Tag Archive: psychic readings

Do Clients Influence What Psychics See?


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

What do you think influences a psychic the most when doing a reading: what the client wants to hear, what will be good for the client, or the truth/reality? I recently took action that went against what a psychic had seen and the advice she’d given me. I have no doubt that what I’ve done is in my best interests at this time, yet I don’t necessarily think the psychic was wrong. Do my actions demonstrate how free will can change a previously foreseen course, or might my actions still be in line with what the psychic saw somehow? Might the purpose in all of this be for me to learn a particular lesson, and would the psychic know this to be the case but not share it?


Dear S.:

There are so many factors that come into play here that my best answer is “it depends.” If a psychic takes charge and maintains a strong, clear intention, then her intention will prevail. Not every psychic sets such an intention, however; some just try to answer the questions posed to them. In those cases, the client is really leading the reading and will have a greater influence on what is seen. Of course, some psychics are also more skilled and gifted than others. Since some only read their clients’ energy, when the client is emitting a strong signal, the psychic may pick up on that and mirror the client’s hopes and fears back to them.

To produce a truly healing, empowering reading, a psychic must be able to shift into a high vibration where things can be seen in an objective light. At this level, the attachments people form to specific outcomes fall away. Not all psychics are capable of this level of vibration. If the psychic has any fear, such as fear of displeasing the client or fear of being wrong, it will influence the quality of the reading and what is seen.

Naturally, psychics are people and everyone has good and bad days. The best psychics are so experienced at getting into the vibration necessary for excellent reading work that they can do it almost anytime and anywhere. This is like the difference between an Olympic athlete and a high school athlete. Just as an Olympic athlete knows how to consistently “bring it,” the best psychics have the skill, experience, training and development to know how to produce excellence 99% of the time.

To do this, the psychic has to remain in charge of the reading and ask the right questions on her end. I won’t even schedule a reading until I feel I can truly be of help to someone because the right questions are being asked from the right frame of mind. When someone poses a question that is rooted in fear or ego, I work with them to align with a higher level of experience before moving forward.

When what psychics see is in line with what their clients want to hear, readings are relatively easy and straightforward. When there is a clash between what the client thinks she wants and the way things are heading, there is always a way to communicate the truth, but this can require a great deal of wisdom, love and skill. It can be hard to love someone rooted in negativity into a higher perspective, but a sincere reader who is flowing divine love can work healing miracles.

I do relay all that Spirit gives me for a client, but that doesn’t mean the client will be able to hear it at that time. Often it is only in retrospect that clients understand the full wisdom and power of a reading. In fact, when dialoguing with clients after a reading, I’m often struck by what they focus on and what they filter out. I may hear from people months and even years after a reading who tell me that at the time, they couldn’t hear all of what the reading was saying, but they came to appreciate its wisdom and see the lessons they were in the process of learning.

Of course, clients and psychics do attract each other because they are on the same wavelength or because there is something to be learned or gained from the experience. For example, one of the first psychic readings I ever had was terrible and yet it blessed me nonetheless. I had seen a medium giving messages who stood out as really different. Where most mediums are gentle, loving and compassionate, this medium was comical and quite a show-woman. Though I felt a little intuitive hitch when I thought about pursuing a reading with her, I liked how different she was, so I went ahead.

At the time, I was interacting with spirits daily and having one mind blowing psychic experience after another, so I asked her about my own psychic potential. Her response was that I wasn’t really all that psychic and would never be a successful spiritual counselor. She then proceeded to talk about herself and her own dreams for the next half hour.

When I left, I was disappointed in myself for choosing such a terrible reader. How psychic could I be to have chosen her? Then I began to look for the good in the experience and a couple of insights came to light.

First, since I was overwhelmed by all the amazing psychic experiences I was having, maybe she was wrong. By using the psychic senses she had denied me even having, I figured out that she was ego-driven and threatened by anyone else being psychic. I then realized that it was time to stop giving my power away to other supposedly wiser people, and trust my own inner knowing. This proved to be a major turning point for me.

Second, this reading was such a vivid example of what NOT to do as a psychic that it motivated me to become the sort of reader I wished she had been. When I realized how much I had learned about how to give a good reading from watching her give a terrible one, I laughed out loud and decided my money had been well spent.

I share this story because it illuminates a couple of key points. First, we must always listen to our own inner knowing above all. Ironically, when a psychic’s advice or predictions strike us as off, it can make us much clearer about what we already know deep down inside, so both a really bad and a really good reading can help us find new clarity.

Second, if a psychic says something that doesn’t feel right or prove true, it can still be just what we needed to experience by mirroring our vibration, answering a bigger question, fulfilling a deeper need, shifting our course or changing us in some important way.

As everything comes back to the law of attraction, the quality of your reading experience must somehow be a match to your vibration. Many times people consciously think they’re ready to hear the whole truth but their egos are limiting and distorting things. When you’re aligned with receiving clear guidance from Spirit, it can and will come to you through all sorts of channels, a psychic reading being just one obvious option. Often people have only to articulate what they really want to know in a reading for the Universe to begin sending answers to the longings and questions in their hearts.

Finally, the best psychic readings are not those that accurately predict the future but those that empower you to shift course if need be in order to create what you want. If you make new choices in light of psychic advice and end up in a better place as a result, the reading has served you well.

Soul Arcanum

How to Find a Psychic Who Can Help You Change your Life

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been seeing a psychic for a couple of years now, and though she seems genuinely caring and many of her predictions have come true, nothing in my life seems to be getting better. As I’ve gotten to know her, I’ve come to realize that her own life is a mess; in fact, she may have even more problems than I do! This has come as quite a surprise to me, and it makes me feel uneasy. Is it normal for gifted psychics to not be able to solve their own problems or to be in constant turmoil? Do you think I should leave off working with her and look for a new psychic reader?
– Jane

Dear Jane:

Before I go into the main issue, I think it’s important to point out that even the wisest advice in the world won’t help you if you don’t act on it. Many times people receive the answers they need from all sorts of different sources over and over again, but nothing changes until they acknowledge those truths and allow those insights to shift their thinking and their approach. Occasionally I have clients come back to me months or even years later with the same old problem, and it’s not because the advice given in the last reading didn’t work; it’s because they never acted on it, and are still hoping that they can keep doing the same thing they’ve always done but get different results.

Now let’s explore your unnerving discovery that your psychic’s life seems to be a bigger mess than your own. Many gifted psychics do have all sorts of problems. Most may say that this is because they can’t read for themselves, but I strongly believe that we are wise to judge others’ wisdom not by what they say but by who they are and how they live.

To be psychic is simply to be sensitive enough to consciously pick up on subtle energies that can’t be perceived with the five physical senses. While psychic abilities are a natural result of general spiritual growth and development, they can also kick on spontaneously. For example, psychic abilities can be awakened by a serious illness, traumatic accident, or the stress of childbirth. They can also be launched by experimentation with mind-altering drugs.

