Tag Archive: psychic ability

Psychic Interference

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’ve been working on psychic development for more than ten years and been doing some psychic reading work for the past three years or so. Most of the time, everything goes great; now and then, however, I feel psychically blocked. I’m wondering if you’ve ever experienced psychic interference like this and how I can work through it.


Dear Sandy:

I think all psychics experience this sometimes; I know I certainly do. If psychic work was painting, I think it would be more like creating a masterpiece than covering walls with a certain color. Like other artistic talents, psychic abilities can be unpredictable and temperamental. After many years of involvement in psychic realms, tuning in can begin to seem pretty mundane, but we must remember that we’re trying to achieve things most of the world would deem to be magical if not downright miraculous.

There is a difference between being temporarily blocked and going through a period during which you just can’t connect the way you used to. Occasional blocks are common and usually short-lived; they typically last for just a few hours or a single day. There are all sorts of reasons temporary blocks come up, and many easy ways to work through them.

For example, I know many psychics who report that they find it hard to connect when the weather is gray. Cloudy days tend to bring our mood down, which makes it harder to achieve a high vibration. Since gray days tend to bring down the mood and energy of everyone around us, psychically sensitive individuals can find it especially difficult to achieve a high vibration at these times. Of course, the more masterful we become at controlling our own vibration, the less outside factors will influence us and our abilities.

Similarly, being tired, physically unwell, or emotionally upset can really mess with our psychic abilities. Again, it takes a lot of focus and energy to achieve the high vibration of psychic clarity, so if we’re low on energy, we’re in for a struggle. Negative emotions also bring our vibration down, so unless we know how to put our own feelings aside, any personal upsets can prevent us from psychically tuning in.

Doubt and fear are formidable barriers to clear-seeing, especially fear of failure or being wrong in our psychic impressions. Even psychics who have many years of success behind them sometimes get anxious. If you are reading for someone and you are worried about impressing them or otherwise attached to the result, you will grow anxious, sink into ego, and find it impossible to connect. Similarly, if you’re reading on a subject that seems daunting, you can block yourself with anxiety. This is why general spiritual development is such an essential foundation for psychic ability: The more we embody peace and faith, the less likely we are to be mired down in doubts, fears, and other ego-driven feelings.

It is important to wait until we have a “green light” feeling before pushing forward with psychic work. While I trust that anyone who comes to me comes for a good reason, there are times when I feel I have to do a lot of work in advance in order to align a positive level of experience. There are all sorts of reasons this may happen. One common one is when people come to me with an agenda regarding what they want to hear and are not really open to hearing anything but that. Along the same lines, I often have clients refer their partners, family members and close friends to me. When they all start asking about each other, things get pretty tricky. The same is true when someone wants me to bring through information about a third party. Everyone who strives to fulfill higher spiritual values first and foremost will be prevented from accessing psychic information if doing so would not be for the good of all involved. In this case, being blocked is a good thing, for it keeps us from stumbling forward without thinking things through.

Most psychics will also go through longer periods when their psychic abilities just don’t seem to be working so well. Usually, they have simply fallen into some bad habits or fallen out of the good habits that led them to reliable psychic ability in the first place. For example, I’ve known psychics who engaged in all sorts of spiritual practices in order to awaken their abilities, but then over time, become a bit complacent. Maintaining a lifestyle conducive to regular psychic work can be difficult in the modern world. When our good spiritual habits fell away, our abilities may follow suit.

Since psychic work is a highly specialized art form, it’s not something that can be rushed or thrown together; it must be carefully prepared for and aligned. Just as athletes warm up, stretch, and do all sorts of other things to be able to perform well, psychics have to engage in certain processes in order to be able to do what they do. Fortunately, just like training the body, we have only to return to the spiritual practices that work for us to quickly get psychically “back in shape.”

While every psychic is different, when I feel my ability starting to slip, I know to pull back from worldly endeavors and engage in more yoga and meditation. It also helps to read spiritual books and study esoteric teachings. While yoga and meditation are time-honored traditions, it’s important for you to find what works for you.

I’ve known many a psychic who felt blocked from using their abilities and could not figure out why until they realized that they were ignoring their own intuition for some reason. In essence, they had turned the volume all the way down on their intuition because they didn’t want to hear what it was trying to tell them. If your intuition has been telling you that you need to get out of your marriage, quit your job, or make some other big change in your life that you are afraid to make, you may have blocked it from speaking to you without realizing it.

Finally, it often happens that longer periods of psychic interference precede new spiritual breakthroughs. We all get in ruts sometimes, and if we aren’t paying keen attention and responding to Spirit’s guidance, we can be blocked from what we’ve been doing in order to wake up and try something else so that we can start moving forward again. When what we used to do stops working for us, we become motivated to explore new options and possibilities. It thus often happens that psychic lulls are followed by periods of high activity in which we are able to use our psychic abilities in new or more powerful ways.

When we find ourselves blocked from doing something psychic in particular, it’s always wise to step back and reach for a connection with our spirit guides. Our guides are always there for us, so if we have trouble connecting with them, we should look for both the problem and its remedy within. The first thing I would do is engage in some yoga and deep meditation while reaching for a high vibration in order to reconnect to Spirit. Once our connection to our guides is back in place, we can simply ask Spirit to help us figure out what’s happening with our abilities and what we need to know in order to get past troublesome blocks.

Soul Arcanum

Mind Control

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Is there a type of psychic ability that enables you to control the people around you?


Dear Marie:

Before I answer your question, please note that if you fail to treat others as you would want to be treated, it is sure to backfire on you!

I believe the so-called psychic power you are looking for would simply be called “mind control.” As for whether or not such a power exists, I must explain that in my view, there is no hard line between the physical and metaphysical, the ordinary and the extraordinary, the mundane and the spiritual: all are vague points on a broad spectrum. This means if we can influence each other physically, mentally and emotionally, we can and surely do influence each other psychically.

For example, let’s say that you are wandering through an ordinary day when someone pays you some flattering compliments. Let’s also say that this person’s aim is to seduce you into doing what he wants, whether that is go to bed with him, do him a favor, or buy a vehicle from him. What happens next will depend on his skill, your susceptibility to his influence, and your own affinity for what he may want you to do. When all of these factors are high, he will probably have a great deal of influence over your choices.

Let’s take these factors one at a time. People who are very skilled at the art of persuasion may have studied it or just be naturally gifted at reading people and then coercing, seducing, or manipulating them into doing what they want them to do. While salespeople study all sorts of different psychological techniques with this in mind, there are psychic elements that come into play as well.

First, the person with the strongest life force energy will tend to dominate in any situation. Sometimes their leadership is overt, but at other times, they quietly radiate a certain vibe that makes us listen to them, want to please or impress them, or assume that they know more than we do. While we can point to all sorts of different mundane reasons this may be true of certain individuals, there is something happening on a metaphysical level when someone puts us “under their spell.”

