Tag Archive: crisis

A Spiritual Response to Global Crises

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I feel so unsettled these days because of the crisis in Japan. How do you feel about this? Are we going to get through this? 


Dear Ka:

Please note that I do not intend to make light of the situation in Japan or human suffering in general. My heart goes out to those who have lost their loved ones, homes and businesses in this tragedy, and to all who face an uncertain future – which includes you and me, my friend. However, in asking for my opinion, I assume that you are seeking a higher spiritual perspective on all of this. From this higher spiritual perspective, I can see that all is well and that there are valuable lessons and opportunities in this situation.

The reason you are feeling uneasy is because the whole world is feeling uneasy. Your unsettled feelings belie the fact that we are all connected; what happens to one happens to all on some level. This is perhaps the greatest lesson humanity is in the process of learning right now.

We live in exciting times. It wasn’t that long ago that an earthquake could have devastated Japan and only those present would have known about it. Now we are all connected on more than a spiritual level; we instantly receive news of what is happening across the globe in vivid, full-color images. Further, given nuclear technology, what happens in other parts of the world could have a devastating effect on us here.

I believe that what we see happening on a physical level mirrors what is happening on a spiritual level, and that the political and ecological problems we are facing arise from an inner spiritual crisis. When we began to question and reject organized religion, we lost more than just false beliefs and illusions: most of us also lost all sense of the sacred. This created a hole in the soul of the world and left many people spiritually adrift. It also encouraged the abuse of the planet and other people, for if nothing has meaning, then life becomes entirely materialistic. It’s then every person/country for itself in a race to gobble up as many resources as possible before someone else gets there.

To me it just makes sense that in order to address the crises we see in our outer experience, we must look to what is happening on an inner level. For one thing, it is from the inside that we make decisions: it is our values that determine how we treat the planet and each other.  Further, the seeds of physical existence are planted metaphysically; the state of the physical world reflects what is happening on a spiritual level, so to change what is happening in the outer world, we must change what is happening within.

Just as we can now fly around the world and connect with people on other continents via phone and internet, we are all growing more and more overtly connected. This is moving us toward the realization that we are not separate individuals, separate races and separate nations, but all part of one big family sharing the same planet and resources. Whether it is by divine design or not, tragedies like the one in Japan are awakening us all to the realization of Oneness.

I am sure that we are all going to get through this, but it may not happen here on Earth unless we wake up and develop a respectful attitude toward all life as sacred. Our ancestors had a healthy respect for nature; events like the earthquake and tsunami are reminders that we are completely dependent on the same nature we are so determined to conquer and exploit. The reason I believe we will all get through this is because I know we are more than our physical bodies. Since we are all multidimensional beings, when we die, we will all continue to exist in other dimensions. The earth plane is a place of limited physical resources and extreme contrast. We incarnated here to have an intense experience in hopes of achieving tremendous spiritual growth. We shouldn’t be surprised that Earth isn’t one big amusement park, for that’s not what we signed up for: We came to develop the wisdom to choose love over fear, and to do that, we have to have unsettling experiences.

You are understandably afraid. The news is full of frightening information about war, ecological destruction and every sort of tragedy imaginable. While it’s understandable to feel afraid, I’d like to submit that your fear is a call from your soul to find new faith and reach for light instead of succumbing to darkness.

You begin to do this by holding a vision that is beautiful and peaceful. You can send prayers to those in need and imagine everyone coming together to help each other. If there is something overt you can do to help those who move you with compassion, do it. Otherwise, vow not to be sucked into fear and despair but instead to keep your inner light burning bright so it can shine out to others and illuminate their way.

To manifest global positive change, we must join together to promote what we value. Scientific research has shown that group meditation can create a powerful positive influence on the collective consciousness of society. While there have always been natural events like earthquakes, if we unite in appreciation of the sacred nature of the planet, we may not have to deal with nuclear fallout on top of whatever Mother nature dishes out. Perhaps if humanity grows more peaceful, the planet will as well. For more information on transcendental meditation, visit istpp.org and tm.org.

By affecting collective consciousness, we begin to change what is happening on the spiritual level from which physical existence arises. The same unified field of consciousness that has made you feel uneasy can be used to generate new peace, love, harmony and well-being. You’ve been receiving impressions from the unified field of human consciousness; it’s time for us all to start purposefully sending positive vibes out.

To find your own way to new peace, regular meditation should prove powerful, for it will lead to the development of equanimity. You will then be at peace regardless of what is happening in your outer experience. In addition to meditation, I recommend learning how to have out-of-body experiences, for aside from having a near-death experience, this is the most profound way I know to conquer fear of death and awaken to the truth that we are all multidimensional beings. For a comforting peek at what astral travel can do for you, check out this fascinating talk by Jurgen Ziewe.

When you realize that the Earth is just one dimension of many and that we will all leave it one day for other worlds, it’s easier to relax about what is happening around the globe. This doesn’t mean we stop caring. Rather, instead of running around telepathically yelling The sky is falling!, we are able to respond to whatever and whomever comes our way from a place of higher spiritual values.

I believe we are heading toward the realization of a global community and hopefully a period of greater peace and cooperation, for it is becoming ever more clear that what happens to one affects us all.