Having psychic ability does not necessarily make people wise, loving or enlightened, nor does it make them good spiritual counselors; developing those qualities requires spiritual devotion and lots of personal growth. One must purify the heart and mind and cultivate a rare level of honesty with one’s self and others to be a channel for divine wisdom and healing.

In fact, in the early stages of psychic development, there seems to be an inverse relationship between psychic ability and everyday competency. I think this is because people get top-heavy in their chakra development, which leaves them ungrounded and partially disconnected from physical reality. They may thus be able to do things that most people can’t do, such as see auras and spirits, but be unable to do other things that most people find unremarkable, such as hold a job, maintain good health, keep their house in order, etc.

In my view, psychic guidance is only as valuable as it is useful and helpful, so though you may find a psychic’s predictions accurate, they won’t do you any good if you keep repeating the same underlying habits that caused your problems in the first place. We must look beyond quick answers and surface details to uncover and heal the core issues preventing you from manifesting greater fulfillment. This personal growth and healing is what will empower you to truly change your life.

Scam artists aside, I believe that all psychic readers have good intentions but some are incapable of seeing themselves honestly and clearly because their egos are blocking the light. As a result, they tap into less than the highest and best in the spirit world and mistake what they receive as being from a higher source. It’s not the highest guidance available, it’s just the highest guidance they are capable of accessing at that point in their development.

Of course, the law of attraction is always in action, so there is a psychic match for every client. Since we naturally attract people who mirror our own energy, folks who are really struggling financially tend to be attracted to psychics with prosperity issues, and people who feel loveless tend to be drawn to psychics who don’t know how to create happiness in love.

In order to create big changes in your life, you have to consciously break this pattern and reach for something higher, so instead of going to someone who feels comfortable, you’d be wise to seek out someone who really impresses and inspires you. To tap into greater personal potential, you have to be willing to stretch yourself in new ways.

I’m sure there are many spiritual counselors who surpass me in wisdom and power, but from my present perspective, I define great healers as people who possess certain traits and habits. For example, great healers never blame or condemn anyone for anything; they see the divine in everyone and emphasize the truth that each one of us is creating our own reality. Great healers never advocate manipulation or control; instead, they encourage love, forgiveness, faith, peace and personal responsibility.

They also don’t set themselves up as superior to you or foster your dependence on them. Instead, they guide you to clear awareness of what feels right and true, help you reconnect with your own divine creative power, and leave you feeling centered in love and compassion for yourself and everyone else involved.

If you decide to look for a new psychic reader or teacher, I recommend you keep these qualities in mind. Also, seek someone who is enjoying the quality of life you’d like to manifest for yourself. Judge their level of spiritual development by who they are, the effect they have on others, and how they live. If a psychic is constantly broke, stressed out, anxious, angry, depressed, ill or frustrated, you probably do not want to follow in their footsteps. If she radiates calm faith, peace, love, well-being, abundance and joy, then clearly her approach to life is sound and effective.

Also, remember that the bright face people present to the world can mask a lot of shadows. When we first meet people, they naturally put their best foot forward, so after we get to know them better, we may be disappointed to discover that they are not who we thought they were. If they’re trying super hard to impress, they may suddenly flip out or break down when the strain of maintaining their facade becomes too much to bear. We can save ourselves a lot of time and heartache by listening to our intuition and at bare minimum expecting the people we choose to put our faith in to be fundamentally competent.

I hope I don’t sound harsh or judgmental here, for everyone is just where they are supposed to be, doing what they need to do in order to learn whatever they need to learn. I’m simply pointing out that we are wise to choose our mentors carefully. It makes sense that if you want to get fit, you’d hire a trainer who can lead you by example, not someone who is even more out of shape and lost on this path than you are.

To predict for yourself the results you can expect from working with a particular counselor, it’s wise to study that individual’s life, for that is an undeniable manifestation of their wisdom and vibration.

– Soul Arcanum

When Helpful Psychics Cost a Fortune

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have been working with a psychic who has been accurate and very helpful. The only problem is that she is so expensive! I’ve spent about $40,000 to have her remove a lot of negativity from my life, and while my life has improved greatly, I can’t get over how much this has cost me. What do you think about the high cost of this psychic help? I’ve spent over $80,000 in the past with other psychics, as they just won’t stop asking for more. They say that they work through the power of money. What do you think is right and reasonable?
– R.

Dear R.:

When I first read your letter, I was nearly speechless for a couple of reasons. First, this is an outrageous amount of money. Second, I receive many emails from people being scammed by so-called psychics who charge a fortune and make lots of promises to remove curses or conduct spells for them, but then never actually deliver. Spending thousands of dollars on psychics but believing that the help received may have actually been worth it is far less common.

NO psychic works through the power of money; that is a total falsehood designed to sucker you out of more cash. What you want is a psychic who works through the power of God or the power of divine love – who gives all credit for the help and healing she channels to a higher power. You don’t pay her for this wisdom or healing energy, you pay her for her time. If a psychic says she works through the power of money, what she is really saying is that money is her God, because she’s surely selling her soul to get it.

From a practical business perspective, psychics are free to charge whatever they desire for their services, just as customers are free to shop around for a more reasonable deal. We might compare this to what one pays for a hair stylist: if you want someone high profile or a really fancy salon experience, you may pay many times what you could pay for the same basic services.

I particularly like this analogy because when people complain about psychics charging anything at all for their work, I’m always struck by the truth that no one needs a psychic reading in order to survive: people pursue psychic readings because they want them. No one would expect a hairstylist to cut and color their hair gratis, so it baffles me when people get in a huff because psychics don’t devote their lives to helping others without expectation of anything in return.

Everyone has a right to use their personal talents to earn a living. Further, it takes a lot more than natural ability to be an excellent psychic reader. Even people with extraordinary psychic gifts must devote many years to developing the knowledge, skills and habits it takes to be great.

As for how much you should you expect to pay for someone accurate and truly helpful, I can assure you that you can receive the same benefits at a much lower price. Remember: you are only paying for someone’s time and expertise, NOT “magic.” My own rule of thumb is that I would never charge others more than I would pay for the same service. If I didn’t charge anything for my readings, I wouldn’t be able to do them anymore, and I know that this would really disappoint all my clients who are quite happy to pay a reasonable fee for my time and energy.

Finally, I can’t condemn this psychic for putting a huge price tag on her time, and I don’t doubt that your life has improved, but I definitely find fault with her approach. While it wouldn’t morally outrage us if a celebrity hairstylist charged $500 a haircut, it WOULD if that same hair stylist tried to con people out of more money by scaring them into thinking that if they didn’t hand over outrageous sums for special products and procedures, they would go bald and end up disfigured and miserable.

The real problem is the fact that instead of empowering you to create what you want in your life when you are stuck or in need of support, psychics like this one disempower you so that you become dependent on them. Instead of helping you heal your fears and cultivate faith in your power to create what you want in your life, they stir up more fear of so-called “negativity” in order to rip you off. This makes them criminals in my book.

