Tag Archive: psychic development

Do Some Spiritual Arts Conflict with Others?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

Do you think I may be limiting my success or working against myself by trying to improve my psychic skills and spirit communication abilities while at the same time studying Wicca and spell crafting? – Kim

Dear Kim:

I think it’s natural and healthy to explore all sorts of different paths and teachings in search of what works best for you. Most people who consider themselves to be spiritual as opposed to religious have done this to at least some degree. In my opinion, it’s a sign of true intelligence and open-mindedness! After all, how do you really know the best path for you until you explore your options?

That being said, there is definitely a difference between spiritual dabblers and spiritual teachers or masters. For one thing, the dabblers are seeking something, while the masters have found something and chosen to pour all of their beings into that path. This does not necessarily mean that one is in some way ahead of the other, for every time we evolve into new potential, we begin to seek new truths and practices that resonate with who we have become. As we need different things at different stages in our journeys, our inner beings are ever calling us toward whatever we need most at that time.

I’m wondering what is behind your concern, and whether it arises from a sense that what you’ve been doing isn’t really working for you, or whether it’s a question that came up because of some outside comment or influence. Discerning the difference is the real issue here, for you are in the process of learning to trust your own judgment and inner guidance.

Your question reminds me of when I was in training to become a Spiritualist minister, and one of my teachers occasionally made disparaging remarks about Wicca. As I had practiced Wicca for a number of years and had some of the most incredible spiritual experiences of my life in Wiccan rituals, my ears really perked up.

Since I greatly respected this teacher, I found myself questioning my own experiences with Wicca. My own truth rang through strong and clear, however, while what my teacher was saying did not reflect my experiences. I then gave up questioning my views and instead tuned in to try to determine why my teacher was so down on Wicca.

When I asked Spirit about this, I was made to understand that she had had a very different quality of exposure to Wicca, and that her understanding of it was superficial. She didn’t know what Wicca could be or is really all about. This would be comparable to someone forming an opinion of the Catholic Church based solely on what they had read in the paper about priests sexually abusing children.

This surprised me, as this teacher was clearly very spiritually open otherwise. It also made me realize that everyone makes snap judgments sometimes, myself included. For example, if someone mentioned they were into Satanism, I know I would instantly have a negative reaction to the whole subject. I must also confess that I don’t know much about Satanism, have no desire to know more, and am quite closed minded on the matter!

I have since often encountered a disparaging attitude toward Wicca not only in traditional Christian religions but also in other Spiritualist circles. While much of this can be explained by people not having true understanding of the Wiccan/pagan path, it can also be attributed to at least two other main factors.

First, Westerners have been socialized in a culture that is still strongly influenced by the Catholic Church, which of course condemned and persecuted pagans for centuries and falsely demonized earth-based religions. Sadly, not many people are intelligent enough to think for themselves and question all of this, or ambitious enough to seek out a true education on the subject. (Believe me, what we’re taught in school is not what really happened!) It is only those who have explored these matters for themselves who know how hypocritical the Church was in demonizing earlier religions, for most of the rites and rituals of the Catholic Church are pagan in origin.

The second reason I think there is a bit of a clash between Spiritualism and paganism is because pagans and other earth-based religions tend to work with lower vibrational energies of the earth, nature spirits and the elements, while Spiritualists reach for the divine and planes beyond the physical. Again, we have been socialized to view the earth as less than heaven – the body as sinful while the spirit is divine.

To sort this out, I strongly urge you to listen to your intuition and pursue whatever calls to you, for in this way, ultimately you will end up with what speaks most to your own soul and works best for you. You are wise, however, to ask yourself what teachings and practices will best help you fulfill your personal goals.

If you want to develop your mediumship abilities to work with the grieving, Spiritualist training is a great choice. If you want to be able to see fairies or work magick, then Wicca might be better. Please remember that you can do both and more, of course! In fact, if you want to become a medium in order to free earthbound spirits, a combination may be best, because you would be connecting with spirits of a lower vibration. If instead, you want to channel divine healing and messages from guides and angels, you might find it easier to attain the high vibration needed for that sort of thing through Spiritualism or some other channel.

I am not in any way suggesting that any one path is better than another, as I do not believe that is true. That would be like saying that the color blue is better than the color red. I do, however, believe that we all travel a natural order of progression, and are ever rising in vibration. Thus people tend to get interested in more earthly psychic phenomena before they are drawn to explore higher realms. We must also remember that evolution is not a straight line; it’s more like a spiral. If we focus on only one aspect of development, we’ll only get so far before we are led to circle back and bring the rest of our being up to speed. So someone who was a master at working with earth energies could be much more evolved than a dabbler who happened to be into angels at the moment. On top of all of this, we are all unique, and are wise to honor our special gifts and pursue our personal passions.

In summary, the ultimate authority on what will work best for you is YOU. Trust your own experiences and your own inner being/intuition, and don’t let anyone else tell you what you should be doing on your spiritual path, or what you should stay away from. Remember too that often the paths that people may fear and warn you against are simply both misunderstood and very powerful.

I recommend you ask Spirit to guide you to whatever you need now, and forge your own path by taking the best of what you find along the way and leaving behind whatever doesn’t resonate with you as true or useful. With this approach, you will naturally tailor your spiritual journey to your true Divine self, and honor your connection to Spirit as the most sacred, personal relationship you could ever have.

– Soul Arcanum

Coping with Sudden Psychic Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

Two years ago I basically died. I stopped breathing, and while I was medically dead, I was pulled into a vortex where I saw obelisks with weird glyphs on them. Some were black and some white, and they were in a sandstorm. I was in a place I felt I had been before, and I heard a soft female voice speaking to me. She didn’t speak English, yet I knew what she was saying. She read something to me, and then she said, You must return. You’re needed. I was then sucked back and painfully reinserted into my body. I was in a state of shock for a week, and then I began to become aware of more things than any human could be. I’m now clairvoyant to the point where I scare myself. I have really frightening recurring dreams, and when I touch physical objects, I see things. It’s weird! I have always had a touch of psychic ability, but this is way more than that, and I don’t know what to do with it all. I have a friend who is clairvoyant, and she said that I have a psychic aura that is growing. She also said that my light is darkness. What does that mean? Can you help me sort this out?

– Stephanie

Dear Stephanie:

In the West, psychic matters have largely either been dismissed as utter nonsense or are considered so frightening that the subject is taboo. By contrast, in many other cultures, psychic experiences are an accepted part of everyday life.

I think a lot of our struggles with spiritual awakening are culturally driven. Since the U.S. is such a melting pot of various peoples, we don’t have traditions or teachings with which to make sense of our psychic experiences. Further, the breakdown of organized religion has left most of us without any sort of spiritual community to lean upon during times of spiritual crisis.

Most people don’t give much thought to spiritual matters until something happens that totally rocks their world, and then they have no one they can go to for help and advice. When they get on the internet in search of answers, many end up at my virtual doorstep.

