Tag Archive: premonitions

Premonitions of Death


Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m writing to you about a recent experience that has shaken me to the core. It began when I dreamed that my best friend died in an earthquake. In the dream, we had talked about going to South America together, but I couldn’t get off of work to go so she went by herself. I then saw on the news that there had been an earthquake where she was. I saw film of buildings falling and the earth rising up and turning things upside down. People were running in the streets, panicked and crying. Then I saw her picture on the news as one of those who had been killed. I woke up from this dream badly shaken. When I saw her the next day, I told her about it, and we had this intense moment when she looked in my eyes and said, “You know I love you too much to ever really leave you!” The strange thing is that we both teared up at the thought, and spent quite a while talking about our friendship and how much it has meant to us both over the years. Eventually, we started to laugh at how somber and silly we were being, dried our tears, and changed the subject. That was the last time I saw her. Five days later, she was killed in a car accident. She was 44 years old. In addition to the devastation of losing her, I am reeling because I am wondering why I had that dream and if I was supposed to somehow warn her or prevent her death. Why do you think I had this dream? Thank you so much.


Dear Diane

My heart goes out to you. I have heard many similar stories over the years and had a very moving experience like this of my own. In my experience, dreams and premonitions of loved ones dying are not usually preventive warnings but rather profound gifts meant to comfort and reassure us that there is a higher plan at work.

I’m going to share the most precious spiritual experience I’ve ever had with you here. I almost never talk or write about this simply because it is so sacred to me. This is also the experience that first made me wake up to the truth that there is more to “reality” than can be perceived with our physical senses.

At the time this happened, I had been dating my first love, Todd, for several years. The first time we met, we had both had that karmic feeling of encountering someone already deeply familiar to us, of time stopping and something profoundly important taking place. Though we were young, we just knew we were meant to be together. Thus began a long and beautiful romance.

Fast forward a couple of years to the last night I saw him. He had moved several hours away with his family, so I only got to see him about once a month when he came to visit me. The last night I saw him, the whole world seemed strange. We spent hours talking about our relationship. We were both overcome with feelings of grief though there was no apparent reason for us to feel that way. It felt like we were breaking up, but we weren’t. We were both deeply confused by this since we were not arguing or upset with each other or anything like that. He felt the same way, and we both spent a lot of time crying for no apparent reason.

I will never forget the last moments I spent with him. Since he had come in on the train, I was driving that night. When I dropped him off at his sister’s house where he was staying, he opened the passenger seat and slid out, all the while holding my hand. Though he was out of the car, he wouldn’t or couldn’t let go of me. Ever so slowly our hands began to slip apart. When our fingers at last separated, it felt like something had been severed; if that feeling had a sound, it would have been that of a door slamming shut.

I was overcome with confusion and feelings of grief and exhausted from feeling that way. I told myself we were being crazy, and I forced myself to put the car in reverse and back out of the driveway. I can still see him standing there, looking at me pull away. His eyes were telling me not to go; my eyes were telling him I didn’t know what else to do.

That was the last time I saw him, for two days later he died suddenly. While there were many other amazing things that happened after he died that totally rocked my concept of reality, the first thing that hit me was how that last night we had somehow known that we would not be seeing each other again. We weren’t breaking up; we were separating for who knows how long. There was absolutely no rational way for us to have known that, however.

Words can’t convey how much this experience means to me and how much it changed me. Suddenly I knew without a doubt that there must be a higher plan. Though he was only 18 years old, for some reason, he was destined to die when he did. I still tear up when I think about this, not so much because I miss him still, but because I feel so blessed to have had this experience and to know that death isn’t random and meaningless. I see so much beauty in this experience. I don’t know who blessed me with it – if it was him or God or a spirit guide or what. I don’t even know why I was blessed with it, though it certainly launched me on a spiritual quest, and is at the foundation of what has become an amazing career. I just know that it makes me feel profoundly loved and cared for on a deep soul level; it makes me feel part of something greater than anything I’ve known in the physical world.