Let’s say Harry is trying to persuade Alice to see things his way. Regardless of what he is actually saying to her, on an energetic level, the interaction will look basically the same: Harry’s aura will expand and grow bigger than hers and look like he is drawing her aura into his. His aura will expand to blanket hers, and if he is succeeding, her aura will begin to shift and change to be more like his. If, however, Alice is just pretending to agree, her aura will remain whole and separate despite his efforts and it won’t change but may even grow stronger and clearer in its original state. One can also see this when someone is giving a rousing speech or teaching a fascinating class: the speaker’s aura will spread out over the audience and draw them toward its color and vibration. The auras of those whose heads are nodding in agreement will change toward the speaker’s, while those who are lost in their own thoughts will remain as they were. Naturally, someone skilled at energy work could consciously put this dynamic to good use.

This brings me to hypnosis, which certainly resembles the mind control power you are asking about. What many people don’t realize is that hypnotists only have the power they are given by the one hypnotized. During hypnotherapy, only those suggestions that are in harmony with the patient’s desires are accepted. During a stage show, volunteers must first agree to going into trance for the purpose of entertaining the crowd, and would resist acting against their own values if such a thing were suggested. So while it is possible for a hypnotist to make a person “bawk” like a chicken, if the hypnotist were to suggest that they take a knife and stab the person next to them, they would “balk” at the hypnotist!

We’ve all interacted with someone who was trying to be sneaky about trying to get us to do what they wanted to us to do. This is the stereotype of the used car salesman who is overly friendly and desperately trying to paint an irresistible picture of what he wants to sell us. It may seem like psychic powers have nothing to do with such a scenario, but in fact, our own psychic ability/intuition is what makes us instantly dislike such people and want to get away from them.

This brings us to the second factor: how susceptible a person is to others’ influence. Basically, the more hard-headed someone is – the harder it would be to get through to them – the harder they are to influence. At the same time, the more thoughtful and intelligent someone is, the harder it will be to persuade them to think or do something they really don’t agree with. People who are psychically sensitive but not consciously aware of that fact and are not prone to deep reflection tend to be ideal victims for psychic attack, whether that attack is by a metaphysical entity, a con man, or someone who is desperate for a favor. Imagine a sensitive young woman who is tender-hearted, not very bright, and lacking in self-confidence, and how someone persuasive could make her feel sorry for him and get her to do what he wants her to do.

Finally, we have the question of whether or not the person you want to influence is in harmony with doing what you wish. If you are trying to sell someone a car, the other person is in the market to buy a car, and you have a great car to sell at a great price, it will probably be easy to influence them. If, however, you are trying to persuade a drunk to remain sober, a nasty person to play nice, or a love interest to change their sexual orientation, you’re in for an uphill battle.

Of course, there are an endless number of aims we can achieve by working with the law of attraction. I have at times been able to “manifest” having someone mean and ornery be kind-hearted, liars be truthful, and grumpy people be cheerful, but these successes were always short-lived. For example, I once did a guided meditation to make peace with someone who had been nasty to me for years. In the meditation, I reached out with love, spoke to her higher self, and vividly visualized us embracing each other with good will. That very day, she called me, apologized for her behavior, and was like a different person altogether. I was blown away with my swift success. Who knew it could be so easy? Of course, reality came crashing in a few days later when she flew into a rage about some imagined slight and returned to her usual ornery manner. I tried to manifest peace a number of times after this and it always worked, but it always quickly fell apart too.

I eventually realized that I was trying to turn a lion into a kitten. While a trained lion tamer can perhaps get a lion to behave like a kitten for short periods of time, it is foolish, exhausting and impractical to try to make anyone act against their true nature and inclinations. In fact, if they become angered by our attempts and go on the offense, such efforts can quickly go awry.

So while it’s possible to temporarily influence people to do what we want them to do when we are skilled in the arts of persuasion, they are susceptible to outside influence, and they aren’t totally against what we desire, there are easier ways to create what we want in our lives. Instead of trying to get certain individuals to fulfill our desires, it’s much wiser to work with natural spiritual law. If we focus on manifesting what we desire in general and let go of how it comes to us, we can manifest a happy, downhill journey to fulfillment.

Soul Arcanum

The Purpose Behind Premonitions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m highly intuitive. Sometimes I experience dreams and premonitions that end up coming true. Sometimes these events are seemingly insignificant, while at other times they prove to be very important. My question is why do I get these images? What am I supposed to do with them between the time they come to me and when they occur? Usually they involve other people contacting me and other events over which I have little control.


Dear Sonia:

When we first start having psychic experiences, it’s normal to be amazed to see evidence of a higher plan at work and all sorts of things happening around us that we were previously unaware of. If we have a premonition of something happening and it actually occurs, we assume that the event was destined and therefore important. This revelation can be so mind-blowing that we begin to question the whole nature of reality and if everything we experience is meaningful.

People are often surprised when I say that our psychic senses are no more “important” than our physical senses – they are simply rooted in metaphysical dimensions of experience instead of the physical plane. If you look out your window and you see the mailman coming up your street, do you ask yourself why you’re seeing the mailman and what you’re supposed to do about it? If you push your cart toward the cash registers at the grocery store and you notice that all the lines are really long, do you wonder about the deeper meaning of that experience? I’m not trying to make fun of your question by any means; I’m just trying to illustrate that being able to perceive something doesn’t mean there is a deep message in it for us.

Many people assume that premonitions are meaningful because most people ONLY have psychic experiences when something important is happening. In fact, many people only have a few extraordinary experiences in their whole lives. Those experiences tend to involve warnings of danger, encounters with departed loved ones, or instant recognition of a soul mate/future spouse. As these are all highly charged, potentially life-changing events, many people assume that psychic experiences are designed to warn us of some potential harm or lead us toward some important choice or turning point.

Though people may assume that all psychic experiences are important or meaningful, the truth is that most people only have conscious psychic experiences when that input is so charged or intense that it breaks through their normal state of consciousness to get their attention.

In our everyday lives, it’s like we are totally engrossed in a television show about life on Earth. In fact, we are so absorbed that it’s hard for anything in the universe beyond this show to get our attention. A person’s mother (in Spirit) could be calling their name over and over, and they wouldn’t even blink. It would take a sudden loud noise like an alarm or someone jumping in front of the television to get their attention, and only then would they have the extraordinary experience of perceiving something from beyond the physical story of their lives – something “paranormal” or “supernatural.”

