money100When you think about money these days, how do you immediately feel? If you don’t instantly smile and feel at peace and at ease, this process is for you!

The news is full of alarmist stories about the economy, so it’s extra important to counter all of those negative messages with positive,empowering beliefs. If you look around, you will see many people prospering, and all sorts of delicious abundance constantly flowing in and through people’s lives. If you’ve been wanting more money in an easier, more comfortable, pleasurable orexhilarating way, then you must vibrationally align with that quality of experience. When you think about money and what you want in your life, it must become natural for you to smile and feel good. This tool is designed to help you let go of fear and struggle so you can relax and work with natural spiritual law to joyfully cultivate greater financial abundance in your life.

Please set aside about 20 minutes of quiet, uninterrupted time when you lie down, close your eyes, and really relax to get the most out of this process. :)