As I hear this sort of thing all the time, I can reassure you that what you’re going through is quite common. For most people, awakening is a gentle, gradual process. When it happens suddenly, as it did with you, it tends to create a lot of fear and stress.

Near death experiences are a very common cause of sudden spiritual awakening. Since sudden awakenings strike people who have not been consciously preparing for them, those people often feel really overwhelmed. Instead of trying to shut down or close themselves off because they’re afraid, what they need to do is stop focusing on the symptoms (the psychic phenomena), and instead focus on the cause of their discomfort (their need for greater spiritual development.)

It’s sort of like you read a book about being a pilot and then you were put in a fighter jet and told to fly. Instead of worrying about all the ups and downs, you must focus on getting the skills you need to have a safe, smooth journey.

Some key elements of preparing for spiritual awakening include healing old wounds to the psyche; purifying your being; and cultivating faith, compassion, spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

To heal old psychic wounds, you must cultivate self-awareness via tools like journaling, meditation, therapy, deep reflection, etc. You have to face and make peace with your own inner shadows. A big part of this involves learning to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. It also involves accepting the truth that everything happens for a good reason, for this empowers us to stop blaming things outside ourselves (including God) for our suffering. Only then can we make peace with the past and relax about the future.

Purifying your being involves clearing your body, heart, mind and spirit of blocks and lower energies. On a physical level, this may mean changing your diet and working with something like yoga. (I highly recommend yoga, for its very purpose is to facilitate spiritual awakening.)

To purify your heart and mind, you’ll have to let go of anything of a lower nature and consciously cultivate higher energies. For example, if you harbor resentment against someone, you’ll have to learn to forgive them. If you lust after fame and fortune, you’ll need to cultivate awareness of what’s truly of lasting value to your soul and teach yourself to focus on those things first and foremost.

Setting a clear, high intention will give you tremendous psychic protection. If you don’t have any conscious intention at all, you’ll encounter all sorts of crazy situations. It’s like wandering aimlessly around town – you could end up in some beautiful museum, but you could also end up in a ghetto.

Further, as you learn how to lift yourself out of fearful self-interest to act with love and compassion, you’ll gain control over the quality of your spiritual experiences. For example, through awareness that fear draws frightening entities while love and compassion summon angels and other beings of a higher spiritual nature, you can manifest the quality of experience you desire. It’s essential that you own your power to create your own reality. You’re doing this anyway, so you might as well seize the reins and create wonderful, positive spiritual experiences instead of negative or frightening ones.

You must also learn to trust that whatever comes up for you is designed to teach you something. When you encounter shadows in your outer experience, they always reflect shadows in your own nature, or else they couldn’t enter your experience. Any darkness that comes up is reaching for your attention, and when you shine the light of your awareness on it, it will naturally disappear.

I feel this is what your friend meant when she said that your light is darkness. You have divine light within you that is waiting for you to let it shine. Right now there is much darkness in your aura because you’re afraid, and because you have yet to become aware of all that is happening within you. As you become more aware, you’ll turn that light on.

You’re also being called to learn to love all aspects of your being, and to trust your own inner guidance by pursuing all that you feel drawn to explore and letting go of all that you are guided to release from your life. The more you trust and act on your intuition, the faster you’ll find new balance.

I recommend you read up on psychic matters and undertake focused spiritual studies and training, for the more you learn, the more comfortable you will feel. This will help you leave fear behind and manifest a higher level of experience. Ask your inner being to guide you to the spiritual practices and information that are right for you.

Finally, I believe that everyone who is psychically active should develop a strong relationship with their spirit guides/ angels. These spiritual beings want to help, teach and guide us, especially as we evolve in spiritual consciousness. As they exist at a high vibration, you must shift into a high vibration to consciously connect with them. (I’ve written extensively on how to raise your vibration in other articles.)

Once you create a stronger spiritual foundation, it will be natural for you to have wonderful spiritual experiences, and easy for you to access Spirit’s help and guidance whenever you need it.

– Soul Arcanum

Coping with Sudden Psychic Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)
Dear Soul Arcanum:

Two years ago I basically died. I stopped breathing, and while I was medically dead, I was pulled into a vortex where I saw obelisks with weird glyphs on them. Some were black and some white, and they were in a sandstorm. I was in a place I felt I had been before, and I heard a soft female voice speaking to me. She didn’t speak English, yet I knew what she was saying. She read something to me, and then she said, You must return. You’re needed. I was then sucked back and painfully reinserted into my body. I was in a state of shock for a week, and then I began to become aware of more things than any human could be. I’m now clairvoyant to the point where I scare myself. I have really frightening recurring dreams, and when I touch physical objects, I see things. It’s weird! I have always had a touch of psychic ability, but this is way more than that, and I don’t know what to do with it all. I have a friend who is clairvoyant, and she said that I have a psychic aura that is growing. She also said that my light is darkness. What does that mean? Can you help me sort this out? – Stephanie

Dear Stephanie:

In the West, psychic matters have largely either been dismissed as utter nonsense or are considered so frightening that the subject is taboo. By contrast, in many other cultures, psychic experiences are an accepted part of everyday life.

I think a lot of our struggles with spiritual awakening are culturally driven. Since the U.S. is such a melting pot of various peoples, we don’t have traditions or teachings with which to make sense of our psychic experiences. Further, the breakdown of organized religion has left most of us without any sort of spiritual community to lean upon during times of spiritual crisis.

Most people don’t give much thought to spiritual matters until something happens that totally rocks their world, and then they have no one they can go to for help and advice. When they get on the internet in search of answers, many end up at my virtual doorstep.

As I hear this sort of thing all the time, I can reassure you that what you’re going through is quite common. For most people, awakening is a gentle, gradual process. When it happens suddenly, as it did with you, it tends to create a lot of fear and stress.

Near death experiences are a very common cause of sudden spiritual awakening. Since sudden awakenings strike people who have not been consciously preparing for them, those people often feel really overwhelmed. Instead of trying to shut down or close themselves off because they’re afraid, what they need to do is stop focusing on the symptoms (the psychic phenomena), and instead focus on the cause of their discomfort (their need for greater spiritual development.)

It’s sort of like you read a book about being a pilot and then you were put in a fighter jet and told to fly. Instead of worrying about all the ups and downs, you must focus on getting the skills you need to have a safe, smooth journey.

Some key elements of preparing for spiritual awakening include healing old wounds to the psyche; purifying your being; and cultivating faith, compassion, spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

To heal old psychic wounds, you must cultivate self-awareness via tools like journaling, meditation, therapy, deep reflection, etc. You have to face and make peace with your own inner shadows. A big part of this involves learning to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. It also involves accepting the truth that everything happens for a good reason, for this empowers us to stop blaming things outside ourselves (including God) for our suffering. Only then can we make peace with the past and relax about the future.

Purifying your being involves clearing your body, heart, mind and spirit of blocks and lower energies. On a physical level, this may mean changing your diet and working with something like yoga. (I highly recommend yoga, for its very purpose is to facilitate spiritual awakening.)