I’ve shared this story with you because I feel this is what you’ve experienced yourself. Your earthquake dream was designed to bring you peace after your friend died. It was something you could look back to as a sign or message that her death was destined to happen. In the dream, she was going to a faraway place. You couldn’t go with her because you still have work to do here on Earth. The earthquake was symbolic of your world being turned upside down. I feel this represents both the loss of your friend and your whole spiritual belief system and understanding of the nature of life and death.

That last tearful conversation you had with your friend was your opportunity to say goodbye and express how much you loved each other. It was the conversation so many people long to have with someone they have lost; you got to have it before your friend died. It even included her telling you that she loves you too much to ever really leave you, by which she perhaps meant that she will always be with you on some level. This was a tremendous gift; I hope it brings you comfort and reassurance that your friend’s passing was no accident but rather part of a divine plan.

Soul Arcanum


The Purpose Behind Premonitions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I’m highly intuitive. Sometimes I experience dreams and premonitions that end up coming true. Sometimes these events are seemingly insignificant, while at other times they prove to be very important. My question is why do I get these images? What am I supposed to do with them between the time they come to me and when they occur? Usually they involve other people contacting me and other events over which I have little control.


Dear Sonia:

When we first start having psychic experiences, it’s normal to be amazed to see evidence of a higher plan at work and all sorts of things happening around us that we were previously unaware of. If we have a premonition of something happening and it actually occurs, we assume that the event was destined and therefore important. This revelation can be so mind-blowing that we begin to question the whole nature of reality and if everything we experience is meaningful.

People are often surprised when I say that our psychic senses are no more “important” than our physical senses – they are simply rooted in metaphysical dimensions of experience instead of the physical plane. If you look out your window and you see the mailman coming up your street, do you ask yourself why you’re seeing the mailman and what you’re supposed to do about it? If you push your cart toward the cash registers at the grocery store and you notice that all the lines are really long, do you wonder about the deeper meaning of that experience? I’m not trying to make fun of your question by any means; I’m just trying to illustrate that being able to perceive something doesn’t mean there is a deep message in it for us.

Many people assume that premonitions are meaningful because most people ONLY have psychic experiences when something important is happening. In fact, many people only have a few extraordinary experiences in their whole lives. Those experiences tend to involve warnings of danger, encounters with departed loved ones, or instant recognition of a soul mate/future spouse. As these are all highly charged, potentially life-changing events, many people assume that psychic experiences are designed to warn us of some potential harm or lead us toward some important choice or turning point.

Though people may assume that all psychic experiences are important or meaningful, the truth is that most people only have conscious psychic experiences when that input is so charged or intense that it breaks through their normal state of consciousness to get their attention.

In our everyday lives, it’s like we are totally engrossed in a television show about life on Earth. In fact, we are so absorbed that it’s hard for anything in the universe beyond this show to get our attention. A person’s mother (in Spirit) could be calling their name over and over, and they wouldn’t even blink. It would take a sudden loud noise like an alarm or someone jumping in front of the television to get their attention, and only then would they have the extraordinary experience of perceiving something from beyond the physical story of their lives – something “paranormal” or “supernatural.”

Psychics are different in that they aren’t so locked into that physical story on TV. Since they are very sensitive, they tend to keep the volume turned down on the set, which means they’re able to hear and see things around them that most people can’t. As a result of this, it’s much easier for metaphysical influences to get their attention. The more this sort of thing happens, the more psychics tend to look beyond the physical show instead of gazing right at the TV, and the more they look into the so-called unseen, the more they tend to see. When they learn how to “shift into an altered state of consciousness,” they turn away from the TV set and open up to whatever may be happening on a metaphysical level.

You’re like someone who is highly sensitive but is mainly focused on the TV. Though you’re not purposefully exploring the unseen world around you, you are picking up input from it. Like many people, you’ve assumed that you are receiving these impressions because someone or something must be trying to get your attention for a good reason.

