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Dear Soul Arcanum:

I had a dream that I was in a grave with dirt being thrown on me, but I don’t think I was dead. It was very sunny out and I woke up and that was it. I wasn’t afraid. About one month before the dream, I had heart surgery. During the surgery, I felt like I went to the other side but did not die. I don’t remember what was said on the other side. I woke up feeling very different, and I still feel changed. I am wiser, more loving, calmer and vibrating higher. Other than that, everything is the same. Can you explain this to me? Thank you!


Dear Elizabeth:

It sounds like you were wondering if you did indeed “die” during your surgery, and this dream came to answer the question burning in your heart while also confirming what you learned when you “died” that day: that death is nothing to be afraid of.

I am assuming that you have found your way to the term “near death experience” and read up on this phenomenon. If not, prepare to be amazed, for it’s commonly accepted that near death experiences (in which someone is clinically dead but then brought back to life) are known to induce the very personality changes you describe. A great resource for near death experience information is I am assuming that you have found your way to the term “near death experience” and read up on this phenomenon. If not, prepare to be amazed, for it’s commonly accepted that near death experiences (in which someone is clinically dead but then brought back to life) are known to induce the very personality changes you describe. A great resource for near death experience information is

Most people who have an NDE vividly remember the events that happened while they were supposedly dead. They may have perfect recall of every moment or they may have some parts that they can remember and some parts that seem vague or blocked. Often the parts that they can’t remember seem to involve deep conversations that they sense they are not “supposed” remember upon return to this world.

I have, however, heard of people who just knew that they had died but couldn’t remember much if anything about what happened while they were out. Further, it makes sense to me that you could have had a near death experience and not be able to consciously remember it. After all, we can’t remember most of the spiritual experiences we have when dreaming or astral traveling, especially those that transcend our current beliefs and expectations. If I were you, I would trust your feeling that you had been to the other side, especially since you exhibit many of the classic signs of someone who has had an NDE.

If you want to remember what happened while you were gone, you may be able to relive those events with the help of a skilled hypnotherapist. Since regression therapy can take us back to relive events from childhood, the womb, and even past lives and lives between lives, it should be possible to relive what happened while you were unconscious and possibly in another realm. At the same time, however, there is usually a good reason why we remember some metaphysical experiences and not others, so you would be wise to trust that when the time is right, you will gain awareness of whatever you need to know.

The fact that NDEs tend to induce profound spiritual awakenings and personality changes is well established, but why that would be is a mystery. This whole subject raises lots of fascinating questions for me. Why does dying and coming back change us in profound spiritual ways? Is it because we no longer fear death, and since fear of death is the ultimate fear behind every other fear we experience, when we lose it, our vibration shoots through the roof? Is dying like getting a glimpse behind the proverbial curtain, after which the world’s illusions fall away and we can see clearly for the first time? Is it because, when we experience a life review, we instantly realize how most of the things we focus on aren’t important, and how the only thing that really matters is how well we love?

I imagine there is no greater change in perspective than to be lifted right out of life, for only then can we see the immensity of the landscape below us and get a true sense of the lay of the land. However, there does seem to be something energetic happening, as you allude to when you write that you’ve been “vibrating higher.”

Indeed, the changes that people describe following a near death experience mirror many of those that are associated with kundalini awakening and conscious spiritual development. When we purposefully raise our vibration, we naturally begin to tap into psychic abilities and feel filled with love, compassion and other positive emotions. As many of the spontaneous results of an NDE mirror those of spiritual development, it makes sense that near death experiences cause a shift into a higher vibration.

As a result of this shift, you may spontaneously begin to have psychic experiences. For example, you may be able to sense what other people are thinking and feeling, have prophetic visions or feelings about the future, or begin to see spirits and subtle energies that other people can’t. You may begin to have profound spiritual dreams or spontaneous out of body experiences. You may suddenly develop healing ability or feel called to help people who are in physical or emotional pain. You may start to experience strange electrical phenomena; for example, watches may break when you wear them or lights may flicker when you touch the switch or pass by. You may begin to feel called to do something more meaningful with your life or devote yourself to helping others in some way.

The main message that people bring back from near death experiences is that love is the most important thing in the Universe, and our goal is to love others as ourselves. In various ways and terms, NDE’rs tell us that God is love and our whole goal in incarnating is to put ourselves in challenging situations and learn to choose love despite our ego-based, primal fears for our own well-being and personal interests.

Another main message is to live our lives fully. Many report that the only remorse they felt upon their life review was not for the things they had done wrong, but for all the good things they had failed to do. This does not mean that there are big “shoulds” we need to figure out somehow, but that life is all about finding happiness and embracing every opportunity to experience and create more joy. Indeed, instead of putting our dreams aside in the name of duty, we are wise to trust and honor the true desires of our hearts.

You don’t have to remember your near-death experience to benefit from it, for we are all being guided to fulfill our higher purpose via our hearts whether we’ve had a near death experience or not. The key, then, is to listen to and follow your bliss with trust that doing so will prove wise and good.

While we’re on the subject of near-death experiences, a model of the Universe comes to mind that resonates with me as true and fits with everything I’ve learned through spirit communication and metaphysical studies. It’s the idea that we are already dwelling in the afterlife – that the Earth is just one of many spiritual realms. Our ideas about hell reflect dimensions of a lower vibration, while our ideas about heaven reflect our awareness of higher dimensions. In this scenario, birth and death are simply transitions from one dimension to another. As we evolve, we naturally rise in vibration, eventually moving into the range of a higher dimension and beginning the cycle of birth and rebirth there. Thus it is true that the more we develop spiritually while living, the more likely we are to go to a “a better place” when we leave this life.

– Soul Arcanum

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