To purify your heart and mind, you’ll have to let go of anything of a lower nature and consciously cultivate higher energies. For example, if you harbor resentment against someone, you’ll have to learn to forgive them. If you lust after fame and fortune, you’ll need to cultivate awareness of what’s truly of lasting value to your soul and teach yourself to focus on those things first and foremost.

Setting a clear, high intention will give you tremendous psychic protection. If you don’t have any conscious intention at all, you’ll encounter all sorts of crazy situations. It’s like wandering aimlessly around town – you could end up in some beautiful museum, but you could also end up in a ghetto.

Further, as you learn how to lift yourself out of fearful self-interest to act with love and compassion, you’ll gain control over the quality of your spiritual experiences. For example, through awareness that fear draws frightening entities while love and compassion summon angels and other beings of a higher spiritual nature, you can manifest the quality of experience you desire. It’s essential that you own your power to create your own reality. You’re doing this anyway, so you might as well seize the reins and create wonderful, positive spiritual experiences instead of negative or frightening ones.

You must also learn to trust that whatever comes up for you is designed to teach you something. When you encounter shadows in your outer experience, they always reflect shadows in your own nature, or else they couldn’t enter your experience. Any darkness that comes up is reaching for your attention, and when you shine the light of your awareness on it, it will naturally disappear.

I feel this is what your friend meant when she said that your light is darkness. You have divine light within you that is waiting for you to let it shine. Right now there is much darkness in your aura because you’re afraid, and because you have yet to become aware of all that is happening within you. As you become more aware, you’ll turn that light on.

You’re also being called to learn to love all aspects of your being, and to trust your own inner guidance by pursuing all that you feel drawn to explore and letting go of all that you are guided to release from your life. The more you trust and act on your intuition, the faster you’ll find new balance.

I recommend you read up on psychic matters and undertake focused spiritual studies and training, for the more you learn, the more comfortable you will feel. This will help you leave fear behind and manifest a higher level of experience. Ask your inner being to guide you to the spiritual practices and information that are right for you.

Finally, I believe that everyone who is psychically active should develop a strong relationship with their spirit guides/ angels. These spiritual beings want to help, teach and guide us, especially as we evolve in spiritual consciousness. As they exist at a high vibration, you must shift into a high vibration to consciously connect with them. (I’ve written extensively on how to raise your vibration in other articles.)

Once you create a stronger spiritual foundation, it will be natural for you to have wonderful spiritual experiences, and easy for you to access Spirit’s help and guidance whenever you need it.

– Soul Arcanum

Sorting Dark Spirits from Light and Other Confusing Psychic Matters

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Over the past two years, I’ve spontaneously started developing all sorts of new psychic abilities. The progression has been very confusing and intense. Too many things are happening to name them all here, so I’ll focus on the most confusing: Why is it that in my conversations with other people, they say things they don’t remember saying, which are repeated time and again until the actual event happens? Also, when will I be able to weed out dark spirit voices from light ones? Thank you for your time, effort and energy!
– Rachel

Dear Rachel:

In my early days of psychic awakening, I also often mixed up what people had actually told me with what I had picked up psychically, and I imagine this is a rather common experience. For example, a budding psychic may sense what someone is thinking but remember it as something that they actually said.

Picture that you’re having an argument with your husband, and he says out loud, “Yes, dear,” but then while your back is turned to him, he mentally says to himself, “What a nag!” In your mind, you hear his nasty comment, and you whirl around and lash back at him. He could protest like crazy that all he said was “Yes, dear,” but you know better.

This is not exactly how it works, however. It’s more common to pick up on someone’s true feelings and intentions as opposed to actual words from their minds. In fact, many people mistakenly believe that if someone can “read their mind,” they can hear their thoughts word for word, but I’ve never known anyone who could do that. Instead, mind reading is tuning in to what someone really feels, means or intends.

So if someone is pretending to be friendly but they have some hidden ulterior motive, it would be easy for you to pick up on that. This is especially true if they mean you some harm, for our psychic senses are designed to help us protect ourselves as we move through life.

When I was awakening, I was really surprised to discover how frequently many people are secretive, insincere or downright dishonest. You might also regularly pick up on it if someone says they’re not mad at you when they really are, or they’re listening to you when in truth their minds are somewhere else. Someone who is being flooded with psychic input for the first time can naturally get confused if they are tuning in to what is really happening without conscious awareness that this is what they’re doing.

This is especially true when we deal with people lacking in self-awareness. For example, there are many people who have developed such a habit of fudging the truth, pretending to be cheerful, or putting on some other social mask that they don’t even realize they’re doing it. If you respond to what’s happening beneath the surface as opposed to what they’re presenting to the world, they may truly have no conscious idea what you’re talking about. Further, since most people will take them at face value, you will seem like the strange one. (However, I do believe that we all know what is real and true on some level – psychics are simply more conscious of this awareness. It’s this inner knowing that is usually the source of hunches and intuitions.)

It also sounds like you’re mixing up what’s happening in the present from what will happen in the future. You said that these perceptions repeat over and over again until the actual event happens in your outer experience. This is similar to mixing up what is happening on a deeper level from what is happening on the surface, only now, you’re tuning in to the future but you think it’s the present.

This could stem from the confusion of being suddenly flooded by lots of psychic input, but it could also happen because your inner being is trying to show you the validity of your psychic perceptions. By repeating over and over until what you’re anticipating actually happens, your psychic ability is validated.

As for discerning dark spirits from light, periods of sudden or intense psychic awakening can be very unsettling and stressful. When the foundation of what we believe to be reality begins to shift under our feet, it’s normal to question our sanity. It’s also normal to feel pretty freaked out sometimes and totally fascinated at others. As we emotionally swing from a high vibration to a low vibration and back again, we manifest a hodgepodge of all sorts of psychic experiences, some light and some dark.

Imagine that you’ve begun to explore a newly discovered continent. This is a place that few people have ever visited, and most of the landscape is a mystery. You’ve only read about others’ adventures in this territory, and some of those accounts described a strange, dangerous landscape, while others depicted a heavenly paradise.

Just as is true in the physical, both can exist in the same place. One area of the same city can be beautiful and rich with all sorts of wonderful attractions, while just a few blocks away there is suffering, crime and poverty. If you want to only meet the best sorts of people in any land, you must go to the best places and become a good judge of character.

In order to go to the best places when tuning in to other worlds, you have to come from a high vibration yourself. Like attracts like, so if you are of love and light, you will attract spirits of love and light. If you are free of fear and full of faith, and your intentions are pure and high-minded, you will naturally attract spirits of a similar nature. (I’ve written extensively on how to generate and maintain a high vibration in other articles.)

You can also use prayer to ask the Universe and your spirit guides to help you manifest the quality of experience you desire. This is why many people use prayers of protection or surround themselves with white light when they are communicating with spirits. In this way, they consciously align with a higher level of experience instead of taking whatever and whoever comes their way. This is akin to choosing where in a city you want to visit and who you want to talk to, as opposed to just wandering around, talking to any stranger you see on the street.