You might be protesting that this psychic did help you: that before you started handing over huge sums of cash to her, you were broke, lonely and depressed, and now you’re just (more) broke. Most likely, however, you have been seeing positive changes while working with this psychic because she has led you to focus on what you want and to EXPECT things to get better because you believe in her (and you need to believe that all of that money is not going to waste!)

If a psychic tells Bob that he is cursed by negativity and Bob believes it, Bob will begin to manifest evidence that he is indeed cursed. If the psychic then tells Bob that she has just worked some sort of magic for him involving angels of the highest order, enchanted horny toads, ancient fairy dust and a spirit guide named Chief Kicksumass, Bob will expect miracles to happen. Then Bob’s vibration will rise, he will expect everything to get better, he’ll look for evidence that his luck has changed, and that will be his experience.

I’m not saying that spiritual counseling is a waste of money. In fact, I regularly witness clients manifesting huge breakthroughs as a result of our work together. However, divine guidance works miracles because it helps people heal the fears and illusions limiting their potential, and it reconnects them with their own divine creative power to create what they want in their lives. Spiritual counseling should empower, uplift and free you, not leave you feeling at the mercy of negative energies and dependent on outside help.

My ultimate goal is to empower everyone I work with by guiding them to conscious awareness of their own connection to Spirit. You are already being guided by Spirit every day, and you already possess all the power you need to “release negativity” and create what you want in your life. In fact, while others may help, guide and inspire you, you are the only person who can change your life.

If you’d like to get way more for your money, I strongly recommend you buy some books on the law of attraction and then really study them and work with their exercises and suggestions. There are many wonderful books available on this subject and an endless number of websites devoted to these teachings. (My latest great discovery is a book calledQuantum Success by Sandra Anne Taylor.) I find it helpful and empowering to regularly read books of this nature, for it keeps me mindful of the power of positive thinking.

Finally, if and when you do start to feel stuck, lost, or intuitively drawn to seek spiritual help and healing, I suggest you look for help from someone with the qualities you would seek in any other professional: someone who is honest, sincere, and does excellent work for a fair price. Naturally, you want someone who has unwavering integrity and guarantees your satisfaction.

I have always offered a money-back guarantee on my reading work. This doesn’t mean that the truth conveyed will be exactly what you’re hoping to hear, but it does mean that the information relayed will prove to be accurate, and the guidance offered will empower you to create what you want in your life – if you choose to accept and act on that advice.

– Soul Arcanum

She’s Nervous about a Psychic Who Knows Her Embarassing Secrets

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I visited a local psychic about three times, so naturally she got to know all my personal problems. I was very surprised when I saw her at the gym that I attend, and it made me feel uneasy. Then in the locker room she had the audacity to ask me outright if my son is still doing drugs, along with some other personal questions. I felt disgusted because in my opinion, she should not discuss the matters from my readings somewhere else. I motioned for her to shut her mouth, and she replied “Not to worry.” I have also noticed that when she talks to me, she stands very close, fixes her eyes on me, and asks personal questions. I think she’s reading me, and I feel uneasy every time I see her. I have made it clear that I no longer desire her services, and I’m no longer friendly with her. Can she harm me in any way? How do I prevent her from reading me?
– Liz

Dear Liz:

A dear friend of mine is a popular local psychologist, and I’ve had other friends react with similar nervousness when they realize I know him. While some worry that he’ll share their secrets with me, for the most part, they’re uneasy because who they are in public is so different from who they are when they’re in his office and getting “real,” so they don’t know how to act around him in a different setting. Since he would never betray their confidence, the real problem is the chasm between who these people really are and who they like to pretend to be in “polite society.”

Psychologists are trained and required by law to maintain strict confidentiality, and while psychics should follow the same protocol, there is no official training or laws governing this sort of work, so it’s natural for clients to worry. I maintain strict confidentiality for my clients and would never disclose that someone had even asked me for a reading, much less what we had discussed. This is especially important when someone else may know my client, or my client is a well-known celebrity or other public figure. So I certainly agree that this psychic is not handling herself in a professional manner! (I’m also doubtful of her psychic sensitivity, for she should be able to sense your uneasiness and respond accordingly.)

At the same time, I have to say that I don’t pick up any malice from her. Like so many psychics, she is probably just socially quirky. Psychics tend to be extraordinarily open and honest because so much that escapes others’ awareness is quite plain to us. While many people ONLY get emotionally naked in very private settings, we see through people’s social masks all the time.

Just the other day my son complained, “Having a psychic for a mom is so not fair! Not only do I get in trouble for the things I say, I get in trouble for the things I DON’T say!” He was referring to both my ability to sense his true thoughts and feelings, and my habit of insisting on bringing the truth to light.

I do this because I believe it’s a waste of time and disrespectful of everyone involved to be anything but real. Further, whenever we are false, we disconnect from our personal power to create positive change. In addition, on some level everyone knows the truth – they may not know it consciously, but they still know. When we use words to hide the truth or twist it around, we’re just playing games.

Life is not a competition to see who can keep their act together more than anyone else, it’s an experiment through which we all cultivate new wisdom and understanding. Everything we feel and experience happens for a good reason. We are all divine spirits living out big dramas here on Earth, and we’re in this together. So if someone is being false with me by lying, avoiding, denying, etc., I will usually communicate what I feel is really happening because I see no reason for anyone to hide. (As you might imagine, I have often been told that I’m very intense and honest to a fault!)

Given all of this, I see no need for you to block yourself from being read. Instead, I recommend you heal yourself of the fear of being exposed for who you really are, and the belief that if people knew the real you, they would find you somehow unworthy of their love and respect.

If you are honest with yourself, you’ll realize that the reason you want to keep your secrets hidden is because deep down, you’re ashamed of yourself for some reason. You’re afraid that somehow you’re not as good as other people, or your children aren’t as good as they “should” be, which must be your fault. If you recognize that everyone struggles with all sorts of problems just as big as yours, hopefully you’ll realize that there is no reason for you to feel bad about yourself.

It’s easy for psychics to forget that not everyone is like us. For example, we hear everyone’s most scandalous secrets, greatest fears and deepest regrets, and if we’re coming from a higher vibration as we should be, we don’t judge anyone for their problems and decisions. From Spirit’s perspective, there is nothing to feel ashamed about and therefore nothing to hide because you’ve not done anything wrong! There is only compassion for you and all you’re going through.

This is one of the qualities that makes great therapists true healers: they see you as divinely perfect just the way you are, and they help you to see your own divine perfection as well. In this way, you make peace with yourself and your life.

If I were you, I would thank this woman for showing you that she cares, and gently explain that you’d rather not talk about these things when you’re at the gym, for you’re not mentally prepared to deal with them then, and just want to get in a good workout.

Then instead of keeping all those skeletons buried in the back of some metaphorical closet, I encourage you to work on finding compassion for yourself. Whenever you feel the urge to cover something up or pretend to be someone you’re not, recognize that your ego is kicking in, and try to relax and let go of needing others’ acceptance. Remember that gaining others’ approval by pretending to be someone you’re not is pretty silly, and it will just fill your life with all sorts of meaningless, hollow relationships and interactions.

