Tag Archive: bad luck

Can You Fire Your Spirit Guides for Poor Performance?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Can you ask for new and better spirit guides? I feel like my guides aren’t doing a very good job. I’m not getting anything I want in life and am going through all sorts of bad luck.


Dear Kevin:

I believe what you need is not new spirit guides but rather greater understanding of their role along with working knowledge of the law of attraction and how to step into your own divine power to create what you want in your life.

The first thing to understand is that your spirit guides are not responsible for what happens in your life. Let’s say that your life is a corporation. It sounds like you are viewing your guides as employees who are falling down on the job, when they are really more like consultants you can call upon to help you figure out how to build greater success and make things run more smoothly.

Though our spirit guides and angels are always available to us, they can’t and won’t step in without being asked to do so, for we always have free will. Further, whether we like it or not, we are all creating our own realities. Our guides’ role is not to take over or even make things happen for us, but to give us ideas on how we can do whatever must be done to fulfill our desires.

It’s my understanding that for the most part, we all have a guide that is with us from birth until death plus guides who come and go depending on what we are working on at any particular time. The bigger we live, the more guides we tend to have working with us. For example, someone who is settling for the same old job and relationship they entered into decades ago because they lack the faith and motivation to reach for something higher may not have any specialized guides working with them at all, while someone who is working as a healer of some kind could have a whole team of specialists guiding them through each day and working intensively with them at night in other dimensions of experience.

Our guides are always perfectly suited for us at any given time. While it’s true that we may sometimes get new guides, usually this is because we have changed or are about to embark on some special task, dream or goal. To use the business metaphor again, this is like having a traditional medical practice and deciding to switch to a holistic approach that emphasizes preventive medicine. When we open up to new experiences and endeavors, our needs may change, which can summon new help from Spirit. This means the more actively we pursue our own spiritual growth and go for our dreams, the more often we tend to experience a spiritual changing of the guards.

We can’t make this happen whenever we feel like it because we all come into life with certain goals and lessons we need to learn. In a way, we “earn” new guides and higher levels of experience by mastering whatever we’ve been working on. Once we grow and develop beyond what our current guides can do for us, we’ll be ready for new ones.

I have heard many stories from different spiritual seekers about new guides coming into their lives. I remember one woman who took up a disciplined practice of yoga and spiritual growth when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. One day not long after this, while meditating after an hour or so of yoga, she became mentally aware of an old Hindu wise man who was patiently waiting for her to notice him. When she acknowledged his presence, she was able to mentally dialogue with him, which is when she learned that he was a new guide sent to help her through a time of spiritual healing and exploration.

Sometimes, new guides move in just before transitions get into full swing. The more we are conscious of our guides in general, the more we’ll tend to be aware of such developments. Since I began working as a spiritual counselor decades ago, there have been a few times when I suddenly became aware of a new guide or group of guides during meditation, and each time, I got the sense that they had been there for a while, waiting for me to become ready to work with them in a more conscious way. Spirit is always aware of what we need before we become aware of it ourselves. Since our guides are always leading us forward, new guides tend to show up before we become aware of why they may be needed. Whether we are aware of them before moving into new spiritual territory or not largely depends on how psychically aware we are of what is happening on this level of experience.

If you’re not happy with the way your life is going, it could actually be because you are blaming your guides! You didn’t describe your relationship with your guides and whether you are consciously working with them at all, but if you are aware of guides and they seem to be leading you astray, you’re probably being influenced by metaphysical beings who are not guides at all. It is important to always test any spirits we interact with; we do this in part by evaluating how they make us feel and how sound and helpful their guidance proves to be. If you are listening to and acting on the suggestions of spirits and it is not going well for you, you can be sure you’re dealing with lower level entities and not divine helpers.

Further, whenever we blame anything outside of ourselves for how we feel and how things are going, we give away our power to create what we want in our lives. In blaming your guides for your bad luck, you are disempowering yourself and keeping yourself down. To turn things around, you’ll have to take responsibility for how you feel and begin to consciously work with the law of attraction. You’ll also have to pull yourself out of this emotional slump and cultivate a higher vibration so you can hear your true guides and work with them to create a higher level of experience. I’ve written a great deal on how to cultivate a high vibration. For starters, check out Raising Your Vibration for Spirit Communication.

If you want things to go smoothly and your dreams to come true, you’ll have to shift out of this passive approach in which you expect your guides to take care of things for you, and become willing to do “the work.” Engaging in regular spiritual practice like yoga and meditation will help you gain control of your vibration and become more open and receptive to Spirit’s guidance. You’ll also want to consciously ask for Spirit’s help: pray to your guides to send you signs and pay attention to your intuition. The more you meditate and ask questions within, the more guidance you’ll receive and the better things will tend to go. If there are any issues or wounds from the past that need healing, you will be led back to them again and again in the form of problems until you fully resolve them, so make sure you are doing all you can to cultivate peace, wisdom, and inner purity.

Finally, I recommend you reach for a more grateful, friendly attitude toward your guides. Instead of fantasizing about firing them for poor performance, recognize that they have been available to help you all along, and have done many wonderful things for you that you didn’t know were attributable to them. Though spirit guides are beyond getting angry or upset, it is nevertheless wise to remain thankful for all the help, guidance and support that is always available to us.