Psychics are different in that they aren’t so locked into that physical story on TV. Since they are very sensitive, they tend to keep the volume turned down on the set, which means they’re able to hear and see things around them that most people can’t. As a result of this, it’s much easier for metaphysical influences to get their attention. The more this sort of thing happens, the more psychics tend to look beyond the physical show instead of gazing right at the TV, and the more they look into the so-called unseen, the more they tend to see. When they learn how to “shift into an altered state of consciousness,” they turn away from the TV set and open up to whatever may be happening on a metaphysical level.

You’re like someone who is highly sensitive but is mainly focused on the TV. Though you’re not purposefully exploring the unseen world around you, you are picking up input from it. Like many people, you’ve assumed that you are receiving these impressions because someone or something must be trying to get your attention for a good reason.

However, just as is true when we are caught up in watching a television show, most of the things we might see and hear around us are just part of the metaphysical backdrop to this world. For example, when watching television, you may hear other people in the vicinity getting a snack from the kitchen and a lawn mower in the distance. In your peripheral vision, you may see birds flying by the window and neighbor kids running through your yard. Most people do perceive these things but they don’t do so on a conscious level because their conscious minds are so absorbed in what’s happening on TV. That you are aware of these things while the other people watching television with you are not just means that you’re more aware of subtle energies and influences.

Of course, there are times when something or someone is trying to get your attention, just as is true when you’re watching television and the phone rings or someone comes in the room to tell you something or ask you a question. These are the psychic experiences you have that seem to be important or meaningful.

So how can you tell the difference between a psychic event that is just background and a meaningful experience? The main thing is to pay attention to how you feel. The more important a psychic impression is, the more of an energetic charge it will carry. At one end of the spectrum, we have warnings of danger, which throw our entire being into hyper-alert mode and usually feel so compelling that we act on them without hesitation. At the other end of the spectrum, we have niggly little thoughts and feelings that simply let us know what’s happening beneath surface reality.

To determine what we’re “supposed to do” about the premonitions we may experience, it’s helpful to develop our abilities to the point where we can ask for more information and get clear answers. By intuitively asking why we’re receiving this information and if we’re supposed to do something in particular with it, we can make the most of our psychic senses.

Of course, at some point, this simply becomes impractical, for the deeper we move into psychic territory, the more psychic impressions we tend to receive. If every day is chock full of little visions and psychic impressions, it’s too hard to both fully engage in our physical life story and at the same time take in everything around it and dialogue with sources of intuitive guidance to determine if there is something important we may need to know.

This is why I recommend relying on how we feel and trusting that if there is something we need to pay attention to, we’ll be alerted by a strong feeling that something important is happening or soon to occur. Of course, when we do have a sense that something important is happening, it’s immeasurably helpful to have developed our abilities to the point where we can then ask what we’re supposed to do with that information. I therefore recommend that you dig into expanding your psychic senses so you can purposefully use them to interpret and work with the visions that come to you spontaneously.

Soul Arcanum

Do You Believe in Palmistry?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

For years, a friend of mine urged me see a psychic palm reader she favors. Though I’ve long had an interest in psychic subjects, I’ve always associated palm reading with fakery. Eventually, I did go see her, and I have to say it was one of the best readings I’ve ever had. Since then, I’ve had my palm read by two other readers, and both of those readings were dismal. I’ve searched but can’t find anything you’ve written on palmistry. What do you think of this practice?


Dear Betsey:

I’ve actually never written about palm reading because I’m far from an expert on the subject. I’ve read a couple of books on palmistry, known some palm readers, and had my own palm read, but that’s about it. Since this is a subject I’ve never addressed in Soul Arcanum before, I decided to do some research for you and share a bit about my own experiences.

The practice of hand reading is also known as palmistry, palm reading and Chiromancy, which means hand divination. This is the art of examining the hand’s various lines, creases, bumps, shapes, skin texture, etc., in order to analyze a person’s personality, mental and physical well-being and destiny. This practice can be traced back thousands of years and found in various cultures around the globe. In fact, it has been suggested that the many hand prints found in prehistoric cave paintings indicate that humans have attributed special meaning to the hand since the Stone Age.

There are now many different methods of palm reading. It’s believed that palmistry originated in ancient India and has a basis in Hindu astrology. From there, it spread throughout the ancient world. As must be expected, the practice changed a great deal as it traveled through different cultures and time periods.

What is now known as the Classical method of reading palms was founded in Ancient Greece. In this approach, certain areas of the hand are associated with a particular Greek god, and those areas govern the same traits or characteristics that are associated with that particular god. While the health of the subject was always a consideration in palm reading, ancient Greek physicians like Hippocrates and Galen made a special study of correlations between various hand features and physical problems.

Many modern scientific studies do support the idea that physical health issues can be read in the hand. This should come as no surprise, for by examining certain parts of the body, all sorts of physical issues can be diagnosed. Clear correlations between unusual hand features and problems like Down’s Syndrome and autism have been proven. Cancer also often creates marked changes in the hands, which means that cancer can sometimes be diagnosed by noting those particular changes. Research has also shown a link between specific fingerprint patterns and heart disease. Speaking of fingerprints, I think the fact that every one of us has a unique fingerprint lends credence to the idea that much can be discerned about a person by carefully examining their hands.

At this point, the body and spirit merge in the topics of genetics and “destiny.” Though this is controversial, there are researchers who claim that homosexuality can be seen in hand features because varying hormone levels determine the length of our fingers in the womb. I also read about a study done by medical doctors that positively correlates life expectancy with the length of a person’s life line. (In that clever study, the hands of the newly departed were examined during autopsies so the length of the life line could be compared with the age at death.)

At some point hundred of years ago, palmistry appeared in Jewish mysticism. Then during the eighteenth century, books began to be written that blended traditional hand reading information with mystical notions. This may be when knowing what certain lines mean while at the same time incorporating psychic impressions became common to the practice.

If things like sexual orientation and longevity can be read in the palm, it doesn’t seem all that crazy to think that personality traits may show up in a person’s hand too. There has been much written on this subject; here’s a typical sample.

According to this Sunday Times article, finger length and other hand traits have been scientifically correlated with various personality traits:

Children whose ring fingers are much longer than their index fingers are more likely to be hyperactive and bullying, research has found. The effect, derived from testosterone exposure in the womb, is particularly pronounced in boys. Children with long index fingers, by contrast, are more likely to be neurotic and sensitive. The findings are the latest in a growing body of research associating the difference in finger lengths with character traits such as sporting prowess, homosexuality, aggression, promiscuity, autism and vulnerability to depression.

Of course, a lot can also be gleaned via a “cold reading” approach to palmistry. The first palm reading I ever received showed me how easy it is to read a person’s personality in this way. On that occasion, when I was asked to present my palm to the reader, I immediately smiled and thrust my hand out to her. Since she was a friend of a friend and knew of my professional interest, she explained why she was saying what she was saying as she went.

