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Dear Soul Arcanum:

Throughout my childhood, my mother told me that I would sit in random places around our home and talk to spirits. She never liked this, and I would get punished whenever I was seen doing it. One June when I was six years old, there was an incident with these spirits that caused my body to convulse and me to scream for hours on end. This happened every June after that until I turned 12. When I was seven, I developed my own mental independence and broke from my family’s religion to explore the spiritual world. I didn’t fully start studying until I was 12. Now I seem to have weak psychic protection. Could my past have done something to spiritually scar me? Is there anything I can do about it? I can hear spirits and speak to them, but I can’t feel if they’re ‘good’ or ‘bad.’


Dear Dema:

When people experience unexplainable phenomena on the same date year after year, they are usually reliving a past event. When no cause can be remembered, odds are good that the event occurred in a past life. Often this past life event involves an untimely death in the life just prior to this one, though it can also stem from any traumatic experience that has yet to be fully healed and released.

It’s interesting that these annual “fits” stopped when you began to study the spiritual world. Perhaps making your own spiritual way brought you into your personal power, or perhaps the past experience you were reliving was related to following a spiritual path that wasn’t right for you. For example, if you were tortured and killed by the Catholic Church in a past life, and your parents were Catholic, you may have experienced these fits until you broke away from the Church.

I almost never perform psychic reading work in this column, for it’s meant for general spiritual advice, but I’m feeling called to take a look at this for you.

When I focus on what you describe happening to you as a child and ask to be shown where it was coming from, I see an institutional setting with tiled walls. The tiles are the sort of pale green of disposable surgical gowns. I see you as a patient there. I see this metal thing on your head, and it’s clear that you’re receiving electric shock treatments. There is something in your mouth like a leather strap that you’re biting on. You are definitely resisting, screaming and thrashing around – and who could blame you?

Now the whole picture is coming into focus. I’m being made to understand that you could perceive and communicate with spirits in that life also, and this is the main reason you were considered ‘crazy.’ You had trouble discerning the quality or nature of spirits then too, and thus you were influenced by spirits of varying natures. I’m seeing spirits trying to influence you in negative ways, and also spirits that were trying to help you. This led you into tremendous fear and confusion, and led to behaviors that we now associate with the label ‘multiple personality disorder.’

This is such a sad picture, for what you really needed was spiritual help, but since no one understood what was happening, you were sent to this institution and subjected to torturous ‘remedies.’

It’s also interesting that you were punished for interacting with spirits when you were a child, for in a way, you were punished in this past life for the same thing. I feel that it was the combination of your spirit interactions and your mother’s fearful attitude that reawakened the energies of this past life. I’m also seeing that these convulsions you went through were much like the convulsions of the electric shock treatments, but in this lifetime, I see them as healing in nature: by re-experiencing them, you were bringing those old energies up to be released and healed.

While no one can say for sure why this happens, it remains true that by bringing buried wounds and issues into our conscious awareness, they can be instantly resolved. It sounds like this was the aim of these childhood experiences, and when you chose to not take on the negative judgments of your family and began to seek your own truths and understanding, you learned a big lesson that you had been working on for more than one lifetime. This empowered you to break free from this old pattern. It may help you to pursue regressive hypnotherapy in order to bring up memories of this past life or any other past experiences that may still be causing you problems so you can fully integrate and release them.

Please don’t take anything I’ve written here to suggest that you are now mentally unstable or flawed in any way. In fact, I see that you have made tremendous progress in dealing with your psychic sensitivity since this last life, and in cultivating your own spiritual wisdom and power. You are still in the process of strengthening your psychic skills and boundaries, of course, but when I ask how you’re doing with this, I see a jig-saw puzzle that is about 85% complete.

As for why you still have trouble discerning good spirits from bad, this is the last element of your sensitive psychic make-up that you’re working out. This is something very common in people who are psychically sensitive who have been raised in negative environments and have yet to fully embody their own higher natures. You see, when we grow up in negative or abusive households, or are generally surrounded by people of a low vibration, this low energy becomes ‘normal’ to us. The more we embody and surround ourselves with positive vibrations, the more obvious it will become when something negative enters the picture.

All of this vibration stuff is relative, of course. If you’re accustomed to living in an immaculate house where there is absolutely no clutter and everything is always in its place, then if you come home and there is new junk on the counters, tables and floors, you will immediately notice it and be disturbed by it. If, by contrast, you grew up in a pig sty where everything was always dirty, cluttered and chaotic, then new junk would probably blend in with the old, as would items of value.

Our spiritual vibrations are much like these houses. When we cultivate a very high, pure vibration all of the time, we naturally attract higher energies and entities and this becomes normal for us. Then if lower entities try to slip in when the door has been left open, we immediately notice it and know that we must take action by raising our vibration to clean our energy up.

There are lots of things you can do to cultivate a higher vibration as well as strong psychic boundaries. For more on this and related subjects, I recommend the following articles:

Developing a Strong Psychic Immune System 
Can One Be Open to Only Positive Spirits? 
Discerning the Source and Quality of Psychic Perceptions
Sorting Dark Spirits from Light and Other Confusing Psychic Matters
Spirits and Multiple Personality Disorder

I hope this column launches you toward new peace and personal power, my friend!

– Soul Arcanum




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