In order to sort out the true nature of the spirits you encounter, you must learn to trust the way you FEEL. This is the only way, for lower astral entities are known to be deceptive in what they say, but they can’t fake or hide their true essence. If the hair stands up on the back of your neck, your heart starts pounding, or you feel at all uneasy, your inner being is trying to warn you. By contrast, communicating with a spirit guide or any other well-intentioned entity is never frightening. Those experiences feel peaceful, loving, beautiful, empowering, uplifting and positive.

If you simply pray for Spirit to guide you, I know you can manifest greater understanding of your wonderful gifts!

– Soul Arcanum

Discerning the Source and Quality of Psychic Perceptions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

How do you differentiate the voice in your head that sounds like you, and the voice of God? If you would be so kind as to help me figure this out, I would be very grateful. God Bless!

Dear Jason:

This is one of the trickiest and most important psychic processes to master, for the answers and insights we receive may come from a number of possible sources. At one end of the spectrum we have ideas we would not consider at all spiritual, such as the attachments, fears and delusions of the ego. At the other end, we have what you label the “voice of God,” which I would call spiritual guidance of the highest nature. In between, we have all sorts of impressions we might label “psychic,” which will vary in quality depending on their source.

These include but are not limited to our own intuition and instincts, information stored as energy in others’ auras, input from discarnate spirits of all sorts, the guidance of spirit guides and angels, and the wisdom of our own higher selves. I don’t think that I have ever heard the “voice of God” as you put it – my only clear personal experiences of God have been profound feelings of healing, peace and bliss – but this is probably a matter of semantics. I suppose I both believe that God (whatever God may be) does not converse with us about our temporal concerns, and at the same time, I believe in some way, every voice is the voice of God.

There are a number of ways to evaluate the psychic impressions you receive for their power and wisdom. The first thing to examine is the quality of your perceptions. Any ideas or impressions that are dark, fearful or discouraging are of a lower nature, and ideas, impressions or suggestions that are uplifting, encouraging, enlightening and healing are from a higher source. Guidance from a divine source just feels right. At the same time it often seems rather obvious, for at some level, we already know the truth – we just have a habit of slipping out of higher perspectives when we’re caught up in ego issues and mundane concerns.

Further, the results of processing and implementing the guidance received will clearly demonstrate its true nature, which will help you learn how to recognize higher wisdom in the future. When we are properly attuned and channeling healing energy or guidance of a higher nature, all involved will be uplifted and renewed. If anyone is drained, exhausted, depressed or discouraged, then something is amiss.

Also, if accurately interpreting and following the insights or advice given leads to anything but positive transformation, then the source of that advice is not of a higher nature. Divine wisdom will always direct us to act with love, integrity and respect for all involved.

If you approach the pursuit of spiritual guidance properly, you should have no problem aligning with a healing, enlightening source of wisdom. To put it simply, we will attune to information and guidance of a “higher” nature when we are in a high spiritual vibration, and we will attune to information of a lower spiritual nature when we are in a lower spiritual vibration. Often, this is referred to as either being centered in “spirit” or caught up in “ego.”

To align with top notch spiritual guidance, the first thing to do is determine your motivation for seeking it in the first place. When we are motivated by worldly or selfish concerns or the desire to impress others, we tend to be caught up in ego, and by now, hopefully you can predict what will happen as a result.

If our desire is to grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding, to help others and ourselves to move closer to God, or to make the world a better place to live in, we will align with higher wisdom. Basically, the more spiritual our desires/questions, the more spiritual the answers will be.

When I do readings, I always consciously shift into a very high vibration before asking for Spirit’s guidance, for this lifts me beyond the range and input of the ego. I do this via a ritual that I have developed and practiced for many years. Every good reader I know has some process designed to put them in the high vibratory state of “reading mode.”

In my own ritual, I light incense, put on some wonderful spiritual music, sit in meditation for a few minutes, and then say a special prayer. This prayer is not about the words, however – it is about the feelings/energies it evokes. During that prayer, I give thanks and affirm that the guidance that I am about to receive will be filled with the love, truth, wisdom and understanding of the highest. As I am saying these words either out loud or to myself, I am holding the person I am reading for in my heart, and I am surrounding them with divine love and envisioning them uplifted, empowered, healed and fulfilled.

This shift into a higher vibration causes a total transformation throughout my being. My body relaxes, my breathing slows, and the whole world suddenly seems brighter. I perceive life as a wonderful place of endless possibilities – a place where everything happens for an ultimately beneficial reason. When I have completed this shift, which generally only takes me about five minutes, I am in a state of deep peace and bliss.

Once I am in this high vibration, everything just flows. I truly believe that anyone who can get into this state of consciousness can tap into enlightening spiritual guidance, for at this level of being and awareness, one has only to ask a question to receive an answer.

It is far easier and more natural for some people to shift into a high vibration like this than others, based simply on their everyday habits. If we make a habit of seeking spiritual growth on a daily basis, if we constantly cultivate a high vibration in everything we think, say and do, it is easy to make such a shift.

Further, by living a spiritual life in general, we lift ourselves above the tricks of the ego and the influence of lower spiritual entities, and align our hearts and minds with the divine. Some positive habits to adopt include eating a fresh, whole food diet and taking good care of our physical bodies, practicing kindness and compassion, studying spiritual teachings, and regularly engaging in spiritual practices like meditation. When we take a spiritual approach to all aspects of our everyday lives, we make it easy for the divine to communicate with us on a conscious level.

There is one more quality that is essential to aligning with divine guidance, and that is what we may call positive belief or faith. It is of course first essential to believe that it is POSSIBLE to access divine guidance – otherwise we are closed off from that experience. Beyond this basic belief, spiritual faith plays a powerful role.

Many psychics can get into the high vibration they need to read for other people, but they can’t read for themselves because their own wishful thinking clouds their view. In order to be objective about our own lives and concerns, we must have faith in a higher plan, for that will allow us to relax our attachment to any particular outcome. When we trust that everything will work out fine one way or another, it is naturally easier to hear the truth.

Before you do anything with the advice I offer above, I recommend you simply pray to always receive spiritual guidance of the highest nature. Meditate daily with this desire in your heart, and ask Spirit to help you fulfill it. This may sound too simple to really work, but in my experience, nothing has proven more powerful than a heartfelt request for spiritual guidance.

– Soul Arcanum

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

How do you differentiate the voice in your head that sounds like you, and the voice of God? If you would be so kind as to help me figure this out, I would be very grateful. God Bless!

Dear Jason:

This is one of the trickiest and most important psychic processes to master, for the answers and insights we receive may come from a number of possible sources. At one end of the spectrum we have ideas we would not consider at all spiritual, such as the attachments, fears and delusions of the ego. At the other end, we have what you label the “voice of God,” which I would call spiritual guidance of the highest nature. In between, we have all sorts of impressions we might label “psychic,” which will vary in quality depending on their source.