However, just as is true when we are caught up in watching a television show, most of the things we might see and hear around us are just part of the metaphysical backdrop to this world. For example, when watching television, you may hear other people in the vicinity getting a snack from the kitchen and a lawn mower in the distance. In your peripheral vision, you may see birds flying by the window and neighbor kids running through your yard. Most people do perceive these things but they don’t do so on a conscious level because their conscious minds are so absorbed in what’s happening on TV. That you are aware of these things while the other people watching television with you are not just means that you’re more aware of subtle energies and influences.

Of course, there are times when something or someone is trying to get your attention, just as is true when you’re watching television and the phone rings or someone comes in the room to tell you something or ask you a question. These are the psychic experiences you have that seem to be important or meaningful.

So how can you tell the difference between a psychic event that is just background and a meaningful experience? The main thing is to pay attention to how you feel. The more important a psychic impression is, the more of an energetic charge it will carry. At one end of the spectrum, we have warnings of danger, which throw our entire being into hyper-alert mode and usually feel so compelling that we act on them without hesitation. At the other end of the spectrum, we have niggly little thoughts and feelings that simply let us know what’s happening beneath surface reality.

To determine what we’re “supposed to do” about the premonitions we may experience, it’s helpful to develop our abilities to the point where we can ask for more information and get clear answers. By intuitively asking why we’re receiving this information and if we’re supposed to do something in particular with it, we can make the most of our psychic senses.

Of course, at some point, this simply becomes impractical, for the deeper we move into psychic territory, the more psychic impressions we tend to receive. If every day is chock full of little visions and psychic impressions, it’s too hard to both fully engage in our physical life story and at the same time take in everything around it and dialogue with sources of intuitive guidance to determine if there is something important we may need to know.

This is why I recommend relying on how we feel and trusting that if there is something we need to pay attention to, we’ll be alerted by a strong feeling that something important is happening or soon to occur. Of course, when we do have a sense that something important is happening, it’s immeasurably helpful to have developed our abilities to the point where we can then ask what we’re supposed to do with that information. I therefore recommend that you dig into expanding your psychic senses so you can purposefully use them to interpret and work with the visions that come to you spontaneously.

Soul Arcanum

Tension Before Big Earthquake

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I had such a hard time the week or two before the big tsunami hit in Indonesia, and the period just following it. I just wasn’t myself. I didn’t feel well either, but I sense that this was not a medical problem, but rather a spiritual one. I was frequently dizzy, nauseous and disoriented, and I had wild nightmares. I’m wondering if this is related to the massive earthquake that caused the tsunami. While I’m not one to usually worry about “earth changes,” this time I was so personally affected that I’m kind of freaked out!
– Erica

Dear Erica:

As our bodies are naturally attuned to the Earth, all animals and humans are sensitive to some degree to the Earth’s energy, especially when it peaks or builds in tension as with earthquakes. Some people have experiences like this before every local earthquake, and every big one around the globe. The symptoms you experienced – dizziness, nausea and disorientation – are common ones. Others include mood swings, irritability, headaches/migraines, ringing tones or pressure in the ears, sleep disruptions, heart palpitations, anxiety, and physical pain in certain parts of the body.

It makes sense that bigger earthquakes would produce longer periods of tension and affect more people, and this was a whopper. In an article in the Montreal Gazette, I read that the total energy of the tsunami waves was greater than twice the total explosive energy used during all of World War II (including the two atomic bombs), but that even this was far less than the energy released in the earthquake itself. Further, NASA scientists have determined that this earthquake affected the Earth’s rotation, slightly altered the planet’s shape, and shifted the North Pole by centimeters. Given the magnitude of this event, I imagine everyone was affected to some degree either consciously or subconsciously.

While I’m not a scientist by any means, somewhere along the line I picked up a very simple model of the Earth’s energy patterns that has helped me to visualize what is happening with various phenomena such as earthquakes. Picture waves of energy that are in constant motion around and through the planet. These are like radio or sound waves. Via lightning and other means, the Earth is sort of cordlessly “plugged in” to the Sun, and thus the energy/power never stops flowing. The Earth is thus like a complex toy “top” that is constantly “on.”