Her first observations were that I was friendly, confident, and very open. She discerned this because I had immediately offered my hand and opened it boldly and widely to her. She went on to say that I’m not an anxious sort, which she attributed to the smoothness of my palm as well as my overall demeanor.

There are many very good readers who use the palm as a mere springboard for intuitive work. This gives them a good reason to physically touch the people they are reading. For someone who is clairsentient, this physical connection may be very important. It also gives both the client and the reader something tangible to focus on as the source of the reader’s insights. Though they may start with reading the lines of the palm, many readers quickly shift to psychically reading between those lines.

I once knew a truly gifted medium who did “palm readings” in this way. She explained that in her experience, people like to have something to focus on as a source of the information being relayed. Apparently, they are more likely to find it credible when this is the case. For this reason, she would employ tarot cards or palmistry despite the fact that most of the information she received was accessed in a more direct psychic manner.

Some people say that psychic ability is essential to the palm reading process, while for others, it’s more of a science based on knowing what various aspects of the hand supposedly mean. Given the fact that there are so many different approaches to palmistry and every reader will bring different knowledge and abilities to the table, it’s best to base our assessment of a psychic not on the particular methods she favors but on the quality of the insights she relays.

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic for a Little While

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

When I was in college and for a little while after, I had some amazing psychic experiences. I would know who was calling on the phone before I answered it and I had lots of intuitions about things that proved true. Amazing synchronicities also occurred. It was a magical time, but at some point, all of that ended. At the time, I had a roommate who was very spiritual. He was the one who first exposed me to ideas like reincarnation and astral projection. He also meditated and led a psychic development circle. I got very interested in spiritual matters when we moved in together. I began to read some of his books and we had many deep conversations on spiritual subjects. That’s when I started having strange experiences myself. I’m wondering if it’s possible to be psychic for just a brief time in your life, and why that would be.


Dear Sam:

Everyone is always psychic to some degree. I think exploring the general conditions under which psychic abilities tend to flourish may illuminate what happened here.

Generally speaking, the higher our spiritual vibration, the more likely we are to have conscious spiritual/psychic experiences. The place we live and the people we live with can have strong effects on our vibration, especially if we aren’t adept at “setting our own tone.”

I’m betting the main reason you experienced this surge in psychic activity was because you were living with this roommate. It’s said that one who is connected to the stream of pure, positive energy is more powerful than thousands who are not. Such a person will naturally cause the people around him to entrain to his vibration. These are the ideal individuals to serve as spiritual teachers and healers, for they are both psychically sensitive and able to remain personally unaffected by the subtle energies around them.

We say that people like your old roommate are “charismatic” or have “magnetic personalities.” They are usually confident but in a quiet, peaceful way. I think it’s interesting that “charismatic” also means spiritually and psychically gifted. As your roommate’s vibration prevailed in your household, he drew you up to his vibration where you got to glimpse bits and pieces of his reality. That you were living with him would have an especially strong effect on you given how much time you must have spent soaking up all those good vibrations. Sleeping there would also be powerful because we are more open when we’re asleep than when we’re awake and our rational minds are blocking and parrying every new idea that comes our way.

Of course, living with this friend also opened you up to all sorts of new ideas. You mentioned that you had never been exposed to many of these notions before, which was probably a good thing, for you’d never been taught to reject or dismiss them. In wondering at these new possibilities, you flowed positive energy and attention toward them and thus began to manifest related experiences in your life. When we focus on something, it’s like fertilizing a plant: the energy of our attention makes it grow in our lives. As you were thinking and talking about these ideas with a feeling of interest or excitement, they naturally began to bloom for you.

Since our vibration largely determines what we experience, certain periods of our lives tend to be different in many ways from others. For many people, the years after they leave home but before they fully move into adult responsibilities are especially exciting, free and happy. Most young adults are also very open-minded and actively engaged in pursuing new ideas in order to determine who they are and want to be. This is especially true of university students who are constantly rearranging their minds to accommodate new ideas. If this describes you at that time, it would mean your vibration was high and your auric boundaries were thin or flexible, which are ideal conditions for psychic experiences.

Perhaps after this period in your life, you decided it was time for you to “grow up” by getting a real job and becoming more responsible. Adhering to mainstream social norms tends to repress psychic ability because in the West, everything psychic is dismissed or denigrated. Psychic awareness is highly dependent on a self-referential frame of mind; you have to trust your own values and impressions over outside opinions to clearly hear the voice of your intuition. This is why people tend to become less and less psychic the more time they spend being socialized here on Earth – in other words, the older they get! Only individuals who refuse to “grow up” or conform are able to keep living in magical realities.

Given all of the above, it makes sense that your psychic abilities would suddenly emerge when living with this roommate and recede when you parted ways and shifted toward a new set of goals and values. This doesn’t mean your psychic abilities are gone for good! If you had them once, they’re still there. To encourage a psychic reawakening, you just need to recreate the ideal conditions for your abilities to grow.

You might start by giving this whole subject your attention on a regular basis again. Spend time with people who are psychic and/or spiritual. Attend classes, workshops, and psychic development circles. Start reading books on these subjects. As you do this, try to emulate the open-minded curiosity of your younger self.

Regular spiritual practice could quickly spark big breakthroughs; this may be especially powerful since it sounds like you weren’t engaged in any spiritual practice when you started having psychic experiences before. Daily meditation and/or attempts at astral projection are two powerful stimulants of psychic development.

As with any aim, it’s always wise to study and work with the law of attraction. Many people who use the law of attraction to create the opportunities, resources and other blessings they desire never think to use it for spiritual or psychic endeavors.

If you develop a conscious relationship with Spirit, you can regularly ask for signs, synchronicities, messages and amazing psychic experiences. This is one of the most rewarding, fascinating things I’ve ever done. The more we consciously work with Spirit, the more interesting things tend to happen, provided our minds are open enough to allow new experiences into our personal reality.

Finally, assume that you can have what you want and expect it to happen. It may help to know that the experiences you describe are pretty common. For example, in a 2001 study published in the Journal of Psychology, 78% of respondents reported telephoning someone only to have that person say that they had just been thinking about calling them. Another 47% reported the phenomenon of knowing who was calling before picking up the phone. I hear from people every day who are having amazing psychic experiences. If they can have them, you can too!

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic Feels like a Fraud

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I do psychic readings for a living and also because I enjoy helping others. However, over the last few months, I panic as soon as I think about doing a reading because I feel like I’m a fraud. I have had a lot of stress over the last few years. I’ve lost faith in myself so much that I feel utterly lost. It may help you to know that I’m also very concerned about my choice of life partner. I feel like something is not quite right about this relationship but I can’t work out what’s wrong. We’ve been together for three years, and within that time, my life, work, health and spirituality have suffered a marked decline. He is always nice to me so I don’t understand what’s wrong.