These include but are not limited to our own intuition and instincts, information stored as energy in others’ auras, input from discarnate spirits of all sorts, the guidance of spirit guides and angels, and the wisdom of our own higher selves. I don’t think that I have ever heard the “voice of God” as you put it – my only clear personal experiences of God have been profound feelings of healing, peace and bliss – but this is probably a matter of semantics. I suppose I both believe that God (whatever God may be) does not converse with us about our temporal concerns, and at the same time, I believe in some way, every voice is the voice of God.

There are a number of ways to evaluate the psychic impressions you receive for their power and wisdom. The first thing to examine is the quality of your perceptions. Any ideas or impressions that are dark, fearful or discouraging are of a lower nature, and ideas, impressions or suggestions that are uplifting, encouraging, enlightening and healing are from a higher source. Guidance from a divine source just feels right. At the same time it often seems rather obvious, for at some level, we already know the truth – we just have a habit of slipping out of higher perspectives when we’re caught up in ego issues and mundane concerns.

Further, the results of processing and implementing the guidance received will clearly demonstrate its true nature, which will help you learn how to recognize higher wisdom in the future. When we are properly attuned and channeling healing energy or guidance of a higher nature, all involved will be uplifted and renewed. If anyone is drained, exhausted, depressed or discouraged, then something is amiss.

Also, if accurately interpreting and following the insights or advice given leads to anything but positive transformation, then the source of that advice is not of a higher nature. Divine wisdom will always direct us to act with love, integrity and respect for all involved.

If you approach the pursuit of spiritual guidance properly, you should have no problem aligning with a healing, enlightening source of wisdom. To put it simply, we will attune to information and guidance of a “higher” nature when we are in a high spiritual vibration, and we will attune to information of a lower spiritual nature when we are in a lower spiritual vibration. Often, this is referred to as either being centered in “spirit” or caught up in “ego.”

To align with top notch spiritual guidance, the first thing to do is determine your motivation for seeking it in the first place. When we are motivated by worldly or selfish concerns or the desire to impress others, we tend to be caught up in ego, and by now, hopefully you can predict what will happen as a result.

If our desire is to grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding, to help others and ourselves to move closer to God, or to make the world a better place to live in, we will align with higher wisdom. Basically, the more spiritual our desires/questions, the more spiritual the answers will be.

When I do readings, I always consciously shift into a very high vibration before asking for Spirit’s guidance, for this lifts me beyond the range and input of the ego. I do this via a ritual that I have developed and practiced for many years. Every good reader I know has some process designed to put them in the high vibratory state of “reading mode.”

In my own ritual, I light incense, put on some wonderful spiritual music, sit in meditation for a few minutes, and then say a special prayer. This prayer is not about the words, however – it is about the feelings/energies it evokes. During that prayer, I give thanks and affirm that the guidance that I am about to receive will be filled with the love, truth, wisdom and understanding of the highest. As I am saying these words either out loud or to myself, I am holding the person I am reading for in my heart, and I am surrounding them with divine love and envisioning them uplifted, empowered, healed and fulfilled.

This shift into a higher vibration causes a total transformation throughout my being. My body relaxes, my breathing slows, and the whole world suddenly seems brighter. I perceive life as a wonderful place of endless possibilities – a place where everything happens for an ultimately beneficial reason. When I have completed this shift, which generally only takes me about five minutes, I am in a state of deep peace and bliss.

Once I am in this high vibration, everything just flows. I truly believe that anyone who can get into this state of consciousness can tap into enlightening spiritual guidance, for at this level of being and awareness, one has only to ask a question to receive an answer.

It is far easier and more natural for some people to shift into a high vibration like this than others, based simply on their everyday habits. If we make a habit of seeking spiritual growth on a daily basis, if we constantly cultivate a high vibration in everything we think, say and do, it is easy to make such a shift.

Further, by living a spiritual life in general, we lift ourselves above the tricks of the ego and the influence of lower spiritual entities, and align our hearts and minds with the divine. Some positive habits to adopt include eating a fresh, whole food diet and taking good care of our physical bodies, practicing kindness and compassion, studying spiritual teachings, and regularly engaging in spiritual practices like meditation. When we take a spiritual approach to all aspects of our everyday lives, we make it easy for the divine to communicate with us on a conscious level.

There is one more quality that is essential to aligning with divine guidance, and that is what we may call positive belief or faith. It is of course first essential to believe that it is POSSIBLE to access divine guidance – otherwise we are closed off from that experience. Beyond this basic belief, spiritual faith plays a powerful role.

Many psychics can get into the high vibration they need to read for other people, but they can’t read for themselves because their own wishful thinking clouds their view. In order to be objective about our own lives and concerns, we must have faith in a higher plan, for that will allow us to relax our attachment to any particular outcome. When we trust that everything will work out fine one way or another, it is naturally easier to hear the truth.

Before you do anything with the advice I offer above, I recommend you simply pray to always receive spiritual guidance of the highest nature. Meditate daily with this desire in your heart, and ask Spirit to help you fulfill it. This may sound too simple to really work, but in my experience, nothing has proven more powerful than a heartfelt request for spiritual guidance.

– Soul Arcanum

What’s the Difference Between Being Intuitive and Officially Psychic?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I often have feelings about things that prove true. For example, I will sense it when someone is lying to me, or the other day, I had a bad feeling as I started out on my usual route to work, and I ended up stuck in a traffic jam. Would you say that I’m psychic? If not, what’s the difference between being intuitive like me, and being officially “psychic?” Thanks!
– Sue

Dear Sue:

I would probably use the same label you do and call you “highly intuitive.” By this I mean that you have a lot of natural psychic ability, and are receiving a lot of psychic information. To be officially “psychic,” all you have to do is trust your intuitions enough to act on them. (Mind you, these are all abstract labels; there is no hard line where someone becomes officially “psychic” any more than there is a hard line where someone becomes officially “beautiful,” “intelligent” or “artistic.”)

Where you may have a vague feeling that road trouble lies ahead and then discover (the hard way) that your feeling was right, a psychic will put that feeling to good use and take another route!

Let’s work with your driving example, since this is something we can all relate to. I get a lot of intuitive guidance when driving myself. Just last week I got on the highway to head across town and run some errands, and soon I came to a point where I could take one of two routes. I usually take what I’ll call “route B,” but as I approached this split, I heard in my mind, “Take route A.”

Now, years ago when I was just developing psychically, I may not have been able to specify that I “heard this in my head.” I may have said I just “knew” that I should take the other way, and I probably wouldn’t have done it.

Many people have experiences like this all the time. They “just know” that they should take a different route, or they have a feeling that they should stop and get gas now instead of waiting until later, or they “sense” that something or other is going to happen, but the feeling is so vague or “improbable” that they choose to brush it off. Then later, something happens to confirm that they should have “listened to their intuition.” What they do at THIS point determines whether they will continue to remain highly intuitive or start to develop into someone we could officially label “psychic.”

Anyway, in my case, when I heard “Take A,” I woke up and dialogued with whatever was telling me this. I don’t know where this information came from. I did not perceive an angel sitting next to me in the car, or a spirit guide speaking through the radio, or the presence of any other being. It was just a voice in my own mind, so one could say that I was “talking this over with myself.”