Soul Arcanum

When You’re the Source of Your Home’s Negative Energy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I recently read your response to the woman who was concerned about negative energy in a house she was buying. Your advice to her makes a lot of sense. I have an important question: What if I am the one responsible for the negative energy in my own home? I’ve had a lot of things pulled out from under me over the past few years and I’m in the process of rebuilding my life. I’ve focused on the losses too much and I’ve become negative. My boyfriend of six years has been very mean to me at times. He does not live here but we have had terrible fights in my home. He has kicked holes in walls and broken items that belong to me, etc. At one point, he participated in a program and things were better, but from time to time, he has bad spells and there is a lot of negativity. Because of him, I’ve allowed myself to gradually slip from a confident, energetic, positive person into someone quite different. I get depressed and have to work my way out of it. I stopped putting up with his bad behavior: When he can’t treat me well, I refuse to spend time with him. I’m not sure where our relationship will lead, but in the mean time, I’ve been trying to get back to the person I used to be. It is very difficult. I have sometimes wondered if all of those terrible, traumatic fights have hung themselves on these walls. Does that make sense? I don’t feel happy in my house. Even though my boyfriend’s behavior has been the cause of all the bad times, I feel responsible because I allowed it to happen in my home. I even feel guilty sometimes. This is why I believe I am the cause. I would love to hear from you.


Dear Gail:

It is true that the events that happen in a place contribute to the psychic atmosphere there. The more emotionally intense an incident, the stronger the impression it leaves. This is sort of like dealing with a physical mess: if someone comes in and tracks dust on the floor, it will make your house a bit dirty until it’s cleaned up, but if someone comes in and splashes red and black paint all over the walls, that mess is going to leave a much more ugly, long lasting stain.

While there are deeper issues at work here, it won’t hurt to psychically cleanse your home of negativity and fill it with positive energy. This is similar to taking a shower in order to clear away the grime of the past and refresh yourself. Many intuitive counselors and healers cleanse the psychic atmospheres of their homes and work spaces as often as they clean them on a physical level. Anger, depression and emotional upset attract lower astral entities much like letting garbage sit around attracts roaches; to get rid of pests and all the problems they can cause, we have to regularly take the garbage out both physically and spiritually.

That being said, you are wise to ponder your energy’s ongoing impact on your home’s atmosphere, for it is the people who spend the most time in a place that tend to determine its overall vibration. However, when someone’s energy is very strong, they will have a greater influence on the places and people around them than someone whose lifeforce is weaker. Thus one angry or depressed teenager with surging hormones can disrupt a whole household, and conversely, a gifted energy healer can draw others up into resonance with her own vibrant well-being.

During your boyfriend’s rages, he is channeling very intense energy. It’s obvious that over the past six years, he has had more influence over you than he deserves. I can see that you are in the process of taking your power back, and this is just what needs to happen if you are to have your desire for greater peace and happiness prevail despite his anger issues.

It’s also important to realize that the more one works on a conscious level to psychically influence other people or places, the more powerful the results tend to be. This is why having someone cleanse and bless a home can lead to instant transformation, and also why places where Satanic rituals have been practiced tend to feel very dark and creepy. This means that you can create a positive psychic atmosphere in your home by making your own energy more positive, especially if you set a conscious intention to create a peaceful, uplifting sanctuary. Whether you approach this on a conscious level or not, as YOU change, the atmosphere in your home will naturally change with you. The more you take constructive action to feel better about yourself and your life, the better your home’s atmosphere will feel.

The world around us is a reflection of the world inside of us. The more happy and peaceful you are on the inside, the more happy and peaceful your outer circumstances will tend to grow, and the more you will tend to attract people who mirror your loving, positive vibes. I therefore think you’d be wise to focus first and foremost on the source of your personal reality – your inner landscape. With this in mind, I encourage you to keep doing all you can to empower yourself, heal and release the past, and cultivate how you want to feel and who you want to be.

A very wise spiritual teacher I studied with for years frequently urged her students to “Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comforted.” There are lots of ways to interpret this sage advice, but I’ll put it this way: some people always blame others for their problems instead of taking an honest look at themselves, while others go to the other extreme and always blame themselves even for things that are not their fault. I feel you fall in this latter category!

The main underlying theme that jumps out at me from your question is the truth that you are on a journey to a better relationship to YOURSELF. This troubled situation you have with your boyfriend is just a channel through which you are working on learning to love and appreciate yourself more deeply. That you would blame yourself for his behavior is one clear sign that what you need most of all is to feel you deserve peace, love and happiness.

Though most of us have been raised to believe that we get what we deserve in life, the truth is that we get what we THINK we deserve. When you believe you deserve better down deep in your soul, everything in your life will grow brighter. You will either attract a better match or your boyfriend will become the man you need him to be; your home will begin to glow with the beautiful light of your own inner harmony and self-love; every corner of your world will become more pleasant and beautiful.

I encourage you to stop blaming yourself or anyone else for the way things have gone in the past and the way your world feels now. Instead, examine your journey for what it is trying to teach you. If you learn whatever you are supposed to be learning from this troubled relationship and you heal whatever issues are keeping it alive in your life, you will set yourself free to move on to new and hopefully more pleasant territory.

– Soul Arcanum