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Dear Soul Arcanum:

I read your chakra cleansing and charging exercise a while back, and I love it. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now. I just have one question. I’ve read other places that you should always close your chakras after working on them, but you don’t mention this. Isn’t it important to close the chakras after opening them?

Dear P.:

Thanks for this question! I’ve received it in one form or another a number of times over the years, and it seems to be a matter of some controversy.

Chakras are energy vortices through which life force flows through our beings. There are seven major chakras, and each governs energy of a different range or vibration. The lower the vibration, the more “physical” the energy; similarly, the higher the vibration, the more “non-physical” or “spiritual” the energy. In this way, different chakras correspond to different aspects of our being, from our physical bodies to our feelings, thoughts and connection to the Divine. As I have only limited space here, I won’t go any further into basic chakra information, which can be found in abundance on the internet.

When chakras are “open,” they are freely channeling life force energy from the Universe through our beings. The more open they are, the more energy is flowing. Imagine that being “open” here is not an all or nothing state – we can be closed, open, and anywhere in between. When we feel very “open,” that is a good indication that our chakras are open – we are open to expressing ourselves, receiving input and experiencing whatever comes our way. When we experience fear or pain, we often “shut down” or close ourselves off from the potential for further discomfort, and in this way, we close down the chakras involved to various degrees.

We can consciously “open” our chakras, clear away the “baggage” and debris of “negative” experiences, and “charge” them up so that they channel more energy. This is what is meant by “working on chakras.” There are some spiritual teachers who say that we should always close the chakras after working on them, for when they’re open, we are “open to” negative energies in our environments. We may then be easily influenced by others, drained of our energy, or vulnerable to “psychic attack.”

My own views on this are based on my studies and training and also on my intuitive sense of truth. In my view, it is wise to simply open the chakras and to assume that one is always safe from negative influences. If you’re at a point in your spiritual development where you’re consciously working on tuning up your own energy, then you are probably intuitive enough to modulate your energy according to your needs as you move through life. Your vibration is probably also high enough to keep you above most negativity. I have never tried to close my chakras, and have not suffered any ill effects.

It is true that when we are open to everything, we have to process a great deal of energy and information. I call this being “awake.” Yes, discomfort and confusion will arise, but that’s preferable to sleepwalking through life. Instead of just shrugging off experiences we don’t understand, we chew on them, work through them and seek understanding of them. It’s a lot of work, but that’s the whole point: to be awake and evolving a sense of understanding about the nature of life.

Should you open your chakras and then not be able to deal with negative energies in your environment, you would experience pain and discomfort, and then your chakras would start to close down naturally. Keeping our chakras closed on purpose to “protect ourselves” from negative energies is a bit like walking around with our eyes closed, just in case something might blow into them.

Even people who have never even heard the word charka are naturally repairing and rebalancing chakras all the time. Let’s say that Mark was very focused on getting a Ph.D., and spending all his time thinking, studying, learning, etc. He’d start to feel unbalanced, like he needed more physical exercise and more love and emotional connection. His solar plexus, throat and third eye chakras would likely be far more developed and open than his root, sacral and heart chakras. If he told himself he didn’t have time to make changes, he’d get more and more uncomfortable. This is how disease and depression develop. As he honored his need for other experiences, the chakras would naturally balance.

When we are in balance, we experience a sense of well-being. Think about how it would feel to have the right amount of everything in your life: physical exercise, sexual fulfillment, personal accomplishment, love and support, creative expression, intellectual stimulation, connection to the Divine.

To get a feel yourself for how your chakras are functioning, just ask yourself the following questions. The more you answer “yes,” the more open the corresponding chakra probably is. If you see “weak” points here, you can simply focus consciously on developing that area of your life in order to achieve better balance.

Root chakra: Do I feel physically vibrant, healthy, and powerful in the world? Do I feel at home here? Do I feel like I belong? Do I have a strong desire to live? Do I love and appreciate my body as a wonderful treasure? Am I a high energy person, moving boldly through life?

Sacral chakra: Do I have a strong, healthy sex drive? Do I feel sexually confident and fulfilled? Can I express myself sexually, and give and receive pleasure? Does expressing myself creatively feel wonderful and fulfilling?

Solar plexus: Do I know what I want, and feel confident about being able to manifest it? Can I make decisions and act upon them? Am I aware of my emotions and able to control them? Am I able to mentally sort through and resolve my feelings? Am I emotionally fulfilled?

Heart chakra: Do I have fulfilling, healthy relationships? Do I love myself, friends and family, and have a strong sense of compassion for all living beings? Can I accept others as they are, without needing them to change? Do I expect the best from people, and look for the best in them? Am I good at cooperating? Can I stay in the moment and surrender outcomes to the Universe?

Throat chakra: Can I express myself with skill and ease? Do I do the practical things I need to do in order to be healthy, happy and successful? Do I take responsibility for my life instead of blaming others for my problems and expecting others to take care of me? Do I strive to do my best, and do I feel worthy of rewards or compensation for my efforts? Do I have enough faith in myself to take risks, embrace challenges, and create avenues for fulfillment?

Third eye: Am I mentally sharp and able to figure things out? Do I have lots of creative ideas, and the habit of taking the necessary steps to make them reality? Do answers or insights come to me as I mentally try to understand things? Am I able to visualize my goals and dreams? Do I set realistic, attainable goals? Do my experiences support and validate my beliefs about life?

Crown chakra: Do I feel like I’m part of something vast and wonderful? Do I feel connected to God/ Spirit/ the Universe, and feel that my life has a purpose? Am I able to view myself honestly, and to ferret out the lessons in my experiences in order to develop wisdom?

As you work with your chakras, I encourage you to do whatever your intuition tells you is best for you. If you assume that your higher self will naturally guide you in maintaining balance, then you can focus on just opening up to life and developing an ever greater capacity for joy, well-being and personal power.

Finally, there is a great guided Chakra Clearing and Charging Meditation in Soul Arcanum’s Spiritual Toolbox that you may want to check out.

– Soul Arcanum

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