I basically asked, “Did I hear that right? I should take Route A?” I then heard in reply, “Yes, take A!” I then mentally said, “Okay, I will take A, but I would really like evidence later down the road to verify this decision. I hate it when I listen to my intuition and then I never get to witness the wisdom of doing so!”

I quickly changed lanes and took the other route, and sure enough, just as I approached my exit, I saw signs stating that due to bridge construction, the very ramp I would have needed to take if I had gone my usual route was closed. Further, there was a big traffic backup due to this construction, which began just where I was getting off the highway, so I was not inconvenienced at all.

At this point, many people might start to question the whole experience. They might reason with themselves that this was perhaps just a coincidence, or they might smile, shrug, and say, “Wow, that was weird,” and then forget about it and come back to “reality.”

I, however, paused and gave THANKS to that voice – whatever it was and wherever it came from. I took a few moments to relish the feeling of being blessed and guided, and I affirmed once again that I am indeed psychic.

I also reviewed how this information came to me so that the next time it happens, I will recognize it for what it is. (Of course, I knew to listen to it this time because I had received similar guidance in the past, and done the same review at that time.)

Above I mentioned something that is worth exploring further. To progress from being intuitive to psychic, we must be willing to take some leaps of faith – to act on our intuition even when we have no logical reason to do so, and even if we never receive evidence that it was a prudent thing to do.

For example, if we have a feeling that we should stay home some night and we listen to it and nothing happens, we may never know what COULD have happened if we hadn’t listened to our intuition. This is the whole point! Our intuition is protecting us from something bad happening, so it’s a good thing if nothing happens.

Further, the more we listen to the “little nudges” that come to us, the more we will build trust in this source of guidance, and the better it will work for us. Our daily lives can then become much easier and smoother thanks to all the intuitive guidance we receive.

Please note that my own psychic radar ebbs and flows depending on lots of different factors, many of which I’m sure I’m not aware of. If I’m in denial or illusion about anything personally, for example, I will probably block my own inner guidance simply because I don’t want to see the truth. If I’m exhausted, caught up in negative emotion, stressed out, etc., it will wane. By contrast, when I’m relaxed, happy, on top of my life and issues, feeling fine, etc., it will blossom again. I’m sure that planetary/astrological energies affect our intuition too, as do the natural cycles our bodies go through.

Below are some of the intuitions that came to me on a day I was really psychically on. There were far more than I could list here, and there were probably far more that I experienced that I didn’t consciously note or remember. (You have many like that too!) Here are a few:

  • When I woke up, it came to me that “someone would come to the door” that morning, so I had better be dressed appropriately. Sure enough, a little while later, a tradesman unexpectedly knocked at the door at an unusual hour.
  • I had a feeling that I need not race to get the phone, as it would not be for me, and later when I checked the caller i.d., this was confirmed.
  • I had a feeling I was forgetting some appointment or obligation, so I went back through my “sent emails” file, and sure enough, I had failed to put a reading on my written schedule.
  • I had a feeling that a package would be delivered in the afternoon that would require a signature, and that I should thus make sure I was home at that time, and this happened.
  • Throughout the day, I often had people pop into my head, and when I then checked my email, I had just received emails from those people.
  • I have been looking for a local resource for a project I want to get going, and I had a feeling that I should look in a certain publication. I opened that publication, flipped through it, and went directly to a page where I found what I was looking for.
  • I had a feeling my son was not being completely honest about his homework situation, so I told him I would be checking with his teachers, at which point he decided to confess the rest of the story.
  • I had a feeling that I shouldn’t email my real estate agent about a certain concern yet, and sure enough, within an hour that concern was cleared up – by the guy who came to the door early in the morning!

I’m out of space here, but I could go on and on. Anyone can learn to turn their intuitions into useful psychic guidance like this, and I highly recommend it, for it can help us choose routes that lead where we want to go, and smooth out paths that may otherwise prove rocky and frustrating.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic Ability Manifests Differently for Different People

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My mom is a gifted psychic and healer. She’s very devoted to her work and quite successful. I have inherited her psychic gifts, but they seem to manifest differently in me. For example, when we’re in a group of people, I often pick up on individuals who are trouble. They may be men who are lecherous or individuals who are sort of crazy or unbalanced. For example, my mom has a neighbor who is definitely interested in more than her mind and spirit. He’s the kind of guy most women would avoid, but my mom treats him like she does anyone else. In these situations, I feel like she’s very naive; she seems to trust everyone and will talk to just about anyone! Since she can talk to spirits, predict the future, and help people sort through their biggest problems, why can’t she pick up on something as obvious as “bad” people?
– Brian

Dear Brian:

Being “psychic” is like being smart, charming, or kind – it’s as individual as people are. There are lots of factors that may affect how a person will operate psychically.

How they view the world is one key factor: if they see life as a dangerous place of competition for resources, then their psychic instincts will tend to focus on warnings of danger and opportunities to get ahead. If they view life as nothing more than a biological accident, they’ll tend to not have psychic experiences, or to dismiss those they do have as coincidental or meaningless. If they believe life is a school for spiritual evolution, they’ll tend to view their psychic perceptions as designed to guide them to the experiences they most need to learn and grow, whether those experiences will lead them to what they think will make them happy or not.

People’s past experiences with psychic phenomena will also greatly impact how their abilities manifest. If they’ve been taught that everything psychic is evil, then they won’t trust their own instincts, which will shut those instincts down or distort them. If they’ve had lots of positive input and experiences with certain psychic phenomena, they may focus on and value those particular types of experiences above others. If they pursue psychic information with the help of divination tools, they’ll have a different quality of experience than if they seek guidance more directly. There are an infinite number of factors that can influence how psychic abilities may manifest.

Overall, however, the biggest factor that determines our “level” of psychic ability is our personal vibration. What follows is a gross oversimplification. No two people will actually have the same exact psychic ability, just as no two people will have the same exact intellectual or athletic ability, or the same emotional experience of life. For the sake of clarity, however, let’s break down psychic ability into four different focus levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Someone at the beginning end of the conscious psychic spectrum will tend to be more physically focused in their psychic abilities, and zero in on issues of physical safety, like you do. This is why the most commonly reported psychic experiences involve some sort of danger; everyone has natural survival instincts.

At this level of focus, our psychic instincts tend to be very kinesthetic or physical. Having your hair stand up on the back of your neck is a manifestation of this level of psychic ability, as is sensing someone looking at you. Feeling a strong rush of sexual attraction or chemistry with someone is also a manifestation of this level of ability. (Hopefully, we’re ALL familiar with that feeling!)

At a step above this in terms of refinement, we become more emotionally aware. At this level of experience, we begin to sense when something is “different” about the people we’re close to: when there is tension in the air, when someone seems to be troubled, when someone is lying or hiding something, etc. We also tend to become very emotionally sensitive and empathetic. When hearing some sad or disturbing tale, we may personally become very upset. This level of psychic ability is commonly called “women’s intuition.” It’s conscious awareness of what is going on emotionally with other people.