Dear Karen:

This may sound a little odd, but I think the fact that you feel like a fraud for no apparent reason says good things about your ethics. To me, it says that you care deeply about the quality of your work and would never want to misrepresent yourself or your services. I bet all the best psychic professionals regularly question themselves, their abilities, and the value of their work – I know I certainly do!

There are a number of good reasons for this questioning. For one thing, being a psychic is an unusual endeavor. There is also a lot of denigration of the term “psychic” and everything related to psychic reading work in mainstream society, so it takes an extraordinary amount of self-esteem to walk this path. Telling someone you’re a psychic is sure to raise eyebrows; while some people will be intrigued, many will immediately write you off as either self-deluded, crazy or a charlatan. If you don’t have rock solid faith in yourself, other people’s opinions will constantly eat away at your confidence.

The psychic realm is itself slippery and ethereal, for we’re dealing with that which can’t be perceived or measured by physical means. In this sense, doubt about one’s psychic abilities is similar to all the other spiritual doubts that plague humankind. I regularly review all the amazing experiences I’ve had that contributed to my spiritual beliefs. When I take all of that evidence together, I can’t deny what it’s saying, but when I don’t “live” that reality day after day because I’m immersed in mundane life, it’s natural to start doubting the conclusions I came to in the past.

Being a psychic is like being a painter. It’s pretty easy to determine if you’ve done a “good job” when you’re painting walls and trim, but if you’re creating original works of art, “good” becomes a very subjective matter. Most poets, novelists, dancers and other creative types regularly go through periods of doubt when they wonder if they’re deluded, if it’s ridiculous to consider themselves artists, and even if what they produce is utter crap. In fact, I bet the more successful the artist, the more they doubt the quality of their work.

You don’t have to be an artist to suffer this sort of self-doubt, however. Many highly skilled, knowledgeable and successful people suffer from “Impostor” or “Fraud Syndrome” in which they feel like their success is nothing more than luck or others mistakenly believing them to be more capable, skilled and knowledgeable than they really are. In fact, in 1984, a study of randomly selected American psychologists demonstrated that nearly 70% of them felt like impostors! When you add in the extra challenges of the psychic component, it’s no wonder psychic professionals sometimes feel this way.

Working as a psychic or spiritual counselor is a very heavy responsibility. In my view, it’s like surgery for the soul, for when people reach out for help from us, they are often desperate for comfort, hope and guidance. Since people tend to believe whatever psychics say more than their own inner guidance and common sense, our words have extraordinary power both for better and for worse. Many traditional counselors trying to help deeply troubled people also regularly doubt themselves and their ability to be of true help because so much is at stake.

There is something I do that helps when I start to doubt myself. I’ve always asked for feedback on my reading work, and I keep all of that feedback in computer files. When I start to experience the doubts you’re going through, I’ll go back and read through some of this feedback. When I read email after email full of appreciation and amazement for my work, I begin to relax and remember that I have only to keep doing what I’ve been doing to continue to succeed.

I do think the fact that your life has not been going well is playing a big role in all of this. In fact, one way to evaluate the power of your intuition is to ponder how well your own life is going. Since it sounds like things have been going downhill in many areas for some time now, odds are good that you’re not listening to your intuition, and this would certainly prevent you from doing good psychic reading work for others. I also happen to be of the opinion that if you’re feeling utterly lost yourself, you shouldn’t be trying to guide others. This may be another reason you’re feeling like something of a fraud.

There are lots of reasons why someone who is highly psychic may turn off the voice of their intuition. In your case, your inner guidance has been telling you that something is not right about your relationship, but your head has been arguing with your intuition by saying that this guy is nice to you so your feelings must be unfounded. Since you’re still in this relationship, your head is obviously winning. You can’t regularly deny or ignore what your intuition has to tell you about yourself and still get great psychic impressions for others.

You don’t mention if you’ve had any professional training. If not, now would be a good time to get some. Once you’ve reconnected with your own inner guidance and honored it by taking action to create what you want in your own life, you should be able to return to reading for others with a reasonable degree of confidence, especially if you’ve learned and mastered reliable techniques for tuning in to a high level of spiritual guidance.

Trust plays a huge role in psychic performance. This is a bit of a Catch-22, but if you doubt yourself, you’ll tend to fail, which will just create more doubt. To bring through pure psychic information, we have to connect to Spirit and relay what we get without filtering it. Knowing that we’ve been trained by the best can give us the confidence to relay our impressions without censoring them.

It’s also essential to develop a good working relationship with Spirit and then simply trust that whatever is needed will be provided. I always feel a little tense when beginning a reading because I care deeply about doing my best. After I pray for Spirit to help me deliver a reading that is accurate, useful and empowering for my client, I place the outcome in Spirit’s hands and just get on with it.

What we do as psychics is really extraordinary; if we thought we had to do it all on our own, it would be natural to feel paralyzed by trepidation. Fortunately, all we have to do is remain clear channels for a high level of guidance and trust in Spirit to deliver whatever the person we’re working with needs to hear at that time.

– Soul Arcanum


Dream Telepathy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)


Dear Soul Arcanum:

A few nights ago, I had a dream that my husband went to answer the phone, tripped on the dog, fell down and hurt himself. His sister was at the house for some reason, and he told her that he felt something break and needed to go to the hospital, but he insisted on going to the one where he grew up, which is in St. Louis. (We live in Colorado now.) I woke up just after having this dream. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee and started to tell my husband about it, but I could tell that something was wrong. He then told me that his sister had called and that his mother had fallen and broken her hip, and that he was going to make travel arrangements to go see her in St. Louis! When I told him about my dream, we were both amazed. What happened here?


Dear Margo:

I love your question because I’ve had a number of similar dreams myself. One time, I dreamed that there were ants by the sliding glass door in my kitchen. I woke up from this dream and went downstairs and told my husband about it. His jaw dropped as he explained that about fifteen minutes before (at the same time I was dreaming), he had discovered ants by the sliding glass door.

Another time, I dreamed that I was at the beach with all of my family, and when it was time to leave, I couldn’t find my husband. I looked and looked for him, and finally he came limping along. He explained that he had been (drunkenly) singing on a ledge and had fallen off and broken his ankle. When I awoke, I went downstairs and told my husband about this dream, and he replied that he had just been watching a television news story about how Steven Tyler of Aerosmith had fallen off the stage while singing and broken his ankle!

As you can see in these two examples, telepathic dream experiences don’t always have great meaning or value. When we dream of what others are doing as they are doing it, such as my husband finding the ants or watching that story on the news, it’s sort of like overhearing a conversation because you are close by: you just happen to be picking it up with your psychic senses instead of your physical senses. Examining telepathic dreams also illuminates the truth that not every dream carries an important message, so trying to interpret some dreams can be pointless.

