Tag Archive: psychic attack

Battling Dark or Hateful Impulses

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Do you ever get sudden impulses to do bad things? Sometimes, particularly when I’m on the internet, I get a sudden impulse to do or say something. I have an online journal wherein I try to understand myself and my deepest motives better. I know that the people who read my journal can be affected by it, as I notice ripple effects. For example, I make a hateful post about something, and then the next day several other people are complaining and being really negative.

Because of this ripple effect, I’ve gotten much more careful about what I say and why I say it, but sometimes I still get impulses to say harsh or extreme things and I go with it, not knowing why. It’s very important to me to do the right thing, so often after I act on those impulses, I start to feel really uncomfortable and wonder why I did that. Do you have insights into this?
– N.


You’re wrestling in a battle between your lower and higher natures, which I’ll call the ego and the higher self here. This is something everyone on the planet is struggling with. As we become more spiritually aware, we become more conscious of this struggle, and as you described, it becomes more important to us to do the right thing.

Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect, which can lead to a backlash. It’s like when I go into a store full of breakable objects, and I get so tense about accidentally breaking something that sometimes I have the impulse to just thrash around wildly. (I never do that of course, but this is a good example of the tension we create when we put a lot of pressure on ourselves.)

The ego will also start to freak out as we evolve spiritually and the higher self gains ground, and when the ego is really taking a licking, it may begin to thrash around like a drowning man desperate to save himself.

Picture your being as a very important group, and for years and years, Ego has been its leader. Ego has determined the general direction for the group and had the ultimate say in things. All along, of course, Higher Self has sat quietly in the background, gently interjecting now and then as the voice of your conscience, slipping in wise, positive suggestions to try to keep everyone on track.

There have been countless debates between Ego and Higher Self, wherein Ego would shout about strategy and protecting the group’s interests, while Higher Self would calmly respond with suggestions to relax, trust, forgive, reach out, be kind, etc. At some point, the group began to listen more and more to Higher Self, and many members nominated him to be the new group leader.

Now when Ego raises his hand, he’s usually ignored, so he’s begun to leap up in outbursts of frustration, trying to get some attention and hold on to his former power. Despite how crazy he’s acting, now and then he manages to stir up a lot of fear in the group, and gets them to go along with one of his desperate plans. After everyone calms down, they realize they’ve been misled again, and they wonder why they keep listening to this guy.

This is mainly what you’re dealing with here: you’ve grown a lot recently, and are in the process of consciously aligning with your higher self. Your ego is fighting for its life, for when we ultimately realize the truth that we are all one and we reunite with Source, the ego ceases to exist.

This is all part of the universal battle between good and evil, which is quite real despite what many lovely New Age folks will tell you. If there was nothing but love and light, we’d all just be floating around in a state of perpetual bliss. Everything has a shadow side or opposite, and life itself springs from the tension born of this contrast.

So what you’re struggling with is wonderful fertilizer for spiritual growth. Without the temptation to be bad, how could we strive to be good? Without the temptation to be hateful, how could we learn to be loving? Everyone on the planet is wrestling with the same issues and temptations. The question of the hour is which will YOU choose?

Beyond this personal level, we’re all virtual pioneers trying to sort out all sorts of unprecedented challenges and opportunities. The world is racing along faster than ever before in history. We can connect with strangers in every corner of the globe, and information can travel around the planet at the click of a button now.

Because of this pace, we can learn and experience more in this lifetime than we could in many lifetimes in other historic periods. We can do more good but we can also do more damage. For example, with the flip of one switch, some crazy guy could cause global nuclear disaster. At the same time, anyone with a computer and a bold vision can unite the world in love and compassion. Everything has shifted upward toward the etheric or virtual realm where we have more power to affect other people through metaphysical means than ever before, and with that power comes great responsibility.

Picture that your personal power is like a fire: if you control it and use it for positive purposes, such as warming a house or cooking nourishing food, your fire can do a lot of good. If you don’t control it, however, it can cause a lot of damage.