A step above this focus in terms of refinement, we begin to consciously dialogue with metaphysical sources of information and guidance. We may begin to hear things in our heads about certain people or situations, or get visions of the future. We may sense who is calling before the phone rings, or just know things are going to happen a certain way because we have seen it in our heads. This is the level at which we commonly begin to label people “psychic.” They are able to tune in to the past, future, events at a distance, etc., and have learned to interpret those psychic perceptions for their meaning.

One step above this focus in terms of refinement, we begin to use our intuitive abilities for spiritual aims. Here we have gained a sense of higher purpose and the desire to serve others or use our gifts in a meaningful way. Instead of using our abilities to protect ourselves, improve our relationships, or predict the future for profit or personal gain, now we’re focused on helping others to heal and find peace and happiness. At this level, higher guidance from Spirit on how to manifest true fulfillment is available. This is the level it sounds like your mom is coming from.

Despite your mom’s great psychic abilities, she may not pick up on some of the things you do because she doesn’t need to. Her high vibration is a form of natural spiritual protection. You see, as we rise in vibration, we also rise in what we might call faith. At a lower vibration, we tend to be more fearful, which makes us more guarded and discerning. At a higher vibration, we come more from love, which tends to make us more open to life and other people.

In order to help others heal, we have to love them and see them as already divinely perfect. This is how Jesus healed, and it’s how any great healer operates. Where you see someone who is crazy, a healer like your mom sees a divine spirit who is struggling to cope with life in the physical; where you see someone who is lecherous, a healer sees a lonely, yearning heart; where you see someone who is “bad,” a healer sees a soul who is lost and suffering.

In order for your mom to do her healing work, she has to be open to people. This doesn’t mean she is reckless; it means she looks for the divine beauty in everyone she meets, and in doing so, she brings out the best in them. I bet despite your mom’s apparent naivete, she doesn’t have harmful experiences with any of these “bad” people, because her high vibration naturally protects her from lower vibration experiences.

Probably the worst thing that happens is people who are lost in darkness cling to her light. Since she has devoted her life to serving spiritually needy people, she’s not adverse to this. I’m sure she knows how to align her energy to deal with those situations – so you needn’t worry about her, Sweetie.

As each one of us gets just what we need via our psychic abilities, we must trust that whatever we perceive is perfectly suited for us at that moment.

Soul Arcanum

Mental Voice Predicts Future Relationship

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

A few years ago I took a seminar, and I raised my hand to ask a question of the teacher. Right after I asked my question, I heard a voice in my head. It was perfectly clear, and it told me that I had just met my future husband. I was so taken aback that I actually looked around the room to see if anyone else had heard or noticed anything, but everything seemed normal. I live in the same town as this man, and I haven’t seen him since, but this experience still pops in my head now and then, especially since I’m still single. Do you think it’s possible that this man is indeed my future husband? Either way, what in the world was this voice? Thank you so much!
– M.

Dear M.:

I know this sounds crazy, but if my own experiences hold your answer, I’d say this man IS your future husband!

One of the most powerful psychic experiences we can have is the recognition of someone we’ve known well in a prior incarnation. Even people who aren’t into psychic matters are open to the idea that there are some people we meet with whom we have a special sense of connection.

Scientists may attribute this to sensory clues such as the way that person looks, smells, or uses body language. However, there is a magical quality to some meetings that transcends biology; it’s a special feeling that arises when we meet someone we already have a very strong psychic bond to – someone we have had important experiences with in another life.

Whether that other person is a potential romantic connection or not, usually these feelings are strongly attractive. For example, we may experience “love at first site” with someone of the opposite sex, but we may also experience a sense of kinship upon first meeting someone who will become a good friend, mentor, teacher, boss, etc.

Such feelings aren’t always positive, however. Sometimes we may feel instantly repelled, scared, uneasy or cautious. This happens when we meet someone who has caused us pain or suffering in the past. In my experience, the attractive feeling is far more common, but that may differ by person. If someone has a hard time with relationships, they may have more painful experiences, and when they meet up with people again in the future, it would be natural for them to have more negative reactions.

I can only think of two times I had strong negative feelings about someone right off the bat, and despite my desire to stay far away from those individuals, I ended up having very trying experiences with them. I believe that premonitions like this are reflective of both the past AND the future: we recognize that person as familiar from the past, and we sense the karma that lies ahead.

In the case of negative reactions, the pain we experienced in another life is brought to the surface, and our soul recognizes that we’re about to face some big lesson or deal with some heavy karma. In the case of positive reactions, the love and happiness we experienced in another life is reawakened, and our soul recognizes that we’ve found someone we’ve been missing for a long time � someone we perhaps didn’t even know existed.

I can’t think of a single important relationship in my life that didn’t “announce” itself with a weighty feeling the first time I met that person. Think through the key relationships in your own life: your best friends, favorite teachers, boyfriends, etc., and review what happened the first time you met them. If you don’t recall anything special, it may just be because the volume on your psychic abilities isn’t turned up far enough for you to hear anything but the “loudest” emanations. Meeting a soul mate/future husband would certainly bang a big psychic gong!

I believe that “true love” reunions carry the most intense psychic impact, because the strongest experiences I’ve had with that voice you describe occurred when I met my husbands. (It happened with both my first and my second/current husband).

At the time I met my first husband, I was in college and very independent and ambitious. As my mom had been married and divorced a number of times, I was not a big fan of marriage in general, and planned on never marrying myself. Then one night I went to visit a friend at his fraternity, and on my way in the door, I saw my ex for the first time as he was on his way out. A jolt went through me when I saw him, but at this point, my psychic abilities were dormant, so I didn’t know what this meant.

Later that night I attended a party at that fraternity, and he was there. There was a strange buzz in the air, though again, I wasn’t processing any of this consciously. It felt like I had been placed there and was going through motions I was supposed to go through – like this had all been planned in advance. While I felt attracted to him, it was far more intense than any attraction I’d ever felt before.

When I got back to my room that night, my roommate and some other girls who were hanging out asked how my night had gone, and without thinking, I blurted, “I just met the man I’m going to marry!” It was only as I said those words that I consciously realized that this was indeed what I’d been sensing. My roommate said, “I thought you were never going to get married,” and I replied, “So did I!”

Perhaps some readers are questioning the quality of this experience, since that marriage didn’t last until death did us part. I sincerely believe that we were meant to come together to bring our children into the world, but that we were not meant to stay together forever. I don’t have space to explain it all here, but a number of other spiritual experiences support this view.

As for my current husband, the first time I saw him, he was sitting with someone else in a restaurant, and the same thing happened: time seemed to stop and I was riveted. By this point, however, I had developed my psychic abilities, and I knew that he was going to prove to be a very important person in my life. “Coincidentally,” two weeks later I joined a new gym, and the first day I walked in, he was there. It wasn’t long before I knew we were destined to be together romantically. (He, however, didn’t wake up to this fact until a year later. Needless to say, that was a very long year for me!)