Remember too that getting emotionally vulnerable takes love and faith in yourself, and if you open up about what you’re really going through, it will encourage the people you talk with to do the same. Trust me – everyone feels the way you do – we all want to look good in others’ eyes. So instead of worrying about impressing others, try to give them what you’d like to receive: acceptance and understanding for who they really are and all they’re really going through.

If you do this, you will end up in some powerful, meaningful relationships wherein you know you can truly be yourself and be accepted for who you really are. Ironically, this approach will also bring you the respect and admiration of some wonderful kindred spirits.


– Soul Arcanum

Psychic Celebrities: Are They the Best in the Field?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Do you think the mediums we see on TV are the best? I have been trying to get a reading with a famous medium for a long time now, but their waiting lists are incredibly long and their prices are really steep. Do you think it will prove worth it?
– Susan

Dear Susan:

From what I’ve seen of the top celebrity mediums, they are very gifted, do excellent work, and have stellar integrity. We must remember, however, that when it comes to television, we only see the most dramatic, entertaining and impressive moments. Whatever actually happened may be edited, recreated for the camera, or otherwise enhanced to produce a certain effect.

I have personally never met a medium who can bring through evidence from any spirit at any time. This is because a gifted medium is only one part of the spirit communication equation.

As a medium myself, I have had many amazing experiences, such as accurately bringing through names, nicknames, visual descriptions, and other identifying details from spirits. At first I assumed this ability would only grow stronger and more reliable, but that has not been the case. I may have a fantastic spirit communication session, then a number that fall flat, and then another great one. I’ve also seen some very gifted mediums give amazing readings, and then a few years later seen those same mediums seem vague and unsure. As a result of all of this, I don’t believe that spirit communication is something that any medium can guarantee.

Some of the difficulty lies in what we consider evidence. It’s rare for me to get nothing when I tune in. Sometimes I feel like I have a connection, but I can’t be sure it is with the spirit being sought. The only way to know for sure who I “have on the line” is if they give me clear identifying details, which doesn’t happen all the time.

I believe one reason is because the spirit world is a realm of emotion. As we don’t HAVE names or physical bodies in the afterlife, it is far easier to get an emotional message from a spirit (such as a message of love and affection) than to get the sort of details that skeptics may consider evidential.

So even if a medium is a clear channel, for her to bring through evidence, the spirits involved must also be able to summon the mental clarity and focus to remember details that don’t matter to them anymore, and then somehow translate those into mental messages and skillfully communicate them.

Let’s say that years ago, you took a college history course. What from that class do you remember? The professor’s full name? The course description? The title of the textbook? Can you remember what you learned in the class?

If you’re like me, you can’t remember most of those details. One or two things may stand out in your memory, such as the girl who always sat in front of you and ate pomegranates during lectures, and some startling bit of trivia that the professor threw out one day that you thought about long after. You may remember how the classroom looked, and where you sat, and the color of your book bag. The friends you went to class with, however, may share none of your memories because they have their own unique set.

This is like being a spirit trying to remember a certain relationship experience from the life just left. The little details fade out quickly, but the overall feeling of the experience remains. Your loved ones on earth may not remember any of the things you remember, and yet they are hoping you will produce the details that were most important to them.

In light of all of this, I consider it a miracle every time I AM able to bring through details that send the grieving soaring with hope and amazement. I also try to judge the value of my work not by the facts I am able to bring through, but by the effect they have on the person I’m working with. Sometimes I bring through all kinds of evidence, and it’s not what the person I’m reading for was hoping to receive, and they’re disappointed. Other times, I don’t bring through what I consider to be amazing evidence, but it means everything to my clients, or they can feel the spirit of their loved ones coming through.

Even after all these years, there are days when I consider giving up my work as a medium. When I feel bad because I have failed to produce for someone, I am reminded of all the amazing readings I’ve done in the past. When I get down like this, Spirit also encourages me to imagine what it must be like to be a doctor who is unable to cure a patient. If they all quit when this happened, we wouldn’t have any doctors!

Psychic celebrities are working with all of these challenges, plus some. For example, many psychic celebrities are actually on their way down. By this I mean that they once had great ability, but then a dose of big success fanned the flames of their egos and led them to want more fame and financial success. Succumbing to the ego like this will lower our vibration, which will diminish our spiritual abilities.

Other famous mediums may be motivated by a sincere desire to help people, to remove the stigma associated with everything “psychic,” or to share with the world the discovery they hold most dear: that we do indeed continue on after death. I am grateful to those spiritual teachers who are willing to put up with all the headaches that come with fame. I have often marveled at mediums like John Edwards, for I know I couldn’t handle the pressure and lack of peace and privacy he must deal with every day.

In my view, the trappings of fame could weigh down even the most sincere and gifted psychic. (Psychics are extremely sensitive, of course, so just the commotion would be unnerving!) For one thing, there is only so much one person can do. To me, psychic reading work is a bit like running. I can only run so much before my body starts to ache, and instead of growing stronger and fitter, injuries and exhaustion take over.

It’s the same with psychic work: trying to do too much of something so spiritually demanding is a recipe for psychic breakdown. When I imagine the demand that psychic celebrities must have for their work, and how much pressure they must feel to “perform,” I figure they must burn out pretty quickly.

Further, celebrities tend to attract hangers on – people hoping to hitch their wagons to a rising star. Celebrities then hire agents, publicists, assistants, etc., and feel responsible for being able to pay those people, which often tempts them to consider doing things for money that they might not otherwise.

So while I do believe that some of the respected mediums on TV are talented and sincere, I also believe there are many “undiscovered” mediums who are just as gifted, who charge reasonable fees and are far more accessible. Instead of paying hundreds of dollars for a celebrity reading and waiting more than a year for your appointment, I recommend you explore the work of readers who are a bit more down to earth and charge a reasonable sum for their time and energy.

Then if you do get an excellent reading, don’t assume that you could get something even better from a “star.” While you might be right, the opposite could also be true, for over the years I’ve heard from many people who invested a lot in a celebrity reading and were sorely disappointed.

I also believe you can manifest what you want by consciously working with the law of attraction. Ask Spirit to guide you to the right reader for you, and then vividly imagine how you will feel when you get the best reading of your life. If you do this, what you desire will naturally evolve in your experience.

– Soul Arcanum

How Much Does the Reader Affect a Psychic Reading?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m wondering about having psychic readings on the same subject from different readers. Is it possible that some people connect or respond better to one psychic versus another? How much does the reader affect the outcome of the reading? I have had a variety of readings and wondered if perhaps it was just me. Thank you for your insights.
– Kay

Dear Kay:

Thank you for this great question. Let’s assume that talent and accuracy are not issues here, for obviously if one psychic is more gifted than another, her readings will tend to be more accurate, useful and satisfying.

Even when psychics have the same level of talent, skill, experience and perhaps even wisdom (which is pretty darn unlikely), they may deliver markedly different readings. I consider psychic work an art, not a science, so the results will be as unique as the person producing it.