Further, let’s say that dark forces are like water. They like things cold, dark and wet, not bright, warm and toasty, so their natural goal is to put your divine fire out. As your fire grows bigger and brighter, it becomes more of a target for dark forces, so you have to tend it more carefully.

When we consciously cultivate a high vibration and we develop the habit of using self-discipline to rise above the ego’s temptations, it becomes normal for us to stay centered in the higher self. We then notice immediately if our light begins to dim, and when we stoke it up bright and hot again, it naturally drives dark shadows away. What many earnest seekers fail to realize, however, is that you can’t scold or punish yourself into a high vibration – you have to love your way there.

So when we combine the power of modern technology with the personal power gained through spiritual growth, we’re dealing with a lot of power and the need for a lot of responsibility. Our thoughts, feelings and words can affect people around the world in an instant, and as you noted, this can ripple out and affect the whole planet.

I encourage you to recognize how powerful you are and to make a conscious choice about how you want to use that power. You might scrap the online journal you’ve had going or transform it into a new blog with a higher intention. Instead posting whatever thoughts or feelings come up for the world to see, you could consciously cultivate something beautiful and bright with divine love.

– Soul Arcanum

Are Sexual Fantasies a Form of Psychic Harassment?

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

In the past I engaged in astral sex: by focusing my energy on someone, I would have intense sexual experiences. This was amplified by the use of drugs, and now that I’ve quit using, I find I can still make these connections but in a far less powerful way. Now I want to discontinue doing this because it doesn’t feel right anymore. When I try to draw the line, however, I am discovering that just having an ordinary sexual fantasy about someone connects me to them in an energetic way. I’m starting to think it’s impossible to avoid having energetic experiences with other people. What do you think? I’ve also discovered I need to work on my relationship to the divine as it expresses itself in a feminine way. During the time when I was discovering sexual energy projection, I journeyed into disrespectful and degrading attitudes. I am working on changing that, and am seeking others’ forgiveness for my past behaviors.
– L.

Dear L.:

If the past behaviors you’re seeking forgiveness for are non-physical in nature (such as fantasies about other people), then you need do nothing but choose to think in new ways and forgive yourself. If it makes you feel better, you can mentally apologize to the people you feel you’ve wronged and ask them to forgive you. (To speak to them directly would probably really freak them out, which would do more harm than good.)

Regarding your current dilemma, you are absolutely right: it is impossible to avoid interacting energetically with others, for we are in constant energetic interaction with everyone around us. Every time we think of someone, we send them energy. In fact, even if you were to have a fantasy about some imaginary person, you would be interacting with a being in some dimension.

You can, however, resolve your worries telepathically. In becoming aware of auric exchanges, you are moving into some deep psychic territory, and you will have to develop some new psychic skills anyway. If you find yourself fantasizing about someone, and you’re not sure if this is okay, you can simply (mentally!) ask them for permission to continue. Think about it: if you can affect them with your sexual “fantasies,” surely you can also affect them with a soulful “fantasy” conversation.

Now let’s explore sex and spirituality and what a complicated subject this has become for us all. I believe we can tell a great deal about our relationship to life (and “God”) from our attitude toward sex. People who have yet to develop conscious spiritual awareness tend to be rather animalistic in their approach to sex. As we evolve spiritually, we seek physical release less and emotional union more. At first, we seek this union in another person; in time, however, we realize that what we really long for is union with the Divine.

There is a reason why highly spiritual people often turn to practices like celibacy and tantra. At first glance, these may seem totally unrelated, but such choices reflect awareness that sexual energy is powerful and can be harnessed toward spiritual aims.

Unfortunately, our evolutionary journey in relationship to sex is not simply a matter of how we express our desires. Because sex is so important and so powerful, mankind has developed all sorts of ways to try to control it, from harsh laws and religious edicts to the insidious psychological weapon of shame and social rejection. Depending on how we’ve been socialized, we all have various degrees of awakening and healing to accomplish regarding sexual energy. Most of us have been taught to believe that sex is dirty, sexual desire is wrong, and even our bodies are somehow shameful. Repression eventually becomes obsession, whether we’re obsessed with having sex or with NOT having it.