Though the above dreams seem pretty meaningless, dream telepathy usually occurs during important life events, or at least during times when someone we love is in emotional distress. By way of a more common example, last week I dreamed that I was back in college and I was totally unprepared for a final exam. I was in my first class of the day, and I was thinking that I should just skip that class so I could get to my exam on time and focus entirely on that. I couldn’t remember how to get to the next class, however, so I started to get really stressed. I was awakened from this dream by my teenage daughter, who was in tears. She explained that she had a final exam in second hour that morning, and she felt she should skip first hour so she could study more because she felt unprepared!

Next we have the first time I experienced dream telepathy, which was also the most interesting. When my son Nick was a toddler, I had a very vivid, distressing dream that I was a Middle Eastern woman on a makeshift boat with a bunch of other Middle Eastern people, whom I knew to be my family. I was holding my baby, whom I knew to be my son, Nick. It was storming, there were huge waves all around us, and the boat was sinking. Everyone else had jumped in the water, but I refused to jump because I was sure it would mean my baby’s death. Everyone was yelling at me to jump but I wouldn’t do it. I was awakened from this dream by my two-year-old son calling me. When I stumbled groggily into his room and went to the side of his crib, he fixed me with a solemn look and said, “Go in the water, Momma. It’s okay. Go in the water.” Given my different identity in this dream and the fact that Nick was also in it, I believe that this was about a past life we shared together.

There are several factors that come into play in telepathy. First, the stronger our bond to someone, the more likely we are to telepathically pick up on what’s going on with them. There are many, many stories about mothers who telepathically sensed that their child was in danger or distress. The research that has been done into dream telepathy and telepathy in general also supports the idea that the stronger the bond emotional bond between people, the more likely they are to have a telepathic connection. Feeling loving and caring toward someone facilitates telepathy, while feeling upset or angry diminishes such connections.

As I mentioned above, researchers have also found that telepathic dreams and other experiences tend to happen more frequently during significant life events, which is a pattern that strongly emerges in anecdotes about telepathic experiences. You have a strong loving bond with your husband, and he was probably distressed when he got that call about his mom, so the conditions were ideal for you to telepathically pick up on what was happening with him.

Also, our subconscious minds are aware of way more than our conscious minds are, and when we’re sleeping, our subconscious minds take over. Most people are thus more like to receive psychic impressions in dreams than when they are awake. (Someone who is “psychic” has dream-like visions when they are awake, though they tend to be in an altered state of consciousness like a trance or day dream when receiving such impressions.)

This brings us to the final key factor in the development of these sorts of experiences. People who are psychic or extraordinarily adept at working with their dreams and their subconscious minds are more likely to have telepathic dreams and to remember them upon waking up. For example, I often have dreams about what others in my family are going through, but they can’t say the same.

As an interesting experiment, you can try to send other people specific dreams. Given the factors listed above, this works best with people you are close to who are good at remembering their dreams. When your loved one is asleep, go into a meditative state and project thoughts and images into his or her mind. It’s helpful if you do this early in the morning, for that’s when we spend the most time dreaming. We also tend to remember the last dreams we had before waking up.

You can even use this technique to improve key relationships. When the other person is sleeping, have a mental conversation with their higher self and ask them to help you create harmony or other positive changes. Imagine this conversation as vividly as possible. The next time you see them, they may be remarkably warm and friendly or have an interesting dream about you to report!

I believe that dream telepathy happens far more often than we realize. If I hadn’t remembered my dream about my husband breaking his ankle, or I hadn’t thought to tell him about it, or he hadn’t realized that he had been watching something like that on TV, we would never have known my dream was telepathic. In my experience, the more we talk about our dreams with the people we’re close to, the more interesting experiences come to light!

– Soul Arcanum

Psychic is Plagued by Jealousy


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I am highly psychic and can often tell what other people are feeling or going through. Most of the time this is a good thing, but lately, I fear it’s going to ruin the otherwise wonderful relationship I have with my fiance. The trouble is that I can tell when he is attracted to another woman, which happens frequently. When I tell him that I can tell when he is checking someone out even when he tries to hide it (and he’s really good at hiding it), he usually lies about it. I can then tell that he’s lying, and at that point, we usually get into a big fight. I’m starting to wonder if I should marry him or not, for he is attracted to other women and dishonest about it, and both of those things are driving me crazy. I would love to hear your spiritual advice on this one!


Dear Brooke:

I know just what you’re talking about, for I can sense when my husband is attracted to another woman as well as how it feels to have him lie to me about it. We’re pretty much at peace with this issue these days, so hopefully, my own journey will prove helpful to you.

First, you’re probably right in your intuitions that he is indeed attracted to other women, for our instincts are particularly sharp when it comes to protecting our “territory.” Further, if he wasn’t interested in beautiful women, he wouldn’t be in a relationship with you to begin with. People who love to garden don’t admire just one kind of flower; if they have an eye for beauty, they look for and see the beauty in all of nature. They may have a favorite kind of flower, of course, but just as we couldn’t expect a rose gardener to stop finding tulips and daisies delightful, we can’t expect a person to stop finding other people beautiful just because they’re in a committed relationship.

Speaking of that commitment, it would be easy to be faithful if we never found anyone but our partner attractive. What makes commitment so meaningful is the fact that we do find other people attractive but we choose to refrain from acting on those feelings in order to focus our time and attention on the person we’ve decided to put first in our lives. So making a commitment is not about losing attraction for everyone else; we just choose to resist those fleeting desires in order to safeguard something we deem to be more important.

If you want to be a happy psychic, you’re going to have to find a way to raise your vibration in order to see the divine beauty and perfection in everyone you meet, for you’re going to see all the “unacceptable” stuff we’ve been conditioned to hide from others’ view.

This brings me to my key point, which is that we can’t help how we feel. Your fiance lies to you when you confront him about checking out other women because he feels attacked, and also because he doesn’t want you to feel slighted. Since your fiance can’t help how he feels any more than you can stop feeling jealous, what can you do?

First, it’s important that you don’t repress your feelings, for then you will start to act in “crazy” ways and things will just get more confusing. We’ve all been down this road before, where we try to repress or deny our anger only to totally lose our temper over something insignificant. Repressing our feelings doesn’t get rid of them; it just lets them fester and slowly poison us from the inside out. Further, if you decide to try to hide how you are feeling, you will tend to pull back while you process, and may even try to love him less in order to protect your heart. This is not the answer if you want a vibrant, fulfilling relationship.

