may be concerned about moving into a space where someone recently died. The first is the possibility that the dead may not have crossed over and may therefore be a “ghost” haunting that locale. One big reason we tend to fear ghosts is because people of a highly developed spiritual nature don’t generally become them; instead, they enjoy a quick, smooth transition when they leave this world. Since it is dark and troubled souls who tend to get lost on their way to “heaven,” most ghosts are not the sort of spirits we would want to befriend.

When people of a kind, loving nature do linger in the place where they died, it’s almost always because they died so suddenly that they don’t realize they are no longer living. I very much doubt you have to worry about your mother’s spirit becoming a ghost, for in dying a slow death, she had a lot of time to make peace with the idea that she would soon be leaving this world. If your mother does remain nearby for some reason, you may be blessed to have more interaction with her by moving into this space, for you’ll spend a lot of time in a hypnagogic state as you fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. This could be a very positive experience for you. As long as you don’t begin to have health problems or feel drained or depressed, I wouldn’t worry about her spirit having a negative effect on you.

Of course, most of the time when people are concerned about inhabiting a space where someone died, it’s because of the energy that may be lingering in the psychic atmosphere. It is true that the events that take place in a space leave psychic impressions. This is why temples tend to feel peaceful and sacred, while places where bad things happened may feel frightening or creepy. Subtle energy is a lot of like germs: just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there and can’t affect you. Fortunately, this also means if you clean the space on a psychic level, you won’t have to worry about contamination by harmful energies. All cultures have practiced some form of ritual designed to protect and bless a dwelling and its inhabitants, for on a deep, intuitive level, we know that creating a healthy, positive psychic atmosphere will promote mental and emotional well-being just like creating a clean physical environment promotes physical health and well-being.

If your mother suffered a great deal when she was dying, then you are wise to pay attention to the vibes in your new apartment. Since it’s entirely possible that the main energy there is that of the love you surrounded her with as she was dying, the first thing to do is intuitively read the apartment’s energy. The next time you go there, pause outside the door, clear your mind, turn your psychic senses on and ask Spirit to help you sense the energy in the apartment. As you walk in the door, pause again and send your psychic feelers out. What does the space feel like to you? What feelings, impressions, images or thoughts come to you as you absorb the energy in the atmosphere? While we’ve all been in places that felt unusually good or bad to us, the energy in this space will probably be far more subtle, so you’ll have to pay careful attention and trust the intuitive impressions that come to you.

Next, keep in mind that what you do on a physical level will impact the psychic atmosphere. One of the simplest and most effective things you can do is thoroughly clean the space. In addition to dusting, polishing, sweeping and washing the floors, you might also wash the walls. I would add lavender to the water as a gentle purifier, and also smudge with lavender to cleanse the psychic atmosphere. While cleaning the space on a physical level, open all the doors and windows and play some uplifting music. This will get stale energy moving and bring fresh energy in.

If you’re Catholic, you can do the same thing with holy water. Get some from your priest and sprinkle it as you go or better yet, have your priest over to bless the house. If you like working with aromatherapy, you might follow this up by using lemon oil to purify the space of unwanted vibrations, or lemon verbena to create a high vibration, enhance your intuition, and infuse your new home with love. Lemon verbena is great for dispelling heavy energy and lightening the psychic atmosphere; it can also help you wipe the psychic slate clean to make a new beginning.

Once you’ve cleansed the space, you’ll want to bless it and begin to bring your own essence in. Just as pain and suffering can linger in the atmosphere, so can love and joy. This may be how the whole tradition of having a house warming party got started: it was one way to bring loving, happy vibes into a new dwelling. You might throw a party and invite lots of good friends and positive people, or just gather the people you know who have the best spiritual energy to help you bless the space.

When everyone gets there, it would be powerful to join together in some sort of conscious ritual to bless your home. You can go through a Wiccan ritual of sealing the doors and windows to unwanted influences and walking through the space, singing or chanting to fill it with positive energy, or you can simply join the people present in prayer. The more personal this ritual is to you, the more powerful it will tend to be. Here’s an example of a blessing to get you started:

Mother/Father/God, please bless this house and all who live here. Fill this dwelling with the energies of peace, health, happiness, harmony and love. Let this space shine with divine light and beauty and provide a warm, comfortable haven from the world. I envision this home supporting my well-being on every level and in every way, and have faith that it will be so.

As you perform the blessing, vividly imagine what you’re saying: See your home shining with light and supporting you in every way.

I also encourage you to recognize that, though your life has been turned upside down in many ways, you are in a great position to start manifesting a brighter future. Instead of lamenting what used to be, embrace this as a powerful time to begin a new chapter of your life, and expect wonderful new blessings to come your way.