In backlash to all that control, many people now choose to believe that sex can be purely recreational – that we don’t have to exert any self-control so long as we practice good hygiene. Of course, this careless approach breeds all sorts of emotional, spiritual, social and economic issues.

As with anything else that brings us great pleasure, sex is also easy to get addicted to or obsessed with. This is when it begins to rule us and we surrender our freedom to choose wisely. If we can’t control our sexual thoughts and feelings in addition to our sexual acts, we can become addicted, and may become earthbound by our desires when we depart this world. This is why great spiritual teachers have warned us against lust: it’s not because sex is inherently evil, but because it is so enticing that it’s easy to lose our heads about it.

Like all energy, sexual energy can be directed and redirected, stored and released, but it can’t be destroyed. When it is repressed, it will seek some sort of outlet. The greater the tension between sexual energy and the forces trying to repress it, the more twisted it may become as it seeks an outlet for expression.

What you call “degrading” in your question others might call perverted, which simply means distorted or unnatural. Thus sex that is perverse or degrading involves the distortion of whatever would be natural for us if we didn’t have so many artificial ideas about it. This sort of perversion is now pervasive and self-perpetuating: it has become yet another thing we inherit from our cultures if we’re not conscious enough to choose something higher for ourselves.

Of course, conscious awareness is the key to making wise choices on any path. This involves knowing why we want what we want, why we do what we do, and how what we choose may affect other people. Without such awareness, we can’t purposefully cultivate the quality of experience we most value.

To have a healthy relationship to sexual energy, we must recognize it as a normal, natural, beautiful expression of life and love. We must also remain in control of our own thoughts and impulses, and carry the basic intention of loving ourselves and others.

You are at a natural turning point in your own evolution: you’re waking up to all the cultural issues you’ve absorbed about sex, and are in the process of making some new conscious choices for yourself. This is very positive, for it is only in aligning with the loving heart of sexual desire that we are freed from compulsion and empowered to manifest true fulfillment.

The simplest advice I can give you is just to LOVE: Cultivate loving thoughts, send loving energies, and choose whatever is most loving when you’re not sure what to do, and you can’t go wrong. If you are just sending love and appreciation to others and you end up in blissful sexual fantasies about them, then you are making love to the Universe, my friend – and there is nothing wrong with that!

– Soul Arcanum

The Evil Eye and Auric Interactions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My family has all sorts of superstitions that I’ve always thought were crazy. At the same time, however, part of me has always wondered if maybe there is something to them. For example, my grandmother was forever blaming all sorts of problems on what she called the “evil eye.” (I could tell you lots of wild stories!) Anyway, do you think the evil eye is real? Is it possible to harm another person on some level just by looking at them?
– Effie

Dear Effie:

The evil eye is a common superstition in Arab and European countries, especially around the area of the Mediterranean. However, the understanding that ill will can be communicated via a look is universal. Let’s deal with the superstition first.

The basic idea behind the evil eye is that one person can curse another person by simply envying them. Most people believe that this harm is not intentional. It seems to arise from the idea that in drawing attention to someone’s blessing, God may realize He’s made a mistake or that things aren’t “fair” somehow, and take that blessing away.

From a metaphysical perspective, there is of course no need for us to hide our blessings for fear they will be taken away from us, and in fact, that sort of fear is counter-productive. Most of us can appreciate the psychological issues behind such superstitions, however, for we’ve all been the uncomfortable objects of envy. If someone who couldn’t have a child praised my beautiful baby, I would naturally feel sorry for her and empathize by imagining myself in her place. If we are in any way doubtful of our worthiness of such a blessing, it’s natural to think we’d better hide our good fortune lest someone take it away.

Perhaps this sort of thinking arises in childhood, when parents strive to be fair to siblings. If one sibling has something like a new toy or candy, he may be made to share it with his brothers and sisters. Also, children often find things they treasure but should not have, and when their parents find out, they take those things away. To protect their treasures, children often learn to hide them.

We must also remember that folklore arises to answer questions to which there are no other answers available. For example, babies and small children tend to get sick a lot. Back when there was no medical explanation for most illnesses, people looked to supernatural causes because they were desperate to be able to do something to save their children from harm.