The key to a warm, intimate bond is for both of you to feel free to feel how you feel and let your feelings show. This will also naturally lead to personal growth and healing. To feel connected to each other, you must feel safe to gently express how you feel and he must feel the same. This doesn’t mean he has “made” you feel as you do; in fact, it’s important for you to tell him that you don’t expect him to make you feel better and that this is your own issue – you just need to express how you’re feeling in order to feel close to him. If you can lovingly tell him that you know you are feeling this way because he is so important to you, all the better.

When we stop trying to blame one person for being wrong, relationship dynamics get much lighter. We have gotten to the point in my marriage where I can indicate that I’m feeling jealous in a light and playful way because I know it’s my own issue. When I take this approach, my husband wisely chooses to see this as a sign that I really care and usually responds by reassuring me that he would never want to lose me either.

Instead of viewing jealousy as a sign of trouble in an otherwise wonderful relationship, we’re wise to stop when we feel insecure and look at our upset as a sign pointing toward some fear or issue we are being personally called to work on. When we feel jealous, it’s because we’re afraid of losing our position in someone’s heart; we’re afraid they will find someone they like better than us, and we will be alone or things will change for the worse.

Here’s the deal: everything changes, so resisting change is a recipe for suffering. Further, nothing lasts forever except for true love. Only when we make peace with this truth are we able to really love and build a deep connection on a soul level, for we can’t mandate that someone love us as we want to be loved, and when we try, we usually just destroy whatever love was there to begin with.

It is wise and empowering to trust that whatever happens, all is well. If we stay together for the rest of our lives, that is good; if we don’t stay together for the rest of our lives, that must also be good, for everything happens for a good reason. Getting past fear by finding faith in this truth empowers us to love from love instead of from fear, and then our relationships become blessed and harmonious.

So to truly love another person, we can’t come from fear and a sense of needing them. As nothing lasts forever, we’re wise to give thanks for the love and blessings in our lives today and make the most of them. This approach tends to keep relationships warm and growing. When we cling to someone out of fear, we become like a parasite, strangling the relationship. This is what happens when someone is constantly jealous and angry: instead of drawing others close, they drive them away because they aren’t coming from love but from fear and self-concern.

Instead of trying to ferret out and forbid your fiance’s attraction for everyone but you, I recommend you make peace with your jealousy as well as your fiance’s natural attraction to the beauty around him, whether that beauty is in a sunset, a flower or another woman’s figure. To expect him to be open to your beauty but closed to the beauty in every other female is unreasonable. When people demand this of their partners, they may get it, but at the expense of their partner’s attraction to them as well, for the partner closes down and stops looking for beauty in general because he has been conditioned to associate feelings of attraction with being punished.

When someone beautiful comes along, you can let your own beauty shine through by admiring them too. Look for the beauty in what your fiance finds attractive and try to appreciate it. Above all, remain thankful for the fact that even though your partner may find other people beautiful, he is choosing to just watch them pass by while he makes a life with you.

– Soul Arcanum

Is She Psychically Scarred?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Throughout my childhood, my mother told me that I would sit in random places around our home and talk to spirits. She never liked this, and I would get punished whenever I was seen doing it. One June when I was six years old, there was an incident with these spirits that caused my body to convulse and me to scream for hours on end. This happened every June after that until I turned 12. When I was seven, I developed my own mental independence and broke from my family’s religion to explore the spiritual world. I didn’t fully start studying until I was 12. Now I seem to have weak psychic protection. Could my past have done something to spiritually scar me? Is there anything I can do about it? I can hear spirits and speak to them, but I can’t feel if they’re ‘good’ or ‘bad.’


Dear Dema:

When people experience unexplainable phenomena on the same date year after year, they are usually reliving a past event. When no cause can be remembered, odds are good that the event occurred in a past life. Often this past life event involves an untimely death in the life just prior to this one, though it can also stem from any traumatic experience that has yet to be fully healed and released.

It’s interesting that these annual “fits” stopped when you began to study the spiritual world. Perhaps making your own spiritual way brought you into your personal power, or perhaps the past experience you were reliving was related to following a spiritual path that wasn’t right for you. For example, if you were tortured and killed by the Catholic Church in a past life, and your parents were Catholic, you may have experienced these fits until you broke away from the Church.

I almost never perform psychic reading work in this column, for it’s meant for general spiritual advice, but I’m feeling called to take a look at this for you.

When I focus on what you describe happening to you as a child and ask to be shown where it was coming from, I see an institutional setting with tiled walls. The tiles are the sort of pale green of disposable surgical gowns. I see you as a patient there. I see this metal thing on your head, and it’s clear that you’re receiving electric shock treatments. There is something in your mouth like a leather strap that you’re biting on. You are definitely resisting, screaming and thrashing around – and who could blame you?

Now the whole picture is coming into focus. I’m being made to understand that you could perceive and communicate with spirits in that life also, and this is the main reason you were considered ‘crazy.’ You had trouble discerning the quality or nature of spirits then too, and thus you were influenced by spirits of varying natures. I’m seeing spirits trying to influence you in negative ways, and also spirits that were trying to help you. This led you into tremendous fear and confusion, and led to behaviors that we now associate with the label ‘multiple personality disorder.’

This is such a sad picture, for what you really needed was spiritual help, but since no one understood what was happening, you were sent to this institution and subjected to torturous ‘remedies.’

It’s also interesting that you were punished for interacting with spirits when you were a child, for in a way, you were punished in this past life for the same thing. I feel that it was the combination of your spirit interactions and your mother’s fearful attitude that reawakened the energies of this past life. I’m also seeing that these convulsions you went through were much like the convulsions of the electric shock treatments, but in this lifetime, I see them as healing in nature: by re-experiencing them, you were bringing those old energies up to be released and healed.

While no one can say for sure why this happens, it remains true that by bringing buried wounds and issues into our conscious awareness, they can be instantly resolved. It sounds like this was the aim of these childhood experiences, and when you chose to not take on the negative judgments of your family and began to seek your own truths and understanding, you learned a big lesson that you had been working on for more than one lifetime. This empowered you to break free from this old pattern. It may help you to pursue regressive hypnotherapy in order to bring up memories of this past life or any other past experiences that may still be causing you problems so you can fully integrate and release them.

Please don’t take anything I’ve written here to suggest that you are now mentally unstable or flawed in any way. In fact, I see that you have made tremendous progress in dealing with your psychic sensitivity since this last life, and in cultivating your own spiritual wisdom and power. You are still in the process of strengthening your psychic skills and boundaries, of course, but when I ask how you’re doing with this, I see a jig-saw puzzle that is about 85% complete.

As for why you still have trouble discerning good spirits from bad, this is the last element of your sensitive psychic make-up that you’re working out. This is something very common in people who are psychically sensitive who have been raised in negative environments and have yet to fully embody their own higher natures. You see, when we grow up in negative or abusive households, or are generally surrounded by people of a low vibration, this low energy becomes ‘normal’ to us. The more we embody and surround ourselves with positive vibrations, the more obvious it will become when something negative enters the picture.