To get a sense of how the individual reader will affect the reading, imagine that instead of hiring a psychic to tell you what they see in your future, you’ve hired an artist to paint a picture of your past based on various stories you relate, some snapshots you show them, a few pictures you draw on paper, perhaps even a family video or two. The artist’s job will be to create a collage that accurately and satisfyingly depicts “your past.”

You can only imagine how different this collage might be based on many different factors. Some of those factors you will contribute, such as your own energy, what you choose to focus upon, how good you are at opening up, how you’re feeling the day you speak with the artist, how prepared you are with your own materials, how clear you are about what want to cover – even the weather will affect the way things go.

The rest will depend on the artist herself, such as how well she listens; how she interprets what you tell her in light of her own life experience; whether she’s more visual, audial or kinesthetic; her personal style, etc. Even if you had a panel of several similarly gifted artists before you at the exact same time, each one would produce a very different work of art.

One might have had a fight with her husband that morning and be feeling rather gloomy. As a result, she may have a harder time than usual seeing the bright side, choose murky colors, and focus on the more negative details you share with her.

Another may listen very well and accurately understand what you tell her, but she may have a hard time translating that onto the canvas. Perhaps she just has a modern style like Picasso’s, and produces vibrant but disjointed pictures that leave you wondering exactly what is what. We might say she is a great receiver but not such a great communicator. In her mind it’s all perfectly clear, but that doesn’t really help you much.

Yet another artist may be a genius with all the talent and skill to produce just what you are looking for, but as a result of her giftedness, she may have grown a big ego. She may care more about showing off than about your satisfaction with her work, and thus though her art may be “amazing,” it may just leave you cold. (Sadly, lots of gifted psychics lean in this direction once they become “famous.”)

Hopefully at least one artist on your panel would be both highly skilled and able to provide you with a wonderful, comforting, inspiring picture that exceeds your expectations. So as you look for the right psychic reader for you, think about how you’d choose an artist, and look for someone gifted and caring who has a style you personally find appealing. Shop around until you find someone that you really click with, someone whose work leaves you feeling satisfied and whose messages prove useful and accurate over time.

At the same time, please be realistic. So many people give up on psychics altogether after one or two experiences that don’t do much for them. Think about it: finding the perfect spiritual counselor for you isn’t any easier than finding a reliable, affordable, available babysitter you love and trust completely with your newborn baby, or finding a doctor you feel totally comfortable with who never fails to immediately diagnosis and fix your “problem.”

Further, most psychic work involves probabilities. Like stock brokers, we can evaluate lots of different factors to predict what will happen in this or that area, but that doesn’t mean this prediction is set in stone. Our own unique personalities will also affect how we interpret various factors. For example, if a psychic views teenagers experimenting with drinking and soft drugs as just a natural part of growing up, she may reassure a mother that her kid is totally normal and everything will be fine. If another psychic sees such behavior as highly dangerous, she may warn the mother that danger lies ahead and advise swift action.

So you can see that even given the same client with the same questions, every reading will be highly unique. To find the ideal reader for you, I recommend consciously working with the law of attraction. This means instead of randomly trying this or that psychic, you would get very clear about the quality of experience you desire, vividly imagine how it would feel, and then expect that or something better to be yours.

I’ve done this myself, and it works. Clients aren’t the only ones who want a great psychic reading experience. Believe me, as psychics do readings all day, every day, it’s extra important to us that the experience is all that it can be. When I first began reading professionally many years ago, I didn’t set any conscious intention except for doing a good job and being able to make a living this way. After a few weeks of people asking me for winning lottery numbers or getting miffed because I didn’t tell them what they wanted to hear, I learned to ask Spirit to bring me only the highest and best in terms of clients.

This has worked amazingly well ever since. I continually attract the kindest, most spiritually aware people as clients. There are a number that are so gracious, appreciative and all around wonderful that I feel like I should be paying them!

So I encourage you to ask the Universe to guide you to the perfect reader for you. You might tell the Universe you want a reader who is skilled and accurate, caring, trustworthy, affordable, reliable, honest, sincere, wise, helpful, positive, and very good at communicating both with you and with Spirit.

Then visualize yourself wrapping up a psychic reading feeling just blown away. Vividly imagine the goose bumps on your arms, the catch in your breath, the excitement and the wonder of this experience. Summon the feeling of deep joy, gratitude and satisfaction of knowing you got more than you ever hoped for. Finally, just as you might release a dove that you’ve been holding carefully in your hands, send this wish off into the cosmos and expect the Universe to lead you to the psychic who can fulfill that vision.

Once you do find such a reader, hold onto her! For some reason people will continue to hunt for a better and better psychic when they would never do that with a therapist, lawyer, employee, etc. Endlessly second-guessing a psychic who has already proven herself to you is like endlessly getting a second and third opinion from a doctor because you’ve yet to hear a diagnosis you find appealing. While it’s fine to try other readers now and then, if you’re not going to trust and honor the advice you’re given in a reading, then pursuing one reading after another is a waste of time and money.

May you find a spiritual counselor who exceeds your expectations and empowers you to fulfill your dreams!

– Soul Arcanum

Why Psychics are So Darn Weird

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve long had a secret interest in spiritual/psychic matters. I’ve kept it secret because of the general stereotype of “New Age” people. I’m sure you’re familiar with it: most “psychics” seem to be flakey, out of touch with reality and lacking in common sense. Further, they often seem to have trouble with some pretty basic stuff, like being on time and paying their bills. They also dress funny and freak people out with their strange views. For example, my brother’s wife is a very kind person, but she says some crazy stuff. At the wake following my father’s funeral, she announced to all within earshot that my dad was present and enjoying the party immensely. She made us get very quiet and then asked if we could feel him there too. While I believed it was entirely possible that my dad WAS present, I thought my poor mother would faint! Later when the family was talking about how freaky my sister-in-law is, I didn’t say a word, because I don’t want to viewed as a freak too. Why do so many “spiritual” people seem to be so darn weird?

Dear Deanna:

While stereotypes often cause all sorts of problems, that doesn’t mean they’re totally false. You’re right: a lot of “spiritual” people have many of the traits you describe. What you probably don’t know is that there are whole lot of similar spiritual folks who slip past your weirdo radar. I know because I’m one of them. You don’t even know that we’re “psychic” or “New Agey” because we’re undercover!

Like you, we keep a low profile because sadly in this world, being a kind-hearted, spiritually focused student of esoteric wisdom often leads to social rejection. Being unconventional in any way has always been socially damning. At other times and places, being psychic or into the “paranormal” would bring one status and respect. It’s currently out of vogue in the Western world, however. This is simply a matter of “fashion” – the masses will eventually catch up with the world’s leading scientists, who are awakening to the wisdom of ancient mystical teachings via discoveries in quantum physics.