There are all sorts of strange rituals, charms and so-called cures for the evil eye, which you can research elsewhere if you’re interested. I do think it’s interesting to note that these remedies reveal a basic awareness of the fact that our auras can be affected by others’ energy. When we believe we are protected, our vibration is high, and for this reason alone, using a charm or ritual could protect us. Further, charms for protection are often mirrored surfaces or look like eyes, as they are designed to reflect and return the energy in the sender’s gaze. This suggests basic understanding of karma, and how it is wiser to “turn the other cheek” than to go on the offensive. Other remedies for the evil eye involve auric cleansing techniques. For example, in some places children are smudged with smoke when they return from being in public.

As for whether or not there is any spiritual basis for these superstitions, we all know that looks can be unsettling and unnerving. While some looks obviously contain some sort of threat, most of us don’t like to be stared at, and some looks really give us the creeps. The common saying, “if looks could kill” suggests we are aware of the malevolent quality of some looks, and grateful that they can only affect us on a non-physical level.

Most women are familiar with the energetic feeling of being “checked out” or leered at by a man. One of the first auric interactions I ever witnessed clairvoyantly involved such a situation. I was picking up a friend who lived in a college co-op. She hadn’t eaten dinner yet, so I agreed to wait while she grabbed a quick meal with her housemates. I was sitting in the back of the dining room when I saw a young man enter. Her back was to him, and as I saw him look at her, I actually saw this red, murky energy flow out from his aura toward her. When it got close to her, all of a sudden she turned around and looked right at him with an angry look on her face.

This so surprised me that I lost my clairvoyant connection. Later I told her what I’d seen, and she was amazed by it. She then explained how that young man had been sexually harassing her for a while, and gave her the creeps!

This experience demonstrated how we sense when someone is looking at us: they actually send energy out to our auras. It also explained how we can sense things about people, like whether they are safe or dangerous, sincere or dishonest, and all sorts of other information. Regardless of what they may do or say, when we interact with other people, our auras are communicating on a deeper level.

We can send energy to someone by focusing on them mentally, but it’s more powerful to be able to focus on them visually as well. By focusing our gaze on someone with emotion, we can communicate all sorts of things from anger, threats or rejection to sincere interest, sexual attraction and love.

Further, when two or more people are together, natural spiritual law causes them to entrain to the vibration of the person with the strongest energy field. This person has the most “power” both in terms of life force and interpersonal dynamics. This does not mean that person is the most “enlightened.” If such a person has a very positive, warm vibration, others will find him attractive. If such a person has a negative or destructive vibration, people will naturally tend to fear him.

People with strong life force energy radiate that power in many ways, and one key way is through their eyes, which tend to be striking, penetrating or beautiful. It thus makes sense that when we are around someone of a lower vibration who has more powerful chi than we do, we will feel threatened by their energy, and try to avoid interacting with them in any way.

Please don’t let these ideas worry you, for we have been dealing with these auric interactions our whole lives with the help of our wonderful inner guidance systems. Our instincts make us aware of what is happening on an auric level, so all we need to do is listen to our intuition and act accordingly.

– Soul Arcanum

The Evil Eye and Auric Interactions

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

My family has all sorts of superstitions that I’ve always thought were crazy. At the same time, however, part of me has always wondered if maybe there is something to them. For example, my grandmother was forever blaming all sorts of problems on what she called the “evil eye.” (I could tell you lots of wild stories!) Anyway, do you think the evil eye is real? Is it possible to harm another person on some level just by looking at them?
– Effie

Dear Effie:

The evil eye is a common superstition in Arab and European countries, especially around the area of the Mediterranean. However, the understanding that ill will can be communicated via a look is universal. Let’s deal with the superstition first.

The basic idea behind the evil eye is that one person can curse another person by simply envying them. Most people believe that this harm is not intentional. It seems to arise from the idea that in drawing attention to someone’s blessing, God may realize He’s made a mistake or that things aren’t “fair” somehow, and take that blessing away.