All of this vibration stuff is relative, of course. If you’re accustomed to living in an immaculate house where there is absolutely no clutter and everything is always in its place, then if you come home and there is new junk on the counters, tables and floors, you will immediately notice it and be disturbed by it. If, by contrast, you grew up in a pig sty where everything was always dirty, cluttered and chaotic, then new junk would probably blend in with the old, as would items of value.

Our spiritual vibrations are much like these houses. When we cultivate a very high, pure vibration all of the time, we naturally attract higher energies and entities and this becomes normal for us. Then if lower entities try to slip in when the door has been left open, we immediately notice it and know that we must take action by raising our vibration to clean our energy up.

There are lots of things you can do to cultivate a higher vibration as well as strong psychic boundaries. For more on this and related subjects, I recommend the following articles:

Developing a Strong Psychic Immune System 
Can One Be Open to Only Positive Spirits? 
Discerning the Source and Quality of Psychic Perceptions
Sorting Dark Spirits from Light and Other Confusing Psychic Matters
Spirits and Multiple Personality Disorder

I hope this column launches you toward new peace and personal power, my friend!

– Soul Arcanum




Sorting Fears from Intuitions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

There are times when people can feel like their ‘gut’ is telling them something about a situation. The stomach curls up and they may start to feel light-headed when having an intuition about some possible danger. When I was younger, my intuition was usually spot on. These days, most of my intuitions turn out to be nothing more than fearful ideas and worries about various subjects. How can we sort our fears from our intuitions?


Dear Marc:

I’ve noticed something about fear and intuition that seems a bit ironic: young people are often more psychic/intuitive than older and supposedly wiser folks! Even people who demonstrate remarkable psychic gifts when they are young can lose them over the years if they succumb to fear and become too careful about life in general. Young people tend to fear death and other disasters less than older people, so they take more risks and live on an edge where more things are possible. Their vibrations tend to be higher because they’re full of life and desire instead of fear and worry. So I’m not surprised to hear you say that you used to be more intuitive, and now find it hard to sort your fears from your intuitions.

Sorting fears from intuitions is really tricky because we talk about intuitions as ‘gut feelings,’ but intuitions aren’t emotions at all. Even when we get spontaneous warnings of danger, they aren’t delivered with fear; fearful feelings may follow the intuition, but they aren’t one and the same. Unlike fears and worries, clear, accurate intuitions generally don’t come with any emotional kick to them; the information feels more like watching a movie or hearing a story. While it may contain some emotional information, our own personal reactions are a step or two removed from the message.

Intuitions aren’t thoughts either; you can’t reason your way to intuitive insights. Where worrying is linear (if A and B happen, then C may follow), intuitions are like holographic capsules of sudden awareness. In fact, they often don’t make sense at first, and we have to ponder them in order to comprehend their meaning.

Over the years I have heard from hundreds of people who were somehow warned, helped or enlightened via their intuition. For the sake of this article, let’s focus on warnings of danger. Time and again, people who narrowly escaped some tragedy thanks to an intuition report how strangely calm they felt as they were receiving that warning. For example, someone may be driving down the highway when suddenly they have the intuition that they should change lanes. They act on this warning quickly, without questioning it, and the next thing they know, something occurs in the lane they were driving in that could have proven fatal. Following this event they may be shaken up and amazed by the whole experience, but while it was happening, they were strangely calm.

The gut intuitions you describe in your letter strike out of the blue like this; they come unbidden and at totally unexpected moments. We all have these spontaneous sorts of experiences when faced with danger. To be able to consciously and purposefully consult your intuition whenever you desire, you must develop your psychic abilities.

A major component of psychic development is cultivating the faith and objectivity to look past what we think is best in order to see truth. It can be hard to be objective when it comes to our own concerns. This is where the development of faith comes in: if you truly believe that everything happens for a good reason and everything works out in the end, you won’t worry to begin with, and will be open to hearing or perceiving the truth about any situation.

One thing is for sure: the more we tend to worry, the harder it is to hear our intuition clearly or access higher guidance. This is because our thoughts affect our vibration, and in order to tune in to truth and wisdom, we must have a high vibration. To be able to purposefully access our intuition about anything at any time, we must develop unwavering faith in the benevolence of life, for then all possibilities are acceptable to the conscious mind.

Since a calm, detached mind is essential to clear psychic perception, meditation is important. I highly recommend you take up regular meditation and work on cultivating your inner observer so you can emotionally detach from whatever is happening in your outer experience and calmly observe whatever comes up. This will empower you to view your whole life with calm detachment, which is like being able to back way up to see the big picture whenever you feel the need.

Also, devote yourself to psychic development. Working with a pendulum is a simple, easy way to begin. Do remember that you may not be able to access answers to every question you have at that time, so before beginning with the pendulum, ask:May I ask this question and receive an answer at this time? and Is this something that can be currently known or seen?

Of course, the information you can get from a pendulum is very limited, so you’ll want to move beyond it in order to get deeper insights and guidance. (My space here is limited, so for information on psychic development, please search our archives, consult the many excellent books and websites devoted to this subject, or sign up for a local class.)

When consulting your intuition, instead of asking if things will go the way you want them to, ask deeper questions such as: What is the higher purpose behind this situation? What am I supposed to be learning? What are my options, and which choice or approach is wisest? How can I cultivate the greatest love and harmony in this situation?

Again, remember that you may not always get an answer. Many of us want to be able to psychically read every possible scenario, and if we are looking for answers before those answers even exist, we may begin to make stuff up. We must be so detached that we’re even at peace with not getting as much information as we’d like to have right now.

It’s also important to establish strong relationships with your spirit guides, for then you can always ask them for more information or guidance on how to work with (and make peace with) the answers you receive.

Like any other skill, practice is essential. Keep a journal in which you note your intuitions and how they pan out. When they do and don’t prove accurate, take note of how you felt when they came to you. Soon you’ll be able to discern how it feels when you’re receiving accurate intuitive impressions.

Another important aspect to consider is the fact that you have the power to affect outcomes, so you can visualize what you desire instead of passively allowing your mind to wander into fearful thoughts. This is key because it is generally feelings of powerlessness that lead us to worry, and when we remember that we aren’t powerless – that can create what we want – it gives our minds something to do that is positive and constructive.

Knowing what will happen is nothing compared to being able to use our psychic senses to influence the course of our experience. The questions we ask of our intuition are therefore paramount. Asking simple, fear-based questions about what is going to happen can do us more harm than good, while asking wise and powerful questions such as what we should do and focus upon in order to fulfill our dreams can prove very helpful indeed.


– Soul Arcanum