As the Earth is “on” and spinning, it produces sort of a “hum.” That is the sound of the Earth. This “hum” is actually more like a symphony than a single note, however. While there is an overall “sound” to a symphony, if we listen very carefully, we can hear that there are actually many instruments and different notes playing, and the “song” is always changing, always in motion. Further, depending on where we stand in relationship to the symphony, it will sound different. In one spot we’ll hear more flute, while in another, we’ll hear more percussion, etc. Someone who is very sensitive and aware of this “music” will of course be able to discern the subtle differences in sound from one moment to another, and in one location versus another.

This has helped me to understand why and how every place in the world has its own unique feeling, and how places very far apart can feel similar to each other, and yet unique at the same time. The town I live in is a long way from Playa del Carmen, Mexico, and yet there is something similar about these two places. They’re not identical, but they have an overall “tone” that is comparable. This tone produces an atmosphere that is open, laid back and “groovy,” and very different from the energy of New York City, for example.

While there are places on Earth that usually “sound” light and sweet, and others that are generally deeper, darker or more “exciting,” there are also places where occasionally cymbals crash. Fault lines are places where energy peaks like this. (It is most likely the energy building in those areas that creates the fault line, as opposed to the fault line producing that energy.)

There are some people who are so consciously or biologically tuned in to the music of the Earth that they can sense a crescendo building toward a “storm” or earthquake. Animals are known to be able to predict storms like this. If, however, that symphony starts to play louder or with more tension/intensity than it has for a long time, as with the recent earthquake in Indonesia, even those of us who are normally not tuned in could be affected.

Imagine a stereo that is constantly “on” with the volume turned all the way down. Some people with extraordinary hearing might be able to pick up the hum of that stereo all the time, while the rest of us remain oblivious. If the volume is turned up just slightly, however, then those with sensitive hearing (sensitive people) would “hear it,” while those less sensitive might never notice a thing. If we have never heard a particular sound before, or perceive it at a less than conscious level, we might say, “What’s that noise?” and not figure out until the music peaked (the earthquake hit) that we were sensing the music of the Earth building toward a crescendo.

This is what I think caused the phenomena experienced by many sensitive people during the weeks surrounding the Indonesian earthquake. I am not usually affected by natural disasters around the globe, nor do I ever predict such things, and yet I and a remarkable number of the most sensitive people I know all experienced a period of extreme tension preceding and following this event, similar to what you describe.

The most common symptom reported to me was a very disturbed sleep pattern. Starting a few weeks before the earthquake, we would fall asleep only to awaken about an hour later, and then drift in and out of sleep all night long. We all experienced weeks of extreme irritability as well, though this could have been caused by a lack of sleep. There were other striking shared experiences, such as dealing with major health crises of family members. While at first glance it may seem unlikely that these were more than coincidence, perhaps extreme tension building in the Earth can throw people with fragile health into crisis.

Since an earthquake is basically the Earth releasing stress/tension, and as we’re all energetically interconnected, we might relate this build up of tension to our inner processes. As balance will ultimately prevail, when we allow stress and tension to build in our own lives, we will eventually erupt ourselves. When the Earth’s plates shift in an earthquake, we’re wise to ponder if we need to make a paradigm shift ourselves.

I recently visited a very gifted spiritual healer whose experiences with the earthquake energy mirrored my own, and she pointed out that somewhere along the line, we’d misplaced our “inner child.” This struck me as an important insight. The sleepless irritability so many of us experienced was indeed the antithesis of the playful, happy, carefree energy of a child. In any case, our discomfort did force us to reflect on our lives and what was going on, and to make some positive changes in our own energy.

When we pay attention to our bodies and our subtle senses like this, and start to understand how the Earth’s energy affects us, we see more and more meaning in our patterns of experience. Then we can consciously work with the wisdom of our bodies and natural spiritual law to create more of what we want in our lives.

– Soul Arcanum