Additionally, a few high profile con-artists (like those %&*#$!!! psychic 900 lines) have created a climate where anyone who vocalizes an interest in psychic matters is deemed to be just plain gullible. Highly popular religions have of course never let up with what they do best either: demonizing freethinkers of every breed. There are many other reasons psychic subjects are treated with scorn, fear and ridicule. Suffice it to say that I learned early on how freaked out some people are by even the word psychic, so I wasn’t about to openly share my strange personal experiences!

For years I thus remained quiet about my spirituality in my personal life, and to a large extent, I still do. If you met me at the gym or my kids’ school, you would never guess what I’m into spiritually. The point of all of this is that you are probably surrounded by people just like you: people who have psychic experiences or are at least interested in these subjects, but never let on.

I’m not proud of being undercover. In fact, I admire people like your sister-in-law, who don’t seem to give a darn what other people think of them. As I grow older, I’m learning how to be more and more like them. I like people who say what they think, wear what they want, and seem unconcerned about what other people think of them. Personally, I couldn’t bear the thought of my children being ostracized from the neighborhood play group because their mommy is a weirdo. I didn’t want them to suffer just because many people are incapable of getting past their social conditioning.

In my unique psychic view, everyone is “weird” beneath the surface. The more “normal” we seem to be, the more hung up we are by our social conditioning. Thus people who seem “weird” have just grown very good at being themselves. When we honor who we really are and live from our inner truth, we honor the Divine forces that created us.

Those of us who are uptight enough to keep our idiosyncrasies secret also tend to be good at things like being on time and paying our bills. We dress normally and adhere to other social conventions as well. We certainly don’t tell strangers what we see in their futures, admire their auras, or deliver every message from Spirit that comes our way. Because we care what others think, we rein our “weirdness” in.

It only makes sense that people who don’t care so much what other people of them wouldn’t worry if they are on time, if others think they dress funny, or even if their creditors are happy with them. They’re less likely to adhere to all sorts of conventions, including organized religious teachings. These are free thinkers and free spirits, God bless them every one! They are my favorite sort of people, for they demonstrate something I truly long for: the courage to honor all of who they really are.

Perhaps being highly psychic gives me a unique appreciation for people like this. You see, a psychic can feel the chasm between what a person says and does and who they really are. I’m sure everyone has had the experience of knowing that someone’s polite responses were not sincere. It’s an unsettling feeling, and someone who is highly psychic senses things like this constantly. It’s thus very refreshing to meet a free spirit and to have no jarring feelings of incongruity. What they say and do is who they really are!

Now, why are spiritual people so “out there” to begin with? Well, first of all, the more we walk a conscious spiritual path, the less centered we’ll be in mundane reality. Our heads are literally “in the clouds.” We ponder profound ideas and pay more attention to subtle energies than to little details such as what time it is. As I mentioned, we’re also more into honoring our true spirits than worrying about what others think of us. Thus we do what we like, dress as we like, and generally live as we like instead of conforming to social conventions. Further, free thinking, spiritual types tend to be more right-brained. This makes us less logical and practical, and more artistic and creative – more prone to act outside the box of convention.

Ideally, we will achieve a healthy balance between grounded competence in the physical world and wise awareness and understanding of all that transcends it. Those who achieve this balance often become spiritual leaders and teachers, for they are recognized by those in the mainstream as being both “sane” and wise. It sounds to me like you’re a great candidate for developing that sort of balance, but first, you’ll have to overcome your socially programmed bias against non-conformity.

To explore psychic matters and spiritual growth, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. It’s not like you’re going to catch some syndrome that leaves you sailing around outer space in gypsy skirts, spouting off every far out notion that pops into your head. You don’t have to give up common sense to explore higher worlds! There are lots of us who question everything we encounter in life. We research and test it, and only trust our own direct experiences. I don’t believe in anything I’ve not personally experienced – I’ve just learned that we can experience with far more than our five physical senses.

I encourage you to rethink your view of “spiritual” people, for you’ll not find a kinder bunch of people anywhere. If they push your buttons, it’s because you’ve got buttons ripe for pushing, my dear. While you’re busily judging them to be flakey, I’m sure they’re not labeling you uptight and critical; instead, they’re probably really paying attention to what you say, noticing who you are beneath the surface, and wishing you great health and happiness.

– Soul Arcanum

Why Psychics are So Darn Weird

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve long had a secret interest in spiritual/psychic matters. I’ve kept it secret because of the general stereotype of “New Age” people. I’m sure you’re familiar with it: most “psychics” seem to be flakey, out of touch with reality and lacking in common sense. Further, they often seem to have trouble with some pretty basic stuff, like being on time and paying their bills. They also dress funny and freak people out with their strange views. For example, my brother’s wife is a very kind person, but she says some crazy stuff. At the wake following my father’s funeral, she announced to all within earshot that my dad was present and enjoying the party immensely. She made us get very quiet and then asked if we could feel him there too. While I believed it was entirely possible that my dad WAS present, I thought my poor mother would faint! Later when the family was talking about how freaky my sister-in-law is, I didn’t say a word, because I don’t want to viewed as a freak too. Why do so many “spiritual” people seem to be so darn weird?

Dear Deanna:

While stereotypes often cause all sorts of problems, that doesn’t mean they’re totally false. You’re right: a lot of “spiritual” people have many of the traits you describe. What you probably don’t know is that there are whole lot of similar spiritual folks who slip past your weirdo radar. I know because I’m one of them. You don’t even know that we’re “psychic” or “New Agey” because we’re undercover!

Like you, we keep a low profile because sadly in this world, being a kind-hearted, spiritually focused student of esoteric wisdom often leads to social rejection. Being unconventional in any way has always been socially damning. At other times and places, being psychic or into the “paranormal” would bring one status and respect. It’s currently out of vogue in the Western world, however. This is simply a matter of “fashion” – the masses will eventually catch up with the world’s leading scientists, who are awakening to the wisdom of ancient mystical teachings via discoveries in quantum physics.

Additionally, a few high profile con-artists (like those %&*#$!!! psychic 900 lines) have created a climate where anyone who vocalizes an interest in psychic matters is deemed to be just plain gullible. Highly popular religions have of course never let up with what they do best either: demonizing freethinkers of every breed. There are many other reasons psychic subjects are treated with scorn, fear and ridicule. Suffice it to say that I learned early on how freaked out some people are by even the word psychic, so I wasn’t about to openly share my strange personal experiences!

For years I thus remained quiet about my spirituality in my personal life, and to a large extent, I still do. If you met me at the gym or my kids’ school, you would never guess what I’m into spiritually. The point of all of this is that you are probably surrounded by people just like you: people who have psychic experiences or are at least interested in these subjects, but never let on.

I’m not proud of being undercover. In fact, I admire people like your sister-in-law, who don’t seem to give a darn what other people think of them. As I grow older, I’m learning how to be more and more like them. I like people who say what they think, wear what they want, and seem unconcerned about what other people think of them. Personally, I couldn’t bear the thought of my children being ostracized from the neighborhood play group because their mommy is a weirdo. I didn’t want them to suffer just because many people are incapable of getting past their social conditioning.

