Tag Archive: blessing

How to Create a Positive Psychic Atmosphere

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

I work in a small building where people who start off nice appear to change and act different in a nasty way. I found this site looking for a way to cleanse the building. This makes work in a small environment very difficult. What can I do?


Dear Dolores:

We are all surrounded by unseen energies of various qualities. Though most of us aren’t conscious of it, our instincts are constantly tuning in to evaluate the energetic nature of other people and the psychic atmosphere. Many of us only take note of this when the psychic atmosphere is extreme in some way. For example, in a house that is “haunted,” the hair on the backs of our necks may stand up, or we may feel inexplicably terrified and compelled to flee. At the other end of the spectrum, we may enter a place of very positive psychic atmosphere such as a church or a temple and immediately feel peaceful and uplifted.

There is a direct link between the people who inhabit a space and the atmosphere there, for it is our thoughts and feelings that create that atmosphere. You seem to have assumed that it is the physical place that is causing people to grow negative, but it could be that one or more of the people you work with are the real source of this negativity. Just as it only takes one person creating a foul smell and stink up a space for everyone, it only takes one strongly negative individual to poison the psychic atmosphere. Of course, if the business you work for has created a stressful, antagonistic work environment, the simplest way to remedy this negativity is to take practical measures to reduce employee stress and frustration.

Here’s the good news and the bad news: emotional energy is contagious. (You’ve clearly noticed this already.) This means that negative energy can affect everyone present, but it also means that positive energy can spread too. To remedy negativity psychic energy, we have to generate positive psychic energy.

Since the atmosphere and the people who inhabit the space are intrinsically linked, I recommend you focus both on cleansing the location and infusing it with positive vibes, and on bringing out the best in your coworkers. Since there are number of individuals involved here, the more people you can persuade to join with you in these efforts, the more power you will all wield.

There are all sorts of different rituals you can employ for cleansing the location. The key elements will include cleansing the physical space and the objects in it, and also cleansing the atmosphere with something like smoke, as in smudging. As part of this process, you might try the old folk remedy of hanging up garlic all over the place overnight, and then burning the garlic the next day.

The actual ritual you employ is not as important as your focus and intention: you are in essence energetically healing the atmosphere of negativity. Following this cleansing, you should bless the space and fill it with the energies you desire. Go through the whole space cleansing it, and then go through it again and bless it. The actual ritual you employ is not as important as your focus and intention: you are in essence energetically healing the atmosphere of negativity. Following this cleansing, you should bless the space and fill it with the energies you desire. Go through the whole space cleansing it, and then go through it again and bless it. For an example of how you might go about this, see Clearing a Space of Negative Energy.

Once you’ve done these things, bring in elements that promote positive energy. Playing music that feels uplifting and positive can have a dramatic impact. Make sure the space is with bright with light – preferably natural sunlight – and that the color scheme is pleasant and uplifting. You could bring in crystals to enhance your energetic efforts. Definitely make sure the space smells good. Incense is great for this, but if that is impractical for some reason, you could try aromatherapy with a scent like lemon. Keeping the atmosphere fresh is not something you do once – it’s something you regularly.

Next, in order to evoke positive energy from your coworkers, you will have to work with the law of attraction. While it’s true that we can’t create in another person’s experience, we can lift ourselves into a vibration where we naturally attract a higher level of experience, which will either cause people who are negative to stay away from us or draw those people up to our vibration when they are around us.

This reminds me of one of my first highly sucessful manifesting adventures. I was on a road trip with a friend who was also into the law of attraction. When we went through customs to enter into Canada, my friend was on her cell phone. The customs agent took tremendous offense to this and was shockingly nasty to us. At first we were upset about this, but then we decided to pivot and focus on manifesting friendly, happy people from there on out. What followed was an incredible stream of people so friendly all we could do was laugh in astonishment. One after another, everyone we met from there on out went to extraordinary lengths to help us, and everyone was so cheerful it was like being in the “twilight zone.”

My point is that by consciously working with the law of attraction, you can either attract the sort of people you want to interact with or bring out the best in the people around you. Even really nasty characters smile, laugh and are kind sometimes. You can draw this out of them, but you have to stop focusing on what you don’t want – negativity – and start focusing on what you do want – happy, friendly, helpful coworkers.

I suggest you create some “spiritual Febreze” and use it on yourself as well as your work environment. Get a clean, empty spray bottle, distilled water, rubbing alcohol and an essential oil like lemon. Add a little alcohol to the water, and then add as much of the essential oil as it takes to create a pleasant scent. Next, charge this mixture with positive energy by calling to mind all the positive things you want to manifest. While you hold this mixture in your hands, channel the essence of that positive energy into the mixture. (If you’re unfamiliar with how to do this, you may want to study magickal spellwork in general.)

Every morning after you get out of the shower, spray yourself with this magic perfume and set your conscious intention for the day. It may go a little like this:

Universe, just as I carry this wonderful smell with me on my body, I will carry joy with me wherever I go. I will shine my inner light on any shadows I encounter, and bring out the best in others. I will greet everyone I meet with warmth and good humor, and will receive all sorts of blessings in return. As one who is connected to the stream of pure positive energy is more powerful than a thousand who are not, I look forward magically creating a wonderful atmosphere wherever I go. Fill my world with friendly, helpful, happy people! (This is just and example. You can set any intention you desire – the point is to set a CONSCIOUS intention for the day instead of taking whatever comes your way.)

If you also spray this “spiritual Febreze” around your work place every morning, you will infuse the atmosphere with its pleasant scent and positive vibration while at the same time encouraging everyone around you to unconsciously entrain to your positive vibration.