From a metaphysical perspective, there is of course no need for us to hide our blessings for fear they will be taken away from us, and in fact, that sort of fear is counter-productive. Most of us can appreciate the psychological issues behind such superstitions, however, for we’ve all been the uncomfortable objects of envy. If someone who couldn’t have a child praised my beautiful baby, I would naturally feel sorry for her and empathize by imagining myself in her place. If we are in any way doubtful of our worthiness of such a blessing, it’s natural to think we’d better hide our good fortune lest someone take it away.

Perhaps this sort of thinking arises in childhood, when parents strive to be fair to siblings. If one sibling has something like a new toy or candy, he may be made to share it with his brothers and sisters. Also, children often find things they treasure but should not have, and when their parents find out, they take those things away. To protect their treasures, children often learn to hide them.

We must also remember that folklore arises to answer questions to which there are no other answers available. For example, babies and small children tend to get sick a lot. Back when there was no medical explanation for most illnesses, people looked to supernatural causes because they were desperate to be able to do something to save their children from harm.

There are all sorts of strange rituals, charms and so-called cures for the evil eye, which you can research elsewhere if you’re interested. I do think it’s interesting to note that these remedies reveal a basic awareness of the fact that our auras can be affected by others’ energy. When we believe we are protected, our vibration is high, and for this reason alone, using a charm or ritual could protect us. Further, charms for protection are often mirrored surfaces or look like eyes, as they are designed to reflect and return the energy in the sender’s gaze. This suggests basic understanding of karma, and how it is wiser to “turn the other cheek” than to go on the offensive. Other remedies for the evil eye involve auric cleansing techniques. For example, in some places children are smudged with smoke when they return from being in public.

As for whether or not there is any spiritual basis for these superstitions, we all know that looks can be unsettling and unnerving. While some looks obviously contain some sort of threat, most of us don’t like to be stared at, and some looks really give us the creeps. The common saying, “if looks could kill” suggests we are aware of the malevolent quality of some looks, and grateful that they can only affect us on a non-physical level.

Most women are familiar with the energetic feeling of being “checked out” or leered at by a man. One of the first auric interactions I ever witnessed clairvoyantly involved such a situation. I was picking up a friend who lived in a college co-op. She hadn’t eaten dinner yet, so I agreed to wait while she grabbed a quick meal with her housemates. I was sitting in the back of the dining room when I saw a young man enter. Her back was to him, and as I saw him look at her, I actually saw this red, murky energy flow out from his aura toward her. When it got close to her, all of a sudden she turned around and looked right at him with an angry look on her face.

This so surprised me that I lost my clairvoyant connection. Later I told her what I’d seen, and she was amazed by it. She then explained how that young man had been sexually harassing her for a while, and gave her the creeps!

This experience demonstrated how we sense when someone is looking at us: they actually send energy out to our auras. It also explained how we can sense things about people, like whether they are safe or dangerous, sincere or dishonest, and all sorts of other information. Regardless of what they may do or say, when we interact with other people, our auras are communicating on a deeper level.

We can send energy to someone by focusing on them mentally, but it’s more powerful to be able to focus on them visually as well. By focusing our gaze on someone with emotion, we can communicate all sorts of things from anger, threats or rejection to sincere interest, sexual attraction and love.

Further, when two or more people are together, natural spiritual law causes them to entrain to the vibration of the person with the strongest energy field. This person has the most “power” both in terms of life force and interpersonal dynamics. This does not mean that person is the most “enlightened.” If such a person has a very positive, warm vibration, others will find him attractive. If such a person has a negative or destructive vibration, people will naturally tend to fear him.

People with strong life force energy radiate that power in many ways, and one key way is through their eyes, which tend to be striking, penetrating or beautiful. It thus makes sense that when we are around someone of a lower vibration who has more powerful chi than we do, we will feel threatened by their energy, and try to avoid interacting with them in any way.

Please don’t let these ideas worry you, for we have been dealing with these auric interactions our whole lives with the help of our wonderful inner guidance systems. Our instincts make us aware of what is happening on an auric level, so all we need to do is listen to our intuition and act accordingly.

– Soul Arcanum