In my unique psychic view, everyone is “weird” beneath the surface. The more “normal” we seem to be, the more hung up we are by our social conditioning. Thus people who seem “weird” have just grown very good at being themselves. When we honor who we really are and live from our inner truth, we honor the Divine forces that created us.

Those of us who are uptight enough to keep our idiosyncrasies secret also tend to be good at things like being on time and paying our bills. We dress normally and adhere to other social conventions as well. We certainly don’t tell strangers what we see in their futures, admire their auras, or deliver every message from Spirit that comes our way. Because we care what others think, we rein our “weirdness” in.

It only makes sense that people who don’t care so much what other people of them wouldn’t worry if they are on time, if others think they dress funny, or even if their creditors are happy with them. They’re less likely to adhere to all sorts of conventions, including organized religious teachings. These are free thinkers and free spirits, God bless them every one! They are my favorite sort of people, for they demonstrate something I truly long for: the courage to honor all of who they really are.

Perhaps being highly psychic gives me a unique appreciation for people like this. You see, a psychic can feel the chasm between what a person says and does and who they really are. I’m sure everyone has had the experience of knowing that someone’s polite responses were not sincere. It’s an unsettling feeling, and someone who is highly psychic senses things like this constantly. It’s thus very refreshing to meet a free spirit and to have no jarring feelings of incongruity. What they say and do is who they really are!

Now, why are spiritual people so “out there” to begin with? Well, first of all, the more we walk a conscious spiritual path, the less centered we’ll be in mundane reality. Our heads are literally “in the clouds.” We ponder profound ideas and pay more attention to subtle energies than to little details such as what time it is. As I mentioned, we’re also more into honoring our true spirits than worrying about what others think of us. Thus we do what we like, dress as we like, and generally live as we like instead of conforming to social conventions. Further, free thinking, spiritual types tend to be more right-brained. This makes us less logical and practical, and more artistic and creative – more prone to act outside the box of convention.

Ideally, we will achieve a healthy balance between grounded competence in the physical world and wise awareness and understanding of all that transcends it. Those who achieve this balance often become spiritual leaders and teachers, for they are recognized by those in the mainstream as being both “sane” and wise. It sounds to me like you’re a great candidate for developing that sort of balance, but first, you’ll have to overcome your socially programmed bias against non-conformity.

To explore psychic matters and spiritual growth, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. It’s not like you’re going to catch some syndrome that leaves you sailing around outer space in gypsy skirts, spouting off every far out notion that pops into your head. You don’t have to give up common sense to explore higher worlds! There are lots of us who question everything we encounter in life. We research and test it, and only trust our own direct experiences. I don’t believe in anything I’ve not personally experienced – I’ve just learned that we can experience with far more than our five physical senses.

I encourage you to rethink your view of “spiritual” people, for you’ll not find a kinder bunch of people anywhere. If they push your buttons, it’s because you’ve got buttons ripe for pushing, my dear. While you’re busily judging them to be flakey, I’m sure they’re not labeling you uptight and critical; instead, they’re probably really paying attention to what you say, noticing who you are beneath the surface, and wishing you great health and happiness.

– Soul Arcanum

How Does Psychic Information Help Us Create Change?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

A little over a year ago, I fell down some stairs and hit the top of my neck. It’s been a long path to healing, but when I realized that I could consciously relax this area, the level of chronic pain became much more bearable. What hasn’t really helped was the information given to me by a healer who said that the reason I hurt my neck was because in a past life I was tortured and killed by a “dark energy cult” who did something gruesome to my neck. It’s not like I find this unbelievable or even particularly frightening; I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do with it. I’ve experienced plenty of things in this life to explain why I remain inert in the face of approaching danger or why I walk carelessly down a wet spiral staircase. To what extent are we defined by our past lives? I find it difficult to imagine why I would recreate a shadow experience of something terrible. Are we even supposed to know what happened in past lives? I ask this because I have never found self-awareness to be a major impetus for behavioral/physical change.
– Karla

Dear Karla:

I think this question is really about the power of conscious awareness. Whether the experiences affecting us at a subconscious level stem from our past in this life or another life, if we are unaware of why we are doing what we are doing, then those experiences are controlling our behavior. When we become conscious of why we do what we do, then we gain the power to make a conscious choice to do something else.

Here’s a simple, classic example that is sadly all too common: Let’s say that when Sandy was little, she was molested by her father. She may have a vague recollection of this, or have totally repressed her memories of it. It doesn’t really matter, so long as she is not conscious of how those early experiences are affecting her today.

Fast forward twenty or thirty years, and now Sandy has a hard time getting close to men. As soon as a man begins to get too close, she finds fault with him or starts acting “crazy” and pushing him away.

She may come to me for a reading, asking, “Why can’t I find the right guy?” Or, if she has some self-awareness, she might ask, “Why do I sabotage these relationships? Why do I always treat the nicest guys like dirt?”

Well, Sandy learned at an early age that it is the men you should be able to trust the most – the ones who are supposed to protect you and take care of you – that you have to watch out for. When a man says he loves you, beware. Thus as soon as a guy seems to care too much, she feels panicked and starts to flail around to get out of the relationship.

If she can get conscious about why she is doing what she is doing, then she can work through the irrational, self-defeating aspects of her belief system, and choose a more empowering and fulfilling approach to relationships.

I know this works myself. When I was a teenager, like many girls that age, all I wanted was to be pretty and popular. I put a lot of effort into being skinny, attractive, etc. Then I was stalked and raped by a man who saw me as so “desirable” that he had to have me for himself.

In the wake of that experience, I blamed myself. I said things to myself like, “Well, you wanted to be irresistible! That’s what you get!” I then started gaining weight and wearing huge clothes. I stopped wearing makeup. I stopped getting a lot of male attention. I wasn’t happy being out of shape and unattractive, but I felt safer.

I woke up one day and realized WHY I was overeating, not exercising, and dressing in baggy clothes. I then decided to “empower” myself by getting very strong and fit. I started eating right, lifting weights, running, and training in karate. I became obsessed with being fit and strong.

To this day, I still work out a lot. There are some healthy, positive reasons for this, but there is also a bit of that desire to be able to protect myself too. Maybe that’s unhealthy, or maybe it’s just wise given the nature of the world. I do know that becoming conscious of why I was doing what I was doing freed me to find the healthiest way to deal with it. I’m happy feeling strong and fit. I feel empowered.

Our past lives often do continue to affect us. The more intense/traumatic an experience in our past was, the greater its potential power over us will be. Since we don’t usually remember our past life experiences, they tend to influence us in unconscious ways.

When a big past life trauma is swept under the rug of our conscious awareness, it forms a lump in our lives that we can’t really see. We then trip over that lump again and again until we make a connection between walking in that area and getting hurt. Then we may be able to walk around it to avoid it, but of course, the hazard is still there. If we aren’t “paying attention,” we could trip over it again. If we consciously address that lump – if we lift up the rug and drag it out into the light and clean it out of there, we won’t have that vulnerability anymore.