– Soul Arcanum

Clearing Dead, Depressed Energy

Copyright Soul Arcanum LLC. All rights reserved. :)

Dear Soul Arcanum:

Lately a pall seems to have come over my life both at home and at work. It started with me feeling uninspired and unmotivated. I’ve stopped working out, my house has become a mess, we’re eating frozen dinners every night, and it’s all I can do to drag myself to work and then home again at the end of the day. My home doesn’t feel as light and joyful as it used to either. Now I’m noticing the same sort of energy showing up at work, where I’m meeting all sorts of people who are down and lifeless. I have an appointment to talk to my doctor about the possibility that I’m depressed. I’m hoping you can give me some suggestions on spiritual ways I can get this dead energy moving up and out of my life!


Dear Dee:

I’m glad to hear that you’re going to talk to your doctor, for it does sound like you’re struggling with depression. I noted with interest that you sent this question to me in the middle of January. I don’t know where you live, but if it’s in a Northern climate, you may be struggling with seasonal affective disorder. The good news is that if that is the case, in a few months you should feel like your life force is returning just as the trees, flowers and animals awaken from hibernation. It’s interesting that an ancient spiritual cure for depression is to spend a lot of time in the sun, for it’s believed that this will raise your spirits, clear your mind, and help release more life force energy/kundalini. If it’s feasible, a trip to some place warm and sunny may be all you need to break this pattern and turn your mood and energy around. If that’s not practical, spending some time outside every day may help invigorate you.

It’s not clear how this whole downward spiral started. You may just be struggling with the biological changes that winter tends to involve, but it’s also possible that your depressed feelings are trying to draw your attention to some deep issue that needs to be resolved. If you sense that there may be something troubling you deep down, hypnotherapy or psychological counseling may be the answer.

Deep issues aside, your life force energy is clearly low; to turn this around, you need to get your energy flowing again. It may seem silly to suggest exercise since you probably don’t feel like you have the energy for it, but if you can get your body moving, you’ll summon more life force energy to meet the demands of what you’re doing. Scientific studies have shown that exercise is as effective as antidepressants for people struggling with major depression. I know when I don’t exercise, I quickly grow sluggish and depressed.

This makes perfect sense on a metaphysical level. The more we draw upon our inner resources to improve our lives and take good care of ourselves, the more we align with a higher level of experience. This also summons more of our energetic resources; it opens up a greater flow of life force energy. When our life force energy is pinched off or under-utilized, we feel listless, lifeless and unmotivated. When our life force energy is flowing fully and freely, we feel enlivened, energized, and empowered. Depression involves a bit of a Catch-22, for when people get depressed, they feel like they don’t have the energy to take good care of themselves, but they won’t get the energy to take good care of themselves until they summon it by taking action on their own behalf.

You mentioned that you’ve quit working out. Most of us have had the experience of not wanting to exercise because we just weren’t motivated or didn’t feel like we had the energy. After a good workout, however, we always feel better and are glad we forced ourselves to do it. This is an example of what I’m trying to explain: by taking action on our own behalf, we summon more life force energy and end up feeling much better. While vigorous exercise tends to lead to the greatest mood boost, I think yoga is also a wonderful way to open up a greater flow and reclaim a sense of peace and balance in body, mind and spirit.

There are other ways to open up a greater flow of life force energy, however. You could go to an energy healer or acupuncturist. Massage therapy may also help. Eating a lot of fresh, vibrant food will raise your vibration and encourage high energy.

You mentioned that your house is a mess. Again, it may seem like you don’t have the energy or motivation to deal with it, but if you can summon the energy to <q>feng shui</q> it, you’ll have the same sort of experience I described with exercise: you’ll feel so much better afterward that you’ll wonder why you let it go for so long. Clutter is stale, stagnant energy: by moving it up and out, you can energize the psychic atmosphere.

The psychic atmosphere of a place is also determined by the energy of the people who inhabit that space. Whenever there is a great deal of anger, depression, or other negative emotion in a space, it’s important to cleanse the psychic atmosphere just as you would clean the surfaces and clear away clutter. This can greatly facilitate any shifts you’re trying to make on an inner level. If you’re not familiar with the idea of “smudging,” please research the term. Basically, you’ll want to cleanse your own aura and the aura of the space you regularly spend time in. This is usually done with sage or incense, but it can also be done on an energetic level much as one performs energy healing.

Perhaps the most powerful thing you can do is study the law of attraction, for this will lead you to understand how and why we tend to continue along a certain path once we’ve begun to head in that direction. For example, if we are thinking happy thoughts and feeling happy feelings, we tend to attract people and experiences that are a match to our high vibration, which leads us to think more happy thoughts and enjoy more happy feelings. If, however, we focus on something negative or are feeling down, we tend to attract glum people and unhappy experiences, which leads us to feel even worse.

Just as we have to push ourselves to exercise when we don’t want to, to break free of a pattern of low energy and depression, we have to stretch for positive thoughts. This isn’t easy. The key is to “fake it until you make it.” By this, I mean you begin to imagine wonderful things and summon wonderful feelings. You may do this by vividly remembering a time when you felt happy and energized or imagining how you’d like to feel in the future. Pushing yourself to count your blessings is another great way to start to focus on the positive.

Finally, one of the most wonderful ways to feel better is to uplift other people. This is metaphysically very powerful both because we get what we give in life and because when we make others feel better, then what we are focusing on in our outer experience is joy and happiness. It doesn’t matter that it “belongs” to someone else; the important thing is that we are giving our attention to joy. This fills us with the positive feelings that naturally attract more positive experiences. Basically, the fastest, easiest way to live in a brighter world is to start spreading some sunshine around.

Soul Arcanum