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Dear Soul Arcanum:

Over the past week, I have for some reason begun to remember and re-experience some of my past lives. This was triggered by the sudden recognition of my current boyfriend as my lover in my most recent past life. (We were a lesbian couple and I died suddenly in a car accident and never got to say goodbye.) I also remember us in another past life as a happily married couple in ancient Israel. I remember the sad existence I lived as a captive cheetah in Victorian England, along with the sorrow I felt as my coat thinned and the humiliation I felt when humans jeered at me. As these memories came back to me, I sobbed and shook and cradled my right hand as I remembered my paw getting slammed in my cage door. In that life, my boyfriend was a boy who cleaned my cage and was kind to me. I remember being a Jewish woman in the Holocaust, and my boyfriend was a young Nazi soldier in the concentration camp who used to bring me gifts of canned food. The past life that I am currently processing seems to have taken place in Puritan New England. I am starting to have memories of flames licking my feet; I think I was burned at the stake. Can you help me? I am really afraid to meditate or do anything that causes my mind to loosen because of how painful it has been to remember my past lives. This particular life I am describing seems to be related to many of the problems and irrational fears both my boyfriend and I have in this life. It seems like we have been linked in many different lives. Thank you very much.


Dear Heather:

There are a number of reasons we may begin to spontaneously remember past life experiences. When we begin to awaken psychically, it’s like we open a window between our conscious minds and our eternal selves. This allows us access to the wisdom of our souls, which can flood us with all sorts of insights. For example, we may suddenly feel called to take our lives in a new direction, begin to recognize people we’ve known in other lifetimes, and receive amazing intuitions on a regular basis.

As you describe, sometimes our past life memories begin to flood to the surface when we reconnect with someone we have a very strong karmic connection to. My first past life memory came up when my son was a baby and I was rocking him to sleep. Suddenly I realized that night after night, I kept seeing the same mental image of a meadow. Also, church hymns I never learned in this lifetime were running through my mind, and I began to wonder how in the world I knew the words and melodies. I believe this memory came up suddenly for the reasons I mentioned above: this was a time of great psychic awakening for me, and my son had just returned to my experience as my baby. I also believe that rocking him to sleep put me into a trance, which allowed me greater access to this sort of information.

Many people have spontaneous psychic flashes upon meeting someone who feels familiar; these may be past life memories or symbolic messages from their subconscious minds. It’s also common to have visions of the future when meeting someone for the first time; these visions let us know that that person is going to be around in our lives for a while or will somehow prove important. Often people dismiss these images as random and meaningless because they don’t seem to have anything to do with what is happening in the moment.

While there are other reasons we may spontaneously begin to remember our past lives, the important thing for you to realize is that your conscious awareness of all of these memories is a great gift and blessing, for the more conscious we are of the deeper nature of our relationship to someone, the more power we have to work on resolving old issues in order to create something better this time around.

Your anxiety is rooted in fear that you won’t be able to handle the pain of remembering or that remembering will somehow harm you all over again. Your reaction is a bit unusual because obviously, everything did work out in the end. Despite all you suffered in past lives, you are here today, have found your boyfriend again, and are free to create new love and happiness with him.

My sense is that your anxiety stems from all of this arising so suddenly for you. It’s important to recognize that when we are uncomfortable with a new emotional experience, instead of avoiding it, we are wise to strive to get more comfortable with it. With this in mind, I recommend you work on building a stronger spiritual foundation. It may be particularly comforting to study past life material and especially life between life research, for this material offers reassuring information about why we undertake certain lifetimes and how our souls benefit from all of our experiences. (For a starting off point, check out the books of Michael Newton, Ph.D.)

The goal is to learn to trust that these memories are coming to you for a good and beneficial reason. Also, you must trust that were you not ready for this level of psychic experience, you wouldn’t be having it. This doesn’t mean you have to undergo pain and suffering, however. There are hard ways and easy ways to do pretty much everything in life. For example, let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds. You could starve yourself and force yourself to run 10 miles a day, which would be painful and so difficult that you would probably give up. You could also take a wiser, more moderate approach: you could hire a personal trainer and consult a dietician and come up with the moderate approach that would would work best for you personally.

There are professionals who can help you gently extract the wisdom from these past life memories and then release them so you can move on to new experiences. I recommend you consult a hypnotherapist for help with all of this, for a good therapist will know when to engage the power of catharsis by taking you through intense emotions, and when to help you step outside of intense feelings so that you are aware of what happened but you don’t relive the emotions or physical pain involved. A therapist should also be able to help you pinpoint the wisdom in these experiences, after which you’ll be free to let go of them. If a memory is too intense to process all at once, it can be released slowly, much like my weight loss analogy above. It may take a little longer but it will be a much gentler, more comfortable way to go.

In addition to building a stronger spiritual foundation and seeking help from a hypnotherapist, you might work on developing a conscious relationship with your Spirit guides. This can help you in endless ways. In your current situation, when a memory upsets you, you could ask for your guides to step down the emotional charge and help you find a higher perspective on the situation.

Since these memories are coming up unbidden for you anyway, it’s pointless to try to avoid them. Instead of pushing them back down, try to relax and reach for a higher perspective on these experiences with trust that whatever comes up will prove helpful to you in some way. While the above remedies all require courage and effort, the more you dig in and work with the psychic experiences that come up for you, the more personal power, freedom, peace and healing you will enjoy.



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