If one individual of a destined couple is highly psychic like you and the other is not, often the psychic person knows they are destined to be together, while the other one doesn’t realize it until the time is at hand. This can be really nerve wracking for the one who senses the truth, unless that person remembers that if something is indeed destined, it will happen. If it’s not destined, then there’s no point worrying about it. Knowing the future before it is due to happen can be really challenging unless we have the faith to relax and trust in a higher plan.

I believe the voice or feeling you describe is a psychic alarm that goes off when we meet really important people we’re destined to develop relationships with. I’ve heard many stories about first meetings with future spouses that are similar to those described here, and time and time again, despite all sorts of obstacles (like living on separate continents!), those prophetic feelings proved true.

If I were you, I’d ask Spirit for confirmational signs about this man. If you then you start hearing his name, bumping into him around town, or something similar, for heaven’s sake, smile and make eye contact! While destiny is powerful stuff, it never hurts to help things along. Perhaps instead of just predicting the future, that voice is trying to nudge you to step back into your lover’s arms.

– Soul Arcanum

Unsolicited Psychic Information – To Tell Others or Not?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I have kitties, and some are not doing too well. One has been diagnosed with oral cancer, the other has no definite diagnosis, and almost all of them developed upper respiratory infections. I recently learned about Quantum Touch, and had been using it on them when I got the feeling I should meditate. To shorten the story, a person in my meditation told me a certain thing about the infections they were all experiencing. I accepted what he said to be true, even though it’s a bit “out there,” and the next day, they were all basically “cured.” What do I do with this information? It sounds pretty wacky, but it seems to work. There are many ramifications to letting people know about it, however. I am really confused. I am thankful I was told this, and amazed at how well it’s worked, but what do I do with this spiritual information now? Thanks and many blessings!
– Joanna

Dear Joanna:

Welcome to my psychic world!

Your question reminds me of the television show Medium, which I started watching recently, even though I don’t generally watch TV, and certainly steer clear of shows that are dark with violence such as those about crimes. Everyone kept telling me about this show, however, so I checked it out. As soon as I saw it, I told my family, “They definitely have a real medium consulting on this show!” (I didn’t know yet that the character of Allison Dubois is based on a real medium of the same name.)

So many elements in the show’s storylines ring true to me. For example, no one knows what Allison does for a living, or that she is even a medium, except for her husband and the people she works with. Even her kids are basically in the dark about what she is really doing. Due to society’s general view of “psychics” as either nuts or frauds, many remain “in the closet” about their ability for a long time � some never come out.

Allison also often doesn’t know what to make of the dreams she has or the information she receives herself. Instead of being all-knowing, she is usually just as baffled by her experiences as everyone else. When we first open psychically, this is just how it is. We don’t know how to explain what is happening or how to figure out what our experiences “mean” – we just know that we had them and that when we pursue their meaning, it usually takes shape in amazing ways.

I’m mentioning all of this because one of Allison’s many struggles with her psychic perceptions is figuring out what she should do with them. She often doesn’t know if she should share the information she receives via visions and dreams. When she does share them, the people who receive her insights usually don’t know what to do with them either. She faces a lot of judgment and rejection by skeptics, yet she always finds a way to trust her own truth above all else, and when she does, things work out.

If you haven’t seen the show yet, I encourage you to check it out, for it will help you to make sense of what you pick up and the best way to deal with it. I must warn you, however, that it’s not for super sensitive folks who lack faith that all is well, for it centers on solving violent crimes.

Like Allison, if we trust that we receive information for a reason and we trust our own intuition when deciding what to do with that information, everything will work out just fine. This doesn’t mean that everyone will be open to hearing what we have to say, or that our lives will be simple and carefree. If that’s what you’re hoping for, you might as well ask Spirit to turn your psychic abilities off right now – and move to fantasyland while you’re at it.

When we first begin to have amazing spiritual experiences such as the insights you were given and the healing that followed, it’s natural and kind to want to tell the whole world about it. After all, when we figure out that we are the creators of our own experiences, and thus there is no need for anyone to suffer ill health or lack of any kind, we want to tell everyone who is still walking around in a dark cloud of disempowerment how they can use our truth to create something better in their lives.

It can be especially hard to watch loved ones struggle with problems that we know how to solve, such as the health issues you describe. Similarly, it can be very hard to watch loved ones heading for a huge mistake and not try to warn them, even if we know they won’t listen. If we do try to warn them, it can be even harder to sit back when they refuse to listen to us.

On top of all this, we have to figure out what to do with the information we pick up for perfect strangers. We have less at stake personally there, but how in the world does one begin to approach such a subject? Perhaps hardest of all is determining what we should do with messages for people we don’t like very much, or who don’t like us for some reason. For a couple of months now, I’ve been sitting on a message about impending health problems for woman who really resents me. We never speak, so I’m not about to ring her up with the “bad news.”

To make matters even more complicated, because we create our own realities, we are juggling a lot of responsibility for how our words will affect others’ outcomes, for if we tell them they’re heading for disaster, it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We don’t want to be proven right just because they believe our dire prediction and go on to manifest it.

To figure out what we should do with certain information, we have to develop a clear conscious connection to Spirit. This is where a spontaneous medium like Allison Dubois’ character is at a disadvantage. Her impressions come to her randomly, spontaneously – it’s like she is at their mercy. By contrast, a developed medium will have cultivated strong relationships with guides in Spirit, and know how to receive answers and guidance at will. A medium who has mastered her abilities like this will then just ask Spirit what she should do with certain information, and receive a clear answer. For example, when I ask Spirit what I should do with that health information for the woman who doesn’t like me, I hear, “wait, watch and see.”

Anyone who has spontaneous psychic experiences or receives insights and information from Spirit like you did should further develop their abilities like this, so they can ask Spirit for guidance on what to do with their perceptions. There are no hard and fast rules we can learn, for each individual and situation is unique. We have to be able to ask our intuition in the moment, and trust it enough to act on it.

Ponder this possibility: sometimes we are actually meant to deliver information to someone who will reject it, because this will prove more powerful than preventing a “mistake.” When they realize we were right and wish they had listened to us, their spiritual belief system could be blown open. So even if our impressions are rejected up front, it doesn’t mean it was all for nothing. Some people have to walk through a lot of pain before they’ll change their ways and views.

As for what you might do with general spiritual epiphanies, such as knowing that we can heal with the energy of our minds, again – ask your intuition. Perhaps this experience/knowing was a gift just for you. Perhaps you will feel compelled to share it with certain individuals you meet along your journey. Maybe you’ll end up writing a book about the knowledge you’ve been given, and enlighten the world at large.

If you feel compelled to share your insights and experiences in some way, then there is nothing more important for you to do. So long as what you are sharing is of love and light, and your overall intention is to be helpful, you can’t go wrong.

Whenever you don’t know what to do, remember: you can always ask Spirit!

– Soul Arcanum