Soul Arcanum

Divorce Sparks Intuitive Awakening

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I think that someone has cast a witchcraft spell on me and my children, and feel it may be my estranged husband or his lover. Yesterday I suddenly felt a cold unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. Our home is warm and there was no reason for this extreme coldness. My husband came over about 20 minutes after this, and this feeling came over me. There was then tension and disruption from my son, who had been perfectly sweet for weeks until then. Tonight when my husband arrived, the same coldness came over me, and tension filled the air. He is a very angry, selfish person, and I wonder if he might have a dark entity or dark spirit attached to him. Before I found out about his affair, I had a vivid dream of tiny gremlins running up my bed onto my hand and trying to pull my wedding ring off. I wrestled with them in my dream, and it was so vivid that I awoke holding onto my hand, covering my rings and crying for help. About a year later, I felt a soft energy leave my ring one day, and it felt like the blessings that had been placed on the ring on our wedding day were evaporating. I actually felt the energy of our vows go from the ring. What do you make of all of this?
– Soul Arcanum

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I found what you wrote about your wedding ring to be really interesting, for it reminded me of an amazing experience I had years ago when my own marriage was unraveling. At the time of this event, I was sitting in a college class, thinking deeply about my marriage. Silently, I asked God if my marriage would or could make it, and at that moment, I felt drawn to look down at my rings. To my surprise, I saw that one of the main emeralds in my engagement ring was missing; the setting was empty in that spot.

I thought this was the sign I was looking for, but I wasn’t totally convinced. I couldn’t remember the last time I had really looked at my rings, so I told myself that this stone could have been missing for a while. When I got home that night, I gave the engagement ring to my husband to take to the jeweler, so I was only wearing my wedding band after this.

While in that same class the following week, I remembered what had happened, and I decided to ask the same question again in hopes of receiving another sign. I never expected it to come to me through my rings again, so I spent a number of minutes looking around and listening to people in the class for a sign before I noticed that my wedding band was split in two. It remained on my finger without a problem, but when I really looked at it, I saw that there was a crack completely through it on one side. I knew this was new because I had just carefully examined my rings when I discovered the emerald missing. This convinced me! As you have probably surmised, the marriage didn’t make it, but it’s now ten years later and I’m very happily remarried, so it all worked out.

I think this story illustrates not only how asking for a sign can yield amazing results, but also how objects like wedding rings can and do hold energy. We imbue them with that energy when we bless and consecrate them as symbols of something we hold sacred, and they can reflect what they represent in some amazing ways. So I don’t doubt that you did indeed feel the energy of your vows evaporating from your ring that day.

I also found your dream about the gremlins fascinating, and I see two possible interpretations here. First, the dream may have been a literal reflection of something happening in the astral. In other words, maybe there really were astral entities at work in this situation, perhaps stirring up lust in your husband (his weak spot), and thus damaging your marriage. However, it’s also possible that your own inner being was trying to warn you about what was going on, and because you didn’t want to face the truth, it gave you this gremlin metaphor to try to warn you that something was tearing your marriage apart.

As for the other things you’re sensing, I have to say that it’s normal for there to be psychic/emotional tension when people are divorcing, and it’s common for kids to act out in response to that tension and their own emotional turmoil. At the same time, however, it’s clear that you are highly psychically sensitive.

Because you are so sensitive, you will be affected by everyday emotional tension more than most people, but you’ll also pick up on subtle energies and intuitive warnings. Further, there doesn’t have to be an overt spell cast on you for you to experience the things you’ve described. Some of these sensations are your intuition trying to tell you things to help you, and one of those things may indeed be that someone is sending ill will your way. We may experience this as cold, pain or tingling, or we may find that person frequently pops into our minds for no apparent reason.

It’s also highly possible that your ex does have a negative entity attached to him, which can also feel like the coldest cold. Many people have negative entities attached to them and never realize it. Certainly anyone who is in emotional turmoil or lacks emotional control is a prime candidate, as is anyone who is really “angry and selfish.” Negative emotions like stress, rage, grief, and jealousy make us vulnerable to attachment and big targets for these entities, so people who are going through divorce, grieving, or suffering any other major life crisis often struggle with lower astral entities.

It’s wise to make peace with everyone in our lives for lots of reasons, and the potential for psychic attack is a big one. When we harbor anger or resentment for others, we damage our own happiness, drain our own energy, and waste our time wishing others ill when we could be out fulfilling our dreams. At the same time, when people harbor resentment toward US, if we are not consciously cultivating well-being, it can affect us. (It will affect them adversely even more in the long run, but often people who are really ticked off don’t care as long as they get revenge.)

Besides, most people have no idea that by brooding over something that someone said or did, they are sending that person negative energy and potentially harming that person as well as themselves. (Remember: we get what we give, and whatever we focus upon expands in our lives.) Heck, most people don’t seem to realize that they can have control over their own thoughts and feelings – they think they just happen to them.

In light of all of this, I recommend you let go of the idea that a spell has been cast on you, and cultivate well-being in the following ways:

  1. Thank your intuition and learn to work with it and trust it. You are highly psychic, and are receiving lots of warnings, information and insights designed to help you.
  2. Make peace with your ex-husband and his mistress. Assume that they deserve each other, and that you must deserve better. I’d look upon this as a blessing, for you’ve been set free from marriage to a mean, selfish man, and can now move on to new and higher love.
  3. Wish everyone well. Love yourself and take good care of yourself and your children. Wish your ex, his new lover, and everyone you know all the blessings you desire for yourself. Cultivate love, peace, good will and happiness. Then even if others try to send cold shadows to disturb you, your bright inner light will keep those shadows at bay.

– Soul Arcanum