Just because something happened in a past life, however, that doesn’t mean that we’re doomed to experience it again. While I won’t comment on the accuracy of the unusual reading you received, I find it rather strange to be seeking the reason for an accident in a past life in the first place. Accidents happen; they don’t always have some deep or higher meaning. We can have an accident if we simply fail to consciously manifest well-being. If we’re not grounded, not paying attention, not fully in our bodies, then accidents happen, and we’re snapped back to reality. If we keep finding ourselves in the same sort of pattern of experience, however, then it may be helpful to seek the metaphysical reasons why.

You asked if we’re even supposed to know about past life experiences. I found that a most interesting question. Why indeed would we generally not remember them unless there was a good reason?

I asked Spirit, and it was explained to me that we gain access to power and information as we become ready for it. Thus the more evolved we are spiritually, the more spiritual abilities we’ll gain, and the more awareness we’ll have of things like our past lives, the deeper meaning behind our experiences, etc. Spiritual evolution is a journey of ever expanding conscious awareness. We can trust that if we are made aware of something, it is natural and right for us now.

I feel that this fall sparked a big surge forward spiritually for you. Often accidents release a surge in kundalini. If you look back, you will see how this fall launched you into a period of deep spiritual questioning. That may not have been its “purpose,” but it was the result. Take it for what it is, and make the most of it. Instead of looking back and asking “Why?” look forward and ask, “Where do I want to go from here?”

We are not doomed to repeat past life experiences. In fact, the whole point of accessing past life information is to become more aware of any unconscious programs that are driving self-defeating habits so we can create what we want instead. Regardless of what happened in the past, we have the power to choose what we will create in our lives now.

We’ve all had hard times and dark experiences in this and in other lives. Becoming conscious of the deep fears we carry as a result of these experiences can empower us to release them. As all great spiritual teachers have taught, the path to realization is one of self-awareness. The more we know ourselves, the more empowered we are to consciously work with natural spiritual law.

– Soul Arcanum

If We Create Our Own Realities, Why Get Psychic Readings?

how the law of attraction and psychic readings mesh…
Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC.  All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been reading your column for years now, and there’s one thing I’m confused about. You obviously believe that we create our own realities, and yet at the same time, you’re a professional intuitive. So if we’re making up our lives as we go along, why try to predict the future through psychic readings?
– Brian

Dear Brian:

I do believe that we are ever creating our own realities and experiences in life, and yet at the same time, I believe that there are some things that are “destined” to happen. In my view, these are things that we set in motion before we even incarnated on the planet. They are the really big, important things like meeting up with soul mates, giving birth to certain souls/children, perhaps choosing a particular life’s work, etc.

The rest of the details we are free to make up as we go along. Whether we began to create something before we were born or after we got here, however (and how do we understand time if it’s not linear anyway?) we are still the ones manifesting our experiences. Of course, when more people are involved, then we are co-creating our experiences with those other people. While this is trickier (and also more powerful) than creating something on our own, we still manifest those relationships based on our own energy.

We do most of this unconsciously, simply by offering a vibration and a focus of intention as Abraham (of Abraham-Hicks) puts it. How we feel, what we believe, what we think about, what we expect, what we focus upon: all of these energies go into the melding pot of our “vibration,” which determines our experiences.

Psychics are super sensitive people who are able to perceive or “read” subtle energies – like people’s vibrations. They are also adept at altering their state of consciousness to transcend the laws of space and time. By disassociating with the here and now, they are able to tune into the there and then. Psychics can thus tell us where we’re heading vibrationally. This is very helpful, for the earlier we catch something in the process of manifesting, the more power we’ll have to change it before it actually shows up in our outer experience.

Psychics can’t tell us what is definitely going to happen; they can only offer us what is probable given our current trajectory. The things we create in our lives are like rocks and boulders that we’ve set rolling down a mountain. A psychic can rise up high and look down on our lives and describe where various aspects of it are heading. She can describe what is directly ahead, what we’ll encounter next, what barriers need to be transcended and the best way to go around them, etc. She can also tell us about things we haven’t yet set in motion that we long for. She might say that if we take new action – throw a new rock of this size and weight in this particular direction – then that aspect of our lives will most likely end up right where we want it to be.

For example, let’s say we consciously want happiness in love, but the path we’re on right now is really rocky, and there is a huge cliff ahead. Further, let’s say our vibration is full of beliefs and expectations that are negative or otherwise limiting. A psychic can tell us that we’re not heading where we really want to go, and that there is “danger” ahead and we’d better change our course. She can also gently lead us to consciously recognize the beliefs, fears, etc. that are out of sync with true fulfillment. With this awareness we can then begin to heal old wounds and choose more empowering beliefs. This changes our vibration, which changes the course of our experience. In this way, we can begin to consciously align with what we want in our lives.

Psychics are thus helpful when we can’t figure out how to get from where we are to where we want to be – especially if we’ve gotten stuck in a negative pattern of experience and can’t find our way out. We all do this sometimes: we unconsciously manifest something that is not what we want, and that brings us down, which disconnects us from our personal power and lowers our vibration. Then we get on a downward spiral where things just get worse and worse. A psychic can help us halt that downward spiral and turn things around.

During a good psychic reading, you’ll be lifted up above the temporal dramas you’re dealing with and shown a higher perspective on your experiences, which will help you to let go of all the fear and resistance you’re carrying that is preventing you from creating something better. This is often a difficult thing to do. Our friends and loved ones, even if they can attain that higher perspective, often can’t get past our ego issues. Spirit, however, always knows how to touch our hearts and souls in order to lift us up to that higher perspective where we are free of all the limitations of our own fears, attachments and blind spots. When we’re in this uplifted, self-aware state, we can then consciously work with the law of attraction to create something better in our lives.

So a really good psychic will not only be able to tell you where you’re going as well as how to get to where you WANT to go, she will also be adept at helping you to reconnect with a high vibrational state so you can consciously manifest what you want with ease. This is why readings are referred to as “verbal healing” – they help us to realign with our own personal power, our highest and best selves, and thus boost our potential to live our best lives. You should leave a reading experience feeling totally transformed: hopeful, positive, empowered and excited about the future.

With all of this in mind, it makes sense that if a psychic gives you good news, it will underscore your positive beliefs and expectations, and thus help you to get what you want. When a psychic confirms that you’re heading in the right direction, you’ll naturally relax and bask in your knowing that what you want will be yours.

If a psychic tells you that you are not currently heading where you really want to go, try to give thanks, for your money has been well spent! You now have information you need to become more conscious about creating what you really want. Sure, you may have to do some inner work to shift your vibration into harmony with fulfillment, but that’s better than continuing on a path to somewhere you don’t really want to go.

In summary, we do create our own experiences in life. While nothing is set in stone, everything we experience begins in the non-physical, and thus it’s very helpful to be able to tune in to what is happening at that level and predict where we are heading. If we didn’t create our own realities – if everything was out of our hands or predestined – THEN consulting a psychic would be pointless. Thus it is our ability to create our own realities that makes psychic information so valuable.

– Soul Arcanum